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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:29pm EEST

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it's azpress news time, so we pass the floor to our colleagues, we pass the floor to anna eva melnyk, who has already prepared relevant information for us with the news editor. we pass the floor and ask you to briefly tell what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, the news editor will tell about the most important things, in particular about the consequences of enemy shelling in different regions of ukraine. be with us. nato is developing a new format for assistance to ukraine, said the secretary general of the alliance, jens stoltenberg, before the start of the meeting of foreign ministers in brussels. by he said, the foreign ministers will discuss how the bloc can take on more responsibility to ensure. support, in particular, it
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concerns the provision of military equipment and training for ukrainian soldiers. we are currently discussing ways to make nato's support more predictable and more reliable, as we firmly believe that ukraine's support should not depend on short-term voluntary offers, but rather on long-term nato commitments. by doing this, we will give ukraine what it needs, and such in this way we will send a message to moscow. that we support ukraine. and nato can also create a special mission in ukraine. this issue will be considered by the heads of foreign affairs of the countries during the meeting in brussels, said the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radosław sikorski. according to him, this format will not be confrontational for moscow. sikorsky noted that putin constantly repeats lies to his citizens about the alleged existing conflict with the bloc and defensive war. however
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, he should not attack nato, because the alliance is 20 times richer than the russian federation. loses this one war, just as the ussr lost the cold war. ties are getting stronger: ukraine and finland signed an agreement on security cooperation and long-term support. it happened during a meeting between president zelenskyi and his finnish colleague alexander stubb in kyiv. in the document. it is said that finland will provide long-term military and financial assistance, as well as deepen cooperation with ukraine in the political, financial, humanitarian and reform spheres. stup announced the allocation of the 23rd aid package in the amount of 188 million euros, which included air defense systems and ammunition. the nordic country will also help us rebuild the energy sector, strengthen border protection, and treat the ukrainian military. russians
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injured a man in kharkiv oblast. the occupiers shelled the village of kupyansk-vuzlovy, the regional police reported. the victim was hospitalized. three people were injured by a rocket attack in mykolaivka, donetsk region. the occupiers dropped four guided aerial bombs on the city late in the evening, injuring a 47-year-old woman and two men. everyone got sick, reported to the regional police. also at night in... the city of selidove was attacked with rockets, more than fifty destructions were recorded there, at least 12 high-rise buildings and administrative buildings were damaged, fortunately people survived. well, barbarians, barbarians, what do you want, live in your own country, we did not come to you, how do you live, poorer, richer, well people , live, that's right, i don't know, just barbarians, they destroy everything. exempt from what? and
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almost 17,000 families again have electricity in donetsk region, the head of the region vadym filashkin reported two days ago because of the hostile dolsk a power substation is on fire. there was an explosion there earlier, the local public write. previously, the oil switch allegedly failed. the light went out in several areas of the city. electric transport is also not working. in poltava in one of the churches. our correspondent anna morozova saw that volunteers of the glorious church of ukraine collect aid for the military, weave camouflage nets, and need additional workers to be sent to the front today. former clothes, it's blankets, it's agricultural fiber, knitwear. mrs. olena, on the first day of full-scale after the invasion, she left for... poltava from kharkov,
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reading the news and observing the consequences of the russian attacks, the woman could not sit idly by and joined in weaving camouflage nets in one of the churches of the orthodox church of ukraine. i am an architect, a restorer by education, i lost my job because our company, she, who is where now? volunteers agreed on their unique weaving technique, slightly different from others. we developed our scheme and cuttings with such and such leaves and a scheme of weaving, i.e. two by two. two on one, one on one, and yes so that, well, our task, like that of doctors, is not to offend, right? maria volodymyrivna , a parishioner of the temple, as soon as she heard from the abbot that laboring hands were needed, joined other volunteers, she has been cutting fabric for weaving nets for two years,
