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tv   [untitled]    April 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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thank you to serhiy zhgorts, thank you to his guest, these were the military results of the day, and to continue the military theme, i want to say what was announced by the head of the ukrainian government, denys shmygal, the large-scale inspections of the vlk, which will take place in april, meaning the military medical commissions, about i will tell you the most important news in detail, and by the way, today we will have a conversation with igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, and we will talk with him about what is happening there, as they say, in the washington yard. explosions were heard in the dnipro correspondents of public affairs write about it. earlier, the air force of the armed forces of ukraine reported that the russians launched a guided air missile in the direction of the city. there is still an air alert in the city. 950 missiles, almost as many remain with the russians, this statement was made by the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, vadym skibiytskyi, in a comment to the rbc publication, it is about high-precision missiles
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with a range of more than 350 km, and the occupiers also have more than 260 calibers and 440 onyx in their reserves, with which they attack the southern regions of ukraine. by according to skibitskyi, this supply will be enough for the russians for three more massive attacks, then the kryvniv killers will have to take a break to accumulate these weapons. a 79-year-old resident of tokarivka was killed by russians for information. of the regional military administration, the occupiers shelled the village the day before, the body of a man was discovered today by law enforcement officers , the circumstances of death are often being investigated, and the man blew himself up on enemy ammunition in the beryslav district of the kherson region, the state emergency service reported . the victim was looking around on the tractor field, when a shell exploded, the tractor driver suffered minor injuries, he refused to be treated. and in khmelnytskyi region, 64
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settlements were cut off due to strong gusts of wind, the regional military administration reported. more than 8,000 consumers were left without electricity, energy workers are working to eliminate the consequences of the bad weather, and i would like to add that there was also a warning that there are strong gusts of wind and a storm in kyiv today, so residents of the capital of ukraine were urged to be careful and take care. himself from such vagaries of the weather. 976 russian of artillery systems were destroyed by our soldiers in march, the ministry of defense of ukraine informed. the department noted that this is the highest figure in one month since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. 18 ukrainians applied for compensation only in the first hour. work of the register of losses,
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said the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba. from now on , you can submit a claim about property damaged or destroyed by the russians through the diya application. the register was officially opened today at the conference restoration of justice for ukraine in the dutch hague. representatives of 57 countries took part in the application. said holland , i'll correct myself right away, this is the kingdom of the netherlands , that's its official name, holland is just that, well, you can say, but it's an unofficial name, that's why the netherlands has gas, and additional money, the government of ukraine allocated another 5.5 billion hryvnias for the construction of fortifications, prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal said. in general, the state has already allocated 20 billion hryvnias for this important and vital to those in kremlin. similarly, funds will be collected from the aggressor. for reconstruction, 1.1 billion for the construction
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of fortifications in donetsk region, more than 1 billion uah for zaporizhzhia region, 1.5 billion uah for sumy oblast, and 300 and 400 million uah for mykolaiv oblast and kherson oblast, respectively. work is ongoing 24x7. they stole and demanded money, the capital's law enforcement officers detained four criminals. they locked their friend in the garage, beat them and demanded that he pay the fictitious debt. raised what they thought was $10,000. the man was able to escape and call the perpetrator's police, the perpetrators are already in custody and they have been given bail in the amount of 600,000 hryvnias for what they have committed, they face up to 12 years in prison. the petition to cancel the suspicion against ex-intelligence officer roman chervinskyi was left without consideration, as he was not brought to the courtroom. also, the prosecutor did not appear at the meeting. the defenders claim that
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the shevchenkiv district court of the city of kyiv violated the right to protection, to start proceedings. petitions are already due on the fourth of april. let me remind you that the investigation suspects roman chervinskyi of excessive powers. and failure operation to recruit a russian pilot, which led to the shelling of the airport and the destruction of ukrainian planes. we are a priori unable to listen to today's court session without the participation of mr. roman, because first of all, i repeat, it is taking place exclusively with the participation of the complainant himself, the complainant is us, not lawyer globa, not lawyer yosypov or lawyer vasylyuk. and our speaker is mr. raman. preserving culture in kyiv is digitizing cultural heritage sites. the public organization ukraine incognita helps in this. support is also offered foreign partners. the church
