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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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to leave together with the investigative task force. 70% of arbitrary fellings are recorded in the starosambir district, 30% are accounted for by other enterprises of hausil forest. acting general director ivan pidhoretskyi provides such statistics, according to him, illegal logging is caused by the fact that the area is not gasified and residents heat their homes with firewood, but there are still about a hundred sawmills working in this area. that is, there is a great demand for wood, already since the 24th year , 16 cases of arbitrary felling have been detected, on cubic mass of 89 m3, this is about half a million hryvnias of damage caused to our, well
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, our company and the state, this is literally in two months. , because we detect them, we officially submit these documents to the police, the police conducts an investigation, and looks for people who cause damage. to solve the problem, the company's acting director plans to install night cameras on the territory staro sambirsk halsil forest. information about the perpetrators will be passed on to the police. expensive cameras are promised to be purchased with grant funds. kateryna oliynyk, nazar malnikova. palyamart espresso tv channel. we invite you to our sleep laboratory. matrolux is one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. mattrik is your universal thin mattress for uneven surfaces at an affordable price. order topper matrix from one of of the country's largest
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right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, more more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world. front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team presents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, back to the aether, this is the final half hour of my part in the espresso marathon. now we will talk about education, we will talk about exams, which are approaching the graduates and we will also talk about whether ukrainian teachers will receive a salary increase. i would like to remind you that we have a collection going on, we have about 600 hryvnias left to... reach the mark of 150,000 and that for this morning we will end this morning with the exact mark of 50,000, so keep an eye out for the appearance of the qr code on the screen of the espresso tv channel and follow our conversation, oleksandr kondratyuk,
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an expert on educational issues, founder of the all-ukrainian educational company setstat, is already with us. to begin with, mr. oleksandr, you will be interested and our viewers will be interested, well, in the end, ukrainians who, for example, ended up in italy because of the war, or those ukrainians who ended up in italy before, and can tell the italians that they can now familiarize themselves with a wonderful work of ukrainian literature, which right now our graduates, lesya ukrainka, are repeating, the forest song was translated into italian, that is , it will be released, it will be released on april 23 and will appear in italian bookstores, the translation was done by a ukrainian. translator yaryna hrusha, so they can look for italian on the shelves italian bookstores, will get acquainted in this way and, perhaps, in this way they will break these myths about the incredible great russian literature, let them get acquainted with
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the beautiful ukrainian literature and with that which has in its heart something that does not die. mr. oleksandr, well, now actually to... er, to our questions and to the national multimedia test that awaits our graduates, how many have already volunteered and are ready to write it, and what awaits them? yes, 200,000 people have already registered for the national multi-subject course, even a bit of a catch, of them 195 will be taken in ukraine, as they said, and somewhere up to 20 thousand in total, i think there will be those who will take the exam abroad, in principle, last year, and it is expected, as the deputy minister of education said, that the participants of the entrance the campaign will be the same as last year, that is, about 260 thousand, this is what the ministry of education expects, and it is worth understanding that these are the participants of the introductory campaign, 300,000 people were registered at nmt last year, that is, probably the same conditionally 300
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will register this year at nmt, and there are 260 those who will actually participate will already submit documents, because as you know, there is a part of those who pass... unsatisfactory, which is probably why they do not submit documents , and there are fewer participants in the admissions campaign than those who hypothetically aspire, that is, those who register at all and want to try themselves. if we talk about the subject, there is a lot of news about it in general, for example, the fact that the english language, well, as you know, there are three subjects, mandatory and a fourth optional, ukrainian mathematics from history, and the fourth is also chosen by the english language is the most popular among those who were chosen, that is, almost every second student in ukraine... already registered, chose english, another quarter chose biology (4,000 people, this is the second place), geography is almost the same, a little less ukrainian literature, that is, it is not entered the top three most popular, because if you look at the demo versions of the test, then ukrainian literature is a little scary, that is, it
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is difficult, for example, there are geography and biology - these are usually easier tests, physics and chemistry, i did not register because they difficult, and literature is more towards physics and chemistry. you surprised me now, well, i also thought that literature would be number two, that is, i think that there will be language, then literature, but biology, geography are simply abnormally easier, because of this they changed... literature and it took only the fourth place, it is not far behind geography and biology, there are 4,000 registrations each, here 30, that is, it can even catch up with them, but what is clearly visible is that physics is what, for example, we need, engineers and so on further, there a total of 4% of people in general registered for physics and chemistry, that is, few people make them, moreover, only one to two percent registered for physics and chemistry, that is, very, very few, and this is definitely a problem, which... indicates that that in our natural sciences, people are generally afraid, and it is not surprising, because physics and chemistry are
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traditionally such exams that are more difficult, if you look at the demonstration options, even geography does not scare people much, and physics and chemistry are a little, so it is worth considering, maybe an option to make them a little easier to encourage people to come there at all, because now, in order to compose physics, you have to really be such a kamikaze a little, or really love it very much, understand it intuitively, and so on. next, what is still very important to know is that the points conversion tables have become known, this is generally a key thing to understand what the performance is likely to be this year, i.e. how much, for example 200 points, what is it? well , it is clear that 200 points are all correct answers up to one, if we talk, for example, about 190 points, then this is how much there is 95% knowledge or 50% knowledge, and this is decided by the table transfer of points, and this is what is known in... recent years, for example, if we take the trend for 10 years, then for the same there, for example, 70% of knowledge, 10 years ago
