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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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for construction, one of them is in the village of novi petrivtsi, near mezhyhiry, there is a large family house there, but the candidate cannot estimate the cost, because he built it for 10 years, he did not keep data on expenses, it looks big, and it is very , if built into the settlement where there are houses for 2 million dollars, it is not worth such money. again, why, because i built it, that is, you built it yourself with your own hands, i did something with my own hands, mainly organizational aspects, so i am not afraid of work, nor creative, neither scientific, nor construction or otherwise, mykhailo zhernakov, chairman of the board of the foundation, joined our broadcast, mykhailo, good evening. i congratulate you, i will once again remind our
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viewers that the candidates we showed did not go further in the competition, but as far as your experience is concerned, this is the selection, these are already some new rules, this is how they are selected in the constitutional court, how transparent, tough, and accordingly unique it is, you know, i think the audience can draw their own conclusions now about this, but we have not seen this before, but this is not the first time that such candidates apply for... such positions are important, yes, definitely not the first time, to be honest with you, this is just the first time that we have seen this happen, and it is fortunate big, and here we must thank, first of all, the armed forces and those people, all those who fought and are fighting for the european future of ukraine, because it was our movement towards the european union that made possible these changes to the law, which provided for the creation of by the way experts in
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such a composition, in which it is with internationals, and the transparency of this process. previously, the judges of the constitutional court were appointed simply because, for example, the president, in particular president yanukovych, wanted to, and he appointed tupytskyi, the infamous one who said that no one gives him a penny there, only in other , more unparliamentary expressions and so on, well absolutely wild stories from the constitutional court, they are just... the reason for them was such a selection mechanism, which in fact did not exist, now we see that everything is happening in reality, and this is a very big a step forward, but from what we see, you know, such an average person, who may not be familiar with the jurisprudence of judges , may get the impression, oh my god, there are not all such judges in ukraine, so i want to ask you, what we we see, these are exceptions, this is just such a place where a large number of such strange candidates are concentrated. is this in principle the
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so-called average average statistical judge of ukraine, who cannot explain his wealth, who at the same time claims a high position, and, well, hopes for something in principle get, so is it wrong to think that most judges are professional and virtuous? i will tell you this, statistically , no one has yet counted to the end, if you look at the latest competitions and... and the procedures that are taking place in relation to judges, in particular, qualification evaluation, then you can find a lot of pearls, and they are on the internet, because it is not only to the constitutional court, not so long ago there were competitions for the highest circles of the commission of judges, the supreme council of justice was being updated, now the competitions for the interviews have started, there will be a little truth later, but for the positions of judges of the first and second instance, i think we will also see a lot of interesting things there, but well, there were stories. and
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before that, for example, in the competition for the supreme court, eh, when this is actually the first competition that was transparent, but unfortunately, this transparency did not help to select worthy, with some exceptions, worthy candidates, now these are the problems that we see in the supreme court, bribes of 3 million dollars, other things, this is a direct consequence of this, so there were stories that strawberries on the fields were collected by judges in the german democratic republic, that is, until 1989, and then with this... they explained that five apartments, four plots of land in kyiv, and well, huge savings that i can't, ca n't to be explained by official incomes, well , that is, there is a lot of this among judges, if we take statistics, for example, from the experience of the public integrity council , out of approximately 300 judges that it analyzed, very roughly, as it were, about a third, 30% somewhere received conclusions about non-compliance with the criteria of integrity professional ethics, more but... but a third received information,
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a decision to provide information, that is, it is not necessarily evidence of dishonesty, it is some kind of information that may or may not testify to it. and there were still no questions for about a third of the studies, here we have such and such statistics, at least from the 300 that the state department analyzed during its four-plus years of work, now to the constitutional court, there are five vacant positions there, when they will be filled, well, when should this competition actually end and whether it will end with what all five vacant positions will be filled, is it not necessary, it is not necessary, and thank god, and we see that it is enough... the advisory group of experts is scrupulous, that is, this is the commission that actually asked the question for these judges, whom we have just seen, the main thing is that the competition ends with the selection of the best, and as the constitution writes about them, lawyers with
