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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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ask at pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on zzilor in psylsnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. oh, there are no potatoes, will you bring them? and the ass has already caught something. i remind you, apply dr. tice's comfrey ointment and get back to work. ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for joint and muscle pain. zhivokus returns. from pain in joints and muscles. natural has with comfrey from dr. tys, ask at pharmacies good day pharmacy and pharmacy ointment with comfrey 100 g with a 20% discount. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps of 10% in psarynsky pam and ozhdano pharmacies. lacalut fix reliably fixes me, my dentist advised me. it also reduces inflammation of the gums. and the price is good, economical. lacaka fix. there are discounts on linex forte capsules. 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. can become
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of the ex-chairman of the vrp decide to become a judge? based on this fact, nazk conducted an inspection, and who will take the vacated chair of the head of the vkks? no one is yet a member of the commission of his candidacy put forward on thursday, april 4, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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represents united by football, stronger together, good evening, we are from ukraine, we continue, this is a big ether, i remind you on the spresso tv channel, and i involve oleksandr morchyvko in the conversation, money during the war, it is important, there is something to talk about, please, welcome the audience, thank vasyl for his word, in the next few minutes we will learn about the situation on the ukrainian-polish border, there is also international assistance, and we will discuss the details with an expert on the future of ukrainian energy, we will be joined interesting speaker, wait, everything will be in detail in a moment, i'm oleksandr morchavka, congratulations, this is a column about money in time. i will start with help from
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latvia. the government of the country will provide €5,300,000. this is money for the reconstruction of ukraine. another 4,300,000 will be allocated to support the armed forces through the european peace fund. this was reported in the verkhovna rada. they say that latvia is taking care of the restoration and reconstruction of the chernihiv region. it is, in particular, about the reconstruction of schools, kindergartens and hospitals. i. some are helping, but polish farmers continue to block the movement of ours trucks at three checkpoints, we are talking about checkpoints yagodyn, ravarusk and ughrynyv. currently, 400 cars are waiting for the crossing - reported the spokesman of the state border service andriy demchenko. in the direction of ugryniv, the blockade was resumed the day before, so now one truck per day will be allowed in the direction of poland. through jagodyn and ravoruska, protesters blocked entry to poland. well, here it is. it's a difficult situation, and it seems to me that it
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is dragging on for vasyl, because ukrainian exporters really already prefer it after all, in the direction towards the ports of the danube and... the sea, than transiting ukrainian grain to customers there in the european union countries. well, yes, business is always mobile, it’s just that what it loses on reorientation, on changing logistics, it will still find, it’s like water, it will still leak somewhere, sooner or later, the business will still look for profitable ones options, cheaper options, because the logistics that currently exist, for example, the transit of food through poland to ukraine in the eu, are too expensive, and then the same, the same business will compete with the same polish on others. harinka and they definitely won't let go, first of all, secondly , it always happens when you do something bad alone, then you need help, and you can't wait for the ukrainian side, well, it's just the laws of business, here i am now i am not talking about interstate relations, although there are also issues there, but precisely about business ones, well, that is, if you do it like this, well, that is
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, then the answer will be adequate also from the side of ukraine, well, from the side of ukrainian business, which it all goes through, and who doesn't just experience it, who loses money, taxes, wages, opportunities because of it. polish business is also losing due to the blocking of the border, the only thing is that there is no war in them, they can cover these losses, our entrepreneurs will allow it, plus they have their subsidies there, certain ones from some kind of union, which we cannot count on, but here is donetsk additionally received 65 generators from the german society for international cooperation, the head of the region vadym filashkin reported, 16 devices. gave for the enterprise donetsk teplokomenergo, they will be useful already for the next heating season. 29 generators will serve for a steady supply of water in the region, and the rest have been handed over to slovyansk. they will be used if there is no electricity. schedules of power outages in
