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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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to a quiet place where no one walks, to wait for his relatives to be there, so that they can see how from the first minutes of being in a military hospital, the state takes care of you, yes, they do not forget you, for this i made evacuation wagons, so that the wounded who are transported there are treated, receive the full complement of treatment, just at the stage of evacuation, so that they understand that this is done for you, that we are grateful to you, and that's it. what can i do to show you how grateful i am for your protection. how people who will come to the exhibition, which actually opens in lviv today, at 2 p.m., this exhibition is called "born from flames, it will be exhibited in the lviv historical museum, rynok six square", for those who live in lviv or want to come to lviv to see how these people can help you in... so that the evacuation is
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normal, so that the reception department functions normally and all the other good things that you do for the military, there are qr codes, and there you can in principle follow them through the link or to our page of the kola charitable fund, we collect only officially, and we have all the reporting and if there was also information about the projects, that is, you can understand why, what we collect and what we do, so i am grateful every time. for example, when we have post-torniquet syndrome, we found out that we have this problem, we, yes, well , if the evacuation time is large, objectively large, because every evacuation operation is a military operation that is developed under the cover of aviation, under artillery cover, well, so that the medics who, unfortunately, they also die during these evacuations, so finding a turnstile is more than two. hours
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, it leads behind it, if before this there was a post-runicket syndrome. i am very grateful to the people who helped us, in principle, for the military hospital, to close the topic of hemodialysis machines in intensive care units, because we have more than one intensive care unit, and in order not to transport the wounded, not to move them, not to complicate their condition, well, just people supported a lot and we were able to do it, so i... am grateful for every donation, i to be honest, there are no small donations, your 20, 40, 50 hryvnias will then make up the opportunity to cover a great need, a million and save the lives of not one, not two hundred thousand people who will be in vishkov hospitals, and this is just mine, really mine the desire to change, to change the system, to change some system things so that everyone... who is affected, not only your
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acquaintances, friends and those for whom you can ask, but every person can get help. iryna, thank you, iryna soloshchenko, mobile project manager evacuation of the wounded in the kolo charity fund, just now dmytro kuleba and stotenberg, the ukraine-nato meeting has begun.
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yesterday, during the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs, we talked about the fact that the security of ukraine is very important for our security, and therefore we have to develop such a structure, such a road map, which would be predictable, which would be understandable for all participants, it must be about... and we are looking for ways, even such powerful ways, to organize this support. we will discuss the strategic commitments on the part of all participating countries, we welcome voluntary contributions, but we will make further promises so that ukraine receives even more from us, we will do che'. promises, i congratulate you, mr.
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minister, here, thank you, yents, today i want to congratulate the alliance of all participating countries on their birthday, i congratulate you. because this is a military alliance, which, the most powerful, which has been going on for a very long time, thank you for your initiatives and for how, in this regard, how to ensure constant and uninterrupted support in to ukraine, of course, we, unfortunately, in ukraine continue to face massive missile attacks from russia, yesterday the city of kharkiv became a victim. dozens of shahed fighters flew into the city, so we see that russia is acting systematically, consistently, it is killing the ukrainian economy, killing our ukrainians, and accordingly, it simply wants to fulfill its strategic goal, namely to erase ukraine from the world map. i'm glad
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to be here, but my main message that i came here with is patriots, because we know that it's very important to ... keep ukrainian lives, ukrainian cities, ukraine, and all this depends on various air defense systems, we are talking about patriot in particular, because they are the most powerful, because we know that in march alone, ukraine was hit by more than 90 ballistic missiles, and on unfortunately, we don't have enough anti-aircraft bolt, so today we will discuss just that issue, thank you. try phlebodia 600. pink french
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casper ortolight consultants from mattress tv experts. call, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you with it. you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry, too an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499. also , a reliable battery is included, call now and order, free delivery is possible, check with consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even up to ... branches once and it's done, and unlike standard saws, it's so convenient to use in hard- to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery.