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i wanted to do something, i already, i don't know where to go, i came here in the church, and our priest, father oleksandr, announced that we need nets here, but that's it... i started coming here. under the images of saints and chanting prayers, the lady does not think about fatigue, but about those whom her work can save. you have to, you have to, sometimes you get tired already, but you keep going, because you know that our boys have it even worse there, and we think that maybe something will save someone, this, this net is ours, this is our work, maybe it will save someone from, oh, from the worst, the first frame for disguises. nets appeared here long before 2022. in the 19th year, when the government changed, we realized that the war was being erased, and there was an immediate proposal, well, that was the proposal to weave a net so that people understood that the war
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still exists in our country, and we do not show it we can, not show, not tell. currently , there is a great shortage of volunteers in the temple, because there is always a need for camouflage nets. people come. that they will come, then they shut up, we all shut up, we only taught them, and they already shut up, not everyone can be a volunteer, this is a lot of work, a lot of huge work, these are people who give up some of their household items, and they still need to donate , because a roll of the basis for the camouflage net costs uah 17, the green base fabric is uah 400, all orders are... volunteers carefully record. unfortunately, this is already our second notebook. i started keeping records, i came here on 1.22, and they started keeping a notebook when the order simply collapsed. in 22 months
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, more than 13,500 m2 of masking nets were woven and sent in the walls of the temple. and volunteers will continue to work as long as there is a need for their work. anna morozova, bohdan proskurov, from poltava for tv channel. espresso. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins , there are also other goodies that our defenders need: dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry soups and borschts, lard and canned meat, everything that will feed our soldiers at zero. we have a lot of requests, so we also need... your help, dear viewers, join and support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details on the screen. and of course, look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of all news releases, programs
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and special projects that can only be seen here . also a short video on hot topics in the shors section, share our videos, comment, be close. i have everything at this moment, i tell you, see you at 5 p.m., the newsroom is working, we are monitoring what is happening in ukraine and the world, in the next issue we will tell you about the most important things, meet marta oliyarnyk and antina later on the espresso broadcast burkovsky thanks to our journalists, well... iron, tireless people, put all the main things in 10 minutes and, so to speak, submit everything is most important, clearly and confidently. we thank them, we pick up the baton, we have no right to fail with marta oliyarnyk, now we will talk with oleg katkov, military expert, chief editor of defense
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express. literally from minute to minute, oleg katkov will join us, and we will analyze all the most important trends in what concerns our defense industry and the defense industry of the enemy. wait, it's important. well, today the president of finland is in ukraine, together with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi they gave a briefing and actually on in it they reported that ukraine and finland under. wrote an agreement on security cooperation. this cooperation will include a long-term perspective of both financial and military assistance. we will talk about military affairs in more detail with oleg katkov, who is already in touch with us. mr. oleg, we welcome you. glory to ukraine. glory, thank you for the invitation. mr. editor-in-chief, well, you know, statistics, so to speak, during the war - it's our favorite, our favorite story, it's our everything, yes. we remember very well the changes in indicators of the enemy. part of their aircraft fleet was eliminated by our air defense, part was simply
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shot down by fighters, but here i am quoting now the response of the main intelligence department to the request of the army information, almost direct language: as of march 24 , there are about 100 in the aerospace forces of the russian federation multipurpose su-35 fighters, more than 100 su-34 fighter-bombers, as well as seven a50-u long-range radar detection and guidance aircraft, three more a50s under repair and modernization, we understand that the enemy now not only actively uses aviation, but they set themselves very specific goals, taking into account their beginning of their offensive, and accordingly, what... is this, this, this, these indicators, right? about
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100 su-35 fighters, more than 100 su-34 fighter-bombers and seven a50-u long-range radar detection aircraft. what can we expect, how ready they will be to use their entire aircraft fleet against our civilian and military facilities. the situation is somewhat complicated here, the point is that... these numbers, they just say that the warlock in these planes recovered the losses that were caused, the number of su 34 in the number of a little more than a hundred units, relative to 135 the same number, so for example, they are the same as they were in 21 year, according to the data, well , some, for example, in the military balance, this is the best, probably, that is available in the question, estimates of the armed forces of different countries, this is really authoritative. therefore, in this case, it is only possible to state that despite the losses that
