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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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next, we will now take a short break, but before that i want to remind you that we continue to help our armed forces and defense forces, so join the collection that we are currently holding together with the ua resistance base organization, in order to purchase flying drones for the 72nd brigade of the black zaporozhets and the 93rd brigade of kholodny yar, our own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, we can provide all this by collecting 2 million uah together, the first ones are successful. the battlefield application is already there, so please join to make it happen there are more and more such successful operations on the battlefield: we need to collect uah 2 million, if you have the opportunity, please donate using these qr codes that you see on the screen, or bank card numbers are also available. well, now we are going on a short break, but after it we will continue to inform you, stay with espresso. tired of heavy and bulky
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only for territories, it is also a war for minds, we are engaged in propaganda, russia is throwing millions of oil dollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia, we are countering the information attacks of the russians from the project. chronicles of the information war with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the day. with
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for vacant positions in courts. why the wife of the ex-chairman of the vrp decided become a judge based on this fact, nazk conducted an inspection. but who will take the vacated chair of the head of the ukrainian central committee. none of the members of the commission has nominated their candidacy yet. on thursday, april 4, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. the information day
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of the tv channel continues, well, a message was received from the ministry of defense of ukraine regarding the cancellation of the status of limited-fitness. so. citizens who have been found to be of limited fitness must re-pass the vlk medical commission by february 4, 2025. in the ministry emphasized that cancellation of the status of limited suitability does not mean automatic transition to another status. the law enters into force on may 4 of the current 24th year. and also today , the commander-in-chief's stake took place at the stake. sirskyi reported to zelensky how it was possible to stop the advance of the occupiers. the head of state announced this in his official social networks. on april 4, zelenskyi held a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief and said that the main issues discussed were the front, drones, means of the republic of belarus and air defense. zelensky clarifies that he listened to syrskyi's report on the situation
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in the main directions. it was about the results of stabilization actions, thanks to which it was possible to stop the advance of the russian invaders. the president was also informed of intelligence data about the enemy's future plans and actions. defense minister rustem omierov's report on the execution of contracts for the purchase of drones and rep systems and on the preparation of new agreements was the response to the bid. zelenskyi says that he instructed to submit similar reports regarding the missile plant program, chief of the general staff of the armed forces anatoliy bargelevich reported on the fight against the instruments of russian air terror, the results of the use of rep-mobile fire groups and anti-aircraft defense. now, in the meantime, we will add boris zakharov , a human rights defender and director of a charitable foundation, to our ateru. man and law, mr. boris and i will talk about the situation in luhansk region and donetsk region, mr. boris, we are glad to see you and welcome you to our airwaves, and you know, i want to formulate it so simply and simply, so that you know, not these so wise words, and simply: the occupiers want to squeeze the housing
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of people who lived in luhansk region and donetsk region in a brutal and insolent way, please tell me the details of this step of russia. interventionists, what they have planned and what to do with those people who have houses in the occupied territories, but do not live there now, there are two aspects here, one legal, and the other, as it were, our bitter reality, which means that the occupiers want to take a and inventory all property, see where people do not live. see which company, for example, or which property, which once belonged, belongs, for example, belongs to immigrants, and now it is empty, and no one comes there, they
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inventory such property, after that the list of this property will be posted on the official websites and within... days you will have to appear in person and to confirm ownership of this property, if you do not personally appear and confirm ownership, then the property will be nationalized, seized, and from a legal point of view, this is a large-scale, huge violation of property rights, which is in accordance with international, international humanitarian law. and that a violation of the geneva conventions and can even be considered a war crime, because on such a scale, if it is not done for any military purposes, but it is simply the expropriation of property, then it is a war crime. yes,
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okay, we understand, this is a sad statement, this is not the first, unfortunately, not the last war crime on the part of russian interventions. one, one more, so to speak, a very bad thing, people who, at the expense of this, they want to attract people to themselves, return them to the lpr, and such people, to the so-called lpr, yes, and such people who will truths and falsely, through russia, through western countries, trying to come. houses to their homes to confirm the right of ownership, it is quite possible that they will undergo filtering, that is, they will not only check their right to this property, but also interrogate, check their phones, and the crime of filtering is
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actually one of the genocidal crimes that used by the occupiers in the occupied territories, they divide. people in categories, loyal, doubtful, so to speak, and disloyal, disloyal, are tortured and sent to camps. to the prisons where they they continue to torture, then they give, sew criminal cases against them and give them long terms , they try to split the dubious ones, again through beatings, torture, well , what about the loyal ones, loyal, loyal, they are loyal, mr. boris, of course, but look, come on, if we talk about the practical part of this problem... then, if we understand correctly, then, unfortunately, we have to state the fact that the people who have
