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tv   [untitled]    April 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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theaters, communal institutions, hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers, which must comply with all norms of inclusivity. natalya stare pravo, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. in ukraine, the mobilization age has been lowered from 20.7 to 25 years, the front line is under great collapse, or rather at risk of collapse, the western press reports, and ukrainian special services announce the destruction of the kerch crossing in occupied crimea. this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. we begin. the main directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine is going to hold the third first war attack on the kerch bridge, which...
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receives mainland russia with occupied crimea, the british newspaper the guardian writes about this with reference to sources in the ukrainian special service. according to senior gur officials, after two previous attacks, the destruction of the bridge is inevitable, literally. the military intelligence of ukraine expects to be able to disable miss in the first half of 2024, the guardian writes, citing the words of ukrainian high-ranking officials, whose names, however, the author of the publication does not name. for putin, the bridge is a tangible reminder of what he believes one of his greatest political achievements: the return of the peninsula to russia in 2014 with the help of russian troops and a sham referendum. for kyiv, the bridge is a symbol of the kremlin's illegal annexation, its destruction will strengthen ukraine's campaign to liberate crimea and raise morale on the battlefield. gur believes that he can soon put the bridge out of order. we will do it in the first half of 2024 - he said. one official,
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adding that kyrylo budanov, head of the main intelligence department, already has most of the means to realize this goal. from the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion , the kerch bridge was attacked twice. on october 22, a truck with explosives exploded on the bridge, destroying several spans of the highway. in july 23, the bridge was attacked by naval drones, after both attacks, traffic on the bridge was suspended for some time. initiated cases under the article of terrorist attack, but the russian investigation blames ukraine for the attacks. it must be said that in kyiv they do not hide the fact that the ukrainian special services are behind the attacks. so in his last interview, the head of the sbu vasyl malyuk spoke in great detail about how the first attack on the kerch bridge was implemented. we worked at svp with improvised explosive devices, which were camouflaged under rolls of film. plovka is the group that... organically went seasonally
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to the crimea in the fall of 22, because the air temperature was dropping, and people were already in the greenhouses starting to grow some of their own vegetables there, we used the hexygen mixture specially, its total weight was almost 14 tone, the lost equivalent is 21 tons. an ultra-complicated, triple was used the mutual detonation system, by the way, worked. because the first two of us were really beaten by the russians, since powerful rebs worked there. well, let me remind you that over the past five months, ukraine has sunk seven landing craft and large ships of the russian black sea fleet. the head of ukrainian intelligence , kyrylo budanov, in march 24, last month, said that ukraine, by attacking russian ships, was preparing for a serious operation in crimea. what does it all mean, we will talk further on our broadcast until... ihor joins
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tokar, correspondent of the crimea realia project of rfe /rl. igor, hello. hello! well, in the same interview that we just broadcasted, malyuk also said that the city is hardly used for military purposes, that before these attacks were carried out there, more than 40 trains were passing through per day, they transported, including and weapons, and ammunition, and now, says the kid, four or five, and most of them are passenger goods, or they carry some goods of general use, is it possible... we can at least somehow indirectly confirm it, well, and in principle track how the load on the kerch bridge changed after the attacks? well, unlike the special services, we don't have data intelligence, we don't have our own agency that could constantly monitor us and somehow we could draw some statistics or a picture. we do not have such data. we can talk about what is in open sources and in some way rely on the information that we can see there or in the publication. or on
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youtube or some other through our journalists, also from crimea, what information they provide, i can say that just six months ago there was information that groups of... military forces in the south received about 2/3 of their ammunition and weapons through the kerch bridge, this information was again from the ukrainian special services, to what extent it corresponds to reality is difficult to say, but even six months ago, we literally saw on some of the photos and videos that were published on the network, indeed, that military equipment was going there, it was not necessarily tanks, but it could be trucks of green color with awning with awning trailers. trailers, as for now, unfortunately, now there are much fewer videos from the kerch bridge, mostly those videos that are published on social networks, these videos are of such a nature that someone simply films, relatively speaking, their way there or by bicycle or simply driving a car without capturing any