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kharkiv, kryvorizhzhia, restrictions for industry, ukrenergo says what awaits the ukrainian energy industry in general, what are the forecasts. what are the prospects, what is the way out of the currently catastrophic situation, we will talk about it with stanislav ignatiev, the head of the council of the ukrainian renewable energy association, doctor of technical sciences. good evening, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. stanislav, well, here is the rate, as for me, now, especially when the sunny days begin, wind generation is also not losing its positions, now the situation can be saved with the production of pods. specifically renewable energy sources, that's my opinion, what are your prospects for this energy sector, you're basically right, and even that was last year, last year summer, when green generation just saved,
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together with ukrhydroenergo, saved generation in ukraine and there was even a possibility of export operations, but let's not forget that today in ukraine electricity consumption is at the level of 9.2 9.4 h, which is quite a large amount well, let me remind you that now, with the exception of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, we have nine nuclear power units, seven of them are in operation, one of them is under emergency repair, the other is under planned repair, and we have lost about 3.4 capacities in thermal and hydrogen generation , and these are just so-called power for balance. energy-intensive, so there are possible restrictions on green generation, especially solar generation, which happened last sunday, when there was a surplus of electricity production , but there was nothing to balance the power system, so it was necessary
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to turn off all industrial solar power plants throughout the country for the whole day, so here quite a difficult situation, in addition, there may be power outages'. energy not only because of the shortage, but because of the state of the networks, since one thing is to generate electrical energy, for example, the same nuclear power plants, or pools of green generation, but it is another thing to transfer and convey to the final consumer, whether it is a commercial consumer or a household consumer, therefore the state of the networks also has a great impact, and we remember that the enemy and the past. during the fuel period and in these large-scale shellings, it hits not only the generation facilities, but also hits the elements of the power system, in particular, the large substations of the state company nek ukrenergo, so there are quite high risks here as well. well, if we talk
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about the near future, well, there are disappointing forecasts that the attacks on the infrastructure will continue, and already at the end of the summer, sometime in august, ukrainians may... be left without electricity and there is no way out, is it possible to work out some concept of building possibly small generating capacities . with the help of the government and international partners, is it possible to have a system of some small back-up distribution stations that can also quickly supply kilowatts to residential consumers and businesses. unfortunately, such a concept is currently in use no, it is being worked out, but just like the experts, some of the government officials, people's deputies, they talk about the fact that, unfortunately, the big... giants, such as, for example, the zmiiv thermal power station, let me remind you, this is 2.2 hectares
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of installed capacity, this is more than the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant, and here the question is that it is not subject to restoration, so everyone is talking about distributed generation, that is, these are small or cogeneration plants, or plants that use biomass, modular gas boiler rooms, which are within the limits of heat. areas within the city, and provide a small area, a small number of citizens or businesses with thermal and electrical energy. such an example exists, for example, in the city of chuguiv, kharkiv region, where the enemy destroyed the centralized heat supply system, and the usad project, the energy security project of the united states agency for international development, provided two cogeneration units. installations, they were installed in the city, and this disgraceful period just
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happened for the city of chuguiv for these cogeneration installations, well this is great, there is already practical experience, there are technical developments, but is there time for the next heating season, well, these small installations have already started to warm ukrainians, in particular we are talking about kharkiv, this is a problematic city now, it is absolutely true, kharkiv has lost and irretrievably lost. tets-5 is about 70% of the provision of multi-apartment residential buildings in the city of kharkiv, and the only way out is such cogeneration plants, for example, today at the session of the irpin city council, this is the kyiv region, the possibility of transfer was considered such a cogeneration plant, last year they received from the same american project a one-megawatt cogeneration plant for the city of kharkiv, and the city of kharkiv needs such plants... 62 units of one megawatt each, and there is a lot of work here, not only at
