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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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recently emphasized that it is illogical to separately celebrate the unique event of the one resurrection of the one lord and said that we should unite in that celebration and somehow already become parallel, and not go, you know, unite, and not go somehow separate like this tracks, how realistic is it and how is it possible to implement it and how quickly? thank you very much for that question, i'm not... an expert on these topics, i'm more of a historian who deals with other topics, but i follow these things, i know about the discussions, the discussions that are going on already, you know, several dozen years, i remember how we expected by the year 2000, you know, some such drastic changes, i personally think that in this situation, and this statement of patriarch bartholomew, it is very important, because a person of such rank does not rushes into words, if he already voices it, it means that there are some options that are specifically
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discussed, we understand that, yes, that is, for me, that would be it, well, first of all, of course, this is the right decision, because all this misunderstanding with calendars is simply related to errors, calculation of years according to the old style and the new style, and we have already taken, as they say, one step with regard to christmas and other stable, so to speak, immovable holidays, the next step should be this one, but it is not in the data. it is not a case, it does not apply only to ukraine, nor to russia, yes, it also applies to those orthodox, greeks, finns, romanians who celebrate christmas with the whole world, but still left, remained with the celebration of easter in the old calendar, and i suppose, well i don't suppose, it is said that in connection with the next anniversary of the first ecumenical council, so in 2025, there is a chance, and then just like that... it happens that both
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calendars will coincide, that after that we could celebrate together, and an appropriate agreement will be made about it. i assume that in this situation, if the russian orthodox church will still remain in russia, then it will most likely not support this idea, and thus will be further isolated not only from the world christian community, but also from the orthodox environment itself. to me it seems that it is very important for ukrainians to understand... that orthodoxy is not limited to russia, and that the orthodox world is much wider, and it is also european and democratic in its essence. very briefly , i will ask for literally a minute more, if possible , about the actual christianity of the ukrainians themselves. the latest kmis sociological survey shows that 35% of ukrainians admitted that they believe in astrology, 25% in psychic abilities, 15% in tarology, at least two of these three believe, at least...
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43% of ukrainians believe in one of these three , this percentage decreases according to wealth, that is, the poorer people are, the more inclined they are to believe, to believe in these things, and also a little more, also more older people believe it and more women, very briefly, how would you comment on it, i would comment on it very simple, you know, our identity is many layers, we can be at the same time, let's say, like me, a vice-rector... a man, a ukrainian, a greek catholic, play cards, like dry wine, mostly white, so, that is, we have a lot of different identities, and it is certain that many people, if they had any, would have others, so to speak the passions that they share, i still think, you know, we're christian in our culture, in our tradition that has grown up, so to speak, that's something that 's still not... a thread of grass,
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though during statelessness, but we had this tradition, you know, there is a question here, so the connection between us was interrupted, so astrologers now sat down, look into our airwaves and cast spells, i don’t know if astrologers or psychics, oh, sir ologo, separated us, well, despite this connection, we still had a good talk. institute of church history ukrainian catholic university. dear friends, we are going to take a short break. we will have nazarii kishak, commander of the unit of the 153rd armed forces brigade, speak ukraine. let's talk about mobilization. stay with us. we invite you to our sleep laboratory. matrolux. one of
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from the 93rd and 72nd brigades, so join us, a very small amount separates us from this small goals listen while you and i collect our flints and hryvnias to buy a couple of maviks and throw them at the front so that there are some muscovites on duty there for two hundred years. meanwhile, a miracle car was noticed in the capital, a miracle car is the newest, coolest model of bmw that only exists in our time, and it is already in kyiv, gentlemen, that is, we are not just like that, but a serious world capital, auto mods, this car it costs 6 million uah, dear mother, 6 million uah, yes, you can count how many different mavics you can buy and so on, you i'm sleepy now. now they will say, we will donate, and people will give their own cars to people,
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the person who bought that car on the kyiv region license plates, an ordinary villager, you understand, such a rural village, an electric car, well, an electric car, they write that it travels 600 km without refueling, that is, in principle, it charges calmly, from the kyiv region it falls on poland, and then it does everything it wants, everything will be fine with it, under any options with... those parachutes are scattered, i think, all over on the coasts of european countries on the adriatic and everywhere else there are villas everywhere. i'm talking about something else, i don't know who the owner of this car really is, maybe it's some super-famous, i don't know, volunteer for the whole world, who will donate 100 billion uah , i don't know for sure, maybe so, war is war, you don't want to live beautifully , but this is also to a certain extent about mobilization, mobilization is not only about catching people, for example, and sending them to the army, however, mobilization is about the fact that everyone understands that
