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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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uh, almost unanimously voted for all bills, because they were clear, related to the front, related to the war, and there were no objections actually from anyone, including former opz. now, of course, not all bills are directly related to, let's say, the defense sector, because there are european integration bills, there are other types of bills that relate to the energy, economic component, so... it is obvious that many have returned to the desire to push those or other amendments that may be of interest to certain stakeholders, one in short, all this indicates that the parliament is not united now, and it is obvious that this is happening in the resulting votes. regarding what you say about the bill on mobile mobilization from 25, i want to remind you that the parliament voted this law a year ago, in my memory, exactly like that. it's just that it hasn't been
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signed yet, we've asked this question more than once, because we hear that there is a need for mobilization, i don't like the word resource, it's not a resource, it's a value that we citizens of ukraine have today, which can go and defend their country, but now obviously there is a critical situation at the front from the point of view that we have, let's say, a big shortage of conscripts, military personnel who... can defend the country on the front lines directly and obviously the commander-in-chief directly has already appealed to us several times to speed up consideration of the issue of mobilization, we are talking about the fact that the draft law is pending for 25 years, and it was a question of so much rhetoric, now this issue has already been resolved by the president, as far as i know, it is in order well 200 thousands of people, maybe a little more, how many of them actually... will get to the front,
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will get to the front line, it's hard to say, but in any case, these are young people who , with their age, their youth, their energy, are able to help those fighters, who today have already been exhausted long enough at the front since the first day of the war, well, relatively speaking, to help fight, but they directly have to undergo sufficiently good training, that is at least three months in the training center. this is the condition that we also set as a condition for the high command of the armed forces of ukraine, to the general staff that without proper and sufficient training, without coordination, which new fighters must come to, they cannot be thrown to the front, and it is from that point of view that we are also considering the bill on mobilization, we do not want the deputies to block it in any way, we we hear the position of the military who say that when it comes to so on, we know that there is now an audit in the army according to the results of... which
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it turned out that quite a lot of people had never been there on the front line, and it turned out that not everything was fine with these questions, i don't want to draw attention to it at this point, but i want to say, to say that the defense committee has completed the consideration of all amendments to this mobilization bill, which is true, i know that it should meet again sometime in the next few days to confirm, here the question is that a number of questions still hung in the air. well, let's say that the issue of demobilization is hanging in the air, as far as i know, well, this issue is acute, we understand that to some extent it should be reflected in this law on mobilization, but it has not been voted on as such, and it is possible that the committee will still meet separately and propose its own working editorial version, which will then go to the hall and be accepted as a compromise for voting in this hall, therefore, at the next session, this law, the draft law ... something important for our
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country will be put to the vote. iryna frits is with us on skype, a people's deputy of ukraine, a member of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on national security, defense and intelligence. mrs. irina, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good evening. if you can tell us more, at what stage is the consideration of amendments to the draft law on mobilization, what is the general mood in the committee, is there an understanding, is this law coming soon. to vote within the walls of the parliament, that's what actually started today's broadcast, well, look, the committee has now positively passed all the amendments registered to the second reading of the bill, that's 4269 amendments, now the committee is meeting in order to work out the revisions of the committee amendments, which will be considered for preliminary information on saturday, and which will concern... the most weighty and
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important things of this bill are first of all the question of release from military service or demobilization, that is, the committee has already rejected that... that the fact of demobilization during martial law or release from military service, if we speak correctly, will be for 36 months of continuous military service by the decision of the rate, the decision of the rate was not made by the committee, we believe that it can be done by decree of the president, because he is the supreme commander, and it is he who, according to the current legislation, should set the terms of military service, which... concerns the issue of fairness and differentiation, or how these 36 months of continuous service will be calculated, then without reservation we insist that, for example, 18 months under combat orders had the opportunity
