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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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under extremely strong pressure from putin, etc., when lukashenko will have nowhere to go, but i think that he has demonstrated all these years how much he really does not want belarus to be drawn into this war, because he perfectly understands what everything is for him will end, moreover, for him personally, because in the end everyone will understand that he is responsible, so i think that this, mr. serhiu, in most, in most cases... the continuation of this line of intimidation of the west, you understand, when you have already stuffed everyone oskomino, this is the whole trinity of them, there is putin, medvedev, lavrov, and zakharov also sings along, we need some new face, well , they found him, they said, father, come on, well, father is starting something on the go invent, freeze, well, but, but... it
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looks, well, frankly, from the point of view of common sense and logic, well, inadequate. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, it was volodymyr ogrysko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9, friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, if you are watching us now on youtube, please take part in our vote, we are asking you whether ukraine will receive an invitation to join. to nato in 2024, what do you think, yes, no, if you have your own special opinion, please write in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think , that ukraine may receive an invitation to join nato in the 24th year, 08021381, no, 08021382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, we will match at the end of the program. the results of this vote,
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then we are in touch with oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, president of the paris committee on migration, refugees and displaced persons. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. i congratulate you. mr. oleksiy, yesterday president zelenskyi signed laws on reducing the age of those mobilized from 27 to 25. the law, which the verkhovna rada adopted 10 months ago and which the president did not sign for a long time, he signed. he this law, except moreover, the regulations on the creation of an electronic office of the military must come into force, and the concept of limited suitability for the mobilized is abolished, how will all this affect the mobilization in ukraine without the adoption or with the postponement of the adoption of the law on mobilization, once again i congratulate everyone, as for these... laws, how will it affect,
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well, the mobilization potential is definitely expanding, because new people can be involved in this, by the way, i did not vote for this law, and then some months ago, according to the reason being that at that time i had already submitted a bill on determining the term of service, and i have a very simple position, i am in favor of mobilization, but when they are combined with demobilization, well , you can't just recruit people and not let anyone go, do you want to recruit more? people, then release at least one of those who have already been fighting for the third year, determine the term of service both for those who are fighting now and for those 25-26-year-olds who will now be called up, this issue is important for them, for their families , well, the number one question that stands in the state, but this no one is solving the issue, and this is absolutely wrong, another law signed by zelenskyi is about the elimination of the so-called category of... useful ones, so, well, not
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only this norm, well, but this norm will have the greatest impact, social, on people, on the army and so on. i understand, there really is a huge problem, well, maybe not all viewers understand what we are talking about, i will explain very quickly, the military is there, for example, after an injury or simply there after an illness, it can all happen, they undergo military medical commission, the military medical commission determines a soldier fit for service. unsuitable, or limitedly suitable, and this category of limited suitable, unfortunately, there are thousands of such people in the army now, there are a lot of them, and this is a problem, because, well, when there were not many of them, you could still find full-time employees for them positions, not in attack aircraft, not in the infantry, somewhere in the headquarters, in the rear, in logistics, in support and so on, when there were so many of them, they simply began to be taken out of the state, and what is taken out of the state, they began to get ... uah 600, 700, 800 per
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a month, well, it’s just bullying, people can’t live on it, but no one let them go from the army, even last year i submitted a bill to give the right to demobilization to those with limited fitness, well... it wasn’t even considered, last year it was successful achieve, this is also my draft law, payments of uah 20,100 for one of the categories of limitedly eligible after being injured freelancers, but for many, well, this did not solve the issue of everyone, and now this issue is being resolved in such a way that there will be no limitedly eligible, that is, until the end this year everything is limited those who are suitable will again pass the military medical commission, which will recognize them as either fit or unfit, and here is the key. the fact is that, again, i did not vote for this law, but for the following reason: our military medical commissions, unfortunately, work very poorly, and they, i apologize, but in principle, all are suitable, and so now, if now these limited fit eyes
