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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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today tells you: have a good evening, take care of yourself and your loved ones, and see you tomorrow, see espresso. it's the 17th in ukraine, it's time to learn about the main news for this hour. yana yavomelnyk, greetings to all viewers of espresso. an explosion rang out in kryvyi rih. correspondents of public affairs write about it. and i will note that there is still an air alarm in the city. the occupiers shelled the residential sector of kupyansk. a large-scale fire broke out on the spot, the state emergency service reported. flame. covered almost 300 m2, one of
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buildings were completely on fire, rescuers managed to extinguish the fire, fortunately there were no victims or victims. for three hours and the most specific meeting regarding drones, volodymyr zelenskyi talked with the military and government officials about the provision of the defense-industrial complex, discussed the simplification of the procedure for importing and purchasing shells for drones, and detailed. production plan for the current year. they also analyzed the project of building a complex system of rep. currently, it is already being tested in separate sections of the front. also stopped at therefore, how to make our military defense system flexible, because the needs of the front are constantly changing, - noted the president of ukraine. and our manufacturers must respond to all changes in a timely manner. officially , the authorities of the special services of russia intensified the collection of personal data of prisoners and missing persons.
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missing ukrainians, for this they create telegram channels where they promise to find servicemen and extort all the information from their relatives, inform the coordination headquarters about the treatment of prisoners of war. in order not to harm loved ones, the headquarters urges not to hand over phone numbers, address, information about political views, profile in social networks and locations of the unit to strangers. ukrainian communities have grown significantly. more sustainable thanks to the decentralization reform, however, it is not yet complete and needs constant improvement. the biggest challenge today is financial capacity. in ukraine, community budgets are filled by local taxes, no more than 25%. in the countries of the european union, this indicator reaches 40%, by involving self-government bodies in the administration of local taxes, communities will be able to better cope with the difficult post-war situation. we have communities, sorry if someone
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disagrees with me here, it seems to me that they have not yet learned how to make money in a good and legal sense, many have learned other ways, but from the point of view of understanding that you are not just a mayor, not just a politician, but you run the community itself and you have to see it completely literally as a business case that should work for the benefit of the residents. it's not everywhere, and it's skills, it's specific tools. i also don't get tired of telling partners who don't they believe when i say that we have local taxes, but no one sees them. the fate of the traitor in the temporarily occupied ostarobilsk in the luhansk region , a car with a collaborator was blown up. previously, it was the so-called deputy head of the center for servicing educational organizations of the pseudo-republic of the lpr, valery chaika. according to information. of russian media in the car
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was detonated by an improvised explosive device. the collaborator died on the spot. eight dead and two wounded in russia. in the yaroslavl region, a regular bus collided with a high-speed train. it happened just at the railway crossing - reports the local authorities. the preliminary cause of the accident was that the bus broke down and stopped on the tracks. its driver and all passengers died. the driver was also injured. and again something is on fire in russia, the multidisciplinary electrical engineering enterprise elektroizolit is on fire in the suburbs of moscow. according to the russian ministry of emergency situations, the fire covered 150 m2. four people have already been evacuated from the building. the consequences of the fire are currently being established. they installed the ukrainian flag over the positions of the russian occupiers. donniki from the subdivision
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phoenix raised a blue-yellow flag near bakhmut with the help of a drone, the state border service reported, they had been preparing for the operation for almost two days, zherdyna... a water tower between kordyumivka and ozeryanivka is logging. this is the flag of our unit, they decided to somehow mark their unit on the territory of the enemy, they chose the time, just as the enemy was the least alert, brought it in, put it up. this is a high object, they can be seen from our positions and from the enemy's style positions, it can be seen from afar and our neighbors can see it. the enemy is very strong right now surprised, now... they are looking for how it happened. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum , and other goodies that our defenders need are appearing in the parcels sent to the ukrainian front:
