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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. rescuers stopped the search operation at the site of yesterday's russian attack in the lviv region. under no one else was found in the rubble. so, in general, it is known about two dead men as a result of an enemy strike. this was announced by the head of the region maksym kozytskyi. let me remind you that yesterday morning the russians attacked ukraine with missiles. the enemy targeted the same critical infrastructure facility that he had already hit during the shelling. on march 24 and 29 , a fire broke out at the site, and it was promptly extinguished. for money, she promised to ferry ukhalyant to europe in the lviv region. the police detained the border guard. she was approached by a man who recently returned to ukraine from poland, and now wanted to leave again. the woman promised to help for $9,000. the official was detained immediately after. the received bribe, the
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sbi noted. she faces imprisonment for up to 9 years with confiscation of property. starting tomorrow, polish farmers plan to renew the blocking of the ukrainian border at the checkpoint in hryna in dolgobychiv. the protest was suspended for the easter holidays. now traffic is free there in both directions, the spokesman of the border service said. service andriy demchenko, at the same time remains blocked in the movement of trucks in the direction of jagodyn and ravaruska checkpoints, there are queues on the territory of poland, a total of 500 trucks. earlier, polish farmers stopped blocking krakiwiec, szegyny and ustylug. the american bill on aid to ukraine will contain important innovations, the speaker of the us house of representatives said. mike
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johnson. he noted that he has recently been working on the development of a package that he plans to put to a vote immediately after the end of the congressional recess. among the important innovations, johnson mentioned the possibility of giving loan to ukraine. according to him, this idea has gained popularity and will appease the conservatives who opposed it. europe should not expect that the united states will necessarily... help in the event of a military threat, the chairman of the board of directors of rain metal armin paperger told the financial times . ukraine is a signal for europe, according to him, now the us will focus its forces on the asia-pacific region. he called on european countries to create arms companies capable of competing with
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manufacturers and believes that specific countries need to specialize in certain technologies. meanwhile, france expects china to give very clear signals to russia regarding the war in ukraine. this was announced by the minister of foreign affairs of france, stephane sejournay. he also emphasized that, according to the western countries , there will be no lasting peace if it is not agreed with the ukrainians. let me remind you, china is considering. the possibility of participating in the peace conference that he plans to organize neutral switzerland already in the coming months. ukrainians need help, they need tools and humanitarian support. they ask to be allowed to do their work. metropolitan of the ukrainian greek-catholic church, head of the philadelphia archdiocese in the usa borys gudziak said this in an interview with the american tekanal.
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abc news. during the celebration of the catholic easter, he thanked all americans for their support of the ukrainian people and called for the much- needed financial assistance to be approved as soon as possible. for ukraine. i i know that the majority of americans, the majority in congress, the president, the majority of people who are connected to this sphere and understand what is happening, want to support ukraine. in particular, i believe house speaker mike johnson will do the right thing to help, and i want to support and encourage him. the ukrainian carpathians are being deforested every day due to the actions of poachers: in the lviv region , criminals are massively cutting down communal forestry trees, and recently, black loggers have become more active,
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environmentalists say. together with them for examination our film crew also went to the forest. the village of strilbychi in the lviv region. in the last few months, illegal deforestation has increased here , activists of the public organization forest initiatives and society are leading us to the top of the mountain. on the way we see fresh tracks from tracks and tractors. this type of transport is used by black loggers to take away the looted wood. and now we can see tracks in the forest from small tractors from various equipment that went out and actually took away this illegal. a cut forest, and there are a lot of such scars in the forest, here you see, there is a much larger ravine, and the track from the tractor is more massive, and actually legal felling was not intended here, we talked with the foresters on the eve of the survey, we walk along the path and notice the first
