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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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what you need, call! premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. four people died, including three rescuers, as a result of a massive attack by shaheds in kharkiv. another twelve people were injured, among them policemen and a nurse of the regional medical aid center. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. russians
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launched 15 drones in the city, high-rise buildings and private houses were damaged as a result of the shelling. the occupiers struck again when the rescuers were getting under the rubble of a 67-year-old man, the victim was covered with slabs on the third floor. currently, the liquidation of the consequences of the russian terrorist attack is ongoing in kharkiv, we are in touch with yevhen vasylenko, the spokesman of the state emergency service in the kharkiv region. welcome to our broadcast and please tell us what is known as of this moment about the victims and what is now from... congratulations,
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at night the enemy struck the city of kharkiv with drones, directly on the residential area infrastructure, these are ordinary residential buildings, at this location is a three-story residential building, where rescuers worked, directly performed a combat mission to save a person, but the enemy struck again with saheds and... er, tragic consequences, unfortunately, three people died our brothers, the rescuers, er, without also another rescuer was injured, despite the tragedy, the rescuers did their job, they rescued the man from the rubble, the man was crushed by the concrete structures, and the emergency workers were able to get him out from under wreckage and... hand over to the emergency
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medical aid brigade, in general, four of them, three employees of the state emergency service, were killed and 12 were injured during the night after a massive attack by the enemy. mr. yevgeny, is there a possibility that there may still be people under the rubble? and our rescuers are directly at this location. are working, dismantling the remains of concrete structures, under the rubble, there are no people. and is it clear why the rescuers did not have time to hide during the second attack, or did they even have such an opportunity. directly, uh, the enemy struck second strike at that time, when the rescue operation was being carried out, meaning the firefighters, they were working on the floors, they... had
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to quickly get the man who was making the signals, as he could be heard, so, well, our rescuers were doing their job, they worked on the floors, directly, those rescuers who died, they were near the fire trucks, they are the drivers, they ensured an uninterrupted supply of water to extinguish the fire, and also ... directly participated in the rescue operations, performed their duties at the cost of their own lives, mr. yevgeny, is there any information about the state of health of the wounded rescuer, is there a threat to his life as of now? will be of moderate severity , stable, there is no threat to life, thank you for taking the time to tune in and our sincere condolences to all those who died while performing their duty...i will remind our viewers,
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we spoke with yevhen vasylenko, this is the spokesman of the state emergency service situations in the kharkiv region, he actually talked about the ongoing liquidation consequences of the russian terrorist attack in kharkiv, and during the day the enemy attacked 10 settlements in zaporozhye, in particular , the occupiers carried out eight airstrikes on orikhov, robotyn, small tokmachka and malynyvka. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. the russians also shelled populated areas with multiple rocket launchers, drones and artillery, damaged residential buildings and infrastructure. people were not injured. the occupiers hit dnipropetrovsk region half a dozen times that night, with shahedas and artillery shelled nikopol, marganetska and chervono-gryhorivska communities. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. as a result of the attack,
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the cultural center, gymnasium and private house were damaged, fortunately no one was injured. and the russians hit selidovo over donets with five s-300 missiles. as a result of the attack, 13 high-rise buildings and eight private buildings were damaged. an administrative building and an enterprise in nivychyna. this was reported to the regional police. guided aerial bombs were dropped on toretsk and the village of stara mykolaivka. there destroyed apartment buildings and private homes. a store and power lines were also damaged. 11 shahkheds were destroyed by air that night. forces, this is reported in the general staff of the armed forces. in total, the russians launched 20 drones over ukraine. the details of the attack are currently being clarified. they became fertilizer for the ukrainian harvest. another 670 russians abundantly covered our fields.
