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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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unite the stronger together with football, i congratulate everyone. and the newsroom will tell about the main news for this hour. on the day russians settled kharkiv oblast. a man died, reported the head of the region oleg synygubov. during the night attack by shaheds in kharkiv , three rescuers were detained and killed. these are 52-year-old vladyslav loginov, 41-year-old volodymyr matyushenko, and 32-year-old serhii baidalinov. another employee of the state emergency service is in serious condition in the hospital. the bows struck
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again when the emergency workers got a 67-year-old man out from under the rubble, informs the mayor of the city igor terekhov, also during the massive attack, a civilian was killed and twelve people were injured, among them police officers and a nurse. that night, the russians launched 15 drones over the city, as a result of the shelling , high-rise buildings and private houses were damaged. massively. the attack was with the use of drones of the shaher type and it was planned in such a way to hit the places where our rescuers work, and the rescuers actually started the work, and then there was an attack again, and it hit the place next to where there were our equipment, our rescuers.
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unfortunately, three rescuers died, two immediately at the scene of this extraordinary event, and one is already in the emergency room. the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is again on the verge of blackout, the energoatom company reports. as a result of the morning shelling, one of the overhead lines was de-energized, through it, while the occupied nuclear power plant was powered by the ukrainian power system. currently, the ac is connected by only one electric line. transmission, the work of which was recently restored by ukrainian energy companies, if it also fails, the security of europe will be under threat, experts add. russia continues to attack the ukrainian energy industry, and with the beginning of 2024, the kremlin has changed its attack tactics, but our correspondent kateryna galko knows what the current situation is in the system and what are the plans for the future. my katya. question, so is
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ukrenergo preparing a sustainability and reliability plan? i congratulate annoyeva, i congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. therefore, the russian federation continues to attack the ukrainian energy system and, in particular, changes its tactics. from now on, such attacks occur almost every day and they are combined and used drones along with different types of missiles. they started like this almost every day. so since march 22 and continues to this day with different power, during this time quite a lot of large energy facilities have already been damaged, and in particular even today kharkiv was attacked again, a large energy facility was damaged, and now there are restrictions on how the russian the federation is changing its tactics, let's hear from the representative of ukrenergo, in...
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less than a decade and a half, this number has already equaled the number we saw in the last heating season for the entire period in a few months. therefore, it is obvious that the enemy is betting on kamika drones more than last season, but we also see that they are using large amounts of missile weapons to destroy the kraner substation power plant. so all relevant services continue uninterrupted. to restore the power system, such works are carried out not only in those cities where restrictions on the use of electricity have begun, but also in those cities where they are not, in order to balance the system and make it more sustainable. preparations for the next season have also begun they are considering several options for the development of events, they are preparing for them, they talked about this today, they told ukrenergo that an important decision will be the den...ization of our
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system, because now we have several key objects that are quite easy to hit, and the damage of such objects leads to serious consequences, but if we... we have several hundred different objects, then our system will be more stable, because the damage of such energy objects will not have such serious consequences for our system, so we need hundreds objects of various types, in particular, these are wind and solar plants, gas pickers, electricity storage systems, as well as new thermal generation, which will be based on renewable types of fuel, for all this we need investors, they are scared off by debt, so to attract investors, we first need to stop building debts, which will be repaid later, those in ukrenergo said that as soon as the system with debts stabilizes,
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they will hold negotiations with international partners so that they can help us at least partially close the existing stable debt, and this issue is planned to be closed by the end. this year, however, from where to get the funds for the new distributed generation, let's hear about the fact that the debt that is residual, that will remain and will be stable, once attract financial support there in one form or another and repay this debt, in order to , to give, to create, essentially a financial opportunity for investors to start investing in distributed generation. so we know that it is very difficult for the existing park of power plants, we need a new decentralized one generation, they are working on it, such plans are being discussed, considered, planned, in fact, our situation now in our power system
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is quite shaky and will depend only on the future further attacks of our enemy, this is all the information as of now, anuevo, so i am passing the ether to you. thank you for the work of espress correspondent kateryna galko on the state of the ukrainian energy system and the sustainability plan from ukrenergo. the security of ukraine is very important for the security of nato countries. such a statement was made by the secretary general of the alliance jen stoltenberg during a joint speech with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba. according to stoltenberg, nato plans to develop an aid roadmap that is clear to all participating countries. currently, they are looking for ways and means to organize a stable. in turn, dmytro koleba congratulated the alliance on its 75th anniversary and called on ukraine to provide more patriot systems to protect people's lives from constant missile attacks by russia. saving ukrainian lives,
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saving the ukrainian economy, saving ukrainian cities depends on the presence of patriots and other air defense systems in ukraine. now we'. because it is the only system that can intercept ballistic missiles. let me remind you that ukraine was hit by almost a hundred ballistic missiles in march alone, but the provision of patriots depends very much on our allies. we know you have many of these systems, so discussing this will be my main focus today, and i look forward to the discussion we will have with our allies. western countries should not introduce troops into ukraine, according to the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of great britain, david cameron. in an interview with the bbc, he commented on discussions about the introduction of foreign troops initiated by french president emmanuel macron. the british minister admitted
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that ukraine will lose the war if the allies do not step up their support. so, next week, cameron will make his second visit to the us, where he will call on congress to provide financial assistance to ukraine. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum in parcels to the front besides vitamins, there are other goodies that our defenders need: dried fruits, nuts, cherries, pastila, dry soups and borschts, lard and canned meat, all that will feed our people at zero. we have a lot of requests, so it is necessary. and your help, dear viewers, join and support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details on the screen. news editor, back in eteriso already at 3 p.m., then meet marta oliyarnyk and antin burkovskyi.
