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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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the enemy's goal at the moment is to get to the siverskyi donetsk-donbass channel, and the situation is such that every day there is a build-up of kabama strikes, artillery strikes, the work of er at night, especially the fpv of drones, is very active , er, despite the fact that that there is an active, rather active counter-battery fight, and a fight against the enemy's prisons. the russians do not hesitate to throw their own meat here , all the landings are possible such supports that they can climb on, that is, these are the targets for the russians at the moment after ardiivka has become the main point of time where they will concentrate their main efforts in the future, it is already obvious whether the situation is somehow different
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from what was in avdiivka, or does this mean that it is time to sow sooner or later can't we get it? uh, the situation is radically different, why? because if there was, roughly speaking, a horseshoe in avdiivka, then here there is no horseshoe as such, first of all, in order to make a horseshoe, they need to take bohdanivka, they need to go to the operative space of the mortar, they still have it. .. no, it didn’t work, they didn’t manage to take the route itself, i think it’s called 05 09 on the map, er, and they also didn’t manage to take the operational space on the klitschiv heights, that is, to more or less ensure their logistics , because the logistics at the moment are so difficult that from our side, something from the enemy's side, why did the war go to the stage when... in the air
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we see such swarms of drones, when they a lot, too many of them, let's put it this way, and everything that is 10 km from the line a collision, it is literally tracked by means of aero-development and is affected by both artillery and fpv means, so every arrival, every departure, it is carefully planned, by the way, we recently from... on reb means, bought them and they work perfectly, absolutely , at the moment, provide the logistics of the front edge, also, taking this opportunity, i would like to ask the studio, now we are gathering our scouts for the means of technical, for the means of technical intelligence, i will also ask you to join, if there is such an opportunity, our viewers always respond, and where can they find some... requisites or some information where
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i will provide at the end of the broadcast, well, well, we agreed , so follow the broadcast carefully, please, our viewers, listeners, i want to ask you also, you must have heard about the attempt of the russians to use a large number of tanks and bmps last saturday in the avdiivka area, 36 tanks took part in a breakthrough attempt and it was not... not successful, foreign media even wrote about it that the russians lost 12 tanks and eight bmps as a result of this breakthrough attempt near the village thin, you must have heard about it, mr. denys, can you tell me the details, what can be concluded from this story, yes, such stories happen here too, sometimes it does not go out there in such a quantity, of course, because 36 tanks is a full-fledged tank battalion under cover. a motorized infantry
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battalion or a mechanized battalion, as literally depicted in these shots, their actions are absolutely logical, this is for the russians, that is, a mass offensive, just like the offensive of a large mass infantry, the same thing happens here, two or three tanks leave, but these actions are not are successful, why, because every exit, every movement, let's say, everyone raised them. it is fixed thanks to the technical means of intelligence, thanks to aerial reconnaissance, thanks to the fact that there is always someone in the air, because i said that the war has passed to such a stage that it is impossible to track, or not hear, not see certain preparations for certain assault actions, at the moment, it is impossible, and that is why the russians are still approaching it, but already for planned purposes. artillery fire is being prepared,
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bombers are being prepared, minelayers are being prepared driveways, the fans are being prepared, that is, the maximum number of people will be concentrated there. and at the maximum they begin to be dismantled little by little and by the time they reach the front edge, only our leading ukrainian black earth remains from them, but this means that the russians still have the opportunity to form such a tank battalion and try to take a risk, that is, they are in such the way is being felt, despite the huge losses in armored vehicles, well, it is no secret for anyone that the russians have... storage bases quite a significant amount of armored vehicles that have remained since the time of the soviet empire, and the fact that they say that every year they produce a lot of armored vehicles there or something else, they are simply restoring the potential that was left to them from the soviet
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union, restored, stockpiled and sent to that particular frequency, and they plan the offensive. that is, in principle, this is expected, and they have quite a lot of such rags, especially old rags, there are armored personnel carriers of various t-62s, those of the same artillery, they have quite a lot reserves on the territory of the russian federation, so we have to fight with it, we have to face it, well, as well as the means of the same cabs, there are currently a lot of aerial bombs. why, because tactical aviation, it was not used periodically in the 22nd and 23rd years, as it is used now, that's why we have a certain certain problem with it at the moment, well, we understand, we are all waiting for the appearance of the f16 in the sky , that maybe this