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183 points were given, that is, very good points, in the past year 155 is 30 points less, that is, there is such a tendency to depreciate knowledge, that is, you need to have not 70% in order to normally enter somewhere, but 90. so, this year's table has become a little simpler than it was last year. and this is very good, because it was already too much, it was abnormally hard, that is, it was necessary to recruit there at least for sure percent out of 90 in order to qualify for points of 180 plus, so now for 70% of knowledge - this is the basic norm, how much our brain learns in general, if everything is fine, if the teacher likes the teacher and the child tries, and for this knowledge will now be placed there not 155 points, but already 160 this year, so we need to study this issue in more detail, dig into all the points there, but probably this may indicate better results that we will get at the exit, after
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testing this year, than there were last year, because last year they were abnormally bad, that's why this is such good news, which was waiting for us, well, a lot of things have already been made public, everyone can familiarize themselves with the tables of weighting coefficients, that is, which subject will be more or less important for this or that specialty, all this can already be seen in everyone on the internet. see for yourself the specialties you are interested in, because there are hundreds of them, and you could list them for another hour, so it is all the better for everyone to see for themselves the specialty they are interested in, that is, there are so many news that testify to that , that first of all, we have few people takes a lot of physics, chemistry, it's a bit bad and because they are abnormally tough, that's probably why so few enroll there, and not only because of poor knowledge, because it's easier to pass geography and it will simply be easier to enter because you can compete in the competition, when someone has geography, and you have physics, and he
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has even worse knowledge, but he passed the easier geography well, you fail badly and because of yourself, so it is not surprising that people choose not only on the basis of knowledge, but also on the ease or difficulty of the exam in general , in addition, it can be seen that the percentage of people who, more precisely the number of even people registering for nmt will probably be the same as last year, so take into account. the fact that the chance to enter the budget will probably be the same, maybe a little less, because now grants are also introduced, which means that the budget will be less, well, we take into account the fact that ukrainian literature took only fourth place, but with all this, the exams will probably be taken in the country in general is a little better than in previous years, because the points transfer table is a little more adequate, and not as abnormally strict as last year, but will the number of schools in ukraine decrease? is going to close schools where less than 45 children study, how many such schools
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are there in ukraine in general, and what will happen, these children have to somehow get to other settlements, where the schools will remain, you mean small-staffed schools, so they will be taken away, closed, it's not surprising in principle, it's such a certain rudiment of the soviet union at the moment with digitalization, despite the fact that there you can say that it will be more difficult for these children, that it was more usual for them, but... what is a small school? it is essentially when well mostly in such schools there were cases when the eighth grade studied together with the sixth in the same year, there is a certain strong side, this... schools, that is, imagine, they did not have the opportunity to approach very, even so scientifically, to each class separately there, i don’t know, to group there by levels somehow, this class is stronger, weaker, and so on, so that everyone studies equally, this is such, you know, a detailed approach, so they had no way to group at all, there are eight of them there together he could study with the sixth, so they pulled out only one thing at the expense of support one, socialization, this is socialization -
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this is the strongest side, at least offline education and the reason why everyone loves offline so much, it is social. a component of education, this is the only thing that really interests a teenager so much at his age, that's why the right education is when we connect the world, directly glue as much as possible with communication, that's why everyone likes offline so much, and these schools are very everyone helped each other a lot, communicated, and this is an example of how to use socialization qualitatively, but it is essentially almost the only plus these existing schools will now be more productive, more adequate for... time and whether someone likes it or not, it will still be this way, because this is how the world moves and schools with small staff, unfortunately, they will not be able to continue for a long time exist, so simply these people will, and if they study online, if they are not able to get, in addition, they are able to, ah, well, it is probably to get to some nearby points, and of course for this
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you need to take care that it the process was correct so that they were diverse organized there buses and so on, which will these children. to deliver, but even if you ask the question, what is better, online education, but more complete, when the child studies there, let it be in some stronger lyceum, together with his sixth-graders there, and not yet they study the ninth grade together , or she studies with a small number of students, but she has somewhere in the village, then, of course, properly organized online will be more effective, and it will even be a certain financial saving of public funds, that is, all things like even if someone does not like it, because there are supporters who believe that it is right, that it will provide for everyone. education even in the smallest settlements, anyway, we are coming to this now , optimization is also taking place in universities, we all heard that only 100 of 170 state universities are leaving, that is, now we have the ministry of education everywhere, as we can see, it has probably taken for the optimization of universities and schools, everything that needs to be rethought, let's say, but does this optimization mean that