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strategic or important objects, moreover, if earlier we even saw drone footage, there were driveways, you could see... even the places where the russian federation conducts inspections and maintenance of vehicles that enter this building, then in the last months there i do not remember such videos in the publication, what is the reason for this, we can only guess, maybe it is the work of the same ones, i do not know the special services that they try to control and somehow work with people who publish these videos, or maybe people don't want to. put themselves at risk because the relevant authorities may come to them later and ask why they are removing critical infrastructure. and what do we know about crossing protection? perhaps, again, did you study open sources, to what extent russia has now thrown all its forces there to
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defend this crossing? well, let's start with the fact that, in fact, this is probably one of the most important infrastructure pr projects of our time. putin, and he was quite seriously protected from the very beginning, or maybe the russian security forces tried to create a security regime, let's say, after the attacks that you already mentioned on the air, the protection was quite seriously, let's say, strengthened, in particular we saw that they had set false goals there, this as old as one of the experts said, rusty koloshis, but with a large number. metal so that, if there is a drone with homing heads, it should most likely aim at this false target, there were also boom barriers, it is known that it is protected from absolutely everyone everywhere, that is, from
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sea, land and even from space, i.e. what is happening around the kerch bridge is being monitored both by the russian military and space forces, and by the black sea fleet itself, there on a permanent basis... precisely such patrols boats such as the raptor and a part of the flotilla of the border service of the fsb of russia, and including some, let's say, larger vessels, patrolled there until recently. as for the guard itself, even after - after the full-scale invasion , some military facilities appeared around this kerch. bridge, even at the foot, a new military base of the 144th motorized regiment of the roshvardiya was built, which precisely carries out entry-exit control, and plus there are radar stations that also operate not only from the crimean peninsula, but also from russia, in particular from the krasnodar territory, which
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monitor all air targets that can fly hundreds, hundreds of kilometers there, and thus tries to cover this crossing with such a peculiar dome. igor, but now we see, well, such rather frank statements are coming from representatives and heads of ukrainian special services, in principle in kyiv they do not hide that this kerch crossing is the target of ukrainian special services, hypothetically, if the bridge is destroyed, or at least it is damaged in such a way that it there not for a short period, for a long period it will be out of order, on whom and what will it affect, of course, we would like to talk separately here, the military situation, how much it will affect the military situation in the war and... and possibly civilians, how much it will affect it is important, and perhaps, well, i think that it will definitely affect the first component on the second component, even if there is no mass, there will not be any massive transportation of ammunition, relatively speaking, to the south through the kerch strait,
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all the same, there is some kind of logistics and movement of the military personnel of the russian federation, who are permanently in russia, that is, they go there to the headquarters and to rostovna. well, and to other command posts, which are located on the territory of russia, so it will create certain difficulties, they will have to travel through the occupied territories of the kherson and zaporizhzhia regions. enough such a big hook and entering, let's say, a more dangerous area, or wait for your ferry and good weather for this ferry to go between, the kerch strait, as it was before the construction of this very bridge, respectively, the same applies to the crimeans, there is no connection with mainland ukraine now, and the transportation of any products there or any food, it happens purely from russia, and accordingly. .. this will put everything on the shoulders of ferry ferry crossings igor, and
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it is clear, in general, it is clear, but here is such a clarification, well, now you can read in the russian press, in particular, that russia is developing some alternative routes, that they are there the railway seems to be being built, in principle, can we assume that the development of all these alternative march routes, including this and insurance in case the kerch bridge is attacked and... what do you know in principle about the development of these alternative routes, how much, how much do you track it? well, you already correctly mentioned that this is precisely the construction of a railway that goes from rostov-on-don through mariupol, through berdyansk and through it to the crimean peninsula, and from intelligence data that is already in the open access, it is said that it is at the final stage, that is, i think that it is built there, relatively speaking, it is there by some 75-80%, that is, it is already quite... such a serious indicator in such a short time, will decide is she a problem i think it will partially
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solve it, but here there are several, but, again , first of all, really, it was created precisely not so that it would be more convenient for russians to go to the crimea to rest there, because such a path there, relatively speaking, from the same belgorod will be shorter and more comfortable, no, that's for sure a military project, because it is more convenient to transport ammunition in the first place, and we already know from history, er, why russia creates such large-scale infrastructure facilities. the second point is that by building a road through the zaporizhzhia-kherson region, a railway, it is once again closer to the front, this logistical artery, and this same logistical artery, accordingly, will be easier for the armed forces of ukraine to attack. all the more so, considering the landscape of the southern part of ukraine, i think it won't make a difference. well, it won't be a big problem, because the same one the destruction of some military facilities in
