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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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the newsroom is working, we will tell you about the most important things, and i will start this issue with the situation in kharkiv region. be with us. one person is injured. in the afternoon, the russians shelled vovchansk in the kharkiv region from a 27-year-old woman was injured in lamki and was hospitalized, the head of the regional military administration, oleg synegov, said. a 61-year-old tractor driver blew himself up with explosives near the village of olhyne in the kherson region, the regional military administration said. a man ran over an explosive device while cultivating a field, the victim received medical assistance in place. there are loud explosions in the temporarily occupied mariupol. echoed in the livoberezhny and
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kalmius districts, the mayor's advisor petro andryushchenko announced. propaganda media write about the work of russian air defense and shooting down aerial targets. wasted budget funds. the head of one of the territorial communities of vinnytsia will appear before the court. according to the investigation materials, the official allegedly bought a car for half a million hryvnias for the village council. however , no one saw the vehicle. whether the man is suspected of misappropriating funds, he is currently under arrest worth called to kill ukrainian children. the security service of ukraine informed about the suspicion of russian propagandist margarita simonyan. the figure heads the rasha today tv channel, which is the mouthpiece of the kremlin in the international arena, where simonyan repeatedly campaigned for the continuation of missile strikes on ukraine.
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let me remind you that back in march of last year, she was informed about the suspicion of encroaching on the territorial integrity of ukraine. he was preparing a missile attack on ukrzaliznytsia facilities. in chernihiv oblast, the security service of ukraine detained a russian agent. the intruder monitored the movement of ukrainian military equipment by rail, recorded the directions of movement, trains and stops. the occupiers wanted to use this information. for future shelling, the sbu informed. an employee of the local division of ukrzaliznytsia turned out to be a traitor, and he faces life imprisonment. she left for italy and took uah 5 million. the ex-wife of a military serviceman receives monthly payments from the state for raising a joint child. but according to the defender's mother, the woman has not provided for her minor son for a long time. in what turned into two years of litigation.
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kateryna oliynyk will tell about the family of the fallen hero from lviv region. he dreams of becoming a soldier and practices boxing. 15-year-old oleksandr sherban lives in the city of stary sambir, lviv region, the teenager's father, serhii shcherban, died in march 2022 while performing a combat mission. the president of ukraine posthumously awarded the scout sniper with the order for courage of the third degree. we always sat on that couch playing playstation, the two of us played there, fooled around, talked about something else, but dad was always on top of his earnings, the most frequent of which was me i was a grandmother and i always know how old she is, grandmother sashka olha krakalo with tears in her eyes talks about her son's funeral, says that she still hasn't come to terms with his death, often goes to the grave to talk to him, and my sister shyakhay calls her sister because of half-feeling , i will fall on... i am screaming under my feet, my grandson too, i
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understand that something irreparable has happened, i have lost the most valuable thing, it turns out that my child died on the 17th, when he stopped contacting me, the documents show that . when sashkov was a little over a year old, his mother, that is, serhiy's ex-wife left the family and moved abroad with another man. the boy spent his entire childhood with his grandmother and father, however, immediately after... the funeral , sashka's mother returned to ukraine to issue compensation from the state and a survivor's pension, olga krakalo says, she writes to her grandson that she borrowed the house, she took furniture on credit, the car has not yet been paid off, and here is a freebie for you, money, but that money is not hers, payments for the child of the fallen hero do not go to sashka, from uah 5 million the boy did not receive a single penny, but with 180%
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she decided to fight for the future of her grandson, so that the child would have a separate card, which he would have a pension and paternity benefits, because it is not the merit of the mother, and no one with that money would not ordered that it should go to him as if he were provided for, because i am not eternal. in april 2022, ms. olga applied to the guardianship and guardianship body of the elder. the situation and established that the mother was really not from the sambir city council, they checked there and had been dealing with her son for many years to deprive a woman of parental rights to sashka, the grandmother filed a lawsuit, not even such elementary questions, there the mother did not know about the child's vaccinations, nor who took him to the first
