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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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was added and we hope that even today more will be added in order for us to collect 2 million for our military. well, let me remind you that now is a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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my greetings to everyone who meets svoboda ranok this working week, my name is oleg galiv and today we will talk in particular about the following. in the sbu from russia's official accusation of ukraine in terrorism, in particular, involvement in the events in croc city. in the security services say, statements about terrorism sound especially cynical from the terrorist country itself against the background of the anniversary of the liberation of buchi and the atrocities committed there by russian soldiers. why did moscow make such a move? the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine states in a published report that between december 1, 2023 and february 29, 2024, russian... forces executed 32 ukrainian
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prisoners of war. this is more than in any previous period, they add. how can the world protect ukrainian prisoners of war, what are the chances that the army will russia be punished for this? zelensky instructed the security service of ukraine, the national security council and the ministry of digital affairs to analyze the issue of online casinos, in particular, how it affects a part of ukrainian society. before that, a petition was registered on the website of the president's office to restrict the operation of online casinos and it received the required number of votes, what's next? will ukraine be able to properly regulate gambling and should it be done at all? your likes are important to promote this content on youtube, so subscribe and chat under broadcast, write your impressions of what you saw and heard. at night , an air alert spread over the territory of ukraine, the russian army attacked kharkiv in the evening. mayor ihor terikhov reported that the shooting occurred near a residential building in the center of the city. in imitation the attack damaged
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a house and a car, the regional administration said that there were no casualties. i would like to remind you that if you are watching us from kharkiv, then write in the comments what the situation is in your city and region. meanwhile, hanna joins us in the broadcast chernenko, this is a radio liberty correspondent. hanna, i congratulate you on how kharkiv oblast survived the weekend and what are the details regarding the attack on the fire and rescue unit, as reported by the authorities themselves. good morning, i hope it will be really good for everyone today. i want right away. about kharkiv, we have just received information from the investigators of the prosecutor's office that the city was hit again yesterday after 10 p.m. by these commanding and munitions, that is, they were hit by aircraft, and this is already the third case in the last week , when use this new type of weapon, or more precisely, a new type of projectile, and immediately two such projectiles were fired in the shevchenkiv district, i want to say that again the residential sector was completely under attack, these are residential buildings and also an educational institution,
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which, unfortunately, is a partially destroyed, partially damaged dormitory, the only thing very i am happy that no one was injured, because the previous strikes, especially the first one, were tragic, a 59-year-old man died, and there were as many as 19 wounded, among them children, so this strike, fortunately, was so broken, of course houses, windows, a little bit of infrastructure, but no wounded - that's the main thing, and it was again the same uniform... planing ammunition with a diameter of 30 cm, and two of them were released. regarding the fire station , i still don’t know which settlement was hit, so you can see the photos, but it is known that it is a border area, one of the settlements, respectively fire and rescue parts of the border, a third of the building was destroyed, accordingly we understand , that it was most likely some heavy such powerful ammunition, although, if it is a border area, then the russian army of occupation can shoot and shit...
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almost anything, as an example, last night chuguyev was under drone strikes, borov was under strikes from kabiv, kharkiv, but in the evening it was struck by these planners. with ammunition, so the past day , the past night, they were quite heavy for the city, noisy, but i am happy that i will repeat, for the past day we had no wounded, the weekend, unfortunately, passed, the previous day, on unfortunately, they passed with the murdered 18-year-old young man in burova, with an injured guy, 26 years old, when they hit a car on borova and smashed up a small car shop, an auto repair shop, the injured guy is in a rather serious condition, because the russians have resumed... oh this strategy, when they hit populated areas with cluster munitions, borova yesterday , the day before yesterday, excuse me, yesterday vovchansk, the local authorities call on the citizens, the residents of those settlements that are subject to attacks, precisely by cluster munitions, to be a little
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more careful, well, a little is the wrong word, to be much more careful, because cluster munitions projectiles, they can detonate later, they are very dangerous with these striking elements, metal... which fly away and, unfortunately, very often fatal consequences precisely because of cluster projectiles. thank you very much, hanna, take care, hanna chernenko, rfe/rl correspondent from kharkiv region, about the situation in the region as a result of russian attacks. well , on easter, the pope called on ukraine and russia to exchange prisoners - vatican news reports. in a traditional address, the pontiff mentioned the war in ukraine and expressed wishes for an exchange in the all-to-all format. meanwhile, the un mission from... recorded the execution of 32 captured ukrainian soldiers in the period from december 1, 2023 to february 29, 2024. this is stated in the published report of the un human rights monitoring mission in ukraine. analysts interviewed 60 ukrainian soldiers released from captivity. they spoke about the terrible
