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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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ortolite at a special promotional price of only 999 uah with the possibility of free delivery. check with casper ortolight consultants from mattress tv experts. call try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. plebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there are discounts on urulisan of 15% in the pharmacies of plantain bam and oschad. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaliy portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give based on facts his assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect... our
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tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, i turn it on. and join the verdict with serhiy rudenko every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. day
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of the tv channel that an important signal, the reuters agency provided it, the newest russian lng plant has stopped production due to sanctions. yes, arctic lng 2. the company launched the first of three lines of the new russian lng plant only in december last year, but was forced to stop it. the reuters agency writes about this and the lng plant will not operate until the end of june. yes, and it is planned to be delivered to the place. by sea from the port of murmansk, later two more additional lines, this is a story, the story is quite powerful and there for arctic lng 2 at the russian zvizda shipyard, they even plan to build 15 arctic 7 ice-class tankers, capable of cutting through ice 2 m thick, well, but the key story is that they are currently frozen, but russia wants play even more actively in the liquefied gas market. and by the way, about gas and about possible
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alternative draft laws that are being prepared in the house of representatives, there is already a signal from the white house that they do not agree to tie aid to ukraine to changing the gas politicians i will remind you that mike johnson, this is the speaker of the house of representatives, he proposed actually combining, let's say, the consideration of aid to ukraine and the gas policy of the united states, but the white house currently does not support this idea. well, we will now include bohdan tkachuk, a deputy of the kharkiv district council, in our conversation, and we will talk about the situation in the kharkiv region. mr. bohdan, we welcome you to eterispe, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, have a good day. well, the activation of enemy aviation, at least aviation in kharkiv oblast, when we talk about the kupinsky direction, right? the fighting continues, the enemy is extremely active in the use of guided air bombs. share, be kind, extreme information from the kupinsky direction. well, information. that one
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attack took place yesterday only in the direction of senkivka, today i have no information about what happened there, that is, they did not attack at all in the previous days, i mean the infantry, motorized units and so on, as for shelling, they go regularly, it's aviation dropping cabs, it's artillery, of course, mortars, it's not only that the kupyan direction, this is vovchansk, this is bogadukhovshchyna, the northern, kharkiv district, and... its northern part, that is, the enemy is constantly trying to attack these settlements, there are not many residents left there, and the evacuation has been going on since august last year , so active from the kupyan direction, from other territories, that is why the losses are relatively small, i am talking about the civilian population, but they are there, here is the latest information for the second number, what... we have already
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discussed with you here more than once, that people were forcibly evacuated, children, their families, but in the fall, we were there and several decisions were made. they had fun in some communities, but they return, a family lives in kharkiv, but a father and son went there to the kupyan oblast and as a result died from shelling by russian forces, well, you understand, somehow to convince, well, the tongue already hurts, to be honest , to tell our people that you should be here in kharkiv, and the conditions are to stay, well, what about that house over there, which is standing there, which is under fire, well somehow... anyway they go back, do it there secretly, pass checkpoints and they are trying to do something there, i don't know what they want to grow potatoes there, they will plant them in the garden, well, it's kind of strange, but such cases happen, yes, well, we understand, you know, everywhere is good, where we are not there, but at home is the best,
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and it is not surprising that people want to return home, despite even such a great threat, but on the other hand, we understand that now there is another problem in kharkiv oblast, this is the problem of other agents of the russian federation in kharkiv oblast, says the sbu, brother and sister planned a sabotage on the railway for the explosion of the supply of military equipment, worked in a communal facility in the izyum district, now they face life imprisonment with confiscation of property for treason, in general, how can you characterize how many supporters of the russian world are still left in your region, well, this question is difficult . to answer, well , supporters of the russian peace do not come out with posters, flags and say, let's surrender, i mean, how often do law enforcement officers inform about the detention of certain correctional officers and agents of the russian federations, well, you and i regularly receive this information, not only in kharkiv oblast, but throughout ukraine, this includes kherson oblast, and other
