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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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and as for, let's say, a house, one hit is enough to completely destroy our normal five- or nine -story building, at the same time the russians are still testing the zircon hypersonic missile, and this has already been certified by the ukrainian side, and the russian side, and what are the problems with are the armed forces currently working on this missile? well, the only problem is that we do not have enough long-range anti-aircraft missile systems, which are able to perform the work, well, in the anti-missile mode, and to be anti-missile systems at the same time, in general, we have such as many as four, three patriots, and if he works for us, then one sumpte, that is, we cannot practically cover even one de...
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with complexes, although in general they are capable of shooting down all types of missiles, because it was confirmed by the conclusions of the institute, the scientific research institute forensic examination that both zircons that recently flew over kyiv were shot down, that is , there are no problems with shooting down, the problem is with the number of anti-aircraft missile systems, ah, which we can use to... destroy these enemy hypersonic missiles, that is and on the terminal last they are no longer hypersonic, like daggers, and that is why we, that is why these complexes, i listed them, patriot same, they are able to knock them down and knock them down effectively, this does not mean at all that the russians are not improving their weapons as well, how much since the beginning of the great war we see about'. in
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the improvement of the weapons that the russians had at the beginning of the great war and now, that is, as sad as it sounds, but the russian-ukrainian war is probably the best training ground for them to test their missiles and their weapons, well you understand what the situation is, they, when they had no money, they actively developed various systems, but they saw the jdm system, yes, the american one, yes. bombs with modules there, which allow you to turn a regular bomb into a guided bomb, as they say, the americans did it, the russians made an analogue, they made, for example, jadem, a winged bomb, the same bomb as jadem, but already with wings and with a longer range, the russians also did it, they did not start serial production, but they made such a variant, and they did...
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several options, so when they felt that the war was, well, becoming protracted, long-term, they pulled out all these quickly, all these projects that only passed the stage of initial tests, and very quickly, very dynamically began to implement their production, so here they outnumber us by two heads, but everything is very fast with them, they work on military rails. the entire industry, both civilian and military, because they immediately fulfill orders, in them non-fulfillment of state defense orders is subject to criminal prosecution, you understand, the management, the enterprise that did not fulfill the state defense order, it can go behind bars, everything is very strictly, very clearly controlled, because the russians have always been able to produce means... means of destruction, they
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could not do something peaceful like that, there is a tv, a smartphone, there is a coffee maker , yes, well, but with the means of destruction, they were all right, and now they are confirming their reputation, that is, that the only thing that works well in them is an industry that can create bombs, missiles, everything, that is, everything for destruction people, the destruction of their own kind, thank you, mr. valery, for talking to you, it was valery romanenko, an aviation expert. leading researcher of the state aviation museum. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. during the program, we conduct surveys. today we ask you whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations with lukashenka's belarus. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you believe that ukraine needs diplomatic relations with in belarus lukashenka 0800 211 300. 71 no 0800
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211 382 all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. mykhailo is our next contact. tamus, a military expert, deputy director of the army conversion and disarmament research center, director of the new geopolitics research network. mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. just before the broadcast, it became known, mr. mykhailo, that president zelensky signed the law on the creation of an electronic the register of obligees and on reducing the age of citizens who can be mobilized. that is, from 27 to 25 years, almost 10 months ago , this law was adopted by the verkhovna rada of ukraine. zelensky did not sign this law, he signed this law, now the actual mobilization resource is increasing in
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order to call up the ukrainian army. well, in addition, president zelensky signed a law that removes limited fitness. now with such circumvention of the tsk and the armed forces of ukraine, what are these laws and signed laws, the effect of these laws, what does this mean, how will it affect the armed forces, mobilization, opportunities and expansion of this mobilization base? well, in principle, there is a linear dependence here, of course, that when from 27 to 25 years it is transferred and decreases. age of mobilization, then the base of mobilization increases, everything is clear here, regarding, again, the electronic register, i would honestly wait for the main mobilization law, which will manage the processes in this area, and of course, the electronic register is one of the basic
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elements of the new law on mobilization, because just this electronic register, it will provide the same transparency, the same fairness that everyone is constantly talking about. when it comes to mobilization, so that it is as fair as possible for all sections of the population, there were no special or non-special people in this process, and of course , just the transfer to electronic, to electronic form of the same paper folders, he will create those conditions for the new law to start working effectively, well, that is, i understand correctly, now our men will be divided into two... categories suitable for service in the army and unsuitable, that is, there will no longer be limited suitability there, those who can be taken into military service, now everyone will be in military service, and people who are disabled,