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the level of the city council, but also at the government level, the ministry of foreign affairs, to get such installations from our european, american, japanese partners and install them very quickly, because a lot of work needs to be done with the networks to get them make them decentralized, and all of us, kharkiv residents, only have six months. everything is enough according to the technological requirements to do, although something can be done, it is possible to do some of these works, absolutely everything is impossible, of course, but some of the works in the most critical areas, where there are dense buildings, can be done in time. thank you, well, this is a really optimistic forecast, and i am sure that your expert opinion will also contribute to the restoration of ukrainian generation systems, distribution systems that harm the enemy, now sstanis. ignatiev was contacted by the chairman of the council of the ukrainian association of renewable energy, doctor of technical sciences. well, i still
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have some news from the world of money and continue to tell them. he appropriated uah 3.5 million during the repair of highways. in kyiv , a contractor was suspected of embezzling budget funds, the capital's police reported. therefore, he concluded a contract with the city authorities regarding the replacement of waterproofing on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and transport junctions of the city. however, the owner. the organization unjustifiably overestimated the cost of works, now the law enforcement officers decide on the issue of selecting a preventive measure for the suspect and he faces 12 years behind bars. international luxury brands, which had suspended operations in muscovy after the start of the great russian invasion, began to close their stores. the closure of three boutiques, for example, prada, became known from the company's report; at the beginning of the year, the brand had only six left in the country of agressorka. points italian fendi refused to rent three premises in moscow, also the company
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plans to terminate the contract for renting a boutique in moscow from august 1 tsumi. also , the russian representative office of chanel began to close lease agreements. before the war, the brand had as many as 17 markets in russia , mainly in moscow. i'll just add that they closed it there in guma, but what's interesting is that everyone says, so what, that they'll leave, but no, so what, in russia, in russia. the fact that the number of dollar billionaires increased sharply due to sanctions, i understand that there are many people who earn money from the war, well, that is, if money is invested in something, a lot of money is earned from it in military production, but the point is that in there are billions of people, but you can't go to milan. or to rome on the viaconduta and to splurge on shopping there, so this is also, well , it seems to be insignificant, but this is also, well, it is important, well, for the image of this company, it is clear that this company has a reputation that is important to it , reputation is important, it costs money, if brands leave moscow, then foreign business returns to ukraine, the spanish fashion group inditex has resumed
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the operation of 20 of its stores, in particular, we are talking about the zara brand, it opened the doors of three. markets in the capital today. the owner of this trademark is gradually resuming its commercial activities in ukraine after putin's full-scale invasion. we see that already in the morning there were queues of consumers near zara markets waiting to, so to speak, shop around and buy some such things of the famous brand. this is not only about the fact that someone decided to wait in line, to buy some kind of... places and revenues to the state budget, that's why i wish the brands that are returning to ukraine again, or in general opening outlets for the first time, more customers, more earnings, and revenues to the budget is our
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victory, vasyl, well, that was the last piece of information , but the big broadcast continues, there will be more later, watch us. thanks to oleksandr morchivka. now i will add serhiy rudenko to the conversation. the verdict program starts at 8 p.m. and what will be discussed today, we will ask serhiy. good evening. serhii, please have a word with me. good evening, vasyl. diplomat volodymyr ogrysko and ilya, spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, will be our guests today. yevlash, and with them we will talk about what is happening both in foreign policy and in the airspace of ukraine. nato is going to hold its 75th jubilee summit in july in washington, and ukraine expects to receive at least some
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steps towards it from the north atlantic alliance. gestures towards ukraine, for now the head of the department, or rather, the secretary of state of the united states of america, antony blinken says that it is obvious that ukraine is getting a road map for the future accession to the north atlantic alliance, as volodymyro gryzko assesses these statements, and the main thing is that ukraine should be accepted in the north atlantic. alliance as a full-fledged future full-fledged member of this organization, taking into account the experience that the armed forces of ukraine have in the fight against the russian occupiers. well, of course, there are a lot of statements these days about supporting ukraine in the fight against russia, as you know, dear friends,
