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tv   [untitled]    April 1, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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she will not run to those countries that she is trying to convince of something, she will run to those who have operational sources and opportunities to counter this terror, and accusing ukraine and ukraine's allies, primarily the united states and britain, of this terrorist act, well, i think that they will have to make a lot of effort in order to improve some kind of... relations again in the future. well, mr. general, it is absolutely obvious that russia's preparations for a war against ukraine were sufficiently large-scale, long-lasting, complex, and, perhaps, most importantly, that when this preparation had an informational component, that is, we have already started simanyan, and it is absolutely obvious that this war in the fourth dimension, that is, informational, was almost the main one, and on the territory of the russian federation, on the territory of ukraine. the way
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the russians conducted their information campaign, we remember these tv channels of viktor medvedchuk, the pool of tv channels that the nsdc closed down by its decision in 2021, threw them off the air, how do you now evaluate the informational component that they are trying to use now , well, in particular through messengers, telegram, through various sources. that is, what do you currently see as dangerous for the information space of ukraine and how can we avoid this danger? well , look, many experts are already saying that if we are dealing with russia, we should stop trying to analyze the information that they release. we simply need to ask the question a priori that they are telling lies from the very beginning, which lies were not, partial, not partial, superficial, lies, that's all. and
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we need to comment and pay attention to all of them as little as possible things, then maybe, maybe, we will perceive what is happening there a little easier, because they have a very simple tactic, they mislead not only us, but also their citizens, and it is clear that the international society, putting forward there are many versions of some events, which may even contradict each other, and against the background of all these versions, they try to bury the truth, the real truth and the situation on the front, around these events, and this is the biggest problem , i think that the information security of ukraine comes first the turn is to pay attention to and react to... what comes out of russia,
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because now there is a large-scale information campaign to discredit our army, its servicemen, its command, and partly they are trying to discredit our different branches of government, and all of this in a complex way happens through a lot of sources, both through social networks and... through various messages, well , first of all, it is clear that now everyone has a telegram, and this one, and through mass media information that, unfortunately, to are still making their way on the ukrainian airwaves, well , anyone who wants to can listen and watch, so we just need to more productively ignore what comes from them. well, but we
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cannot ignore, in particular, the messages that come from gundyaev's church, because what they are doing, it can have consequences in ukraine, given the long-standing ties, and obviously the ties of many priests who still remain in ukraine, but they profess this theory about the so-called russian peace, and the fact that it is this great gathering. what kind of clergy there is there was a so-called clergy in moscow when patriarch gundyaev spoke about a holy war, that a special military operation is a holy war, and it's just that we have to put everything on this holy war, because we are fighting for our future, for our russian peace. it is clear that this statement was made in moscow, but every time such statements are made, every time we remember that what... parts of this russian
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world are in ukraine, although officially the ukrainian orthodox church, the so-called moscow patriarchate, officially said that they condemn what... patriarch kirill says, and they have nothing to do with it, how do you now, as a professional, assess the possibility that old connections, some priests, to what extent is this network, this kremlin agency in ukraine, it alive, well, it is quite effective, you know , it continues to act, it continues to influence certain categories of citizens, there are regions that are quite... heavily infected, it is primarily, i would say, bukovyna and transcarpathia, and uh , we will still have to, well, it is a little easier, now it has already started in volyn, but at the same time, here are these two regions
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, there should be such a powerful opposition, there are their own nuances, their own contradictions, international ones, and we still need to put pressure on the verkhovna rada, on the e. government, so that they bring it to the end, even if it is not very, not very acceptable, but what is the law already, and we have started the process of removing this pseudo-religious organization from our field, and what do you think is necessary to do now, in order to destroy this network, because this same the network was formed for more than one decade and it is obvious... something in the special services knows about these people who are in this church, and they don’t know anything, well, everything the service can do, it does, you know, there are more than 70 people who have already received suspicions and have already been convicted,