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fells, the absence of a brand on the cuts and scattered sawdust indicate illegal felling , this is what an illegally cut fresh tree looks like, you can see here... neither the law enforcement officers nor the foresters had time to put any brand, so now what we are doing is fixing the diameter in two directions in order to calculate the average diameter of this cut, and from this diameter, damages will be calculated , violators take the cut trees to sawmills , explains activist volodymyr yarotskyi, there they are cut into boards and beams, so the plots are enriched by the theft of natural resources, and the forests are sown in front of our eyes, during such illegal actions, illegal felling, it is destroyed and above-ground cover, the soil is destroyed, the soil is ground, the plants are destroyed, the undergrowth is destroyed, and of course,
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the forest, forest environment is changing very much. a subsidiary company is responsible for most of this forest. galsil forest of staro sambir. for years, activists have been recording illegal fellings here, the area of ​​20 hectares is monitored by foresters, they mark arbitrarily destroyed trees with a special brand. our forests are turning into sawdust, which does not enter either the state budget of ukraine or the local budget. at the request of locals, employees of the state ecological inspection went to the starosambir forestry and recorded illegal felling. to the police authorities, the prosecutor's office is notified, which accompanies these materials and further actions take place within the framework of criminal
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proceedings, and accordingly i will repeat that our specialists are also involved in the framework of criminal proceedings already for departure together with the investigative task force, 70%. arbitrary fellings are recorded precisely in the starosambir district, 30% are accounted for by other hausil forest enterprises. acting general director ivan pidhoretskyi provides such statistics, according to him, illegal logging is caused by the fact that the area is not gasified and residents heat their homes with firewood, but in this area about a hundred sawmills work, that is, there is a great demand for wood. already since the 24th year in... 16 cases of arbitrary felling have been discovered, with a cubic mass of 89 m3, this is the damage caused to our company and the state for about half a million hryvnias, this is literally in two months, part by part of these cases have been discovered
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a forest trespasser who is brought to justice, who must pay damages , some of them are not detected, because we detect them, we officially take these documents to the police, the police conducts an investigation, and looks for people who cause losses to solve the problem, the company's acting director plans to install night cameras. on the territory of the old sambir forest, information about criminals will be passed on to the police, expensive cameras are promised to be purchased with grant funds. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. for now, that's all the news for this hour, look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that you can only see on our youtube. also. a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, watch, like, comment and share for more
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interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website and our social networks, we will see you tomorrow. greetings, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the espress tv channel. we will talk with you for two hours about the main trends of this week, about prospects, about political and military problems of the country and the world. our first guest is ihor romanenko, the former chief of the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, lieutenant general of the founding charitable fund we will close the sky of ukraine. congratulations, mr. igor. i congratulate you, but now
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the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, general budanov, says that the russians can now strike again with calibers that they have been accumulating all this time, how serious is the danger to the ukrainian energy system, in your opinion? the threat is serious, it is a winged missile that cannot be 100% shot down with massed strikes. with those means of air defense, which are available in anti-aircraft, this is against dynamic targets such as airplanes, helicopters, winged aircraft, missiles, shaheds, and even more so for ballistic missiles, which have recently added zircons, these are ballistic missiles that actually have hypersonic speed, that is, a speed greater than five waves of the speed of sound, therefore the situation is serious
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due to the consequences of the fact that in the last week they struck and used means of air attack, the calibers were not actually used, because the situation with the carriers of these missiles was complicated over the past year missiles, but they are also now at a higher level of readiness, that is, they were leaving. as if with such a situation due to the use of kh101-kh-555 air-based missiles, we saw that a strategic bomber took part, we are increasing the potential of anti-hail anti-missile defense, germany is helping in this, it handed over the complexes themselves and the corresponding...
