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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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health, and there was an investigation released last year by us national intelligence that said it was highly unlikely that a foreign agent was behind it, but investigators say it's actually very important to note that if the united states officially would admit that russia was behind this, this would have very big consequences: firstly, the united states would have to somehow respond to this, and secondly, they would have to admit that they could not... save life, or actually not lives, well-being and health of its valuable workers, so these investigators say that they at least hope that the united states will take another look at this case and admit that there is such a problem. thank you yulia, it was voice of america correspondent in the white house, yulia yarmolenko. paris expects china to send clear messages to russia regarding the war in ukraine, it said. the minister of foreign
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affairs, stephan syjurne, during a visit to beijing. he said that france is committed to maintaining a close dialogue with china, and that beijing can play a key role in ensuring respect for international law. at the same time, the european union is trying to get rid of excessive dependence on china, and the united states considers beijing its main adversary. our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin follows diplomatic statements regarding china's influence. hello, bohdan, please tell us about the relations between china and france and also how exactly the issue of the russian war in ukraine was raised at the meeting in beijing? maria, if we talk about france's relations with china in general, then they certainly are look very positive, because last year the french president went to beijing with a very pompous and, as some say, apparently successful visit. now at the beginning
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of may in france they are waiting for the visit of the chinese leader xijin ping and actually this visit of the french minister of foreign affairs sejourne is probably partly part of the preparations for this state visit of the chinese leader to france and it is obvious that bilateral relations. between france and china, and since france is a member of the european union, it is obvious that trade, china's economic cooperation with the european union in general were the most important topics of the meetings, and if you look at the chinese messages, this is exactly what they focus on, for example, in the state message from... the
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xinhua news agency, the issue of ukraine is mentioned only in the last, in fact, sentence very a mixed message regarding the war in the middle east between israel and the palestinians, so china is trying to actually, i would say put the brakes on it a little bit, put it aside at that time from the... from the french side, the violation of this issue sounded very strongly, and in fact, what the french are trying to prove to beijing now is that china should be interested in ensuring that order prevails in the world, that countries do not attack other countries, that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states are respected , and from the lips of the french minister it sounded very, well, i would say convincingly. as i told you, mr.
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minister, this war concerns the entire international community. we are convinced that sustainable peace is impossible if ukrainians are not involved in the negotiations. europeans are not will have security if there is no peace according to international law, and if we do not promote the victory of international law, then i doubt that we will be able to trade collectively and maintain prosperity on the planet. therefore, this is an important issue for us. this is why france is set. china, in order to find a way to an uneasy peace in ukraine based on the main principles of the un charter. bohdan, well , as you already mentioned, there really are such close relations between russia and china, given how high the chances are of involving beijing in the peace process initiated by the ukrainian authorities, was there a response from chinese representatives to these statements from france? actually from the chinese side. today
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, there are no statements regarding ukraine, at least no statements that would have passed through the news agencies, but china is constantly on... is that it advocates peace and insists that it wants to facilitate the peace talks last year, in fact in on the anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine, that is, in february 2023, china made public its positions, which are sometimes called china's 12-point peace plan, although in those positions, those 12 points are not the russian aggression was mentioned, the word... war was not used, the word invasion was not used, so the chinese position is quite, i would say, ambiguous, because, for example, right now, they are preparing an international so-called peace conference that ukraine wants to convene for in order to unite the world around the idea
