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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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to my communication, we must now pass the floor to our colleagues, the news editor has already managed to prepare fresh and relevant information, anna eva melnyk is ready to share it with you, so we will pass the floor to you, and we ask you to tell us briefly what this will be about release greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, in this issue about the most important events, in particular, about the fact that the nuclear plant is de-energized, the source of neutrons, what this means for people, what is the situation in general, and also which german companies are helping russia federation to rebuild the occupied ukrainian mariupol. details further. be with us. emergency situation in kharkiv due to hostile conditions. a derailed nuclear installation is a source
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of neutrons, reports the state inspection of nuclear regulation of ukraine. they note that there is no threat to the environment and people. the emergency power supply system worked, diesel generators were connected. the radiation background at the site is also within normal limits. i would like to add that the neutron source installation is intended for conducting scientific research and in the industry of nuclear physics, as well as for the production of medical radioisotopes. tops during the day, the russians shelled the kharkiv region and killed a man. oleg synigubov, the head of the region, announced that three rescuers were killed during the night attack by shaheds in kharkiv. two are on the spot, one is in the express car. these are 52-year-old vladyslav loginov, 41-year-old volodymyr matyushenko, and 32-year-old serhii baidalinov. another employee of the state emergency service is in serious condition in the hospital.
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the occupiers struck again when emergency workers pulled out a 67-year-old man from under the rubble, the mayor informs igor terikhov. also, during the massive attack , a civilian was killed and 12 people were injured, including a police officer and a nurse. that night, the russians launched 15 drones over the city. high-rise buildings and private houses were damaged as a result of the shelling. evil will be punished. an enemy corrections officer who fired rockets at a pizzeria in kramatorsk was sentenced to life imprisonment, he was found guilty of treason, the prosecutor general's office reported, this is a 57-year-old local who was recruited by the russian special services. june 27 in 2023, the informant informed his curator that there were ukrainian soldiers in a cafe in the city center, immediately after that, the occupiers hit the establishment with iskanders, 13 people were victims of the attack,
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more than 60 others were injured, among them children. journalists, investigators of the german tv channel id are helping the occupiers to rebuild mariupol. photos and videos showing the construction of facilities by the german firms knav and vicab systems were made public. one of the photos shows a construction site with bags knav, but an official dealer. company allegedly stated that it built a project of a residential building from its construction materials on behalf of the ministry of defense of russia. investigators also found concrete blocks with the vicab systems logo on various construction sites. the main shareholder of the company is the russian oligarch viktor budarin. and official berlin has not yet reacted to the investigation. a 50-year-old ukrainian model
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died in a horrific car accident in switzerland, according to local media, the girl was traveling in a car with dj miss kosovo on speed of 200 km/h. the man lost control and crashed into a fence on the freeway. the impact was such that the ferrari split the ferrari in half. the driver and passenger died on the spot. it doesn't burn, it smokes. at the moscow airport. there was smoke. passengers were asked to leave the building. the operational services of the country assured the terrorists that this was an alleged evacuation drill. it has been completed, and the airfield is working normally. second anniversary without espresso ut2. april 4, 2022. three tv channels espresso the fifth channel and direct illegally and the digital network was disconnected without explanation.
