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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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united by football, stronger together. information day of the tv channel in rospol. well , mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, lieutenant general of the militia in zapas, is in our studio. glory to ukraine, mr. mykhailo, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, i wish everyone health. well, the draft since the age of 25. the president of ukraine signed the corresponding draft law, which had been under his signature for more than a month. what do you think that means for those. who is now turning 25 years old, well , in general, did we just talk with military experts today, well, they say that if necessary, it may be necessary to further lower this threshold, by the way, many military experts, and active military, leaders, commanders, heads of units, they say that, in principle, it was necessary to call up from the age of 18, as it happened before, for conscription. well, thank god that so far the higher
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military leadership and the military-political leadership do not make such a decision, and how me, this is positive, but we should all realize that the whole state is facing a challenge, the russians are getting stronger, the russians are continuing their tough mobilization, and we should oppose them, first of all, with a high-quality military one. the preparation of those people who are mobilizing, the mobilization is ongoing, what the president signed, this law, which really lay without his signature since may of last year, it concerns whether it applies to those conscripts who did not complete their military service, uh, by the way , the demobilization of conscripts has been going on since yesterday. and that
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probably, those guys who served military service will be the last, because after that , the reform of the armed forces does not provide for military service. instead, there will be military service from the age of 18 to 25 for a period of 5 months in peacetime and 3 months in the period of military martial law, and the person himself will choose where to undergo this military training and in what period or at 19, 20, 25 years old , that is, it is... positive, but all men between the ages of 18 and 25 should know the basics of military affairs, and this is very right, because from 2022, since february 24, we all felt what it was like, what it could turn out to be, when young and not so
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young men did not know how to use weapons and did not have a military specialty. mr. mykhailo, look, there is another draft law called... number 1062 regarding the electronic cabinet, it was adopted in january 24, and according to it , certain information from other state registers will enter the register of conscripts from other state registers this draft law will allow us to have a more complete picture of this or that military serviceman zelenskyi also signed, and here it is interesting to understand whether people who are to be conscripted must enter their data into this system themselves, or whether the state will collect certain data about a person from other registers. please explain in practice how it should look like? in fact, the draft law is important, when the state of ukraine, the armed forces, the general staff, transfer to electronic media,
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databases that concern not only conscripts, but many things related to the sphere of security and defense. this bill allows. ukraine to keep these databases in the clouds of nato countries, in particular at the nato headquarters, this guarantees the preservation of these databases, and by the way, to say more, today a certain amount of forces and means, including anti-aircraft , are diverted to preserve such information and databases in ukraine defense, and there is no guarantee that they will be preserved qualitatively, this law. now the law allows storage in nato countries, and this is a guarantee of security or access, we understand that there are some not so powerful nato countries, but there are nato countries, you know, which were also there the day before yesterday in the warsaw pact, and there can be very cool guys like that, you know,
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it specialists, there, i'm not saying that the flash drive, well , there was a failure, hackers got in, and so to speak, our holy of holies, secret base can. .. to be under threat, this also happens, mr. antin, no one guarantees this today, but if we take the database protection system of the ukrainian armed forces and military formations and state authorities and nato countries, in particular the headquarters in brussels , it is clear that they are different things and there is more guarantees than now. the next thing is that this bill transfers a lot of paper to electronic media. documentation, reports, this is what today is called bureaucracy in military units. the next thing: this law allows and obliges military units to provide certificates regarding the electronic registration of the status of
