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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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the situation with freedom of speech and what is actually happening in some, well , i don't know, some kind of just shows, just, just some 95th quarter, well, what is happening in the country, kateryna shirkopoyas knows about it and she will tell us all , katre, congratulations, you have the word, congratulations, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the terrible details of the night attack on kharkov and the operational situation at the front. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. four people died, including three rescuers , as a result of a massive attack by shaheds kharkiv another twelve people were injured. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. the russians launched 15
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drones in the city, as a result of the shelling , high-rise buildings and private houses were damaged. fires broke out at the place of the hits, during the liquidation of the consequences, the occupiers struck again, as a result of which rescuers, policemen and a nurse of the regional medical aid center were injured. emergency services are on site. in the city of kharkiv, the enemy fired. about six uavs, one of the uavs hit a three-story residential building building, another uav hit a 16-story residential building, other shaheds hit the private sector. the air force managed to destroy 11 shaheds that night, the general staff of the armed forces reported. in total, the russians launched 20 drones over ukraine. the details of the attack are currently under investigation.
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russia plans to mobilize another 300,000 military personnel this summer, volodymyr zelenskyi said, the president emphasized that the ukrainian command is aware of moscow's intentions to mobilize as a prize for the war against ukraine. clearly we understand what they are preparing for in russia, what they want, for what they will gather soldiers for their army, and we do. and all of us, our partners, must have a strong response to russian operations, any russian operations, we must win this war, this is ukraine's historic chance to break russian revanchism, and we have to use this chance. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 65 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. in donetsk region, the russians continue their assault in four directions. the hottest on
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novopavlivskyi, there the enemy tried 22 times to break through our defenses near novomykhaivka, watery and fertile, another 15 attacks were stopped by the defense force in the avdiivskyi direction and 14 attacks in bakhmutskyi, restlessly also in the kherson region. the russians tried to storm seven times, our military restrained the enemy, and during the day the ukrainian aviation struck 14 areas of concentration. the personnel of the occupiers, rocket launchers and gunners hit the enemy control point of drones and the rep station, and also destroyed four districts concentration of personnel, one arts system and an important object of brain cells. every second ukrainian soldier partially or completely loses his hearing as a result of hostilities and needs further prosthetics. such statistics are provided by the public. the organization
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feels, that is why a hearing restoration department was opened at the lviv superhumans center, where they help not only our defenders, but also civilians who suffered because of the war. patients of the center will be able to undergo diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in one place. more knows how it happens our kateryna oliynyk. dog, dog. no wonder. yes, check. servant of border guard serhii dubov. in march 2022, the defender of mariupol was injured by a landmine, the defender lost his left arm. in addition, the sight of the soldier and the servants deteriorated. i was sent to the ear institute in kyiv, and they did an audiogram there, as it should be, they did all the examinations on the left ear, on the right, first six months later on the left. well, if... i started to hear better, not much, but
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better, well, the noise in the ears is more disturbing, due to the impact of impact noise during mine explosions injuries, military and civilian ukrainians can face acoustic... trauma and subsequent hearing loss, which is why the superhumans center introduced a new direction. we will check for hearing problems in every patient that superhumans has. we have about 70 patients a month. accordingly , he started working, the department started working in november, and already about 10 hearing aids were installed. at the superhumans center , patients can go through a full cycle of hearing restoration. services are provided within these three offices, in particular. during during the instrumental examination, otolaryngologists test the hearing acuity of the injured person with the help of sound waves, after the diagnosis, they prescribe treatment, dry devices or refer them to surgery, if necessary, deaf educators and speech therapists work with patients. over
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the past 10 days, we have selected 32 patients, among them seven need surgery, tympanoplasty, three of them seem to need... hearing aids, hearing aids, one will potentially need cup implantation, and the rest will actually need constant observation. not it is necessary to treat the deterioration of hearing as a secondary problem, - says andriy pishniy, the founder of the public organization feel, because without timely treatment, you can completely lose your hearing. hearing is lost, imperceptibly. you get closer to the person who is talking to you, you turn up the volume on the tv. turn on the music louder, ask twice, turn to the side you heard before, better, or at all, when something is said to you, you don't hear it, you just pretend to hear, according to the statistics of