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of the savior on berestov has already been digitized. currently, work is being carried out on the tereshchenko manor. digital copies will help restore objects in case of destruction. let me remind you that according to the ministry of culture, as of the beginning of january 24, 800.50 monuments were destroyed as a result of the russian invasion and aggressive actions. it is possible to protect such objects only if they are officially recognized as cultural heritage. i believe in our air defense, and if, god forbid, some missile fragments fall on a monument or a cultural heritage site, so that we have the opportunity were supposed to listen without... with the participation of mr., this is how i show the wrong thing, we take away, well, it means, chervinsky's lawyer, this is from another opera. yes, let's go further. aviation breakthroughs during march-may of the 22nd year, ukrainian pilots miraculously managed to fly on rotorcraft to
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azovstal. the operations remained secret for a long time, because they had an important mission to supply ammunition and medicines, as well as evacuate the seriously wounded from mariupol, which was besieged by the russians. about the superhumans who agreed to take part in such aerials operations, further in our material. we did not decide for a long time, our friends were there, our brothers, we were obliged to do it, we did it. on march 29, 2022, volodymyr mazorchuk, nicknamed naschny, went by helicopter to help his comrades who were surrounded in mariupol. the air operation on azovstal is a series of raids to the blocked mariupol, which was carried out by the ukrainian air force, together with the main directorate of intelligence. according to kyril bodanov, head of the department, ukraine
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sent military aid to azovstal seven times. it was worse at times than i expected, because i was flying, i understood that i was flying into the environment. city, but, well, the reality was a little different from what i realized. volodymyr, like all azovstal defenders, followed the commander's order to save his life. nazov was captured by the russians, where he stayed for 13 months, and was exchanged on june 11, 2023. however, most of the flights to mariupol were one-way flights, according to the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, about 90% of the pilots died under during such operations, among them andrii
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ogorodnyk, call sign ozhos. from february 24 , the hero defended the kyiv region, on the night of march 24-25, he went to mariupol for reinforcements. our children, they didn't tell us anything, we found out, he only called back once, from the 19th, i was just shocked and that's all, no. on april 26 , 2022, andriy was killed by a fragment of an 82- caliber mortar, and his body was searched for 11 months. died on želizaki in the hospital, but i am very grateful to my comrades that they dragged him under shelling in order to try to save his life, and in such inhumane
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conditions, the doctors tried to save the lives of our children, unfortunately, unfortunately, flights to the occupation. mariupol at that time seemed impossible. the first evidence about them appeared only on may 20, 2022. we recognized that it is difficult. knew that it was almost impossible to fly to azovstal and bring them medicine, bring them food products, bring them water, take away the bodies of the wounded, all this was happening, a lot of things were happening that no one could officially comment on, according to chief gur kirill budanov, a total of 16 mi-8 military helicopters flew to the defenders in azovstal, such air operations made it possible to extend the effective defense of the
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mariupol garrison for more than a month. on may 16, 2022, the higher military command of ukraine issued an order to the unit commanders to preserve the lives of personnel. the same evening, the so-called evacuation of ukrainian soldiers to the occupied territory began. in june 2022, president volodymyr zelenskyi announced that after the battles for mariupol in... more than 25 were captured by russia ukrainian fighters from azovstal, after a series of exchanges of prisoners of the kremlin, there are still about eight hundred azov citizens. perhaps that is why war is an art, not a science. when you have completed the task and kept the maximum number of personnel. this is the highest level of military management. especially when your decision is approved by the top military leadership. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i want to answer the legendary warrior and of course believe that
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our captured soldiers who defended mariupol will eventually be returned. pope rimsky recently said that let's exchange everyone for everyone, if only these words of the pontiff were heeded in the kremlin, it would certainly be the best at this time, because many of our soldiers, in various conditions, quite often terrible, continue to be in captivity. and the countries of the aggressor, sincere respect and thanks to all those who died in these operations, who saved the most dearly, saved their brothers and sisters in the environment, in the surrounded city of mariupol, and i invite you to know more interesting and relevant information, go to the esreso tv website and on our social networks, this is important in fact, also look for espresso on youtube, be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ateru, all the program releases and special projects that you can see... only on our youtube, there is a lot of very important information that shines a light on
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what is happening, what has happened and will give forecasts for what may happen, it is important to be informed, and my colleagues are working on giving adequate analytics, adequate information, and not, you know, hyping to drive some other things that only disturb the brain, but do not give clarity, because when there is clarity, then there's balance, in this situation we're in now, a war situation, there's got to be balance, espresso gives you balance, that's really important. and it does not lie to you, and it does not reassure you, we are telling the truth, well, the one we know, at least adequately, also a short video on a hot topic in the shorts section, watch, like, comment, share, this is important for the spread of ukrainian content, which is the espresso tv channel, and my colleagues are working hard on it, and now i will add igor eisenberg to the conversation, he is a professor at the new york university, and we have a lot to talk about regarding the united states of america.