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a participant in hostilities. the painstaking paper journey ends and only the application is submitted in electronic form, all other documents are collected in electronic form and. the status of a participant in hostilities is automatically assigned, this started with this draft law, the main thing is that we wanted to translate all this into electronic documents on the basis of what you mentioned, mr. madam, you mentioned about the charm, because, ms. marta, it is very important that the charm system works, uh, now on this database , the right is given from... to receive information from other media, including databases, the system of the ministry of internal affairs, the state tax and other services, in order for the electronic office of the military obligation to have the maximum amount of information on this or that person, by the way , it is in all nato countries, and these databases will also be
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are protected, and a citizen without physically visiting the territorial picking center can enter those data that... have changed or are necessary in his opinion, that is, complete, it is quite true, and this system can be reported electronically. in case of need or need, but i emphasize once again, no subpoenas will be sent to this electronic cabinet, and it is not a person who sets up this electronic cabinet, it is the task of the tsc authorities to actually reduce all this data to a pile, because of which the law is extremely important , he will withdraw from the paper ones carried a large the number of staff members who today are only engaged in this, this
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will definitely free up personnel, and on the other hand, it will give us the opportunity to switch to nato standards. if i understand correctly, let us record this and our viewers, conditionally, the man is obliged to serve in the military, but he, for example, has the right to deferment, because he is studying at a graduate school, for example, and accordingly the tsc already sees that he now has the possibility of a postponement due to the fact that he is studying at a graduate school, accordingly now... he will not go to tsk, because he sees this information right away, of course, and in general, the bill on mobilization, mr. mykhailo, it is not a reproach, it is not a reproach, but we understand that somehow the process is stalling for too long, we understand that those people, i will not name their names, who are enemies , so gently, let's say, yes to the parliament, as an institution, it is also used in order to say, you see, people's deputies cannot pass such a saucy, such... complete extremely important bill, and on the other hand, we understand that , that the agenda of the plenary session of the verkhovna rada
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the council, well, it raises, well, just frank questions, the impression that they cannot somehow organize the body of deputies so that they sit down and work actively for several days, well, in general, if we talk about the configuration and logic, i think that you simply have different feedbacks from different environments, there is the opposition, the government, i don't know, there are neutral. and so on, that is, everyone has their own opinion, that is, there is already an understanding of what construction of this draft law, which passed the relevant committee, will be voted on, as far as i know, the committee the national security intelligence service has not yet completed consideration of this bill, because there will be further amendments from the committee, from the members of this committee, i think that today or tomorrow... they should have finished and sent to the session hall, i thought, and this is my
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belief that it would be possible to get together this week and consider this bill, which is extremely necessary for those people who have been without rotation for two years or more, because this bill should provide for both rotation and demobilization of certain parts of servicemen, the armed forces of ukraine and other military formations, but what... the final version will be sent to the session hall , we do not know yet, and a certain delay is not understandable, moreover, some time will pass, and this is what the military says, then this law will no longer be needed by anyone . firstly, the mobilization continues, secondly, laws or bills are passed that partially solve the problem, but we have already talked about lowering the age, and it was in that... the notorious law is already being thrown out, there are also a number of things professional protection
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of servicemen and policemen, already a separate bill was passed, that is, we, for example, i would like it to be yesterday and i am ready to consider certain amendments, although i have a lot of problems with this bill, as if they have been resolved, as far as persons with disabilities are concerned, as far as scientists are concerned . teaching staff there, teaching staff, graduate students, doctoral students, etc., but realistically, i think it will be only next week. thank you, mr. mykhailo, we are now adding to our conversation a people's deputy of ukraine, head of the subcommittee on legislative support, implementation of the strategic course of the state enshrined in the constitution of ukraine to acquire full membership in the eu and the nato committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation to mariyu igonov. glory of ukraine.