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are going to pass and 95% of them will be found fit and only 5%, for example, will be found unfit and allowed to demobilize, and the rest will be told, now you suitable now you can go to the infantry, to the stormtroopers and so on, then it can have simply catastrophic consequences for these people, and you understand what we are talking about, for their health and life, so i am here while there is time, still there is a month until this law signed by zelenskyi will enter into force, then the cabinet of ministers must approve by-laws in 3 months, but now it is necessary to urgently put order in the military medical commissions, and that these should be real examinations, that they should be real... there is a big a limited number of suitable ones were allowed, because they are really there, many of them will not be able to serve to their full potential, they must be sent home, and this is a super important issue. mr. oleksiy, on april 10, the verkhovna rada should return or after april 10, the verkhovna rada
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should return to consideration of the law on mobilization, in the second reading, there are 400 amendments, all of them passed the parliamentary profile committee, and now here... here in that version, in which was supported by the parliamentary committee, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ukraine will consider this law. according to your feelings, how much time will the verkhovna rada need for adoption of this law and whether as a result president zelenskyi will sign this law, or every time there will be some norms that do not suit zelenskyi, he will simply push this law until there are those norms that will suit the president. zelenskyi, let's start with the second part, you cannot adopt any law in the verkhovna rada without the vote of the servant of the people, so i think that they should deal with each other there, and if the law is adopted, then what kind of president will be to sign, probably, well, that's their business
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really april 10 is possible because we don't know and i'm not sure if this legislation will come up, actually, we'll see if it comes up, it's possible. how quickly it can be adopted depends on the final version, because we do not know it, there the committee is still preparing certain committee amendments, which have not yet been approved, and which will precisely answer the sensitive questions, who has the postponement, the right to demobilization, and so on, if, well, there, for example, i submitted 100, 100 amendments to this law, i will insist on a large number of them, because they are fundamental, it's about terms. what they rejected, they leave 36 months there, as if the service life, although it gives a very long, long time, well, but even these 36 months are not there, because then they write according to the decision of the rate, and now the committee wants to correct it for by a separate decree of the president, but in fact it
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will mean the same thing that 36 months will pass and no one will release the person, then it will just be a deception, and this is the worst thing that can be done, so i think i am not the only one, so i think there are some ... it may take several days to consider this bill in the session hall, if it is brought up, again, i am not sure about that, but then what will it look like in the end, when all the amendments are passed, and then it will be possible to understand and decide, and what to do, because , for example, for me, if there is no real term of service, or as now they have failed my amendment on rotations in order to legislate that there should be a mandatory rotation, that a person cannot be... at zero all the time, which should be at least there for three months, one month, during which a person is taken to recover, however, if it all fails and this is not in the draft law, then i personally do not see the point of voting for such a law, that is, the probability that
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it will be adopted quickly with those wishes that are there, well, at least half of those wishes or amendments from people's deputies of ukraine. there is a rather small possibility, well, i, you know, with our verkhovna rada, with the servants of the people, the president, for example, you just said, yes, when the president does not sign for 10 months law. well, as here, what can be predicted, mr. serhiy, i will be very careful with predictions, i want to tell you, this law can be very correct and necessary, it can give the right to leave the disabled, it can consolidate the legislative rotation, it can to finally establish a term of service, that is, it can determine a lot, answer many questions, and then it will be a very important, very necessary law, which will have to be adopted urgently, and it may turn out to be absolutely... a soap bubble, or it may even turn out to be bad, so i am not ready to give
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a forecast now, but the issue is super important, super sensitive, and i want a responsible approach of my colleagues to it. president zelenskyi said that ukraine does not need half a million mobilized people now, and said that russia plans to mobilize an additional 300,000 military personnel at the beginning of the summer. let's listen to what president zelensky said. well, we do not need half a million, i am grateful to glavkom for the audit, it is important that he found strength within the armed forces of ukraine, and the corresponding amount that was not at the front, they will be at the front, and as for the individual number, and how many will be mobilized, i am not ready to tell you yet, i can say that... russia is preparing to mobilize 3,000 additional, 300,000