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their opportunity to promote in the mass media has actually been destroyed , there is... there is an investigation on general contact in many countries, so i think that the service can do it as it pleases, but it still does, but the problem is different, the problem is that it is still necessary to adopt a law that would normalize all those things in ukraine, if the situation in the uoc-mp remains as it is, and it is not in... regulated, what awaits us, i am not even saying not during the war, already after the end of the war, after our victory, i.e. how dangerous is the presence of this church, which has more than 10,000 parishes in ukraine, this is a very
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dangerous situation , why, because everything is actually, well, i already said that it is not a religious organization, it is a pseudo-religious structure that is actually used by the russian special services to... to destabilize the situation in ukraine, and whether those citizens who go there believe it or not , they think they do not think about it, but the fact that they are manipulated and this manipulation is actively used by the enemy, unfortunately, it is true, therefore only the complete destruction, the destruction of the possibility of the existence of this structure on our territory, and the destruction is enough... such a harsh method, therefore that if we start to stretch and talk about religious peace, we will be for a very long time and then swallow all the consequences that remain from them, we are so that, if, if someone follows this situation,
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every week, almost every day, some there are conflicts about from the transition of this or that parish, and they fight for every church, every parish, every village. as such, you don't know, the last fight, and it is very, very disturbing, why do i, the experts, worry, why, because all these moments, they are postponed in society, they are delayed, and they give their negative consequences, including the consequences in society and at the front. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was viktor yagun, a major general from... buu zapasu, deputy head of the sbu in 2014-15. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube. please vote in our poll. today we ask you
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about this, is the party ready to support, to defeat, forgive russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple. if you have your own personal opinion, please leave it in the comments below this video. if you... watch us on tv pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the west is ready to defeat russia 0800 211 381 no 0800. 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development, will be in touch with us. mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. mr. igor, let's talk about personnel rotations in the office of the president of ukraine, of course, they probably don't exist. so heartbreaking and such as to decide the fate of the entire state, although, well, considering the fact that
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two deputy heads of the president's office oleksiy dniprov and andriy smirnov left the office, it is difficult to say for sure how much influence they had on the adoption of state decisions, although it can be said about one person that he had both influence on the president and on the adoption of state decisions. serhiy shevir is a person who has known volodymyr zelenskyi for 30 years, and actually went from kvnu with him to the presidential chair, he is almost the only person who, well, besides yermak, probably not the only person who remained surrounded by the president of ukraine since the victory zelensky in the elections, release of zelensky's friend. what does it mean? well, it seems to me that this is an expected story, since after
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the so-called attempt on mr. shefir, he disappeared altogether, you know, from the information space, very rarely commented on any topics, and there were, let's say, some stories related to him, which, well it could be connected with his activities in the position of assistant to the head of state, i think , you know, that such an objective story took place here, which was connected with the fact that what mr. shefir was doing, that, for the sake of why was he appointed to this position, well , first of all, it is communication with big business or communication with oligarchs, since this was his, his key task, after the beginning of the large-scale invasion, it lost its meaning to some extent, because the country moved to live under completely new conditions, and the presence of such a person who could, you know, somewhere quietly behind closed doors solve certain issues, well , she was no longer so necessary. relevant, as it was, for example, from 2019 of the year, this is the first moment, the second moment, maybe there is some elemental, certain human
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fatigue, when somewhere there the eye becomes sad, well , from what this person tells there, what he advises, maybe mr. shefir himself somewhere got tired of the position that he occupies , perfectly understanding and most likely seeing that he is gradually losing his influence on the president, well, not in the context of any management there, no, in the context of simply transferring to him some... of his thoughts, if you will, or his vision of the , what is happening in the country, and for some reason i like this one the story resembles a story when two people decided, you know, to break up calmly, in an adult way, without any accusations, scandals and so on, especially since i am convinced that some kind of friendly relations are normal, they kept them, because they have somewhat stronger than friendship, it is also a joint business, and they say that there is a shared apartment, place of residence and many other such things that in principle connect, so he, as mr. shevir himself said, he and... from the position, but does not resign there from the president's team, remains a friend of the president, but i think that as of
