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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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the war in ukraine is being discussed in nato in case donald trump wins the elections in the united states of america. according to the information of the italian publication: ukraine may be offered immediate accession to nato if it cedes russia, crimea and all the territories occupied for two years. to what extent can such a story be discussed at all, given the fact that the world is quite picky. to this redistribution, to the stolen, and i think most countries do not want such a precedent, because what russia will start if they are to give the stolen territory to russia, then it will continue between, between china, yes, then between india and pakistan, that is , there will be dozens, maybe even hundreds of such conflicts on the planet, that is, is such a scenario possible, what lary writes about? taking into account
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the risks for the whole planet, well, we have already heard this scenario again, it is nothing new, about this from time to time such information waves were launched, and here i really like such ones, you know, when they ask whether it can be or not, this is a 50/50 forecast, maybe may or may not be, that is, the fact that such a scenario is being talked about somewhere, i believe that there are some analytical centers, there are also russians, this is quite skillful. reinforce, it can have a good time somewhere, and also the fact that in the western press there are a lot of people who, well, who are agents of russian influence, well, this has been known since soviet times, russia, the soviet union has always fed influential foreign correspondents, entire editorial offices formed these media communities, took them to all kinds of white nights in st. petersburg and so on, i met with them in spain, for example, where there are a lot of pro-russian...
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so this is also understandable, but it does not solve the challenges facing the western world at all, because in fact, this is again this is what the world war institute wrote about, this is a discussion in the world that russia has created for itself is such a virtual world, and in that world such a thing is possible, but in the real world , russia has no chance of actually defeating the coalition, well, just there... er, the total gross product of the countries of the western coalition is somewhere there 60 or so trillions, and russia is two-two with a hook, well, you can't win economically in any way, i'm already silent about military things, so in the real world, russia will lose one hundred percent, and what is it counting and what is it doing? well, first of all, she expects that the americans will leave, and putin really planned and really hoped that it would just... there would be
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a domino effect in the european union, that the europeans would quarrel and military support would simply drop and ukraine would simply sag. and it turned out not at all like that. the delay and indecisiveness of the behavior of the united states strongly mobilized europe. they mobilized in different ways. macron, what macron did, he just created a completely unexpected problem for putin, because, well, macron talks about how. if there are no red lines in russia, we should not have red lines either. well, why are they? and here we see the statements of blinken and everything else, they do not stand up to criticism, because when you hear scholz's statements that there will be no foot in ukraine, the statements of the american president that there will be no foot of nato soldiers or american soldiers, well, never say never, and then how are you going to defend western values, which means you don't want to prepare for a direct confrontation, if nato americans are already there.' troops,
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for example, in poland, they have a small border, but they have a border there with russia, they have already approached there, it is generally some kind of, well , very illogical position, and macron felt it well, and he took this niche, the only possible leadership, and he will not get out of it, because if he removed scholz, which we do not expect from germany, because we understand that you are afraid, well, what kind of european politician will want to be proud of the fact that he belongs... to the club of cowards, and this is a challenge to the white house, and and and that, well, we are not talking about the orbans and the sfitsami, they are understandable people, but for european politicians, especially now against the background of parliamentary elections and those processes that are taking place, this is now a real choice, and at the same time public public support, which is in the united states, which is also in france, it is quite high, but here again , ukraine needs to do a lot. i really, i
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'll be honest, really don't like the trend that we are we are filling the vacancies of ambassadors with simply dismissed officials, there i already hear that another wave of dismissed... there are advisers, god knows who, from the banking sector, and each of them sees himself in the diplomatic field, well, with such a diplomatic front, we have serious problems, not to mention the need for internal changes, internal reforms, well, if for reform, by the way, venedikto was already sent as an ambassador, more precisely to switzerland, and now they are predicting that kostya, the current prosecutor general, will go to norway, because norway is not got danilov, who they didn't want to see there, and danilov... is being sent as an ambassador to moldova, well, that's to the point, to this whole personnel mess, which is now diplomatic, but i, mr. oleg, wanted to ask you about what lavrov said , putin's sharer, during a round table with diplomats, he said that
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zelenskyi's peace formula is the ultimate, and that, in his opinion, china has offered the clearest one so far. the most reasonable settlement plan around ukraine, and russia is ready to discuss security guarantees of ukraine only if the dialogue continues on equal terms. let's listen to what exactly lavrov said, how he said it. this formula involves no compromises, no alternatives. she completely ignores those initiative proposals made with the best motives. which once sounded in the people's republic of china, from the south african republic, brazil, and the league of arab states. all this is listened to, but it is not and will not be taken into account in any way, any cosmetic clarifications are possible, but the essence of zelenskyi’s formula, as an ultimatum,