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troops on june 1. president zelenskyy does not speak again, he is the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, but he cannot or does not want to name the number of people who need to be mobilized. and why is this a problem at all, if he says that in russia 300,000 want to mobilize, and we don’t have 500, but i don’t know, no... he says to name why, why does it happen like that, well, i don’t know, i’m this one, maybe he has it for reasons of some kind of secret, secrecy, i don’t know what his reasons are, i want to say one thing here, when we are told that russia is now mobilizing 3,000, or this one, look, we we cannot fight russia with the number of people, well, that is, if we want to follow the logic, russia mobilizes 300, then we must mobilize 300. okay, what will we do when russia mobilizes another 2 million or 3 million. well, that is, this is a road to nowhere, we, there
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are far fewer of us than the russians, well, it is there, of course, i would be glad if it were on the contrary, but it is so, and fighting russia with the number of troops, well, it's pointless for us, and it's a path to nowhere, it's a path to defeat and disaster. our task is to fight, with a high-quality strategy, smart tactics and powerful weapons from our partners, including our own, powerful, effective, modern ones, well, this is the approach and in general to fight asymmetrically, so what is it like there in the black sea, we do not have a fleet, well, that is, roughly speaking, russia had a fairly large black sea fleet there, we had almost no fleet, well, that is, it was possible to follow the path, let's build the same number of ships, in russia, well, we are not able to do it, these are colossal funds, this is time that we do not have, these are people that we do not have,
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and we started using naval drones, and in fact created a new page in the war at sea both in history and in fact, well, maybe not, if they did not defeat russia in the black sea, well, then we definitely have a draw there, and their large fleet has become not so large anymore, a large part of it is already in the southern sea, and also... will continue and use this advantage in the fleet in no way, they are not capable. that's it it's called an asymmetric approach, and that's the only way we can fight them. any other approach is doomed, well, there is walking through minefields on concrete, their fortification, well , we tried last year, and you and i all know the result, so that’s why it is necessary here, i am categorically against the fact that we try to catch up with russia in terms of numbers people and when they tell me the numbers, but where is the ukrainian man more important today,
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with a kalashnikov in a trench, or at the wheel of a bulldozer that builds fortifications, or at a factory that produces fpv drones, or drones, which will fly to tatarstan as well, as we have seen everywhere, and burn the russian military-industrial complex and the oil industry, that is, there must be a very, very reasonable approach here and not only that. it can be done by the supreme commander together with the commander-in-chief, together with the commander-in-chief's rate, only they can do it, because others have no authority, no information, no data. thank you, mr. oleksiy. thank you for the inclusion, it was oleksiy guncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel espresso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether ukraine will receive an invitation to join nato in the 24th year. yes, no,
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everything is quite simple on youtube. if you have your own special opinion, please write to us in the comments. it is important to know your opinion, if you watch us on tv, grab a friend's smartphone or phones and vote if you think that ukraine will receive an invitation to join nato in 24, 0800 211 381, no, 08021-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next , ilya yevlash, major of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, will be in touch with us. sir major, i am you. thank you for being with us today, i wish you health, mr. sergey, thank you. mr. major, yesterday lukashenko said that he is preparing the belarusian army for war, and he says that i do not want to fight, but there is no other way out but to prepare for war. does this mean that belarus can again turn into a territory from which
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missiles, ballistic missiles, including cruise missiles, will be launched over ukraine from belarusian airfields. will russian planes take off from the military, and will belarus be a legitimate target for the ukrainian air force in this case? well, look, if some missiles start flying in our direction from the side of belarus, or planes take off that will attack our territory, of course we are ready to repel their air attack, our forces already mean the main thing intelligence management. yes, the security services of ukraine, they have already proven and proved to the whole world that they can conduct unique special operations, strike both oil refineries and objects of their infrastructure, including aviation. of course, if there is a threat to our territory, we will do everything necessary to secure our airspace
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and repel enemy attacks. we have to understand that aviation is like a kind of army. of the air force, it is an extremely highly mobile species that can quickly to move over a long distance, and belarus once, already during a full-scale invasion, allowed their territory to be used to attack the territory of ukraine, so of course we must be ready for anything and at any moment to strike at the enemy's air force. during the last month, mr. major, we have been watching how the russian occupiers began to use air bombs against cities, eastern cities, well, in particular, kharkov, for the first time since the full-scale invasion, they resumed the attacks with these air bombs on kharkov, what is this means in what way my ukraine can protect cities of millions from these aerial bombs.