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something that is optimized will be somewhere later in someone will this money be added? when i say someone , i mean, for example, teachers who talk about the fact that their salaries are meagerly small, i once came across a correspondence of teachers, there one wrote that her salary was uah 10,000, and this is unreal , if, and there the other wrote that she is already 70, and she still works, in order to survive, she has to work for herself by tutoring, that is , this optimization, of course, it must be assumed that everyone has an increase, otherwise then there is no sense in she... is not there, but of course, look, there is, if we talk about the factor teachers, there are two major components that greatly demotivate a teacher, this is, of course , the salary, which in our country at the beginning of independence was always lower than the average in the country, that is, a teacher, it was always such a less prestigious profession from the point of view of earnings , and this is of course, well, what do we count on, if it is not prestigious to teach it here, if it is better for a young specialist,
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especially physics, mathematics, why does everyone know physics so poorly, it is difficult in itself, this is of course such a thing. but there are many people who like physics, just teachers of physics often, they would rather go to it, for example, where there is a lot of competition, higher salaries and so on, and who goes to it, well , first of all, they will be teachers of physics, mathematics, and because of that with these we will have certain problems with the sciences, well, the second component besides earnings is that our teachers are, you know, people who develop others, their vocation is to develop and develop accordingly. but few people develop them themselves, because the state representatives, no matter who you talk to, they all say that we have there are advanced training courses and so on, and they probably really don’t understand what normal advanced training courses should look like , that’s all when we talk about the word advanced training courses, postgraduate education institutes, for which millions, tens of millions and
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in total, maybe even hundreds, and this all means just you... your son went somewhere, received a salary increase, but did not learn anything new, this is what all civil servants mean by the training course, but he has to be already on the contrary, first of all, this person must get new modern methods, these methods must evolve and change, and it is organized very simply, i don’t know, it can be done at the national level in a week, to start, it is enough to hire teachers, who have good academic performance of their children, who are... interesting, for example, there are various contests, who win contests, there is a global teacher price and so on, they just take and start holding a series of webinars on the most troubling people. as to explain the subject to the child, because it is difficult, how to explain some phenomena there, how to fall in love with history, mathematics, and elsewhere, what specifics of the multitest are comparable to the school
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program, they simply tell all this in such a webinar format, and everyone has the opportunity join and listen to the best at once, that is, it is very cheap, very simple, and maybe civil servants do not like it, you know, it is somehow too simple, there will be nothing to brag about in the implementation, but this is what... motivates teachers very much, because it will start them to develop, and this is something that will give a concrete, very quick reaction in the quality and passing of the multitest, and on the child’s performance as such, that is, a very simple, very cheap and very effective innovation, which, unfortunately, everyone simply ignores from those people who had would make decisions, and it is cheaper than giving money, and it can be given already now, and then this financial component of teachers will demotivate teachers a little less, after all, they will... work better on motivation, even for a slightly unfairly low salary , until the state will be able to raise it to a worthy place there level,
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the ministry of education and science announced three possible scenarios for the modernization of higher education institutions. what are these three scenarios? they said that they say, first we can, of course, as they voiced, not do anything there, this is the first scenario, and we will not do it, we will , they say, act, the other two scenarios, this is the first one we will negotiate... and if not if it works out, then we will use the third one, they called it the statesman’s method, well, it’s like this, you know, they say, we said, do it like this, well, i just said, did it like this, i won’t use any dictatorial words, but this is just serious, well, in fact, it is correct, if someone does not understand the words, then you need to take it and say how it should be, that is, simply reform to a certain extent by force, without dialogue with these universities there, but how can we talk, here there are three ways, they do not deserve so much attention, but there are three other, you know, ways, as they said, which universities will be formed, this is a more interesting thing, this is what they said, three types of universities will be formed, the first is a city or
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region-forming, it is basically those higher ones, you know, which have always been, for example, there kyiv national, lviv national, kharkiv national and so on, there are also polytechnics in every city, these are region-forming, city-forming large universities of a wide profile, which gather people there by doing, for example, there lviv, kyiv and so on, these others . prestigious regions by even more prestigious, educational regions themselves, this is the first, second - they said, there will be higher branches, for example, where there is a well-developed oak or metallurgical industry, or something connected with the sea, then there, for example, there a maritime academy, i.e. wherever a branch of the economy is developed, specialists will be trained under it, a certain number of such universities can be counted there , maybe there will not be very many of them, and these are very highly specialized specialized universities that are not... throughout the country, but are located locally somewhere in some region, that is, it is a small part of higher education institutions. well, and thirdly, they said that, they were called worldview universities, well, it’s actually what, they are
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the most innovative, there are several such universities, almost all of them are private, this is the ukrainian catholic university, kyiv school of economics, this top will soon enter there, probably american university, kyiv, this is a university that gives an american diploma in parallel, these worldviews are small, but very interesting. mr. oleksandr, thank you, oleksandr kondratyuk, expert on educational issues, founder of the all-ukrainian educational company setstat, was in touch with us, dear friends, thank you for being with us, lesya vakulyuk worked in this studio today for you, thank you for the 44 that you and i collected this morning, and in general we have there are already 145.124 hryvnias and 71 kopecks . tired of
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12:00 pm
represents united by football together stronger. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. a terrible accident happened in the morning in kyiv. kermanych ford violated traffic rules and collided with a jeep suv. car parts.
12:01 pm
she flew along the road and damaged the car.


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