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will be to some extent the answer to this huge problem, mr. denis, i wanted you to ask this, maybe a little personal for... the question, how old are you, if you can say, ee 30 full, 30 full, how old are your siblings on average, when and how? i have brothers from 20 years old to 60 years old, some even over 70, over 60, i apologize, i have such a retired friend, who is... he continues to fight with heavy weapons on long-range artillery and he still has this kind of personal hardening, he says, i will fight until i have service, he says it won't be 100 years, i tell my grandfather, well, you gave it yesterday
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the president signed the lowering of the mobilization age from 27 to 25, have you already discussed these innovations with your brothers ... how much will they affect the work of the artillery of the fourth brigade of rubizh in particular? let's put it this way, here we are taking our fourth brigade, most of our brothers, who are already here, and others we will of course invite, teach, tell, show, give a red button, will shoot at the enemy, but the law in general i congratulate, why i congratulate, because we crossed that rubicon when... already, let's say, way there is no turning back, the bottom line is that this law had to be adopted, probably at the very beginning, in order to mobilize the entire country, er, to put it completely on the military rails, because to fight with a country that is in
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dozens, even let's say, 10-20 times more than our own, with the same population... a hundred times more, it is extremely difficult, and in order to carry out certain rotations, to carry out certain defensive actions, certain offensive actions, people are needed, especially young people who will understand the same fpv, the same rebs, because the war now is a war, let's say so, electronic quadrangle, it's a war of electronics, a war of robots. obviously, we also extremely, extremely need young specialists who will change the course of the war. mr. denis, well , let's now proceed with our own announcement of the collection, where you can transfer money so that precisely the fourth brigade and your,
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your artillerymen will receive these intelligence tools that you need, we, we will provide you with a qr code, if you allow, at the end of the post qr code and if possible, please. people to join, because technology is not a pity, technology is nothing, and people are everything, denys nagorny, the fourth brigade, the border. people, at least you can now also go, i think, through the social media pages of the fourth brigade and find this collection as well. thank you, mr. denys, for participating in our broadcast, we wish you a peaceful day, although we understand that it is almost unreal where you are, denys nagornyi was calling us from the direction of bahamud, dear friends, in the meantime, we are with you on our assembly, which the espresso tv channel together with the charitable foundation. with the public organization baza ua we have already
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gathered 11, almost 12,000 people to resist, and now we need 2,000, some 27,000, 27,000 separate us from 200, and 200,000 is a 10th part of what we need in total fpvs gather that now we are going on a short break, we will return, and next will be serhiy zurets, military expert, director of information... new company defense express, we will talk with him about what is happening at the front, and also about the law signed by volodymyr zelenskyi, stay with us, we are tired of difficult and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for... your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 hryvnias,
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zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to be keep abreast of economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, redikt with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. dear
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friends, let's return to ether and continue the conversation. serhiy zurets, military expert, director of the defense express information and consulting company, with whom we always talk about the situation at the front at this hour. already appearing on our screens and on yours. mr. sergey, good morning. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. actually, mr. sey, let's go for sure. let's start with the time situation omuyar, they say that the enemy has concentrated all his efforts there, and this is such a conditional new bakhmut or avdiyivka, how is the situation there now? controlled, well, in fact, if we take into account the establishment of the general staff, then in terms of the intensity of combat operations today, this direction is inferior to the intensity of the enemy's operations in the novomykhariv direction around the west of avdiyivka, there the number of combat clashes is more, but in any case we understand
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that all these areas there and around bakhmut, and avdiyivka, and... all of them namohykhaivka movements extremely difficult and important for the enemy and important for our defense, if we go back directly to the time of the yar, then in fact there the enemy is trying to move in several directions, this is from bohdanivka from the north, ivanivka, in order to get to chasivyar from the south, in this way.. . two directions of a possible encirclement of the ravine, but these are such theoretical assumptions in view of the directions of the enemy's main attacks. now we have a situation where the main efforts are now concentrated around and in ivanovsky itself, the enemy is located there in the northern part of the city, then
