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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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of ukraine dmytro kuleba. together with colleagues, prosecutors, and ministers of justice from fifty countries, they discussed the format of the tribunal, having previously heard a video call from the ukrainian president to speed up the search for solutions. i urge all of you not to deviate from our common line, the line of justice, and i ask you not to slow down. we must do everything possible to strengthen the justice to the right. really strengthened our common security, defense against aggression and terror. let true peace be restored hurry up and let anyone who destroys the peace really fear to stand trial in the hague. exactly what the future tribunal will be is still a debatable issue, which is why such conferences are convened. the european commission took the lead in this matter. we have already decided on a place there. the brussels tribunal wants to see gas, but first we need to agree on the format, whether it's a hybrid according to the ukrainian one. by national
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legislation or, for example, by the rome statute, the involvement of which russia will require changes in laws in a number of countries. it will be necessary to agree to the removal of immunity from the so-called troika, that is, the highest officials in the countries. there is a group of countries that say they don't think it's possible to remove immunity from the trio, they're taking part in the key group discussion, the rest of the group is against that vision, but these countries. who raise concerns can simply withdraw their participation. secondly, this question can be left to the decision of the tribunal itself. there is a solution - the ukrainian minister is convinced. he insisted that although there is still no agreement on the issue of the tribunal, at least the idea itself is no longer rejected, as it it was two years ago. and the european commissioner talked about the three stages of preparation for the future court: this is the collection of evidence, the beginning of the investigation and the actual determination with the format of the tribunal. and while the question of the format is still open,
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the evidence is already being collected and the development of the case for the court is also in progress. we have, based on the eurojust joint investigation team, a real team to work on the crime of aggression with the prosecutors and properly prepare the case for the tribunal, and this is the first time that we are working not only with member countries, but also with international criminal court and in good cooperation with our american colleagues, and we are also working on the third step. and while the west is working on the format of the tribunal, ukrainians are encouraged to file complaints about damages. from april 2, it can be done online or through the "action" application. at this stage , complaints about damaged housing or property are accepted. eventually, the register will include more than 40 categories of harm, not only related to property, but also, for example, torture or sexual violence. however, the registry will not pay compensation deal, international lawyers are still developing a mechanism for compensation. and by the time of its
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creation, the damage database must be ready. olena abramovich, radio liberty, brussels. oleksandr pavlychenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, joined our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. greetings, good morning. mr. oleksandr, minister kuleba said in the hague, i quote, if the current state of international law cannot solve the problem of prosecution a permanent member of the un security council, then... the law must change, do you agree with this and is it possible for the law to change? indeed, with regard to the ineffectiveness of the existing prosecution mechanisms, in particular for the crime of aggression, it is said from the beginning of a large-scale invasion, this is a war, which is actually the largest on the european continent, and to talk about the fact that the security system, and this is the system of law and... and
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in fact the political system that was built after the second world war, it points to its inefficiency, and we say about the fact that existing mechanisms should really be used, and in your plot you just showed two existing mechanisms, this is the international criminal court, the international criminal code and the international court of justice, this is the court of the united nations. nations and both, and the question of creating a special tribunal on the aggression carried out by russia in ukraine has been raised since 2022, and indeed there has been great progress in this matter, to date an agreement has already been reached on even a possible place the location of this court and the preparation of the collection of evidence, but accordingly itself... the main
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political and legal decision has not yet been made, because you are talking now about the legal system and the legal decision, the legal decision can be made as soon as possible, but ... . to reach diplomatic-political-political agreements is probably the most difficult, and to date, the question is that the subjects of prosecution, whether it will be individually legal responsibility, then according to the category, who will be prosecuted, and here was the definition of the troika, that is, these are the first three persons, respectively, the head of the parliament, the government and the state, the president from... respectively, they are immune from being prosecuted for this responsibility, and here we also have competition, so that the international criminal court, let me remind you, has already issued an arrest warrant for vladimir putin, that is , there is no limit to his immunities and he can be prosecuted
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for the crimes defined in the rome statute, and apparently ukraine is the same here, let's remember that it had would ratify this the roman... statute, since it is in the roman statute that there is a definition of the crime, aggression, and actually all the categories that classify this crime. but why did this international register of war losses of the russian federation work in ukraine, what can it affect , and can it add such points in the general context of the situation so that the world, i don’t know , condemns ukraine faster or more effectively, or is it possible can it affect... the work of the same international criminal court? it will not affect the work of the iss, it actually is implementation of the principle of targeting victims of a criminal conflict, that is, it is about
