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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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we are just now adding to our conversation denys chisttikov, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea. congratulations denis, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. alaikum we began our program by announcing a collection for the needs of the 48th shab named after noman chilibjikhan. and, unfortunately, we continued this topic. in particular, and informative, informative. the campaign, which, in my opinion, is now unfolding very inappropriately: where are the crimean tatar battalions, why are they not fighting in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. we we understand that a large number of the kremlin are involved in the defense forces, some of them are involved in the context of all other battalions, units, groups in the armed forces and not only, but there is also a separate battalion created precisely on the basis of people who... crimea hurts and who crimea
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important. mr. denys, is a discussion slowly maturing, and is it timely, on the topic of where the residents of the occupied crimea are, and why they are somehow involved in the defense of the whole of ukraine in one way or another. ayder and i tried to start a careful discussion about it. well, it should be noted that this topic has started to move after full moon headquarters invasion, it does not have a permanent basis, but from time to time , the latest appearance of this topic, i know, it was in a discussion at one of the public events, but again, this is the perception of an individual, not a general opinion , which exists in the community, it should be noted that we see and understand that after the full-scale invasion , a large number of crimean residents joined the armed forces of ukraine, including those who left as internal displacement. persons, a large number of them
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lived in the city of kyiv and they became defense, and among them there is a significant number, including representatives of the crimean tatar people, indigenous peoples of ukraine who lived in crimea. as for what was given from the information experts, in relation to the number of representatives of the indigenous people, it is much more than there is in the ratio of the indigenous people in ukraine, so this is... manipulative and this is an effort, conditionally, or misunderstanding of those persons who raise the specified topic, or attempts to provoke, about provocations. furthermore, it should be noted that in these discussions affects, but where are they, as you mentioned, as an example, nariman chilijikhan, that is, they want to see some crimean tatar battalions directly, but it should be noted that a large number of crimean tatars are fighting in the ranks of the armed forces and in other units, as we know , is
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also active in the divisions of the main intelligence department, the crimea division, which also actively participates in the participation and active activities that took place on the territory of the occupied crimea last year, so this is a periodicity, but you should not pay attention, you should pay attention, but this not is so relevant that, for the time being , we should worry about something, so we would like to point out that it is completely artificial. the topic is baseless and very funny, but it is not funny that during the presentation of awards by the president to soldiers and officers, including a large number of orders of the 48th named namanlychzhikhan, whose commander is lenur slyamov, yes, and at the same time there in two or three a few days ago, a video was released on public television, where the teacher, i don’t know, is a military serviceman himself, well , he just doesn’t know, he probably says that where are the crimean tatars, and where are these battalions, and why
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we don't see them, but that is, the question and even such an opinion has been expressed that this is widespread, the widespread opinion that the crimeans are not fighting, is widespread in which circles, i have a question, well, this is not to you, but just like that to the wall, yes, which in which circles do people communicate, where is the question of the participation of crimeans in our army widespread, first of all, there are chiefs of staffs of brigades, commanders of separate assault units, and where is the assault unit, here is the assault unit, it was created more than six months ago, this is your ignorance is in this, it is a fact, and i am there i tell my colleagues, but you should not pass off your opinions as facts, i do not know where this is widespread, among the people who are fighting in the 48th oby, and there are crimeans, ukrainians, even foreigners, no such opinions are spread, because surely they know each other and are interested. life,
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unlike some editors there who ask these provocative questions, that this worries society, this is almost the main opinion about where are the crimeans, the crimeans among you. you know what, you know what, friends, the hypocrisy of this business, i just remember very well, and maybe someone whose memory is not good can recall that immediately after the blockade of crimea, it was the 16th year, the blockade began in the 15th, in the 16th year, lenur slyamov, together with mustafov dzhemilev, proposed to create a crimean brigade, first a battalion, and then a brigade in the composition, or nsu, or from the zsu, for defense on chunggarsky, precisely in the direction of ... and others there were two roads even before the blockade, and for some reason, neither in the 16th year, nor in the following years, we were given nothing, no specific answer to this, only after a full-scale invasion, fortunately, but then nothing was moving, and they told us right in our eyes,