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kirma, there are certain nuances precisely because of the mountainous terrain, and plus the mileage. igor, thank you very much, igor tokar, journalist of the crimea reali project, radio liberty, we talked about the kerch crossing, how it is protected in the occupied crimea and what consequences its destruction could lead to. thank you very much. during. of drone strikes on objects in yelaboz and nizhnyoksk, that foreign- made weapons were not used in tatarstan. this was stated by the representative of the main in an exclusive comment to radio liberty directorate of intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine andriy yusov. at the same time, he could neither confirm nor deny the involvement of the gurks or the sbu in the events in tatarstan. listen. we will neither officially confirm nor deny traditionally. but we see that the gurky. fishing on the territory of the aggressor state continues, it continues precisely on military facilities
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that are directly involved in russia's genocidal war against ukraine. yes, we are talking, in particular, about the enterprise of making shahids and or so-called hiraniyas. we understand what is being said precisely about such a modification, and the targets themselves were affected. an interesting point is that part of the destruction. other nearby objects was the result of the action of the russian so-called anti-aircraft defense, anti-missile defense, this is not the first time, trying to shoot down some other targets, they themselves, as a rule, do the most damage, well, we can state that in these events, weapons and means of foreign production of our partners, in particular, is not used, this is a fact, and the fact that the ukrainian industry of production of unmanned... aerial vehicles develops and develops very dynamically, well, this is a fact, it should not be hidden. yes,
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of course, all modern technologies that exist in the world, uh, they are used to improve these ukrainian means of defeat, and as far as distance, and as far as autonomy and accuracy are concerned, work is being done on all this, and modern technologies are used there, in more detail, when there is an opportunity, we will be able to see and talk about it in more detail, when there was an opportunity to show the magura v5, well, actually the world saw it in sufficient detail and up close, so far additional... information on this topic is, well, let's say, undesirable for security reasons. ukraine is at great risk of the collapse of the front line. politico writes about this with reference to high-ranking ukrainian officers who served under the command of general valery zaluzhny. the publication does not mention the names of these officers, but notes that according to one of
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the interlocutors, the military picture is bleak. thanks to the significantly larger number of troops on the part of russia, as well as ... aerial bombs , the russian army will probably be able to break through through the front line and destroy it in some areas, in fact, politico writes, now everything depends on where exactly russia decides to direct its forces in the offensive, which is expected to begin this summer. in a pre-offensive attack from kharkiv and sumy in the north to odesa in the south, missile strikes and drone strikes have increased significantly in recent weeks, and it is difficult to predict where russia will launch a major offensive, the newspaper writes. in particular , the mistakes of russian commanders can change the gloomy dynamics - the politician quotes his colleagues interlocutors they spoke on condition of anonymity to speak freely. nothing can help ukraine now, because there are no serious technologies capable of compensating ukraine for the large mass of troops that russia will probably throw at us. we don't have
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these technologies, and the west doesn't have them in sufficient numbers either, one of the high-ranking military sources told the politician. according to him, only ukrainian courage and resilience, as well as the mistakes of russian commanders, can now change the gloomy dynamics. errors are similar to the one that was made on saturday, when russia launched one of its largest tank assaults on ukrainian positions since the start of its full-scale invasion, only for the convoy to be routed by the 25th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which knocked out a dozen tanks and eight infantry fighting vehicles, a third of the convoy's strength. roman pohorily. the founder of the deep state project joined our broadcast. good evening. congratulations. roman well , look. glory to heroes. we just, you saw, quoted a publication in politiko. they say, citing their interlocutors, that the picture is bleak. and you, like a person who monitors the situation at the front every day. would you agree that the picture is bleak? it is strange that a high-ranking person,
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who was previously released and participated, was responsible for all these processes. says that everything is bad for us, that we can't cope with anything, well, it's funny to hear, because either this person should now be held accountable for the fact that this is the situation, or he twisted something and did not agree, now we see , of course we have a lot of problems, but there is also a lot of rotation work going on units, provision, audits are conducted, situation analysis, engineering is being built. fictitious buildings, society now discusses a lot of problems, society now pays a lot of attention to problems, and of course you cannot fix them in one go, you cannot change them and work on them in one go, for this you need time, somewhere more attention, criticism and raising questions,