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broadcast television, it is still impossible to establish who exactly, why and how made this decision, what has changed during this time and what is the reaction of the authorities and society, let's see. two years have passed, the spresso tv channel has still not been returned to t2. during this time, neither the government nor the officials took responsibility for the outage. the espresso team has repeatedly appealed to the president, the cabinet of ministers, the national security and defense council, the national council for television and radio broadcasting. however, clear we did not receive an answer as to who and why limited the broadcasting of the channel. this is pure censorship, this is... a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because indeed today on the t2 network, on the button on which the espressu tv channel was broadcast for 10 years , today the rada tv channel is broadcast, the rada tv channel is a state channel, it is a participant in the only news marathon, and instead of espresso, people who still use and
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watch avto2 television, they can watch again the only news marathon, which is broadcast today, if i'm not mistaken, on eight or nine tv channels, and so... that is, they do not have access to information, to alternative information, to various mass media, to such an independent tv channel as espresso. the state intelligence service explained that the reasons for turning off espresso the fifth and direct from digital broadcasting were the alleged implementation of the march 2022 decision of the national security and defense council on a unified information policy, this body and others denied their intervention in the shutdown. this document also does not regulate our disconnection, because it does not say a word that it should disconnect someone, switch, there is no word espresso, there is no name of other tv channels that were disconnected together with us, so this is pure manipulation, and
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still no explanations, justifications, why this happened, why this illegal action took place two years ago we still haven't. a petition to resume broadcasting of the channels was registered back in april 2020. in a few months, it gathered the necessary number of votes, but the appeal remained unheard. the government did not answer whether the tv channel will be returned to the air. a year ago the international human rights organization reporters without borders called on the ukrainian authorities to resolve the situation as soon as possible and return the tv channel the opportunity to fully work, because the restriction of the broadcasting of tv channels does not suit our accession to the eu. in march 2023 , the us state department, in the press of ukraine, as partially free. the report discussed, in particular, the situation with the espresso, direct and fifth channels. we do not fulfill any requirements and conditions of the european union in order to be
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accepted there in the end, how we work or try work according to those rules and the law. canons, skills that are acceptable and logical in the free world, and when we do not work according to them, of course, this distances us from the free world. the return of tv channels to the t2 digital airwaves now depends on the ukrainian authorities. according to the director of espresso, because of such illegal actions, our state has been moving in the opposite direction from democracy and freedom of speech for two years. we... are doing our best to bring our victory closer and believe that we will definitely win, but if the authorities do not admit their mistake and will return us to the digital air, there is a great risk that in the future we may turn into russia, because the attack on freedom
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of speech in russia began precisely with the restriction or elimination of the media. due to disconnection from t-2, our channel lost about 40% of the audience, but espresso continues to speak on the internet in... their networks, on two satellites in ukraine and abroad. we are actively developing on youtube and social networks. this audience already exceeds the number we lost then, but still we continue to call on the authorities, everyone officials who are responsible for this, to return us to the digital network, because not all ukrainians today have the opportunity to watch us thanks to cable networks, satellite and the internet, they still do. are waiting for us in the t-2 network, therefore it is important to return the espresso tv channel to t2 with the simple goal that a is democracy, b is freedom of speech, c is european values, most importantly, people have the right to have access to various information, not always convenient for someone, for a certain policy, they don't say for
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power, maybe not convenient for some certain people, but this is the information that is just journalism, and we give what is reality, we prepare people for certain things that are inevitable, we talk about what from.. .and what can be. we asked ukrainians what they thought about the shutdown of espresso and their attitude to the single marathon. popularity is falling, and that says it all. there must be everything, a person must have a choice, he must choose, i have a negative attitude, this is an alternative, different channels, different views, so i do not see any problems, not to show them on te2, especially since i know the countryside, especially the area, there were a lot of users, they watched expresso, i don’t have a good attitude, and why, well, because there are channels that cover... news from all sides, including. despite being disconnected from the digital network, the
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spresso tv channel continues to excel in information broadcasting. the espresso team informs viewers about all the important events, and war correspondents risk their lives to document the crimes of russia, and we are still waiting for the channel with a ukrainian perspective to return to digital ether espresso on the digital air. and i urge all viewers to look for espresso in... be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of the air, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment and be there. i tell you, see you at 4 p.m.
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well, thank you to our colleagues for informing us about the most important things so quickly and efficiently, we continue to analyze with you all the things that are happening around us, meanwhile, by the way, there is already a certain survey, so today and yesterday the meeting of the ukraine nato council is going on in brussels, and this topic is actually very... i would say that it would be logical to talk about the sentiments of ukrainians regarding our nato future. 77% of citizens support ukraine's accession to the alliance and the european union. this is evidenced by surveys of the international republican institute. the survey was conducted in february, when asked about ukraine joining a certain economic union, 77% of respondents answered that they would like it to be the eu. in february of the 23rd year, after poll. disappeared after joining the european union reached the mark of 85%. the largest number of people in the west