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you managed the name, it wasn't easy, it wasn't easy, but in our studio mykhailo tsimbalyuk and marta oliyarnyk, they inspire me, i can't fail, an extremely important conversation, we are talking about the mobilization bill in particular, and we understand that it must be entered in constitution, it should be included in the logic of the general staff of the ministry of defense, but in fact we can see that more than 4 amendments are being pushed around, being pushed around, being considered, and most likely everything will be left to the discretion or the will of the members of the verkhovna rada in the session hall, and here they can ... there may be different interpretations from the other side, well, we also heard that bad deputies do not want to vote on such a cool bill, we understand that a certain discrediting campaign is going on, so to speak , of what is called one of the most important institutions of our state, the parliament, which at one time decided extremely difficult things by direct secret voting? you
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are right that the issue is broader than just the law. project on mobilization, and indeed, unfortunately, unfortunately, the government is discrediting the parliament with its own hands, and we, as people's deputies of our faction european solidarity, i am sure that our colleagues from other democratic factions, we definitely demand normal, normal work of the parliament , because now the priority is the truth, the bill on mobilization, and i'm sorry, but we have already, how many times , talked about the fact that the president of ukraine should submit such a text of the bill, it should be his legislative initiative, but unfortunately, we remember a generally negative company at the end of 2023 year, i would not like the authorities to repeat these mistakes in terms of information, and you know, at first the army was not like that, or people who did not want
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to mobilize, but at the same time no one told how these mechanisms are being improved, that is, well... what new rules, what categories, that is, you and i know how many matrices we have considered, but it is also true that the cabinet of ministers, which submitted this draft law for the second time, the text of which contained an extremely large number of anti-constitutional norms, my colleague mr. mykhale already said about it and noted about it, and here is the question, you know, right now the conscious deputies are working for its adoption, and we can see how the profile committee worked... in these more than 400 amendments, a compromise was indeed found, that is, such a finalization of the committee documents and consideration of the draft law in hall, but the procedure must really be followed, the authors of the amendments have the right to put them either for confirmation or for consideration, or other colleagues also have
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the right to do so and what the final text will be, but the negative is that we could... to meet more often, and this is really the priority that we should have decided back in the 23rd year, and now it is april, we are almost in the middle of april, and indeed, you know, we hear a lot of complaints about our partners, but we ourselves, unfortunately, are also delaying this process, and this delay, after all, is very long harms the state, and this delay, it harms exactly the ambassador... our defense capability, and you know, with all the desire, but well, i can no longer say that the monomajority is so-called, because after all, let's also face the truth , and there is no longer such a monomajority, but the government is delaying this process for some reason, and you know, we would not like it even on the second attempt, if this
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draft law turned out to be unconstitutional, substandard in essence, that is, in terms of content, that is why we are waiting for a vote. and we are waiting for all regulatory procedures to be completed done, but you know, it is desirable to work according to the calendar plan, it is desirable that journalists were in the hall and also saw how this process takes place, and in principle, it seems to me that even such a bill, in general, in order to speed up its adoption, would need , you know, faster operational work. mrs. maria, mrs. mykhailo, mr. mykhailo, we have 6 minutes, but we would like to have time to discuss with you. today's meeting of the ukraine-nato council is important because it marks the 75th anniversary of the creation of the alliance, and we understand that ukraine is applying for membership in this alliance. on the other hand, we understand that there are certain challenges now, we understand that nato is not letting us in at the moment, let's put it this way, but do you think that we are doing enough now so that this road map, which
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must be seen, was after all, it is already formed, because there will be a summit in july in... well, i already gave the answer, yes, that is , taking into account certain impulses, we know what will happen in july itself - at the summit in washington, i just wanted to ask , i am a practical person, you know, the ukrainian budget is sacred for me, and it is the most important thing, that is 100 billion, the euro-atlantic fund, the secretary general of nato, which we already mentioned today with marta, yes, he voiced his, so to speak, financial vision, 100 mi, 100 billion euros, let it be for 5 years, well , but someone has to give this money, you understand, and there jen stoltenberg said a lot of beautiful, correct phrases that are pleasant to our ukrainian heart, but 100 billion euros and phrases about 100 billion euros are a little different, so to speak. three minutes each, thank you you are right that it is necessary not to declare the results, but also, when we talk to you about
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the washington summit, we cannot knock on this door only thanks to our armed forces of ukraine, the authorities, we as the parliament, must also do and show that the country democratic and we are moving towards reforming our country and also changing the standards. and you know, we are doing our homework, and not just knocking with empty hands, and only referring to our armed forces of ukraine, this is not enough, and therefore what we are talking about now about the fund, well in in principle, these same initiatives, well, they are so collegial, yes, we can see now, they certainly do not give such an accurate picture of the proposals, but also, well , we must remember that nato, as you have already said, is collegial bodies and countries, nato members, they are already helping, if only bilaterally.
