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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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was viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies. these were the main highlights of today's military results, more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. i thank serhii zgorets, i thank his guest, these were the military results of the day. we are the soil, we continue. the second hour of the big one. a lot of interesting and important information ahead, now we start with the most important news at this hour: the occupiers shelled the residential sector kupyanska, a large-scale fire broke out on the spot, a large-scale fire broke out on the spot, the state emergency service was notified , the flames covered almost 300 km, one of the buildings was completely on fire, the rescuers managed to extinguish the fire, fortunately for the victims and victims in this situation there is no. in a three-hour and maximum specific
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meeting on drones, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy, talked with military and government officials about securing ukraine's defense-industrial complex. they discussed the simplification of the import procedure and procurement of projectiles for drones and detailed the production plan for the current year, and also analyzed the project of building a complex integrated electronic warfare system. currently, it is already being tested in certain areas of the taco front. focused on making our defense industry flexible, because the needs of the front are constantly changing, - said the head of the ukrainian state, and our manufacturers must respond to all changes in a timely manner. officially, the authorities of the special services of russia intensified the collection of personal data of captured and missing ukrainians. for this they create telegram channels, where they promise to find military personnel and extort all information from relatives. are informed at the coordination
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headquarters on the treatment of prisoners of war. in order not to harm loved ones, the headquarters urges not to give strangers phone numbers, addresses, information about political views, profiles in social networks and locations of the unit. ukrainian communities have become much more stable thanks to the decentralization reform. it is not yet complete and needs constant improvement. the biggest challenge today is financial capacity in ukraine , community budgets are filled by local taxes by no more than 25%. in the countries of the european union, this indicator reaches 40%. by involving self-government bodies in the administration of local taxes, communities will be better able to cope with the difficult post-war situation. representatives will participate. communities,
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i'm sorry if someone disagrees with me here , it seems to me that they have not yet learned how to make money in a good and legal sense, many have learned other ways, but from the point of view of understanding what you are not just a mayor, not just a politician, but you run the community itself, and you have to see it completely literally as a business case that has to work for the benefit of the residents, it's not everywhere, and it's a skill. these are concrete tools, i also do not get tired of telling partners who do not believe when i say that we would have local taxes, but no one sees them. the fate of the traitor in the temporarily occupied starobilsk in the luhansk region, a car with a collaborator was blown up, previously it was the so-called deputy head of the service center educational organizations of the pseudo-republic. valery chaika is actually a terrorist organization of the lpr. according to russian media, he detonated in the car. improvised
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explosive device, the collaborator died on the spot. eight, eight dead and two injured in russia, in the yaroslavl region , a regular bus collided with a high-speed train. it just happened at a railway crossing. this is reported by the local authorities. the previous cause of the accident was that the bus broke down and stopped on its wheels. its driver and all passengers died. the driver was also injured. and again something is burning in russia , the multidisciplinary electrical engineering enterprise elektroizolit is on fire in the moscow region. according to the russian ministry of emergency situations, the fire covered 150 m2 and four people have already been evacuated from the building. the consequences of the fire are currently being established. the ukrainian flag was placed over the positions of the russian occupiers. border guards from the fenix ​​unit. with the help of...