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some things are more important than some other things, however, we already have nazarriy kyshak with us now, i hope, the commander of the unit of the 153rd brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. nazar, we congratulate you, i congratulate you for seeing your new bmw, what, how, what do you think about it, the car is nice, but for today i am satisfied with my ural and my bmb. well, what do you think about such people who, during the war, cannot refrain from expensive purchases, which from very expensive purchases, i just think, we are now dealing with the fact that not all of ukraine, not all of the ukrainian nation consciously perceived that we have a war, because for these 6 million, well, it was possible. or create your unit and continue to destroy the occupier who came to our
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land and buy something more modest, or just really donate to those who, who are now sitting on zero for two years, give the opportunity to this dude who bought himself a becha for six lams to freely drive around kyiv and feel there is all the pleasure that the boys on the front line do not feel, so, unfortunately, there are such people, and i would deprive such people of ukrainian citizenship altogether, and i would generally deprive ukrainian citizenship of those who did not mobilize or did not stand in line there to to the military, because the truth is that the guys have not been starting from scratch for two years, covering the rear, and people are buying six rims of cars for themselves and simply do not think about the armed forces, i am sure that if somewhere, maybe he helped a little there somewhere for ... donated, but the whole of ukraine must donate today, every
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child and every conscious ukrainian, so that we primarily hold this front and so that we preserve our personnel, because we see that infections have actually replaced practically half of the infantry there, well, because the fpv drone makes it possible simply destroy the enemy in half. to our positions, that's why ukraine should donate, everyone who sees this broadcast, they should now open their cabins and understand that every hryvnia is a plus for some drone, so donate, donate, help the armed forces so that the enemy, in order for moskal not to come to kyiv again, because you will run away again, and we will again be on wheels to keep the battle, it is necessary to inform, dear friends, i hope. heard the call of mr. nazarri, see the qr code, transfer your money to us
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there are only two or so thousand hryvnias left to finish at least our ether, our part at the mark of 200 hryvnias. mr. nazarriyu, yesterday president volodymyr zelenskyi finally signed the law on lowering the mobilization age, it took him a long time to do so, why do you think it took so long, why did it take so long. to this step? well, firstly, there were a lot of edits, i read beforehand, secondly, this is a very important decision, and we have to understand that 25 years is... still quite a young age, but i was already serving in mariupol at 21 , i can't say that 25 years - it's too fast, it's just a normal age where you can already prepare yourself, normally prepare for war and take full part
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in our defense and the destruction of the enemy, so 25 years is a fully conscious... a normal age, well, it is desirable that they mobilize first those who have been hiding for two years, we also have quite a large number of people who have not even been registered since 35, so, well , everyone has their own time, by today people should realize that no one's war is mine, no one abroad won't leave, thank you to our state, which finally began to restore order in the state, because... there are many moments where people still manipulate, you know, but yesterday i had a correspondence with a conscientious cossack there, who writes there, i am 21 years old, and i study at the first higher education in the first year, and we have a very sharp increase in the number of students who have 30-35 plus there
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and they have a second higher education, i will also write tomorrow. an appeal to the office of the president, to the president, to the commander-in-chief, would make corrections and allow a postponement for people who will only have the first higher education, not the second, third and fourth, i also have some acquaintances there who already have the third higher education there and they are at the full-time station, well, this is really funny, we will not be like this soon normal infantry, because someone is afraid to go to fight. nobody's war is mine, we have to prepare, we have to prepare ourselves, our personnel, learn to destroy the enemy, because moskal will not let us live in our country so easily. last week, general pavlyuk, the new commander-in-chief of the ground forces, in fact accused journalists of
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playing along with the anti-mobilization mood and actually. russia, the enemy, when they spread any stories or videos about how people there are grabbed on the street and pushed into these mobilization beads, and i, in turn, partially support it, because people who are not even consciously registered, they special telegram channels are launched, and it spreads very quickly, because our people, you know, they don’t read the law, that you need to get on your mobile there at the military office in the rtcc , go there to sign up, show up, get on turn, they film everything that is in the negative field, that is, if someone is pushed somewhere on the street, then all at once you are beasts, and you are not beasts, who did not mobilize, that is, what