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donetsk, donetsk oblasts, their sbu works there, thank god, they work clearly, a lot, it cannot be said that this is a mass phenomenon, but... there are such people, some of them do it for political reasons, some just money, some were, let's say, in the occupation, and they were recruited there, after they were released, this is what we say about this case, this is raisin, he was in the occupation, and there is enough let's say, before the war, before the full-scale war, in this city such were the tendencies of the vatniks a little, that is, they loved there, many loved the russian peace, the vatniks... or a little, and accordingly, this was visible both in the elections and in different attitudes people, and when they were released, of course, there remained some kind of agency, which is there, which wants to do something tricky or earn money, i repeat, that is, they appear, well, to be honest, they are in all cities, there is
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still a lot of work there, that the same kupyansk, the same izyum, these settlements, to what extent i know that attitudes and... they changed, of course, radically after the deoccupation, but still such people remained, and in their thoughts they simply do not simply hide from others, but they are still found, well, let's continue to fight, well, in kharkiv itself, if we take the city, then there are very few of these people, i hardly know them, and this is already the work of the sbu, as far as the occupied territories are concerned, there really is a problem, mr. bohdan, to ask you about the pace of training kharkiv and kharkiv region to different scenarios, so we understand that with on the one hand, russian propaganda is trying to intimidate and frighten kharkiv residents, they tell various lies about the evacuation and so on, that everything has disappeared, on the other hand, we understand that
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preparatory work is ongoing, but the key story is how far these preparatory works are are taking place at a proper pace, so, well, i think you are tracking very well, of course, well, i have to disappoint you, i don’t see any pace at all, if we are talking about preparations for the next heating season there and so on, i am about the spring-summer military company, mr. bohdan, the military company, i am thinking about communal problems, regarding the military company, of course the russians are intimidating us, but it is already two years they have been intimidating, then they will take kharkiv, then something else, then if they go around from the south, they will still be there somehow, but as a matter of fact. we are all used to it, that, that, say, the population, the number of people living in kharkiv, they do not change, that is up to 1.5 million people who live here, work, restore housing there, develop their business, so no one will run away from here, listening
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to some fuhrers from the moscow region , and well, at least i don't see such a tendency of some kind of panic, that is, everything is working. yes, they turned off the lights, last night, i can tell you, i have graphics there was no light from the 17th to the 22nd, that is, i drove it to the city center, i drove there to prospect nauki, looked. there is nowhere to park, people just got out of the house, there is no light, we will go to a restaurant somewhere, because they are all on generators, we will go to a cafe somewhere, sit on the street or something else, that is, life goes on and there is no panic there, we all load into the car, we run away from kharkov, there is no such thing, and i hope it will not be, regarding the border, well , you know, they scare us, and they themselves are scared, so i even wrote it out for myself, we have such a buffer zone there belgorod is formed. today , the prime minister of russia, the russian federation
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, mishustin, said that they want to make belgorod, kutsk, bryansk a free economic zone in these territories, you understand, that is, they are evacuating there, shelling is going on, drones are flying, and they are doing free the economic zone, well, it's probably another name for the buffer zone, they will still call it their own. we have, but kharkiv stands, as far as concerns, well, even though i want to raise the issue, it all concerns the heating of the next season, electricity, and let’s say the destroyed thermal power plant, t-5, there are others, zmijska, well here we have to ring all the bells, here it is necessary to develop, let's say, a strategy, import equipment, look for sponsors in europe and... and so on, in order to somehow heat this huge city in winter. thank you,
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unfortunately, unfortunately, mr. bohdan, we have to go with you to finish already, because we have to go further. bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, was with us. i hope mr. bohdan has voiced the main messages that he had to voice. we are now going on a short break, after which we will connect the dnipro. yesterday , an educational institution there was seriously damaged after the attack, we will find out what is happening in the dnipro and in the dnipropetrovsk region. ago. stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, just call now and order. there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: cut branches, cut a beam,
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football together stronger. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we are already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live attacks political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! free openly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world,
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front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day for help. phone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, the information day of the tv channel continues, an important message from. the guardian british newspaper. so, according to british journalists, the main intelligence agency is preparing a special operation to destroy the crimean bridge in the first half of the 24th year. that is, well there are still two months left before the realization of this prediction by the guardian. we will do it,
