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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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what will this issue be about, so very briefly. thank you, colleagues, about the main events, the news editor will tell, in particular, how many artists were destroyed by our soldiers in march alone, and we will start with the situation in the kherson region, there are, unfortunately, victims, all the details later, stay with us. a 79-year-old resident of tokarevka was killed by the russians, according to the regional military administration, the occupiers shelled the village the day before, the man's body was found today by law enforcement officers, the time and circumstances of death are being investigated. and the man blew himself up on the enemy ammunition in the boryslav district of the kherson region, the state service reported. from
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emergency situations, the victim on the tractor was inspecting the fields when a shell exploded, the tractor driver suffered minor injuries and refused to be injured. 976 russian artillery systems were destroyed by our soldiers in march, the ministry of defense of ukraine informed. the department noted that this is the highest figure in one month since the beginning of the full-scale russian...invasion. this month, a new wave of inspections by military medical commissions will take place in ukraine - said the head of the government, denys shmagal. according to him , there are plans to significantly improve the convenience of passing velk within the framework of digitization and de-bureaucratization. in addition to digitization and debureaucratization, the commission's inspections by the relevant ministry are ongoing. already.
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more than 53,000 medical emergency cases were checked, violations were recorded, recommendations were given for each fact, there will be a response, such checks will become regular. the petition to cancel the suspicion against ex-intelligence officer roman chervinskyi was left without consideration, as he was not brought to the courtroom. also , the prosecutor did not appear at the meeting. the defenders claim that the shevchenkiv district court violated the right to defense, to start proceedings. questions are already due on april 4. let me remind you that the investigation suspects roman chervinskyi of exceeding his authority and failing to recruit a russian pilot, which led to the shelling of the airfield and the destruction of ukrainian planes. we are a priori unable to listen to today's court session without the participation of mr. roman, because , first of all, i will repeat, it is exclusively with the participation the complainant himself. is happening, the complainant with
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us is not lawyer globa, not lawyer yosypov or lawyer vasylyuk, the complainant is mr. raman. they stole and demanded money, the capital's law enforcement officers detained four criminals, they locked an acquaintance in the garage, beat them and demanded to pay a fictitious debt of $10,000. the man was able to escape and call the police. the perpetrators are in custody, they were given bail in the amount of the committed persons face up to 12 years of imprisonment. a corruption scheme in the state consumer service was exposed in odesa. according to the investigation materials, an inspector of the body with two accomplices demanded $22,500 from the director of one of the enterprises. the suspects promised to enter data about the company in the register of persons who plan to export corn to the people's republic of china. the other two gave out fitos for a bribe. sanitary certificates for exporting
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products, everyone was informed of the suspicion. they made fake disability certificates. a scheme of illegal border crossing was exposed in odesa. the scam was organized by a 50-year-old woman from odessa. and her accomplice found clients. they demanded 11 from the men for their help $00. the woman was caught red-handed while receiving the second tranche of funds. killed for the ukrainian language, the court imprisoned a russian soldier for up to 15 years. the deputy commander of the third tank battalion shot a woman during the occupation of izyum. in search of a mobile phone, she approached the occupiers, the attacker shot the woman through the ukrainian language. the killer is wanted. produces cruise missiles for strikes on ukraine. the security service of ukraine informed serhiy about the suspicion. bogatikov, general
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director of the russian raduga plant. it the enterprise specializes in serial production of long-range missiles, including the x-101. it was their occupiers who were repeatedly used. for attacks on residential buildings and civilian infrastructure. work is currently underway to bring the perpetrator to justice. shooting at a finnish school in the city of vantaa, a 12-year-old student shot a classmate with a pistol and wounded two more peers. according to the police, all the boys are classmates. the reasons and details of the attack are unknown. the shooter was detained with a weapon belonging to a relative, since the attacker did not have one turned 15, he will not be kept in custody, he will be handed over to social workers. 13 victims have already been injured in russian tatarstan
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. two of the wounded are minors, the ministry of health reports, the aggressor countries, the attack on the russian oil refinery, this is a joint matter of the main administration. intelligence and security services of ukraine, rbc reports with reference to its own sources in law enforcement agencies. the espresso volunteer kitchen continues work for victory. for the second year in a row , we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum in parcels to the front. in addition to vitamins , there are also other goodies that our defenders need: dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry soups. borscht, lard and canned meat, all that will feed our people at zero. we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear viewers, join us and support our soldiers with a donation. you can see all the details on the screen.