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congress of the united states of america only on april 9. will begin to consider the issue of providing aid to ukraine, $61 billion has been suspended there since the end of 2023, and of course, both the north atlantic alliance and our western partners are convincing the ukrainians that they will help overcome this difficult period when there is no american aid and provide all the necessary assistance, nato, in particular, wants to provide assistance to ukraine in the amount of 100 billion dollars over the next five... years, will ukraine receive this money, and in general, how is it will affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war, let's talk specifically with volodymyr ogrysk, with major yevlash we will talk about how and what weapons the russian federation is currently using to attack peaceful cities, guided
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aerial bombs, calibers, 50 calibers the russians have accumulated. according to preliminary data, the troops are ready to use the territory of the ukrainian state, are the air forces ready for this, and of course one of the pressing questions of the last two days is whether the territory of belarus can be used by the russian occupiers for another offensive to ukraine, because yesterday lukashenko announced that belarus is preparing for war, does this mean that from the territory of belarus rockets will fly at us again and russian planes will take off there, we will talk about all this with ilya yevlash. the second part of our program, starting in an hour, will feature two political experts. these are maksym rozumnyi and serhiy taran. with them, we will talk about how a blind thirst for revenge appeared in russia for
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the move of city hall, but not in relation to idyll, but in relation to ukraine, the ministry of defense of the russian the federation says that after ukrainians began to be accused of involvement in terrorism in russia, many russians went to record. to the russian army in order to join the war in ukraine, and of course, the fight against russian influence in ukraine and how ukrainians protect their information space, and at the very end, of course, we will talk about the prospects in does petro poroshenko have the next presidential campaign? because he has already publicly announced that he plans to run for president again, whatever they may be the next election of the head of state and, of course
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, what the prospects of petro poroshenko might be, all this, starting with 200, literally in 8 minutes we go on the air, the big winter broadcast continues, vasyl, you have the word, thank you sergey, so at 20:00 the verdict program with serhiy rudenko, and we continue the news. attack on a football coach in poland, oleksandr haskevych, well-known to ukrainian fans, became a victim of hooliganism by unknown youths in balaclava. according to information issued swords, a group of football fans broke into the training of the zaglembe team. communication with the players and the coach has ended. during the conflict, as the publication writes , khatskevich was hit in the face, he was also kicked several times. the specialist himself later questioned the fact of physical injuries. according
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to him, there were 30-40 attackers. they tried to exert physical pressure, but everything passed. the coach has neither sense nor scratches. the training took place in a normal atmosphere, but at some point a group of people appeared who wanted to aggressively attack the coaching staff and football players. my players. showed unity, i myself grew up on the street and i know how to behave in such situations, i know how to dodge, i know how to fight back, we did not feel safe, the problem is that the club did not ensure safety during training, it should not be like that. oleksandr khatskevich headed zaglembe in january of this year. in six matches under the leadership of the belarusian specialist , the team did not win a single victory, drew two and lost four. zaglemba occupies the last place in the tournament table of the second division of the polish championship. in the polish press more and more more often they write about the resignation of the head coach. dayana yastremska finished her performances at the wta500 tournament in charleston. in her
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opening match at the competition, the ukrainian lost to poland's magda linet. moreover, the first game was easily won by yastremska herself - 6:0, but in the next two the odesa woman lost 4:6 - 3:6. elina svitolina will start tonight at the tournament in charleston. in the match of the second round , the first racket in... ukraine will meet with the australian daria savil. victorious return of vladyslav sirenko. the ukrainian heavyweight boxer defeated the american deon ronnie gale. the fight took place in the united states of america. sirenko triumphed in the third round with a powerful combination of hooks and uppercuts. for the ukrainian, it was the first fight since 2021. sirenko was supposed to return to the ring on march 23, but injured his hand and underwent surgery. in... the ukrainian boxer remains undefeated in the professional ring. in 20 fights , he won 20 victories. lebron james is the best scorer in the history of basketball.