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the pilot, a blue-yellow flag was raised near bakhmut, the state border service of ukraine reported. we were preparing for the operation for almost two days. a water tower between kurdyumivka and ozaryanivka. this is the flag of our unit. we decided to somehow mark our unit on the enemy's territory, we chose a time when the enemy was the least alert, brought it in, put it to them. this is a high object, they can be seen both from our positions and from the style positions of the enemy, and can be seen from afar. and the neighbors can see it, ours. the enemy is very surprised. they are now looking for how it happened. went to italy and took uah 5 million. the ex-wife of a military serviceman receives monthly payments from the state for raising a joint child. but according to the words the mother of the defender, the woman has not provided for her minor son for a long time, what turned into two years of legal proceedings of the family
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of the deceased hero from the lviv region, katryna oliynyk will tell. he dreams of becoming a soldier and practices boxing. 15-year-old alexander. shcherban, lives in the city of stary sambir, in the lviv region, the father of the teenager, serhii shcherban, died in march 2022, while performing a combat mission, the president of ukraine posthumously awarded the scout sniper with the order for courage of the third degree. we always sat on that sofa, the two of them played on the playstation, fooled around, talked about something else, but dad was always on top of his earnings, my grandmother was with me more often, i always know how old i am. grandmother sashka olga krakalo with tears in her eyes talks about her son's funeral, says that she still hasn't come to terms with his death, often goes to the grave to talk with him. my sister is calling me, sister, my sincere condolences, i fall on the floor, i scream, my grandson too, i understand that
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something irreparable has happened, i have lost something priceless, it turns out that my child died on the 17th , when he was no longer... coming on communication where the documents testify. when sashkov was a little over a year old, his mother, that is , serhiy's ex-wife, left the family and moved abroad with another man. the boy spent his entire childhood with his grandmother and father. however, immediately after the funeral , sashka's mother returned to ukraine to receive compensation from the state and a survivor's pension, says olga krakalo. she writes to her grandson that she borrowed the house, she did. furniture on credit, the car hasn't been paid off yet, and here's a freebie for you, money, but that money is not hers, payments for the deceased's child the hero does not go to sashkov, from 5 million hryvnias, the boy did not receive a single penny, and from 180 thousand
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hryvnias, the mother transferred only 50 thousand to her son's bank card, and she can drop a couple of hryvnias 100-200 there from time to time, i do not maintain any connections , decided to fight for her grandson's future, so that the child would have a separate card , for which he would have a pension and paternity benefits, because it is not the mother's merit, and no one would dispose of that money, so that it would be as if he had he was provided because i am not eternal. in april 2022 year, ms. olga turned to the starosambirsk guardianship and care authority. of the city council, they checked the situation there and found that the mother really did not take care of her son for many years, in order to deprive the woman of parental rights to sashka, the grandmother filed a lawsuit, even on such elementary issues, there the mother did not know about the child's vaccinations, or anyone took him to
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the first grade, she did not know about the class teachers, well, she was not interested, all this was discussed and discussed at the commission meeting in june 2020. the sambir city district court refused to deprive sashka's mother's parental rights. in four months, the lviv court of appeal overturned the previous decision and deprived the mother of her rights to the child. however, the grandmother has not yet had time to issue guardianship. how the supreme court annulled the decision of the court of appeal. the case was considered only on the basis of written evidence. the ruling of the court of cassation entered into force on february 7, 2024 and is final. and is not subject to appeal, that is , the mother is currently the legal representative of her minor son. we tried to contact oleksandr's mother, but the woman did not answered messages and calls. meanwhile, young oleksandr is received by his grandmother for her small pension. the family is looking for dedicated
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human rights defenders or activists who can help in this fight. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. to know more interesting and information, visit the espresso tv website and our social networks, as well as search for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ateru, all program releases and special projects that you... can only see on our youtube channel, also short videos on hot topics in the shorts section, watch, like, comment and share, well, you can see me there, and yuriy fizer, and anna yevomelnyk, and many of our colleagues and mykola veresny, vitali, in one word to all our best presenters and not only presenters, but yuriy fizer is already with me, the world is about ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us, now live . you can also find this program on the youtube website, but today, by
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the way, the fate of american aid to ukraine , hungary is isolating itself in europe, and russian priests are being forced to pray for, but for what exactly, and a lot more interesting things in a moment in the world about ukraine column, well and i start with this one, in shantsy on the territory. there will be no western military personnel in the country, they will not take part in hostilities, estonian defense minister hanno pevkor said in an interview with the german news agency di presa, this is how he commented on the statement of french president emmanuel macron a month ago about the fact that one should not rule out the possibility that at some point soldiers from western countries will appear in ukraine. at the same time , the head of the estonian defense department said that some categories of western military personnel are already present in our country, but he explained what he meant,
