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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna works in the studio. on broadband another enemy attack. at night, the enemy launched attack drones and cruise missiles over ukraine. an air alert sounded in all regions. and ukrainian air defense forces shot down 28 shahedeids and three cruise missiles. as a result of a rocket hitting industrial enterprises in zaporizhzhia, nivych region, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, announced this. in the makarivskyi district of kyiv region, shrapnel fragments and rockets damaged the premises of one of the private houses.
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enterprises, said local head vadim turner. there were no casualties, it was reported that the uav was shot down in the mykolaiv region as well. the consequences are currently being clarified. six people died, another ten were injured as a result of the russian night strike on kharkiv. the occupiers attacked the shevchenkivskyi district of the city with shahedas - reported the mayor of the city, ihor terekhov. enemy drones targeted residential buildings, the city suffered minimal damage. nine high-rise buildings, three dormitories, a number of administrative buildings, gas station, kramnytsia and service station. at the same time , the occupiers hit a shop with a rocket in the dergachyv community. cars also caught fire there. during the day , the enemy attacked kharkiv and the region with kababs. four dead and 25 wounded are the consequences of yesterday's rocket attack by the enemy on zaporizhzhia - reported the head of the region, ivan fedorov.
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according to law enforcement officers, the invaders first fired three rockets at the city, and after some time they struck again with two more. two journalists are among the injured. media workers were hit by a second hit while working with rescuers and police at the scene of the first hit. and it was an explosive morning in the russian belgorod. the local authorities complain that the city and the region have come under fire again. probably as a result of the unsuccessful operation of russian air defense in belgorod, seven high-rise buildings were damaged, windows were blown out there , a house and an administrative building burned down in the village of dubove. no injuries were reported. and local telegram channels, in their turn, also publish shell-torn streets in belgorod. meanwhile, a dam broke in russian orsk. it happened late at night, the authorities there called people.
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about 4,000 houses are at risk of flooding. so far, the dam has already broken in two places. the water keeps coming. it has already exceeded the usual level by almost 3 m. electricity was turned off in flooded areas. in total , more than 10,000 local residents need to be evacuated. and in the temporarily occupied kherson oblast , drones attacked the car and house of a local raandka and flew to the head of the occupation administration of the village of velyka lepatikha, kakhovsky district, olga baranovska. the drone was also attacked the car, officials of the occupation administration of kakhovka, told in the center of journalistic investigations. the invaders announced a total of five wounded, including haulyaiterka baranovska, she is allegedly in the hospital. before the war , she was the head of the village of mala lepatikha, and with the beginning of the occupation, she began to cooperate. with
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the russians, like two scotlands or three costa ricas, that is how much territory ukraine will still have to demine. how much time and resources will be needed to clean our state of insidious ammunition, we will tell later. 26% of the territory of ukraine is mined as a result of the full-scale invasion of russia, it is about 156 thousand. potentially deadly square kilometers, according to the data of the state emergency service. the minister of environmental protection, ruslan strelets, declares that ukraine is the most mined country in the world. this 26% of the total territory of the state can be potentially contaminated with explosive objects. this does not mean that every meter has mines or ammunition, but it does mean that these areas need to be surveyed. er and er
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, in the case of finding explosive objects, clean it up. now the most kharkiv, kherson and donetsk regions remain mined. partially fenced. also mykolayiv region, zaporizhzhia, sumy region, chernihiv region and in some places kyiv region. according to preliminary and most optimistic data, it will take 70 years to clear ukrainian lands of such munitions. this is a huge territory, the demining of which may take decades, and according to some experts, hundreds of years. we, of course, are not going to expect this, we are going to demine ukraine as soon as possible. years in september 2023, the head of the government is denys shmyhal declared that 37 billion dollars and more than 10,000 sappers are needed for complete demining of ukraine. now we have only 3 thousand specialists. this year, in response to the challenges,
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international partners created a demining coalition led by lithuania. it included 21 states. the association provides for the transfer of the necessary machinery and equipment to us. as well as the training of ukrainian specialists, i.e. financial assistance, financial assistance is key, it is a key factor in any program, be it humanitarian demining or mine countermeasures activity if there is finance, then human potential, or personnel, will be developed, equipment will be purchased, and everything will build up. one of the main components of mine action is humanitarian demining. according to the plan of the ministry of economy, this year. want to examine and return to economic use more than 512 thousand hectares of agricultural land as a priority. as of march, more than 50,000 hectares have already been put back into use, according to minister yulia