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today his influence and his ability to convey some, including an alternative point of view to the head of state, well, it is not that it is limited there, it will be practically zero, well, at least for some period of time, maybe someday, when the war ends, we will return to some active political process, there will again be a need for his services, for his communication skills, but he will be able to do this without a formal position, well... by the way, you mentioned serhii shevir's comment after his dismissal in an interview with an online publication babel, he said that regardless of everything you hear and read, i'm on the president's team with no options, except that he's the president, he's my friend, and that's more important than the position, shefir said. well, as i said, shefir has known zelenskyi for 30 years, by the way, they once worked in moscow together, and serhiy shefiry. borys shevir, they wrote scripts for kvnu teams, and they worked in
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the maslyakov and zelensky team, by the way, he rented an apartment with his brothers in mytishchy in 1994, but that’s right, by the way, let's talk about the situation surrounding the upcoming meeting between french president emmanuel macron and chinese leader xi jinping, because... in principle , french foreign minister stephane sejournay flew to china, and in the chinese capital he said that the french. they are waiting for clear signals from beijing regarding the war in ukraine. let's listen to what stephane sejourne had to say. i would also like to express france's concern regarding north korea's supply of ballistic missiles to russia and the identical allegations against iran. this indicates significant escalation of the conflict.
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the full sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine is at stake, as i have already said. said the stability of the international order is also at risk. mr. igor, sijin pin is flying to paris not just for a visit, but there will be 60 years of diplomatic relations between china, and by china today he means france, and there will be some kind of celebration, but actually pin pin is meeting with emmanuel macron, as far as macron can to be persuasive in conversations and in discussions everyone. given that macron wants to be the leader now and it shows leadership skills in modern europe. well , he will definitely try to be convincing and at least show his , you know, convincing position to the mass media, that's one hundred percent, but i think that his persuasiveness, his arguments and in general his conversation there with
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sinzimpin, it would have been more powerful and effective if, if macron could represent not those... only his position as the president of france and the position of france as a member state of the european union, but also could talk about certain things referring directly to the european the union, that is, to appear in this story as, you know, the authorized representative of the european union. this, by the way, can happen if he finishes talks with other european leaders there first, and they give him, give him a certain mandate, so that he can mention it in the conversation with sinzimpin. and the interests of the european union as a whole and it is understandable to express the position of the european union regarding how china behaves in relation to the russian-ukrainian war. here, by the way, there is such an interesting situation, it consists in because there were previous statements by the heads of the european union and corresponding visits, during which they
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told sinzimpin, well, almost directly, that the european union is actually interested in strengthening economic cooperation with china, and china. are very interested in this, we all know that the chinese economy is currently in a state of stagnation, which is very critical for it, in principle, they need new sales markets, the european union could certainly become such a market, there and very high purchasing power, and capacity is abundant what to buy, but then the leaders of the european union said that the expansion of this cooperation is possible only when the biggest war after the second world war in the center of europe ends, when russia withdraws from ukraine, because ukraine is europe. then we will be able to talk about strengthening our mutual relations, and here is an interesting story: macron will exclusively promote the agenda of france, well, it is clear that he will ensure to the maximum some french national interests, including the financial plan, or he will delegate the opportunity to make some statements, albeit in closed mode, that is, it is not necessary for him to go to the media and comment on it, but for him to be able to convey to sinzimpin some common
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position of the european union, well, while there is a possibility that this may happen and he is such things will be done, because it is very strong. will greatly strengthen his arguments and his persuasiveness in general, it is one thing when there is a conversation between two countries, even nuclear ones with nuclear potential, large economies and so on, another thing is when macron can still partly refer to the european union, but in the meantime i am afraid that neither macron nor anyone else will receive a clear, concrete answer from tsinzimpin at this stage, he will talk a lot about the need to end the war, about political and diplomatic methods, about not. .. to sit down at the negotiating table, but he will still bend this line, that the interests and positions of all parties, including the russian federation, must be taken into account , perhaps he will not stick it out during his visit to france in order, you know, to not to provoke some kind of non-constructive discussion, but anyway, it will be present to some extent between the lines. today, china is simply objectively not ready to take