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a recognized level of competence and with high moral qualities, let them be. previously, these were just empty words, before the contests were conducted by the legal policy committee. him won, for example, won this competition, so to speak, the deputy chairman of this committee, anyway, in general, everyone was in compliance with the requirements of the constitution and the law regarding political neutrality, now we see everything that the candidates, although they may be good people in their political activities do good things, but the fact that political neutrality, well, it should be fundamental for the judges of the constitutional court. thank god, there are no questions in the dorachm group of experts, so in short, answering your question, i hope that it is not necessary will occupy all five positions, and the main thing is to select such judges who would go to the finals, who really deserve it, if there are fewer of them, well, okay, then we
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will need additional competitions with additional candidates. mykhailo, thank you very much, mykhailo zhernakov, chairman of the board of the foundation, we were talking about the selection of judges of the constitutional court, which... is going on right now. thank you very much. the developer is trying to evict displaced people from the shelter organized by philanthropists in lviv. about 70 people live in the shelter people these are the most vulnerable population groups, the elderly, people with disabilities, hiv-positive people. according to the benefactors, the owner of the premises, lviv developer ihor mykychak, turned off their lights and threatened to take away their property. people cannot live without light. to warm up or even heat their own food, cannot charge their phones, cannot take a shower. the benefactors have already turned to the police, but the journalists of the radio liberty tiyak project - this is a project that tells the stories of ukrainian refugees and immigrants, asked the landlord to comment on the situation. he promised to provide
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a comment, but so far he has not done so, well , our colleagues also visited the shelter itself to find out all the circumstances and talk with the residents of the shelter. listen to what they say. we are already we planned, we are planning to move, since we have premises from communal property, we are doing repairs there, unfortunately, the owner of the premises, mr. mykychak, does not give us the opportunity to live, well, to live here peacefully until the end of april, and he is starting to arrange various situations, who simply leave the surviving people from this premises, as mr. mykychak said today, i thought that there would be normal immigrants here, positive people live here. absolute, well, not that discomfort, that's putting it mildly, for people who actually fled the war, left their homes, some have nowhere to live at all, and they get additional stress here, they get various problems here, well, i'm from kherson ,
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i've been here for the fourth month, i also came from shelling, they welcomed me very much, very well, there is no light, it's uncomfortable that there is no connection. or the phone went down, and of course hot water, and yes, well, it’s a shame, of course, that’s right, when you see such an attitude of a locksmith, someone, someone, well, i don’t understand anything, what ’s going on, well, fear, misunderstanding, hot water , hands, then, washing, everything, brushing teeth, then not very convenient, a toilet with a phone, you can drop it, well, not very. that is, we are used to, when you go from there, you are already a little trained, the kharkiv region of the city of lubotyn, ugh, well, oh, the slimes are gone, you have someone left, no, dogs, he turned to us with
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a claim that we owe him compensate for the damage. property, well, that is, from the property, it's walls, windows, what you see, he billed us for about six 600, more than 600, uah. our experts said that these are completely overpriced, and we said: that we will eliminate all the problems ourselves, well , whatever there are, well, for example, if the walls are painted or rubbed, we will whitewash them, if the carpet is damaged, we will either replace it, or clean up, that is, if this damage was done by us, okay, we will do it, and accordingly he and i agreed then that we we will do this repair ourselves, but mr. mykychak heard that we are leaving for good, he decided that he will block our property without letting us out. he is from here, thus, at the expense, these are his words, by the way, at the expense of our property, he compensates himself for his
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losses, he constantly comes here, and when he meets people on the way out, he puts emotional pressure on them, tells, that he will block everyone here, that there are drug addicts and thugs, listen, not it, not it, it's a shelter worker, listen, listen, it's ours consultant, went out on the territory of the yard, and she was attacked. began to shout at her that she had no right to be here, and then he pushed her, knocked the phone out of her hands and beat the phone, you have no right to behave yourself, listen to your hands, take your hands away, this will take everything and that's it, in the contract does not clearly state that he has the right to close our premises without warning, that he has the right to cut off our communications and engage in such and such activities without warning, but our contract is valid until... may, it's just violates the terms of the contract.
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olga altunina, a representative of the commissioner for citizens victims of armed aggression against ukraine, has already joined our broadcast. good evening. good evening. olga, but the story we just showed is more of an exception or more of a regularity? i will tell you that there were 400 places of temporary settlement in ukraine even before september of last year. and we receive quite a few such complaints, i can say that this is an exception, and it was very embarrassing to look at the actions of this head of the commercial organization, business entity that behaved like that, i want to say that last year the commissioner instructed us to conduct monitoring visits to almost all cities of temporary settlement, there were 400 of them, we checked two and understood 200 and realized that almost all of them did not respond . they provide even a minimum standard so that people can live in decent conditions, and then, on the initiative of mr.