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svyridenko, clearing a square kilometer costs uah 17. while in the world the price for such services is from $3 to $5. starting from starting with the first stage, i.e. non-technical survey of the territory, cleaning, demining, then external quality control, when the operator is already checked, let's say, state inspection, and then the transfer of the land is key, because it is this type of demining, it ends with that the land is transferred. mines are weapons that will kill ukrainians even when we defeat russia. since the beginning of the great war, 295 people have died. detonation with explosive objects, among them 15 children. in order to speed up demining , the state emergency service, dsst, the explosives service of the national police, mine countermeasures operators are working. for example, the staff of emergency pyrotechnicians tripled during the large-scale war
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, more than a thousand specialists and more than three hundred pieces of equipment work every day, and animals help them. none. after the second world war, ukraine did not face such mine pollution as ukraine. all possible equipment is used to clean the territories, and from mid-summer they promise to include even artificial intelligence. however, it is already obvious that ukraine's experience in the field of demining will serve as a model for other countries after hostilities. the shevchenkiv district court of the capital continued for another 15 days. the term of the preventive measure against roman chervinsky until april 19, also decided to ensure the right of the ex-intelligence officer to proper medical care. the suspect's defense side calls such a decision a kind of internal compromise of the investigating judge. the preparatory meeting in the case of
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roman cheravinskyi will be held at kirovohrad district court in the next two weeks. let me remind you that the scout is suspected of exceeding his official powers during the operation. from the hijacking of a russian plane, as a result of which there was a missile attack on the kanatove airfield. this is a relatively new decision in this case, and i would like to believe that it was made primarily under the pressure of the evidence that we presented and emphasized today. the defense side evaluates separately very positively. in the court decision, attention was paid to the medical examination and health status. adoption today the decision to extend the term of detention for only 15 days is a kind of internal compromise of the investigating judge and the internal compromise of the investigating judge between
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the understanding of how unreasonable the prosecutor's request to extend the detention and the pressure of the executive power on the judiciary. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum and in parcels to... to the front, in addition to vitamin ones, other necessary for our defenders, goodies such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, pastola, dried cloves and borsch, lard and canned meat, in short, everything that will feed our people at zero. we constantly have a lot of requests, which means that there is a need for our help at the front, so join in and support our soldiers with a donation, you can see all the details on your screens now, look for espresso at... and be sure to subscribe, because there are direct ater broadcast, all program releases and
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special projects that can only be seen here, as well as a short video on hot topics in the section shorts, subscribe, comment, because your opinions are important to us, be there every day to learn more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website, as well as our social networks, and in a moment meet my colleagues andriy saichuk and lesya vakalyuk. we will see you in less than an hour. well gentlemen, thank you to everyone who is watching espresso today and joining our telethon 772 days of russia's large-scale invasion. already today we continue such medicine every day, and today we will talk about what
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is happening at the front, about what is happening with ukraine, how it survived this night, about what is happening in the world and explain the events, dmytro pletenchuk is already with us, the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine , captain of the third rank, mr. dmitry, welcome to our airwaves, congratulations to the studio, congratulations to the audience and special thanks for the marathon because of that. well, we didn't invent it, it's all greeks, we, we just continue the glorious traditions in fact. i, i still remember very well when ukrainian was on the air on television, you could hear athena, not athens, and this was considered absolutely normal, and no one's ear was cut, well, i think we are just returning ours, which was ordered a little in 30 years. mr. dmitry, first of all, of course, about the situation that night, the enemy attacked, attacked, as well as... probably even with calibers, please tell me what happened from the sea?