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a quote from hanno pevkor: the reality is that every nato member country already has military personnel in ukraine, for example, military attachés, or people who go to ukraine from time to time, but let me remind you that two weeks ago , the prime minister of estonia, kaia kala said, well, one should not rule out the possibility that... at a certain point in time , western military personnel may appear on the territory of ukraine, and by the way, the prime minister of finland, alina valtonen, also said the same in finland an interview with the financial times, which does not rule out that this may happen, that they will not just be, but also, meaning western military personnel, but may also take part in hostilities, according to her, there is no need for this now and not even... it is worth talking about it, but in the long term in the future, says minister kavalyn,
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this should not be ruled out. i put it better here, you know, it's really very good that there are smart people who say things that many people in europe don't like. you're right, i remember the comment of the minister, the prime minister of poland, who is talking to the prime minister of spain, who said that in spain he really doesn't want to hear the word war, because it's some kind of threat, well, we need to talk about it say, ukraine is, unfortunately, significantly smaller than russia in terms of resources, it may happen. that there will be foreign troops, that is just as the us troops landed in normandy, at the beginning of the war, i think, well, in europe, no one thought about it, but it happened, well, there were objective reasons for this, therefore 100%, it is necessary to talk about it and not it is necessary to torture and there is no need to talk about the fact that it is somewhere far away and in general it does not threaten us spaniards or us portuguese at all, nothing is known about russia, who can be threatened, china can and should influence russia in order to finish it as soon as possible for... bnitsa aggressive war in ukraine, the minister of foreign affairs said france's stephane sejournay said during
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a joint press conference with his chinese counterpart wang yi. for this, says the main french diplomat, official beijing must send clear signals to moscow. according to mr. sejourne, there will be no peace in europe if there is no peace in ukraine. well, here is a quote from the minister of foreign affairs of france. we are convinced that there will be no lasting peace if... we do not discuss with the ukrainians, there will be no security for europeans, if there is no peaceful settlement, in accordance with international law. well, this is how france offers china to influence russia, let's listen to the minister directly. i would also like to express france's concern regarding north korea's supply of ballistic missiles to russia and the identical allegations against iran. this indicates a significant escalation of the conflict, the full sovereignty and territorial integrity
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of ukraine is at stake, as i said, the stability of the international order is also at risk. well, will this train finally move? the speaker of the house of representatives of the congress of the united states of america mike johnson will put on voting on the draft law on the allocation of additional aid to ukraine at the meeting on april 9. he said this on the air about... the sunday program on the fox news channel. according to him, the vote will take place immediately after the american lawmakers return after easter. vacation will get to work, mr. speaker once again emphasized that there must be a bipartisan consensus to make a decision, but at the same time, mr. johnson added that the bill he is going to put to a vote will include quote: some possible innovations, well, about these possible innovations and much
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more, vasyl and i will talk with a guest who joins us on the air, whom i am glad to always welcome here, this is oleksandr kraev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, mr. oleksandr, maybe you know what some of these innovations are? if we refer to what johnson previously said and what his team said, it is most likely the same johnson mccoll project that is meant previously announced as the so-called compromise republican option of sponsoring ukraine. in fact, it is an interest-free open-ended loan with elements of a lend-lease, that is, when johnson announced it in advance, there was no certainty, because he did not play with the theme, which was told by lynsey graham, that ukraine will only have to pay for what ukraine wants to leave, but at the same time he said directly what trump had repeated before, that it would still be a loan,
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but it would be without a clear payment period and he will be without interest, so ukraine will be able to pay it in full. but anyway, which will be convenient, that is, confusing us at the very beginning, johnson does not provide much clarity yet, but it is clear that he wants to assign, conditionally speaking, for himself and for his party the authorship of this aid package for ukraine, departing from the initial version , which was proposed by joseph biden, mr. alexander, please tell me, and before that, for example, if it will be an interest-free loan, and whether they can, then others, for example, groups in the american. in congress attach still frozen russian assets and say: okay, we agree to your proposal, but let's ukraine will pay with these, first with interest from these frozen assets, and then with frozen assets? in fact, such a topic was also discussed, but a part of the democratic party said that it would be too strong a departure from the previous strategy, because the previous strategy was that this money