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correcting the damage that was caused by the crime of aggression and, accordingly, creating the most complete register of damages, and here we are talking about both... damages, which are measured by material damage, and moral damage, which will later also included in this register. it is also about individuals, physical persons, it is also about legal entities that will also declare their claims, i.e. not lawsuits, sorry, it is about entering information into this register of losses, in fact, this information can serve as an assessment of the scale of the damage caused and, accordingly, individual cases, i think that they can even be used in proving the commission of a large-scale crime by the russian federation, but the main goal, and this, by the way, is only the first of three stages of creating this damage register , the second stage is the creation of a mechanism
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and an appropriate fund in order to replenish the fund from which reparations will be made. or other payments to those victims who will be recognized as such at the level of this damage register, and accordingly, it will already be the procedure is established, and the third stage is directly the payment itself, which will already be carried out at the stage when this mechanism has already been developed, that is, we see that only the first approach, the first stage in the creation of this rather difficult mechanism, which must still have, from ... the same fund from which the payments will be made, to date there are also discussions, whether it will be some, let's say, confiscated funds from the russian federation, whether it will be some appropriate reparation payments adopted during the establishment of a peace agreement, or whether it will be
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interest on income for energy carriers that are bought by states in the world and accordingly there will be a deduction, that is, there are various options, but none of them has yet any legal or... other confirmation and has not yet been implemented, so it is still a matter of creating this the next mechanism, which is also being discussed, but it is already good that the process has begun and, accordingly, there are hopes for its effectiveness in relation to specific persons who will declare their harm, although there are still very, very, very many questions, by the way, regarding the coincidence with by presenting it to others... database, we know that there is an action that works, that collects evidence, there are compensations that have already been paid, installments have been paid, it will still need to be synchronized in order not to duplicate there, there may be many questions, but the process has begun, mr. oleksandr , i thank you, because it is one thing when we see the news, and with
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these various statements and new processes, it is another thing when you explained it so expertly, these difficult processes, oleksandr pavlychenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights , was a guest of svoboda early. thank you. and then we want to show you an important story from vinnytsia. it is about oleksandr, a musician from the city of nemyriv, who returned to ukraine after the start of the vela. war and became a soldier. after his death, his mother opened a recording studio. it was his dream. the guy wrote tracks in the techno style and dreamed of having his own studio. ruksolana bychai visited vinnytsia, and we will show her report next. on the 26th, his birthday and on the 26th we opened this recording studio. this is the room of the recording studio, the director's room and the room itself recording we have already been with... sasha was in warsaw, he
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had, as they say, the opportunity to live abroad, but when he came home, he said the following phrase: you don't understand how guys, other guys who are now at zero, are waiting for rotation, i cannot do otherwise. sasha was mobilized into the border troops. uh, he started his service on may 3, 2022 in chernihiv oblast, he was a manpads operator, i don’t know the full truth, but i just saw his photo, his instant videos where he is, for example, in kikimar for reconnaissance, i.e. i i understand that you probably had to try everything there during the war, in october he was already in the east, in donetsk. region, pokrovsky district, as you can see, there is a little bit of material about my
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son, all of them, of course, his military photos, here are the parts from the machine gun, which sashka had already bought there himself to improve, and the guys returned it to me, that’s all, now i i feel safe, i will look for the same orc, he really saw his whole future in the music field. now i regret the fact that i did not allow him to do this, i said that music is simply possible to be a hobby, and you have to have a different profession, he started writing music himself, but with the fact that his music was personal, yes, he saw himself, saw himself as a dj, i was his connoisseur and i was his expert, because very often he sent me pieces of music and said: "mom, listen to it if you can"? during the war , of course, there were minimal people to write music, why? because you understand,
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you will not carry a laptop with you, but some such minimal program that he could load right into his phone, he had and on the phone he also wrote music, a slow stream of water flows away with the masters, and there somewhere in the forest the mozal rots. my son died on november 1, he said to me: "mom, you understand, this is the situation that i need, i need to go to hell itself, but don't worry, i will call you on the second day of the first, and when one of the brothers , when he told me: "i'm sorry, we couldn't save your" son, of course i screamed then, i screamed into the phone:
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"save me, death came instantly, there was a direct hit in the dugout where they were, very it was difficult, but then, when i already had some plans for the realization of my son's dreams, i pulled myself together, because my whole life before that was for my son. and now, he is my only one, was, is and will be. i learned about his dream from his secret note, as it turned out, he always carried it with him, the guys found it in his bulletproof vest, where he wrote down his dreams, his plans, and even wrote that i write my music, i create, i collect... thousands, millions of stadiums, and one of the points was: i have my own recording studio, so, as
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you can see, i have, this whole studio was built with the funds that the state gave me for my son, i only have those pieces of him that he sent me, because unfortunately, i now understand that unfortunately, i don't have all the music he created. all the tracks, because i can't open his electronic media, they are encrypted, and i think that i will gradually find specialists who... will help me open, because i dream of grouping it all into one mini-album, and and to have a mini-album of his tracks. such was this issue of svoboda ranok, me thank you to all our viewers for being with us, spread this video on your social networks, share it with your friends and acquaintances,
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pay only half instead of the full price of the mattress, feel the care of the ukrainian manufacturer matrol. which perfectly combines innovative technologies and modern ecological materials. order now. camel mattress from the ukrainian manufacturer. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together, what's up gentlemen, we are returning dear friends, we are returning to ether, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, the espresso marathon continues until 12 o'clock, we are working, we have a good list of interesting guests for you, and we also have a reminder for you that
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the collection is in progress, the collection for our military, we are collecting for fividrons, that's what which... they really, really need in order for there to be fewer muscovites, the more drones, the more muscovites will go home in those coffins they are now making out of plywood. you now see qr codes and card numbers on your screens for your convenience, whether monobank or a private bank, choose, transfer the money, we really need to collect a tenth of the planned amount. there are about 21,000 hryvnias left, and then we will have 200,000, this is the 10th part of what we need, we need as much as 2 million, because we want to send many of those drones to the front line, so please contribute with your hryvnias , uh, that’s how we actually join our gathering, i
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want to say that we are now continuing, and our next guest is... nataliya pipa, people’s deputy of ukraine and secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada on education, science and innovation. let's talk about what is happening in the parliament now. by the way, you know, president zelenskyi finally signed a law that lowers the conscription age to 25 years, by 2 years, accordingly younger people can be taken away, now they can be mobilized into the army. this law was adopted by the parliament a year ago at its last press conference, by the way. the question was asked what is happening with the mobilization, and president zelensky sarcastically said that it should be asked in the parliament, which added thousands amendments to the law on mobilization, and that it is the parliament that is responsible for the fact that mobilization in ukraine is being carried out with problems. natalya pipa
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is already with us, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation. panitar, we congratulate you, good day, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mrs. natalya, well, actually, a year, a year has been waiting, and finally there is a presidential signature, what do you think, why so... otherwise it would take time for the president to sign the law on lowering the age mobilization? well, of course, that is the solution it is difficult, no one wants the youngest to have to go to war and, in general, that there was a war, and we had to wage a liberation struggle, but this step is forced, and the president does not like to make difficult and unpopular decisions, accordingly, that is why the parliament took it upon itself responsibility a year ago not because he wanted to, but because it was a forced step, and the president for so long... but accordingly , in fact, the president's office heard the thesis before that the parliament is responsible for mobilization, but in fact, to a large extent, it is
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the office's responsibility of the president, for that is for the collected votes and accordingly, for the way the mobilization is taking place, therefore also for the law on mobilization, seeing that the law itself, that it is difficult to adopt a draft law, that there is no such support. the version of the bill that the president's office wants, they went the way that some norms, in particular the electronic cabinet, the conscription age, were changed, and the president finally signed it, although these bills were voted on a long time ago, which the data storage environment does not care about, but this is not in the law about mobilization, it is just one of those that the president signed yesterday and did not sign for a long time, there are more such an interesting rule that students will be able to go abroad until... until the age of 22, and i, how, do you think, will there be an outflow of young people who do not want to join the army,
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will they be afraid of that, or not will there not be another exodus of mothers with sons who are approaching this age, everything can be, accordingly, because now there was an exodus before the 18th, we will infect, in fact, a country in a state of war, which cannot... e detain people, and we we can or by coercion, but we cannot, or we cannot with an idea, material resources to detain people in such a difficult time, so they leave here, or hope that these people will return, after all, according to that, there will be such a share, but there will be a share that will most likely take advantage of this opportunity and succeed, i can say , that i had a lot of appeals in this regard, we should proceed from the state's needs as much as possible. in fact, in this case, and many, of course, talented students who would really go for some time, study and develop ukraine, could not go either, so