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of ukraine support joining the eu, 81% of them. 32% of respondents believe that our country will be able to become a member of the eu in 3-5 years, according to 26% it will take even less than 3 years, and 15% believe that joining the eu will take more than 10 years, 3% that ukraine will never join the european union. here are these. numbers, by the way, about numbers, today also the rating is a sociological group, they published certain numbers regarding trust or distrust of certain government institutions, and about and not only we will talk with viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good health to you. let's start with fresh numbers. so, the survey of the rating group shows that in february the number of those who approve of the activity decreased sharply. zelensky is about those, about those who fully approved. 42% fully approved, now 22%, that is, we understand that
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almost half of those who fully supported, no longer fully support. let's go further. the situation with the parliament. 40% of ukrainian citizens disapprove of the activities of the verkhovna rada, another 37, rather disapprove than approve. the overall indicator exceeded 75%. we understand that the third year is full-scale. wars, neither presidential nor parliamentary elections will take place, there will be no change of power, but the numbers are alarming, how would you describe them? well, we see a real assessment of the government, not only that, zelenskyi is probably the only one of the presidents who has been loved twice, let's say, yes, zelenskyi, zelenskyi... well, let's say it, in politically, in the political-technological sense
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, bought people for decency, yes, everyone watched the series servant of the people, everyone wanted a president like vasyl holoborotko, everyone wanted to dream of a decent, well, people always dream of a decent leader, all the rest of the positions necessary for a leader, there strategic thinking, knows how to select and arrange personnel, there is professionalism, they leave on the tenth. position before, well , the main thing is decency, then he sold, then his rating dropped to 24% in january 22, but then due to... certain circumstances he was seen somewhere as the leader of the nation, the nation came forward and won somewhere in the 22nd year, and he again had a reincarnation of the rating, that's what i'm saying about this, that this is not a rare case, as a rule, the rating does not come back, he has it worked out, and now we see a new drop, not only that, from february 23 to
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february 24, we see a drop from 91% to 60. where the position fell the most, i fully trust, now 22% fully trust president zelensky, that is, he returned to that the same position, from as, well, to the position of january 22, that is, for for two years, his rating soared and returned again. 22% is, well, i would call zelensky's concrete electorate somewhere, it is somewhere around 15, 17%. yes, the same somewhere... like poroshenko's reinforced concrete electorate, yes, somewhere also 15%, these are those who will always be, well, poroshenko has an electorate who will believe in the fifth president, trust, vote for him, that's it this is a stable reinforced concrete electorate, a basic, so-called in political technology, a basic electorate, just like that somewhere in zelenskyi 15 over there, maybe
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at first it will be around 15, 20, 22%, it will be stay and let him stay in flight. however, i think that he will not go back, well, for this, for there to be a third reincarnation of zelensky again, for this, ukraine needs to win, well, roughly speaking, for us to burn down the kremlin and for zelensky to receive a parade on red square, near the mausoleum or from the mausoleum, then, then of course yes, but as we understand that this is not the perspective of our generation, i guess ... we have what we have, as far as the verkhovna rada is concerned, the verkhovna rada always, in any case -which verkhovna rada has a much higher rating lower than that of all other institutions, than that of presidents, than that of the cabinet of ministers, well actually there, at one time it was lower under yanukovych only in the police, yes, than in
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the verkhovna rada, that is, usually a low rating, but now it is totally low, three...fourths of the population of ukraine do not trust the verkhovna rada, in this we have a paradox, if zelenskyi still has trust, there at the level of 63%, because 40% partially trust him, yes with something, and the verkhovna rada, they partially do not trust her, 40% actually do not trust her completely, this is a paradox, because even in the verkhovna rada, and the power belongs to zelensky and in... actually in the president’s office, well, that is, in the vertical , the power belongs to zelensky, but this paradox can be explained by the fact that there are many sleazy deputies in the verkhovna rada, yes, who will sell the dog there, or will offer to sell it , the rapists will pay something there, then those who order women of easy
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conduct, there, well, maryana is a cornerless girl there alone .' it is enough that the verkhovna rada does not have a rating at all, and so on and so forth, so that if everything is explained here, everything, well, it is explained very simply, the only thing i would like to point out is why things are still so bad with zelenskyi, because they have absolutely no dialogue with society, from the word absolutely, what they... are promoting through a single marathon is nonsense, this is complete nonsense, and they believe in the only marathon in the same way that in the late 80s they believed in the vremya program, but i was a boy, i also found the vremya program, when everyone turns on the vremya program just to learn the news, and not their interpretation, yes, we understood that half of the news does not get through, and
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turned on, but why are you asking, ask, chesh, vitya, in your childhood you watched the vremya program, well, what ended, good night, only, and then at the end there will be sports and weather, that’s why you watched it, sir viktor, look, there is still some information written by the ukrainian pravda, that the other day the elite was gathering their deputies in order to keep the faction from collapsing, i want to quote the sources of the ukrainian pravda, they say that they talked about the agreement that should be concluded in order to continue living and working, but the main summary of the meetings it's... a shock when you tell the deputies that you have to live in this format for at least one and a half to two years, it throws everyone into a frenzy. timely people, who went to work for the country, stupidly ran out of savings and have nothing to do. to live, those who went to riot also have no motivation, because now there is no money in the council. this is the story, what do you think about it, what do you