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were inflicted on these planes, the russian federation, and its military-industrial complex was able to keep such a number even at the same level, that is , there will be nothing new, nothing better, nothing worse, except, well, if you count , of course, the expansion of the range of ammunition used by the so-called aerospace forces of the russian federation, well... of course, i am equipped with ipcs, which allow the use of aviation without entering the area of ​​​​action, well, all anti-aircraft missile systems except patriot, in fact. mr. oleg, look, i would also like to pay attention to the information that made public in the main intelligence office, vadym skibitsky yesterday described in detail the enemy's missile defense, and he actually reported that the enemy currently has approximately 950 missiles. if we talk about the practical part of this issue, then two or three are massed. they will launch attacks in the near future, and then they will have to take some pause because
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they will have to replenish these costs. on the other hand, we understand that the calibers can now start to be used again, because, unfortunately, the russians have already had the opportunity to novorossiya to re-equip caliber carriers, and accordingly, we would like to ask you what you think about this, whether now intensive caliber shelling will begin, and actually, what should we expect from massed rockets. strikes in the near future, and there is an important clarification, it is about the fact that the vorok is trying to keep the number of missiles themselves, and these are all missiles with a range of more than 350 km, it is not only the rabbit ones, it is all, all, all missiles with a range of more than 350 km, and the enemy is simply trying not to fall below this bar, that is, it is really true representative of gurm, the corresponding number of missiles that he can still fire in relation to the calibers, then again according to the data of the same authority. then the immediate number of calibers now after the enemy did not use them, almost did not use them, to
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understand in the first three months of the 24th year, we are talking about eight units approximately, in three months, in total, that is, in the first quarter of the 24th year, used well, less than 10 calibers, this means what he has accumulated and now has at his disposal according to gurmo's estimates again more than 260 sea-based cruise missiles caliber. but it doesn't mean but what does it mean? 260, well, it sounds quite unpleasant, and we know how the enemy will use them, but, that is, what am i... calibers, how much air defense will deal with them, and in general, how long they can use them and intensively, yes, it’s just that in relation to calibers, there are two aspects that need to be understood, firstly, this is the main cruise missile of all fleets of all modern missile ships of the orf, which is in principle for all fleets, for the black sea, the baltic,
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northern and pacific and also the kospian flotilla, the second aspect, if we even take these 2006... ten of these calibers and count only on the fact that they will be used only by russian ships in the black sea, then what is the aspect, the maximum launch, if they will take out all their ships that can fire calibers, it will be up to 60 units, if again they charge absolutely all the ships that can carry them and take them out to sea, because not all of them are after impressions by drones in well they did not drown did not drown, but ot... in this way, to say that the enemy can completely replace there, for example, to attack massive ones, to release all their 280 calibers at once, there is no technically even such a possibility. the second aspect, again, for him to take the ships out of the bay,
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in order to launch, is a risky operation, because there is a certain chance of getting direct. maguru b5 to the side of the ship and on this and more than one such surface drone kamikaze and on this everything will end for him, the second aspect, one more to be precise, there is even such a moment that the infrastructure new russian as a military base, it is not comparable to the one located in the occupied sevastopol, it is a completely different class of naval bases, with a completely different infrastructure, and there was even an opinion that the bucket was not used. directly to the caliber due to the fact that the infrastructure for this in novorossiysk is not much intended, this does not mean that it is impossible, it means that it is much more difficult than it would be in the hothouse conditions of sevastopol, but when sevastopol itself can find and is constantly in case of need under strikes with corrals, missiles, then the enemy again does not risk his ships, ugh,