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to be counted as one day in two, or 100% to be taken into account in the question of release, if we already lay this delta in 36 months. however, unfortunately, the committee today during the meeting, decided to return to reviewing its previous decisions regarding some provisions of the draft law. first of all, this concerns the review of the decision on the provision of consular services for ukrainians who are abroad, and i am very sorry about this, because it would be absolutely logical to comply. the logic of the behavior of the national security committee and leave the previous decisions of the committee in force, but let's see what we get on saturday, i believe that this is an imposed de facto norm of the ministry of defense by the ministry of foreign affairs is false in such a way that it will rather repel
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ukrainians who are abroad from their country than encourage them to take any action, especially since... we received a response from the ministry of defense that they are not going to call them up, that is, we are talking about , that the military registration of ukrainians abroad is a necessary thing, so that the general staff and the ministry of defense have an understanding of the number of ukrainians abroad who are of conscription age, but we 100% understand that, as of now, there are no mechanisms that would be allowed to apply some actions in relation to ukrainians, in relation to their forced return, therefore , from my point of view, all these norms are more likely to be false than effective. mrs. irana, i want to clarify briefly, and then we will be our guests in the studio, what effective, concrete
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ways do you see in order to somehow encourage the ukrainians who left, and apparently many of them left, in the first days of the full-scale invasion, so that they, well, you know, this is not about military service. maybe they were returning to ukraine, somehow again established a connection with the state, not only, well , mentally, and again established a connection with the state, not only, well, mentally, but , i apologize, territorially, well, first of all, it depends on the state, on the way it establishes, in including in the motivational package, the factors that will encourage ukrainians abroad to return, i want to emphasize that during 20... last year, after a large-scale invasion, a significant number of ukrainians who were abroad deliberately returned, but for so that the question of mobilization will not continue turned into a scumbag, and really became a factor that, in the understanding of every ukrainian, is
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what will 100% ensure the future of our country, it is necessary to change, excuse me, including the information policy, because to show how ttskashniks grab people on the streets. and push them into cars, or when people are simply beaten, yes, that is , knocked out, that is, force is applied to them in the departments of the central committee, this is an unacceptable thing that actually pushes people away from the desire and readiness to go and defend the homeland, so in first of all, the state must start with itself, there must be motivational factors, there must be increased material support. of military personnel should be raised to a qualitative level regarding the training of all those who are mobilized, so that they go to defend our state already secured and prepared, and only after that the state can
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demand something, because as of now, even this draft law on mobilization , you know, he is more about the mobilization of exclusively human resources, mobilization is a factor that must be applied by the state in relation to all sectors, starting from the economy, the financial sector, the banking sector, and even directly to human capital, and now we have already... for more than six months , we have been talking about the mobilization of exclusively human resources, we heard your opinion, we have to interrupt you, you can still us to stay in the studio, andrii hnatosh, a military serviceman, respond and if you have questions, we will have a discussion in the studio, so far i like broadcasts where people's deputies are present, it will be a blessing, we are always waiting for representatives of the authorities, for it is very important to us, at the moment it is a little more difficult, but there should be a people's deput from the servants of the people in the near future, let's say for now. ladies and gentlemen, write down what we need. recipe for success. first of all, it is necessary to solve
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three points that will relieve this, well, tension. first, you rightly said, there will be a defined time for demobilization. it is not service in the army that repels people, it is not the fear of dying that repels people. people are repulsed now by not understanding how much it is... cinema, if i know that i have 5 years to serve, i plan my life for these 5 years in the army, if i understand that i have three years to pass, three calendars, i will adjust my life to these numbers, someone will devote himself to this craft, someone will find himself in the war, someone in life could not think that it would be his, but having penetrated under these circumstances, he decided to work. all my life i signed a contract to a certain extent in the same way, that is, we have to form the prestige of
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this profession now, it will not end in one moment and we will not have any boundless horizons for the bright future, after the war we are waiting for the post-war times, this a surge in crime, this is a surge in confrontations, well , that is, there are many, many different problems, but now, first of all, this is ... the defined time of service, release the first 100 days of people who volunteered to join the ranks, in the most difficult time for the struggle , for the defense of their independent state, these 100 days, that is, they should not be hostages, there are not so many of them in fact, if you translate the language of numbers, but it will relieve the tension. second, if i am a uav fighter pilot, that is, i am also training to become an uav fighter pilot, i must be guaranteed that... i i will perform exactly this function, if i am called up by the recruitment of a pusher, i become, well
