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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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only from uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, a powerful strong saw and what you need, call, the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the tv channel's information day continues, what about us ? ruslan osypenko, diplomat, expert on international events , there is a lot of international news today, so we will now ask mr. ruslan to respond to some strange messages, in particular, messages from the american publication the new york times , there they stated that they want, so to speak, to limit or, in simple language, hide somewhere under the keel the story about ukraine's accession, membership in nato, that's what we specifically say. about the upcoming
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july summit, the so-called washington nato summit. ruslan osypenko, you are already with us, glory to ukraine. yes yes. glory to the heroes, mr. antin. well, a strange post from the new york times. ukraine will probably not be invited to nato at the washington summit, so as not to get involved in the war. so? well, it's hard to say what could be behind this publication, whether it's a fluke or i don't know, this is an attempt to somehow mobilize the public and so on, and maybe not at all. has such a thing on the agenda of the washington summit that maybe everything will go smoothly, well, but a number, a number of factors suggest that everything is not so smooth, you have my word, but this is not news for me, in fact, i inform and urge everyone that it is already the third time, when they promise us something and do not fulfill their obligations, the budapest memorandum, then bucharest 2008, when...
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we were not accepted into nato, because germany wanted to develop its relations with russia there, and the united states was not ready. why will we not be accepted into nato, i will say, and this is the main question, because the question of nato, it was the main question of the beginning of the war, russia against ukraine, not the protection of the russian-speaking population there, not even the territory, but the fact that the withdrawal of ukraine, the withdrawal of ukraine from the zone of influence of russia, the transition to the zone of influence of europe is a violation of status. sukvo of yalta after the results of the second world war, this is how moscow looks at it, and this is how china looks at it, remember the 12 steps of the peace initiative from which china started, so he said that it is necessary to dissolve nato and abandon the logic of the cold war, because this bloc nato, it existed, as it were, to contain the warsaw pact of the soviet bloc, the military bloc of the soviets, soviet countries, and now... it does not need, well,
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to exist at all, here it will increase. in addition, if you remember, china said that it does not assume that it is unacceptable to strengthen the security of some at the expense of others. it was implied that if the nato bloc were to strengthen, it would consider this strengthening as a weakening of the alliance account of the interests of russia. and that is why the united states hears these signals, we see that they are not ready to go to a confrontation with china and in general with this sino-russian... side and this issue is key in the negotiations with them, that is , it remains for global negotiations at the global level between states and china, let's say, or this sino-russian bloc, so this is an exchange of interests at our expense. yes, mr. ruslan, we understand, yes, well, they calmed down, of course, but on the other hand, well, we cannot ignore the things that are happening, so for that, let's say, in order not to finally fall into... any illusions,
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we would also like your reaction to this statement by lara publica, who wrote that concessions by ukraine to the territory of russia in exchange for security guarantees for and admission to the alliance, such a thing is currently being discussed in the alliance itself, and that ukraine can be divided according to the principle, as was the case after the second world war with the division of germany into the eastern part, which was under the control of the ussr, and the western part, which was under the control of the western countries, that is, we understand that - such things appear in the information space, are they really talking about it now in nato, i for some reason assume that they can talk, but is russia ready to make such a compromise, ukraine at the moment, why i say at the moment, because at the moment we are waiting for help, and we do not know what will happen next events will develop and a lot will depend on this, but would russia be ready for such a division, and i think that under certain circumstances russia was in... ready for
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such a division, why, because here a more important thing will happen if the west allows such recognitions, as russia says, of geopolitical realities on the ground, which means the occupied territories. then this means that the west is moving away from its values ​​that the rule of law dominates and agrees that under certain conditions, when a dictator has nuclear weapons, he can change borders by force, what will this mean for all countries in the world, what do you think, how other countries of the world will be motivated there and to spread nuclear weapons and resolve territorial conflicts by force, what kind of signal will this be? to the world, well, a perfectly understandable signal, well, but what worries us the most is that the united states, you know, the key hegemon, one of the main structures of what is called the modern civilized world, which they still cannot solve, well, i don’t want to talk about 60 billion dollars, which
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is a small issue, yes, well, but compared to the budget of the pentagon, i don’t know, in one day, it's really not that much, i 'm not saying i don't know, about the pentagon's annual budget, and we understand that now... for israel, during the last week , some aid packages have been found, when we talk about supplies weapons, ammunition and so on. somehow, the cia officers sometimes they manage to get away with it at the macro level. well, i'm being ironic like that, a bitter irony, so to speak. how do you think we should take seriously the situation that is developing in the american congress, because we are already, you know, a little fed up with these strong signals. sometimes from the american secretary of state, then from the national security adviser sullivan and so on, they give strong signals, but here is the key story, when we talk about the supply of heavy weapons in large quantities, well, unfortunately, unfortunately, they are trampled, but i urge you not to