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would go to the reconstruction of ukraine, that is, aid with weapons is something that we do not have, they say demo to submit as a loan, but in the plan of recovery, in terms of the restoration of ukraine, these should be investments for which we should receive funds, for which we should receive some benefits, and therefore we should aim for the fact that the russian frozen assets will go precisely to help ukraine recover from this war, although no one has yet rejected the idea that indeed these funds can be used not only for restoration, but also for weapons, so as you can see, here as in the situation with johnson ... these options remain on the table and in the end, which of of them will be used, it's hard to say. the only thing we can say for sure right now is that this process has really moved on, at least we're seeing bipartisan interest in getting this finally resolved somehow, and now it's just a question of what the process will actually be in the end, obviously that's there will be more of a republican scenario, i.e. either a lend-lease, or a loan, or
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some other format, and with regard to russian money, there is no certainty here, but clearly no one rejects the fact that... at least interest, what is earned on these russian assets, because they still continue to work, it can be directed to pay for this so-called loan, well, i understand from your comment that they will still vote if this issue is put to a vote by him, i mean speaker mike johnson, but the question is different, but will they vote, taking into account the fact that, well, that is, will mike johnson stay in his chair, in the speaker's chair, until april 9, this is actually the biggest question, because after all, until... april 9 its difficult because they are on vacation and it is simply procedurally impossible to remove it outside the session, but we have a margin of green, which is already loaded with the fact that it will submit a statement on a vote of no confidence in johnson, and the problem here is procedural, if it submits it as the first item on the agenda, then the entire agenda is canceled, and until a vote of no confidence is passed, basically nothing
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else will happen in the house of representatives, and if mike johnson is removed, then until he is elected ... the speaker, too , the house of representatives can't do anything else at all, so that's the only unknown unit in this to our equation is how trump feels about these johnson initiatives. previously, he was accused of saying that if he compromises with the democrats, then he is not a real trumpist. but on the other hand, we see that in recent weeks, trump has been more supportive of helping ukraine and says that under him, they say , ukraine received many times more, and therefore to clearly understand trump, well, you and i know very well that this is not... important, and therefore it remains for us until the 9th, well , look, now let's combine johnson and trump again, and what a fiddle in that is john still playing in the orchestra? could he be playing the double bass there, well i don't know, well what is he playing, if you're saying that trump can't even influence johnson at all, or doesn't understand what johnson wants, yes, it
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used to be considered absolutely reasoned that johnson is just trump's speaker, that he's basically his protege, his puppet that trump can use to run the house, but once johnson started coming out with his own budget proposals, once it became clear that he was going to'. no negotiation with the white house, that he is in principle looking for a certain compromise, even at a time when trump did not talk about such a compromise, well , he had certain rudiments of an individual policy, it became obvious that johnson sees certain prospects that he can be removed his own party members, the trumpists themselves are rolling the barrel against him, and therefore, being a more balanced, more prudent politician, he began to look for alternative sources of support, and currently here is the key thesis that sounds to... the circle of congressional experts parties and that johnson, due to a compromise with the white house, is looking for the support of the democrats, who will save him from a vote of no confidence, and therefore, in
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essence, this is the individual politics of jones, he wants to see a political future in himself outside of trump, and therefore he is playing it safe. and tell me, please, if this decision is adopted, can it be estimated that it will add electoral points to biden or not? then this can be considered his victory, or not? in an adequate information space, this will give him electoral points, because he is in favor he supported the ukrainian issue for a long time, he is currently the current president, a decision was made under his administration, the white house became part of this consensus, he conducted negotiations, he made concessions on the border issues, he made concessions on the issues of israel to taiwan, that is, he did everything possible in order for this decision to be made and this decision to be... was positive for ukraine and positive for the states, so the biden team will clearly write it down, but in the modern realities of american politics, in parallel, of course, the republicans
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they will say that you see, biden just wanted to give our money to the ukrainians, and we made it so that it was a loan, a loan lease, anything else, we saved ourselves from such losses and only thanks to the republican party, only thanks to donald trump this budget managed to make it as profitable and as correct as... it is, that is, one way or another, but each side of this compromise will twist this steering wheel of information policy to their side, and everyone will try to attribute these merits to themselves as quickly as possible. well, again, referring to what you answer, how you comment, that is, it should not be denied that under trump, when he was in the white house, aid to ukraine went, so the question is, are we not too much in ukraine now demonizing trump while waiting . that he can win the elections, i mean with reference to aid to ukraine. you know, the key problem with trump is not so much and not only his position on ukraine, because it is really changing, we