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decommissioning the crimean bridge in the first half of the 24th year - said the source of the guardian. well, intelligence already has bigger ones. the means to achieve this goal, on the other hand, knowing our spies or guessing so much about what they would say or not say, well, it is unlikely that they would inform the british about their strategic plans for such a big, fat occupation goal like the crimean bridge , but they wrote, they wrote, and we will inform you in a timely manner, so to speak, and move on. kateryna nepchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council , is already in touch with us. yesterday, dnipro suffered from terrible shelling. katerina, we welcome you to our airwaves, and we ask you to inform us about the consequences, so we understand that two educational institutions, a kindergarten and a lyceum, were damaged, if i am not mistaken, you know more precisely, so we ask you to inform us about how many people were injured and actually, what is the situation with the victims, how critical are their injuries, so congratulations, yesterday, yesterday
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for the dnipro was very difficult, in fact, terrible, but the first thing i want to say is that this is the main message of yesterday's missile attack on the dnipro, that there are no casualties in our country, this is a great happiness, but this is only thanks to the fact that during during the air raid, the students of the college, which was hit by the rocket, went down to the shelter, and this is very important, because during the air raid in dnipro, i just want to appeal to everyone and emphasize this, this is not the first time when saving lives, alone also dissolve into shelter, the first time it was in the hospital, when, well , during the air raid, the hospital was evacuated near the apollo, which is in the shelter, and this is the second time when many children's lives were really saved by the fact that everyone was evacuated in the shelter
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by the teachers, and for this, a big thank you to such a responsibility, so please do not ignore air alarms and respond to them. if we talk about the consequences that are, well, negative, of course there are, there are injured, in general , there are not two, but four educational institutions, this is, in principle, a more or less quiet district of the dnipro in our country, there are many apartment buildings buildings, and there are private ones, and here are such educational institutions, these are four educational institutions with... well, one was destroyed, several were damaged, this is one regional college, this is a kindergarten, this is a lyceum, and we also have a university there, and well one industrial building, that is, the consequences of the destruction of the infrastructure itself, they are terrible, that's basically what we see on the video, yes, these are destroyed
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windows, there are ceilings, well, that is, repair work will take a very, very long time in all these institutions. but well, in principle , apartment buildings are also damaged a lot apartments, more than 20 ordinary apartment buildings were damaged, but of the injured 15 people, 12 of these people were hospitalized, but there is no threat to the lives of any of these people, these are fragmentary lesions and, as doctors say. in principle, these are conditions of medium severity, which is interesting to note here, for example, in this regional, regional lyceum. who was at the college, at the regional college, four students and two teachers were injured, just when
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they were going down to the shelter, that is , the glass had already broken at that time, and when they descended, it got into them, but just imagine what could have happened if people had not descended, i.e. the way the entire building was destroyed, there could have been just as many dead. therefore, there are positive moments, of course, that everyone descends, but i want to emphasize once again, because it is very important, there are simply a lot of people in dnipro who ignore the air alarm, that's it, and ms. kateryna, look, i also wanted to clarify whether you are checking there i do not know, deputies of the regional council, deputies of the dnipro city council, the situation with shelters, well, because it is very good to call the basement as a shelter, so to speak, stick a sign on it, and open it, and then say, let's go, dear gardeners... don't go down, but if we speak seriously, is there an understanding or is there a dynamic in the construction of what is literally a shelter, and not the basement of a high-rise building, and very often people
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ignore it, saying, well, if we go down to the basement from our seventh floor, then there is a certain danger, so to speak, that we are there in that basement , god forbid, we may fall asleep for a certain period, yes, yes, of course, this is a problem, well, let's say, a shelter. new direct new ones are such that they are built in houses, of course they are not being built now, there are shelters from the city authorities, we have such and other, well, on the streets, stone buildings like this, they exist, and they really protect normally, but there are not many of them, so you can hide in them only when you are just in an open space and you can go there somewhere in the middle of the street, if we talk about houses, well, in colleges, er... kindergartens, schools, lyceums, well, that is, in all educational institutions shelters are normal and ready, because we understand that the students are there
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students, they study, if offline, that is , they go live, then this was a condition for, in principle, the opening of any institution in a live format, that there will be a shelter and it will be safe and normal, that is, it has been checked that it is normal and accurate, where they go down precisely in communal facilities, all shelters are okay there, that is, everything is fine with them, about private houses, oh, well, more precisely, about apartment buildings, of course, yes, here the question is a little different, because there are shelters in apartment buildings, which are less well prepared for such a good one security, but in principle, plus or minus, they were all checked there by utility workers, city authorities, and well, the situation is more or less controlled, there are such. of course, i would not really trust shelters, but they will definitely protect against debris, and it makes sense to go down from them anyway. thank you,