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remains unchanged. he says that this dialogue is possible on equal terms, on equal terms with whom? again, they lead us into their world, here they are, they have their own matrix, they live in that matrix, and they try to convince us that in fact the matrix is ​​the real world, that's what happens, well, that 's known, that the defense of ukrainians is perceived as aggression, that the western world's support of ukraine's right to... independence is perceived as a threat to russia and everything else, and well , here's the situation here, remember the formula with china i thought it was a cuckoo that praised a rooster . first of all, here is the first sentence. i remember well that in the chinese peace plan, the first point was the recognition of the borders and
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sovereignty of the state, that is, if they are accepted by russia, then you can talk further, but they , they never hide this formula, they talk about the desire, and shaigu there told the french minister of defense that you better not go to ukraine, you don’t need to do it, and he demonstrated that they are ready for the istanbul domonots, that is, they are doing their own work the global south, they work for their audience, but they constantly drag us into their matrix, and in that matrix they manipulate. whatever things they want, the challenge for the world here is what, well, the fact that if an aggressor in the 21st century , for the first time since the second world war, manages to get away with impunity without any there, well, like
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hitler, how hitler attacked accusing poland that poland was the first to attack germany, there is nothing new here, 20% of the territory is approximately, if not more, and they also want it... they want the world to recognize it, i do i understand that the condition of their willingness to talk there is not only that they want to take the territory, but that they will recall the previous demands, ukraine must be de-nazified, disarmed, and then, let's just remember the last meetings there of these damned orthodox leaders with kirill, who clearly said that all of ukraine should be in the russian sphere. that is, can the world really go to such an extent that ukrainians are here, what are ukrainians doing here, what are ukrainians talking about here ? order, and even if trump becomes president, as he is in this world, and trump has ambitions there, you already remember how in a couple
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of seconds he destroyed 200 wagnerites there with just missiles, and then reacted very harshly when he had to to show his temper, how in this world he will be able to... perform the role of the president of the largest country and he really wants to be feared and respected there, if the world order simply collapses, well , because north korea, now we are anxiously watching what. .. will there be iran, will there be a massive attack on israel or not, because there is the threat that the middle east will break out, now we see from time to time the statements of the serbs there in the balkans, because this is all being said, that putin will create islands of instability for the democratic world, he is sowing chaos, and this chaos must be answered, if yes, thank you, thank you, mr. olezh, it was oleg rybachuk, former head of yushchenko's presidential office and former deputy prime minister in... friends, we are working live on the tv channel and our colleague kateryna
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galko is on the phone. another trial was held today intelligence officer roman chervinskyi, a former intelligence officer, and today they had to decide whether to extend the former intelligence officer's term of detention. kateryna is with us now live. katerina, i congratulate you. please tell me the details of the proceedings and what decision the judges reached during the trial. of today's meeting, i congratulate serhiy, i congratulate the viewers of the espres tv channel, so today the shevchenkiv district court of the capital considered the petition to extend the term of detention of roman chervinskyi, the hearing began at 10 in the morning and, accordingly, lasted about 10 hours today, we watched a rather dynamic trial, a dynamic session with a bright polemic between the lawyers and the prosecutor, the lawyer. and the judge, there was also plenty of time to hear roman chervinskyi himself, i suggest
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that we hear him now, there has been no judge in the appeal for a year, and they have already stopped, does not confirm the validity of the suspicion, it is not justified, there is no evidence, but i am sitting, european court, this is the most important thing in order to keep a person. so, in general, today the lawyers also made several motions, most of them were rejected, but roman chervinskyi was allowed to sit between his lawyers, actually the lawyers of the defense side note that the suspicion is not sufficiently substantiated, which they talk about at almost every meeting, and they also had questions even before the very request for an extension term of detention, which was considered today. the prosecutor first submitted it, then took it away, then submitted it again, which according to the lawyers is not legal, and the
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defense submitted a statement to law enforcement authorities on the prosecutor, because they say he committed a crime, and let's hear more about it in the comments. today's petition, which was submitted again, was submitted purely for technical reasons. so, in general, today the court decided to keep roman chervinskyi in custody for 15 days instead of the 16 invited, and let's also hear the reaction to this decision. adopting today's decision to extend the term of detention for only 15 days is
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a kind of internal compromise of the investigating judge and the internal compromise of the investigating judge between an understanding of how weak the prosecutor's request for continued detention and the pressure of the executive power on the judiciary are. so the next meetings will follow. should already take place in kirovohrad, i should conclude with this, so this is all the information as of now, serhiy, i pass the atr to you, thank you kateryna, it was kateryna galka who oversaw the trial of ex-intelligence officer roman chervinskyi, today they tried to choose another for him a means of detention, but apparently the lawyers appealed, but nothing i understand that this did not work, friends, we are working. on the live air of the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook,