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, i chose this direction for myself, i study, deepen my knowledge, accordingly, i do not have to become an infantryman tomorrow when the commander changes, this is what is also extremely repulsive , and the third point, this is financial stability, patriotism, good, but the financial component, it is weighty, i have to understand the guarantees. which my family receives in the event of death, because heroes, ladies and gentlemen die, if no one speaks, but they die, and the memory of a hero lives on until the death of the next hero, and grief remains in the family, if it is determined on a legal basis, i understand that different things can happen, but my family will be protected, and this is respected in society, and will not remain with this a one-on-one problem, that 's the thing. they encourage people to go and defend the country,
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civilians come to us for training, they prepare, they develop, they long for these things, their eyes burn with love for this land, they stayed here, accordingly, they have these question marks in their eyes that you can remove, and most importantly, here hands on heart, forget about politics, go to war, no confrontations, no misunderstandings. here, as mr. taras said, the first half of the year - unity, harmony, you have free time, go to the people, raise their fighting spirit, pay maximum attention to the training centers that the instructors teach there, provide them with everything necessary, because victory has a godmother , its name is preparation, and if the training center does not have the means to prepare, then they will be prepared, you see, that is, it is maximum attention. to take the load from the human resource on the technology component, investing
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in artificial intelligence programs, investing in the technology sector, we've learned to get these things in ways we never thought would happen, that's what matters, that's what works, and that's what the future, thank you, vitaly pyasetskyi, let's talk about the fact that... people are needed at the front, and this is clear to everyone, it is our western partners who say that our offensive depends a lot on our mobilization, our next actions and... our next results now reduce the age to 25, in your opinion, to what extent can this help the front, and in principle, what is the current situation with support, well, globally, if you look at the height of different brigades, i understand that the 93rd brigade is close to you, but what do your colleagues say, how do you know you have such a position,
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senior sergeant is a person who works with comrades-in-arms directly on the battlefield and knows all this. well, first of all, i would like to say words of support to my brother, he expressed everything clearly, but i absolutely agree with you about the fact that it is very big, big it was the government's mistake when the large-scale invasion began, that no terms of mobilization were announced, this greatly undermined the trust that people, well , two years of war have passed and people understand that they serve either until death or until ... mutilation, here it is i absolutely agree with you, this is one of those points, regarding the lowering of the conscription mobilization age, er, i have a twofold attitude to this, er, if rationality says that it should have been done a long time ago, because well i communicate with my comrades, from other brigades, i do
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he served in the 81st brigade, i have friends who serve in the 80th brigade. and the situation with the replenishment, with the number of personnel who can perform combat missions, is actually, well, catastrophic at the moment, because the losses exceed the replenishment that comes from the training centers several times, i will not voice the numbers that are there, for example , there or in our brigade, it is not for the general public, that's why... again, i travel to different units of our brigade, from the old place of service, and the age of servicemen who at the moment, they perform combat tasks in positions with colossal moral and physical load, it is a long way from 40 years ago, and even people who are 40 years old are far away, they are not
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all in good shape, physically or health allows them to perform these combat tasks . task, that's why i'm clear, for me , of course, it causes surprise that this law was lying somewhere in the president's hands for almost a year and why he didn't sign it, well, in principle, in fact, it's all clear, it's an unpopular decision, the president didn't want to lose your the electorate, his electorate is usually young people, but he signed, uh, well, he signed with a creak, but he signed, well, thank you, we thank him at least for that, that is, it was probably already a dead end, well, what you say, you say a catastrophic situation, well, a dead end, yes it is, on the other hand, i listen to my other friends who express the opinion that after all, the young generation is the generation that will
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revive, rebuild, change this country, when sooner or later this war will end. and will it be if these people will leave now, will be mobilized, with a high probability, maybe somewhere they will get some kind of injuries, wounds, someone, of course, that, well, these are such realities, someone will die, but here we have to choose between these two extremes, that or we in general, we will lose this war and lose statehood and there will be no reconstruction. you are nobody and nothing, and nobody will raise the next generations there, give birth, raise, or we will still fight and involve in this, and in particular young people, and i am sure that this is a temporary solution, if this war will continue with such intensity, then it will be necessary to vote on other draft laws, where