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the superhumans center, about 30% of patients , which come to rehabilitation, they also have concomitant hearing impairments of various types, so they need qualified help to hear again. kateryna oliynyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. and the espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in the parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins, there are also other goodies necessary for our defenders. such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry cloves and borsch, lard and canned meat. in words... this is what will feed our people at zero. we constantly have a lot of requests, which means that there is a need for our help at the front. so join in and support our warriors with a donation. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. meanwhile,
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russia was attacked by drones. air defense forces of the occupiers allegedly destroyed three drones over the belgorod region. this was announced by the ministry of defense of the terrorist country. two more summers... the devices were shot down over the tula region of russia. and a tragic car wreck in the lviv region. cars collided in the village moschany also died as a result of a road accident. this was reported to the regional patrol police. traffic was blocked on the ternopil, lviv, rava ruska highway. the circumstances of the accident are still being clarified. for the first time in ukraine, the supreme court recognized as legal the transition of the community from the church of the moscow patriarchate to... this was announced on the website of the supreme court. according to the case file, part of the residents of kalynyvka in zhytomyr oblast decided to voluntarily change their canonical affiliation. however, supporters of the russian orthodox church did not like this step, the courts of the first and appellate instances upheld the claim
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refused and latvia will hand over 12 cars confiscated from drunk drivers to ukraine. the relevant decision was taken by the government of the country. these vehicles will be handed over to the needs of the kherson military administration, the henichiv communal enterprise, the lviv enterprise, as well as the medical institute of the national academy of medical sciences. and in taiwan , the demolition of the rubble and the demolition of damaged buildings have begun. as a result of the earthquakes , at least nine people died, and more than 900 others were injured. it is reported news agency reuters. i will remind yesterday, the country was shaken by the most powerful earthquake in a quarter of a century. according to the central meteorological administration of taiwan, aftershocks with a magnitude of up to seven points are still expected over the next four days.
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look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live ater broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on a hot topic in the sho section. subscribe, comment, because your opinions are important to us. be with us every day. to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to... our website and our social networks, and in a moment meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakalyuk. we will see you later. dear friends, good morning to all those who join us. this is the espresso tv channel. the marathon continues. lesya oklyuk, andriy saichuk, we work for you in this studio. we are working. today until 12 o'clock, and now at this hour we traditionally remind you that we have
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a collection going on, you and i should have collected a little more money than yesterday, i i was hoping for a little more, it's 10,000 more than the previous day, but it did n't turn out quite like that, we didn't have enough uah 300 for this, so you and i collected 67,000 instead of 70 yesterday. 607 or 68 yes, to be precise, and in principle it is not bad, maybe today we will collect more with you, and in principle we will surpass ourselves from yesterday and the day before yesterday, now we and you already have 228,746 hryvnias and 61 kopecks, out of 200 thousand, out of 200 million, my god, what am i talking about, out of the 2 million needed. sorry guys morning shift it is given in signs, early awakenings are the same, you now see
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qr codes on your screens, you also see card numbers, you can either scan or write down the card number, or take a picture of the screen in the end to do it later, and send as much hryvnias, how much do you feel sorry for our military, namely for the 93rd brigade of the cold ravine and for the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, we are collecting for them fpv drones, we have to collect as much as 2 million hryvnias, it looks a little scary, but listen, we started this week and we didn't even have a hundred yet thousand hryvnias, and now we already have two hundred thousand hryvnias, i hope that tomorrow you and i will already have three hundred thousand hryvnias, for this you and i need to collect 73 hryvnias today, this is real, because we collected 67 yesterday 000, the day before yesterday we collected 60 00, and we started this week from monday. from 50,000, so every day we build up a little turnover. while we
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're talking, you can actually do it, you see this qr code, it's the same assembly, so change your hryvnias, and we 'll talk to serhii bratchuk in the meantime, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south. mr. sergey, good morning. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, i would like to support your gathering and remind you that we should have two categories of ukrainians today, these are those who can. they do it, they destroy the enemy and those who actually supply the ammunition, so i invite the audience to supply these ammunition, it is not scary, on the contrary, it makes me happy that you are also involved in the destruction of the russian occupier, well actually yes, and sometimes people think , but i will be there, and i have no money now, i have small amounts, i will not donate, but if there are many, many small donations, then exactly those 2 million times have accumulated and i did not even blink an eye, it is true, mr. sergey, what is there in... the south, what is the news? well , today in odesa 4:5:0, even without