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listen to no signals to rely on your own forces, even if they are limited, and once again... once again i urge that we do not have permanent partners, there are permanent interests, look how scared the europeans are, they are not sure, today nato will perform and whether the fifth article will be applied or not, look at how many visits were made to the united states of america, and the german chancellors, and the leadership went from poland, and the secretary general of nato, everyone went because they are not sure, because they look and see, what is american society became polarized. it gradually plunged into its own political discussion, they do not see, they are politically blind and do not see anything beyond their borders now at this historical stage, and in europe they were scared, look at the meeting of foreign ministers at the level of
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foreign ministers of nato member countries , what they discussed, will the united states fulfill its political and security obligations, or do we need to develop our security, european sector in parallel? that's what they say, and help ukraine, because ukraine gives the europeans time to stand up, to clarify their relations with the americans, and so on. regarding israel and us comparison, there is no need to compare israel and us, we are in different statuses, israel is the closest partner, plus it has political, financial and technological influence on the united states of america, and they help them through force, they do not want to help them , because israel has already lost, let's say, public. he lost world public opinion with his war against terrorism, with this bombing there embassies and everything else, they could not explain, they could not cover up there, and the opinion, the international opinion is inclined to the fact that israel should stop the war, the united states is calling for this, realizing that
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iran wants to involve the united states through israel in a big confrontation on in the middle east with a number of countries, first with their proxies there like hezbollah and hamas, and then with... an alliance, when there will be an escalation with an alliance of arab countries, this is what iran wants, and this scenario is being implemented, i also said about it, yes , they are forced to help because they are interdependent with israel, ukraine is different, we, we, we are in a different weight category, as they say, we are not even european yet, we are somewhere on the periphery of europe, we got the green light for negotiations, even a framework for negotiations have not yet received how it will all turn out and how we will move, and... it is even said that we will not get into nato, which means that we will not receive that mark of our foreign, you know, on the radars, where, where will be mark yours in terms of security and defense, that's why we have different weight categories, and that's why we have rely on your strength, your budget, your
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personnel, mr. ruslan, you know that our budget is not as cool as we would like, so we understand that our defense order is not so convincing, we are waiting from the sidelines for ... european allies help, they also give powerful signals, president macron and so on and so forth, peter pavel, everything is fine, but now the enemy has a certain window of opportunity, knowing the russians, and... they will best use it to the maximum so, the next two to three months, how do you see them? this is a window opportunities, you rightly said, it will be around for two or three months, it will be closed for them. do not panic, do not give in to this pressure. why increased pressure on the front, increased political and economic pressure on us. they want us, this is the maximum that russia has achieved in the war with ukraine, it is a window of opportunity and they are trying us. to sit in a weak position at the table of transition and force to sign the capitulation, in fact, these
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information leaks through the western mass media push us to exchange territory, they offer us formulas: look at this, and here is a formula for discussion, and instead of territories we will accept you into nato, it is not worth it, there is no nato, nato itself is not sure whether nato will protect its territories and its people in first of all, it is necessary to return and not listen to anyone, that is why i am against it. that we will stick to some formulas that are offered to us in the west, mr. ruslan, well, look, if we are talking about the prospects of how support for ukraine will take place, if it comes to power donald trump, who is now making various statements, such as some statements about the 24 hours he needs to end the war by agreeing with putin, then he says that it is possible that the states will not defend themselves for nato allied countries, if there is a threat, that is, i... you actually see the development of events in a far-sighted perspective, let's say this, an optimist, here is marta oliarnyk, an optimist,
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what will happen to us in six months, well, nothing, so see if trump wins on the condition of victory trump, this will be the paralysis of american power, the destruction of democracy american, and it won't be better for us, unfortunately, that's why i say that for us it's a window of opportunity, we should consider this 24th year as a window of opportunity, putin is waiting for trump. because for him trump is a win-win candidate, if he comes to power and if he doesn't come to power, he will paralyze american society, if he comes, he will take revenge, if he doesn't come, he will fight for the fact that he was not allowed, that the election was wrong, and it will all fall on the polarized american society, which is now divided 50-50, in fact, and enough of such a throw-in that the elections were unfair, we can see a lot of interesting things there in american politics, so taking into account... all these nuances, that america still immerses itself in its political processes, society is polarized, there is a gap between