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and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, 445 40 muscovites have turned into humus for flora and fauna. our defenders took care of... equipment yesterday only, they burned nine tanks, 16 armored fighting vehicles, 29 artists, 48 ​​cars, seven units of special equipment, as well as a rocket salvo fire system and means of moscow residents. 21 enemy drones will never fly in the ukrainian sky again. the general staff reminds that all data are approximate. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. already the second year. in a row, we make our own vitamin mixtures for zso. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum in parcels to the front. apart from vitamin ones appear and other goodies necessary for our defenders. such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dried cloves and borsch, lard, canned meat, in short
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, everything that will feed our people at zero. we constantly have an extremely large number of requests, which means that there is a need for our help at the front. so join in and support our soldiers with a donation. all details. now see on your screens. the hackers who attacked kyivstar were identified. the hacker group sandvorm is behind the cyber attack, the attackers are part of the staff unit of the general headquarters of russia. this was stated by the head of the cyber security department of the sbu, ilya vityuk. currently, law enforcement officers are conducting an examination of the affected systems and the damage caused. members of the criminal group are also identified. the service has already sent a request to international partners for additional information. all investigation materials will be transferred to the international criminal court in the hague. finally, four more children were returned home from the occupied kherson region.
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this was announced by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. russians forced children to attend a russian school, teenage boys were put on the military register, so that in the future. to the ranks of the occupation army, a 14-year-old girl with a disability and two boys aged 12 to 15 are now safe, psychologists are working with the children. meanwhile, polish farmers continue to block three checkpoints, namely ravoruska, jagodyn and ughryny. currently, there are 1,400 trucks in the queue. this was stated by the spokesman of the state proborder. services andriy demchenko. according to him, the yagody checkpoint is the largest infrastructural one direction on the border with poland. it can pass up to 1,400 trucks per day. for now , that's all the news for me as of this hour, or to learn more, stay tuned on
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espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of the phone. turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. premium the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are back on the air, this is our final hour for today, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk,
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we have been working for you in this studio since the morning. we remind you that you are watching espresso, we remind you that you can leave your favorite under our youtube broadcast, i remind you that you can finally subscribe to the youtube channel espresso tv channel, for this you need to find it on youtube, and any of your subscriptions or your likes , which you leave, is in order to on... our ether was more visible, so that you could see our broadcasts, in fact, in this way , you could have access to good, high-quality , true information. russians, russian. they are doing everything in order to demolish us from youtube, they are constantly attacking us, so your subscriptions and likes are a huge support for us, well, in addition to all that , also subscribe to our social networks and look for our site, look for the espresso volunteers section, and there, look for our collections that we are conducting, now by the way, the collection for fpv
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drones is ongoing, we want to collect 2 million, a huge amount it sounds scary, but you and i are already pushing it little by little, and soon we will have three hundred thousand on our account, three hundred thousand on our account in total, currently there are 260,500, 260,758 uah, i just literally updated it, so please join now you see the qr code, it's there to make a donation there, well , meanwhile, we have a guest on the air, iryna soloshenko, project manager of the mobile evacuation of the wounded at the kolo charity fund, mrs. iryna, join us. i was going because an exhibition is opening in lviv today, it's called born from the flame, ms. irina, we are glad to see you in our studio, thank you for the invitation, what kind of exhibition is this and who was born from the flame? ukrainians, a nation is born with gender, i have hope, just our artbook, and the exhibition is just dedicated to the heroes of the artbook, he was fundraising,
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born in the 22nd year and in the 23rd, during the blackouts... in kyiv, this is probably the only a book of such quality that was printed in kyiv printing houses during the blackouts, and when i am very pleased now, when i present this book to some very important people, distinguished guests, they ask, is it abroad was printed, i say no, it was printed in kyiv during the blackout, who are the heroes, these are our friends, our acquaintances, military medics, military paramedics, people who... went to war voluntarily, well, there are people there whom everyone knows well , and there are people whom they can see, ukrainians and foreigners can see only in this book, this is the chief anesthesiologist of the armed forces of ukraine, a person i know from the 14th year, from a military hospital, a person with whom we just made evacuation wagons together, and now we are engaged in evacuating