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during this broadcast we conduct a survey and ask you about whether you consider mikhail bulgakov a ukrainophobe, yes, no, please vote on youtube with the appropriate buttons, you can see now results, interim results of the tv poll, 73% yes, 27% - no, on youtube 75% yes, 25% no, this is... we will continue the poll in the second part of our program, we will have today journalist club with the participation of oleksiy mustafin and andriy yanitskyi. there are discounts on hepargin of 15% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. events, events that are happening right
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now and affect our lives. of course, the village news. informs about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, more more analytics, even more. topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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premium sponsor. represents the national team. united by football, stronger together. every week , the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that
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everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, even to the point of sainthood. victory, everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, cooks, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together.
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greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, today in the release. parliamentary failure. the verkhovna rada is rapidly losing confidence. how to preserve the effectiveness of the legislative body without holding elections during wartime?
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resignation after resignation. the 2019 zelensky model team. leaves power, what reorganization of influence forces is behind it? ukrainophobe bulgakov, a russian writer originally from kyiv, is recognized as a symbol of imperial policy. why not everyone agrees with this decision. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube. please take part in our survey. today we ask you about... so, do you think of mikhail bulgakov ukrainophobe? yes, no, if you watch us on tv, you can vote for the corresponding numbers if you think... mykhailo bulgakov is a ukrainophobe 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free of our voting. and we
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already have my colleague andrii yanitskyi on the air. andrii, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. greetings, good evening. and oleksiy mustafin, historian, publicist, media manager for that, should also join our broadcast. to discuss this evening with us, well, let 's start our conversation with blitz poll, andrii, do you consider mikhail bulgakov a ukrainophop? i can't say yes or no, because the times when bulgakov was writing were different after all, and we understand that then there was no independent ukraine in the form in which it is now, and take today's models and. .. to impose them on an author who created so long ago seems wrong to me, at the same time i fully understand
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the position of our institution, in order to lay the foundation for the future, we must still draw a line under the imperial the past and correctly interpreting writers in the sense of not banning them there is no no. to ban their publication, for example, to publish their books with comments, and to write the truth about the fact that bolgakov, well, he was rather a russian-cultural such an imperial writer, was he also a ukrainophobe, it is difficult for me to say, i am not his biographer, in literary works very often the characters say not exactly what the author really feels. thank you. andriy, oleksiy mustafin joined our broadcast. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. since we are asking our tv viewers about their attitude towards mikhail
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bulgakov, more precisely, whether they consider mikhail bulgakov a ukrainophobe, i suggest you answer this question briefly, if possible. well, at least he is not a ukrainophile. that's the least. it belongs to russian culture. and he identified himself that way, so to some extent he is an interesting person in the context of that culture, on the other hand, yes, he is a native of kyiv, he was born in kyiv, spent a lot of time in kyiv, there is a kyivan theme in his work, of course, it is also interesting for any kyivan, but it is clear that he is not a ukrainian writer, and therefore it is necessary to treat him exactly that way, well, why are we asking now, we will explain to our tv viewers, because andriy and oleksiy for sure understand why we have this question and why you actually asked this question in the survey,
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the expert commission of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance recognized as propaganda of russian imperial policy, the installation of monuments in honor of bulgakov and the use of his name in the names of institutions and geographical objects. according to the conclusion of this commission, bulgakov was an imperialist in outlook and zealous. ukrainianophobe, at the same time, the head of this institute, of national memory, anton drobovich called the experts' conclusion a little emotional, but admitted that they called things by their names, according to him , the bulgakov museum in kyiv will continue to exist, but its name will be changed, so whether do you, gentlemen, agree with this conclusion of this institute, the ukrainian, ukrainian institute of national memory. and whether everything that binds us is necessary or used to connect us with russia with something that made us
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kindred, that we were taken as a community and thrown to the side and said that somehow we will continue to be without bulgakov, because bulgakov was an emperor. andrei, well, in the part about monuments and names, i completely agree with the conclusions of the institute, because when we talk about monuments, we are not talking about the literary work of this writer, we are talking about precisely imperial symbols, and when we see how monuments are being demolished "pushkin's monuments, then they are demolishing the putin's monument, in fact, or the monuments there catherine, stalin, that is...
