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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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zelenskyi for 30 years, by the way, at one time they worked in moscow together, and serhiy shevir and boris shevir, they wrote scripts for teams of kvnu, and they worked in the team of maslyakov and zelenskyi, among other things, he rented an apartment together with his brothers in metishchi in 1994, but that's about it, let's talk about the situation surrounding the upcoming meeting. of french president emmanuel macron and chinese leader xi jinping, because in principle french foreign minister stéphane sejournay flew to china, and in the chinese capital, he said that the french are waiting for clear signals from beijing regarding the war in ukraine. let's listen to what stephane sejourne had to say. i would also like to express
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france's concern regarding north korea's supply of ballistic missiles to russia and the identical allegations against iran. this indicates a significant escalation of the conflict. the full sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine is at stake, as i said, the stability of the international order is also at risk. mr. igor, sijin pin is not flying to paris just for a visit, and it's been there for 60 years. there will be diplomatic relations between china, modern china, i mean france as well, and there will be, there will be some kind of celebration, but the fact itself, xi jinping is meeting with emmanuel macron, how persuasive macron can be in conversations and discussions with xi jinping, given that that macron wants to be a leader now and shows leadership skills in modern europe, well he will definitely try to be.
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persuasive and at least show your, you know, persuasive position to the mass media, that's one hundred percent, but i it seems that his persuasiveness, his arguments and in general his conversation there with sinzimpin, it was more powerful and effective, if, if macron could represent not only his position as the president of france and the position of france as a country, a member of the european union, but also could talk about certain things referring directly to the european union. that is, to appear in this story as, you know, the authorized representative of the european union. this, by the way, can happen if, well, he finishes there beforehand conversations with other european leaders, and they will give him, give him a certain mandate, yes, so that in a conversation with tsinzimpin, he can also mention the interests of the european union as a whole and clearly express the position of the european union regarding, well, how china behaves in in relation to russia. ukrainian war. here, by the way,
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there is a very interesting situation, it consists in the fact that there were previous statements by the heads of the european union, and the corresponding visits, during which they, well, almost directly told sinzimpin that the european union is indeed interested in strengthening economic cooperation with china, and china is very interested in this. we all know that china's economy is currently in a state of stagnation, which is very critical for it in principle, they need new sales markets. the european union could of course become such a market, there is a very high purchasing power and the ability to buy a lot, but then the leaders of the european union said that the expansion of this cooperation is possible only when the biggest war since the second world war ends world in the center of europe, when russia withdraws from ukraine, since ukraine is europe, then we will be able to talk about strengthening our mutual relations, and here is an interesting story: macron will exclusively promote the agenda of france, well, it is clear that he will provide at most some french marks. interests, including the financial
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plan, or they still delegate to him the opportunity to make some statements, albeit in closed mode, that is, it is not necessary for him to go to the media and comment on it, but so that he can convey to sinzimpin some common the position of the european union, well, while there is a possibility that this can happen, and he will do such things, because it will greatly strengthen his argumentation and his persuasiveness in general, one thing, when there is a conversation between two countries, whether nuclear with nuclear potentials, large economies and so on, the rest... it is a matter of when macron will be able to partially refer to the european union, but in the meantime, i am afraid that a clear, concrete answer from tsin will be forthcoming at this stage, neither macron, nor anyone, no one the other will not receive he will talk a lot about the need to end the war, about political and diplomatic methods, about the need to sit down at the transition table, but he will still bend the line that the interests and positions of all parties, including the russian federation, must be taken into account, perhaps he will not it's bulging. during a visit to france,
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in order, you know, not to provoke some non -constructive discussion there, but still, it will be present to some extent between the lines. china is simply objectively not ready today. come out with some clear position on on the issue of the russian-ukrainian war, since they simply have not prepared this position yet, they have already been burned once by that chinese peace plan, which absolutely did not work and was subjected to devastating criticism from all parties, and they will not make such a mistake a second time, they will wait for a very long time and only when they understand that it is possible to enter the game, they will come out with some plan, but for now there is none, so macron has some clear position, well he will not be able to knock out either. or some assurance that china will start putting some kind of pressure on the russian federation there, although the victory will be if he can, for example, encourage sinzimpin to look more carefully and more favorably at participating in the future global peace summit, this would be a good story in principle,