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well, nothing else but terror, so the civilian population. this does not mean, because in reality it has no effect on the course of events, on the movement of the front line, let's say. of course, russia wants to destabilize the social and political situation inside our country, intimidate the population, force negotiations on certain conditions. of course, russia has a lot of such weapons, unfortunately, after the collapse of the soviet union, they fell into disrepair there are a lot of explosive aircraft bots left. different sizes, it's like fap 250, 500, 1500, there are even already talks about fap-3000, which they plan to use in our peaceful cities, but, for example, for march, only the use of cabs, modernized versions, or high-explosive ones, yes, well these are the bombs, it amounted to more than 300, this is for march only, we
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understand what a colossal number this is, and of course that the enemy is trying to a with such strikes ... to cheapen their strikes on our territory, b, to exhaust our air defense system in order to we could not effectively repulse enemy air missile strikes. we remember how, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, unfortunately, the russian aircraft circled over peaceful cities, including my native chernihiv, their bombers inflicted quite powerful blows, and of course we have to use them wisely and non-standardly. western air defense systems, so that hundreds or dozens of bombs, which may fly from russian tactical aircraft, do not fall on the heads of ukrainians. one problem that exists that the general talked about budanov, about the fact that russia has been stockpiling cruise missiles of the caliber type for a long time, which it can use to launch strikes on
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ukraine. natalia gumenyuk, spokeswoman for the defense forces of the south, told veteri espresso that there is a high missile threat from the black sea fleet of russia, since nine caliber carriers are currently in the black sea waters, although they are based in novorossiya. what natalia humanyuk said. they are ready, equipped, their equipment together reaches 50 caliber missiles, they can be brought into combat on duty for several hours, two or three hours are enough for them to arrive at the launch lines, that is, the level of missile danger remains at a high level all this time, since everything that needs to be done before this readiness has already been done. mr. major, how symmetrically do we have opportunities to repel these
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attacks, considering how the russians use different types of missiles, and calibers, and guided aerial bombs, and zircon , among others, they have already tested in the ukrainian skies and in kyiv, as we... like us, like us are we keeping up with them in order to repel all that is taken from the reserves, including the russian federation? well, first of all, of course, everyone understands that we are limited in our forces and means, in the air defense systems we have, of course, that we have to show maneuverability and a non-standard approach to repel such attacks. second, what we have is, of course, intelligence. data from our intelligence, data from partners, of course, what we detect, we record movements, we record launches, and we have information about exactly when, at what
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time, this or that attack can be carried out, of course, we have to respond adequately and think about how we will fight back, how we will protect peaceful cities from such attacks, how we can preserve our critical strategic. infrastructure, since the enemy is now actively attacking tets, hydroelectric power plants, various gas storage facilities , including, therefore, this is a whole complex of measures that is taken by our top management, together with the defense forces, with the various special services that we have, all possible options are calculated and already decisions are made directly on the occasion of the use, let's say, by the enemy of one or another type of weapon. mrs. putin threatens to hit airfields located in nato countries, members of nato, if
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f-16s, which our western partners promise to transfer to ukraine, take off from there. when, after all , will f-16 aircraft appear in ukraine and how will it change the situation in the ukrainian sky? well, our partners are not very verbose about the fact that exactly how the training is going, so we ... we recently saw footage from great britain, where our guys are still recent cadets train on light aircraft. of course, information is scarce since this is such a sensitive topic and most of the negotiations take place behind closed doors, but it is safe to say that our preparations are going quite well. right now, in two countries, it's in the united states and denmark, our guys are directly... already undergoing flight training specifically for the f-16, it's just that now they are already using these aircraft, gaining experience in using them, of course, for this to take some time,