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air warning signals, mykolayiv region was worried today, although this region actually looked like a transit today for the shaheds, because the enemy is trying to confuse the anti-aircraft defense systems, the work of mobile fire groups, launch these shaheds, they are going, i already said in transit, in this case through the mykolayiv oblast to the north, then to poltava. are going to kharkiv and actually see that today it was kharkiv oblast that was again under such a massive attack, precisely with the use, including kamikaze drones, that is why kherson oblast also understood the situation, it is, unfortunately, stable in terms of enemy shelling, on the other hand , let's cheer ourselves up as much as possible, we also need to look for positive news that our left bank, our bridgeheads there are working, acting, although... the enemy tries to attack again more intensively, although it is done in small groups, but
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quite often, that is, it tries some such tactics, maybe coumarin bites , but nothing succeeds, ours fight back, the technique, by the way, the enemy does not use, thanks to the fact that on in this direction there are fpv drones, although there are not many of them, just like artillery shells, and it is these drones that then give nightmares to this enemy equipment, so you see, again, returning to the assembly, saves the lives of our fighters, firstly, and secondly - second, destroys enemy equipment, so what actually the situation is without any drastic changes, the enemy today has chosen what he considers to be a promising direction. that to the south, the orichiv direction, the rabotinsky direction, this is part of the zaporizhzhia region, it is actually trying to attack more intensively there, but the missile threat is all over the south, already today odesa has distinguished itself in this regard, an enemy missile, previously it was a false target, but it is possible attacked, by the way , the south of the region, we remember, this is the danube, this
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includes the ports, maybe, maybe... there was there is some missile of the kh-31p type, but first of all , for now, we are talking about a false target in order to reconnoitre the air defense system again, because it is being improved, of course, because this operational pause, which is today, we understand, was used a lot of rockets, a lot of shaheds were used in march of this year, then the enemy is preparing for another attack, this is to remind people again to go to shelter, and not to scare someone, because... actually there are enough of them, in particular odesa, we have already been dispersed for days because of the well-known osb agency, one woman told information about the evacuation of odessa, for some reason in two months, i don’t know why not now, but we can actually announce the evacuation, but from panic, from betrayal, and odessans differ in this,
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after all, the vast majority reacts for such throw-ins, russian ones, here and everything can be seen in kharkiv as well. react, well, let's say, more or less adequately, because of course, against the background of missile strikes and drone attacks, the enemy is still trying to act informationally. in odessa, such interesting news, which you know, it caught my eye that in the ponds of the odessa victory park, the water changed its color radically, and the authorities even admit that it could be sabotage, i don't know how much it is being discussed. just the pond suggests that decommunization should be carried out so that there is no victory park, well, i don’t know, i don’t know, well , in short, i don’t know if they are talking about this in odessa, well, some such impressive, impressive situation, there is, there is such, you always know how to find those news, and which are actually discussed really, because the water, let's see what color,
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i even heard such a version, and it is being worked out in terms of biological analyzes there. are being held, for now there is no other information than what you have announced, i hope that these are some really natural moments that are happening, and the victory park, well, let's talk about the fact that it is an advance on our future victory, and it is in honor of our ukrainian victory that the park will be named in the future, especially since we have a lot of alleys there, which are but there national naval forces, air forces, even volunteers, so... there are already enough ukrainian, let's say, markers, thank god, and so we will move in this direction, and the park is generally very good, in terms of water, well, there is news, yes, i think that first of all we need to orientate ourselves on official sources, but did not cause, i think , much concern there, because whoever is busy with business, the main thing today is
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to work on the defense capability of the state, well , the good news is that the preliminary analysis that was carried out did not reveal any... poisonous substances, although the water did not change just the color but and the smell, at least it didn't lead to mass death either, let's do it now, maybe it's dust from the sahara, but i see, if it is highlighted in a separate heading, then it will go, well, a little bit of africa to us , you know, it also reached us, let's be like that, let's call it like that, yeah, well , it's hard nowadays with vacations, what kind of vacations during the war, who will go there? to rest in sekharo, by the way, to odessa, about odessa and vacations, odessa, it is associated, was associated, at least until the full-scale second, or now i don’t know, with these with terrible shelling, uh, at least russia is trying to ask for our associations, like odesa is now, is it preparing for the beach season, is it possible to organize it in a city
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that is occasionally under the watchful eye of russia, uh... such conversations are going on , they go, including at the official level, because the relevant structures will make decisions that were made, for example, last year, not at the beginning of the so -called beach season, well, for me, the beach season and the war, well, some, you know, concepts, well today are incomparable, but on the other hand, everything will take place in view of the security situation, indeed, this is firstly, secondly, we are talking about appropriate locations, again, as it was already last year, where there are... demining, where the appropriate structures have worked out, where there is a shelter, so that people can miraculously move to a shelter, taking into account really safe situations, well, actually, what i honestly... always said, today i see that this is also, well, let's put it this way , it is a priority that our defenders, our brothers, who have such an opportunity, and i would even say it's