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the mobilization age will be further reduced, because... well, we have losses, there is no way out of this, and people, personnel must be replaced and to replenish the armed forces, that's why mr. sharaskin, that's why my opinion is two-fold, do you see from the inside the crisis in the parliament, about this bill on mobilization, which has not yet been adopted, we have been talking only in this studio for several months, and what he was needed, too, much has already been said, with what does it have to do with it, what are your thoughts on it? there is only one opinion here, for the first time in our history we have a monomajority, once, it should have been a plus, this. could be a plus, we, we actually got a totalitarian sect, then no, where everything is decided from the office, all the rest are consequences, and
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that's why it's not like that here, we have, let's say, a crisis of parliamentarism, as you say, or an internal crisis, from within everything looks polite, nice, who comes, he comes, but in fact it is ... a profanation of parliamentarism, because even looking at what is missing obviously the votes, the votes of the monomajority, talk of a new coalition, does not apply to the example, well , i don't know, maybe taras batanko has different information, he is still the chairman, and maybe it is worth starting this conversation, the decision-maker does not cope, the point is not that we we constantly talk about the fact that... and set some of our red lines as a faction, and, but everything stops at
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the wall, we are not interesting to anyone, everything is decided without us, and therefore in fact, well, on the one hand, apart from the experience of such pseudo-parliamentarism and several good things hey, i'm just embarrassed to be there, two months after i went there, i said that it should be dispersed, because this parliament will not work, it is so run-by-run somehow riveted together that it loses its essence, and i will not agree with that , that citizens don't really care, when i open it, and it hurts to read, by the way, you can write to us in the comments under the broadcast, do you feel that there is tension in the parliament, how do you feel it as citizens of this state, when i i read that as our chairman, we have six veterans who entered this parliament, now
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there are already a few more who also started fighting, and when all the deputies were there, they sawed, stole, took them away, and that meant hanging them all and so on, or where are your children there? and not only that, my daughter is studying at a military institute, because she knows that dad fought as a volunteer from the 14th year, and people are watching, of course, and they rightly, to a certain extent, consider everyone, uh, scoundrels, and i will say, in which, apparently, uh, and our faction is guilty. in that we probably should it would have been necessary to block either the tribune or stop this bacchanalia, when always in
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a time of need, from the extreme, this was also in the 22nd year, when mobilization took place, even before that, and in the 13th and 14th years, the parliament was the place , where it was still possible to reach a consensus and... make a decision, so this, this force and vector gradually shifted, and we are reaching the point where it will really seem to society and all our fellow citizens that such a form of government as the parliamentary-presidential one, it has already outlived its usefulness, in the end the office somehow commented that they had started testing... and what if it will be a presidential republic or some other form, then they refused their words, but in the end it sounded, so this is
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a big problem, there is a big problem in the parliament, while we are fixing our guest, he is just a servant of the people, mr. magda, to you there will be a question, well, it is difficult for ukrainians to understand, well, for me, in particular, i think that they too, as it were, have a majority, have mono. the majority, it is not possible to gather votes for some draft law, what is the reason, you are an expert in political issues, tell us, no political will, and there is no understanding that a significant part of the parliamentarians that the time of popular decisions is over forever, it will no longer be until the end of the war, including the current composition of the parliament and... potentially the new composition of the government, they, well, in the political sense, they are suicides, i just want to remind you that a few days later. evgeny,
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exclusively. on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the tv channel espresso. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis about... project for those who care and think politclub, every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor
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of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. returning to our studio, yuriy kamelchuk is in touch with us, mr. yuriy, do you think that you, as a deputy from the servants of the people, are effective for the majority or not, especially in the context of discussions regarding the law on mobilization, good evening, and glory to ukraine, i congratulate you on your five-year anniversary, thank you for standing up for me ukrainian free journalism, may it continue to be so, and
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you provide opportunities for everyone. who wants to express his opinion.


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