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well, they simply will not to enter the zsu. well, in fact, in peacetime, there are regulations regarding those with limited fitness and those who are fit for military service. in wartime, in a special period, of course, this is a different situation, and again, i want to emphasize that as far as i know, it can be carried out re-certification of those people who had a decision of the vlc regarding limited suitability, they will go through all these procedures again, this will be done in order to avoid the possibility of corruption schemes that have been implemented during the last years. it has been known for some time that not everything there was clean, and therefore, in principle, this process, which will already take place under the new law on mobilization, including these issues will be regulated in relation to the vlk and the categorization of those categories
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of the population that are subject or not subject mobilization, including for health. for now, mr. mykhailo, the mobilization law, or the law on mobilization, is only being prepared. the second reading of 400 amendments will begin in the verkhovna rada on april 10, but at the same time president zelenskyi says that the russians are preparing a new offensive, and this offensive may begin in june, in may-june 2024, it is clear that this statement of the president of ukraine was partly addressed to our western partners, ukraine needs weapons, ukraine needs... finances, ukraine needs help, but what can this offensive be and what to expect from him, because it is clear that the russian army is now advancing, just when zelensky emphasized that there could be a bigger offensive, does this mean that they will
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go there from the northeast, from other cities, or enter from the north ukraine and thus try to attack. ukrainian army? well, i will say right away that in principle, if you count and impose all the necessary measures that must be implemented in order, for example, to create a strike group. in the northern direction, that is, on the territory of belarus in fact, or from the north-east, including part from the territory of belarus, and part, for example, from the belgorod region, then, in my opinion, they will not have enough time to create this group of 100-200 or more thousand military personnel by may or june, that is, we can talk about, for example, if we are talking about the possibility of creating such groups for the preparation of such operations, this... after all, it is either the end of summer, or still closer to autumn, or to the end of the year, if we
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estimate at all such probability as to other measures because when we are talking about may, the end of may, june of the new offensive, we are still talking more about the directions of kramatorsk-slovyansk in the donbass and the ughledar direction, these are the directions that russia determines after all. for themselves as priorities for the implementation of the same main task, which no one has canceled, that is, the kremlin is still trying to completely occupy donbas, and if they succeed in this by the end of the year, then they would put it forward as an argument for the new president of the united states that look, we are moving forward, ukraine will lose, so let's stop this war after all, we are ready, the conditions are russian, they are known, demilitarization, denazification. neutralizing ukraine and banning it from joining nato, and, of course, these territories that
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are already occupied, they remain with russia, that is, that is russia's plan, but judging by everything, they will not be able to carry it out, because, well, i mean occupy donetsk luhansk region is completely and possibly a piece of zaporizhzhya there, as they plan to bite off, and most importantly, well, if , again, we calculate what russia is preparing. and shoigu obviously spoke about this openly, about the fact that they will create new divisions, even a new district and so on, they need in addition to personnel, when they say that russia will now recruit 300,000 military personnel, well, they can recruit through contracts, for account of the zetas, or even a partial mobilization of 300 and even 500 thousand people, but the question is about equipment, after all, about a division... this is still a state staffing schedule, including weapons and military equipment, which russia simply does not have
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physically, they bear huge losses, that is the latest events at the front, when they threw, to be honest, it is very difficult to find logic here, maybe they wanted to take it by storm and break through the defense, when they threw more than 30 tanks, or a couple of dozen bmps in order to break through the front, they did not succeed, and suffered, just as you showed this video, they suffered huge losses, so... that is, more than 30 tanks is more than one tank battalion, so to throw it in one direction, small, and with very little prospects, you can imagine how many they need equipment, how much resources do they need, to really occupy the donetsk region , including kramatorsk, slavyansk, and break through in the uglydar, zaporizhzhia direction, well, these are simply colossal resources with which the russian defense industry simply cannot physically cope. obviously by the end of the summer, unlikely, maybe by the end
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of the year, that is, they do not have a time schedule, i think that the key point here is, again, why they are talking about it now, and why they are acting like this at the front, in including obviously they understand what they have there is a certain lag, a certain gap, until the united states has decided to restore aid after all, they are trying to use this time to the maximum, normally throwing resources based on their such russian maybe, but now maybe we will throw everything away, the ukrainians will fall asleep, and then, if the united states will not restore aid, here comes trump, and in principle we will not need so many tanks or other armored vehicles, so they are now trying to throw in the maximum amount of resources in order to achieve maximum success and to create the conditions for that big offensive, if... the states do not restore aid, if the aid is restored,
