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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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slovakia will add to orbán's fan club. well, let's go now to a different format together with marta. yes, espressu tv channel is ready to share news with you. so. traditionally, anna eva melnyk appears on our airwaves, and together with the news editor, she prepared a fresh issue. so we give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. congratulations, colleagues. the newsroom will tell about the main events of this hour. in particular, will norway introduce its troops into ukraine, as germany is preparing to probable war and how the exchange of defenders of mariupol is going. details to follow, stay with us. russia does not give up the defenders of mariupol. battle exchange process. tsiv of azov and the soldiers of the 36th separate
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brigade of marines is more difficult than all the others, ukrainian obbutsman dmytro lubinets said, the aggressor country arranges show trials against the defenders of mariupol, awards them long prison terms, because the occupiers did not think that the defenders of mariupol would defend the city for so long - noted lobinets. the russians injured three people in boryslav in the kherson region. the enemy dropped explosives on the city from a drone, reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. a woman and two men were injured, they had blast injuries and shrapnel wounds. everyone is in the hospital. also in the morning, the occupiers shelled the village of zmiyivka of the beryslav community with aviation and artillery. houses and a church were gutted, and a high-rise building was damaged in kherson itself. people were blocked in one of the entrances. the rescuers freed them. medics provided help. five
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s-300 missiles from the territory of the belgorod region the russians hit the village of korotych in the kharkiv region. they hit the airfield, which is not working, the hangars there were damaged, a fire broke out, it was extinguished, the entire territory is covered with ditches, serhiy bolvinov, the head of the investigative department of the regional police, said. and in the morning , terrorists from the smerch rocket system of salvo fire roamed the village of borova, destroyed and vandalized residential buildings for... there were no dead or injured. the sbu and defense forces are working, at least six planes have been destroyed and eight have been seriously damaged. these are the results of the attack on the russian military airfield in morozivsk, rostov region. a number of ukrainian media, citing their own sources, write that this is the successful work of our special forces and defenders. besides that. the technicians of about 20 russian terrorists
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were killed or wounded, and the local governor reports that eight people were injured who were conducting investigative actions there, an explosive device allegedly detonated from a drone that they were studying, i note that front-line su-24 and su-34 bombers were based at the airfield , it is from them that the occupiers drop cabs on our cities and villages. rospablik writes that yeisk and engels airfields were under fire. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently , the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins, there are also other goodies that our defenders need: dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry soups and borschts, lard and canned meat, everything that will feed our soldiers at zero. we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear viewers, join us and...
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support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details on the screen. drug business in the pretrial detention center. law enforcement officers exposed a 40-year-old convict who established a drug supply channel to one of the kharkiv region's correctional institutions. his henchmen on the loose disguised cannabis as household items under the guise of parcels and delivered it to the detention center, where it was sold as lottery winnings. funds were deposited in a joint cash register. investigators searched the residences of the suspects, seized phones, drugs, drafts and bank cards, announced suspicions to the six persons involved in the case. norway does not rule out the introduction of troops into ukraine, potentially, although there are currently no such plans - said the head of the country's ministry of foreign affairs, gestep bard eide. the diplomat noted that, in fact, the discussions on this topic were not about sending combat units, but about you.