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dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenge, dry cloves and borscht, lard and canned meat, everything that will feed our soldiers at zero. we have a lot of requests, so we need and... your help, dear viewers, join in and support our soldiers to nato, all the props you see on the screen. the war of drones, this is what the military says about their struggle at the front to help our defenders, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable fund initiated the collection, and it was you, our viewers and readers, who collected money for a half-bucket of maviks and parts for them for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade, which is plowing. our country in the zaporozhye direction. let's see how the uav was transmitted. almost every day since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the military they turn to volunteers for help. and one more request has been closed, thanks to the viewers and readers of espresso, together with
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the iryna koval charitable foundation. this time, we are handing over fpv drones and mavics to the boys in the zaporizhzhia direction. and all the necessary things that they asked us. actually to the volunteers. the military constantly appeals and the collections never stop, that is, it is not one collection, it cannot be singled out, for example, just a few days ago we closed the collection together with the espresso tv channel for uah 1 million, and immediately they started a new collection of half a million hryvnias. such fees have already become traditional for the tv channel, it is important to close as many requests as possible from our defenders. i can point out that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we have collected. already more than 28 million hryvnias for various needs of military units, collected again together with our wonderful viewers and readers, we are very proud of our audience and sincerely thank them for this help. the military is grateful to everyone who joined the gathering and
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emphasizes that the support of every ukrainian is very important at the moment. the format of the war has changed. now drones are your eyes, drones are weapons. drones are what carry weapons, drones are what help to hit the enemy, they are what help you see the movement of the enemy, equipment, manpower and everything else, that is, the war has reached a slightly different level, i really want to thank the audience , to the readers of the tv channel, to the entire team of the tv channel, you help us a lot, do not forget about us, we are grateful to you for this, we are very grateful to the iryna koval foundation. for the help she gives us, she is our style. currently, the drones that you and i are handed over, already at the front. birds work and help our defenders destroy the enemy. the director of the espresso tv channel emphasizes that the aid to the military and not only will continue even
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after the end of the war. our volunteering will continue as long as there is a need for it. see you at 18:00 in the final issue. i encourage all viewers and readers of espresso to subscribe to our youtube channel in order not to miss all live broadcasts, news releases, special projects and interviews. before meeting. we invite you to our sleep laboratory. matro lux is one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. mattrik is your versatile thin mattress for uneven surfaces at an affordable price. order topper matrix from one of the country's largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and
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iron for good deeds. herovital energy. reception once a day. see this week in the collaborators program. pseudo-ministers of the kherson region. like a fake leader. the ministry of culture looted museums. we tried to remove everything valuable. but which of the crimean officials became a traitor twice. we chose to be with russia. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel on tuesday, april 2 at 5:45 p.m. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what life is like. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours
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in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become their own languages ​​for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! congratulations, this is from a press interview, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, and these are our conversations with people who are important to all ukrainians. and today we have an opportunity, i would say, an exclusive opportunity. to meet and talk with oleksandr vdovichenko, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, commander of
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the 72nd separate mechanized brigade in 21-22, full knight of the order of bohdan khmelnytskyi and an honorary citizen kyiv region, apart from everything, and it seems, not all the regalia i mentioned. i congratulate you, mr. colonel, i congratulate you, well, you look a little different today. compared to how we are used to seeing you in the information space, and everything, everything in your appearance speaks of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade, i will simply remind you that kyiv and the kyiv region stood thanks to the fact that these fighters and this brigade managed to make it on time and quickly worked brilliantly, in particular under the leadership of mr. oleksandr, and those events. events at the end of march in the 22nd year, anton columbet, by the way, also
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the 72nd ombr, described how in the kyiv region there was a full-fledged wild field in just one small forest near the village, for which battles were taking place, the armed forces, the national guard, the teroboron, the police, several glorious dobrobats, gurs, security service, some mysterious spokesmen with strange kalashmata and just murky tipis with weapons, i now save the vocabulary specifically and. all this movement moves incessantly, engages in battle, leaves it, someone is brought in, someone is brought in, and everyone periodically tries to attack enemies or allies with weapons. and concludes. columbet then made his post a thesis: this is the cossacks, this is the same wind from the cold ravine, which lacks a center of coordination and supply, where all these people come from, where they arm themselves, where they go, even they themselves do not know, in no military academy in the world taught how to resist such, welcome to hell. this is how the russians were met in the kyiv region at that time, and these