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of ​​ending russian aggression and establishing peace, the chinese representative participated in only some of those preparatory meetings that are taking place in ... and now we are particularly expecting another meeting in switzerland, but again, china claims that this country stands for peace, for respect for the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, so there are grounds, there are grounds on which it is obvious that the dialogue, at least in this case the dialogue between paris and beijing, can continue. thank you bohdan, it was our european correspondent, bohdan tsyupin. our next story is about how artificial intelligence generated images of a ukrainian blogger were used for chinese social networks. olya loek, a student at the university of pennsylvania, launched her blog on
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youtube, and within a week she had dozens of views accounts with your face and voice in chinese social networks. from her images, they made a fake and promoted rel. between russia and china, how she was able to stop the influx of her clones and why this can happen to any user of social networks, ivanna pidborska found out. this is olya loyak, a blogger from ukraine. and this is also olya, or rather, her clone. the image of the girl was adapted thanks to artificial intelligence and spread on... the most popular chinese social networks, and about everything in turn. oli, 20, studies cognitive science at american university, is interning in germany and shares his thoughts on what he has learned on his youtube blog. this year i fulfilled 90% of my
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new year's resolutions. in this video i will share how to do it. she started a blog on november 23rd and within a month she saw her face in chinese... social networks, although she, natasha or april, speaks chinese there. i see a video with my face talking in my voice but in chinese. olya found out about this from her followers, who, hearing chinese from the girl's lips on these platforms, started telling her send these deepfake ai generated videos using a girl's image. what was her surprise when she began to understand? i started subscribing and archiving all the videos i saw. at first i found five, five accounts, then 10 accounts, then 30 accounts. i started getting recommendations, other accounts with my
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face, what's more, some of these pages had about half a million followers. how many such clones did you find? i found more than 40 clones. on little red book, on in the little red book, that is, an alternative to instagram, and on white-white, on other platforms, for example, on the chinese tiktok, there are even more of them, and i did not even go there. olya found clones of many other girls, including the famous swedish blogger lana blakely, and olya was most surprised by the topics discussed in these videos. a lot of accounts are also trying to show me. position as a russian woman, they all promote relations, friendly relations between china and russia, says my clone, for example, and only china to us helps, and only china buys russian products, so let's support each other because we are so great.很安全。
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was earning and they were already earning. yes, it's a very interesting moment because at that time i... and now, to be honest, i didn't make anything from youtube, with hundreds of thousands of subscribers like that, the chance that someone will decide to buy these products is very high, so. .. i was a little uncomfortable, of course, outraged by what i saw, olya recorded a video on youtube about hundreds of her clones. as a ukrainian, this obviously outraged me, because my family is forced to hide during an air raid in ukraine. thanks to this resonance and the help of subscribers, olya blocked more than 15 fake accounts and even contacted the company that produced these fakes, because some videos had their logo. hello!
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noticing suspicious activity, the platform blocked all accounts from using oli's image. this is how company representatives answered the girl. on december 26th they blocked my face, since then until today about 40k accounts have tried to use my face and... this platform works in a way that they create content clone of yours only if they have your permission, but you didn't give permission, there are two ways to create a video on their platform, the first way is to log in from your computer and to create a video yourself, and the second way is to automate this process through an api, and in this process, for some reason , they did not ask for consent. every time you create a new video they fixed a problem that was on their app and now
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you have to ask for consent from every person who tries to create such a fake deb. rijol gob and the head of a company that creates fake videos and checks videos for the use of artificial intelligence, explains that such videos are an easy and cheap way to advance your narratives and influence people. it is no longer necessary to employ a man who would oppose his own country. most often , the producers of such videos are looking for people who meet certain criteria, rijul suggests. popular people, probably women, probably attractive women, beginners in network but the expert emphasizes that anyone can become a victim of such fabricated videos. if you have even one 15 second video. internet, your face and voice are now available for anyone to deepfake.