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do you know, such a double feeling, and mostly it was first of all... a large-scale invasion of our state by the enemy, these were, in quotes, you could say, bloggers who did nothing, only traveled, provoked employees of the rtcc and all the military, why are you packing people, and that's why , who packed, if necessary, will pack, there is a law, and so do we we have to fulfill it, we are primarily men who have not mobilized or are not working for victory for ukraine, i do not know what they are doing until now. in our country, well, there is also the reverse side of the same bloggers, there are, for example, some pro-government telegram channels that attack various journalists, activists engaged in anti-corruption activities, it is about, for example, vitaliy shabunin, who mobilized, but something now he is not at the front, and he is now constantly being thrown mud for this, and recently the story with oleksandr
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solzhenkom, whom i personally know well, who is the editor-in-chief of the movement of honestly their publications. and in fact, now it is not only this movement that affects him, it is simply necessary to explain to the audience, the movement that brings to light, first of all , their declaration analyzes their purchases of all kinds and so on, the same bmws for incredible money, and that is why solizhenko evades mobilization and even he was harassed by the sbi, anonymous wrote complaints that he does not apply to the tsk and the sbi opened a case in connection with that. it's just a moment that's important... that they didn't know people, that salizhenko was in the dftg in the first days of the invasion, b, in the first days of the invasion he himself went to the army, but he did not join the vlk for a very simple reason, he had... the fourth stage, which he overcame just before the war, he is in remission, but he constantly continues to go to the tsc and wants to be mobilized, he is constantly refused, and this is
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an example, as the representatives of the movement themselves say, honestly, this is an example when mobilization is used as a method of repression, in order to actually shut the mouths of those who criticizes the government, as well, this is also such a moment problematic, you know, i will open up, i will be open, i always speak in my own words, sometimes and several times my conscious opinion there is also not accepted by everyone, but we have already reached the stage where we need to speak directly and sincerely, and who does not agree with this, he should accept someone's opinion equally, because everyone's opinion and vision should be valued in our country as well. everything will end when people unite and do not start using its means of influencing the rtcc and the military as the means of influence themselves, that is, to put pressure on someone there,
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to oppress, and i understand it perfectly, i understand it because i, too, felt it once, when a journalist came to see me there, a well-known journalist, a military man who was always on the front lines, this is taras derkach, and he is there. . in addition to coming and filming the guys, uh, bringing all the sweeties there, everything we needed, some equipment there, which we ordered, then reprimands flew there, and complaints were written about him, and now so it happened that taras also mobilized with his partner, he is now his partner's press officer, taras is in the post a photographer, and he recently filmed... a person, a video, which is literally there for him, a year ago she wrote a statement on him that he came there illegally to film one of
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the units of the brigade, you understand, well, in our life there is such a thing, like karma and it really happens to those who do bad things, so don't forget that doing bad things is not good because the world can sometimes turn like that... you picture that karma hits, you have to do good things, we need to thank first of all the military and people, who show a picture of the war, to people who are fighting, to people who have been motivated to this day for two years, have not lost their personal motivation and inspire others, there are very, unfortunately, few such personnel left now, and we have to understand this and support each other . i also have people who, for example, do not impress me purely by character, but they do the right things, i always support them and thank them, well, because we are doing one thing, we
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are bringing our victory closer, and how will it not end there in in the future, it is not up to me to decide, we have a guarantor for this and a lot more a large number of people who are engaged in making sure that we stop the enemy completely. may god give them all intelligence, good and correct intelligent actions, but we still have to help each other, wherever we are, whoever we are, and only in this way we will become stronger, kinder and win the victory, a good message , mr. nazar, thank you, nazari kyshak, commander of the unit of the 153rd brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, dear friends, thank you for being with us, olesya vakulyuk, andriy seichuk worked in this studio for you, see you tomorrow pa-pa! tired
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12:00 pm
sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. tried to implement.


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