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as this is a brand new car that is completely on in a different system, so it has different radars, different types of weapons, of course it takes time, also we have two more groups, one of which is undergoing ground training and... learning the language in the uk and another group, it has moved to another country, namely to france, also from great britain, where the intermediate stage of training for f-16 flights takes place, namely light-engined aircraft, they study and gain experience before sitting directly on these powerful machines, of course , that they will give quite a serious push and support in the fight. with missile terror, which russia constantly uses on our peaceful cities, will allow intercepting missiles in mid-flight and allow them to be shot down not over
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cities, yes. for example, over the fields, yes, where there is less residential, civilian infrastructure, including, this will be as an element of serious deterrence of russian aviation, since we know that in the month of march alone, russia used more than 3,000 guided air bombs, of course, this will become a certain leverage for in order to counteract the russian aviation in that number, and of course this is a long hand, depends on what type of these planes we will have, what type of radars, block. ah, what weapons there will be, of course, all this will affect how successfully and how far we can reach enemy targets on our territory. well, obviously, this will also apply to the demilitarization of crimea, because there are many military airfields there, which, well, have been used by russia for a long time, i mean , these airfields were built in soviet times, what, what do you say about...
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the prospects of demilitarization crimea and in particular with regard to these airfields, which are partly no longer used by the russians, partly still used, well, we have already seen quite powerful strikes by the air force, including on the headquarters of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, and recently, by the way, a drone worth 7 million was shot down dollars like forpos, it is somewhere similar to bayrak. of course, we control the situation there, and under favorable conditions we can carry out fairly successful strikes, but of course , as the commander of the air force, lieutenant general mykola leshchuk, noted, crimea belongs to us, crimea is ukraine, and of course we will do everything necessary to strike precisely at the military infrastructure and return crimea back to our independent, free ukraine. mr. major, and the last question,
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short enough, i hope for a short answer. the fact that the russians have now actively started shelling with missiles, have started to shell ukraine and critical infrastructure more actively, is it due to the fact that they are afraid that in the 16th , new opportunities will appear in ukraine to oppose it, or , let's say, arrange a good one opposition to missiles and aircraft of the russian federation? well, including, you know, intelligence can definitely know about it, because... the enemy is quite sneaky and mean, there can be many versions of why exactly this is happening at this particular time, yes, but your version also has a place , since the enemy, realizing that we may have reinforcements, of course, that he is now trying to make every effort to inflict critical destruction while he still has the opportunity and time. thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, it was ilya yavllash, major of zbroiny
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forces of ukraine, spokesman. air force command of the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. in the course of this broadcast, we ask you whether, in your opinion, ukraine will receive an invitation to join nato in 2024. interim poll results: 25% yes, 75% no, this is a televised poll and we see on youtube 28. yes percentages, 72%, no. next we have a news release from our colleagues at the bbc. in 15 minutes we will meet in the studio with political experts serhiy taran and maxim smart. stay with espresso, it's going to be interesting.
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russia is preparing additional mobilization for the beginning of the summer, president zelenskyi said, who the kremlin will send to war and what ukraine will do, we talk about it in today's bbc edition, i'm olga palomaryuk. spectators, military analysts. have repeatedly warned that after the presidential elections in russia they may announce a new wave of mobilization. the ukrainian authorities are also talking about such plans of the kremlin. during a press conference with the president of finland, volodymyr zelenskyi said: russia has intention to call up 300,000 soldiers to the army. he is preparing such a mobilization, according to him, for the beginning.


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