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kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was in touch with us, informed us about the situation in dnipro, i would like to remind you that about two dozen people were injured there as a result of yesterday's attack, we understand that it was a sleeping area where there was no military infrastructure. the russians hit the civilians of the dnipro, and fortunately, due to the fact that people went down to the shelter in time, fortunately there were no casualties, and it is actually very good that everything turned out that way, because we know that there are much worse situations , when people ignore those reports that a rocket or missile is already flying. now we will have a volunteer from the city of wroclaw in touch, we will talk to him. about the situation at the border, because poles, more precisely polish farmers, as they call themselves, they continue to block these or other checkpoints, and actually we would like to find out what
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the situation is there now, serhii vanats, a volunteer is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy? not currently, yes, not currently, but we will actually try to contact him, in the meantime, i want to note that we are currently raising funds to purchase ... everything necessary for our defense forces, so espresso does not leave his volunteer activity for a moment, so if you have the opportunity, please join our congregation. we are currently collecting funds to purchase half-buckets for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporozhian brigade. our own production, testing of variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this together by raising uah 2 million. so if you... have the opportunity, please join this collection, the bank card number of one and two, also the qr codes you see now on your screens, and we happen to thank you for
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continuing. help us yes, now we have our guest on the line, yes our editors tell us, therefore, that volunteer is in touch with us, thanks to ukraine, mr. serhiy, let's send a telegraphic text , there is quite a bit of time left, the situation as of now on the border, on the catholic, on the catholic paska, so to speak, was certain admission, we understand, well, at least it was reported that now, thanks to the studio, for... it was like that, it was open until april 2, that is, the open border was open yesterday and today they allowed it again, well, korchova shcheginy works in the usual condition three and ugrinov works in the usual mode, but rava usurun and another border, they are ravaruska , it was not opened at all, they
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do not know anything there at all... they are looking for usun, then they are there , so you can see what kind of queues they do not miss anything at all, on others at their borders, they allow up to five cars per hour in different ways, so you understand, it's about 100 cars, the checkpoint these two checkpoints can let up to 1,400 cars through in both directions in about a day , well that is, a very, very small percentage of what they pass compared to the pass, but with buses, what is the situation, mr. sergey, buses and so on, as for passenger traffic, they pass buses with passengers, that is, they do not delay now, until they delayed it for a while and then let it through, that is , they blocked the buses, but now they
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are currently blocking the buses, they are only blocking the trucks. if we are talking about the conditions of those drivers who are stuck there waiting to cross the border or something is it possible to more or less stabilize their living conditions? no, the situation with the conditions is very difficult, well, there are no normal hygiene conditions, well , in general, there are bio-toilets, which are located 2 km from each other, that is, a person must go there before... then walk 2 km and wash , then they have to go to a gas station somewhere or unhook somewhere to go and wash, but since they are there in such a way that they are standing in two tracks, it is a little difficult for them to do it there, well, that is, the hygienic conditions of keeping drivers in general have not changed in in general, thank you, thank you, well, if we finally talk about prospects, then there is a feeling that
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we are speaking so to speak. each country is giving in a little, or vice versa, in your opinion, they can still hold the border for a couple of months at the same pace there, i don't know? well, in my opinion, they can hold the border for another couple of months, we and other charitable organizations organized a protest in march, towards the end of march, in order for the polish authorities to pay attention, this was done together with polish charitable foundations, we organized the action. .. protest under their the seimas to pay attention to this particular problem, and we still do not see any improvements in this situation. thank you, serhii vanat, a volunteer from the city of wroclaw was in touch with us, they talked about the situation on the polish-ukrainian border. well, it's time for espresso news to find out more information, just wait a few moments, we'll pass the floor for this to our colleagues, anna yevamelnik is ready
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to share important... information with us, we congratulate you, and please tell us briefly about what this will be the case release thank you, colleagues, nato can create a special mission in ukraine. details of this event and others. next, stay with us. ties are getting stronger, ukraine and finland have signed an agreement on security cooperation and long-term support. this happened during a meeting between president zelenskyi and his finnish colleague oleksandr stub in kyiv. the document states that finland will provide long-term military and financial assistance, as well as deepen cooperation with ukraine in the political, financial, and humanitarian fields. and in the field of reforms.


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