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the process has already started somewhere, so of course you can say that everything is bad, but eh... we are working on it, now our military is constantly repelling assaults, the brains are exerting pressure, that was it given an example of an offensive in the area of ​​thinok, the offensive has been going on in full scale for several years, it does not stop along the entire front line, and our fighters heroically and bravely repel these assaults, no matter what they are, in what number, there are still some means, everything is still there are some... methods to fight back, so we hold on and don't give up. roman, then the question is, well, there is one story when someone says something anonymously, yes, without giving his name, another story when, in principle, volodymyr zelenskyi himself admitted that russia may go on a large-scale offensive this summer, and the western press is also paying attention to this, paying attention to whether
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you see signs that the russian army is seriously preparing an offensive in any of the directions, and maybe... you there are, well, assumptions, based on open sources, in which direction it can happen? and again, i repeat, the offensive is already underway, maybe there will be something there in the summer, but we have to live until the summer, it is still worth calling on our partners that we need help today, and we cannot wait for summer, we can't wait for winter, and some more times, thinka, everyone saw several days watching the footage. more than no more than about 50 pieces of equipment in one place in a few turns, the assault is not an attack, it is a huge offensive and the fighters are against it with their own hands... tank equipment there , javelins, rounds, we saw how they worked effectively, they, they with they meet on the front line every day, because the muscovites
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are advancing, they have the task of occupying the entire donetsk region, they have the task of cutting off the robotnik there in the south a performance, a premium performance, which they lost, and our fighters liberated this territory, in the luhansk region, in the kharkiv region, on the borders of these regions , they us... bahmud, avdiyivka, marginka step in, constant attempts, a large amount of equipment, aviation , artillery, infantry, muscovites have already come to our country, they have been coming and we are fighting for 10 years, so the intensity may change, and some new places of activation may appear, but they are already there, well, very often in the context it is possible the appearance of new places is called kharkiv and an attack on kharkiv, perhaps. perhaps you have something to say, muscovites, muscovites are already razing it to the ground, muscovites are in the area of ​​kupinsk, in the lyman area, that is , concentrations there somewhere on the borders with
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the russian federation have already been repeatedly stated and directly representatives of the official representatives of the armed forces of ukraine have not been observed yet, perhaps somewhere in the future there is some intelligence that this is planned, and it should not be ruled out. because this is a war, the situation may change tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, it may change by evening, and expect we should all be ready for any development from any place. roman, and separately on avdiivka, you already mentioned this large-scale assault, there are tanks and bmps, we talked about it yesterday and the day before yesterday, how the situation in the avdiivka direction changed in principle after the capture of avdiivka, because i see that in particular, deep the state systematically marks there, if... which villages are occupied, you mark it on the platforms, you report about it, there regarding the same thin, for example, it seems to me that officially, the general staff did not talk about the occupation of tonenko, while the military correspondents
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working there say that the village is occupied. according to your observations, how did the situation change in the avdiivka area after the russian troops captured avdiivka? well, if we talk about large-scale advances, as it was at the time of the occupation of avdiyuki, there are none. that is, they are small, little by little the brainy ones advance, but due to the fact that they spend a large amount of their forces, a lot of infantry is laid down there, a lot of equipment is wasted there, they are just non-stop day and night, but we can see that now the line of combat has aligned along the line of berdychi, semenivka, orlivka, tonenka, pervomaiske, which could be observed in recent days. and in the area of ​​pervomaiskyi, watery, in fact, watery, according to interesting administrative and territorial borders, precisely watery, in fact the muscovites have already occupied
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it completely, now such attacks are underway, for example, here is the 25th brigade, there together with the 68th brigade, by other units of the defense forces, such attacks are repelled in the berdychiv area, the 47th brigade is fighting incredibly hard battles with... a settlement, because the brains are trying to occupy it with such attacks of varying intensity, or by concentrating a large amount of equipment with the landing force, or simply with banzai attacks on several units with infantry, they fly in, they may even break through somewhere , but these are all attacks in one direction, sometimes in small groups they try to find weak points, and this intensity of constant assaults, they continue, continue and continue, they, they still continue to move on, trying to advance and the last clarification, do i understand correctly that the most active attacks are still now in the avdiiv direction? avdiivska, avdiivka, bakhmut