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reliable garden trimmers for only uah 999. trimmer kors, call. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, free delivery is available, check at consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with the strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once it is done, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in hard- to-reach places places, includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order: a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery,
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check with the consultants: a powerful saw strong what you need, call! premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football! we are stronger together, dear friends, we are back on the air, lesya vakulyuk, andriy seichuk and this is our final hour, it is slowly coming to an end, well, but terpresso continues and the whole espresso team is working for you, we also want to remind you that we are collecting a little he composed but today it goes, as always one has to cry. uah 37
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is what we collected with you today. i hope that your donations will arrive before the end of the day, of course i would like to today the amount of today's collection was greater than yesterday's, yesterday you and i collected 67 hryvnias. 67 thousand against 37, you hear, right? now you see qr codes and card numbers on your screens. we are collecting for our defenders, who are currently destroying the enemy, this is the 92nd, 93rd brigade of the cold ravine, this is the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, it is for them that you donate your money, it is for them that we want to have fpv drones, and for this we need as much as uah 2 million to collect, and this collection will continue and continue, but, but you and i started this this collection a week with 50,000, we already have 265,808 hryvnias and 61 kopecks with you, so we
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are moving it little by little, we exchanged one hundred, the second hundred, and soon we will have the third hundred, for this we need less than 35,000 to accumulate so that we already have three hundred thousand in our account, dear friends, so you see the qr code, and this qr code will be there before the end of our broadcast, and you can... take advantage of this opportunity and actually donate, we do everything we can we can, despite the fact that our capabilities, i mean the capabilities of the tv channel, are unfortunately limited, because it is already the second anniversary without the espresso tv channel in t2, precisely on april 4, 22, three espresso tv channels, the fifth channel and direct, were illegally and without explanation unlocked from the network of digital broadcast television, during this time it is still not possible.. to establish who exactly, why and how made this decision, let's take a look and remind ourselves what has changed during
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this time and what is the reaction of the authorities and society. two years have passed, the espresso tv channel has still not been returned to t2, during this time neither the authorities nor officials have taken responsibility for the disconnection. collective espresso repeatedly addressed the president, the cabinet of ministers, the national security and defense council, and the national television council. however, we did not receive a clear answer: who and why limited the broadcasting of the channel. this is pure censorship, it is a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because... in fact, today on the t2 network, on the button on which the spresso tv channel was broadcast for 10 years, the rada tv channel is broadcast today. the rada tv channel is a state channel, it is a participant in the single news marathon, and instead of espresso, people who still use and watch ft2 television, they can watch marathon again . the only news that comes out today, if i
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'm not mistaken, on eight or nine tv channels, yes, that is, they don't have access. to information, to alternative information, to various mass media, to such an independent tv channel as espresso. the state intelligence service explained that the reasons for turning off espresso the fifth and direct from digital broadcasting were the alleged implementation of the march 2022 decision of the national security and defense council on a unified information policy. this body and others denied their intervention in shutting down tv channels. this document also... does not regulate our disconnection, because there is not a single word written about the need to disconnect someone, to switch, there is no word espresso, there is no name of other tv channels that were disconnected together with us, so that's it pure manipulation, and we still do not have any explanations, justifications, why this happened, why this illegal action took place two years ago. a petition to resume
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broadcasting of the channels was registered back in april in 2022, in a few months, she collected. the required number of votes, but the appeal remained unheard, whether the tv channel will be returned to ether, the government did not respond. a year ago, the international human rights organization reperts without borders called on the ukrainian authorities to resolve the situation as soon as possible and return the tv channel the opportunity to work fully, because the restriction of the broadcasting of tv channels does not speed up our accession to the eu. in march 2023 , the us state department assessed the ukrainian press as partially free. the report said in particular, about the situation with espresso direct and the fifth channel. we do not fulfill any requirements and conditions of the european union in order to be accepted there in the end, as we work or try to work according to those rules and laws,
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canons, skills. which are acceptable and logical in the free world, and when we do not work for them, this of course distances us from the free world. the return of tv channels to the t2 digital airwaves now depends on the ukrainian authorities. according to the director of espresso, because of such illegal actions our the state has been moving in the opposite direction from democracy and freedom of speech for two years. we are doing our best to get closer to... victory and believe that we will definitely win, but if the authorities do not admit their mistake and return us to the digital air, there is a great risk that in the future we may turn into russia , because the attack on freedom of speech in russia began precisely with the restriction or elimination of the media. due to disconnection from t-2, our channel lost about 40% of the audience. however,
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espresso continues to speak on the internet, in cable networks, on two satellites in ukraine. and abroad. we are actively developing on youtube and social networks. this audience already exceeds the figure we lost then, but still we continue to call on the authorities of all the officials responsible for this to return us to the digital network, because not all ukrainians today have the opportunity to watch us thanks to cable networks, satellite and internet they are still waiting for us in the t2 network. it is possible to return the espresso tv channel to t2 with the simple goal that a is democracy, b is this is freedom of speech, in - these are european values, the most important thing is that people have the right to have access to various information, which is not always convenient for someone, for some particular policy, i am not saying for the authorities, which may not be convenient for some certain people, but this is the information that is just journalism, but we give what is reality, we prepare