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rijul is convinced that in order to protect against such cases, government institutions should cooperate with technology companies, and for now, the best thing to do in this situation is to be critical of any videos on the network and talk about the fact that everyone can become a victim of a fake, as they do olya, who despite this story will continue blogging. i'm not afraid of it. this story has already happened to me, i want people to know what my real values ​​are, not those values ​​that are promoted by every natasha, every anna on chinese social networks, that is, i really wanted people to know the real me. ivanna pidborska, maksym sholga, voice of america, washington. on this day, two years ago, april 1, 22, the last russian units
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left gostomel. the day before, buchi breweries were liberated from the russian occupation. by april 2, the entire kyiv region was deoccupied. on numerous war crimes were recorded in the liberated territories: looting, torture, violence, murder. the largest ukrainian plane in the world, the an-225, a dream, was also destroyed. test pilot oleksandr galunenko, who was the first to fly. i dream of heaven in 1988, i myself survived the occupation of buchi. now he shows the destroyed plane at gostomel airport to journalists from different countries of the world and talks about the achievements of ukrainian aviation. he told my colleague iryna shinkarenko how the dream conquered the usa and what are the chances that the plane will be rebuilt. hero of ukraine, test pilot mria oleksandr galunenko was hiding in buch during the russian occupation. in the basement, a few days after the liberation of kyiv oblast on april 17, 2022, for the first time since
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the beginning of the full-scale war, he went to the resort in gostomel at the request of journalists from the united states to look together at what remained of the dream. the dream stood, well, beaten here, here i am still, the dream stood here beaten, and i was in the same place, journalists also asked me questions like you are asking now. the question is, how do you see all this? and i told them then. i will repeat it now, you know, for me it is like a child who died, and how should i feel, of course, my soul hurts, and tears come to my eyes, that this happened, in my soul and tears. it hurts to look at the overgrown antonov airport. i spent my entire conscious life here, testing airplanes, starting in my youth with the an-28, an-72, 74, an-32, and then the an-124 ruslan, then the mriya. then
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already ruslan is there 124, and then already mriya. now at the antonov airport, the nose and practically surviving tail part of the dream are stored, the rest of the units that caught fire, say the antonov company, are undergoing examination, if it were not difficult to see the dream in such a state, oleksandr galunenko continues to show and tell about it to the world press, explains it and once again reminds the world that ukraine is a powerful state that is capable to build such a unique aircraft. a dream, i once said this, and it may not be entirely accurate, but it is the main guide of our life in ukraine, that ukraine, which is smaller than the usa, smaller than russia, but has created the largest, most modern aircraft, this indicates something, and i was entrusted with testing this plane, so , of course, it is like my brainchild, my child. oleksandr
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galunenko says that at the beginning the plane was created according to the principle of the american booing model, intended for transportation. space shuttles. america also had the shuttle program at that time, and the soviet union was also preparing its own storm energy program. energy is the missile carrier itself, and buran is a shuttle, as in the american shuttle. and the production of these burans was then located in the european part of the soviet union, near moscow, moscow and volga, and the cosmodrome is located in baikonurur in kazakhstan. so it was necessary... to import both the rocket itself and the rocket energy tanks and also transport the buran. so our enterprise, when its founder oleg antonov was still alive, was given the task of creating a program for the construction of such a super-heavy aircraft. heavy aircraft. for the first time, mriya rose to the sky on december 21, 1980. militaka work
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without fail. subsequently, the designers modified it for the transportation of other cargoes. the power of dreams to make. her star of aviation, it installed 240 aviards, and the first pilot remembered for the rest of his life what effect the plane had on spectators, in particular in the usa. in 1990, mria was invited to the aerospace america air show in oklahoma. oleksandr galunenko has never seen such excitement among visitors anywhere else. the crew greeted all visitors and showed and answered. in which state is antonov located and no, it is not in the states, in kyiv, but where is kyiv, in ukraine, and where is ukraine? so these were the questions, and i had to get
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a political map of the world, draw with a felt-tip pen borders of ukraine, write kyiv. and we caught her in the salon, and during the following questions we showed on the map where ukraine is, where kyiv is. later, oleksandr galunenko again flew to the usa on his dreams. in 1992, the plane temporarily delivered aid to the victims of the accident to ukraine. the ukrainian diaspora, i don't know there, the ukrainian diaspora, doctor zenon matkivsky, who lived in newark, and his wife nadiya matkivska, organized aid to ukraine. so we flew to the airport in newark and loaded the plane there and pride everywhere our ukraine, for me personally, as a commander, we were met by our diaspora, and they were proud, and we were proud, that ukraine created such an amazing and the largest aircraft in the world. almost three decades later, mriya
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was again actively transporting medical cargo during the coronavirus pandemic. sending them to different corners of the world, photos and videos of the life-saving dream spread around the world, and on february 27, 2022 , it was destroyed by the russians. in the press service of the antonov company, they said that they do not comment on plans for the reconstruction of the plane at the moment, and this issue will be resolved after the end of the war. oleksandr galunenko is sure of a new dream, if they decide to build it, elements from the one he flew on may be included. i saw that maybe two, maybe even three engines survived, the tail part is intact, those systems that are in the tail part can also be used, but the thing is that... a lot of parts and systems were created in cooperation with the russian aviation industry, that is, now it is necessary to look for other companies that would undertake the production of equipment for
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certain systems that our company will announce. the skill is there, says the pilot, the main thing is the funds. in the company antonov noted that the question of the cost of the new mriya aircraft remains open. there are currently no exact calculations. previously, approximate estimates were announced there, in particular. that the construction can cost more than 500 million euros. now, as they say, there is a war. now the war is going on, so all resources are being used, and such a project as mriya, yes, it is very important, it is a star of our country, but there are priority tasks, so i think there will be no such funds from state funds, but if the sponsors collect this amount, of course, needs to be built. i think that everyone would like that, because it would be our star, a star in... iryna shinkarenko, seria mendoza, voice of america. in
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the white house on monday after easter, according to the western rite, a traditional children's holiday - easter egg roll was held. the children's task is to roll the ball with wooden spoons on the grass to the finish line and hunt for eggs with candies and toys inside. children are also often read books. with their goodies, and military bands create a festive mood. for family fun, the lawn near the residence of the president of the united states has been opened for almost 150 years. in spite of rain, about 40 thousand people came there this year. participation in the event is free. tickets are distributed through an online lottery. we conclude with this. maria prus worked for you in the studio. thank you for your trust, see you on the air.