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the french add a missile, that is, we have a small number of them there, but there are also the necessary missiles, so they also provide astra missiles, well, this is such an increase, in addition we work on the frankinsam program, that is, on the elements of the soviet complexes, missiles are given, american ones are old and appear. new means, such areas of our work, plus the use of means of radio-electronic warfare,
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that is, means of radio-electronic suppression. how can you now characterize the situation on the front line, to what extent can it be considered that the ukrainian troops managed to stop the advance of the russian aggressor, as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine said in his last interview, general syrsky. it was not possible to stop it, but... but it is about stabilizing the situation in certain directions, well, for example, in the kupyan direction, the number of attacks decreased, because they transferred part of their forces. these are the consequences of the actions against the volunteers, if it were checked by the russians and the weakening, but all the same intensive actions continue in the limansk direction, in the bakhmutsky, in the vdiivsk, nova-pavlivka, and in the khersonsk for the bridgeheads of the battle, that is, to say
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that it has stopped, in my opinion view is impossible. and shoot down so that this offensive player is shot down the momentum is such, it is taking place, but unfortunately, at the tactical level, in certain directions , the enemy is still moving forward, if we talk about what is generally happening with the stockpiles of weapons for the ukrainian army, then general syrskyi spoke about the fact that avdiivka was lost in connection with the fact that they were from'. the real stockpiles of ammunition, that ukraine did not receive the necessary weapons, can it be considered that this is the main reason for the loss of avdiivka, how to prevent such situations in the future? avdiivka itself is possible, because, unfortunately, there was not enough ammunition, and means of countering their aviation, they intensively
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and, unfortunately, effectively used in large numbers there... aerial bombs, planning, which actually inflicted heavy damage on our objects of the defense system that was in place, but when the fighting came, it was necessary to intensively build defense lines and a defense system in general to the west, to the west of avdriivka, this was not done in a timely manner, and therefore in difficult conditions now as if... our engineering troops are also catching up with this situation, building it, and helping as much as possible representatives of our construction industry, but it is already, as they say, in the middle of nowhere, and under the shelling and blows of the enemy , it is quite difficult to perform these tasks. and how do you generally assess the situation with the construction
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of fortifications along the front line, now they say that serious fortifications. is being built, in particular in the kyiv region, not only in the east of ukraine? unfortunately, this is a delay, that is, in my opinion, the situation from the point of view of building a defense system was already, if it were clear, after, well, by the middle of the summer of last year, when it was clear that there would be no counteroffensive actions were implemented, and from the point of view of the organization of hostilities, that the offensive actions were ending, the resource was no longer there, especially since its potential resource is for one direction, they tried to use it in three directions, so it did not work out, and after it was necessary to move on to defense, which means actively building a defense system with fortifications, concreting,
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mining and everything else, and in fact we began... to do this intensively, funds for this and everything else since the beginning of this year, that is there was a delay, which is now difficult to catch up, that is, what you said is being done, well, in principle, this could mean that right now we realize how important such fortifications are both from the point of view of defense there, and from the point of view of have, i would say a freer hand for...planning the next offensive operations, because if we know that the enemy cannot break through in certain directions, well, i think it is more confident to think about offensive operations in the future? you have to think in mind this kind of perspective, but first of all, we have discussed this situation with you, we need them in order to first of all fulfill the task of the strategic defense
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operation, the defense forces of ukraine, that is, first of all, to stop the advance of the enemy, supports. this defense system in the east, in the south, to fulfill this task, the second is to destroy the vast majority of the enemy's equipment and manpower, this is the second task, and the accumulated forces and weapons of our technical and military personnel, forming reserves, we can talk further about offensive actions, but for their implementation. we still do not have resources, effective mobilization is not taking place, there is no supply of a large amount of weapons and equipment, the situation has improved. with ammunition , it helps, but until parity is achieved, at least in ammunition, it means that it is very
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difficult to achieve stabilization of the situation, and how to achieve parity in ammunition in a situation when we see that the west simply produces less of them than russia and its allies, what do you mean by the west, if europe, well, america is in question, but... uh, you can to look outside europe, the example of the czech republic and not only, and the supply of ammunition suggests that there are possibilities reserves in this regard, it is firstly, secondly, the americans, well, to put it mildly , cunning reducing everything to the fact that the whole issue is due to the unresolved situation in congress, in fact, according to american legislation, the president can make a decision on the transfer of ammunition. armament of equipment that is written off, there is a lot that could be, they do not give us, they simply do not make a decision on the transfer, in addition,
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as you know, the washington post has already provided information on this matter, it seems that objectively, according to the evaluations of the measures of western experts, regarding the fact that, for example, in israel , planes are also transferred, no, f-16, there are of medium modernization. old and f-35 bombs to these two types of mk 82 and 84 and many other things, and this is in the conditions when the israelis are going to attack the city, the americans oppose this, but still provide the necessary, our situation is the opposite, we we are defending, the russians are advancing, well, the situation of an ally, which one... the americans support in this case is more difficult, but they do not do it, although there are opportunities, which we said, conclusions must be drawn and additional work must be done with them.