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purely diplomatic, but important from an image point of view, and as an element of pressure, including on the russian federation. well, but still, we expect an answer, if not from xijin ping, then at least from him. johnson already announced after the easter holidays that on april 9 , the issue of providing assistance to ukraine may be put to a vote in the congress, in the house of representatives of the united states of america, and in the issue of assistance, as reported from washington, there may be some important innovations, for example, providing assistance in the form of a loan, here is this topic about the fact that this help can... be in the form of a loan, it has moved from trump to johnson, and johnson is now beginning to articulate everything. it is known that of these 62 billion dollars, part of the money, if not a lion part of the money, it will generally remain in
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america, that is, and they want to somehow transfer it there or record that ukraine takes a loan or loan, or borrows it, to what extent. this story can have a development, considering that ukraine is already having such a hard time, we are simply being put in such conditions that can simply destroy ukraine financially and industrially, well, completely. well, look, this story about the credit is the story of an extremely small part of the republicans, and johnson is just grasping for the last straw, knowing perfectly well that he is so and so the political end of the field. let's be honest, will they push through the option offered by the white house, which suits ukraine as much as possible, and by the way, for which two parties will vote 100% in the house of representatives, if only this project appears there, well, johnson understands this perfectly, if he will bring this project approved by the senate for
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consideration, there will be votes in the house of representatives, i will find democrats there, and a large part of the republicans will vote for it, and a large part of the republicans will absolutely not pay attention to trump's position, because... they believe that this aid is in the national interests of the united states, so johnson grasps at this straw, these games are about credit, then he mentioned russian assets, and oil, and many other things , he is now trying, well, in the last such, in the last such, you know, efforts to raise these rates as much as possible, so that it is possible to bargain for at least something for himself and submit this story, which i am sure will be brought to a logical conclusion in terms of the allocation of funds. of ukraine, but still, to conduct it in such a way that he could at least somehow save face not in front of the citizens of america, i think he waved his hand at this a long time ago, because he is not a stupid person, and he perfectly understands what is happening, and somewhere to save this face in front of these trumpist republicans and actually in front of trump himself, yes, because
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everything is different, well, he will not be able to stretch the story solely with credit, the white house will not go for it, the democrats will not go for it, so that this is also an unfavorable story, maybe the option as a compromise, something related to lendlease, but again, this is such a story, you know, which is delayed long enough in time, and ukraine really needs money, as you rightly said, here and now, so i think that he will still play these games, but in the end, when he will have a choice, either to carry out the existing project, well, maybe by reducing the amount a little, it will be possible to do it, or by allocating even more money that will remain in the united states, such an option is possible, yes , or simply then initiate the issuance of this this project without the participation of the speaker, in the end such a pro... and by the way, this procedure was created and laid down as a minus of the slow action of his fellow trumpists, when the previous speaker was still being filmed, and he signed it, so i think he has in fact , the situation here is quite deadlocked, the main thing is that he simply does not start to delay and block it very much now, well, it is already a frank
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statement of this issue, not because he does not support ukraine there or loves, for example , russia, but because he is simply engaged in elementary political survival, yes understanding what will happen to him one way or another. probably the cross is already there in the future career, especially here you still need to know trump, you know, he doesn't really value loyal people very much and very easily forgets what he promised to whom and what he should do, that's why we still believe here in his common sense, that he will not want to finally take off, fly out, yes, but will bring this story to a logical conclusion, maybe we will somehow twist it more in favor of the republicans there, but it will be the lesser evil, which i think the democrats and the white house will be ready to leave because this aid to ukraine was voted for. well, we'll see, actually , in a week, how it will all end after the easter holidays, now there is a short break in the united states of america, and one more person. who is trying to somehow influence the situation in ukraine, this is pope
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francis, in his easter message he called on russia and ukraine to exchange prisoners according to the all-for-all formula, let's listen to what he said. i think especially of the victims of the many conflicts around the world, starting with the conflicts in israel and palestine and in ukraine. let them be resurrected. christ will open the way to peace for the war-torn peoples of those regions, calling for respect and principles of international law. i express my hope for a general exchange of all prisoners between russia and ukraine, all for the sake of all. the ukrainian coordination headquarters reacted to these words of the pope and said that ukraine has repeatedly declared its readiness, but the russians do not want to return their own... people, and why, mr. igor, does the pope not address directly there