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in charge of the restoration of ukraine, for monitoring the money that should go to the restoration, and also mrs. bridget brink, the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the united states of america in ukraine, they are in lviv, mrs. pritzli is in lviv for the first time, and there was such a message, yes to say that we believe, it is worth believing, the money should go to restoration, there were no such statements, well, there were no unexpected ones, please tell me how important these visits are, and if now talk about ms. pritzker, well, ms. brink , she is always in ukraine, and we hear from her periodically, ms. priskir comes, she also comes there for a while, she works in the usa for a while, how far is this work going in general, how far these words are to be believed and will be recovery, how to perceive them? on the shoulder, or the understanding that there will be certain actions that
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will then allow restoring ukraine under the control of the ukrainian government? i think ms. pritzker's role, she's a big one, actually, although maybe not as visible because she travels a lot, she was recently in several countries of central europe, and it happens in the countries of western europe, it is about... many meetings in the united states, because yes, sooner or later, but there will definitely come a time when there will be more concern about the restoration of ukraine than about hostilities, and... thanks to what ms. pritzker is doing, there will be an opportunity to accumulate investments, that is , to encourage investments in ukraine, private investments, state investments, possibly from some countries, well, in particular, of course , the united states, but primarily private investments, because she
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holds a lot of meetings with owners of private companies who would be interested in investing in ukraine, of course, if... if it were more or less safe, and that's why i say that such a moment will definitely come, and her work then, then we will see that she is doing a great job now, i say again, maybe it is not clear what exactly she is doing, but her activity is very, very important, now about the activities of other people, well, in particular, politico edition today, and you? gave such information that mike johnson, he is not just resting on this easter vacation, and which should be there until april 9 for the house of representatives of the congress of the united states of america, they are thinking about how to help ukraine, i think that they are thinking about how to help ukraine, i think so, i don't want to think, what do they think, how to do it in order to postpone the aid to ukraine, i want to believe in the best, and you will tell me now, and
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now i will finish the question, should we believe in the best, or should we still believe in other things, so? johnson, speaker of the united states house of representatives of america, offers a new invented idea regarding aid to ukraine. well, again, that's according to politico. proposes to tie aid to ukraine to the lifting of the ban on us natural gas exports. so what kind of complex scheme is this, why is it important at all. and this moratorium on the export of natural gas was introduced by the head of the government and the president of the usa, respectively, joseph rubinett biden. please, yes, this is mr. johnson on sunday, he gave an interview on the fox channel, and he offered such an idea there, well, not really the moratorium on the export of liquefied gas, i just read what i said, sorry, maybe i’m there, well, there, they just, they didn’t exactly write, there is a moratorium on new export licenses, that is, the united states is one of
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the largest exporters of liquefied gas of gas for today and... exports are made, in particular, to gas is exported to europe, just the administration, how many months ago , it took a break from issuing new licenses, because they want to study what, how does this affect, in particular on different things related to the environment in the united states, but the export continues, why is it interesting to mike johnson, the cancellation itself. moratorium on new licenses because he is very interested in having a liquefaction terminal in his home state of louisiana, from which he is a member of the house of representatives, completed, fully operational, and operational so that exports can occur gas from the terminal in which he is interested, and
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this terminal, may i specify, and this terminal, is he private? that's all i understand private, well, in the united states of america, but what is the interest there, it's just that the business worked in the district from which it, of course, the terminal is private, because all these terminals, they belong to private companies, but of course johnson is interested in the business working , because these are jobs, this is the development of the economy, in this case in his state, just economic activity in this field, it is regulated by the government, with the administration, but of course the terminals are all private, but again, these are jobs , this is development economy, in this case in his state , what he's interested in, i think that 's what he said, it's such a positive move, a move in a positive direction, because it's