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advisers and providing support and training to the ukrainian army, because the direct introduction of troops from nato member countries could lead to a direct confrontation with russian forces. preparing for a possible war with russia, germany is modernizing its armed forces, - announced the head of the federal ministry of defense boris pistorius. according to him, the bundessphere plans to create a single operational central command. the structure of the troops will consist of four types, instead of three, as at present. these will be the land army, navy, air force and the newly created cyber unit. currently valid. slightly more than 180,000 soldiers serve in germany's defense until 2031, and their number is planned to increase until 2030. in a hint of negotiations, the italian defense minister advocated
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openness to dialogue with russia. according in vito crozetto, it is important that there are at least some channels of communication with moscow, even in the face of a full-scale invasion of the territory of ukraine. at the same time, crozetto admitted that putin's army attacked a sovereign state unprovoked, so italy and neighboring france will always support ukraine. lithuania will buy 3,000 drones for ukraine, the country's prime minister ingrita shemonite said during a meeting with the head of the ukrainian government denys shmegal in vilnius. the country will also allocate 15 million euros for rehabilitation programs. wounded of the ukrainian military and will provide 35 million euros for the czech initiative to purchase artillery ammunition. the shemanites and shmyhal also discussed a new initiative: banning air transit to the russian federation and belarus. 3d-printed drones are made in
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poltava. local engineers undertook to help the armed forces of ukraine in this way. i will tell you what exactly is being printed for the army. anna morozova. this is a 3d printer, the machine prints elements for detonators. in an hour and 20 minutes, the product will be ready and sent to one of the armed forces brigades to destroy the enemy. these and others poltava engineers have been printing ammunition for four months. the technology is not new, it is spreading in ukraine massively now, due to the fact that it is possible to make a lot of useful components for various things. the initiative was born a year ago, together with a friend , we developed prototypes of shanks for ammunition, printed the first batch and handed it over to the military for testing, taking into account their recommendations, improving the product, this is already for larger or homemade projectiles, once again stabilization, again
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about capacity, that is, in order to more, better and more precisely, it begins. according to the specified parameters, from the latest developments, this is a remote detonator, also made on a 3d printer, they are very necessary for combat purposes, because they give the opportunity to initiate an explosion at any moment of time, that is, over any position of the enemy, from any which side, with the help of an electric match they simulate an explosion, which is launched through the control panel, and now this one. what happened was that the capacitor charged, which supplied the voltage, and the result was a blowout. engineers developed
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a prototype of a ground drone, this is the first version of the product. it can be equipped as you like. we already have a complete understanding of how it will happen, what is needed for this, that is, in principle, all the necessary experiments have been carried out, all the calculations have been made, the only thing is to make an already ready alpha version. the team consists of five engineers, each of whom deals with separate areas, and a team that responds to requests from the military. when you see it in reality, and see that you can really get involved in it and somehow help and change something. involve people who have an engineering, engineering education, some kind of radio engineering education, the engineers have work experience for further developments, so they
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are looking for investors for further work. anna mrozova, bohdan proskurov from poltava for espresso tv channel. and of course. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also short videos on hot topics in the section. shortts, share them, comment and stay close to us. and more i encourage all viewers to subscribe to us on social networks, we are on facebook, instagram, ex network and telegram. all the best and see you at 4 p.m. thank you, annieva melnyk, well,
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there is a lot of news today, our journalists are working tirelessly, informing about the most important things, but we also have something to tell you, and of course, we will involve those experts who know what is happening in the literal sense these words, marta ulyarnyk and antin borkovsky live in the espresso studio, now we will add artem semenikhin, the mayor of the city of konotop in the sumy oblast, but before ... adding, there is important news from the ministry of defense and the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, which already say that the military leaders will soon start summoning 25-year-old ukrainians to clarify data and medical examination, in fact, this is caused by the fact that the president of ukraine signed the law of ukraine, which reduced from 27 to 25 the age of citizens on the military register of conscripts, in particular, people who have reached the age of 25 will be subject to removal from of military... registration of conscripts and taking conscripts into military registration with the entry into force of the above-mentioned law
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by the territorial recruitment centers , citizens who were on military registration of conscripts will be summoned, so keep this in mind. artem seminykhin , the mayor of konotop, a famous city in sumy oblast, is in touch with us. artem, glory to ukraine, can you hear us? unfortunately, not now, maybe. guests to connect, we will try to do it, well, but in the meantime we will also inform you about important news, by the way, yesterday i spoke about the fact that in poland children who do not attend polish schools will be obliged to go to polish schools, there are approximately 50-60 thousand of them, in the czech republic they will also check whether ukrainian children attend not only schools, but also kindergartens, because in the czech republic it is mandatory, children must go to kindergarten and actually they must go to... kindergarten during the last year of preschool education and to school for nine years, i.e. from 5 to 15 years