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treatment of the prisoners, the occupiers, the impossibility of communicating with their families, and the lack of adequate food and medical care. the report also mentions the practice of torture, which continues the russian army. interviews were also conducted with russian military personnel, who did not claim torture in official places of detention, but gave quoted testimonies about torture and ill-treatment in places of their temporary stay after evacuation from the battlefield. according to analysts, there are reliable data on the execution of at least 32 ukrainian prisoners of war in 12 separate cases. the report also talks about the russian side's violence against residents of the occupied territories of ukraine. murders, detentions and restrictions of freedom. to ours the broadcast is joined by oleksandr kononenko, he is a representative of the human rights commissioner in the system of security and defense sector bodies. my greetings to you. congratulations. let's start, perhaps with the statement of papierym, the exchange of all for all, as the pope calls for. this is a possible development of events as of now, what is your vision? you see, first of all
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, the ukrainian side has always declared its readiness to carry out such exchanges. as important as it is, of course, you need to remember that number here. our servicemen and servicemen who are missing, and first of all we need to give an answer to this question, but ukraine is definitely ready for such a gesture, and it would be possible, first of all, it would be advisable to carry out an exchange of all for all, as regards the seriously wounded and sick. and how can russia perceive that fact and that call from the pope, here are the latest data that the ukrainian side has, how does russia in general now feel about the exchange of prisoners of war? look, i can definitely say, as russia, why i mentioned in this case about the seriously wounded and sick, because this way is simpler, and here there is definitely a mechanism that is defined by international conventions, in this case the geneva convention, it is about the fact that ukraine
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single-handedly created a joint mixed medical commission, and the russian federation should create exactly the same commission, here there is a mechanism regarding the confirmation of such wounded in the appropriate manner of fixation. them with the participation of the international committee of the red cross, and then it is possible to exchange everyone for everyone. certainly, we support the pope's easter address for the western rite, but here it is important not to lose and not to forget servicemen who are considered missing . mr. oleksandr, about the report of the un mission, which says about the execution of 32 captured soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine during the winter, that is, from december to february. uh, what are the official numbers of kyiv today and do they differ from those announced by the united nations itself? i think, regarding the numbers, it is more expedient to contact the law enforcement agencies or the prosecutor general's office, which summarizes all the available information. the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights
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, dmytro lotbinets, has repeatedly drawn attention to the videos showing the executions of our ukrainian servicemen. what is important here is the fact that for the first time the un monitoring mission actually recorded in its documents the fact of the execution of russian ukrainian prisoners of war . -captives, as well as existing videos. in fact, all the cases that occur the execution of prisoners of war is a violation of all possible world conventions and all the customs and rules of warfare, but still, does the commissioner's office possibly know in which directions or areas where these executions took place at all, or did they take place? actually in prisons, from what you know, where are the prisoners of war for the period
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of hostilities, and are the names of these people known to the ukrainian side? look, well, at least, er, it is already publicly known, most of all these facts have been recorded in the avdiyiv direction, yes, and one of the famous ones is the zenit position, and in fact , with the help of journalists, it has already been established that the first units to go there were units of the so-called dnr, and precisely the so-called slavic brigade, under the command of the serviceman carried out the execution of our servicemen, this is the first direction, then regarding the executions during the stay in polonia, yes, unfortunately, these facts are recorded in fact, starting with the deer, this is the first recorded execution of our prisoners of war, and it is i who say prisoners of war, why because... they were confirmed and verified by the international committee of the red cross, and
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unfortunately, such cases continue to occur, another issue that is surely within your competence, including, regarding the return of the bodies, at least the number that is now known to the ukrainian side, about which they say in the un, have they managed to return those bodies, at least 32 bodies that are known, look, here i would definitely like to say that... we can talk about the same bodies or some others only after the bodies are returned, carried out appropriate procedural measures and relevant examinations were carried out, because this topic is very painful, and here it is necessary to take into account all the information, as well as the relevant examinations. well , ukraine has asked russia to return some bodies there and those cases that have been confirmed and verified. of course, ukraine has given all the necessary measures, requests, and i can tell you that the commissioner