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one of our cruise missiles is currently in the sea, the submarine of the varshavyanka project, the information you asked for is still being clarified, but it is old for now can only confirm the presence of such and such a seed in the sea, this is a submarine, which, in principle , the russian federation, the soviets were preparing for export. but there are several such units in the black sea fleet, six of them in total, of which three, i apologize, are currently in service in the black sea. can we say that the attack on zaporozhye, in particular at night , could have been carried out by calibers from the black sea? uh, again, i will confirm this information that i have, and after that i will be able to tell you for sure, but... but for now i have there is currently no such verified information. in general, there was information
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literally on friday that there are no russian ships in the black sea, that they had all left the ukrainian waters, that is , they have already taken some ships here again, so what do you mean by the ukrainian waters? meaning, well, it's literal. there was information on april 5 that there are no russian ships in the black and azov seas, the occupiers have withdrawn their ships from ukrainian waters, this was reported literally yesterday in a telegram, in particular, the naval forces. well, the problem is that the name is a bit like that, maybe incorrect, in fact there are territorial waters, and if you take crimea, azov, the kerch strait, then in territorial waters. this is a twelve-mile zone from the coast to the edge, according to international law, it is
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ukrainian territorial waters and the ukrainian sea, roughly speaking, and they will be present there until we liberate all our territories, so in principle we can say that they somehow the ukrainians have now left, it is not possible until the end of the war in principle, if brothers in general, this is the open sea, this is the entire rest of the water area, that is... they have not been observed there for quite a long time, in principle, that is, they have not even gone out to sea in any units recently, not to mention the carrier of cruise missiles, today's exit it's so... it could also be a demonstration, we've seen this before, over the last three weeks, they've come and gone, and it's probably the same example, but again, i don't want to get ahead of myself right now, it's still pretty early and still information is processed, accordingly, so i think that later we will see the full picture, but i emphasize that the last time there, about a week ago, the same number of
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submarines even two left and entered at once, we will see. er, the russians are trying to protect their ports on the black sea, they are putting, in particular, barges to cover them, is it effective and can they feel protected? well, actually, they think so, i guess, or they are doing everything they can, i won't reveal all the technical details, but hey, they used to close their ports, and basically, ... the main thing here is not even yes, you can shut yourself in the base and sit there quietly, but the combat work takes place in the sea, not on the base, so regardless of whether it protects them or not, that's not even the main thing here, and the important point is that they actually rely on
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international law, which they love to violate in the black sea, considering... that novorossiysk is, the territory of the so-called russian federation, it's their territorial waters, they count on the fact that nothing will fly there, well yes, if you just call everything by its name, that's why, in principle, here even its barriers are, roughly speaking, not the main defense, the main defense is international law in this case, does russia have the opportunity to replenish the black sea fleet somewhere from its other flotillas in order to... try to regain control over the black sea? for this, first of all, it is necessary to go to sea at all, secondly, if we are talking about amphibious operations, no, because the vdk will not pass through internal waters banally due to its dimensions, neither from the caspian, in fact, nor from other
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seas, so to speak say, there is the baltic, they can transfer smaller units from there, the vdc cannot. therefore, to say that replenishing the numbers in order to somehow restore dominance in the black sea there is also unlikely, because to begin with the already existing fleet must be supported, and with this, as we can see, there are also problems, so for now in this it just doesn't make sense, this week there was such a small but noticeable event that a container ship came to odessa for the first time and unloaded, we know that... that for two years there have been problems with the arrival of goods and various positions by sea, is this or this means the actual return of such goods flow, well, in fact, we do everything to ensure that this corridor works as
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safely as possible, in order to increase the trust of shipowners, crews, it also matters, in fact, because the crew can, for example, not at all, well, refuse to go, for example, a zone of possible risks, so the same insurers can change their rates, accordingly, for this, for example, a section of the sea, yes, so yes, we are constantly working on mine safety, we are constantly working on uh, other challenges that, on unfortunately, there is in... the black sea, and yes, this is the result of joint work and civil structures, which are also touching and tangential to the process, so we hope for further sustainable development, this is important for our country, and everyone already understands it. well, mr. dmitry, i would like to ask one last question, what is the current degree, if it can be assessed, of the threat
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of an attack with calibers from the black sea, well, the degree of the threat. in principle, it is constantly in approximately the same state, because the presence of carriers, it already is, one can say, should be such a warning that can be an attack in principle, purely technically, the possibility of launching from any actual part of the black sea also hints at the fact that there is always a danger of launching the same rich missiles, eh, however, again, we should not forget that two years ... they did not pass in vain, and accordingly, if at the beginning of a full-scale invasion from the name caliber alone, people there fainted, then ... now, in principle, we know what kind of weapon it is, what to do with it, how, how resist, and respond accordingly to all such challenges, together with our colleagues from other components