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drone warfare, that's what the military says about their struggle at the front to help our defenders, the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charity fund initiated the collection, and it is you, ours. viewers and readers collected money for drones, mavics and parts for them for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade, which defends our country in the zaporizhzhia direction. let's see how the uav was transmitted. almost every day since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the military has asked for help from volunteers and another request has been closed thanks to viewers and readers of espresso together with the charity fund. this time we pass to the guys in the zaporizhzhia direction of fpv drones, we hand over the mavics and all the necessary things that they asked us for. in fact , the military constantly appeals to volunteers and the collection never stops, that is, it is not one collection, it cannot be singled out, for example,
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just a few days ago we closed the collection together with the espresso tv channel for uah 1 million, and here we have already started a new collection for half million hryvnias. such fees for tele have already become traditional, it is important to close as many requests as possible from our defenders. i can point out that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we already collected more than 28 million hryvnias for the various needs of military units, collected again together with our wonderful viewers and readers, we will be back very much our audience and we sincerely thank them for this help. the military is grateful to everyone who joined the campaign. time and time again, the support of every ukrainian is currently very important. the format of war has changed, now drones are your eyes, drones are weapons, drones are what carry weapons, drones are what help to hit the enemy, are what
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helps you see the movement of the enemy, equipment, manpower and everything else, that is, the war has reached a slightly different level. i really want to thank the viewers and readers. the tv channel, the entire team of the tv channel, you help us a lot, don't forget about us, we are grateful to you for that, we are very grateful to the iryna koval foundation for the help it provides us, this is our style. currently, the drones that you and i handed over already at the front, the birds are working and helping our defenders destroy the enemy. the director of the espresso tv channel emphasizes help to the military and not only will continue even after the end of the war. our volunteering will continue as long as there is a need for it. the news team is back on the spresso airwaves already at 5 p.m., followed by marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii.
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thank you to our dear journalists, let's pick up the baton and inform you about the most important things. now we will talk about deep strikes on russian military and energy facilities. ivan kyrychevsky, contact us. military expert defense express, literally from the minute joins us for a minute, but for now we will inform you about the most important things. information came from the national police. the national police delivers the wanted persons to the utc to draw up an administrative report. this was reported by the head of the national police department, ahramev. yes, i quote: such a mechanism is regulated by a cabinet resolution, which provides for an appeal. such an appeal is sent to the units of the national police, further. police officers enter information into the unified record of the information subsystem of the national police and start checks,
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after identifying such persons, we deliver them, - akhramyev emphasizes, we exclusively deliver them to the nearest tsc for the purpose of clarifying all the circumstances and drawing up an administrative protocol by an authorized officer of the central central committee, in accordance with article 210 of the criminal procedure code of ukraine, already in the territorial recruitment center a resolution on the admin is drawn up offense and insert the established circumstances. failure to appear on summons. we are adding ivan krychevskyi, defense express military expert, to our broadcast. mr. ivan, we welcome you to ours ether, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. well, reuters writes that our drones are already flying up to 1,300 km from the front line, a serious number. what do you think these are military, military, i don't know, civilian drones, unknown drones, what else do we call them, but such drones that fly so... far and for some reason the russian air defense does not see them? in this case, in our interests
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, you say that the drones are exclusively unknown, but why are they unknown, we know who we were attacked, and accordingly, i think, the russians, well, you know, they are not stupid, they understand who is trying to transfer hostilities to their territory, you know, one thing is the operator who launches them, another is the characteristics, well, let's say so , well, the characteristics of what... can be launched by certain operators, especially from the other side, you know, this may even contain valuable information for the russians, not just who, well, which country, but what relevant specialized units there are, who was involved in what and the like, and considering on how much the russians may have a wide interest here, and secondly, how much this morning demonstrated literally a quantum leap in our capabilities, well , we would not like to lose them, so if you knew this, it would not be, well let's put it this way, if it wasn't such an unusual event, that is, we were the first in the world to have such