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putin does not say that, dear putin, give us your proposals for exchange, dear mr. zelensky, please, well, why is there no such articulation, and why is there no emphasis on who in this story is the aggressor, who is the victim? well, regarding the accents, the very phrase: the conflict in ukraine, there are many of them. what is he talking about, because he puts it on the same, on the same level with the conflict that is in israel, i'm sorry, in israel, the state is fighting against terrorists, there is a war, a nuclear country attacked a non-nuclear country, and when he he says about a useful nuclear country, yes, but look, here we have a nuclear country, russia , attacked non-nuclear ukraine, and this is a war between two countries, which was started openly and openly by one country, but he really does not call things by their names here, because he's just afraid that it's somehow not very positive there in... probably on his image in the russian federation or in general on his image as the pope
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of rome there around the world, because there is a certain number of supporters of the russian federation there, although i think that the pope has wrong data here, there are much less of them than he it seems, but why hasn't he turned to putin yet, i would, even you know, maybe you shouldn't turn to putin, but you could try to turn to kirill, but to refer to common christian values, to the fact that you are a representative of the great church , influence your power there. carry out this exchange there and so on, but he does not do this, because he perfectly understands two things: first, he has certain obligations that the catholic church, in his person, took upon himself during the signing of the havana declaration, that's all the time they forget about her, and that's a lot an important document, when the catholic church, in its person and the russian orthodox church, essentially divided spheres of influence, and ukraine then gave the sphere of influence to the russian orthodox church, this is a well-known story, then our greek catholics even opposed it. but it is there, and that is why he keeps these obligations somewhere, and the second point is that he does not do it, because he
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knows very well that in russia, not only that, but at best they will not react to it, at worst he will be given such an answer that this answer will be for him to some extent humiliating, and that is why he simply does not provoke it, the pope's position is actually very weak, on the one hand he says the right things about exchange, conflicts, the need for war, the end of all this, christian values. and so on, and on the other hand, he is afraid to call evil evil, because he believes that it will still work out somewhere between the droplets and remain in such a neutral position, but unfortunately, it will not work out, unfortunately, primarily for him. thank you, mr. igor, it was igor reiterovych, political scientist, manager political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. friends, during this broadcast, we are conducting a survey, we are asking you whether the west is ready for the defeat of russia, we will look at the interim results of the television survey. 22% yes, 78% - no, these are the results of a television poll on
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youtube, 21% yes, 79%, no.
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there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda, russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast.
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a project for smart and caring people. in the evening on espresso.
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greetings, friends, on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, today we will talk about the holy war of the russian orthodox church against ukraine, the russian offensive, which is predicted in may-june this year. and why zelensky got rid of his best friend, we will talk about this and other things in the next 45 minutes, in the meantime i want to remind you that we are working not only live on the espresso tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms , for those who are currently watching there us live please like
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this video and take part in our vote. today we ask you about this, are you ready? the west to the defeat of russia, are our western partners ready for the defeat of russia? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, you can write your own version in the comments under this video. if you are watching us on tv, grab your smartphone or phone and vote if you think the western partners are ready to defeat russia 0.800 211 381, no 0800 211 382. houses for these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. well, first of all, about the orthodox jihad of the so-called russian orthodox church. the moscow church declared a holy war against ukraine. on the website of the russian orthodox church
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, the so-called order of the worldwide russian people's council, church meetings held in moscow, were published. among other things, the document states that, i quote: the entire territory of modern ukraine should enter the zone of exclusive influence of russia, and large-scale russia's invasion of ukraine is called a holy war. from a spiritual and moral point of view , a special military operation is a holy war, in which russia and its people, protecting the single spiritual space of holy russia, fulfill a mission. a deterrent that protects the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the west, which has fallen into satanism, is stated in the document that was adopted there. to a large meeting called the universal russian people's council. the patriarch of the russian orthodox church himself, or simply put, gundyaev, a general or colonel or lieutenant colonel
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the fsb, during this conclave, stated that this order was aimed at strengthening and developing the so-called russian peace, at the same time denying its outright nazi character. let's listen to what kirill said. the main task of these orders, as well as the long-term activity of the entire worldwide russian people's council, is the protection and strengthening of the russian world. the division, weakening of the russian people, deprivation of their spiritual and vital forces always led to the weakening and crisis of the russian state, therefore the restoration of the unity of the russian people, as well as their spiritual and vital potential, are the key conditions for the development of russia, and russian nationalism does not exist in nature, everyone knows that. they so often