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there is a road and there is a southern part of the village of ivanovski, extreme information. now in various autumn telegram channels, it is likely that the enemy is currently conducting military operations there in the er southern part, but these operations have taken place before, and i think that the main thing here is what forces will be used by our troops to repel these constant attacks in ivanivsk and nakolyvanivsk and well , the further movement of the enemy until the time of yaru will make it impossible to advance. the dynamics here are quite complex and have been understood for a long time, around the ravine, which is located on a high ground, and there are fortifications, which we talked about literally yesterday, to the outskirts of chasivyar, there to the first lines of defense, there are 600 m, although there were reports that the enemy
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was there just from the east made his way to these lines of defense, he was repulsed. so in any case, when we try to estimate how long these actions of the enemy will last, they will really last, well, because he has set himself one of the priority tasks, but we understand that in fact the concentration of forces around the time of yaru is not as big as it was, in particular at one time around the same avdiyivka, where 80 thousand personnel were concentrated, there is a significant amount of armored vehicles, now there are no enemies. such forces, but in any case, we see that these attacks around the time of the yaru, they are quite constant, and i think that the dynamics are such that our soldiers are determined to repel these attacks, of course, and to create conditions for the maximum destruction of the enemies in this area, which actually fits into the concept of active defense, which the armed forces implement
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along the entire length of the front. by the way, i just spoke with denis nagorny, the lieutenant colonel, with the chief of staff of the artillery of the fourth brigade, and he basically says that deterrence is sufficient for the enemy's forces, and we actually saw on saturday how the enemy tried to make a serious breakthrough under the audi 36 tanks and a certain number of bmps, and it was a failed attempt for them, what did we, what did you see for yourself in this story that nan forbes wrote about? well, actually for... there have been several such attacks in recent days the enemy using armored vehicles, this is just in the vicinity of avdiivka, this is the video that we are now seeing, with the use of 36 tanks, 12 armored vehicles, 12 tanks and eight bmps were destroyed, and after that even the 25th
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airborne brigade carried out counterattack actions, there knocked out the enemy from landings after this one. attacks and says, we can say that the means and approaches to deterring the enemy are quite effective, because artillery, javelins, remote mining, and fpv were used there drones, and we can even see that before the deployment of the transition to the attack, the main forces of the enemy were destroyed, then there were a number of publications in the russian public that well... conditionally speaking, we need to think about the level of training there of the type of russian commanders who manage to such attacks, which end in such colossal losses. here by the way, we see a video of javelin using a fighter of 25- 25th brigade, a cool video, an emotional one, when they hit
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an armored vehicle and then react quite emotionally to the fact that they managed to succeed, this says that in fact there are jawans, they are used just as effectively, and there were also attacks on thorns with armored vehicles, there were also significant losses of the enemy, and around novomykhaivka, which we mentioned at the beginning, where there were also attacks from... . with the use of four tanks, and it seems that two or three tanks were destroyed, that is , now the enemy has started to use armored vehicles more actively, this is such an impression that , again, some attempts to achieve success at any cost, if they do not count manpower and we we understand it, but it is so colossal the use of armored vehicles with such colossal losses, well, this will really affect the enemy’s further ability to carry out e... directions for attacks in certain directions, and by the way, after the attacks near avdiivka, these units, which knew about the colossal losses of the enemy there, they were directed to reformatting, because there
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were no longer any means or people willing to resume such offensive actions. well, yesterday the president signed the law on lowering the mobilization age from 27 to 25, it took almost a year, it took almost a year. why did the president delay signing these changes so much and to what extent does this affect the changes in our military? actually this law was approved by the parliament a year ago, it lowers the age to 25 for men, and it will actually be such an important support for mobilization, because anyway... the package of new laws also included lowering the age for mobilization, but here is the nuance that in fact now we really have the left
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part of the personnel undergoing mobilization, it is the age of 40 plus, and this is because it the biggest such demographic opportunity, because we have the majority of men in the country of exactly this age, up to... for men there, 25 and under, it is significantly smaller, and there were assumptions that, relatively speaking, there, well, it will not affect the overall potential for promotion mobilization, but here it is necessary to understand not only these ratios of age categories, but the fact that younger fighters more adequately meet the needs of hostilities, i am not even talking about the infantry, here it is... one component, the second is that now many things are technological in the armed forces, when we talk about drone operators, about robotic platforms, about