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unlike his previous conditions, it's much more real thing, because he only has to solve. talk about it with the white house and agree on what will be acceptable to the white house, what will be acceptable to him, there may be some compromise solutions, in fact, the good thing is that this is absolutely not an item to include in any laws, because here here it is is regulated by the administration, that is, it is regulated entirely by the executive branch, if he agrees on this with biden, then biden can go to see him in this case, you know, although it is me, i'm sorry, i'll just say, there's probably no better person right now in the world than mike johnson, that is, a person who alone, well, he is ... a representative of the party, but he can offer you whatever requests you want, and they will meet him, that is, if it does not border on common sense, or on bordering on security there global for
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usa, give us gas, let 's make cars tomorrow in my state, especially, that is, this is such a golden action in his hand, which is still playing, i mean , the situation is already critical now with the help of ukraine, but if it is still possible squeeze out at least a little bit of this oil, so let's go. why i'm just clarifying, because i'm not convinced that i'm right, well , senators, that upper house, they, each senator stands for a certain state, as far as i understand, and that's why there are a certain number of them, but the congressmen, in my opinion, represent not the whole state, but a certain district or what, a certain district, yes, a district that is, is a state territory, but a certain district is out of the state, there are states that only have one congressman, where the population is very small, uh, but there are a few states like that yes, but as a rule there are several members of the house of representatives from the state. because there is a majoritarian system in several districts in the state, or there are a lot of districts in california, for a population of 40 million. you know,
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today anthony blinken made a statement, ukraine is in a critical moment, he called for help with weapons, here it is clear, you know, there are miscalculations in the ukrainian authorities, the only ones who do not have miscalculations are the armed forces of ukraine, because our soldiers fight despite everything. and there are shells, there are no shells, they are doing what they can, and even more than they can do , again, giving their lives and their blood and also the families of the military and the volunteers and everyone who is involved now in defense of the country, but our government has not done everything either, i am not saying that everyone here is perfect, but because the statement of president zelensky some time ago that our short-sightedness is the short-sightedness of the partners, well, this is not entirely true, but there is some responsibility, but still we understand that we cannot manufacture missiles for patriot or sumpti or nasamps launchers from... now ukraine is in such a difficult situation, we see that these missiles are especially ballistic, well, actually they hit very often and a lot, and we cannot protect everything adequately, and this is a critical moment, let's help, and now we can quickly
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solve something globally, representative of gurmo ukraine said, mr. skibiyskyi said that this spring there may be two more massive shellings, the problem here is that two massive shellings or three, they can put a large part of the energy, and this is a blow to the economy and to the army and to... to many things, these are blinkin's words, how to interpret them and how else, what can be quickly resolved precisely with the provision of missiles, at least for anti-aircraft energy systems of patriots or similar to them? look, speaker johnson can solve it quickly, he can solve it in one hour, just put a bill that he will pass the senate adopted the agenda on february 13 , to vote on it, there will definitely be at least 280 votes in favor, but it is necessary... but in the current chamber with its current number, because there are not a few deputies there, 216, this is the majority of its real as of today
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the day of the assembly, there will definitely be 280 votes in favor, so the problem lies in this, in this mr. johnson, who just procrastinates and who constantly invents some things, that we need to do this and that, and here, let's go here, and there is a bill , which he... he could him, he could put him in agenda and approve it a month and a half ago, it's a shame, he just embarrasses the united states, as far as i'm concerned, just from my average point of view, and there's pressure on him, he's like that, you know, you started by saying that you hope he is thinking about helping ukraine, i think he is thinking more than anything about keeping his position political. because his party colleague margery taylor green, she proposed a resolution to remove him from office, because he cooperated with
