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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many, they became like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger dear friends i am with you again lesya vakulyuk works in this studio for you for the next one and a half hours we continue our marathon 2 million hryvnias we collected with you.
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i would like to say, do not rush to believe me, today is april 1, i would like to announce these words, i understand that this is words are still far away, but as of this morning , you and i have already collected 30 hryvnias, before the first hundred is in our account, we have some 19 thousand left, not even a little less than 1900, so, dear friends, you can still to get involved and do... so that little by little we start getting closer to our little big goal. the small goal is 100,000, the big goal is 2 million hryvnias for our military, we are collecting for fividrons. now you see the qr code. meanwhile, gennady ryabtsevy , an energy expert, joins him conversations mr. gennadiy, good morning. good morning, i greet you. mr. gennadiy, once again the russians attacked our energy system. i would like to ask you after
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all the attacks that we have experienced in the last days and weeks, what is the state of our energy system now? the situation is quite complicated, but it is impossible to say that there are huge problems facing the power system right now, absolutely, well, absolutely all consumers are provided with electric energy, meaning those consumers who do not operate along the front line, that is, it does not go... . about districts which are located near the front line, there remain without power exactly the same as a week ago and two weeks ago, several hundreds of populated areas, if we talk about those regions that were hit
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there during the last ten days, then ukrenergo reported yesterday about the fact that... the supply of electric energy has been restored, but the only problems are possible if the consumption during peak hours, i.e. in the evening, will be higher than predicted, if this happens, then there will be shutdowns again for household consumers, in kharkiv, in dnipropetrovsk region and in odesa, odesa oblast, if the consumption is at the level of the past few days, then even this will not happen, that is , we can say that the energy companies were able to restore the energy supply, although they could not quite
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understandably restore the damaged objects, now with this there are... there are big problems, there is significant damage to thermal generation, there is significant damage to hydro units at hydroelectric power stations, and there is damage to ukrenergo and oblenergo substations, therefore , despite the efforts that will be made by the energy companies in the off-season, i am once again appealing... the attention of the heads of territorial communities, local self-government bodies, that these are the months you need to take care of your fellow citizens, to ensure that they
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have electric energy, thermal energy during the next heating season. now it is very important to carry out the decentralization of energy... systems and the construction of distributed generation that cannot be destroyed by any shocks, therefore , cogeneration plants, gas piston units, individual boiler houses are something that everyone needs to build before the beginning next heating season, to unload the combined power system, to protect ourselves from blackouts in the ... during the next heating season, that is, what russia is hitting now on our these critical infrastructure facilities, when we have outside, especially the last few days have been very warm, and people who are worried about global warming are already wondering if it has already arrived,
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because it is only the beginning of april, and the temperature is so summer outside, russia is not doing this because it is so stupid, but because it is already preparing, so to speak, a sled with... well, i think so the russians do it because they are not full of reason, because the goals change every day, well, now the goal is to hit the energy infrastructure, tomorrow the goal will be to hit something else, the day after tomorrow something else, well, that is, it is not clear that i still once again, i stopped looking for logic in actions a long time ago. of the military and political leadership of the russian federation, so now is a period when the energy infrastructure is under attack, and there is damage, the damage is significant, in most cases
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the situation will be corrected, but we we understand, if, for example, kharkiv kharkiv tets-5 is located, well, actually on the front line and... at any moment of time another blow can be struck at it, then restoring it in full is simply their work in full well already it is impossible, and it is unlikely to be possible, the same applies to a number of objects in the dnipropetrovsk region, it applies to a number of objects in the same kharkiv region, in particular, the zmiivska ats was called the energy center, in particular, this means that such large objects generation objects, in case of their restoration again can become and will be the targets of further shelling, then... because, as my colleagues rightly say, and i support them, it is much better