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grade, she did not know about the class teachers, well, she was not interested, that was all discussed and discussed at the commission meeting in june... 2023, the sambir city district court refused to deprive sashko's mother of parental rights. in four months, the lviv court of appeal overturned the previous decision and deprived the mother of her rights to the child. however, the grandmother did not have time to arrange it yet guardianship, as the supreme court annulled the decision of the court of appeal. the case was considered only on the basis of written evidence. the ruling of the court of cassation entered into force on february 7, 2024. that is, the mother is currently the legal representative of her minor son. we tried to contact oleksandr's mother, but the woman did not respond to messages and calls. meanwhile, young oleksandr is received by his grandmother for her small pension. the family is looking for dedicated human
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rights defenders or activists who can help in this fight. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. ukrainians need help. moga, tools and humanitarian support. they are asking to be allowed to do their work, metropolitan of the ukrainian greek catholic church, head of the philadelphia archdiocese in the usa, borys hudziak, said in an interview with the american tv channel abc news. during the celebration of the catholic easter, he thanked all americans for their support of the ukrainian people and called for the urgent approval of much-needed financial aid for ukraine as soon as possible. i know that the majority of americans, the majority in congress, the president, the majority of people who are involved in this sphere and understand what is happening, want to support ukraine. in particular, i am confident that house speaker mike johnson will do the right thing to
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help, and i want to support and encourage him to help ukraine now, without delay. and updated information about. in yekaterinburg, russia, according to the local ministry of emergency situations, a workshop for the production of transformers burned down. rescuers localized the fire and extinguished open flames. area the fire reached 45 m2. there is no information about the victims. i would like to add that the plant produces equipment for metallurgy and the mining industry. even after 10 years, they are fighting against the occupation. 30 new activists joined the partisans in crimea, announced a yellow ribbon in the resistance movement in temporarily occupied simferopol, yalta and yevpator, activists put up posters with the words crimea is ukraine. as a reminder, the peninsula will be free from invaders.
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espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work to win. for the second year in a row we make our own vitamin mixtures for zss. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum, and in the parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins, there are also other goodies needed by our defenders, dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry cloves and borsch, lard and canned meat, everything that will fuel our zero we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear viewers, join and support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details on the screen. and of course look for espresso on youtube and be sure subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ether, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. subscribe, share, comment, be
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close. these are the cases for the moment, i tell you, see you at 4 p.m., later on espresso, they will work. her colleagues are marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii. thank you to ania vemelnyk, thank you to our tireless journalists who pick up the baton and inform about all the most important things. yes, sumy region, the border guards repelled the attack of the enemy drg in sumy region, a shooting battle ensued, the reserves of the national guard and the armed forces of ukraine promptly came to the rescue. this is reported by the state border service of ukraine. the border guards, after exposing the saboteurs , immediately opened fire on the target and the state reserves promptly came to the rescue. border service of the national guard and the armed forces of ukraine. artrocalculations were involved, the enemy retreated. this
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is stated in the official notification. well, we will continue to include the most informed people in our conversation. and so now we are waiting for the inclusion of eduard safronov , nicknamed "pozitiv", defender of the kyiv region. yes, eduard safronov, defender of the kyiv region , is already in touch with us. mr. eduard, welcome to ether spresso. glory to ukraine. heroin, fame. i also welcome you to the studio. well, the mayor of kyiv, so to speak, voiced rather unpleasantly, well, he honestly voiced the information that the enemy may try or prepare for certain offensive activities in the direction of kyiv, but it will not be an easy walk, we understand that our military has prepared everything that is needed, or almost everything that is needed, and on the other hand, there will be no surprise effect, but you, as an experienced person, know how it all happened two years ago, and how it all plus-minus is happening now? evaluate, be kind, the current situation in kyiv, the kyiv region and the readiness to repel
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possible activities of this or that, well , first of all, i want to say a little to go into history that aa our neighbor, he constantly wants to conquer us, and that is why they constantly say on ukraine, firstly, secondly, yes, now we will try. reconnect with eduard safronov with the call sign positive, the defender of the kyiv region, with whom we will actually talk about the situation, the latest statements concerning kyiv, and in particular the mayor of kyiv vitaliy klitschko, and there was also a statement from the commander of the ground forces that kyiv guards three lines defense, we will also talk about this, we hope that we will be able to restore the connection with mr. eduard safronov in the near future, but for now, here is the connection. is being restored, then i will dare now and quote kyiv mayor klitschko in an interview