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the key to beauty is a healthy liver. carsil - gives the liver strength. there are discounts on carsil tablets, 10% in psarynyk, bam, and oskad pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on zipelor in podorozhnyk pam pharmacies. and saving vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of broadcast time, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? and now about what... economic news courses, time to talk about money, in a time of war. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome,
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please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, lina chechenna, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of pride, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy. was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. together stronger events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but
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it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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greetings, good evening, my name is miroslava berchu. this is a self-titled program, a joint project of ukrainian penn and the espresso tv channel. today we will return the name, the name of the great world-class ukrainian artist, oleksa novakivskyi. the artist, who was born in podilla, studied in odesa, at the krakow academy of arts, glorified lviv and all of ukraine. today , my guest is dzvenislava novakivska, great-
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great-granddaughter. thank you for finding the opportunity to come to us and talk about oleks novakivskyi. i will start with one phrase that resonates terribly with me, it is a phrase of taras luzynskyi, an icon painter from lviv , a collector who said yes, i hate novakivskyi's expression and... he is a world-class artist, no one will put him on a pedestal, except us themselves i think that it is possible not only about nobakivskyi to say, yes, about many ukrainian artists who are misunderstood and unappreciated by us, right? tell me, please, what is novakivskyi's uniqueness and value, and why is he still not on the pedestal, in your opinion? i think the
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first one will be simple. with the second, it is more difficult, why these, why the value, well, we know all the world names, this is klimt, monet, van gogh, and these are the people who essentially helped world civilization, world art, to move from such monochrome, photographic art, which was more about photographing reality, to move to a completely different world, where there is... understanding of oneself in this life through art, and this is how various currents were born, in particular, impressionism and expressionism, and then, on these very foundations , the avant-garde already stood, which began to move on , that is, in essence, that as industrialization in the economy was very important, and whoever fell out of this process, he became a third world country there, art, it is the same as industrialization,
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it was important if mar'. rum of the fact that the country was able to give birth to a rethinking through art, could actually be considered civilized, and in fact novakivskyi, who made a leap from classical art to symbolic art, and made an independent leap into impressionism, and then into expressionism, and that was exactly what he did not by himself, but with students, with the environment that he... taught, we can say, this is essentially a road for us, and to equality with other european countries, where it also happened, so he is a world-class artist, and why is he in ukraine er, and still not perceived as such by most people, er, again here is still a mystery to me, yes, but if we look at the history
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of other classics, because they are basically... it is a classic, and how many years did it take us to start unpacking and rethinking lesya ukrainka, not just like a forest song, but one that actually reinterpreted through antiquity, reinterpreted who ukrainians are, what is the fate of ukrainians, and through ancient works, she rearranged and retranslated them. novakivskyi , for a large part of his works, is exactly what he is also. it was based on revival, and there is a lot of symbolism of revival, in fact, there are a lot of reinterpreted myths that he carried, which are, let's say, for the average person in soviet times, it was very harmful, uh, it is not at all necessary to introduce it into the world context it was possible, it was, it was dangerous, it was dangerous, and that's exactly why we 're talking about him. one of the reasons is
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that it was stolen.


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