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the ability to use communication systems, about automated battlefield management systems , that is, many requirements that are directed to manufacturability, they rest on certain limitations, the capabilities of older people , these things to master, which are sometimes simply ignored. i think this is now such an important balance and an important chance to raise the level of personnel training, relying on the younger age of the mobilized and to provide more effective conditions for the conduct of hostilities, this is when we talk about technology, but on the other hand , we understand that replenishing the armament of those brigades that are being formed, new brigades are being formed in us, is just as important. which are also supposed to perform later will be combat brigades, and now brigades are being formed, which are to increase the number of reserve forces, and all these things actually
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complement each other, why did the president delay the signing of such a bill, this law, well, i think that sooner hoped or counted on certain, let's say, negative reaction from society, but now it is completely inappropriate. because, in fact, we understand that the survival of the entire state depends on the fact that all age groups are directed to ensure that our country has an effective defense system both in the rear and on the battlefield. the institute for the study of war says that lowering the mobilization age will support the ability of the ukrainian army to restore and reconstruct existing units, create new ones, but says that in order properly arm everyone... we need western help, can we hope that western help will be somehow more actively provided now in connection with the changes in the age
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of the mobilized. well, i would not directly make such a dependence, we are talking about the fact that, in general , european countries have intensified their efforts to help ukraine, and here, by the way, i will mention the interview of the minister of defense of estonia, which took place on march 24, but the facts are extremely interesting . estonia talks about that it also has the ability to provide about 1 million ammunition for the ukrainian army, knows where they can be bought, the question now is only financing, and this initiative does not overlap with the initiative. does not overlap with orders for the production of ammunition in european countries, that is, in general , the ministry of defense of estonia says that if there are funds, then by the end of the year , the ukrainian army can receive an amount of ammunition that will not be inferior to that of the russian army. this trend is extremely positive, the issue of money is that we have a peace support fund there, in which funds were directed there
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european countries there are within the limits of 5 billion plus, so i think that the process, in particular, which concerns the renewal of ammunition, is quite positive and develops in a geometric progression, when we talk about other types of equipment that the armed forces need, then we will also consider here on the initiative of both germany and france, which promises to transfer all equipment that is removed from armaments to ukraine, there are working samples, so i think that the process is gaining such positive dynamics here. if we even remember that he is the secretary general of nato came up with an initiative to form such a support fund for ukraine within the limits of 100 billion dollars for 5 years, today this issue will be discussed within the framework of the ministers of foreign affairs in nato, and this is another component that combines financial and technical and military-technical assistance there ukraine, so in
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any case the dynamics are quite positive. the question is that effective approaches to mobilization as a process of rational and effective increase of the capabilities of the ukrainian army should be ensured now from the ukrainian side, because the story with the package of laws on mobilization, which will now be turned upside down, it actually sometimes creates a misunderstanding of why the political component in the country is acting so slowly against the background of serious threats to the security of the state as a whole. in tatarstan, this factory is where drones are assembled for the attack on ukraine, as it testifies, that is, moscow and kazan, lower novgorod, samara, penza, saratov, lipetsk are already within range, that is, all of these are almost on to us, you almost answered it completely. that we
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are moving to another stage of capabilities at a distance of 1,200 km, these are completely new goals, and this will allow us to influence the economy and the defense industry of the russian federation, the main thing is to ensure the scaling of those samples that are capable of hitting enemy targets at such distances. literally, i will briefly clarify how the drone was able to overcome all air defense systems, so this question worries everyone and it causes yet another surprise. how leaky is the air defense system of russia, if even such the objects manufactured by the shaheds, and there is a kamaz enterprise nearby, there are thermal stations there, the means of air defense are not covered, which speaks of their insufficient number, or the fact that they are all scattered around moscow there, petersburg there, and in fact, well are unable to really provide those objects that are even considered a priority for the protection of the russian
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federation. sergey, thank you, serhiy zurets, military expert, director of the information and consulting company defense express was with us, dear friends, we we'll be back on the air at 9:50, but now there's a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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