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the wounded throughout the country, that is, oleksandr oleksandrovich bugai, this is a person to whom hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of wounded owe their lives, that is , very, very different people, whom we wanted to show and show the face of war, because, in principle , war has its faces, and to understand how a model , such as jordan, became a paramedic as a very dandy boy. with the claimant vygan, fought in bakhmut, lost there okko, now as vitaliy kyrkach antonenko went voluntarily and died, we filmed him three days before he died, now natalka gave birth daughter vitalina, and i look at how this child grows, i see vitaly in her, and it gives
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me hope, this is this project, we need it. yes, it is ongoing, we were just doing this project to build a reception department in a military hospital, the main military hospital of the country. we wanted the state to see us, the state saw us and now the ministry of defense, the deputy minister, our profile. we are just taking the last steps to physically start the construction of a modern reception department in the main military hospital. and we collected fundraisers device medical, and i can say that this book gave us the opportunity to fundraise for 19.5 million medical equipment that is already working in the military hospital, we did not wait for the reception department to be built, we gave it all and it is already working, it helps save the lives of the wounded , and the project now, well , you yourself understand that everything is yours, you yourself
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constantly collect funds, and there are objective, there are subjective ones. reasons, yesterday, for example, i called my italian friends and asked for help, i rarely do this, but it was already such an end, i need it for evacuation, resuscitation wagons, equipment was needed, and they said that they basically closed their office, i had to say that i did not know that the war had ended, well, it is sad, but there is such a trend, and i am very grateful to those ukrainians who all the same, and donations help, because right now we are with the help of this exhibition, with the help of which will be from april 4th to 29th in lviv, thank you lviv for inviting us so hospitably. thanks to the museum of the revolution of dignity, because they are now the guardians of our artifacts, they all keep them, they help us organize these
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exhibitions, and with their help, get fundraising funds. now we are collecting for a blood analyzer, for example, well, it broke, in order to pass the tender, the state needs time, and the wounded do not have time. a blood analyzer, what is it for people who do not understand it? so. and it’s very simple there, it’s a preparation, gentlemen, a drug, it’s an apparatus that determines, in principle, performs all biochemical analyses, and that is, it’s compact, it can be transported to the wounded in the required department, and it’s used, it very convenient and it gives a complete blood count very quickly, you know, i almost cried when you said that you called your friends. what words to choose to remind that the war continues? i think
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that you know many of these abroad, so how and what words do you look for, i ask you in the same way as a journalist who, for example, often joins polish colleagues on the air, i understand that when they organize these joins , then they are also trying to remind their citizens that the war is going on, but even these inclusions are also less, because they have some news of their own, and i constantly think that i still have to say how i should convey this information, what this information should be, because simply scarecrows no longer work either , and scarecrows, scarecrows are also our life, just our life, there were shellings, people died somewhere, this is our life, for them it is a shock, but it is already becoming something familiar, because this is ukraine, people die there, it is as if it is already becoming. the new norm, uh, you know, well, it's all very individual, because, well, we are with you we talked on the air, and i said that we met with radomir sikorsky, and he
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said something about support, i just had an ordinary example, i told him that now we have a truck, and we cannot pull it with the necessary medical equipment that goes through poland just in transit, and we can't pass it through, and he said, yes, well , we understand, we help there, everything, you know, to ordinary people, i think very simple words and examples reach for example, i have a friend who went to friend, they were sitting, they said, listen , well, let's disconnect from the war, let's take a look, so look at the beautiful mountains there in the window, well, she calmly, very calmly said: "listen, well, yes, i 'll tell you one thing , this window of yours is very dangerous, when the shelling starts, you need to be anywhere, just..." not near this window, and she thought, and she began to ask her in general, well, because this acquaintance has a window with shelling knocked out, and she says: i
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'll just tell you where you have safe ones places in your house, that is, here are some such things on their own examples, for example, in my daughter's house on solominska, on solominka in kyiv, there were also flies , people died opposite them on the 16th floor. a pillow with the scalp of a dead person flew into her window, and well, this is our life, when i explain it to them and show them these photos, well, because one thing, i told this, when i show the photo on my phone, well, i see how it changes face, because they ask, what is this, i say, well, it's a pillow, but everything else is hair, it's part of the head, the police came, she looked at all this, she described it, we live like this, we didn't want to, we didn't choose this life for ourselves, but we live like this now, we survive like this, that's why i think such a word, this collection, it, it is replenished, relatively