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up to a maximum of 17 years, children must also go to school, so if a child does not attend school within 15 calendar days in a row, without a good reason, her case may be submitted for consideration of expulsion from the educational institution, so parents who are in the czech republic, please take this information into account. yes, and a not-so-flattering the new york times op-ed, then. as the american journalists from the mentioned publication write, ukraine will not be invited to nato at the washington summit in order not to get involved in the war, material of the new york times. well, accordingly, the publication notes that the united states and germany are still speaking against, as if, well, i don't know, we can't check, against inviting ukraine to nato at the alliance summit in washington. according to the new york times, they even want the issue off the agenda in july. despite the fact that a similar process for ukraine's eu membership was approved last
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winter. the main efforts now are aimed at clearly defining the conditions that ukraine must fulfill in order to start negotiations with nato, but they have not yet moved forward. but this is quite symptomatic, although not too pleasant publication in the new york times. well, but for sure, this is not something unexpected for us, because we probably, if we followed all the events, as well as the previous summit, and i understand... when we talked with other experts about the possibility, about the prospects of ukrainian membership in nato, we somehow understand that at this summit they will most likely talk about the road map, which has been talked about for a long time, but blinken, while in france, said that it is at the washington summit that they will most likely discuss the way of ukraine to nato, and there will be no actual invitation to nato, well, actually, the information from the new york times somehow correlates with what was talked about in recent days, do we have it now? the opportunity to add our guest to the broadcast, we are currently still waiting for him to be switched on, in the meantime we
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also want to remind you about certain information that was published in the publication la republica, that the concessions of ukrainian territory to russia in exchange for security guarantees and admission to nato in the alliance , apparently, as such options are being discussed, the russian federation will offer leave crimea and all the territories conquered within two years, and then... fix the borders and accept what remains of ukraine into nato, the publication writes. by the way, we had a conversation with ivan varchenko , a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, we asked him how he is doing in general. to such a possibility, mr. ivan, of course , says that he still hopes that ukraine will not have to take such a step, that our partners will come to their senses, that our partners will intensify their efforts to to help ukraine and fulfill the guarantees and promises they gave, but at the moment they are not fulfilling them in full. we are now waiting
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for artem semenikhin, the mayor of konotop, to join us, so he should join us any minute, well, we understand that... the situation in sumy oblast is difficult, in particular, the enemy has been targeting konotop for several days, we understand, that konotop plays an extremely important role in the organization of defense in the north of our country, by the way, a legendary battle took place there at one time, where hetman ivan vyhovsky defeated the muscovites, so he put several tens of thousands of the enemy there, it happened, it seems, in 1659, well, what are we waiting for artem semenikhin, well, we inform. about the most important thing, yes, by the way, we will also remind you of what happened that night, that night the sbu and the defense forces actively worked on the territory of the russian federation, and now even the bild publication is writing about the fact that this year ukraine can get long-range drones with a range of up to 2,000 km, this is the information, according to
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edition this year ukraine should receive such bezpi'. and this should compensate us for the shortage of medium and long-range missiles, if you look at the map that was released by the bilt publication, then these drones will actually cover the distance, including, if we take such a direct, such a direct trajectory, then this is the distance to and including finland, sweden, that is, we understand that they can reach a significant part of russia, let's hope that... this information is really justified, and our armed forces also receive such drones and such a long range, well, in the meantime , certain information has already appeared, not yet as if not official, but specified, specified regarding extremely accurate strikes on the enemy's military airfield in the rostov region in russia, so at least six
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planes were destroyed there, the other eight planes the aggressor states were destroyed, but the key... history is our defense, our cities, and in particular we are talking about konotop. artem semenikhin is in touch with us, the mayor of the glorious city of sumy. glory to ukraine, artem, congratulations. glory to heroes, very bad to hear you, but i'm trying to hear you. the heart of konotop is broadcast on the espresso tv channel. well, now we would ask you to sum up the results of the enemy raids, that is , the enemy tried to strike at... konotop , they wanted to destroy certain objects of the energy infrastructure, not only the energy infrastructure, in konotop. not happy well, the results are that konotop survived. actually, we have such a history, by the way, this year we will celebrate another anniversary of the victory over the moscow horde,