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a clear position on the issue of the russian-ukrainian war, because they simply haven't prepared this position yet. they already got burned once by that chinese peace plan, which absolutely did not work and was subjected to devastating criticism from all sides, and they will not make such a mistake a second time, they will wait for a very long time and only when they understand that it is possible enter the game, they will come out with some kind of plan, but for now there is none, so macron has some clear position, well, he will not be able to knock it out either, or some assurances that china will start to put some kind of pressure on the russian federation there, although victory will already be if he can... for example, encourage sinzimpin to look more carefully and more favorably at participating in the future global peace summit, this would be a good story in principle, purely diplomatic. but it is important from the image point of view, well, as an element of pressure in including the russian federation. well, but still we expect an answer, if not from these days, then at least from mike johnson
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, after the easter holidays it has already been announced that on april 9, the question of providing aid to ukraine may be put to a vote in the congress in the house of representatives of the united states of america , and in the question of aid, as reported from washington, there may be some important innovations, for example, the provision of aid in the form of a loan, here is this topic about the fact that these, this aid can be in the form of a loan, it this is how it moved from trump to johnson, and johnson is now beginning to articulate everything, it is known that of these 62 billion dollars, part of the money, if not leo, but part of the money, will remain in america in general. i.e., and they want to translate or record in some way that ukraine is taking a loan or loan, or borrowing it, as far as this story can develop,
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taking into account the fact that it is already so difficult for ukraine, we are simply put in such conditions that well, they can simply destroy ukraine financially and industrially, well, completely, well, look, this one the story about... the credit is the story of an extremely small part of the republicans, and johnson is just grasping for the last straw, knowing perfectly well that he is in the political end anyway, let's be frank , they will push through the option offered by the white house , which suits ukraine as much as possible, and by the way, for which two parties will vote 100 percent in the house of representatives, if only this project appears there, johnson understands this perfectly, if he brings this project, which was approved by the senate for consideration, votes. in the ward there will be representatives, i will also find democrats there, and a large part of the republicans will vote for it, and a large part of the republicans will absolutely not pay attention to trump's position, because they believe that this
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aid, it is in the national interests of the united states, so johnson is grasping at this straw, these games are about credit, then he mentioned about russian assets, and about oil and about many other things, he is now trying to raise efforts in the last such and such. maximum these rates, so that at least something is possible to negotiate for himself and submit this story, which i am sure will be brought to a logical conclusion in terms of the allocation of funds to ukraine, but nevertheless, to conduct it in such a way that he could at least somehow save face not in front of the citizens of america, for this i i think he waved his hand a long time ago, because he is not a stupid person and perfectly understands what is happening, and somewhere to save this face in front of these trumpists, republicans and actually in front of trump himself, yes, because everything is different. well, he won't succeed to extend the story exclusively with credit , the white house will not go for it, the democrats will not go for it , because it is also an unprofitable story, there may be an option, as a compromise, something related
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to lend-lease, but again, this is such a story, you know, which will be postponed long enough in time, and ukraine really needs the money, as you rightly said, here and now, so i think he will still play these games, but finally, when he will have a choice, or carry out the project that is , well, maybe by slightly reducing the amount, it will be possible to do it or not by allocating... even more money that will remain in the united states, such an option is possible, yes, or simply then they will initiate the presentation of this project without the participation of the speaker, after all, there is such a procedure, and by the way, this procedure was created and established as a minus slow motion of his fellow trumpists, when the previous speaker was still being filmed, and he signed up to it, so i think that he actually has a pretty stalemate here, the main thing is that he just didn't start to drag it out and block it very much now, well, frankly ruling this out. the question is not because he does not support ukraine or loves, for example, russia, but because he is simply engaged in elementary political survival, yes, understanding, well, that one way or another, well, there will