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so yes, we don't need a national unit, although it wasn't about the national one, they also invented it, yes, from a smear, it was about the fact that the people who came from crimea, the most motivated people. it was a deliberate manipulation on the part of the journalists as well, i remember very well, my memory works well, but now they say where these battalions are, well, for sure there would be more of them there, if the state needed to know about it in time, yes , but, but, but, that is, let's leave these artificial questions to the artificial
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intelligence, we will not contaminate our intelligence with the michna, which works only for xenophobia and discord and for the benefit of the occupier. we are just starting this topic, we are trying to approach it very carefully and thank you for your reflection, you are one of the first speakers we talk to at all about this. there are a few more important questions, we can see how much islamophobia is growing in russia, in general, in connection with recent events, they are trying to attract, well, actually residents of central asia who work in the russian federation. and it's scary to imagine what can they do to those who practice islam in the temporarily occupied territories of our country in the crimea, are we already observing the consequences of this growing islamophobia on the peninsula? well, it should
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be noted that the threat to ukrainian citizens living in crimea, including representatives of the indigenous people and crimean tatars, has never disappeared. it is constant, large and only gaining momentum, as we can see, before the start of the so-called presidential elections of the russian federation, there were mass detentions and arrests in the territory temporarily occupied crimea, this is again for the purpose of intimidation, that they, this imperialist perception of the russian federation, fear of the indigenous peoples, the crimean tatars in the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, and again an element of intimidation. in addition, as we can see, for more than 10 years in... they have been actively and purposefully paying attention to and persecuting the residents of the temporarily occupied crimea, in particular, today we know that more than 220, 210 political prisoners, specifically the residents of the temporarily occupied crimea, are being held of occupied crimea, of which more than 120 are
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crimean tatars, as the president of the russian federation, the head of menchelis, rifat chibarov, recently noted after the conclusion of the illegal elections, that... once again , targeted mobilization is expected on the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, i.e. a large number of summonses will be distributed precisely in the places of compact residence of residents from the crimean tatars, this practice was applied by them as early as september 2022, and it is used not only for the purpose of conditionally demonstrate and involve the crimean tatars, as we will understand that they are trying to avoid involvement in the armed forces of the russian federation as much as possible. itself, so that they leave the specified territory, that is, this is a hidden and modified deportation of indigenous peoples from the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. at the same time, it should be noted another feature, for which, as already noted, they are now actively using the pretext of a terrorist attack on the territory of the russian
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federation, this is precisely for the introduction of the death penalty for the restoration of the death penalty precisely in the russian federation, and here again it is necessary to observe and... talk about it with international partners, international organizations, in order to monitor the situation regarding the current prisoners and further detainees and the persecution of our citizens on the territory. crimea, as we know, the russian federation, russian law enforcement officers are trying to create the appearance, the image of the residents of crimea, who are detained precisely as terrorists and prosecuted under article 205.5, for creating or participating in a terrorist organization, and precisely under the specified article it is proposed to renew the death penalty in the russian federation, and this is already a big risk for our citizens who live in the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, they can be detained at any moment. according to the fabricated materials of russian law enforcement officers, in addition, it should be noted
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that although they say that russia is again manipulating, that there was a decision of the constitutional court to suspend the execution of the death penalty, but now hot heads are actively discussing that the constitutional court can renew it, see the specified decision and accept another, therefore, as i mentioned, we, as ukraine, as a state, as well as the international community , must monitor the indicated situation with the aim of ... protecting our citizens, as much as we can, who are in crimea, as well as those who are in painful denis, thank you very much for this important comment, denis chistykov, deputy permanent representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, was in touch with us. i would also like to remind you that a message appeared on the website of the representative office of the president of ukraine vrk that the deadline for submitting applications for the training program for public managers for future work is already in the de-occupied crimea, and of course in the eastern regions. ukraine's program is called the reintegration management program, it has been extended until april 1, that is, until april 1,