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i myself was born in sevastopol, lived there for 22 years, and you know, there was not as much bulgakov there as in kyiv, but for example, the pushkin gymnasium was also pushkin, and the street, of course, pushkin, and there was no pushkin, although before the history of sevastopol , pushkin had a very indirect meaning, maybe he was somewhere nearby, but when these names were assigned to schools, streets, squares. then, of course, it was not about yevgeny onegin, but it was about the fact that this is the stamp of the russian world, the empire, and such an author's right, on the city of sivastopol, although there were many other periods in the history of sevastopol, crimean tatar, and ancient, and medieval, and more with europe, i believe, sevastopol was and is now connected than with
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russia. thanks to andrii oleksiy, journalist serhiy tykhiy says that bolgakov could be translated into ukrainian and arranged in this way, why translate, let ’s do it, i would like to continue andriy’s opinion about the fact that the cult of pushkin and the cult of bulgakov he is not unrelated directly with these characters, or rather with literature. which came out from under the pen of these people, monuments to pushkin began to be erected en masse all over the russian empire, when pushkin had already been in the grave for a long time, there is a certain anniversary there, this is the end of the 19th century, the beginning of the 20th century, and exactly how a marker of russianness, so to speak, of russian culture, the same when they say that they are destroying, destroying history, when they rename bolhakov streets, we must
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remember that bolhakov streets appeared... also only in independent ukraine, so in principle, well, i don't remember for sure, but at least during the rise of the soviet union, and the cult of bulgakov arose quite, quite, quite late, so to speak, so, well, in addition, it must be said that the monument to bolgakovo in kyiv appeared earlier than in russia, it reminds me of another character, leo tolstoy, who was very quarrelsome about renaming the metro station, but... there is no station in any, no place in russia and there was no leo tolstoy metro station. are we really more russian than the russians themselves? i believe that again, there is no need to resort to bans, they are superfluous, that is, it may be of interest, because many may be interested in these literary works, they can be published, if there is, there is a demand for them, but again, this has nothing
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to do with .. schools, it has nothing to do with toponymy, yes, maybe i would disagree about the memorial plaques, memorial plaques explain or mark places where a person has been, and again, even crime scenes have memorial plaques, it does not mean that it is thereby glorified cats or murderers, so i think that the board should remain, perhaps in a different form, remain on the house in which bulgakov lived, again, he lived, it is not his own, his own home, but just a person who was here, why not , that is, this is this in this, this is part of history, as far as bolgakov's works are concerned, it is certainly the most famous work related to ukraine, this is the white guard, well, like the foot soldiers, it spread.
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imbued with the spirit of that russian imperial kiev, that is, that part of society that was completely part of it of the russian, so to speak empire, and sympathy for this culture, well, there was such a culture, there were such people, and from the point of view of explaining their behavior in those conditions, maybe this is really interesting, but again, not it is necessary to publish it, that it is , so to speak, a novel or a play about kyiv, it is about a certain circle of people, these characters, the same applies, i do not understand that many people there in the late soviet era were fascinated the master and margarita, but there is a question about the essence of it in general, so to speak novel, what it is about, how it characterizes russian culture, because it is definitely a russian novel and...


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