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interesting interesting, but look, if we are talking about the situation with our capabilities, right? we are now waiting for the czech projectile initiative, we understand that it will most likely start working on a practical level from june, now some countries are trying to join it, but we see that the russians will now use a certain window of opportunity, this concerns and a certain shortage of anti-aircraft missiles, as you are now you see this picture, how far these coming months, which have already started, will be critical for us in the context of the ability to defend ourselves, we do not want, you know, to scare anyone, but we also want to soberly look at these threats that are facing us. there is hope that the last remshtein, which was the 20th, if i'm not mistaken, jubilee, then right after its results, the ministry of defense of ukraine officially issued a message that
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one of the main topics of this meeting was the provision of air defense of ukraine , respectively. ammunition, well, there is no need to be prophet, you just have to look at the, roughly speaking, list of air defense equipment that the allies handed over to us, i’m not talking about the number, at least by name, yes, there a huge number of anti-aircraft missile systems will use american missiles directly, this is patriot, of course, this is nasams, this is the so-called frankensem, that is, the result of the transfer of soviet complexes, because soviet... they are also in short supply to soviet complexes, and they were transferred to american ones, and here it is unexpected, so maybe to be such a situation that if there is no american help for a long time, then the american missiles will end, and in fact, all that will be available, if we take the anti-aircraft missile systems in particular, is that if we exclude soviet missiles and american ones, then the german aresti and ersatz will remain there is such
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a pop called there, well, british with asraam e. anyway, the lowest class there is like british storms again, what with marlet or starstick missiles and manpads there, for example, milan, even stingers will not be there because they are american , so in the medium and long term objectively, it is difficult to talk about the capabilities of air defense, if there are no missiles for them, which are again produced in the usa, even this plan regarding the production of missiles for petraeus in germany. a thousand units of missiles have been ordered there, yes a thousand have been ordered, but the first ones will come off the assembly line, as the head of the company said, in two years, and this will be the first pilot batch, and therefore... well, obviously now the question is, let's hope for it, after ramstein, the issue of providing additional anti-aircraft missiles in the pack fire mode has been resolved, because again there are certain reserves in the countries
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of europe, which are exploited by the same patriots, there is a 120 missile for the samses and there are stingers conditionally, that is, it is possible to solve this, further , of course, without full-scale help from the usa, which is no longer allocated fully, objectively, that is... at an appropriate pace since the fall of 23 , well, it is difficult to talk about a stable supply of anti-aircraft missiles. look, mr. editor-in-chief, we understand that there is such an asymmetric story, so the enemy has a sufficiently large number of one or another long-range missile systems, starting from ballistics, ending with cruise missiles, but it turned out that in the russian federation, well, in tatarstan, i don't know how far it is from the russian-ukrainian one. well, but birds flew to tatarstan, so to speak, and made a rather intense illumination on their oil refinery complex, so it is
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a very significant depth, we saw the corresponding drifts, it looks convincing, we do not know whose birds those are, but if we hypothetically assume that we could, so to speak, our engineers could become the authors of such a development, therefore trace the trajectory... that is, if there is more than 1000 km, how did it fly so that it flew, right? where the russian air defense system was looking, and in general, how far and in what quantity, how intensively we can send them allaverda greetings in the event of something, just the destruction of objects across the volga is more than a demonstrative situation, we are talking not only of course about range, absolutely correct, because there, well, the range there is 1200, it is only from... the border to the object itself, drones do not fly in a straight line and are not launched from the border column, they are launched from the corresponding airfields somewhere or other launch sites that
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have retreated from the border or in the front line, they do not fly in a straight line, they fly taking into account the areas of air defense, bypassing it, and this means that there the range is objectively greater for 1,200 km, but let it be the abandonment that has been proven in practice, an important aspect is that the facilities that were affected in tatarstan, there is a group of facilities, namely the oil refinery, alabuga, which, where shahedi is produced, is a separate industrial plant zone, and next to them, to understand what other objects are located, there is the nizhnyakamsk hpp, and there is kamaz, the same kamaz, which is the central plant that produces kamaz, the main and loaded transport in the russian federation and the main one. for the army, this is in combination with one of the largest oil and gas plants of the hpp plus kamas, if it demonstrates that this area should be covered by all