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if you see yourself among those people who will carry out, in particular, the state policy of ukraine in the currently occupied territories, you can apply and, i think, get some answer. that's the end of it for now, at least in this program, thank you ida, thank christ, let's meet together, beraber, be with us, on the armed forces.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. guided air bombs on the city of a million people, despite regular shelling in
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kharkiv, they see no reason to evacuate, in which direction should we wait for the russian offensive? hunting for a baby, russia demands the extradition of the head of the security service of ukraine, for what the kremlin cynical performances around the theater in crocus. loan assistance. us congress. considers trump's strange proposal, what will american support for the debt mean for ukraine? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war yevhen dyky, sbu general viktor yagun and political expert igor reiterovych. in the second part of our program, which will begin in an hour, we will talk about the holy war of the russian orthodox church against ukraine, the expected russian offensive in june of this year and about why zelensky got rid of
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his best friend. however, before we start our big conversation, let's watch a video of how sicheslav paratroopers destroyed a column of enemy equipment, four tanks and several bmp invaders turned into scrap metal. the video of the filigree work was released in 25 separate airborne brigades. let's see.
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glory to the sicheslav paratroopers, glory to the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those watching now us on youtube and facebook, please add us to your favorite pages, become our friends, and take part in our survey. today we ask you. about the following: in your opinion, is the west ready for the defeat of russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, personal opinion and special opinion, please write it in the comments below this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you think the event is set for defeat
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russia, 0800 211 381, no 0800 2113. 72, all calls to these numbers are free. and we have our first guest on the phone, this is yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former platoon commander of the aidar battalion, head of the national antarctic scientific center. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. yevgeny, let's start our conversation with zelensky's statement that russia is preparing an offensive, a broad offensive that could begin tomorrow. june of this year, and analysts of the american institute of studies wars also suggest that a probable large-scale offensive at the end of spring or summer may be concentrated by russia in the west of the donetsk region, and these analysts add that the troops of the russian federation will be able to advance in only one operational direction, which, in your
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opinion, mr. yevgeny, is the possible development of the scenario. on the russian-ukrainian front during the next few months, well , let's start with the fact that i would, if you and i were speaking in english and somewhere in the western public space, then i would in every way support these messages, which are about to at the end of spring, they will start again, and we are not ready for that, by the way, that we are not ready is the absolute truth, eh, well, but we are talking to our audience, ukrainian, for the western audience, we need to give them the shortest possible time, so that they at least a little moved in with armed aid, that is, with providing us with the iron we need, but we still have to make a more realistic assessment for ourselves, and although i unequivocally agree that a major russian offensive is ahead, what it will be, that is what i do not agree with these public assessments that he will be so soon, me here, however
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, kirill budanov's assessment that, on the contrary, that contingent that is creeping up on us for... that contingent that, oh, that contingent that is losing those burning wedges on the screen right now, that contingent , which, unfortunately, is advancing every day in the post-avdiivka direction, so to speak, that is , leaving avdiivka behind, they will die in april, but they are still paying very dearly for their advancement now, they are really advancing, well practically each day, but this promotion is so very peculiar, well, somewhere you can say that they... well , conditionally squeeze out for a day, for example, three of our positions, after that our reserves are tightened from two out of three they are kicked out, that is, they are a little bit behind leave our territories, but they are just like that, firstly, this is such a constant process of a pendulum, that is, three steps forward, two back, three forward, two back, and