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thank you, mr. igor. ihor romanenko , deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006-2010, lieutenant general, founder of the charity fund, we will close the sky of ukraine, was on our air, we discussed the latest events on... the russian-ukrainian front, what needs to be done high-quality so that ukraine can hope for victory in this war we will now take a break for a few minutes, but please stay with us for further important dialogues in political stupidity. lakal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, it also reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good, economical lakaka fix. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in travel bam and oshkad pharmacies. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on
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we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel. vitaly portykov is with you in the studio people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, we will talk about a high-profile draft law, which is currently being discussed in many different ways, called the draft ban on telegram. this is really, mr. mykola, such a bill, you want to ban the telegram, big terrible. well, first of all, i don't want to ban anyone , i want the ukrainian state to... create effective mechanisms to ensure that russian propaganda in any form does not enter ukraine and that information security is ensured, because this concerns not only propaganda, and the collection of personal data , for example, and many other important aspects, this applies to the russian orthodox church, because i have been working on the termination of its activities in ukraine since 2022, i hope that it may be possible to do it now, it also applies to social networks, in the draft law you are talking about,
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no social network is called... it is about the fact that social networks operating in ukraine, in accordance with the norms of european legislation, as it should be in european countries and are, must open or in ukraine or on the territory of the european union, a representative office in order to contact the authorities of the state, the ukrainian state authorities, in this case the national council, television, radio broadcasting, which according to the media law regulates and controls all streaming news services, and if they have any pro... objections, respond to these objections, why these objections may arise, for example, if anti-ukrainian ideology is spread through such a platform, there are calls for the overthrow of the state system in ukraine , pornography is distributed, all these norms are already in ukrainian legislation, but for some reason this applies only to certain services, for example youtube, because youtube is clearly prescribed in the law on media and other video services are prescribed in the law on media, but in youtube now you can also write texts, i also read some of your texts on
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youtube, just as you can in telegram. post videos, there is no difference between them, just that youtube is controlled, and telegram and other networks are not controlled. the goal of this project is to put everyone on an equal footing requirements then what does control mean? if such a structure opens a representative office in ukraine, it will show who it belongs to, because transparency of ownership, it is relevant for all media, and even more so for social networks, where are its servers, who is it financed by, of course, if it is not related with the aggressor country, can absolutely calmly work in ukraine, responding to requests. of the national television and radio broadcasting council, if all this is not available, then the state has the right to prohibit such services used by civil servants , so that at least these services are not installed on the computers and phones of civil servants , the security service of ukraine, foreign intelligence of the state departments of ukraine, large banks, because when large banks create their chatbots in such social networks and teach or offer citizens to put their personal data there, then all these data, if the servers are located on the territory of russia and
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the network is not... or closed, have every chance to end up in the fsb and russian intelligence. in order for all this not to happen, the ukrainian state must provide for itself and its citizens, this is what this draft law is about. why did they start talking about telegram? because telegram is the network most accused of ownership opacity, technical code opacity, the fact that their servers are in russia, and we know that there are countries that ban telegram, or have problems with telegram, it's not only telegram is concerned, there are countries where public officials are prohibited. to use tik-tok, for example, in china they now ban american chips in government computers officials, even chips so that their information does not get anywhere and to be ready for their actions that they want to do, so it is more of a law about national security, telegram is not mentioned in any way, but it is obvious that how many people use telegram in ukraine 72%, 72% get information from there, this network was founded by a russian citizen,
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russian citizens work there. although he now lives in another country, but he still has russian citizenship, it is obvious that people who use telegram to spread this information, they are worried about it, if they do not break the law, obviously no one will move them, they can limit the access of state officials and the popularization of this service in the state so that there are no leaks, because if you have a telegram in phone, and you give access there, for example, to your contacts and your location, then obviously the owner... of this platform will have access to track you, unless we have a guarantee that it is not dependent on russia, and we see that putin says that they are with telegram cooperate, during the election it was blocked, hundreds of telegram sites were blocked that called for voting against putin, instead, when ukrainian control bodies contact them, they receive primitive messages from no one knows who, and this is an absolute problem, so it is a matter of national security , and what
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to do with... what we actually are.


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