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a duty for some to reset after being on the front, when there's an opportunity, again, it's rest, it's rehabilitation, to rest with families, why not, on the contrary, i think it's absolutely true, so that odesa is preparing in this regard, odesa is preparing, i think that a solution will be found that will satisfy everyone, because this is actually a working economy, well, let's talk about it including that, but again, it's a priority and a point number one on the agenda is the security of the situation, that's understandable, oh well we are actually asking about security, what is the current situation on the black sea, warned, in particular, our budanov about the fact that the russians are accumulating calibers and such an attack is possible. well, the information here is absolutely correct, but today the missile carriers are in the port of novorossiysk, the missile carriers themselves, there is one
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cyclone, it is located in sevastopol, well , it is, you know, a little bit, as they say, i apologize that it is not finished by russia, because , well, such sickly, he is lame, that's why they probably didn't take him to novorossiysk, novorossiysk is missile carriers, small ones there missile carriers, surface larger submarines. the boats, in fact, they are equipped, indeed, the calibers were not actually used this year, there were several times, launches and everything else, the enemy can prepare, it is quite understandable, it is necessary to respond adequately to such information and not disperse what will happen there now shelling only with calibers, they can be used, because they are, it’s like apologizing in the theater, if a gun is hanging on the stage, it has to fire sometime, but actually today the black sea fleet... or i would say a flotilla, it is more is thinking about how to protect himself from the attacks of the ukrainian defense forces, and this is probably the most important task today for
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the newly appointed head of this still somewhat surface flotilla of the black sea russian federation with such a nice ukrainian surname pinchuk, well, they were charged, it happens, but shelling, so what well, it's a war, anything can happen before that. be good, well, mr. serhiy, thank you very much for this conversation, serhiy bratchuk, resnyk, ukrainian good, by the way, while we were talking with you, 14 00 hryvnias have already arrived on our account on our collection, it is necessary to include mr. serhiy more often and we will close sooner, i don’t mind, i add, we agreed, have a nice, nice day, in fact, odesa odesites, well, gentlemen, we invite everyone to know more interesting and relevant information, come in, any please go to the espresso website, don't forget this too... follow our social networks, in particular, search for espresso on youtube, be sure to subscribe, because there are live tv broadcasts, all episodes of all our
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programs, there are special projects that can only be seen on our youtube, and come in, there is also short video shorts in the shorts section on hot topics, they are also popular, please like, like, which you like more, comment, share. in this way we increase our space of freedom of speech. and by the way, a resolution was registered in the parliament about freedom of speech in the verkhovna rada, which refers to stopping the financing of the rada tv channel, namely the creation, by the way, of the rada tv channel, and the telethon, and by the way, the rado tv channel itself is actually he does not create it hires for those billions of different hryvnias. other structures, since it seems that the rada tv channel does not have the opportunity to do this telethon, here, and all those structures, as we know, coincidentally are all affiliated with friends
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of president zelensky in his 95th quarter and 1+1, here, well, and the second part of this resolution is to cancel the previous resolution, which is already two years old, and allow 100 journalists, no no, up to 100 journalists, to the plenary session of the verkhovna rada each time. to ensure direct communication between journalists and politicians, this resolution is registered, will it be supported, it remains an open question, another 100 hryvnias just for this, for this speech of yours, andriy added, we are going now for a short break, we will return, continue, we will talk with our military, stay , dear friends, with us.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new, two-hour format. more analytics, more more important topics, yet. more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko , every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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premium sponsor of the national team. represents united by football, stronger together. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, a representative of the government of poland from restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians. and how our accession to the eu will look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sisters. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters,
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presenters who have become like-for-like to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! well, dear friends, we are going back to the ater... tell us where you are, tell us what news you have, we are already there in our places, glory to the heroes, mr. serhiy, if you can tell, there are no special changes at the front now, in so, we are the enemy. also that
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continues its separate assault actions there in small groups in the direction of the same , the thin nevelske, that is, in the pervomaisky district, so let's say, uh , please tell me, this week, the president finally signed the law on lowering the mobilization age, or is it as you hope, how does it affect your brigade. and what is the average age, for example, of your peers in your brigade? well, her average age is somewhere, let's say, around 40 years old, so there are absolutely all categories, and i will say that when we started recruiting.


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