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think, is there a chance to preserve the monomajority, because yevgenia kravchuk, a people's deputy from the servants of the people, was in front of you on our airwaves, and she said that some things about the activities of parliamentarians are exaggerated in ukrainian society. motivation should always be considered. yes, the servants of the people have, well , motivation, or let’s say, there is a whip, there is a gingerbread man, yes, that is, the gingerbread man does not work against everyone, of course, where you can establish something against someone, you will go out and arrange a front here, then we there well , we will find a government for you, but most of the government does not have one, because they received envelopes from the 19th year, yes, at first 200, then 500, then. at the best times there were even 20 thousand dollars for one-time votes and bonuses, but mostly 5-10 thousand before the official salary,
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which conditionally now there is 60,000 per card, yes, yes, they already have that, they were wedding photographers not too long ago, and for them it was an official salary of $1,500 each, it was the limit of a dream, yes, but now it is for them , yes, already they are used to living comfortably, that is, on a salary. it is already difficult for them to live, and additional motivators must be included, an additional motivator can be elementary respect, which is not there, because everyone there has to , the office treats them in such a way that they have to be in the regime or freed and work there, then there is no such elementary motivation as the political future is there, they can’t do anything, and everyone who has a mind understands that, well, more than 80-100 people will not be there for the next... cadence, which means, what about them 256 went, well, let there be 20-30 men who self-destructed, well, in a political sense, yes, but 100 people who do not see their
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future already in the future political force, again, what is their motivation, the motivation remains really money, and now, if the president's office will not decide anything about it, well, at least on key votes, who will turn out to be what theory, which is now including. and supports that the yarmak is everywhere here, omnipotent and can do everything, but not everything, it cannot even ensure voting, well, we will see on the ninth day of the voting on the mobilization law, if it is not there, then we will see that in the parliament collapses, then it will be necessary to include motivation, exclusively motivation envelopes, come on, i just want you to pay attention to the word that at least one and a half to two years must be spent in such a... - for two years, the government understands that the war is not will end, this is the minimum, that is, the deputies
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are being prepared for the fact that they will sit there for at least one and a half to two years, so for you, yes , well, the war, the war will not end in any way for another year, uh, well, why, because putin is counting , that trump will be elected, trump will back down, will not help ukraine and come to an agreement. from putin and behind the backs of ukraine and the europeans, right? and putin is hoping for this, well, at least in november, the elections will be held conditionally, conditionally, if trump wins, the inauguration will be on january 20, that is, putin understands that how at least somewhere until the end of january, february, the war will go on, that is, a year, a year, that's for sure, plus, let's remember that yermak said that even if the war was over and victorious for us, he... says that another year or two , no, it is not necessary to cancel the state of emergency, well, like for reconstruction, la la la, but we understand that it will be, this will be the method, even if we
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win today, they will try to delay the elections, because in the elections they will not win, well, honestly, if they do, then everything must be done in order to make or elections according to the example of putin, when zelensky simply has no competitors, well... they will either not be admitted, or discredited, yes, or delay the elections there for two, three years, and here they are talking about it now , well, i agree that there will be elections, possibly both presidential and parliamentary, no sooner than in two years, but you know, cry, i imagine that most people there would be so unlucky to receive 60 00 hryvnias and cry there as will i live on these crumbs, on these crumbs? well, this is stupidity, this is to tell people this, i will definitely write in the blog, so that everyone, let's say, drink to the verkhovna rada even more.
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will decrease even more, well, we hope that such and such messages, they will still encourage random people just not to go there, yes, and those who want to do some kind of government work, they should think carefully about whether they are ready to go there, thank you to you, viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, was in direct contact with us, we thank him for the inclusion, we are now going for a short break, but before that i want to remind you of important information, because today... i haven't mentioned it yet, and it's very important, the important thing is that now our defense forces need maximum support from us, and therefore now the public organization baza uarotiv and the tv channel espresso is collecting funds to support our killers from the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, in order to buy them fpv drones, our own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, we can provide all this by collecting 2 million .
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uah. the first successful uses of semi on the battlefield are already here, so join in to make them more and more. our goal is uah 2 million. remember, there are no small contributions to our support of our armed forces, so please get involved. we are going now for a short break, after which we will continue. wait. there are discounts on pulmolor 15 tablets in psyllanyk-bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on kvayt - 15% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. you are at ease with her trim trees and shrubs. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499.
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