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to the german publication bilt: kiev remains a target for putin because the capital is the heart of the country, but we are much better prepared than two years ago, if putin makes such a decision, it will be a bloody decision. eduard safronov, callsign positive, defender of kyiv region, continue, mr. eduard, is the connection stable yet? thank you, well, if i was wondering what i said the day before. so really, two years later we were not really as well prepared as we are today, then we did not have such combat drones, we had reconnaissance drones, only we could see what was next to us, across the irpin river, we looked at what the enemy was doing, thanks to the local residents, we very much smashed the enemy, his columns, with artillery, that is... constantly, that is, every day i he did it directly with the artillerymen, away from such a fear
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that the enemy was advancing, inside us, yes , we felt what was happening, but we went forward, we defended kyiv, because we all understood that if the enemy takes kyiv, it will no longer be protect him further'. chats and secondly, the line of defense is preparing, and people are training, thanks to our the western partner, in particular, this is great britain, it is great, very, very helpful to us in this , and yes, the weapons, the weapons that we currently have are really western, they greatly ensure our country’s defense capability, because then, when we... in the first days of the war started defense in the capital,
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we had practically one soviet weapon, one, only javelins and enlavs were brought to us on the eve of march, and even then with these anti-tank devices it was not possible to use all of them, because there were only units, who knew how to use them. western weapons, soviet weapons , yes, everyone in our brigade was experienced, from the 14th year everyone went through a rotation, year after year, and this helped many of our servicemen to survive and resist and expel the enemy from kyiv, well, from the outskirts of kyiv, because he had already was there mr. eduard, if we are talking about possible mistakes that we made , maybe we took it lightly, maybe we were not fully aware of the threats, how do you
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now remember these events of two years ago, what do you think... what did we maybe do not then yes, when there was no invasion, but already everyone understood and western intelligence had warned about it that there would be a war, that’s how i understood you, that’s how it really was, it wasn’t prepared, so these barbecues are summer, they probably sat in everyone’s mind, including the military, when from march 24 to march 13, when i was seriously wounded , we were on the first day of the war, when i was on duty with my fallen brother, we could not believe then that we were sitting in the kyiv region, in bronyky, in helmets, with machine guns, and that the war had really started here, that
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it was so unusual for us that now i understand it all yes, it was like that then. that it can't be, it can't be, well, putin is not such an idiot to attack a country of forty million people, this is not ichkeria, this is not georgia, this is ukraine, and the history of our cossacks, it therefore, therefore confirms that we are real wars, and let him move, he will get even more in the teeth, like two years ago, mr. dorde, and you can still , please, i want to... top officials, as well as to the head of gur, and to the president, and to the secretary of the nsdc, and journalists they ask and say, well, you didn't say anything to the people there, people think that you didn't prepare, and everyone says, no, we did prepare, we knew that there would be a war, we just didn't want to drive people into a panic, you as a person military, did you really feel that
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the army was preparing for this, or were we ready, well, since two years have already passed, i decided... i will tell you, we were held, our battalion was held at the time, because the other second battalion of the 72nd brigade , because the first and third battalions, they went to chernihiv oblast and trained there, they held our battalion until the 23rd they let us go anywhere, they said that even those who live in the city and wear white shirts are not going anywhere either, everyone is in a barracks position, then we received... for the first time the command to rise, we all gathered, our column was searched and we went to the suburbs of kyiv , ah, what i saw, when the cars of cherzitsa were leaving kyiv, there was simply no place,
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not even an apple, there was no place for a seed to fall. because that's how people left kyiv, because when you hear such news, the day before it was all in the memes, here is the expectation of war, and everyone was practically it's funny, although you, although you remember this scary photo from the city of kharkiv, when there was a very large crowd of people on the train, it was a really scary picture, so i... how can i not be scared then, or maybe hit, maybe it is necessary was to prepare, not properties , to make such jokes and see what happened to the same cock, huh, and how do you assess the current level, for example, i don’t know, of preparation and mobilization in kyiv, what in your opinion