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secondly, they pay very dearly for each step, therefore, with replenishment they have temporary ones, but very... maybe that's the word temporary, but temporary problems, so it seems to me that they will expire sometime in april and there will soon be a certain operational pause, but not for long. the fact is that the problems with replenishing them were caused by the holding of these so-called pu elections. well, we don't understand why they had to take a break in mobilization, because there were no elections anyway, the elections were completely fictitious anyway, and it was, they didn't even hide that. active, but we have a very different mentality with them, but we are already very different, no one in them sought to even pretend that it was really a choice, it was a certain religious ritual, it was an oath of faith. to the sovereign emperor, and i really didn’t want to spoil this ritual, well, the ritual took place, at the same time we must give credit, the ritual took place properly,
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the russian people swore to the sovereign, it didn’t spoil anything, but now we have to pay for this oath, we went to the polling stations , we danced there, and now let’s go to the military headquarters, but most likely right now, when we are talking to you, all over russia the pechkini mailmen are delivering letters of happiness, another thing is that... from the moment of the distribution of summons to the moment of the appearance of a new wave of mobs at the front, well, it is several months, it is somewhere around four or five months, this mobilization cycle, from the summons to the front, the more so because of the impression , that now they are still trying not to repeat the mistakes of the 22nd year, when they raked in a little too many people at the same time, but they grabbed 450 thousand at the same time and were not ready for it, then in fact the system collapsed, they threw people out even without... burners and tents in the forest, they sent people to the front directly in civilian clothes with the idea that they would be dressed in some way at the place of the team, it is not clear whether in trophy clothes or something, but but but somehow they
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survived it then, this is a fantastic mess even by russian standards, and precisely these 450 00 mobiks, who were then recruited and with whom we then joked so much, as if they were idiots, and they were really idiots, but there were 450,000 of them, and it was they who ultimately held the sorovikin line and... stopped our offensive in the 23rd year , so there are certain signs that they have now taken into account these mistakes: firstly, if you believe that leak, what is left of the russian independent media published an allegedly secret order by shuigu to recruit an additional 300,000 mobilized people, this looks like the upper limit, the capacity of their mobilization system in one go. then 450,000 could not digest, they took into account and now they are taking 300 who are able to digest, they are not going to send them to the front without training at all,
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but at the same time they greatly reduced the training program, they now have a training program of an entire motorized rifle, i.e., infantry battalion, and this also means the training of individual soldiers, and the coordination of units, it has now been reduced to 27 days, it is usually a circus on a wire, but here we have... a smaller program gives 60 days, and this we believe that it was we who greatly reduced the programs specifically for wartime, but the russians now have 27 days, but one way or another it is much better than zero days, as they and we had in the 22nd year, that's why there are reasons to expect that these 300,000 newly mobilized will reach us, but we count four about a month is the minimum since the summons were issued, so it's a bit of a mess for us. may, june, july, that is, i would not expect their big offensive at the end of spring, but the fact that it will be at the end of summer does not change the essence of the question at all, firstly, it will be, they are now
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gathering people for it, and secondly -secondly, we are not ready for it, because in the meantime our mobilization is, well, just openly sabotaged. against this background, mr. yevgeny, the russians are striking kharkov with aerial bombs and the critical infrastructure of the city in... yesterday the russian the occupiers hit kharkov with guided air bombs again, as a result of which a light institution, a dormitory, and a residential building were damaged, while the mayor of kharkov terikhov says that the city authorities and the military see no reason to evacuate the residents of kharkov, so what do you think the russians are trying to do, well just gnawing on residential areas, so that people would run away, so that people would panic, that... so that it would be easier to conquer this city later, that is, what is their logic? their logic is actually very simple, linear, and it really amazes me why we still
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let's put it this way, why are we still discussing such issues, they intend to win this war, they intend to win this war, they are not interested in intermediate options, they are interested in the complete occupation of ukraine, complete victory in this war. in order to win this war, they need to... but destroy their enemy, i.e. us, at the same time, they consider not only zsu as an enemy, by the way, it is quite justified, they, they realized that it is not what they are here for waited, and the nationalist groups were against it, they realized that the current ukrainian nation, as it is, is against them, it means that this nation must be destroyed as much as possible, further, where exactly this is happening, whether they are destroying kyiv now, whether they are destroying kharkiv now, or whether they are destroying odesa now, this is determined purely technically. within reach, that is, they, well, you know, like this popular saying about what a dog is, excuse me, is a bit licks, because maybe, they are destroying us with all those means that...