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days we are talking about the end of the battle of zamusch in essence. the elite was destroyed during the battle for kyiv of the russian army and you, mr. oleksandr, contributed very significantly to this, it was me so carefully and diplomatically, two years later, this is how you imagined, no, in march, the difficult and terrible march of 2000, the 22nd year, i imagined that. .. in march 2024, life will go and our struggle will go a little differently. today , i wore this, this outfit, because i just came from the patriotic forum of
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the unbreakable student youth, which was held. in buchan lyceum no. 3, which is located on vokzalnaya street, where on february 27, 2022 , an enemy column of equipment was heroically destroyed, walking down the street, i thought at first that i had lost my way, then, and then i look, no, it is still vokzalna street, but it has been rebuilt and... but i stopped there anyway, it is still there, at least to me, i feel that , to which everything, as in irpen, as in buch, as in gostomil, as in moschun, that smell of that death, i feel, said, say and will say, that in the battles for kyiv,
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there were millions of heroic deeds . which we do not yet know, thousands of books will be written about it, hundreds of films will be made, and everyone who fought for kyiv then, i said this, fought today for for tomorrow, because you can't say i for kyiv, it simply didn't exist, there were tens of thousands of i, which all make up one by one... a powerful, solid we, we all held each other, and it didn't matter when, for example, arrived someone with whom you did not communicate before and would not like to see him within a radius of one kilometer, for example, he came next to fight with you, and you were glad that there was one more plus one, plus
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one person, plus one warrior, plus one unit, plus one machine gun, plus one howitzer, plus one tank, plus one bmp. well this is true in general about the units of the units that were with us in the battles for kyiv, in general , just plus one soldier, because as for kyiv, the 72nd brigade named after the black zaporozhets, which is like me, with which i served from lieutenant from 2005 to 2018 from lieutenant to a lieutenant colonel, to a battalion commander, from an engineer of a repair company, then served in ukraine and returned as a brigade commander in september of the 31st year, those people, those servicemen under contract, these are the elite of the armed forces, they were trained, motivated, battle-hardened warriors, they were commanders, who felt people, who believed people, and people believed them, and no matter how much more than 100 km
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, the brigade occupied the snow of defense. the right and left bank of the dnieper, but no matter how many enemies there were, he was defeated in that force, the strength of the soldiers, the heroes of the 72nd brigade, whom i had the honor to command, and accordingly those soldiers, those people who arrived to us in an operational subordination, uh, mr. oleksandr, in one of your interviews you noted how... an important moment for the defense, in particular of the kyiv region, was that it was a very high level of trust from the military leadership of our country to the... commanders on the ground, that is, to delegate, to allow decisions to be made, to be based on the situation on the ground, do you think that played
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a decisive role, maybe even, did you understand that you you have the functionality in your hands, you understand, i am in the 72nd brigade, i was in charge of the mechanized battalion there. we fought for more than a year in the gadiiv industrial zone, october 16th, october 17th, people, but when we already at the beginning of february, we passed the command of the accompanying troops, at that time, to colonel oleksandr syrskyi, i convened a meeting and said that you and i have been entrusted with the highest honor that can be, which servicemen of the armed forces can be worthy of, entrusted. for kyiv, i looked into the eyes of my deputies, commanders of units, i did not see any fear or
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misunderstanding, i saw only a thirst for battle, i saw confidence, coolness, i asked andriy verkhoglyad, the commander of the pozanilivsha battalion, i say andryukh, you believe me, he says, commander, i believe, i say: i believe you, i believe in you, in your people, i believe in in command of the ground troops, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, general valery mereznyi, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, the entire ukrainian people and the entire community, that we will not be alone in this struggle, and that is what happened, and the unity that i felt, i was lucky enough to feel it, because what about kyiv, when no one is there, when everyone is... the last thing, that's all, everything was really all for the front, everything for victory, i will never forget how i was constantly in touch with the leaders and