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a full range of weapons will be provided, for example, for the f-16, because let me remind you, the planes will be from europe, the f-16, but the range weapons and we need a lot of this nomenclature, after all, it is american and here without american help it will be very difficult, if the americans return to the formation, let's say so, then the russians can still count on success in... their offensive plans, i i don't think so, and here is the speaker of the state department of the united states of america matthew miller said that america is worried. strengthening cooperation between russia and china, and therefore made it clear that against any support by china, the russian federation, we will listen to what matthew müller said. we have made it clear that we are concerned about the full-fledged partnership we are witnessing between russia and china. we have made it very clear that we are against
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china taking any steps that would help support russian aggression in ukraine, and we will... continue to make it clear. mr. mykhailo, perhaps not a military issue, but, let's say, a military-political one. why do our western partners and the united states of america not talk about how they see the defeat of russia in this war, that is, they constantly say that they will not allow the defeat of ukraine, but what should be the defeat of russia, that is, in the understanding of our western partners, for them to say, well... yes, putin has been defeated. well, such a paradox is emerging now that in europe, it seems to me, it is already closer to understanding that this country, which exists within the borders of the russian federation, must cease to exist. in any case, this regime must be destroyed, and this can entail already destructive processes
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inside the russian federation, and in europe, for example, these statements by macron and other french ones... they already make it clear that it is not easy, for example, there is help to ukraine by troops, it is after all the participation of france or european forces in certain destabilizing measures, which will already be on the table when something happens in russia, because in reality no one is going to fight for the ukrainians, but when processes begin that will begin to threaten global, and especially european, security, including, for example, the disintegration of... russia, it will threaten if this process is launched and not to interfere in it, it can threaten the real european security directly. the united states, in any case , the biden administration, unfortunately, is still under illusions, and this, among other things, consists in certain semantic constructions of its own, which are, or live, well, the same
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salevan or the director of the cia, who kept the eyes. in relation to russia, since the cold war, when it was believed that the united states of russia could exist in a war, in the cold war, on gentleman's terms, but not cross any red lines, until now this is de-escalation rhetoric, this is talk about the inadmissibility of strikes on oil refineries, this all of these, i would say, phantom pains in the biden administration since. wars, now is not the cold war, now there are no gentlemen, now in power in russia is a bloody regime that cannot can be compared even with the soviet regimes, therefore, unfortunately, the biden administration will probably never get out of these illusions, and we will see in what, in what state the next, next administration of the united states will be, but unfortunately, here is
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the biden administration still maintains the main, let's say, narrative of not allowing escalation, not allowing a direct confrontation with russia, what the most powerful country in the world might be afraid of in a confrontation with putin's bloody regime, i can't understand if ukrainians can fight with russia, but the united states cannot, it is absolutely not subject to any logic, it is going and i will repeat it again, the phantom pains of the cold war, when there is no mutual destruction, mutual deterrence and so on. since there is no mutual deterrence, mutual destruction, these are completely different countries from different eras. you said that you slandered that the next administration, you do admit that trump will be elected instead of biden as the president of the united states of america, but with the arrival of trump, will the situation change, including regarding
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the attitude towards ukraine, regarding the allocation of money, because we see, even before the pre-election... campaign , trump made a lot of different statements, he also made about the fact that i will stop this war in 24 hours and put putin and zelensky at the transition table and that i will not give money and this war will happen very quickly ends, you kind of predict what might happen after trump's victory and how many safeguards are in place in the united states of america to prevent him from doing what we fear. lack of weapons, lack of aid and pushing for the surrender of ukraine. yes, indeed, there is one of the main factors, here it is low-prognostic. ness of trump had the predictability of his administration at this point, that is, i, for one, believe that everything depends, again on us, if we can conduct
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successful operations in the 24th year on the front, it will create conditions where trump will believe that that it is more profitable to help ukraine than, for example, to make concessions to putin, they can explain it to him that way, because he thought. to fairly simple constructions, is it advantageous or disadvantageous to the united states, is it advantageous to its administration, its political position, or disadvantageous, for example, he has clear, very clear and specific, let's say, stereotypes and approaches in relation to china, and here in fact the most important thing for him is that it will still be the chinese direction, he will be very harsh towards china , why now the chinese, for example , are very nervous and are trying to reach certain agreements with... europe, it is unlikely that they will succeed, because in europe it also makes no sense to make concessions to the chinese in those conditions when they are actually helping russia and not only that,
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they are now quite actively working in eastern asia still has a more anti-american, let's say, line, but for europe this is also a weakening of the united states, which is not good. cannot turn around, so i think that this, we still have time to conduct, as they say, a shaping operation, such a shaping operation, including in relation to the trump administration. trump has not yet decided how he will act in relation to putin or ukraine. it depends , in principle, on both russia and ukraine, how we will shape the approaches on which trump will shape his policy. that's why i say that... the russians, for example, have their own strategy, they are preparing maximum conquests in ukraine, in order to later show that there is no point in supporting ukraine, because the war