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people for certain things that are inevitable, we talk about what is happening and what could be, we asked in... what do they think about the blackout espresso and their attitude to a single marathon? popularity is falling, and that says it all. everything should be there. a person must have a choice, he must choose. i have a negative attitude. this is an alternative. different channels, different views, so i don't see any problem not to show them in the 2nd. especially since i know the countryside... there were a lot of users watching expresso, i don't like it, and why? well, because there are channels that cover the news from all angles. despite the disconnection from the digital network, the espresso tv channel continues to make a name for itself in information broadcasting. team espresso informs viewers about all the important
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events, and war correspondents, risking their lives, document the crimes of russia, and we are still waiting for the channel with a ukrainian perspective to return to the digital ether. bring espresso back to the digital air. so, dear friends, you can see that the tv channel is not so easy to work, but we do it in spite of everything, but... we ask you to do something very simple, in fact: go to youtube, find the espresso tv channel, there, put a favorite, for example, under our broadcast, subscribe and watch our airwaves, watch our programs, we have many interesting authors, you know them, these authors have always had a pro-ukrainian position, not the one that appeared somewhere recently, they are consistent in their love and work for ukraine. therefore, join the espresso family by becoming our subscribers. i remind you that it helps us to be visible, it helps that the espresso tv channel, youtube
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channel is among the proposed ones, because it is not enough that we are making our way through such ukrainian internal injustice and through the fact that we are thrown out of possible platforms, then we are also attacked on youtube, who are the russian bots? everyone works consistently, methodically and hates espresso with all their russian stupid soul, they do it so that the true information is not delivered to the people, so actually your likes and your subscriptions, they help us stay afloat, help us actually convey what it's true what we say on our airs, so subscribe, like and thus support us by supporting us you support our military because we we are constantly holding collections for them, and for today we have already collected uah 40,000, and this qr code
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is the opportunity to join this collection. you know, vasyl zima, our colleague just said in this story, in particular about the inconvenient truth that must be, because it is important, one of those inconvenient truths, truths that are hardly talked about much now. for sure, they probably don't talk on the rada tv channel, including on those frequencies licensed by the espso tv channel, this is a huge corruption scandal, which risks becoming the biggest corruption scandal of this government, which is unfolding around artem shill, an adviser to former president zelenskyi, who actually supervised the economic block of the security service of ukraine, the same block that is being demanded of the office of president zelenskyi, who was now in charge. liquidate our partners, because it does not meet the tasks of the security service, in fact, it is only a corruption-generating body, as many experts believe, so you know that today the anti-corruption court took
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this security service employee into custody artyom or artyom shilo, and he is accused of having organized a criminal scheme to embezzle public procurements, tenders in ukrzaliznytsia even... when he was an adviser to the president's office in embezzling over uah 200 million, biosinfo's investigation also shows that artem shilo himself, being a state official, he became richer by at least 4 million dollars, the origin is unclear, a shadow falls on all the people who actually participated in all this, including mr. kubrakov, who at that time was the vice-prime minister of oleg tatarov. but deputy andrii yarmak, yermak himself, and president zelenskyi, who eventually hired these people and who made all these schemes. we will talk about it in the following days,
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in the following episodes of our telethon. stay with us. yes, well, if you want more , we can show you the plot. no questions, here we are. speaks with his inner voice, so gentlemen, this war of drones, this is what the military says about their struggle on the fronts to help our defenders spresso and charity tv channel the iryna koval foundation initiated the collection, we are collecting drones on fpv for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade, which defend our land in the zaporizhzhia direction, as reported by uavs, let's see. almost every day since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, military beasts. with the help of volunteers and another request closed thanks to the viewers and readers of espresso together with the charity foundation of iryna koval.
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this time, we are handing over to the boys in zaporizhzhia. the direction of the fp drones, we hand over the mavics and all the necessary things that they asked us to do. actually volunteers are constantly approached by the military and the collection never stops, that is, it is not one collection, it cannot be singled out, for example, just a few days ago we closed the collection together with the espresso tv channel for 1 million uah, and immediately started a new collection for half a million uah such meetings have already become traditional for the tv channel, it is important to close them as much as possible. more requests from our defenders, i can note that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we have collected more than uah 28 million for various needs of military units, collected again together with our wonderful viewers and readers, we will be back very much our audience and we sincerely thank them for this help. the military is grateful to everyone who joined the gathering and emphasizes that the support of every ukrainian
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for... is very important, the format of the war has changed, now drones are your eyes, drones are weapons, drones are what carry weapons, drones are what , which helps to hit the enemy, is what helps you see the movement of the enemy, equipment, manpower and everything else, that is, the war has reached a slightly different level, i really want to thank the viewers, readers of the tv channel, the entire team of the tv channel, you... help a lot, don't forget about us, we are grateful to you for that, we are very grateful to the iryna koval foundation for the help it provides us, you are our style. currently, the drones that we handed over to you are already at the front, the birds are working and helping our defenders destroy the enemy. the director of the espresso tv channel emphasizes that assistance to the military and not only will continue even after the end of the war. our volunteer
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activities will continue. until then, until there will be a need for it. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live political analytics. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions.
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news time on the espressu tv channel in the studio. kateryna shirokopoyas works. the invaders fired at one of the solar power plants in the dnipropetrovsk region. the security guard of the enterprise was injured. there are victims among energy workers, pro this was announced by the ministry of energy. the russians also attacked the energy infrastructure in the kharkiv region. there, due to the drone attack, the equipment of the energy facility was damaged on site.


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