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means of air defense, i.e. there are 300 and 400, armored rounds should be scattered there, but drones fly in and take off, as they arrive, and there is no one to talk about the work of air defense cannot be heard or seen there, and the drones effectively express the goal. that is, they flew along the route effectively and destroyed the object directly, which according to all the instructions should have been covered by a fairly powerful air defense positional area, the conclusion is quite simple, well, i don’t think so, well, it’s hardly necessary to think that the rashists there decided not to to shoot down, because they didn’t want to, which means they couldn’t, maybe there were no such means, because even when ukrainian drones began to hit moscow city in test mode, in order to to protect their tables... the enemy threw over, for example, armor and tanks from the arctic, they were, well, this is a separate version of tanks and armor, with a separate chassis, just another tracked one,
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that is, you can’t get confused, he obviously didn’t have it even then the corresponding number of anti-aircraft weapons, taking into account now the geography of strikes, which has expanded, taking into account the fact that there is already such a moment, the fact that one of the drones, which is recorded on camera, it was much larger, for example, than the same person who has there is 50 kg, he was already approaching by category to light civil aviation aircraft, such as the cessna 172, but even the same cessna 172, for example, it carries up to 400 kg in the piloted version, 400 kg is a very nice combat load, it is already like a combat unit rabbit rocket, this is another category of objects where the damage is done, that is, the geography becomes wider. the possibilities are greater, and the objects that can be hit are even more, and there, even if the russian federation, they really declared everything, they will and are already implementing
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the creation. such tracing paper from ukrainian mobile air defense groups, that is, machine guns large-caliber on pickup trucks, there is a zu232 on a truck, they copy it, but you have to understand what territory they need to cover, taking into account the number of objects that can be affected by such drones, but they all steal ideas with drones from us, and these mobile mobile groups, which are fighting drones, can't come up with anything themselves and only steal our ideas, well... we understand that they are spying, well , they don't want to get anywhere, well, but we didn't invent drones, so to speak, so drones i mean the use of civilian drones on the battlefield, that 's what we started doing in the first place, because we understood that the enemy has an advantage in weapons, we need to somehow get out of this situation. thank you, mr. olezh, oleg katkov, the editor-in-chief of defense express and a military expert was in touch with us. by the way, i would like to remind our tv viewers and those
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who are currently watching us in ... that all the important topics and all the most apt statements of our speakers can be found on our youtube, if you do not have the opportunity to do so all day watch tv and, accordingly, want to be aware of the most important things and want to understand what was the most important thing of the day, then go to our youtube zvizna rich, there you will also see the live broadcast of our broadcast, which is no less important, because there you can make your comments to write your thoughts, to share some of your own thoughts, that's it too. it is important, you can watch all the program releases and even special projects are on our youtube, this is also important, we are trying to develop our youtube, and there we also have special projects, well and also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, come in, watch, it's quite convenient, and don't forget to subscribe, it's important to us, it's important to us that ukrainian-language content expands, let's take a break, so let's talk about important
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initiatives, yesterday, the president signed a series of pro... bills that make some changes in the conscription and mobilization of conscripts, wait for us to contact you, more precisely , the people's deputy of ukraine mykhailo tsimbalyuk will be in our studio, it will be very, very informative and interesting. attention, move from unpack tv. covers sofa cape with a discount of only uah 599. your sofa is dirty. sofa cape covers, the upholstery is torn. sofa covers. one move away from the boring color of the sofa cape cover and you have your updated favorite sofa in front of you for almost no shade, only affordable, because the price of the covers is much lower than the cost of the furniture. cape sofa covers adapt to any sofa, it's so convenient! from now on, spilled tea, coffee, burnt fabric, traces of pets will no longer spoil the furniture. sof covers will reliably protect them and perfectly hide already purchased ones stains cape sofa covers will serve you for many years. available in an infinite number
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