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this or that residence there, they either have to come to terms with the fact that these territories are still under occupation , unfortunately, these areas can the russians in their arbitrary way to use as they see fit, or these people, at the risk of their own lives, must go there to prove that they are the owners of this premises, on the other hand, they will expose themselves to danger if they are not loyal to of the russian authorities, thank you, mr. boris. zakharov, a rights activist, director of the human and law charity fund, was in direct contact with us. let's move on and now we will have a short break. after her we're back in the espresso studio, so stay tuned. new camolet metrolux mattress made in ukraine with love. to the ukrainians. matrolux is one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. order
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them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. continue the information day of the tv channel, so what? the president of poland initiates an increase in contributions to nato, so that they are not less than during the cold war, and proposes that all nato member countries do this, from two to 3% of gdp. yes, i am quoting rmf-24 now. andrzej duda decided to send a letter to all the leaders of nato countries, as well as the secretary general to the secretary general
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nato jens stoltenberg, where the proposal is formulated as to why the conflict is justified. defense spending and setting a threshold of 3% of gdp in the countries of the north atlantic alliance. today we must return to that level, to the level of the cold war. my letter opens a discussion on this topic. and by the way, regarding the statement of jens stoltenberg from the secretary general of nato about the possibility of forming a budget of 100 billion dollars for a five-year period. hungary is the only nato country that has already opposed the alliance coordinating military aid to ukraine, about this is written by the voice of america, and it actually means that even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the government of the prime minister of hungary announced that it did not want to help the ukrainians defend themselves against russian aggression, although
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the secretary general of nato says that he talked about this proposal with the hungarian prime minister. by phone before the brussels meetings and said that the conversation was quite constructive, but we see that hungary continues to bend its line. now we will add arseniy svinarenka to our broadcast, a sociologist at the finnish center for youth studies, we will talk with him about the national way of finland, yes. mr. arseny, we welcome you to our air. good day, thank you for the invitation. so, in the 23rd year , finland... became a member of nato, in fact, it is interesting to understand how much the military sphere of the country has changed after finland became a member of nato, whether it has changed, and how much it has changed, what is being paid attention to now , we would actually like your assessment, well, let's say that in finnish society, in the finnish state, conversations are going on
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it is about how finland can change the nato... the nato army, the army and the military in other nato countries, that is, it is not about changing the finnish army itself, but mostly about what can be valuable, what valuable experience can finland's membership in nato bring and to share this experience with other countries, because we know that finland is a frontline state, if we are with... we give russia as the main rival, the main threat to nato countries, and in general to all civilized countries, therefore in finland, which has been for many years built, built its army precisely based on this assumption that the obstacle will be from
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the east, from the side of russia, finland has a lot of experience that can influence other armies. nato, dear mr. arsenius, if we are talking about the social and other moods of the finns, right? we understand that finland, having joined nato, has taken on additional responsibility. in particular , we understand that from the status of a neutral state, which in principle had certain influences on the part of various states, finland moved to another status, and we also understand that in the case of those or other provocations from the side. the russian federation, well, the russian-finnish border, it is extremely long. on the other hand, finland has its own experience, at least two wars with the russian federation, in the 40s. finland resisted. finland has now made its civilizational and military-political choice, very clearly defined. but we understand that the finns are also living
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people, and not just, you know, grandchildren of manerheim. and accordingly, as they are now seriously considering the prospects that russia may commit more than just this or that provocation, for example, in the medium term to prepare to invade finland, and thank you for an interesting question, actually, i want to correct you that finland was not neutral, finland was always non-aligned, which is a very big difference from neutrality, that is, finland did not go to blocs to any... military-political bloc and has now already entered and lost this non-bloc status to lead, and here you have raised several levers. important questions, first of all, yes, indeed, in finland, although you said that finland is not the grandchildren of monerheim, in fact , this legacy of monerheim, we see it
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almost in daily conversations, this legacy, this experience of the war with russia, the winter war, the continuation war, that is, during the second world war, we see this experience and it... affects today, and i'm sure it also affects what russia means to most finns, russia means, russia is expected and one way or another in one way or another as a threat, and that is almost 80% of finns think, feel and... a strong concern that russia is trying, trying to somehow influence finnish politics on finnish society, and
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also the overwhelming majority are very concerned about what russia is doing now, and definitely and experience, the experience of the past, it pushes to be not only worried, but also prepare your own and also support ukraine, and... be ready for those scenarios that may become a reality. here it is very important, there is also such a question that we, it is unlikely that we will see if something happens, and it will be necessary for the nato countries to use this fifth article of this, this treaty about and... there will be a need to send the finnish military to this or that country to fulfill the functions of the treaty with nato, we can expect