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the authorities and american society, all this must be taken into account and taken into account in our long-term strategies, and i say again that we rely on our strength and on those allies who will go with us to the end, and these are the baltic countries, britain, i i think poland, well, in poland i began to doubt, well, britain, the baltic countries and northern europe. a number of northern european countries will support us, even if the majority of europeans and americans there refuse. thank you, mr. ruslan, for your thorough analysis, ruslan osypenko, diplomat, expert internationalist, was in direct contact with us. oh, we talked a lot about everything, and calmed down, mr. ruslan, calmed down, today is not such a day at all, but a complete corvalol. yes, now there is a short break, we are gathering our strength and will inform you you about the rest of equally important and interesting events. be for... watch us for a couple of minutes and we will be with you again. tired of heavy and
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it would be even better with us. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv. beyond its borders, what kind of world do you dream of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. that many became like-minded, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football, stronger together. well, let's add poland now. marek szczerant, polish expert, journalist, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. editor, dear poland. congratulations yes, can mr. mark hear us. mr. editor, can you hear us? well, this sunday there are elections in poland, self-governing elections. on the one hand, it's like... a story, it's not presidential, not parliamentary elections, on the other hand, we understand that the degree of emotions in poland has grown even more, and we also understand that there are a lot of circles that would like to remain in history, but were significantly pushed out of a certain political landscape, they would also like to return, we hope that the connection
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will stabilize now, and accordingly, local elections in poland, who is recruiting now and... how strong are the emotions? look, as we are talking about the elections, this is in poland, they definitely cause a great degree, but not only because this is a political struggle between the main two parties, or coalitions, one can say so, with the right forces, yes, today we have some connection, let's recruit now. this is once again marek siirant, a polish expert and journalist, who is in touch with us specifically to talk about the local elections in poland, which will be held in two rounds on april 7 and april 21, actually we are talking about local elections, so to speak simple, that is why they do not elect a government, elect, do not elect a parliament, or rather, they do not form a government, but choose the local government itself, but we understand
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that the local government is very important, because if we even talk about the context of people's moods, then we understand how local... government plays an important role in this process, well , it is necessary to understand that now in poland there are essentially two big competitors, the opposition and the ruling party, i would say the coalition formed by the ruling party now, so it is important to understand how the forces will be deployed after these local elections are held, whether mr. marrek sierant is with us already on connection? not yet, but by the way, i would also like to ask mr. marik about tusk's statement. which he made about the fact that the war in europe is a real threat and that europe is not ready for it, here it would also be interesting to hear how the poles themselves react to the fact that, look, marta, let's now consider that... we will to wait for our dear editor, the connection is faulty, well, it's been a second, but there is, well, they tell me that there is an editor, but in any case, well, you think that europe is ready for war, no, you don't think so, i don't
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believe that europe is ready for war, president biden does not believe that europe is ready for war, no one believes that europe is ready for war, but europe will be forced to prepare, europe will be forced to prepare faster, and we understand that when we talk about the medium-term prospects, yes, the war really... already, it will tickle under this metternich garden, we understand that russia, as soon as it gathers a sufficient amount of resources, it can try to set europe on fire, and europe is also afraid of this, because it will have to to answer, and europe lives in the same world , unlike russia, russia lives in a different world, a civilizational one, i don't know, any other, yes, editor seran is re-establishing contact with us, and that's it... answering to your sacramental, fundamental question, i.e. what about europe? europe needs to prepare. tusk understands this, right? tusk is an experienced man, and tusk knows what he's
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talking about. at one time, donald tusk understood the situation very well, back in the 14th year, yes, and he, and he tried to formulate such a european policy that would be, well, stabilizing. donald ust remembered very well, so to speak, what happened to the president of poland lech kaczyński, the mysterious smolensk plane crash, and everyone in europe also realizes that sooner or later europe will have to take responsibility for connected with self-defense, that is, something will happen in the united states, even if nothing happens, but , for example, biden and congress will not be able to agree on the issue of european security, different things happen, but europe is feeling it now. from this is the wind of war, a great military rush, which, well, in europe, the main wars, the main battles of this century, the previous one, or rather, they took place on the european
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continent, that is, the first world war killed people, well, in percentage terms, well, no less than the second , you understand, that is, europe knows what war is, europe has the experience of war, and europe does not want war, but europe may not have a choice, yes, because the aggressor very often does not... leave a choice, so on. yeah, look, i totally agree with you, but i think it's mine, perhaps a subjective opinion, the average european may not believe too much that war may come to europe in the 21st century. moreover, if a european country is in the european union and nato, many ordinary europeans may think that the military will fight, so they personally will not have to take up arms, because nato allied countries will come and actually defend the country one or another european country that will be subjected to aggression by the russian federation, and therefore it seems to me that you are right to say about the fact that there are politicians who understand the whole threat,