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are already seeing a completely different trump. the problem is that trump 2024 isn't even trump 2016 year now in the background of all the court proceedings, in the background of all his very sharp statements regarding the ministry of justice, and regarding the censorship of the press, and regarding the change of the supreme court, and regarding the change of the status of the president. in general, and regarding the revision of the constitution, the revision of the american social contract, another question arises that trump, he will be a beetle in an anthill, he will in principle bring chaos, and therefore it is not only a question of the fact that he will not help ukraine, the problem is that trump's coming to the presidency will bring chaos for at least six months, as long as the internal system of weighing counterweights within the united states will try to digest it and somehow incorporate it. to its balance, to its ecosystem, that is why trump is not threatened by his position on ukraine, trump is threatened by the chaos he brings to the internal politics of the states, and accordingly to their foreign
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policy as well, because in them these two policies are completely inseparable. oh, this will be scary, of course, and not only for us. mr. oleksandr, and the last question for you, but you have already mentioned these court processes related to trump, at what stage is everything there? they continue. the decision of the supreme court to consider the issue of absolute. basically undermined the basis of the main processes that were supposed to stop him from participating in the elections, that is , until the supreme court gives the final word on the so-called absolute immunity of former presidents, it is impossible to consider any case regarding the 14th amendment to the constitution, which had him to ban participation in the elections, therefore , at the moment, all the processes that are going on in relation to him in the state of new york, and about attempts to suppress and so on, it's just a matter of him losing money, he's losing it at a record rate. he spends about $10 million a month on lawyers, about $90,000 a day on various related expenses, and at the same time, he uses all his personal funds to
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run the company. he doesn't have any left, and according to the completed cases, he already has to pay about half a billion dollars, so the key problem for him now is purely financial, but already, it's possible to screw up already, but it's interesting, but if he doesn't win the election, what about these debts and problems to do, of course, you know, i have a short comment here, i will quote his eldest son, donald jr., who said that we never had problems with money, if we have russians, and russians are always ready to pay.. to us for banks, for real estate, and for everything. this is a dangerous trend, but unfortunately, the trump family thinks in these categories. oh, that's bad. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for participating in our program. this is oleksandr kraev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council. they talked about helping ukraine, from ukraine from the united states of america. it is their own fault, because of friendship with russia, hungary found itself in serious isolation. this is the deputy president of the european commission on
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european values. vira yurova said about this transparency in an interview with the au-observer portal. at the same time, she emphasized that the level of this isolation is not at the highest level. according to her, prime minister viktor orbán is openly playing a double game, and this is what ms. yurova says, it is not worth following her quotes: if he wants to gain respect, at least he should behave professionally and to speak from a neutral position, but viktor orbán has surprised us so many times that we may consider a different approach regarding. of hungary, which one is different, she did not say, but here is another quote from this interview by viera yuriva: the leaders of the european union often used undiplomatic remarks against orbán for his position on russia, again she did not say, well, she did not specify what kind of undiplomatic statements are these, but i would like to hear, especially interestingly, how he was kicked out of the summit at the end of last year to the toilet, while
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voted for support for... keeping ukraine. the united states of america and the european union are the main partners in armenia, the minister of foreign affairs of the country, ararad mirzoyan, said in an interview with the argentine tv channel todo notia. according to him, that is why official yerevan is now deepening economic and political relations with brussels and washington. however, the head of the armenian foreign policy department also emphasized that, at the same time, the question of armenia's accession to nato does not arise. called away from moscow. well and in conclusion, the russian popes continue to spread the ideas of the russian world and the united great russia. this is a quote. in the parish of the organization that still calls itself the russian orthodox church, a circular letter was sent out, in which they called on their ordinary priests during the easter fast to pray a prayer for holy russia every day, which
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in the fall of 2000, meaning prayer 2 of the year 22, was invented by the main russian bishop kirill in the text of this so-called prayer , russian priests call on people to fight for the glory of god for united russia, killing enemies and immediately they pray for the salvation of the souls of those who have already died. you have understood which enemies they are going to fight and which enemies to kill, russian pip kirill sanctioned. well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, just for today. rubric world about'. ukraine is just breaking into this information week, there will be more tomorrow, well, there will be more in our broadcast tomorrow, so the next broadcast, so don't switch, you damn stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'm choking, i'm not healthy, and which is there
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