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repeat with putin that there is no russian nationalism, that the whole world fully understands that there may not be russian nationalism, but there is russian fascism. you look at these faces, the so-called... this spiritual people's council, which took place in moscow, this is some congress of the central committee of the communist party of the soviet union, and gundyaev delivers a speech as well as the general secretary of the central committee of the party of the soviet union, all theses voiced by patriarch kirill are theses that call on russians to ... kill those who oppose the russian world, but the ukrainians oppose the russian world, so they must be destroyed, and the entire space,
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which they call their spiritual space, they want to turn it into the space of the russian world, and the question here is that it is not fascism, what is it like non-racism, a concept that arose under putin and... and under putin it develops when one people for some reason believed that they can go with weapons in their hands to another state, to another state, kill those who live nearby, destroy cities, destroy with air bombs and missile strikes a country that has, in principle, lived separately for a long time and... and a country that deserves its own independence, on one's own sovereignty, no, one must come, necessarily destroy, kill, rape,
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plunder this people, and then say, well , this is not russian nationalism at all and it is not russian fascism at all, it is the ideology of the russian world, although, as me, this story with russian peace in ukraine... putin himself killed this ideology in ukraine a long time ago, starting the war in ukraine on february 24, 2022, the large-scale offensive of the russian occupiers, destroyed everything that was in its ideological space and in the information space before that's what the kremlin tried to build, and judging by the fact that... after the re -election of the sixth or fifth president of russia, or during these pseudo-elections, putin decided
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to recruit the russian orthodox church and force this church to work before the federal security service and in general in front of all that ee his entourage, which ee... generates all the ideologues of this racism, russian fascism, now they are taking over and activating a branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine, including, although, although, in the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate, which by 2022 in the 19th year , she did not give up her connections with the russian orthodox church, and only in the morning. in the 22nd year, it held some kind of council there and apparently declared some kind of independence, so the uoc called the statement of the roc
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about the holy war as... contrary to the basic principles of christian morality and distanced itself from the ideology of the russian world. i will quote what was written in onufry's press service. the ukrainian orthodox church does not support and distance itself from the ideology of the russian world. moreover, the attitude of our church towards this was publicly expressed long ago by his beatitude metropolitan. with the thesis that god's world is being built in ukraine, not the russian world, but starting from 2014 to 2022, onuphrius was a member of
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syno. of the russian orthodox church, and with the beginning of the great war he left the synod and actually announced that his church leaves and begins an independent life in ukraine, but in these eight years, which were between the ages of 14 and 22, onufry was not prevented from participating in the meetings of the russian orthodox church in russia, and... gundyaev was not prevented from talking about what we have there is a church on the territory of the ukrainian state and this church, although it is called the ukrainian orthodox church, but it has long been actually a russian orthodox church and the name does not change anything, moreover, literally half an hour ago i had on the air the general of the sbu in reserve viktoriya yaguna , he talks about that at the moment... about 70 priests of this
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so-called ukrainian orthodox church are involved in various cases, well, most of them are cases of collaboration or the fact that they work for a foreign special service, the federal security service of the russian federation, and these priests , who adhere to, or who profess russian peace, they were and remain in the church, but they are not. wherever they went, and this is a big problem, and it is a big challenge for the national security of the ukrainian state. unfortunately, unfortunately, it is still ukrainian the authorities did not make important decisions that would make impossible the existence of this extensive network, the kremlin network in ukraine, because it was built one way or another by the russian orthodox church and the same gundyaev, and some of the priests, however...
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still remain in this system, the only thing they officially say is that legally, they have nothing to do with it, but as the spokesman of the orthodox church of ukraine, metropolitan evstratiy, rightly noted, the structure of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine, headed by metropolitan onuphriem, quite resembles a person who suffers from domestic violence, but is unable to break away from violence. even when i was listening to kirill or the so-called gundyaev or the so-called patriarch kirill, i remembered the words of dostoevsky that all the russians took from orthodoxy was to cross yourself before chopping you down with an ax, well , actually, this is the ideology of the russian orthodox church. she was and remains so, they are ready to bless.
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those who are mobilized for the war with ukraine, they are ready to justify these crimes that they commit against ukrainians and crimes against humanity, they are ready to justify rocket attacks on residential areas in kyiv, kharkiv, odesa, they are ready to serve the power that is inherently criminal, they are ready to serve the being who... has an arrest warrant from the international criminal court, and this is probably quite revealing and reveals the essence, the whole essence of the so-called russian orthodox church, which hides this ax under its orthodoxy, which...


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