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that most likely this is a military unit or military military participation of the finnish is unlikely to be large, if it is some events taking place somewhere outside the borders of finland. because once again, the main threat is assumed to be from russia, and therefore it is very dangerous to transfer a significant military group from the territory of finland to another country. sir arseniy, look, here was the statement of emmanuel macron, the french president, about the theoretical probable possibility of sending french troops to ukraine, so not to engage at the front, but possibly to cover the borders. on the other hand, we understand what certain countries are planning now. over these words of his, someone categorically rejects this possibility, but if to finland, as you think, theoretically the finnish military can end up on the territory of ukraine, when the situation
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will be really very, very threatening for the european continent, and actually, if if the french want it, the finns will join them and send their troops here, most likely it will be a very limited number of finnish troops, if this is the case, it will be a very limited finnish number of finnish troops, most likely it will be precisely such experts who can somehow share their knowledge, experience, because i will remind you once again, unlike france, which does not have a border with russia, finland has these, unfortunately, these very large borders, and unfortunately, this border from which it is possible, nato countries can to expect... a threat and some actions, and therefore the participation of the finnish army in some operations
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near ukraine or in ukraine will most likely be, if this happens, then most likely in finnish, well, in finnish society, it is discussed so much, most likely for all this will be a very limited number of military experts and so on. by the way, i also wanted to talk about the border, you mentioned that france... does not have common borders, but finland and russia have common borders, it is already known that finland will continue the closure borders with russia until further orders, this is a direct quote from the ministry of internal affairs, in fact, and they say that they will even close sea checkpoints for recreational vessels, this is a decision to extend and actually expand this decision to certain checkpoints, maybe.. . sea vessels, it is caused by the fact that the finns really feel threatened by russia already today, or is it still an attempt to reduce the probability
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of provocations by one or another at the border? and this is like reducing possible provocations and feelings that there are threats, first of all, it is not just some kind of military threat, it is primarily the threat that russia will use refugees from third countries to achieve its goals in finland to influence finnish society and... politics, because of that and because russia did not make any changes, and finland did not see any changes in russia's intentions to use refugees for political purposes, but finland decided and decided to continue the indefinite closure of the border with russia and the closure of all river and other ports mostly that i think were expected
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to open. in the spring, however, they will still remain closed, and it is important that this closure of the border, the border indefinitely, is something, i think, something new, and while we are still waiting for significant changes in finnish legislation regarding migrants and the rights of officials, allow border guards to make decisions about asylum for refugees. for refugees, when these new laws come into force, i think, probably, some points will be opened. thank you, mr. arseny, arseniy svynarenko, a sociologist at the finnish center for youth research talked about the mood, the finns, and in general about the processes that are taking place in finland. well, there is an important signal from the ministry of defense of great britain. in march, the number of russian attacks on the front decreased by 9%. instead,
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the number of attacks southwest of donetsk increased from 721 in february to 866 in march. yes, the ministry of defense of great britain, i quote: the number of registered attacks in the avdiiv direction was a third of all assaults in february, when the city was occupied by russian troops, but in march this was reduced to a quarter. despite these efforts, russia has not achieved any notable successes in this area. noted the british, russia continues to try to occupy small settlements, including novomykhaivka, georgiivka, and urozhaine. by the way, there is important information for ukrainian refugees in poland, the polish authorities said that the children of ukrainian refugees will be obliged to go to local schools. the ministry of education has been informing about this since september 1 of this year. all ukrainian children who are now in poland due to the war will be obliged to go
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to local schools, the corresponding... draft law is being prepared by the ministry of education of poland, and it is already at the final stage, it is known that after intergovernmental consultations with ukrainian colleagues, which took place in warsaw on march 28, it became known that in poland 50 - 60,000 ukrainian children are not covered by the polish education system, this is a significantly smaller number than what was previously reported by non-governmental organizations, so please, if you are in the territory of poland, take this information into consideration if your children are not involved in polish education. process, we will say goodbye to you little by little for today, we will pass the baton to our colleagues who will smoothly turn the information day into an information evening and together with you will analyze all the most important things, well , antin and i are saying goodbye to you so that tomorrow in this studio here to meet, so take care of yourself, good luck and hit with espresso.
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greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm anna yavomelnyk and the news team talks about the most important things at this hour: the situation at the front: drones for... air defense means and rep, such basic issues were discussed during the stake meeting, supreme commander-in-chief volodymyr zelenskyy said. he noted that chief oleksandr syrskyi reported on the results of stabilization actions at the front, thanks to which it was possible to stop the enemy's advance. they also heard the report of the minister of defense on the preparation of new


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