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has also appealed, including to his counterpart, let's say, the commissioner for human rights moskalkova, and we have also appealed to the un and the international committee red cross. and there was at least one case when actually there, i don't know, during the period of the earth for example, there was information about the execution of ukrainian prisoners of war, this was confirmed by the monitoring agency. did the un and ukraine manage to return at least one body? unfortunately, we are not aware of such cases. please tell me more, here are the figures from the un monitoring mission, it is one of the highest institutions in the world as a whole. what's next, what are the chances that the russian army can be punished and how long can the investigation in this process be? look, well, the monitoring mission the un, it actually records crimes, yes, and this is a war crime, of course. all these data, then materials, they are transferred to the office of the prosecutor general. which accumulates, carries out appropriate procedural and investigative actions, then all this is recorded and transferred to
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the international court in agha, and let's say, already at that level, the punishment of those criminals can take place, and we certainly hope that it will take place. in any case , justice consists in the fact that punishment must be inevitable for those who have committed a crime. more, if possible, briefly in conclusion, how can international organizations today... protect ukrainian prisoners of war who are actually in russian captivity, what are the tools and mechanisms? you know, unfortunately, this is a very painful topic, and during our communication with the relatives of our prisoners of war, this issue is one of the most frequent, relatively speaking, yes, well , in fact, in addition to pressure, international pressure, constant, constant disclosure of information, which is available, it is very difficult to protect our prisoners of war. actually this is confirmed by the fact that the report of the monitoring mission was made on
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the basis of the testimonies of the ukrainian side and ukrainian prisoners of war. this shows that the russian side does not allow the monitoring mission of the un, which should work, including on the territory of the russian federation, to ukrainian prisoners of war. in fact, it is recorded in the report that the interrogation of prisoners of war takes place only. their release. thank you, thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for joining. oleksandr konmenko, this is a representative human rights commissioner in the system of security and defense sector bodies, we talked about the report of the un monitoring mission, which stated that russian forces could execute 32 ukrainian prisoners of war during the winter. three rings of defense around kyiv and thousands of kilometers of fortification in the kyiv region. the commander of the ground forces, oleksandr pavlyuk , told on the air of the telethon edyni novyny, how the defense of the kyiv region is being strengthened. according to him , now additional concrete fortifications are being built. chornobyl is greatly enhanced
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direction. such a defense, says pavlyuk, will make a sudden move by russian forces impossible. about the fact that the army of the russian federation'. move to kyiv again, warned the mayor of the capital vitaliy klitschko. he said this in an interview with the german newspaper bilt. he noted that now the capital is much better prepared to repel an attack than at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. klitschko called on western partners to provide more air defense systems. meanwhile , russia continues to strengthen its army. vladimir putin signed a decree on the draft of 150,000 men as part of the spring draft. and he ordered the release of those russian soldiers whose contracts had ended. the american institute for the study of war says that russian forces may launch a large-scale offensive at the end of spring or early summer, the army of the russian federation, although it will be able to advance, but only in one operational direction, and i assume that the forces of the russian federation will be concentrated in the west of the donetsk region , this report says. well, the sbu reacted to the statement
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of the russian foreign ministry about alleged involvement of ukraine before the ukrok terrorist attack from city hall. the russian federation is demanding his arrest and extradition. head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk. the sbu's comment was published by the army information agency. the statement of the russian foreign ministry about the involvement of ukraine in the terrorist attack in russia and the call to arrest the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk, is cynical and worthless. it's in the message. the arrest decision of the kremlin's pocket judges does not deserve any attention. i, like all ukrainians, am interested in only one trial, against their master putin. we are doing everything we can to see this soldier criminal on the bench of gaga's court. as soon as possible. the ministry of foreign affairs of russia published a statement in which it not only accused vasyl malyuk of involvement in terrorist attacks against the russian federation. it was a direct quote, and made a demand, i quote: stop supporting terrorist activities and arrest all those involved in terrorist attacks. this statement also talked about ukraine's international legal responsibility. well, we will discuss such statements and the reaction to them with our
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guest, ivan stupak, a military analyst, joining the svoboda ranok broadcast. i congratulate you, mr. ivan. greetings studio, thank you that invited there are many topics and different topics, let's try to talk about each of them briefly, but actually the new march of russian forces on kyiv, is it possible or impossible from your point of view, and under what conditions can it happen? come on, we are not instilling fear in your viewers, dear ones, theoretically, such a possibility exists, we do not reject it, but the practical side, it is equal to zero, where, with what, with what efforts, we see how difficult it is, but difficult is simple. the avdiiv direction, the russians still cannot close the manholes, our military commoners are having nightmares and are being cut like salami russian military equipment, related equipment and so on, so there is no mention of kyiv, most likely mr. klitschko was asked if he was considering the possibility, he said yes, and it was perceived as a judgment, even a positive statement, and that it is already almost