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is only igniting, and this, and even in favor of russia, it does not bring any , no benefit to trump or europe, but if ukraine demonstrates that ukraine can win in this war, and we just need a little help, this does not mean that we should be given help. it was done by biden, you can switch to lendlease, for example, maybe even lending, zero, as there is now johnson started voicing, that is, in principle, we still have time to form a positive, positive attitude of the trump administration towards ukraine and turn the situation around so that they start helping us, and do not communicate with putin at all. thank you, mr. mykhailo, for the conversation, it was mykhailo samus, a military expert, and i... i want to remind you, friends, that we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those watching us live right now, there please
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vote in our poll. today we ask you whether ukraine needs diplomatic relations with lukashenka's belarus. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a special opinion, a personal opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or tv. and vote if you think ukraine needs diplomatic relations with belarus lukashenka 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. then in we are in touch with volodymyr tsibulko, political analyst, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. so, mr. volodymyr, we are watching. during the last few weeks, how putin is trying to mobilize everyone and everything, well, especially after the so-called presidential elections in russia, we see how
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the special services, the church, the army, everyone is mobilizing, everyone is trying to be active now, especially with regard to the ukrainian state, everything is already woven whatever, that we are terrorists, that we are there... supported those who attacked croc city hol, the church declared a holy war, or rather, called svo a holy war. what do you think is happening now? putin is taking advantage of the pause that has occurred in the supply of american weapons to the armed forces and in the decision, the decision-making regarding ukraine, and putin is trying to strike. now a serious attack on ukraine, what is putin's activity connected with, is he actually transferring the war into a completely different format, when he is not just
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liberating there. territory, but simply destroys everything, because according to his version, fascists and terrorists live in ukraine? well, first of all, elections were needed, well, these pseudo-elections, which do not have any signs of democratic elections, that is, this is such an electoral procedure. it was very important for putin to demonstrate a head-on position with the west, uh, that is , he, uh, ... simulated almost 90 percent support for himself among his people, support for the war, which means that he can fight indefinitely, so either you come to compromise positions with me, bargain, or i will, the people will support me, i will fight forever in this sense, to be honest, the behavior of the ukrainian
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authorities was very strange, which did not pedal too much on... because these are illegal elections and their results should not be recognized, all the authorities managed to do was to make such a strange statement of the supreme the council says that the council does not recognize the results of these pseudo-elections in the occupied territory of ukraine, but the presence, let's say, of elections in the occupied territory. in ukraine, this is one of the forms of legitimization of the occupied territories from the point of view of the kremlin composition of russia. it is very surprising that the ukrainian authorities did not react too much to this, although it is clear that if you approach another person according to a different principle, that it is not an election at all, then you should not be particularly nervous. putin has created such a negotiating picture for himself, that is, he
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is no longer appealing to... the west, he is appealing to a part, to a part, well, either neutral countries or autocracies just like russia, er, that is, he is trying somehow to play with the collective south and pretend to be the legitimate leader of the country, although it seems to me that now he will definitely have no contacts with western countries. and at the very least, now everything depends not so much on his success in the war, as on our clear understanding that, in fact , a civil war has begun in russia, that is, the classic lenin formula of the transition of an imperialist war to a civil war, we can say, it is already fixed, at least that ... islamic
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extremists are starting to act more harshly and more offensively, literally, we recall, very recently, about three weeks ago, there was a battle in ingushetia, where died in my opinion, five fsb officers and six islamist extremists, literally the day before yesterday there was a battle in caspiansk and in makhachkala, two battles of snipers... air weapons, that is , you can say that, well, not to mention the crocusitis and expulsion from the territory of russia hundreds of thousands of wage earners, which essentially undermines the economy and we can say that now the main problem for putin is not ukraine anymore, but the state of his unfortunate state. well, and obviously this is also connected with today's
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statement of the russian dictator at... an extended meeting of the collegium of law enforcement officers, where he promised to find the masterminds of the terrorist attack in krok city hall near moscow and hinted at revenge. let's listen to what putin said. it is important for us to establish not only the direct perpetrators, but also all links in the chain of ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime. we will definitely get to them. and here is what i would like to say in this connection. those who use this weapon, and this is a weapon that is used against russia, it is obvious today already, must understand that it is double-edged, it is double-edged, but it is a weapon that, according to putin, has to be used only by the state, the terrorist, that is, all other terrorist small groups, they should not interfere, and...


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