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probably be a cross there for further punishment ery , all the more, right here you still need to know trump , you know, he doesn’t really value loyal people very much and it’s very easy to forget what he promised to whom and what he should do, so we still believe in his common sense here, that he won't want to finally take off, take off, yes, and will bring this story to a logical conclusion. maybe the media will somehow twist it more in favor of the republicans there, but it will be the lesser evil, which i think the democrats, the white house, will be willing to go to because of the fact that this aid to ukraine was voted for. well, we'll see in a week how it will all end, after the easter holidays, now there is a short break in the united states of america, and one more person who is trying to influence the situation in ukraine in some way is the pope. francis, he, in the easter message called on russia and ukraine to exchange prisoners according to the all-for-all formula. let's hear what he said. i think especially
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of the victims of the many conflicts around the world, starting with the conflicts in israel and palestine and in ukraine. may the risen christ open the way to peace for the war-torn peoples of those regions, calling for respect and the principles of international law, i express my hope for a general exchange of all prisoners between russia and ukraine, all for the sake of all. the coordination headquarters reacted to these words of the pope and said that ukraine has repeatedly declared its readiness, but the russians do not want to return their own people. and why, mr. igor, pope rimsky doesn’t directly address putin there and say that, dear putin, give us your proposals for exchange, dear mr. zelensky, please, well... why is there no such
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articulation, and why are they not placed accents, who in this story is the aggressor, who is the victim? well, about the accents, the very phrase "conflict in ukraine" says a lot, because it puts it on the same level as the conflict that exists in israel, i apologize, in israel the state is fighting against terrorists, there is a war here, a nuclear country attacked a non-nuclear country, and when he says about a useful nuclear country, yes, but look, here we have a nuclear country russia attacked non-nuclear ukraine. and this is a war between two countries, which was started openly and openly by one country, but he really does not call things by their names here, because he is simply afraid that somehow it will not have a positive effect there, probably on his image in the russian federation, or in general on his image as a pope of rome there all over the world, because there is a certain number of supporters of the russian federation there, although i think that the pope has the wrong data here, there are far fewer of them than he thinks, and why he has not yet addressed putin, i wish even you knew putin
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should not be addressed. but it would be possible to turn to cyril, well, try to refer to common christian values, to the fact that you are a representative of the great church, influence your power there, conduct this exchange there and so on, but he does not do this, because he understands two things very well: first, he has certain obligations that the catholic church in his person assumed during the signing of the havana declaration, but they forget about it all the time, and this is a very important document, when the catholic church in his person... and the russian orthodox church essentially shared spheres of influence, and ukraine was then given the sphere of influence of the russian orthodox church. this is a well-known story, then our greek catholics even opposed it, but it exists, and therefore he is somewhere in these obligations adheres to and the second point is that he does not do this, because he knows perfectly well that in russia, not only that, well, in the best case , they will not react to it, in the worst case , they will give him such an answer that, well, this answer will be some to a humiliating degree, and
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that is why he simply does not provoke it, that is the very... weak position of the pope, on the one hand, he says the right things about exchange, conflicts, the need for war, the end of all this, christian values ​​and so on, and on the other hand he he is afraid to call evil evil, because he believes that it will still work out somewhere between the droplets and remain in such a neutral position, but unfortunately, it will not work out, unfortunately, primarily for him. thank you, mr. igor, it was igor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. friends, in... during this broadcast, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you whether the west is ready for the defeat of russia, let's look at the interim results of the television poll, 22% yes, 78% - no, these are the results of the television survey, on youtube 21% yes, 79% no. next we have bbc news, in 15 minutes we return to the studio, we will talk about the holy war of the russian orthodox church
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against ukraine, the expected ... russian offensive and why zelensky got rid of his best friend in the environment, stay with us. the biggest defeat of president erdogan in turkey , the opposition won the local elections for the first time in 20 years. today's edition of bbc ukraine explains what the defeat of the ruling party means and what the consequences will be. i am olga polomaryuk. local elections were held in turkey last weekend. mayors, members of local councils and other regional officials were elected there. for the first time in two decades, president erdoğan's party lost. the largest opposition force , the republican people's party, won in six of the largest cities, including
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istanbul. erdogan himself called these elections a turning point.


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