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should be adopted , well, we are talking, i don't know, not about the mobilization law, but generally about logic. the construction of the capital, the construction of the defense of the capital, taking into account what was done and not done two years ago, we remember that there could be problems with weapons, yes, when they started expelling, remember, trucks, distributing them there, well, this is more of a psychological moment, but we understand that we had two years, conclusions were drawn, preparatory work was done, but perhaps some other such things need to be tightened, well, first of all, we need to... not an expert in this , that's right, i'm an ordinary sergeant - if mine thought, well, i should do as i liked , they made a recruiting center in the city of leva, ugh,
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they work with people there, but you should not run after them, catch them, if a person does not want to, believe me, he will even end up in the tsk and until he is taken there to the training ground, he will simply run away, if a person does not want to fight, he will not fight. i remember two years later how many reservists there were, how many volunteers there were, local residents came to our position and asked, they said, we want to defend our home, yes, unfortunately, those patriots real, 100%, unfortunately , there are no more, yes, there are still, well, there are very few of them left, you need, you need to advertise well, you know, i look at kas, our other famous bloggers, and they also say that the katsaps have very the advertising activity of recruiting for the war is developed
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, i do not see this kind of advertising in our country, this advertising is something that would catch on, as they say, it would work, you need to work with people, you need to not scare them, but talk, talk, and not run. and not go after them and beat them and then throw all the blue ones into this bus, you know, we have to work with people if we know that it is very difficult to take people, those people who wanted, had the desire, they already came two years ago, mr. eduard, and if we are not talking about human resources, but we are talking about our own weapons, about fortifications, about others.. . which will help to resist the enemy, because it is no longer a secret for anyone that now we are actually on the threshold of a sufficiently tense
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situation that may occur in the spring-summer period, and the enemy has been accumulating reserves and preparations for a reason, there are certain fears that there will be some big offensives, but none the less, if we're talking about the ukrainian capital, then maybe we're not doing something enough, maybe people don't understand the game enough. maybe there is still something to work on in terms of the same military equipment and in terms of the same fortifications, what do you think? well, first of all, as far as i know, our military industry works, it works, it is hidden, you understand why, well, it works, yes, it does not give as much as we would like, but since the 19th year we have had the opportunity not to close then bod enterprises. and still not to increase, well, you see how it happened with neptune that it was not enough did, now there are very few units of it,
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and well, it is effective, it has proven its effectiveness and works, according to falsifications, i want to tell you that there was not enough attention yet, i would say even a year ago, there was not such attention, all of ... 20, if you remember, in the 23rd year, when kharkiv oblast was cleared of the enemy, everyone was already very sure that in a little while we would already be swimming in the crimea, that is, we should buy swimming trunks, but we did not think about the fact that you really need to prepare, borok was preparing, why is it so here in zaporizhzhia direction, it became difficult during our counteroffensive in kherson, the mood for...offensive, offensive, counteroffensive, i, myself from the city of kherson, i know all this, how the people there are still experiencing,
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that's all, but then in the 23rd year at oceifaria , you can it would be better to prepare everything slowly, then we would have the same situation as the enemy, they still are, if we didn't laugh at them there sometimes, but the enemy is very strong. he is treacherous, he has a very developed dog, as i would say in our country, which is a fashionable word at the moment, and because of all the buildings they built in 2023, it was very difficult for us. let's go now let's refresh our memory a little on those days, in a short video, two years ago, we understand that plus or minus that's when the russian, russian occupation, parts of our territories ended, they... themselves a bunch of fires, a bunch of dead, but come on, let's just refresh our memory on some typical things, let's see.
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the summary should be here , yes, well, but, but, well, we don't have the opportunity at the moment, i hope we will have the opportunity, maybe during today's broadcast, but thank you, mr. eduard, for found an opportunity and time to connect with us, eduard safronov, call sign positive, defender of kyiv region, was in direct contact with us, on our airwaves they talked about the second anniversary of the liberation of kyiv region, yes, but perhaps we underestimated the threat, and how we should now prepare for a potential , possible re-offensive, if there will be one at all, we understand that this is not the case now, but nevertheless, we cannot rule out any scenarios either, we are going for a short break , after that we will keep you updated, so stay tuned with espresso. tired of heavy and
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