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the situation is difficult here, and in fact, i think that here you need to keep statistics well, the president's office has every opportunity to cooperate with the border guards and, accordingly, to draw a conclusion in a certain period of time, this bill was signed today, by the way , about how it is happening, how it is happening. mobilization, we remember such a scandalous story, when some activists from various regions were demanded to be mobilized, for example, mr. nikolov, which happened after he investigated cases involving various cases in the procurement of the ministry of defense, and now i recently received, also learned information about , that the sbi, the state bureau of investigation, and... reacted to anonymous sources to investigate why selizhenko has not been mobilized yet, this is the editor-in-chief of the honest
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movement, publications that also deal with corruption and anti-corruption investigations, and the story is simply that , that serizhenko, whom i have known well for a long time, he, oleksandr serizhenko, he was not so long ago before the war... he was diagnosed with stage four cancer, and there were different prognoses, he underwent chemotherapy courses, other treatments, and he overcame overcame cancer, and accordingly he has disability, for example, is not subject to conscription, but now there has been a whole attack on him by telegram channels, where information is being spread that he seems to be evading mobilization and also an investigation by the state security bureau, that is , here... another case of an attack on anti-corruption activists and journalists, of course , that everyone should be equal before the law on mobilization, which, by the way,
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has not yet been passed for... to the end, here, but nevertheless, how would you respond to such stories? on such stories that, in fact, we live in a difficult time, and accordingly, dark forces are trying to take revenge, in fact, throughout the history of our independence, they tried to do it when, for the first time, the country wanted to change its course and not join either nato or the eu, there was the orange maidan, and there was the case of agongadza, which to a large extent in this way... russia tried, well , to silence kuchma, which they succeeded after signing his order, to join nato, and then it happened, wanted, well, if the state was completely clear not to join the european union, a revolution of dignity took place, now there is a war and dark forces, and the pro-russian trail is often behind them, they are trying to turn the country in the direction that is beneficial to them, and not beneficial to society, and
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accordingly in this way they create pressure and this is the biggest problem, so now, accordingly, some of ukraine are choosing , lead the european union, are looking for ways for nato, and others are trying to move on, well , many people think that it is corruption, that it is dependent, that it is like drug addiction, accordingly, they are also trying to take the roar, uh, do state bodies have the right to carry out someone's specific phone instructions are not for that either... society is fighting, and in particular these anti-corruption officers, so that they act according to the law, and not according to the telephone law. and so i will briefly ask, there were several high-profile resignations at the end of last week, the beginning of this week in the description, in particular of the president, they basically did not communicate much, it seems to me, for example, that we have the head of the national security council retired, and do you, for example, understand why was oleksiy danilo filmed? and what
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did the ambassador of moldova do wrong, by the way, that now he is having such a rocking session with him, the secretary, oleksiy danilov, well for me personally, this is a very alarming signal, i am generally alarmed by the things that are happening in the president's office, we see that, in fact , only yermak's people remain in positions everywhere, and where there were not his people, new ones are coming, now there are rumors that he is being considered for the position of prime minister, and shmyhal can become the head of the president's office, well, from... accordingly, if these totalitarians were ukraine, it has never been a totalitarian state and cannot be, even if it is considered for some good, so there are many questions , but in fact, well if, what would it lead to, it is difficult to say now, this will either lead to the fact that we will see that we have retaken the front and we are not afraid of a new offensive by the russians, or we will see some even more global
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changes in ukraine, in spite of everything. difficulties and difficulties that i have, i am sure that the ukrainian state will endure, i do not know how long it will take, but those, despite the fact that , unfortunately, there are fewer of us every day, we have enough, i believe that we have enough human resources, and we will convince our partners to help us with weapons and hold the state, what falls in the office president, for me is unacceptable, threatening, but it is not the only part of society and the state. who can make decisions, that's why people still gave them a credit of trust today, what will happen next, it's hard to say, ms. natalya, thank you, nataliya pipa, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on education, science and innovation was with us at communication, we are approaching 10 in the morning, this means that we will now watch a fresh selection of news, what happened there in ukraine, in the world, dear friends, thank you to everyone who joins their uah 180,386 to our collection in hryvnias as well. and
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71 kopecks are already there, follow our broadcast, we are still working until the 12th and will have all the necessary details, if you have not yet donated, you can do it, and now kateryna shirokopoyas, let's watch and listen to what happened there, congratulations, colleagues, in a moment promptly about the most important events as of this hour. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the russians launched four shaheds across ukraine. our defenders of the sky shot down all the drones in khmelnitsky, zhytomyr, kirovohrad and cherkasy regions, the air force said. the enemy attacked with drones from
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primorsky-akhtarsk in russia, too. the occupiers struck donetsk three times...


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