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a long-range improvised means of defeat, then we could pretend that we didn't see anything, that the russians imagined something, but the alaboga plant is where they are made martyrs, he opened up under the action of the earth's gravity, there is shahin, he chews the cloth, he himself nailed his factory, well, because it 's just things like us. well, what our country has done today, no one in history had done or even planned it, but we talked as much as we wanted, there we asked, where are our shaheds, where are our shaheds, and it turns out that in just two years of dedicated work on ukraine has done more with the unmanned industry than iran did with its shaheds 40 years ago, but in our case it is enough to simply say that unknown drones, and today is just literally a historic day, well, mr. ivan, let the unknown drones be 1200. this is 1200 km, we understand that there is a front line, there are possible, so
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to speak, gray areas, yes, russian air defense is rather lacking everywhere, well, but it passed, it flew, from where it is unknown, maybe it flew from mongolia, from the other side, but, but, what, what is the russian air defense, what does it see, what does it not see, and how much, so to speak, they weakened the internal russian its concentration, but simply the fact itself, or the fulfillment of today's. attacks shows that it is possible that the russians with air defense deep into the territory of the russian federation are even worse off than one could imagine, because we are talking about tatarstan, which , unfortunately, is inappropriate to talk about in the wrong context, that it is an enslaved republic of russia federation, in that it is a very large military-industrial and, in principle , a military hub of the russian federation, because there is the city of kazan, the central tank school for the russian army, and at the same time an aviation factory where tu-160 bombers are built. m and can repair tu-22m3, if to geolocate the direct location of the hit,
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in the same place somewhere 20 kilometers away, in general , the kamaz plant and 25 kilometers away one of the strategically important hydroelectric power plants of the russian federation, it would seem that this is such a, you know, very important node that should be protected in the plan air defense is worse than moscow, but it was not protected in any way, this is the main paradox. successfully designed, which can bypass, i don’t know, the russian popeo in the same tatarstan, well, we understand, yes, if there... it still runs smoothly on wheels, we are here we have quite, well, we see quite a large air target, well, in our version, which can take a very large combat load, it is unlikely that there are opportunities, you know, to maneuver in the same way that any cruise missile of any
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type can do intensively , accordingly, this just demonstrates that it is possible that our planners have found a way to bypass the dense system of russian air defense, which is mainly concentrated on the front, and they are already lacking there, because the russians are here themselves admitted that they decided literally to plagiarize our system of mobile fire groups and introduce into themselves, well, try to shoot down our drones, as our military does, shooting down russian martyrs, well , that is, the depth of their problems with air defense means is possible, it is even deeper than it was possible to estimate , to imagine... to realize that everything is there on paper, it works in practice, well, maybe it works even worse than our anti-aircraft defense, for which the issue of lack of material and technical part is always relevant. mr. ivan, i wanted you clarify how critical the consequences of strikes on oil refineries can be for the russian army, because it is still too early to talk about any super achievements in the context that they have certain
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difficulties with oil products, so, in particular , in order to refuel armored vehicles. to leave the russian occupiers without fuel at all, because if they need it, then they will be without fuel, well , the kremlin will take fuel for the russians, for the russian troops, even from iran, there is just a case when here... the kremlin satellites were tracked in venezuela like this, what to eat we had to take oil and gasoline from iran instead of pumping oil into ourselves. well, that is, if necessary , they will replace it. another thing is that thanks to these strikes on russian refineries, the supporting structure of the russian army is generally knocked out, here it’s just, you know, the price of the issue is much higher, not that there is to leave the russians at the front without fuel, but simply knock out
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the entire structure on which the russian economy is holding up, well, it's just perero raw materials and perero. this is 50%, in principle, of exports, of the russian economy as a whole, if to stop at least the processing of raw materials, then there may be various unexpected pleasant surprises for us, so this is exactly what the competition is about, and not for the russian economy to start falling apart, in principle, as such, until you know, those tight beginnings, what they imagine there, and to what extent there will be a lack of fuel for russian tanks, this is simply a nice bonus in this case, look... ivan, well, we would like to ask you in general about the strategy of our drone unmanned aviation, yes, regularly on those or other military personnel objects or energy industrial facilities of the russian federation, wreckage is found, here and there it was heard that they found parts of the combat unit dronnolyut, chaklunvei and so on and so on, for me these are just names, i