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they can, that's why they destroyed odessa in addition, because they have onyxes, which are very difficult to intercept, and these onyxes fly across the black sea to odessa just brilliantly, eh, is there a direct military goal to destroy odessa now, no, there is no direct direct one right now, but there is a global one, in general, to win this war, that’s why odesa, because onyxes fly to it, they don’t fly further to the continent, because it’s a purely naval missile, that’s why odesa, and not, for example , he roared, but why kharkiv now? and because they established a sufficiently large number of production of cabs and fabs in the gliding version, that is, they put on the conveyor this transformation of the old soviet bomb into a gliding bomb, which now flies not 2-3 km from under the plane, but which now flies, well, the lightest 250-kilogram ones generally fly 90 km, well, accordingly, the heavier, the closer it flies, but even 500-kilogram ones fly 50-70 km. and
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in this way they got the opportunity to drop a sufficient number of bombs without entering the zone of impact of our air defense, that's all, they got this technical opportunity, they implement it, that's why kharkiv, that 's why sumy, but not kyiv, because kyiv is more than 70 km away, you have to go into the area of ​​our anti-aircraft defense and they will shoot you down there, it's that simple, and kyiv is being tested with daggers and zircons, because they had the idea that daggers and zircons were not intercepted by patriots, it turned out that before... everything is taken over, to my great regret, they were a little behind kyiv, because to be honest , even though i am from kyiv, i am much calmer when they try to bomb kyiv, which, after all, is the best protected, than when they switch to those cities for which the patriots, unfortunately, are not enough, oh, well, that is, they solve this purely from a technical point of view, there are no separate complex combinations or political motives, oh that they can to destroy, they are destroying, you have already mentioned
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ode. the head of the national assembly of france , yael bron pivet, visited odesa and, commenting on the words of french president emmanuel macron about the possibility of sending foreign troops to ukraine, she said that everything is possible now. let's hear what she said. in fact, in his statement, the president of the republic said that he does not exclude anything a priori, in the position that france demonstrated, demonstrates and will demonstrate again. even to the end, to victory itself, that nothing is excluded, everything remains possible, i am not i will further interpret the president's words, i think this position is clear enough. mr. yevgeny, how do you assess the prospect of the appearance of french troops near odesa or kyiv, because emmanuel macron says, well, it was reported that he said that this is possible if the russians try
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to capture odesa. or kyiv, well, if so, then we have to wait a long time for their appearance, but for one second, that is exactly what you were doing, i would pay attention even first of all to not already chewed, including, it seems, even you and i were chewed in on the air the topic of the french contingent, on the phrase for victory, by the way, you will not often hear this from western leaders, the absolute majority is still standing. on the position of not letting putin win, namely the phrase about the victory of ukraine, unfortunately, we cannot hear from many allies, for example, we have not heard from biden even once in all time, and when the head of the parliament of a nuclear state actually formulates exactly about the victory, this matters to me personally much more, even than the context of the conversation about the french contingent, but returning to the contingent, i don't think that...
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we will wait for it, and moreover, i even have great doubts that we really need it, it seems to me that there would be more harm than good, and here is the talk about this contingent, here they are very useful to us, we should be very grateful to emmanuel macron, i am amazed that it was he who became that western leader, the person who called putin two years ago and tried to negotiate, but what is it called, he was cured, he drew very correct conclusions from two years of this war and from two years of attempts at western diplomacy. and the person who was the main dove in the west tried to negotiate with putin already after the beginning of the great war, this is the person who became the first western leader who finally threw a real challenge to putin and who accepted the game that putin was playing in one goal. actually, what was happening all the time? so, do not underestimate the enemies, putin has very strong points, and one of the strongest points is this.


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