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lubinets, a cabinet resolution was developed, where , for the first time in all the years of the war , the minimum standards for places of such temporary settlement were approved, and today min-reintegration approved the list of registers is special, in which only 958 such places of temporary settlement were found, where either normal conditions or all the prerequisites for bringing them into proper condition. that is why today we involve large, international, domestic donors, so that they join and invest in such places of temporary settlement, why did we do this and why so that such stories as you showed in your story, here, do not arise unfortunately, there were risks, we understood that when the war began, such organizations, which you are talking about today you say, she took responsibility, found a donor, spent... funds to make repairs, people didn't pay for
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utility bills there, free things are not delivered today, but explain to me, please, why in this case the state didn't takes on solving these problems, and benefactors, in principle, the state probably has a lot of premises that can simply be put in order and accommodate people, because it is precisely about vulnerable groups of the population who obviously do not work there or earn very little, not they can to hire housing, why does the state not take it under its control? you very correctly said that the portrait of a person who lives in an mcp is different from the portrait of an idp in general, why? because people there are socially vulnerable, 25% are elderly people, 59% are women with children, and 22% of them are people with disabilities. therefore, these are special people and it is necessary to create conditions for them. i want to say that today of all places is temporary. only 17% of the population are in private real estate objects, that's all
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the rest are communal or state, or, as a rule, they are dormitories of institutions of higher education, and the state, in the person of local self-government bodies, regional state administration, must deal with this issue, in fact , a resolution was issued on the initiative of the commissioner, on september 1 last year, so it is necessary time to answer it all. or in the person of other government officials or the president, turns to the people in the occupation and says: leave, use all possible methods and leave, we are waiting for you here, we will meet you here, and it turns out, if a person leaves there, and he has some relatives or some money with him, and he can provide himself with housing, or he can immediately work, he will still somehow survive, and such
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people, whom we have shown, in principle , cannot leave anywhere, and it turns out that the state only says to leave with words, but when to do things? it happens, they cannot provide for everyone, well, i will tell you that it is not up to, not quite, well, the correct position and questioning, because, for example, yesterday the evacuation headquarters was held, and each regional state administration said, we we are evacuating, for example, 200 people there from such and such settlements, vereshchuk asked where they are taking them, and the regional state administration of the region where they are being taken confirmed the address, where exactly they will be resettled, what means of transport they will use to provide an ambulance there , who will meet, these people are clearly going to the ntp, they are not going anywhere, because it was the minister who asked them, but i have doubts if an ordinary person had asked them where i should go, i recently i read maksym's interview tkachenko, and this is a people's deputy of the verkhovna rada, he is also a member of the committee on
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human rights, a representative of the tsk on the protection of the rights of immigrants, and here he says that he is something. i was recently at a meeting in one ova and he asked, i am a migrant, where should i go, and where can i see a list of free housing for me, well, he says, they started whispering there and said that everything is on the website, i went to the website and saw that literally 20 minutes ago they posted the housing listing, only after i asked what i leads to the idea that if, for example, a minister asks, the answer will probably be found, but if an ordinary person asks, well, there is a question, i agree with you, those people who make decisions about evacuation on their own, it is difficult for them to find a publicly available list of such places of temporary settlement on the website of the ministry of integration, it is there, but you are right, it is difficult to find the mtp where it is specified, we have 10, for example, free places, they can call and ask, and can i come to you, you will take me for accommodation or not? yes, such a story does not exist, it is bad communication, unfortunately, it is embarrassing
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to say, but unfortunately, the state did not do anything until last year, and in fact the office is full. took upon themselves the function of organizing this history, because the commissioner prioritizes idps, he understands that there are 5 million of them, this issue must be dealt with, if now, according to approximate estimates, somewhere around 120 thousand live in such places of temporary settlement, i want to say that if you allow, of course, that you can display our e-mail address, which people can contact us, we have a complete list of those places that are free today, people can get there, they can contact us if they are in trouble. essential conditions, we will make efforts to accommodate these people in some places, well , temporarily, so that they live. today there are a lot of programs, there are many donors, for example, in the kyiv region even whole towns are being created so that people who have nowhere to go can stay until the end of the war, even if tomorrow they will be liberated, i think that we will all add later
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phone numbers, e-mail addresses are necessary when we publish this information, for example, on the radio liberty website, but... if we go back to the story from which we started, we saw that people are having fun, then what is the decision here, who should decide this is a question, because as of now, i literally called today, people are still living in that shelter in lviv without electricity, and they will live there until may 1, there is already a facility to which they will move, all of them ready, so they will live for months without light there, you see, food is brought to them for free, they have a place where they will charge their devices, they have an agreement that they will visit the bath complex, they will be able to receive services there, and the appropriate ones, as far as light is concerned , negotiations are now underway, it should be taken care of and the responsibility to resolve this situation lies with the regional state administration, it is they who should deal with this issue, it is clearly written in
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the law on the protection of the rights of internally displaced persons, it is their direct duty. i thank you for that you joined because we also appealed to the ministry of integration, they did not respond to our request, but nevertheless, i can only generalize and state that the state still cannot provide 100% of all displaced persons with comfortable housing. thank you very much, olga altunina, representative of the commissioner for citizens victims of armed aggression against ukraine. we talked about the challenges faced by displaced persons and refugees. thank you very much. we have everything for today, i encourage you to subscribe to the radio page freedom on the internet, like this broadcast, in this way you will support our work. you can leave remarks, wishes, comments in the chat under this video, and svoboda live will return to the air on monday.