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do not have tactical and technical characteristics , fortunately, you own it, but it won't either. to tell, well, but the nomenclature, so to speak, has increased, we are increasing production, it is arriving, it has not arrived today, but it will arrive, for example, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, what is our drone strategy now, at one time, until recently the secretary of the national security service of ukraine, oleksiy danilov, warned the russians, so to speak, not to mess with our drones, and here, so to speak, his postponed prophecies are beginning to come true, well, those postponed ones. kinships will continue to come true, and it will be very good that if we don't even try to predict, well, because firstly, any step will then pleasantly surprise us, and secondly, well, we don't need to give unnecessary spoilers to the enemy , well, because you know, it was possible after the first wave of the campaign of strikes on
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russian refineries, to try to imagine any option, but not the one that we will finally try to cover... shahediv, that is, i think that we should just imagine that the possibilities of implementing this drone strategy, they have grown not so much in terms of quality, but it’s not even worth predicting, especially if we talk about the industry, then yes, we know, but we won’t tell anyone anything, but western analysts, ivan, look, let’s put it in simple language, look, the russians now want to cut off our energy, they are beginning to target targets of our energy infrastructure, this is kharkiv. this is kyiv and not only, that is, they work hard and brutally, well, accordingly, and maybe some anonymous drones will fly in and cut off power in moscow. is st. petersburg or something else like that, well, if we take a hypothetical, purely hypothetical such possibility, how complicated is this operation actually to what
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is called a non-missile, unmanned strike, and in fact, everything can be here, hey, here i am you beat me to the most interesting point at the moment, western analysts have calculated that we have about 20, it was recorded on our side, it was recorded the use of 20 different types of different... kamikaze drones, some of them are successful and have become as trendy as a stick, and some are just quietly working , if it is based on the fact that we have not even two analogs of shaheds, but 20, then we have literally very wide opportunities now, the simple question here is that before carrying out certain strikes on russian territory it is necessary to conduct reconnaissance, to plan the operation, lay out the appropriate route and, accordingly, we have not yet reached the stage when, you know, it literally fell in moscow... but that is all ahead, so yes, if they produce energy for us, but obviously the course is like this, that we, the russians, will cut off their energy supply, they tried
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to build a defense system for us, but in our case, it is clear that in the case of countermeasures by the russians , it can turn out much better than the russians even now imagine, especially here is the very symbolism of the fact that this is a strategic strike , the effect of our blows according to the russian federation, well, he will create. very cheap weapons, well, because from what is already circulating from our sources, unfortunately, the drone is fierce, it costs 200 thousand dollars, well , it is expensive in its own way, still more expensive than shahed, but if you compare, what effect is it brings, well, you know, it's not that it's 10 times cheaper than the russian 101, but it's probably several times more effective, if you take the effort spent. mr. ivan, look, the russian dictator putin has appointed a new commander of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, vice-admiral sergei pinchuk. and we understand that probably, after all, this assignment is connected with the way
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ukrainian naval drones work in the waters of the azov, black and black seas, as you think, well, the ruler of the black sea fleet has changed in them, and what, or we should hope for some, i don't know, radical changes in tactics. enemy in this direction and what is putin counting on by appointing this man to this position, in general, do you think? what are personnel rotations for now? it will not bring radical rays, purely because that is the case with our naval drones and the black sea fleet of the russian federation, is taking place against a simple confrontation, you know, a horizontal organization and a vertical one, well, that is, you know, approximately the same miracle that helped restrain the russian invaders in the first weeks of a full-scale war, well, that is... the enemy simply by force of its nature is not capable of such flexible solutions, but here we have a rather formal reason, i.e. changes in the command of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, in fact