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just the middle of summer, it was at one time in 1659 in... it stood then, the occupiers then moscow went deep into the rear of ukraine, konotop stood, held, then in the 22nd year we had a yellow-blue flag and a red-black flag in front of the city council , even when the city was under siege and there was fighting in the place, we held out, and now also after these enemy rocket strikes, just vile, i tell you, enemy strikes, because the rockets landed somewhere 500 m from the kindergarten, where were in particular, my personal daughter was there at the time of arrival of enemy missiles, what we had to restore, we have actually already restored, now the city is fully functioning as it should be for our citizens, thank god, everything is fine, fortifications are being actively built around the city and in our region, you can
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say even on a daily basis and at night, including our utility equipment, in principle, we are ready for any development in... but what happened before that, we endured. dear mr. artem, you mentioned the construction of the fortification, and you as the mayor, that is, how do you communicate with the regional the military administration, we understand that the question is, well, who will refuel the equipment, who will provide the equipment, who will issue orders, because there are regional budgets, city budgets, and so on and so on, that's how it looks in the realities of konotop, well the key task is to build, build quickly, build with quality, on the other hand, we understand that sumy oblast was allocated... not 1 billion uah for the construction of appropriate fortifications, so, well, you know, here i would like to touch on a very important aspect, because in we have a technique which we brought from... from the european union and including purchased it with european funds, we wanted it to be used as much as possible now, we
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will now use the equipment that relates to fortification directly on the territory of our community, but there are such unpleasant moments that equipment is brought from the lviv region, think about it, some trucks are brought from the lviv region to transport the soil, they bring excavators when they are here. there is in the pile, please take it, it’s a little bit here somehow, i don’t fully understand this whole process, that’s why that we, the regional military-civilian administration, provided the entire list of equipment that we have, what we can do, by the way, we also have such excavators, thanks to our european partners, who are now more powerful in the picture, we are ready to work, but for some reason some contractors somewhere from odesa region or from lviv region or from kyiv is unclear. wow, interesting, thank you, thank you, we would like you to involve our equipment, because we have, well, how difficult it is to pay salaries now, because, well, the budget
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of the personal income tax, the military was taken away from us, and now the budget, well they broke it in half, the military applied and continue to apply, but there is technology, it would be possible to use these funds, that is, if only simply, i am not talking about any profit or anything, just to pay the wages of ordinary workers. . unfortunately, i don’t understand who makes the final decision there, because at first the region made a request: please provide a list of equipment, we provided it, but they didn’t ask for us to transfer it somewhere, even though the money is crazy , and who is mastering them, so far i am i do not understand this, regarding the evacuation from the border areas to konotop, whether it is happening. certain settlements or districts, what does this process look like now? well , this process is currently ongoing, mostly people are brought to the territory of the western regions of ukraine, i know this, our city
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is also used as such a transit point, that is, people come, rest for a day or two and then go on to the territory of western ukraine, but certain the number of people does not want to voice. exactly how much did she move to us, but i want to to say that my son goes to football lessons and comes to me from time to time and tells me, oh dad , a guy came to us from the clerk’s office, now he will play with us in the team, but there is also a guy from under lukhova there too, a guy came, too will do sports with us, that is, things like that, even that in everyday life i know that they come with children, this is apart from the fact that the statistics, because sometimes a person came, registered, and then... drove on, and it's true that people come to us, we are happy for everyone, we are in case if someone wants to stay with us, we will provide absolutely all the help, in case people
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have to spend the night with us, we provide them with food and provide them with a clean bed, showers, well, with all such necessary things, things that a civilized person should have, we have all this, we are very happy for the people, we treat them with compassion... because literally in the 22nd year, in the month of march, the inhabitants of konotop used to pass by the occupiers through these green corridors and leave there so much that they had with them, that managed to take it, so we understand it all, how no one else, and for us it is a sacred duty to help these people, we are ready to do it around the clock, however long it takes, thank you, mr. artem, artem simenikhin, the mayor of the city of konotop in sumy oblast was in direct contact with us ok, now we'll take a short break, after which we'll bring in diplomat ruslan osypenko. expert internationalist, there are many international topics that need to be discussed and analyzed with mr. ruslan, so wait, we will be back in a few minutes, we are tired of difficult and
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check with the consultants, a powerful saw with strong is what you need! call! premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! the tv channel's information day continues, so what about ruslan osypenko, diplomat, expert on international events today on the international plan on... of course, we will now ask mr. ruslan to respond to some strange messages, in particular to messages from the american publication the new york times, there they stated that they want, so to speak, to limit or, in simple language, hide somewhere under the keel the story about ukrainian accession, membership in nato, yes, in particular we are talking about the upcoming july summit, the so-called washington nato summit, ruslan.


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