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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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put, but watch now, for example, the broadcast, almost there under 1,500 only one broadcast, 1265, yes, and this i am talking only about youtube, but these people who are watching on youtube, 1200 people now, why didn’t you like the conversation just now with an expert, this is oleksiy hetman, this is not some oleksiy aristovych, i'm sorry, this is a real officer, a real air defense specialist, a real expert who understands what he's talking about, where are your insults. what 's going on, thank the expert , it's gone, it's gone two more at once, right, press it i liked it, well, i liked it under our youtube broadcast, a subscription to our youtube channel helps to be, and wow, 10 pieces flew at once , thank you, thank you, thank you, and at the same time , throw 1 hryvnia each to our collection, dear friends, by the way , while mr. oleksiy and i were talking, about 900 hryvnias added so that you see someone with a like, someone with a hryvnia, and so little by little you make both the military, and
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espresso tv channels, and people who love the truth happy. friends, let's take a short break, come back and talk about the preferences and moods of ukrainians in sociological polls, and we will talk about it with oleksiy haran, professor of political science at the kyiv-mohyla academy , scientific director of the ilko kuchariv democratic initiative foundation. stay with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws. then saw. just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, call just order now, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement with a strong saw. just look how quickly
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hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news. and sports news for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening, the premium sponsor of the national team presents: about united by football, stronger together! dear friends, we are back on the air, i want to say that while we are with mr. oleksiy hetman, our previous guest they said 10,000 was added to our account, and
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we are collecting for our military, for two brigades for fpv drones, and we need to collect 2 million hryvnias, so what i want to tell you, we still have three guests ahead of us on our air, a. .. oleksiy haran, now there will be, then there will be yurii hanushchak, a politician and director of the public organization of the institute for the development of territories, and then there will be anzhelika rudnytska, a ukrainian singer and public figure, whom you remember well from about the territory and, if you do not betray memory, i think, three more guests, and if we talk to them for 10,000 each , then there will be another 30,000 plus, and we will collect about 30, 60,000 already this morning. hryvnias, i would like to thank everyone who unfollowed my call to like the conversation with oleksiy hetman a little, 138 people liked one of our two broadcasts on youtube, thank you to everyone who unfollowed, it is very, very nice, we are rising a little then also in manifestations, in
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recommendations. oleksiy garan is already joining us, and you can once again leave your preferences while we we will speak of oleksiy, mr. oleksiy garan, professor of political science at the kyiv-mohyla academy, scientific director of the democratic initiative foundation. named after ilko kuchariv on our airwaves, we are glad to see you, and i am glad to see you. mr. oleksiy, an interesting study came out this week, as if we knew it in principle, but because we saw, we see how some tv channels use all kinds of tarologists, astrologers, to enter from the trump card, i understood that they use these in their broadcasts. so-called experts, and they make some there all the time predictions about how the war will end when putin dies, what will happen with the counteroffensive, i remember how these people who have nothing to do with military affairs made such predictions, so the kmis survey showed that
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a total of 43% of ukrainians believe in terology , astrology and psychic abilities, it is little... or much, good or bad, what do we do with such a society that believes in something that does not have any confirmation so logical and practical that they trust it, well , the only thing to do enlightenment, yes and on alas, all these things that you are talking about, they are to a large extent, if they are stimulated, including by television, including various youtubes, social media, which are not controlled at all, print, print anything, yes, but and on some channels i see advertising, well, it’s not about you, and we don’t have such a thing, yes, tarot cards and all that, so here yes, you are this number, to be honest,
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i am so blown away, yes, and i don't even know what to say, well, actually, this shows that society can be influenced, society can be used. to hunt, but, but again after all, i think that on basic issues, her society still showed its maturity. unfortunately, i can't operate yet because we just finished the deminitiative study with the razumkov center, we'll present it next week and then again in a week, so invite me then, i'll have more data, it's currently being processed, but from the fact that from what we have and well... other centers have already published, i will say this, the data are not so bad, including regarding such painful topics as war, faith in victory, mobilization and so on. in the meantime , studies have already come out from the rating, which are formulated, which
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were requested, measured the level of trust and distrust in various institutions, and here is an interesting point, i don’t know why, but they are separately on... for example, well, that is, they have a list, now can show, by the way, this is one second, i 'll throw it over to our graduation group so they can illustrate it, there's an interesting point that they brought up. on the one hand , there are such institutions, the armed forces of ukraine with a huge absolute trust, there under 90%, no, not under 90, but under 90%, i wanted to say under 100%, but here, for example, or the police, local authorities, there is separately president volodymyr zelenskyi, well, the institute, and for some reason there is the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba , i don't know why it was brought out separately, but a strange incident happened, because it turned out that dmytro kuleba had a better percentage. trust than president zelenskyi, and this is some kind of a bit of a sensation, it seems to me that there is not much, but