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, it looks a little, you know, more superficial, just from january 1 to 2024, there, the management system of the entire russian military fleet has changed, in principle, if before that the black sea fleet was subordinated to the headquarters of the southern military district in rostov, well, where once the wagnerites were so ridiculous, now... the black sea fleet of the russian federation is directly subordinated to moscow, it's easier saying, putin really wanted to personally control the black sea fleet, but he himself cannot put himself there as a commander, well, they put, excuse me, some kind of petrushka, but now it turns out that from the fact that there is a special a trained admiral will command or in fact putin, well, it is unlikely that the effectiveness of their countermeasures will increase from that, well, because after all, our naval drone designers are one step ahead of the russian countermeasures system developers, well, because... even last summer year it looked like maybe they would invent some such promising things, well , for example, such compact reb stations for warships that could jam our naval drones on the approach, well, but
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luckily, the russians did not have anything with ship rap at all, about some there are other technological ones we don't even have to work hard, so in this case, the fact that putin wants to personally command the black sea fleet of the russian federation, fortunately, it is not cold and not hot for us, it does not change anything for us, well, look at it in any case... rather everything is trying to manage missile attacks on ukraine in manual mode, we understand that our people are waiting for another disaster from the enemy, we understand that their reserves, of course, are not endless, of various missiles, but, but, mr. ivan, we would like you ask at the next couple of weeks, what should we expect from the enemy, what do they have with the resource, that is , they are diverse, there starting from daggers, ending with various types of ha. well, that's exactly what we have to expect, which is to be constantly ready for a missile threat, because if the main development department says that the russians have as many as 970 missiles, well, that's more than
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usual. if we also take into account this statement from budanov that the russians are now going to rely more on the caliber, then simply put, if earlier from the moment of exit there carrier until the arrival of the rocket could take two hours, and there was such an illusion that we would make it there, get out, or what to hide there at all, then from the moment the caliber leaves the carrier to the flight, less than an hour can pass, accordingly, this is precisely the period when, you know , you need to be not just words... there for any missile attacks, but still have something necessary there just in case, well, charged power banks, other things like that, how serious everything is, mr. ivan, in simple language, this is very seriously, this is very serious, it is better to focus on the fact that everything is very serious, and the russians have too many missiles, and we may not be lucky in something, if we take about, if we take massive volleys roughly, well, i don’t know, 100 missiles each, they have enough for...
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well, we can say enough for 10, because unfortunately, six months ago, three months ago, the russians managed to shoot steadily, firstly, a lot of rockets, and secondly, they still produce a lot of them, but today the main intelligence department confirmed that they had something announced , that according to their data, the russians have more than 260 caliber missiles, well, that is, even if they have them distribute 20 dashes to 10 in each volley, well, that’s too much, until this moment we made calculations simply on the basis of open sources, we got a spread from 240 to 285 caliber rockets only, well, imagine that and that at the same time, what are we talking about a missile capable of reaching lviv, thank you, ivan karachevskyi, a military expert from defense express was in touch with us, i just want to add to the topic, actually the representative of the main intelligence department, vadym skibitskyi, described the situation with missiles in more detail at the enemy, he says that about...
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gur predicts that the russians will be able to carry out a few more massed attacks, two or three, especially massed ones - notes skibiytskyi, and then they will be forced to take a pause again to accumulate rockets and missiles, however, separate local shelling may continue, says skibiytskyi. he also described the situation with russian caliber cruise missiles, which the aggressor has almost never used since the fall of 2023. so, what skibitsky says, the aggressor is accumulating a stock of cruise missiles, caliber and has at his disposal. at least 260 units, and in their plans to produce 30 missiles in april this year. he also recalled that the russians are modernizing the oningx anti-ship missiles, and as for the high-speed missiles that fly from the south, it is currently difficult to determine whether they are zircon missiles or modernized onyx, noted vadym skibitsky, adding that the stock of ordinary onyx in russia is 440 units. well, let's go on a break, now and
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after the break for a short time. we will come back in the afternoon and analyze the situation in kyiv, the main thing around kyiv, wait, we are talking about security of the capital. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpaku tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price of everything. from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, free delivery is possible, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw, just look how quickly it can handle even thick branches, once it's done, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard -to-reach places, it comes with a powerful
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