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greetings to all viewers of spresso, the informational marathon continues its work in order to to inform you about everything is the most important thing, and actually today the occupiers struck again in kharkiv region, an air raid was also sounded in kharkiv, at night the enemy also used shahedis, including, unfortunately, there is some destruction and there are casualties, even among rescuers, our colleagues recorded the actual the spokesman of the state emergency service of ukraine oleksandr. i suggest you listen to dzhoga, who reported on the attack in kharkiv oblast . at night, the russians once again attacked
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kharkiv, the mass attack was with the use of drones of the shachet type, and it was planned in such a way as to hit those places where our rescuers are working. unfortunately, this is happening more and more recently, when our rescuers are fired upon, and when our fire and rescue units are fired upon, this time they went to the call, because the first task of the rescuers is to save people, save their property, and extinguish fires , at the place of arrival. just as the drones were flying, several centers of fire appeared and
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people needed help, and the rescuers actually started work, and then the attack occurred again, well , it hit the place next to where they were our technicians, our rescuers. unfortunately, three rescuers died, two immediately at the scene of this extraordinary event, and one is already in the ambulance. of medical aid, one more rescuer was injured, as for the total number of people injured by this attack, we currently have a figure, it is 12 injured, and one person, one person, a civilian woman died, uh, thank you, that is, among the workers of the state emergency service there's another person who's in the hospital right now, right, uh, there's another person with injuries. and the wounded, the wounds are not like that, not heavy enough, but they are there, so all
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the necessary help will come, well, we did not have the opportunity to listen to the spokesman of the state emergency service of ukraine, oleksandr khorundzhoi, who reported on the consequences of the attack on kharkiv, i will remind you that three rescuers died, and actually the minister of internal affairs ihor in his telegram, klymenko published a poignant video about how the son of a rescuer, one of those rescuers. who died found out about his father's death and this is also a rescuer, it's just heartbreaking footage because the father and son came to eliminate the consequences of the enemy attack, and, unfortunately, the father, a rescuer, died, now we will also talk about the situation at the front and about trends in general, such as what will happen in the country, ivan tymochko, serviceman and head of the reservist council of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine already in touch with us, mr. ivan, we welcome you. the situation is difficult, the enemy is pushing,
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we understand that extremely heavy battles are going on, at what level is the defense of this extremely important, fundamentally important, i won't even say the direction, yes here we are talking about several simultaneous directorates in general. ivan temochko is in touch with us, a serviceman, head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. the connection is unstable, but let's hope that now everything will be restored to the proper level and we will talk about the situation at the front and not only about the situation at the front. yes, ivan, can you hear us? i see, i hear. time passed. can you repeat the question, because it simply broke the connection. in time vyar is an extremely important, strategically important directorate, we understand how high the intensity is going on there
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battles and how high the stakes are, so the enemy is trying to break our defense in the direction of the temporal ravine, and in addition to frontal attacks, they also use the so-called evasive maneuver, nutar, if we consider it in a tactical sense, then we understand that this is the direction that the russians are trying. .. occupy from the calculation, then create a bridgehead for the offensive in the direction of kostantinivka kramator sloviansk and they act in operational mode. actually in conjunction with the military groups of the russians of the avdiiv direction, since these two groups have one task - to completely occupy the donetsk region and complete the capture of luhansk, as well as to create threats directly to the kharkiv region, in particular towards the oski
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reservoir, so they hope to build such a line. front in order to be able to deploy in the future how they plan to attack whether this year, in the summer or at the end, they plan to increase the offensive precisely in order to endanger the occupation of the entire left bank of ukraine. battles are as important now as they were during the time of the war we observe that the task before them is to occupy the time gap in a short period of time, since we see the power and mass of human resources that they used in the direction of the time gap, to the extent that they have long equated it with aviation, that is, they are already using proven tactics, which they used in relation to avdiyivka, in order to destroy residential, residential massifs, to prevent