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speaking, this book, it continues to be written by the war itself, well, you know, we think that i always say that ukrainians are millions of heroes, it is actually so, we could not show all of them, we just showed that circle , which was near us, yes, well, they are very different, starting from lieutenant colonel of the armed forces. alina tarasivna, who is a very beautiful woman, you will be able to, if you visit the exhibition, you will be able to see her photo, wounded, when she regains consciousness, and she is an anesthesiologist, and she is often with people who are on artificial respiration, and then they come as children, they see her, and we already have a joke like this, i say alina tarasivna, you are so beautiful that they don't always understand whether they are still here or they are already in paradise, and... yes, we were thinking of making a sequel to this book and show other heroes and in principle show the development of the heroes' destinies, yes, what war
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does to people, well, because, for example,... vitaly, yes, we can show his daughter, his family, we can show that, in principle , his wife is now fighting for , to give birth to more children, as they wanted it during his lifetime, they are two adults who understood that he could die in this war, and they made this decision for themselves, well, to save the sperm and use it posthumously, and just, on unfortunately, i had to explain using his example. deputies to accept normal laws, and not to limit that very small part of widows who dare to take such a step, but if the state takes away a husband, a beautiful husband from a woman, then the woman has the right to give birth to children after death, well, this is my opinion, you know, there is a saying that is attributed to tomos karlel, maybe it belongs to him about the fact that, relatively speaking
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, the revolution... is conceived by romantics, embodied by fanatics, and used by scoundrels, probably this can also be applied to war, and do you also try to highlight and leave such a way in history exactly those who it is necessarily rather fanatically devoted to ukraine, romantically devoted to the ideas of freedom, independence , democracy, those people on whom... about the people who die in kyiv, about this pillow with traces of hair and skin of a person who is dead, and i am thinking about the latest bmw model for 6 million hryvnias, which appeared on the streets, and it belongs to someone, that is, someone now, when we when you can't
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scratch that car. well, they also see it and abroad, what is there to help you when people here can afford to buy that car, i just have a suspicion that when the war is over, this owner of this bmw will turn out to be a participant in hostilities, a hero of battles and there for for an audiobook, and there he is. there was also a mega-volunteer, and he went through everything and survived, and a bunch of combat awards, yes, well, now you are talking about the injustice of life, it was and always is, and we will not change this globally, if we only think, we have to talk about it we have to talk, and that's why we talk about people who really do what they can to prevent those who are forced to sneak out later , well, for example, because there are always
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many parents who always win. in defeats , we always have no one responsible, but in victories, yes, and you later find out how many people did something with you, yes, when you did something that changes something, i know this very well from my example, but in principle for the most important thing for us is to change the attitude there towards the wounded, the attitude of the state, why are we doing the same thing department, because when i lived in the hospital with my husband for four months in the garrison and with all the doctors, we... just lived in this reception department and i understood that he was not there, well, first of all, we violate all the norms, but this is when there were already, of course , there was no scrupulous attitude to the norms, but when the front retreated, i simply saw these wounded lying there for hours and waiting for the doctor to objectively finish the operation and be able to come and see and decide to which department to send him, we we must give a person the opportunity to wait for peace. by
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with a curtain in the reception ward , quiet, where no one walks, to wait for his relatives to be there, for them to see how from the first minutes of your stay in the military hospital, the state takes care of you, yes, they do not forget you, for this i did just that evacuation wagons, so that the wounded who are transported there are treated, receive the full complement of treatment just at the stage of evacuation, so that they understand that this is done for the ... thank you, and that's what i can do and show you how grateful i am for yours protection. how will the people who will come to the exhibition, which actually opens today in lviv at 2 p.m., called this exhibition born from the flame, it will be exhibited in the lviv historical museum on market six square, for those who live in lviv or want to come to lviv to see how
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these people can... help you in that


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