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the 39-year-old los angeles lakers forward surpassed oscar schmidt's record. it happened in tuesday during the los angeles lakers' road win over the toronto reapers. lebron scored 23 points in this game, bringing his total to 49,738. this is one point more than the brazilian schmitt, whose record has been held since 2003. lebron james is in his 21st season in the nba. since 2018, the forward has been defending the colors of the lakers. thank you very much yevhan pastukhov, i urge you to donate to the armed forces of ukraine, to stay with the espresso tv channel. weather from natalka didenko literally in a moment, verdict. at 20:00 i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, take care and be with us. to everyone.
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synoptic hello, our dear viewers, you and i are talking about the weather for the next day, it is interesting that the weather is not happening here, and thunderstorms, and saharan dust, and stormy winds, everything in the world, but more on that later, or is it everything will be, will remain, but today, to finish the topic a little bit, let's talk about a suggestive topic, let's talk about the lakes of ukraine, and such interesting information for you who... didn't know, who will remember, of course, it's not always remembered, there is the deepest the largest, but it is always very interesting, so in ukraine, the largest natural lake in odesa region in terms of area is yalpukh, the deepest in volyn is svitist, very beautiful, the highest brebeneskul in the carpathians, of course, the largest mountain is synevir in the carpathians, on the territory of ukraine in general there are about 20,000 lakes,
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the lakes in the carpathians are small. but deep enough, clean, cold fresh water, especially blue-green for its beauty, on the podilsky highlands, the lakes warm up well, because they are shallow. many lakes near the danube river, the largest fresh, we have already mentioned yalpukh, the deepest - kagul. there are salt lakes on the coast of the black sea, the lemans, the rich crimea with salt lakes, the most famous of them, of course, is sivazh, and there are about five of them on the territory of ukraine. artificial reservoirs of ponds, which we love very much, ponds are always such reservoirs of water and are used for breeding fish and poultry, this is such a water theme, lakes, soon it will be really warm and a lot of people will rest near the lakes, the main thing to remember is that this is our treasure and to protect it, let's move on to y higher, so to speak, layers of the atmosphere to the magnetic fields, now for your attention the forecast chart and let's see what is there
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tomorrow... it is assumed that you see activation in the coming night and tomorrow until the end of the day in the evening, so who may react negatively to such increased magnetic activity, listen to yourself, don't be afraid, just take some preventive, most importantly, reasonable measures, well, actually we are moving on to the weather forecast, we traditionally start from the western regions, so what will be in the west tomorrow ukraine, it sometimes rains there, the temperature in the district, as you can see, is not very high, +11 +16 in transcarpathia is a little higher. in the north of ukraine , it will mostly rain in places at night and in the morning, on a day without significant precipitation, the air temperature is not high, as you can see, only 8-12°, and in places even +6 +9°. the north will be the coldest tomorrow. in the east of ukraine, tomorrow there is a chance of light rain, but also clearing. but the air temperature is the highest
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- +16 +20°. in the central part of ukraine tomorrow precipitation is unlikely, the air temperature is moderate, plus 14 +18°. in the southern dry weather is expected in parts of ukraine tomorrow, the air temperature, as befits the south, is high, if not the highest +18, +20°. well , in kyiv, in the capital, in the coming days, there will be a little rain at night, mostly dry during the day, but... but cold, the maximum air temperature in kyiv tomorrow is only +8-10°, but don't be upset about such a cold weather, it short-term, and from the day after tomorrow, and in the north, in the west, the air temperature will start to rise almost everywhere and there will be a comfortable synoptic situation, which you can always follow on our espresso channel.
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good evening, we are from... glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. long-term support. 100 billion dollars from nato over five years. what road map will the alliance offer to ukraine at the washington summit? air threat. russia bombards kharkiv with kababs, hits kyiv with zircons and accumulates calibers. how to protect the cities of millionaires? mobilization since 25 years, cancellation of limited-use and electronic cabinet. zelenniai signed three mobilization laws. as far as?


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