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kyiv and kyiv region and andriy andriy kryshchenko, the deputy mayor of kyiv, says to slavyan that you are already in place, i say yes, how can i help, i say, we need car parks, there are as many as i say, nine pieces, he says, plus... we will find it, but why, why would you, i say, we will blow them up together with tnt, with explosives, because the main bridges were changed, and then we realized that the enemy could go, well, through small bridges, locks, they also had to be blown up, we don't care, sappers threatened them with explosives, drove them under the pillars, blew up bridges, locks, somewhere probably 5-6 hours pass, i get a phone call andrii yevheniovych, says the slav of the car... at the point, well, on the biryika, i say plus, and i go out, such a tall, strong man approaches me, he says yes, i say, yes, this is for you,
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here are the documents there, nine cars in all filled in, the documents will be included there, although he says you won’t need the documents anymore, look at that familiar face, well, write it down, then something rings, i say who was coming, he says, it was sergii knyazov, i say... i say knyazov knyaz, what is it getting acquainted, and i say this, the chief of the police of ukraine would say, i say, well thank you, for these cars, the cars played their role, everything was, everything was for victory, no one thought to do anything against it, but everyone went astray today for tomorrow, uh, and everyone... knew that if if you get lost somewhere, they will support you, they will not kill you, they will support you, because this love of freedom
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of the ukrainian people, this strength of spirit, has awakened, for example, someone had fear and panic, then, for example, i will not say this for the armed forces forces, the 72nd brigade cold-bloodedly carried out its task and... fought. when you say that after two years, you see the situation a little differently, that is, you could not imagine that everything will be the way it is now. you, in particular, are talking about the fact that ukrainian society is perhaps no longer so united around the desire to win, or maybe others, do you mean things, how to read it? you know, since 2000... the 13th year, the country has been bleeding. on february 24, 22, the enemy launched
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a full-scale attack. a large-scale invasion, started, as they say, a great war, but the armed forces, those at war, and part ukrainians, civil society, we are at war in 2014, and the rest of the country is in trouble, on february 24, the majority of conscious ukrainians... stood in queues at the military commissariats or arrived immediately at the military unit in the brigade and we already processed them, they came and stood in line then the commander of the unit sent the data, we processed it , well, because things were not going on, not on, not necessary , not for days, for hours, maybe even for minutes, and this flow of people who arrived in
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the brigade, they immediately. went into battle, and those who stayed here, ugh, whose families stayed here because their relatives left somewhere in the west or abroad, everyone watched what was happening at the front, in kharkiv, in kyiv, in the southern direction, mariupol. along the entire front, everyone was aimed there, and the main, well, the main view was focused on kyiv, everyone knew then that kyiv, ukraine is falling, kyiv is dying, ukraine is dying, over time , those who left returned here, some returned, and the majority, of course, oh, in principle, tanks no longer drive in kyiv 72.
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snakes don’t shoot in kyiv, well, in principle, well there is a war somewhere, let someone do it, let it be armed by the armed forces, and the armed forces have fulfilled their task, it is now a war, a country's war, and to say something bad against the state there, against the armed forces, is to go and play into the hands of the enemy , a lot of things someone wants to tell each other, colonel to colonel there, everyone... everyone has something to say and i have something to say to someone and someone has something to say to me, this is life, this is war, war is always scary, it always hurts us, but not in time, unfortunately, we have not won yet, and now we are fighting fierce bloody battles, i i periodically visit cemeteries. well
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, it hurts me to see what is added and added every day, and for the other part, how was the news, damn it, they think that it is the armed forces, they will sort it out, but it is not the armed forces, the whole country is at war, it is not necessary that you have to go to the military commissariat, take to... a weapon, a machine gun, go to the kopiya to fight, kill katsap, and you have to help, well, everyone in his place has to do everything to win, huh, in order for there to be tomorrow, on the other hand, we understand that the armed forces of ukraine, defense forces of ukraine, i would like to say, yes, this is a part of ukrainian society, and in order for
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this community to exist and perform its direct functions, a part of civilians must now become military, 100%. the things that happen around the mobilization discussion, what do you feel and what do you think about them, you know, i manage people, the year my first team command position was in 2015 , i took over the management of the first concrete of the 72nd brigade, if not it was difficult, whatever the circumstances, it cannot be that the white children white bread, and black bread for black children, everything should be equal, but when everything is according to the law, yes, there is a law that according to the constitutional
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obligations, you have to defend your country. sorry, go defend.


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