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she explains some things frankly like this, i.e. the american plan, well, it's sad for me to say that, i just wanted to say that in fact the help of the united states is more important, that is, we all expect that the house of representatives is it. this one will be voted on military aid in april, although you and i realize that it is needed for yesterday, but it is very important to continue systematically working with our colleagues in the united states, we all understand that, in principle, which are the most important voices in nato, and therefore we it is necessary to talk not only about military aid, not only about providing us with weapons, but still increasing production, supplying weapons, because really, finally, when you and i even... what are macron's statements like this, we understand that finally democratic countries realized that they, that we are fighting not only for ourselves, that we
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are really fighting for a democratic world, what concerns blinken, you understand, here who wants to be heard, we have heard, but we have to do our own thing, again, thank you, mykhailo tsimbalyuk in our studio, people's deputy of ukraine, we would like to ask you to reflect. mr. mykhailo, well, 100 billion euros, let it be additional money for 5 years, sounds very cool, very formidable. well, on the other hand, we understand that it may take longer, longer. i agree with my colleague that today is ukrainian armed forces, other military formations demonstrate nato standards. if we talk about nato and 75 years, today the ukrainian armed forces are the stronghold of nato, because they are, in fact, a fighting army, an army that has results. real achievements, and moreover, it was here that some weapons used by nato countries underwent a real test, and one demonstrated itself
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excellently, and some of them have certain questions, about those funds that are virtual and about statements, well, forgive me, we we have to finally move away, to listen to statements, not to believe everything, to believe only specific cases. we really need to wait and we believe that after all the first decade of april will end with a vote in the united states on the allocation of funds, but we understand that after the allocation, after the vote, before the real allocation, it takes some time, especially those funds that will go to manufacturing weapons, ammunition for ukraine, here the european community and our closest neighbors should fill this vacuum, and we know and are grateful for the czech initiative to allocate ammunition, and in fact, there is great hope for brussels, as other nato countries, and the path taken
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by the ukrainian government by signing not just joint agreements with individual states, the countries of the alliance, but with regard to the allocation of specific aid, this is the path that should be followed in this difficult period, and in relation to washington. the july summit, it is necessary, i, for example, personally, this is my opinion, i express restrained optimism, the door has long been open to us, some say, it is open, but there is really no hope that there will be concrete decisions regarding the acceptance of ukraine as a full member of the alliance, and the agenda, the road map, this everything has already been said for years, that's why it's a shame, but... but we have to be thankful for what we have and demand specific help, step-by-step, to paint the painted monthly ramshteim and
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other sites. we should use in order to support our boys and girls who are fighting today for ukraine and not only for ukraine. i believe that this world legal order is being fought on the fields of ukraine. thank you, maria ionova and mykhailo tsambelyuk, people's deputies of ukraine were in touch with us. mykhailo tsambalyuk was personally in the studio. antin and i are for today we are already saying goodbye to you, there will be news in just a few minutes, but tomorrow in the same studio we will see you at the same time. be with espresso, you'll be fine. the new mattress cake is made in ukraine with love for ukrainians. metrolyuks is one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. order the camel orthopedic mattress right now. together with the mattress, you get...
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stronger together. my greetings to everyone from espresso, yanaevomelnik and news time. russians injured a man in kharkiv oblast. during the day, the occupiers shelled the village of kupyansk-vuzlovy with artillery. the regional police reported that the victim was hospitalized. three people were injured by a rocket attack in mykolaivka , donetsk region. the invaders are late.


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