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when 100 low-power generating facilities will work in ukraine than one, because it is easy to destroy one at a time, but no one will be able to destroy a hundred, and this, by the way, is not only a matter of resistance to the russians, not only a matter of... military, it is a matter of decentralization, disaggregation, creation of additional facilities, power generation, distributed generation, it is effective, it effectively, and it is european practice, because it is no secret that, for example, in warsaw alone , there were more boiler houses until the last years there, before the war, yes, until the last years, than in... all of ukraine, just in warsaw alone, and this means that why not take advantage of the experience of our colleagues, why
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not protect ourselves not only from russian shelling, but also from ukrainian energy monopolists, that is why decentralization of energy is a trend, a european trend and an additional, additional plus from. this is a reduction in the vulnerability of the unified energy system of ukraine to the russian strikes, this is a good experience and actually a good call, who owns, with whose money it should take place, this is such a concentration for the community's money, this is what you say, that you , the expert environment on energy issues, discuss among yourselves and do you say that would be a good thing to do or? do the local communities hear or wave them off, they say and then we will do it, it often happens in our country, there are, there are
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success stories, and, unfortunately, the share of those communities that implemented these projects with the funds of various energy funds, the fund energy efficiency, and grant funds of international financial organizations, and at the expense of own funds. in part, here is the share of these territorial communities, it is, unfortunately, not large, it is meant about tens of percent, but not about 80 or 90% of communities, and here we are definitely talking about the use of local energy sources, because sometimes, well , in this fashion as well. now it is fashionable, for example, to install photovoltaic stations, so
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-called solar power stations, yes, but it turns out that in those areas where there are 70-80 sunny days a year, such station there is no, no sense, but if, for example, you have a local source of energy is peat, if the local source of energy is peat. its thermal coal, if in soviet times there was a small, small hydroelectric power station, a small hydroelectric plant, or there is a gas condensate in the poltava region and gasoline is collected in a well, so why not use all this, especially now there are a huge number of sufficiently efficient plants, which are occupied. literally in a few seasons, so i don't think
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it's hard to find a source of funding now, given that the help that ukrainians receive from all over the world, the main thing is to concentrate on the formation of the technical and economic justification there, on the preparation of relevant documents for the selection, preferably the relevant professional selection. equipment in order to, i say once again, secure yourself, guarantee yourself against possible energy supply restrictions. in the next heating season, it is not for nothing that detek energo, centerenergo, and ukrenergo state that the situation is difficult, and they cannot guarantee the restoration of work of all its facilities within the next six
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months. if so, you need to insure yourself, and the sooner you do it, the better. a guarantee that you will not only help yourself, but also ukraine as a whole. and are there any calculations, how much it would cost to build at least one object, how much it would cost the local budget. here, well, you know, here you can't talk about any, well, specific, specific numbers, because you need to know what technology will be used, that is, what will be the source of energy, and secondly, how many people, how many houses. this farm this installation is calculated, but the fact that it is lifting is again evidenced by success stories, so if it is, well, available in principle, all these, all these stories, they are available on the internet, and if you consider that the leaders of territorial communities, they
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usually know about their neighbors, they know a lot. their colleagues, they meet them at various regional forums, you just need to call them, contact them, find out about where they are, what they took, what they cooked, and how much it cost, and that quite real projects right now, and i, well , i know for sure that a number of employees who have money at their disposal... which can be directed to such and such for the implementation of such projects, they complain that the funds are not requested, that is, the funds are, the main thing is to properly prepare projects, the main thing is to monitor it, control its implementation, and here the main thing is initiative, the main thing is
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leadership, which everyone says about, but unfortunately, not everyone. implement well, we are watched by viewers all over the country, let them come to leaders of their territorial communities and ask where our boiler houses are, and ask whether they will have heat and electricity next winter. mr. gennadiy, thank you, we suggested, you suggested to them the idea, it is time for people to monitor where money from local budgets is spent. gennadiy ryabtsev, an energy expert, was with us on... we talked about the ukrainian energy system, which, starting from march 22, is experiencing another wave of targeted russian attacks, all power units of the burshtynska and ledyzhanska tcs were damaged to varying degrees. the equipment of dniprovska es, zmiivska thermal power plant and kharkiv thermal power plant-5 was damaged. zaporizhzhia as was once again on the verge of blackout due to the loss of one power line.