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decided , so maybe that's how it was torn apart and became so well -known. calm down, there is no panic, we see that there are fortifications, they are being built like this, it is late, so they should be in the 21st year, so be it, but they are being built and equipped with hindsight, and well, for now there is no question of an attack on kyiv at all, the analysts of the institute for the study of war, whom we have already mentioned today, write that a large-scale offensive is likely at the end of spring or in the summer, it may actually be in the west of donetsk. region and add that russian troops will be able to advance only in this operational direction. do you agree with such analysis, because it should be added, by the way, that president zelensky also announced the likely future offensive of russian forces at the end of spring, the beginning of summer. yes, and now let's look at this story from different angles: the president says: a possible isv offensive, okay, there is a relationship with the isv, we already know,
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let's take it at their expense, there is a position of our military, who are directly there. on the front line, and they are still in such doubt , and what, from which side, with what forces they will try to advance, every day, they lose more than 10 pieces of equipment, every day, this, this every day for the last two years, well, the last year and a half , rather, it will be so to say what they plan to attack, it is difficult to say, maybe yes, mr. president, of course, has more information, the foreign intelligence service. military intelligence, security services are getting information, i'm more inclined to think that these words, they were more, well, from the president, directed at our western friends, western partners, please, we're not doing so well, the fact that we holding on for 5 plus months even though the west i mean no help from the united states yet doesn't mean
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we can handle it on our own and you can stay away no please we need yours help, as we are potentially looking at another offensive, you mentioned there 150,000 military personnel that they plan to recruit, these are conscripts, by and large they are... guys that they call up twice a year as part of the conscription in the fall and in the spring, let me remind your respected viewers that in the 22nd year, this is the 22nd year of the beginning of the war, in the spring they called up 120,000 conscripts, but in fact the plan was carried out only for 90,000 people, they planned 120,000, took only 90, and these people will be forced to sign. contracts, someone will be tortured, someone will be morally pressured, and the conscript turns into a contract worker, and thus a plan is made. mr. ivan, and continuing the theme of how
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events can develop on the front, the american billionaire elon musk wrote on the social network x on saturday that russia can reach the dnipro and capture odessa. to be a full quote, he said that the longer the war goes on, the greater the chances that odesa may fall, to be exact. how should kyiv respond to such statements and why? musk does it, but to whom? he plays into the hands of such statements, eh, well, let's do it, well , president zelensky can comment that social network x may collapse if advertisers continue to flee from this social network, which is owned by mr. elon musk. yes, in exactly the same way he can comment on president zelenskyi, the drop in tesla shares, if they do not implement some new environmental standards there, that is, everyone should do their own thing, elon musk has nothing to do in this political component. it is tangential here by and large, only with their starlinks, but... we see that there were problems with providing ukraine with starlinks, there were problems with the payment of the russian side , starlinks began to appear, so please,
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well, you don't have to pay attention to elon musk, he will play more with the russian federation, although in the first days of the war he actively advocated for ukraine, but then something changed in his mind. you understand, these statements could be ignored, if you did not read him a huge number of people, and yet he was not influential in his field and to whom it is quite possible. listen, once again an eccentric billionaire, once again he is read only because the social network x his, plus he is listened to because of what, because he was able to create such successful projects spacex, tesla, but this does not mean that a person knows, i do not know, on international politics, he is just an eccentric billionaire, he wrote, his tweet went viral, i don't know, hundreds of millions of people saw it, but he is not an expert in this matter, i must add that there is really something from there. year since the great war began, they are talking about which cities could be next, and oleksandr khara, for example, from the center for defense strategies back in may of 2022 said that
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there is no chance of the russian federation actually capturing odesa, as of now, and you explained as of now, what is the situation, there is one more very important question that you would like to ask, it concerns the official accusation of the russian federation, regarding the fact that they allegedly lead the traces of terrorist attacks from russia to ukraine. tell me, please, ukrainian the party has already reacted, we have seen the position of the security services of ukraine and other relevant institutions, but still, why does russia have such rhetoric and who else can it affect, the internal user, are there at least some chances that and in the world, this statement will be taken as something official by moscow. well, in the grand scheme of things, the ukrainian side should have reacted additionally as follows: turn to russia and demand the arrest of the head of the director of the fsb, oleksandr bortnikov , on charges of committing a terrorist attack. in sholi, well, it's for stabilization, if they took such a stand-up step, then we should also take such a step, but if no jokes, what is the purpose of the russian federation?