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it is better, and well, much better, according to the balance of distrust, because he has a third less people who do not trust him, and again, what else would i pay attention to, i would ask you to pay attention to, the verkhovna rada with an incredibly low level of trust, how can this be commented on for a country that in... in principle well, simply, if we do not trust the parliament, do we believe in democracy? well , we believe in democracy, moreover, we want this democracy, we once asked this question of the dem initiative, we asked the question even at the beginning of the war, what do you think would be better for ukrainians, democracy or some kind of force methods, and the result was 64% on 14, that is , 64% believe that democracy is better, and this is a fantastic result. for a country that is at war, i think that such a result could actually be envied
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by some western countries, so what if we talk, and if we talk, well, what about the parliament, by the way, well, it is traditionally low, listen, well, in our country in general , you know, this is still a good result, you know, when zelenskyi went to the early elections of the parliament, you remember that he operated on the fact that the level of trust in the upper... from 5 to 10%, yes, although this is absolutely not a constitutional argument for the dissolution of the parliament, but he then took advantage of it, that is, we have a traditional, as it were, distrust of the parliament, so if we talk about what you said kuleba and zelensky, well, listen , you see, kuleba still works, he makes a lot of statements, correct with... statements, as a diplomat, he does not go beyond certain, does not go beyond certain limits, well, everything else
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remains behind the scenes, yes, because, well, really a lot in diplomacy, it is really done, i was a little scared, because we we understand, yes, we know how it happens that people who held certain positions in ukraine, i am now talking about valery zaluzhny, and had a higher... trust rating, in the end they were dismissed from this position, or did not fall , you know what i'm interested in in this research, here's what you showed, it's just interesting that in some places the institutes are given, and in some places the surnames are actually laid down, laid down, and it's a little bit like that, because, because it's usually done like this, that's it you trust the institutions, and you print, and here you are, as the institutions are. and here they go specific, specific people already, but what i would like to draw attention to here, well, look, if
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we look in total, yes, 22 are percentages, that's for sure, so they trust, and 41 rather trust, well, those who definitely trust, then it really decreased, but if we look at the overall rating, yes, zelensky is trusted, president zelensky is trusted by 60. 63%, this is a high, this is a high indicator, that is, we see, we see, western politicians could also envy him, yes, that is, with on the one hand we see, we see, but we we see a downward trend, yes, there is, by the way, another one, if, if i ask you now to bring out another graph, this is research that was previously conducted by kmis, the kyiv international institute of sociology, it is very interesting compared to the dynamics of volodymyr. between december and february there was a drop of 13 points, i.e. on the one hand it fell where
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there was trust, and on the other hand it increased where there was mistrust, 13 points is a lot in two months, what can it be, how is it possible explain? well, look, this is a general trend in principle, and it was influenced by a lot factors, i think that and the fact that, well , disappointment, if i failed... for the 23rd year, yes, although at the same time we forget that, for example, at sea we have a very good result, but we were set up at the beginning in the 23rd year, that's all we are, we will do everything. we all win, right? that is, these were super-optimistic moods that were thrown into society, yes, and we remember these people who are no longer there, ah, in power, but they did it, and as a result, expectations were inflated, yes, we have high expectations associated with president, yes, first of all, and when we
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compare zelenskyi's kulebu, i don't finish that topic, you understand, well , zelenskyi has a lot of responsibility, well, koleb has a lot of responsibility, but zelenskyi has even more, and his name is associated with and successes and failures at the front, and the problem of mobilization, and the problem of corruption there, which, that is, we, ukrainians, exacerbate it all and transfer it to one person, so this trend, it is true, it was there before, but it used to be the level of trust under during the war there is up to 90%, and then it... deliberately began to decrease, and of course, in february, here is part of this survey, it has already taken over the resignation of the meritorious person, yes, that is, we can talk about this as well, that is , the colossal responsibility of the presidency, and responsibility, including for some incomprehensible steps, and for some mistakes, and for
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problems in the power structure, but actually , i would not be happy... yes, that there is such a downward trend, because, no matter how we feel about zelensky, but he is the commander-in-chief, and he is the president of a warring country, and so, and so, well it would be better if these ratings were higher, but i will say once again that 64% is a very good rating, and by the way, kmis has what you mentioned at the beginning of the survey, already after his resignation. tin has dropped to 60% there, that is, you can see that these figures are somewhat, well , roughly similar, and recently maryana bezugla wrote a post about andriy yermak, he is absolutely non-toxic, he is a consistent person, and in general he has such settings, such values, well, in short,