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, active battles are also taking place in the ivanivskoye district, there are very strong battles for the village, our military are holding it back with great sacrifices at the cost of their lives, also every day there is a barrage of equipment and infantry, and heavy shelling, lyman district , on thorns on yampolivka there... catch and level everything to the ground, they also try to advance somewhere, robotyn, marginka, novomykhaivka, in particular, those areas are very many where active hostilities are taking place. roman, thank you very much for your comment, you are on our air for the first time, we will be glad to see you, roman pohorily, founder of the deepstate project, we talked about the situation at the front. thank you. russia is preparing to mobilize an additional 300,000 recruits. this was announced by the president of ukraine today. volodymyr zelenskyi, according to him , the russian army is already preparing its reserves for june 1, but when answering journalists' questions about how many recruits will be mobilized to the ukrainian
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army, the president... did not specify, but said, that they are not going to call up half a million people, as mentioned earlier, well , we don’t need half a million, i am grateful to govkum for the audit, it is important that he found strength within the armed forces of ukraine, the corresponding number who were not at the front, they will be at the front , and as for the individual number, how many will be... mobilized until i am ready to tell you. i will remind you that for the first time the potential need to mobilize up to 500,000 people was announced by the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, at the end of last year, already in march this year, newly appointed head oleksandr syrsky announced that the army had conducted an audit, which allegedly showed that the army needs fewer people than 500,000. well, in the meantime , the day before volodymyr zelenskyy signed a number of laws on the expansion of mobilization.
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one of these laws provides for lowering the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years. the law enters into force today. and here it is worth reminding that this document lay on the president's desk for 10 months. the verkhovna rada adopted it back in may of that year and for the fact that the president delayed the signing, he was often criticized by both the military and the opposition. political scientists explained that the bill is unpopular for the president, primarily from a political point of view. well, we asked people in kyiv what they thought about the reduction. mobilization age, listen: the president signed a law on lowering the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years, what do you think about it? well, in general, i think that in this situation it is absolutely normal, because there is a war in the country and we have every man to defend his country, i am almost 25, so i i'm waiting to be called, so i wouldn't mind if there were 21, too, in principle
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, no difference. there is no significant difference between a person, as for me, 23 years old and 25, or 27, to separate it legally, i have an ambiguous attitude, because i have a boyfriend, a son, he is young, a student, and really this is the very juice of the nation , and it is a pity for young people that this is intelligence. and they will be called to defend the motherland, but we have such circumstances that we can't do otherwise, most likely, this is just one of those unpopular decisions that have to be made, that's for sure will bring results, but it must be properly communicated in society, so that there are no more reports of treason, and if our enemy did not use it to his advantage, then the boys also need mobilization, replacement, that's all i can say,
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men regardless of whether they are 18, 25, 27, if they are ready and feel that they are really ready to fulfill their duty to the state, 25-27, it seems to me that this is a difference that should not really be talked about so much, because those who are actually ready and will perform as we can see already 18, and they don't have to wait 25. well, in its current report, the american institute for the study of war states a decrease. mobilization in ukraine will help solve the problem of the lack of troops, but in order to arm these mobilized people, western aid is still needed. the equipment provided by the west remains the most decisive factor in the ability of the ukrainian army to restore and increase its combat power, according to the institute's review. we will now discuss this in detail. well, another bill, which was also signed by the president, introduces an electronic one office of a conscript. this will allow gathering more information about reservists and
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conscripts, in particular. personal data, the presence of a foreign passport, the results of a medical examination, or participation in hostilities. importantly, the register does not provide for sending summons through electronic offices. and one more innovation: there will no longer be conscripts of limited fitness, men aged 18 to 60, who previously received the status of limited fitness after passing the vlk, will now have to undergo the vlk again. we are talking about all these innovations now let's talk, stanislav asiev is joining our broadcast, because i am. of the armed forces of ukraine and in civilian life, journalist, writer stanislav, good evening, good evening, we want to talk with you about innovations, so which ones, in particular, which have already been signed by the president in the form of laws, let's start with this status of suitable and unsuitable, this only now two statuses remain, there will be no limited suitability, there the vlk will determine how suitable or unfit a person will be for service.


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