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first of all, they are seriously afraid of needles, things , they don't want to open a new front of war with this organization, then we need some kind of coalition, we need some bombings, we need to send some groups of special forces to the territory where these organizations operate. it can be tajikistan, iran, it can be uzbekistan, that is, they do not want to see, they turn away deliberately and with a manic persistently push the question that it was ukraine. what is the main goal? firstly, it is for the internal user that ukraine is a country that committed such a criminal act, a terrorist act, killed innocent russian citizens, secondly, to attach such a label, such a brand to ukraine. that terrorism is equal to ukraine, that ukraine committed a terrorist act, as evidence, they are trying to pin mr. malyuk here, who
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said that yes, we destroyed it. well, they damaged the crimean bridge, so these nightmares periodically affect the russian federation, different ones drones, and they are called a terrorist act, that is, ukraine, a terrorist country, so that ukraine does not receive western aid and is forced to sit down at the negotiating table with russia. thank you very much, mr. ivan, for your analysis, ivan stupak, a military analyst, a guest of our broadcast, had time to discuss many topics, so if you missed any of them, you can rewind the broadcast and listen again . well, in the comments. you can write your impressions of what you saw, they are open in the chat under the broadcast, write, share your thoughts, impressions , we read them with satisfaction in order to understand which topics are important to you, which are not important, and maybe the topics you suggested will become the next topics on our broadcasts, i am in the president's team, so my dismissal from the position of first assistant to the president of ukraine serhiy shevir commented to the babel publication, besides the fact that he is the president, he is my friend, and that is much
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more important than the position, serhii shevir, zelenskyi's long-time business partner and co-founder of the kvartal-95 studio, told posada journalists. i noted that the decree about his dismissal appeared on the president's website on march 30, and a day earlier, zelensky also dismissed two deputy heads of the president's office, oleksiy dniprov and andriy smernov. elena kovalska and iryna mudra were appointed instead. in addition, alyona verbytska, adviser to the president's commissioner for the protection of the rights of defenders of ukraine, and the president's commissioner for volunteerism lost their positions. and freelance advisers to the president mykhailo radutskyi, serhiy trofimov and oleg ustenko. zelensky himself said that such staff rotations are a continuation of the reboot of state institutions. this makes the office more functional, the president believes and said that these are not all the changes, there are other prepared solutions. the ukranian pravda publication, citing its own sources, states that the government is also planning changes, but which ones are still unknown. in general
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, the current personnel rotations in the office of the president. pravda calls the strengthening of yermak's team, who is the head of the office. at least this, according to the publication, is guaranteed by the appointment of iryna mudroi and olena as his deputies kovalska. with the dismissal of their predecessors, andrii smirnov and oleksiy dniprov, there were fewer people in the president's office who could even potentially have a contrary opinion to yermak. the dismissal of the chief, that andriy yermak completely eliminated the team with which volodymyr zelenskyi began his presidential term. i will also remind you that last week. zelensky fired the secretary of the national security council, oleksiy danilov, and appointed oleksandr lytvynenko, who previously headed the foreign intelligence service, in his place. these are minutes before broadcast. congratulations. even shefira, who is actually an old friend of the president and his business partner. well,
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it is necessary to say about shefir. to say that he, well, for almost two years, since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, did not have any particular influence on the decisions that were made in the office of the president, and for many it was probably even a wonder that he still remained in this position, because he completely fell out of the information space and although i kept an office at the bank, i understand that i did not take part in any strategic meetings and did not communicate very often with the president, about all the others, well , look, this is, on the one hand, quite an expected story. because there were still people in the president's office who came either with the previous team, or even the previous team, that is, those who worked since the time when the office was in the administration of president petro poroshenko, or those who were brought by the former head of the president's office, mr. andrii bohdan, yes, and in this context it is the fact that they were removed from certain positions there, well , the structure of the office was finally approved, which is now completely subordinated to mr. yermak and
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mr. yermak will determine what and how this structure will do, since today it has a huge number of informal powers that are not written down in any legal acts, but nevertheless in real politics, well, he plays an extremely important role, with to some extent, the dismissal of several advisers is probably connected with this, since the same mr. trafimov is already there, again he remained an adviser, although he was dismissed from the corresponding position there a long time ago, probably the president of the company. decided to clean a little and that's it the advisory institute as such, well, just so you know, it was not only about one or two names of the deputy heads of the president's office, but it could have been about some kind of reform, modernization, change of approaches and the like, but really, what can be done here to agree, this is not the end, i think that there are still people who, in principle, can be deprived of their positions, others will be appointed in their place, but you still think that you have decided


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