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what is bahmud? bahmud? it is a place of fear and a place of bravery, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end of our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of traditions and the martial art of his ancestors. these are boys who... never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son,
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a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. there are discounts on the room. 15% in pharmacies plantain. to you and savings. there are discounts on capsules linex forte 15% in pharmacies psyllium you and save. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: the war of russia against ukraine, the war in... the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society:
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drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to do. still quarrel, let's get out, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the second world trump's presidency will be terrible, a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. every week, maria gurska meets
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with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and how our entry into the eu will look like. the project is close to politics. around the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sestra au. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 220. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate the non-committal. a look at football, football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. premium sponsor
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represents the national team. united by football, stronger together. olena from tyre and her 15-year-old brother artem yankovskyi. these children lived in the kakhovsky district of the kherson region in the village of chaplinka, which has remained occupied since the first days of the war. about a month ago, we received information about the disappearance of yankovsky's brother and sister. also, for more than nine months, the fate of two more boys from the occupied part of kherson oblast has remained unknown. this is 13-year-old ivan gorbachevskiy and 13-year-old nazariy maksimov. guys disappeared in the city of skadovsk in june 2023. that's why i am i appeal to everyone who sees me, and especially to the residents of the kherson region, with a request
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to help find the children. look closely at the faces of the missing: 13-year-old olena yankovska looks her age, she has gray-green eyes and light blond hair. the girl is very similar to her brother artem yankovsky. they have almost identical noses and lips. the boy looks a little older, he also has blond hair and gray-green eyes. they were last seen in the village of chaplinka in the kakhov district of the kherson region. and now attention to the photo of the boys who disappeared in skadovsky area of ​​the region. 13-year-old ivan gorbachevskiy looks his age. he has blue eyes and short, light blond hair. nazari maksimov is also 13 years old, but the boy looks, perhaps, a little older than his age. the boy is thin, has dark hair and brown eyes. official information about the disappearance of these boys came last summer. if suddenly someone has information about the possible whereabouts
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of elena, artem, ivan or nazarara. is it possible that you just saw these children somewhere, let us know right away, even a small piece of news is possible become very important. you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by calling the short number 1163. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if you suddenly find yourself in the temporarily occupied territory and cannot make a call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just four children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in total, since the beginning of the war, we have received more than 3,00 appeals about help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them, but unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown. and everyone can help find them. believe me, just a minute of your
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time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. at the same time, unfortunately, children are also disappearing in the territories controlled by ukraine. and as experience shows child tracing services, the vast majority of them are teenagers who often resort to running away because of their experiences and some unresolved problems. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and collected a lot of tips for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. according to experts, it often happens that the problems of teenagers mirror the problems of the adults around them. therefore, psychologists advise first of all to establish their own emotional comfort, then it will be much easier for an adult to help his own to the child take care of your psychological
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well-being, be. pay attention to yourself, because often the problems of children and teenagers are a reflection of the problems of the adults who surround them, and if you feel tired and exhausted, if nothing makes you happy, something worries and scares you, if you notice that you have become less productive, that you get angry more often , that you have some problems with memory, for example, with attention, with concentration, this is all an excuse for you to seek help, get this help, fix your life, fix your own psychological comfort. and then already from a healthy, prosperous position to help your child, and perhaps at that moment this help will no longer be needed. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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on the air from washington, the program of the ukrainian service of the voice of america chas time, i am yuliya yarmolenko, congratulations. already next week, the chamber representatives is back to work and, as speaker mike johnson said earlier, the issue of aid. in ukraine will be among the first topics to be considered by legislators. american media , however, report that the process of considering further financing of aid to kyiv may drag on for weeks, due to pressure on johnson within the republican party. what to expect from congress after legislators return to work. let's talk about this with my colleague ostap yarysh, who joins the broadcast from kapitaliyskyi pagorob. ostape, hello. congratulations, yulia. what to us it is known at this moment about exactly when and in what
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format the speaker johnson. still pass a bill on aid to ukraine.


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