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the democrats on the budget, at the end of the 24th year, in march , the united states received a budget for this year, and this resolution can be considered, the democrats suggested to him that, well... at least two dozen democrats, that they do not support this resolution, if he will put a bill on aid to ukraine on the agenda, on the one hand, and on the other hand , several right-wing republicans, in particular , there is such a goal, he said that they will not support his resignation if he does not put a bill on aid ukraine is on the agenda, that is, johnson solves for himself... such a problem, you know, i am, if i express it in mathematical language, an optimization problem, how to optimize
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the solution so as to stay on... stay there on on this hill of the republican party, that is one of its leaders, one of the influential people, because he, he knows the experience of his predecessor, speaker mccarthy, who lost his position and was generally forced to leave politics, although he had great political ambitions, there is another pressure, the pressure line of speaker johnson , this is a petition for the consideration of the senate bill for... the speaker's round, and it's already signed by 190, 191 members of the house signed it when they come back on april 9th, that's where i expect more signatures to come in because they have to sign in person because they're not in washington right now, i'm told , that our time is up, i hope that this decision will be resolved and when it is signed, we will talk with you about both the fact and about...
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prospects, thank you very much for taking the time, thank you for joining and commenting, igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, was in touch with us, we believe the best thing is that it is already there in the near future a week, plus or minus this decision will be made , now the story is for your attention, this is a war of drones, this is what the military says about their struggle at the front to help our soldiers, the espresso tv channel and the charity fund iryny koval initiated the fundraiser, and it was you, our viewers and readers, who raised money for fpv mawi drones. and equipping them for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade, which defends our country in the zaporozhye direction. let's see how the uav was transmitted. almost every day since the start of the full-scale invasion , the military has called on volunteers for help. and another request was closed thanks to the viewers and readers of espresso, together with the iryna koval charitable foundation. this time
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, we will hand over to the boys in zaporizhzhia. we hand over the mavics and all the necessary things that they asked us to do. in fact , the military constantly appeals to volunteers, and the collection never stops, that is, it is not one collection, it cannot be singled out, for example, just a few days ago we closed the collection together with the espresso tv channel for uah 1 million, and here they have already started a new collection of half a million hryvnias. such fees for the tv channel have already become traditional, it is important to close as many as possible. requests from our defenders. i can note that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we have already collected more than uah 28 million for various needs of military units. collected, again, together with our wonderful viewers and readers, we are very proud of our audience and sincerely thank them for this help. the military is grateful to everyone who joined the gathering and emphasizes the support of every ukrainian
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currently very the format of the war has changed, now drones are your eyes, drones are weapons, drones are what carry weapons, drones are what help you hit the enemy, they are what help you see movement, enemy equipment, manpower and everything else , that is, the war reached a slightly different level, i really want to thank the viewers, readers of the tv channel, the entire team of the tv channel, you help us a lot, don't forget about us, we are grateful to you for this, we are very grateful to the iryna koval foundation for the help that it is to us provides, it is our style. currently, the drones that we handed over to you are already at the front, the birds are working and helping our defenders destroy the enemy. the director of the espresso tv channel emphasizes that assistance to the military and not only will continue even after the end of the war. our
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volunteering will continue until... as long as there is a need for it. let's listen to people suffering from rheumatism and arthrosis. the pain in the joints is so piercing, it is impossible to get used to it. he does not allow to move. i tried everything, i bought a yellow one at the pharmacy kremgit. he saves me from the pain of rheumatism. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. dollgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro , it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost uuro: urination under control. ask at pharmacies. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. plebodia 600.


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