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she said that he is a good person, and we know as mariana bezugla pri... chats, then it can be any way. valery zaluzhnyi, she did not praise, and in the end he lost his position. actually, in yermak, compared to december 23rd to february 23rd, the level of trust has decreased. can we be happy or sad here? so how should we perceive it? we can be sad in the sense that actually, you see, the fair has concentrated too much power in its hands. here's the problem. that is, maybe he is a good negotiator or manager, but we know that there are a lot of problems, and his deputy is tatarov, and uh, that is, a problem that has not been solved for several years, that is, this is the problem with yermak, and because the sad problem is that
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zelensky only trusts a small number of people around him, well he himself said that she... relies on five or six managers, well, obviously, one of them is yermak, and yermak has concentrated a lot of power, especially in the context of the recent reshuffles and reshuffles in the president's office, well he gains more and more power, and this becomes bad, yes, that's why that in fact zelenskyi has, well, i think that there is only one channel of information left, and this is always bad, and the real question here is, how was it? communicated again the same resignation of the brave, that is, how it was communicated, at first there were many lies, as we now understand, well, for example, that vivid tweet, isn't it a tweet, what is it called, a telegram post from the ministry of defense, dear journalists, no, it's not true, when the rumors appeared and it was not clear what was false, who it was about, then
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all this all all this is so condescendingly disparaging maryana and valera write a lot there, i don't have time for it. it, it's people, people aren't really as idiots as one might imagine, and they also draw conclusions, i can kind of assume, well, i, i think you're absolutely right, yes, well, we're already analyzing the events that were in february or even in january, yes, because the decision was not made in the right way, swell-barachty, yes, there was a certain tip-off to him, that is, we know it all well, and i think that there is really a problem with communication, and it was , she was serious, very serious the problem of communication with society, yes, so what can i add here, this has already been discussed many times, and it is true, yes, and here we see that... the president, he often tries to bypass some pressing issues and does not take it upon himself, no takes responsibility, as it were, because these
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questions are, let's say, unprofitable, well, if you then mention valera and maryana, then during the same press conference, he said, oh, i forgot that i wanted to say, it slipped my mind, sorry, while i... now she was measured for the first time in february, the level of confidence in her is 7%, yes, 7%, it’s amazing, but do you know that this is zaluzhny’s rating of 94%, what is happening at all, that is, he is not there at all now, zaluzhny just seems to have dissolved somewhere, he should be the ambassador to britain, but the royal court is silent as never, how many months have already passed, and this grimace has also hung around somewhere. in the air, nothing is happening, the rating of the zaluzhny is not something that holds, it is even growing, what does this mean at all? 94%, jesus probably has
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less, it’s been a month, but you know, ukrainians love the offended, especially that the figure of zaluzhnyi, well, to a large extent, how to say, he became a symbol, yes, a symbol of those victories that were, and people really and... believed and continue to believe, believe, including the communication campaign that was , on the part of the authorities, it only strengthened the rating of zelenskyi, sorry, zaluzhnyi, well , you understand, the real situation that was there inside the military leadership, who made the right, let's say, approaches, who was wrong, zaluzhnyi, syrian, well, we are actually about. .. we don't know that, that is, there is a lot, a lot a lot of information, again, it 's off-screen, so it 's hard for us to objectively, it's hard to assess, and really we,
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we're not really savvy enough here to make an informed assessment, we just don't know what was going on there behind the scenes, yes, that is, we know that the attack failed, on land, land. i emphasize once again, and it is obvious that there are many reasons for this, including the fact that we did not receive the weapons, and this is the parish of the unworthy, this is primarily the parish of the president, but what if the popularity of the brave was already very high, yes, well, we love the offended, and as for agriman, well, i think that the situation is not critical so far, that's just me. i suspect that, if this request were to be considered, it could take a month or two, but here it is obvious that all these statements, they were
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made precisely in order to show that the meritorious person gets the position and, that they say everything is fine, well, that's how i would comment on it, that is , we don't actually hear anything from the tyrant, but about the occasion. about the resignation, not about not about the future appointment, because everything is told for him by the president, mr. oleksiy, thank you for the conversation, oleksiy grannu, professor of political science, invite me, invite me next week, or in a week, because there we will have a huge study of our own, and i i think we will be happy to comment on it, get to know the results of your survey, we will definitely discuss them, thank you, oleksiy garan, professor of political science k' was with us. hylianka, by the way, we have added likes for the professor, and we are now, and we will be back very soon, you, stay with us, teres presso continues, are tired of heavy and
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11:00 am
check with a consultant. strong saw what is needed! call! premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in pokrovsk , donetsk region, the enemy wounded five local residents, including a child. the russians shelled private houses in the city at three o'clock in the morning. the whole family suffered. this is an elderly couple, as well as their daughter and a 14-year-old
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teenager. also from explosions.


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