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our fighters from gaining a foothold in these positions, of course, that... also during the time of yar, it is one of the largest cities, probably already extremely those the bridge, which gives them the opportunity, if they would take it, gives them the opportunity to go out to the side of the whole kramatorsk-slavic agglomeration, the actual union of cities. of course, we understand this very well, of course, that this is the understanding of our armed forces, so the countermeasures are also taking place against all available forces from behind. which we now have, which are capable of being used in this direction, the enemy is also trying to raise reserves from kharkiv oblast and luhansk oblast, the goal after avdiivka for them, i will not say that chasiv yar is now number one, but one from the priority areas that they are trying to seize on the basis that
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after all we have a certain, certain lack of shells, we have a certain ... a certain problem in maintaining air defense systems, but at this stage any significant successes or , let's say, there is no threat of a breakthrough in this direction, so the troops of ukraine are holding back the enemy as much as they can in those realities and with the available means and resources, and if there is an enemy and an advance , not completely along the entire front around the temporal ravine, they are minimal. sir ivan, look, we are also worried about the kupyan and lyman directions, because we understand that there are currently certain information points that indicate that the russians are either cooking or can cook, maybe it is some kind of ipso, we don't know, yes , but we understand that certain revivals in this direction are now taking place, meanwhile we know that
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there are approximately 100,000 russian troops in the kupyansk-limansk direction, and we would like to understand whether you are in... actually a threat in this direction as soon as possible sometimes? task on this direction is to strengthen the military contingent that is in the bakhmutyan or chasovoyariv regions, and their direction is to contribute to this military garrison that is there by supporting them in a potential offensive towards the oskil reservoir, this is what i said, because the lemano-kupin direction is also. for the enemy, it is important in the sense that we recently know of a very successful operation of actually russian volunteer formations in the direction of belgorod region and kursk region, and this is the area of ​​this very lemano-kupian direction, they are trying to strengthen their units there, they are trying to build a line of defense there in order to prevent future or
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potential offensives by the forces of the rdk, let's say... the armed forces in this direction, and also, well, the main thing, i say, now they have a task - this will be this oskol direction and kramatorsk - slavic, since the reservoir supplies water to these two nases, these two cities, and besides, the oskil reservoir, it is about 80 km long, they are thus trying to take control of the water resources and build there actually taking into account geographical and natural the location actually adds their fortifications, because they understand that they will not be able to achieve the pace that the russian army currently has, not that it will be there for a long time. in the long term, even in the medium term, they will still have the task of strengthening themselves with reserves, increasing losses, in addition, they also need
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to strengthen the ground forces with technical means and the same ammunition, these are the challenges that their army also faces, and which and those challenges that do not allow, let's say, them to form super-powerful shock fists in order to , at least at the operational level, break through our... line of defense, it is also worth very seriously to all of us to understand that any of the directions, whether it is lymano-kup'insky, or bakhmutyansky, avdiivsky, or robotinsky , it can have both its main task in the plans of the enemy and an additional distracting one, therefore, observing the lemano-kupin direction, it is equally important to observe the robotin direction, since the front line is interconnected. spill over the entire front line, reinforce each other, reserves are used, and here it is very, very important to take into account all the risks that may be, and
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it is also important to understand that the society of ukraine, we must be united and participate as much as possible in supporting our armed forces, this is what guaranteed us to deter the enemy at the beginning of a large-scale invasion is what makes it possible to do it now. yes, mr. ivan. we understand how important unity and unanimity are in making all the most important military and political decisions, but if we talk about the situation on the battlefield the mariana direction, that is, the enemy's attempts to advance in the direction of georgiivka, and we understand that this may also be connected to the so-called ughledar bridgehead, yes, well , i do not know how actively the enemy will now deploy in the ughledar direction, but we understand that this square is... quite an operational square, its sides are quite closely connected, well, it is clear, that ugledar, kurakhove, pokrovsk, this is the
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large line, which is actually the task of the enemy forces of the maryanskyi avdiivskyi group for that what we are saying is to capture the donetsk region from the south, here again, this is their attempt to reach the level of these same settlements. of this line, uglendar kurakhove in order to deploy his troops in the future and reinforce them in the direction of robotin, besides this, to confirm my words , there is the same information that we know that the enemy is building a railway connection in the direction of mariupol, melitopol, berdyanska is essentially a rolling road that they want to build, a railway for reinforcement their strength in the south, and this is what they believe will sufficiently strengthen their troops in terms of logistics in terms of avdiyivka, ugledar, especially since we know that
