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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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unfortunately, the russians continued shelling zaporizhzhia, we heard explosions tonight, and also in the morning we had two very powerful explosions, at 5:30 a.m. to the 6th they fired two rockets at zaporizhzhia, and then we were informed that there were more rockets in general, it was recorded monitoring groups, but some of them changed direction, and the same explosions that we heard at night, shaheds were flying over the city, and luckily our defense forces shot them all down for us. reported that they destroyed three shaheds, and today's rockets in the morning they aimed at industrial facilities, there were also partial destructions in educational and medical institutions, but they were insignificant, the windows were broken there, in relation to the educational and medical institution, and fortunately today there were no injured or dead from the morning shelling, but four injured and, i apologize, four dead and the 23 wounded, about whom the zaporizhia
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regional military administration was informed today, are all the consequences of yesterday's shelling. let me remind you that yesterday, in broad daylight, the enemy hit zaporizhzhia with five rockets, it was a two-stage attack: first they fired two, then three, and unfortunately, two people died on the spot, two more died already in the hospital, they were in serious condition, two children were among the injured, and journalists came under fire, including one. journalists, she was operated on yesterday, well , today they continue to eliminate the consequences of these terrible shellings, because, as you can see on the video, this was a crowded place, there were supermarkets, cafes, shops, well, as always, the russians shell in broad daylight and kill peaceful people , well, in fact , the shots of the shelling itself, they flew around already it seems to me that the whole world is wounded, including journalists, and this is the tactic of this repeated shelling. when, for example,
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doctors, rescuers, police, journalists arrive there, it is considered a crime, a war crime, russia is increasingly applying it, applying it throughout ukraine, applying it in zaporizhzhia, applying it in lviv oblast, applying it in odesa, i don’t know whether enough we talk about it on international platforms, because it is, it is a double barbarism, specifically trying to kill. people who came to actually help deal with the shelling, that is, this is deliberate murder, the killing of people, the deliberate killing of civilians, and this was not the first case in zaporizhzhia , there was a case when, just like that, when you came to eliminate the consequences of the shelling, the rescuers were killed, and also very often there are injured medical workers, as
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for what you said, i completely agree with you, you need to talk about it as often as possible, but you know, from my own experience i can say that probably, on sorry if it wasn't sounded, but it seems to me that the world began to pay more, it seems, less attention to exactly what is happening in ukraine, i can judge it exactly here, for example, with volunteer aid, with humanitarian aid, when two years ago, a year ago, we our volunteer hubs cooperated with many international organizations and... there was help, they became interested, you know, the more time passed, first of the full-scale invasion, the more difficult these processes were, and the less we received help specifically for our people who are suffering as a result of shelling for displaced persons. uh, it is difficult to choose some new words for the world, and of course, to tell some scarecrows all the time, they also become, unfortunately, yes, it happens that the human psyche gets used to it. to some terrible
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information, it is already perceived in the wrong way for her, not something that shocks, but well, we ourselves also got used to a lot of things, and because it is also different, otherwise the brain cannot stand it, and then we become patients of psychiatric hospitals, or we go to a psychologist to figure it out and not go crazy, or we take some medicine to keep our mental health somehow afloat, eh... but there is definitely something that we cannot get used to during these three years of the great war and during these 10 years of war that with which ukraine came to our land, what can't you get used to, what, what, what hasn't your skin hardened to and can't get hardened to? well, of course, you can't get used to the murders, to these horrible shots, when people are suffering, you know, you can never get used to looking at the ruins...
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when the bridge, when life was raging there, and it is really very, very difficult, and here i completely agree with you, unfortunately, people have adapted to live even in such conditions... for example, a lot of people expressed their opinions yesterday, well, as if there the alarm sounded, why were people in shops, in cafes, but you know, in zaporizhzhia the alarm is sounding, it happened all day, and of course, you have to call people to go to the shelter, you have to stay there, but you know, sometimes, well, even physically it is impossible to 5 hours in the basements, that's why this situation happens, on unfortunately, during the two years of the full-scale invasion of zaporozhye... it is constantly under enemy attacks, and even in such conditions people somehow manage to live and work, by the way, as a result of yesterday's attack, and the volunteer hub was also hit, i forgot to say about it right away, well, you can see that the russians
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are simply killing peaceful people, even those from whom they have already taken away their homes, because the melitopol volunteer hub was damaged, people are already coming there for help in zaporizhzhia, and even in zaporizhzhia they are suffering from . ms. alisa, we thank you and wish that today in zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region passed without air alarms, although this is some kind of wish that has yet to come true, but nevertheless, alisa sysoeva, journalist and deputy of the zaporizhia district council, was with us on we talked about what is happening in zaporizhzhia, we are going to take a short break, then we will come back and talk about our western neighbors, about poland. heard about what is happening there, what with the farmers, what with the elections, and whether poland is preparing for what is now increasingly is polish spoken both in russia and belarus?