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of the security defense forces, first of all, the air force, of course, in this sense, takes care of this danger factor, so yes, we have air defense units, just like in the ground forces, which are constantly ... chat, monitor and repel such attacks. thank you, dmytro, dmytro platenchuk, was with us, the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, a captain of the third rank, thank him for finding time for our marathon, and now we are going on a short break and will return from news from the occupied part of the kherson region. what? bahmud. bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud
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is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberk, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to protect ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. rive lead. manufacturer of window sills and materials for windows. ditch. we have been creating quality at an affordable price for more than 20 years. there are 15% discounts on hepargin in
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podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special look at events in ukraine, there will be some policemen on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and... affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly
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assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. zahid studio with anton borkovsky on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, and appreciate skills. to stand side by side with brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles
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of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. dear friends, we return to the ether, we continue our roll call. we will visit the occupied part of the kherson region, the mayor of novaya kakhovka , volodymyr kovalenko, will be on our airwaves, there is even mr. volodymyr, mr. volodymyr, good morning, good morning, mr. volodymyr, i don't know if you have seen these shots, they appeared, russian military personnel, one of them made public the first minutes of the actual undermining of kakhovskaya hess, how it all looked, already somewhere a year has passed since then. time year 6 june 6, june 6, we are getting closer to that year, these few months will pass very quickly, as since
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then in... the tile, how the tile, the new tile was then damaged, or it has already been forgotten and the russians have already brought during that time there was only grief, what was it, you know, when i saw these shots, there was a summer garden in the administrative building, it was incredibly beautiful, we took schoolchildren there to show how clean and pleasant production can be, that's just right are conducted from that premises pictures, because it is as if the administrative building is to the left of the place where the first breakthrough was, it is a pity that the barbarians came like this, destroyed what the ukrainian people were doing, well, it is already a pity, it can only cause such a guide and and and pity , that this happened, in relation to life itself, it has been an occupied city for the third year, and a city on
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the front line, this... as it were, the conditions of life are determined, and i want to say that in the dnieper region, well, i mean, the streets, which are close to the dnipro, they are inhabited by occupation troops, the entire coastline is completely mined, and life in the community is somehow like that, there is a new tile, where the enemy does not concentrate technical means, he has taken them outside the city, because the city is located on the shore, but there are populated areas, there are ammunition are located, and the majority of the troops are there, then they fly there, because the armed forces of ukraine know, they know, where the enemy is, they know where the technical means are, and they hit them all at once, aiming, but in the new kakhovka, mainly b' going to the observation points, there was a picture, in the palace of culture, they
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equipped on the upper floor on frantzuzz street. which was equipped, there are flights there, that is, the city is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine from the point of view of removing the enemy from the possibility, as they say, of causing damage to the right bank, but it is populated by rural areas, and they are adjacent to the wells, so of course, on the part of these populated points, fire is fired on the krinkas, and in response such villages as oryvki, maslovka, poplar, the very life of the citizens, that is what i call it... life is runaways, people ran out, bought the necessary and almost on a weekday, people are not visible on the street, as one interlocutor told me, he will say: the city is completely dead, because people are afraid, take risks, after each regular rotation there are some additional demands, because the occupying forces are coming, who need to prove themselves in a negative way,
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they add to the negative that was before. it is the one that ripens in their heads, and that is why life is like this, if you talk about everyday life, the prices are really killing, products are brought from the surrounding rural areas, i already know, the facts are marketable exchange, as in the middle ages, because not everyone has the means, especially the part of the population that used to use the postmen that they wore is suffering. now there is no possibility, and the enemy is clearly undermining the base: register in the russian pension fund and in terms of medical care, i must agree only to the russian medical insurance, that is, this mechanism of pulling integration into their own, if they can be called that rules, continues, well here is what
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can be said now. if there are any questions, mr. volodymyr, what about the water, because i saw it information about the fact that people are issued water with their passports, moreover, they must be russian passports, i will tell you, there is no such thing in novaya kakhovka, but the former ones, well, now the city of tavrizka, it used to be the eastern part of novaya kakhovka, there just like the fact that you are talking about, they gave out five-liter such eggplants with water and pa'. vortam in the city itself, because the city is located on such an underground water saucer, but it became much worse in quality, especially it was called a western settlement, it did not it is possible to use what happened, most likely the fall or rise of groundwater after the kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam was destroyed, that is the situation with water, but there was a period when it was supplied hourly.


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