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but if we are talking about europeans, about ordinary people, then for some reason it seems to me that, nevertheless, nevertheless, many of them underestimate this threat, because we will remember how it was ordinary people, in general, they very often do not underestimate threats, they do not have a relevant idea about the surrounding reality. that's how it consists of people, that very often this is a beautiful god-saved simple people, he does not understand what is being done to him, i don't know, 300 m from the house, not to mention, not to mention about some global stories like the war, take ukraine 3 years ago, so many people frankly underestimated, did not neglect and did not take seriously such a prospect that there would be missile strikes on civilian cities of ukraine, which... that is, there will not be anywhere , the war is not in donbas, that the war will come to the house, to a specific house, to a specific residence of this or that family, that
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the war will kill, that the russian interventionists will kill this or that specific relative of yours, maybe you yourself, that is and of course the average european, well, he is not too much differs in its level of awareness or not, of political programming and forecasting from the average ukraine. well , these are the people, they, they want to live in their illusory, imaginary world where they are comfortable, that's just human nature, and that's why we shouldn't overestimate this or that, i don't know, munich burgher or some other, no i know french, well, but you know how we were taught in childhood, you have to learn from other people's mistakes, but for some reason we very often learn from our own, wash your hands before dinner, they tell everyone in kindergarten, half of the people do not do this and still do. we cannot get in touch with him, so we will offer you
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to see for yourself... the material of our colleagues about ptsd post-traumatic syndrome in ukraine in the first two months of the 24th year, such a diagnosis was established in fact to the same number of patients as in the entire 21st year, about the ministry of health reported that mental disorders are recorded in people regardless of gender and age. how to cope with this disease, how to help yourself and your family, let's see in the story. the war is very a serious test for the psyche of ukraine. this problem is widespread for both military personnel and civilians, who experience stress, panic, anger and other negative emotions in various forms every day. at risk are not only those who live close to the front or under occupation, but also people from relatively peaceful regions. one of the most common mental disorders today is post-traumatic stress disorder, or ptsd. as the director of one of the medical
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centers in bila tserkva and a psychologist tells. oleksandr kiyan, such a situation requires careful consideration diagnostics. ptsd appears as a result of an unsuccessfully resolved problematic situation over which a person had no control. and those situations over which they have no control, for example, there a person loses contact for some time, yes, or something else, then this causes, causes mental disorders in relation to ptsd. in children, in children, they also appear when the child could. to see violence, to be an eyewitness to some kind of violence or other actions that are not even related to the person, yes, not to the person suffering from ptsd. symptoms of the disorder can occur in a short or long period after the traumatic event during the first three months. they can manifest themselves due to hyperarousal, anxiety, irritability, problems with memory, sleep and emotional devastation. accompanying symptoms are...
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there can be bad sleep, bad mood, apathy, reluctance to live and plan, today, and your future, and of course, it is probably a little close to chronic fatigue, but it still needs to be distinguished . it is important to recognize such symptoms and seek timely treatment to a specialist, or to help family and friends to go through this psychologically difficult path, but about treatment. then there are many methods from symptoms to improving physical condition, helps to cope with the problem, sports, walks in the fresh air, communication with a psychologist and loved ones. sedatives or other medications may be prescribed separately, but ptsd should not be confused with other mental disorders. there are actually several groups of symptoms that can indicate that a person is developing post-traumatic stress disorder. first,
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these are obsessive, intrusive memories of a traumatic event, which are uncontrollable, which are involuntary, which are very painful, at the time of these memories, a person seems to plunge into the traumatic situation again and again. the second group of symptoms are symptoms of avoidance, when actually, due to the fact that the memories cause a lot of suffering and pain, a person tries to avoid everything and everyone that reminds him of the trauma. it started in the spring of last year in ukraine. communication campaign within the all-ukrainian mental health program at the initiative of first lady olena zelenska. how are you. also, with ptsd, it is worth contacting family doctors who have been trained under the vos program and can help with mental health issues. if necessary, they refer to a narrow specialist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychiatrist. the service is absolutely free, because
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it is provided within the program. medical guarantees. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. well, thank you colleagues for this story, and now i will pass the floor to our colleagues, who will continue to inform you about all the most important things. the time has come news of azpress. so i will pass the floor to anya eva melnyk, who is ready to share all the most important things. anya, what will happen, what will this issue be about? briefly, please. congratulations, thank you for your work, the news editor will work further on the main events. for this hour we will tell and i will start with the situation in the regions of ukraine, stay with us, the explosions in kharkiv, the mayor of kharkiv ihor terekhov
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said that the russians had previously shelled... the city and the region with guided aircraft.


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