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the battles for ugledar have been going on since last year, where the russians suffered extremely huge losses, there the same the 155th marine brigade itself has simply lost combat capability several times in battles for this direction, and here already... also, somewhere, the russians , especially putin, have a matter of principle to demonstrate that in this direction, too , the russian troops are now very ready to proof of hostilities that they are ready to capture this territory, since donetsk and luhansk regions are what putin's plans to capture have been since the 22nd year and continue until now, it means an active attempt to capture donetsk-luhansk. region, because we know that since the 14th, in fact, the fighting for the donetsk region has been going on, but now it was, at least on one of the strategic goals for
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the russians during the large-scale invasion and failed, although again, the russian army in in their plans, the russian command believed that they would achieve the most there successes, and their attempts to surround our troops, which in the 22nd year, in the direction of the same popas, on ugledar. they believed that it would take them two weeks, but we are already in the third year of the war, and in fact , their progress in the donetsk direction is not that effective, effective, but they are far from successful in relation to the resources, forces and efforts which they use, please forgive us, we still have a minute and a half, but i would like to catch your reaction, zelenskyi said that from june 1, the russians are preparing 300,000 additional alive forces, in the meantime, we understand that zelensky signed certain laws that lower the mobilization age, and also those with limited fitness will be re-employed in the lc, they should pass, do you think, or are
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we doing enough now? the ukrainian army is doing everything possible in our forces and in our capabilities to carry out defensive defense, even this same audit, which was conducted by the syrian armed forces, gave the opportunity, albeit temporarily, to strengthen all the armed forces that are on the front line . now the question is for the verkhovna rada, for deputies who are still obliged to take us out. the level of turbulence in terms of mobilization processes, with the delay of these laws, and it is also important for everyone to understand that the army is as powerful as the rear is powerful and ready to strengthen and support it, what they are planning for 3000, we will still have some kind of head start for when they prepare them, when they actually coordinate, coordinate, arm them, put them on equipment, that's it. such
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a mass of people will also require large financial expenses from the russian budget, so this is a lot a serious threat, this is a very serious stimulus that needs to be responded to so that it is not too late in the future, because the enemy, as we can see, is concentrating all its forces and efforts, then, if our army is fighting, the government is working, then unfortunately, we have a problem among politicians, among deputies, who, due to different political ambitions, can take a long time... to prepare, unfortunately, the law that is so urgently needed for us at this time, which will introduce changes, both in the code and in in fact, all current legislation of ukraine, which works or on support of the armed forces, or for the strengthening of the executive, legislative, local self-government bodies, all authorities, including business, thank you, mr. ivan, for your service and thank you for participating in the live broadcast of the espresso tv channel, ivan tymochko, military serviceman, chairman council of reservists,
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land forces. the armed forces of ukraine, and speaking of the situation with the cancellation of the status of limited service, there is already an official explanation from the ministry of defense. therefore, the ministry of defense of ukraine emphasized that the cancellation of the limited-fitness status is not means automatic transition to another status, eligible or ineligible. by the way, the law enters into force on may 4 of this year, literally in a few months. therefore, citizens who are recognized as being of limited fitness must... re-pass the vlc within nine months after the law enters into force, i.e. by february 4, 2025. after the law enters into force, the government has three months to adopt relevant regulations that define an updated list of diseases for determining fitness or unfitness for military service. so, after re-examination, military personnel found unfit will be released from military
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service, and those found fit... will continue to serve in military service, conscripts found unfit will be excluded from military registration, and those found fit will be able to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, the national guard of ukraine and other units of ours. well, a very clear and understandable explanation from the ministry of defense that we are now going on a short, short break, after which we will analyze all the most important things that are happening within the borders of our country, and abroad, of course. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpakuy tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 hryvnias, a reliable battery is also included, call now and for... there is
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