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in general, ukrainian generation lost up to 50% due to the shutdown of more than 10 units of the chp test. more about the change in the tactics of russia's attacks on our energy system and the ways out of the crisis situation, let's look further: 60 shahed, 25 cruise missiles, a dozen guided air and three airballistic daggers, and ballistics: on the night of friday, the russians organized another massive attack on ukraine, about a hundred were released. aerial means of attack. as a week ago, the target was energy facilities. critical infrastructure was damaged in dnipropetrovsk oblast, vinnytsia oblast, ivano-frankivsk oblast, lviv oblast, cherkasy oblast and bukovina. as a result, a number of regions resorted to emergency shutdowns. the impact was withstood, the power system is intact, but the situation is very difficult. there are problems with
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energy supply in a number of regions, we are solving this issue. it is very important for all of us to reduce our consumption now. electricity, this applies especially to the evening hours. with in mid-march, the russians resumed massive attacks on our energy system. why not in winter, namely now, when ukraine ends the heating season early, one can only guess. among the versions, putin was waiting for the end of the so-called elections to further escalate the conflict. perhaps the goal of the russians is to systematically harm the ukrainian industry in order to shake up the already difficult situation... another version of the aggressor's attack is a response to the attacks on russian refineries, due to which russia is already experiencing a fuel shortage. in the end it can go try'. terror, because moscow has proven more than once that it does not need any pretexts to bomb peaceful cities and civilian objects.
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a week ago, eight rockets flew over dniprovska hes. the facility stopped working, but the dam survived. this week, the russians attacked the kaniv and dniester hpps. president zelenskyi. emphasized that the attacks pose a threat not only to ukraine, but also to its neighbors. russia wants a repeat of such a disaster, which they staged at the kokhov station. it must become a joint task, not only ukrainian, to have such there were no more ecological disasters in our europe. in addition to ukraine, moldova is under direct threat. however, even if the dams survive... ukrainian energy will still feel the consequences. its basis is nuclear plants, which, at least until the russians have the sense not to deliberately strike.
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hydro generation in our system is about 8%, but it plays a big role for so-called shunting, i.e. quickly connecting additional capacities during peak hours of consumption. that is why the russians are purposefully trying to knock out these objects. the damages from the hits are estimated at...hundreds of millions, repairs can take months or even years. the minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko said on the air of the telethon about hopes for international help. we already have mechanisms that have been working since the beginning of the great aggression, this is the fund, the energy fund to support the energy industry of ukraine. we are in constant, constant communication, including the united states, great britain, all eu countries, without exception. japan, which is currently helping us quite a lot in the energy sector. according to the minister, the purpose of the first in 2024, a massive attack on the power system on
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march 22 was to stage a total blackout in ukraine. the enemy did not manage to reach it, both thanks to the air defense forces and the physical protection of part of the energy facilities, which had time to be reduced before winter. the light disappeared only in certain regions and kharkiv was the most affected, where electricity is still provided hourly. the country has generally avoided blackouts thanks to large-scale emergency aid from europe, but each new blow will weaken the already vulnerable power system more and more. which state of ukrainian energy will be suitable for the next heating season, a question that causes great concern both in ukraine and abroad. lost more than 10% of the generation that was available to us back on march 20, and this is something that most likely
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will not be restored quickly, that is, this part will not be restored, i am afraid that even before the next heating season, most of the time it will not be possible to restore . putin uses every moment available to him for his deadly intentions. while our congress refuses to act, he does not waver, and neither should we. every day of delay is another day for which ukrainians must pay with their own blood. this once again demonstrates the importance of continuing to provide ukraine with air defense systems, interceptor missiles and tools necessary to protect people and infrastructure. another cause for concern is the increasingly frequent strikes by the russians. in gas facilities, in particular gas storage facilities in the west of ukraine. it is practically impossible to destroy them physically, because they are located deep under by land, but it is possible to damage the ground
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infrastructure, and in winter, when the fuel will be urgently needed, it will not be possible to quickly raise it, and this may scare european gas traders, to whom ukraine has been offering its gas storage facilities in recent years. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah, also a reliable battery is included, just call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery to... but at the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement, with a strong saw, just look how quickly it does it , even with thick branches,
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11:00 am
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