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at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp serve facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events. in ukraine, on the border of kyiv, there will be some katsaps and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin. and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the premium sponsor
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of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. this is what our continent will look like after ukraine joins the european union. this is the only scenario for europe and ukraine. we reached the finals, the hardest part is ahead. not only russia is fighting against us. we have experience of victories. and we will win again. in the super final. otherwise, our continent will look like this. dear friends, we are coming back into the air these are final. our final and final 20 minutes in the first part of our marathon, i will remind you that today we are working
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with andrii seichuk throughout the day, then we will return at 2 p.m. and continue until 5 p.m. i showed up a little earlier this morning and already had a little more money. lesya, well, you are just showing up, you, she just says, in advance: and we are collecting here, i am already, i am already retelling, my god, a person who is already our expert, you just don't know how you are with... him pay immediately and this would be a rush of the soul in a person . dear friends, there are already 20,000 of us this morning, you would be a jehovah's witness, everyone in lviv would already be jehovah's witnesses. that's all , the end. if only the ukrainian church would know you, it would report you to the tribunal. i don't force you, i urge you, i beg you, you saw the contagion of a devout catholic girl, so everything is fine, greek. on your screens, you see andria, stop, everything, stop. see on your screens. qr codes, see card numbers, write down please, i know some of you
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he says that he does not see these card numbers, you see, we have issued them separately for you, please scan them, please copy them, take a picture on your phone, in the end, do whatever it takes to remember this number cards, bills and so on, and transfer money, you and i have collected quite a good amount this week, i'll tell you. soon it will be 4,000 hryvnias, we need about 12 thousand for this, and we started , let me remind you, on monday, we only had 50,000, it will soon be 400, so very soon we will have the 2 million that are needed for our military, for two brigades for which we are collecting drones for fpv, and you heard an aviation expert on our air, how necessary these drones are, now we will talk to a polish polytechnic expert and a journalist, and you can also comment at this time, marek serant joins. to our ether, marika, we welcome you, congratulations, good morning, glory to ukraine and heroes, glory,
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and, and here our connection took us and failed us, so, now let's try once again to penabrate marrek serant, in the meantime, you see qr code, then a title with the card number will appear, i am at this time i can still dictate to you, there is, and no, there is, then i will not dictate, but you look at the card number, which has already appeared on our title. marika, i wish, and here the connection separated us, that again something is wrong, again something of ours is tearing us apart and tearing us apart, then all muscovites, they specifically want a hall when polish friends say glory, i want to say something to the guest, how about polish, well, to answer something too, here... glory to ukraine, it was included in the international greeting, the former slogan
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of kharkiv students, the third attempt, well listen, here we have already started, but what is it, well, something is wrong, something is wrong with us, by the way, today there was an air alarm that i fell asleep, i was so tired that i didn't hear anything anymore, i just looked on the news this morning and saw that poland was raising its aviation, and if poland is raising its aviation, it means that the air force was... raise their aircraft into the sky, is there any fear, is there any feeling that that the war is somehow closer, that the russians, with such phrases, such as they put in the mouths of, for example, this self-proclaimed president of the fatherland of belarus, lukashenka, that they will attack the countries there. the baltics will go through poland, does it have any influence, is there still such
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a desire of the poles to move away from that, and they say, let's live, well, quietly, calmly, let's enjoy life, let's not think about the bad. not yet restored, our connection is not restored, dear friends, therefore, therefore, this is a great opportunity at this time to use, i will dictate the numbers of the cards to you, because i know that there are people who say that we cannot see the screen. away, can you announce the card number uh voice? i do this, so write down one card number, there are actually two of them, you choose which one is more convenient for you, which one is more for you. fits 5375, 41.12, 16.53, 13, 14, repeat again, 53.75, 41.12, 16.53, 13, 14, this is one card number, now write down another, you choose which one to you, more convenient,
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closer to your heart or your bank in which you are served. 42 46 00 10 66 16 76 22 once again 42 46 010 66 16 76 222 these are card numbers we are collecting drones for fpv for two brigades for 90 the second and 73rd i am saying everything correctly nothing. confused 2 million hryvnias for fpv drones, fpv drones are something that is very necessary at the front in order to, as our expert said, three drones to destroy one enemy tank, in the meantime i will say about russia and about poland, in russia has released a domestic game, a computer video game, which was financed, financed by the government,
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according to various estimates, about a billion rubles were allocated for it, here you see now, this is how ... it looks, because the game should promote historical values, this is a russian folk dance, kalinka-malinka, it's not called kalinka-malinka, but somehow it's called kukosh or kukozh or kukosh, i don't know what it is, well, they say that it contains cringe learned kukosh, here he dances a russian folk dance, the events of the game take place in 1600. in the 12th year, when the polish-ukrainian troops approached moscow, and minnin and pozharsky, according to legend, organized resistance against the poles and ukrainians in order to repel the attack of all these western westerners, here's another one for you sent to poland and from russia, yes, yes, that is, in the game you are constantly fighting with that
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polish-ukrainian army, this is the main topic here, well, you are dancing with these krizhovs. russian folk dances, an interesting thing, but again, i say it again: 1 billion rubles, everyone says that the game is terrible there, well , who did reviews and so on, but russians work at all levels with their children, with theirs too , who they are, where they came from, they try to lay down all their meanings about the enemy west and about how russia protects your scraps, literally in... very soon there will be chinese irons, somehow there in a new design, probably with a hood, so that they can stuff all these new contents everywhere, but a billion rubles for the development of the game for for for for but can you imagine if they have a billion rubles for the development of the game, how much more of all that propaganda film they shoot, they stamp, and what's worse, it comes
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even this is very scary to imagine, but this is their propaganda film, for example, ugh. but our children watch it, dear parents, children can of course watch whatever they want, but children can eat chips, for example, only pure chips, but for adults it is precisely to dose children, this is harmful, please talk to your children, remove the word boy specifically for russian money for romanticization, this is not a fim, not a protest series, absolutely, it is for the purpose of romanticizing this entire gangster russia. er, be the ones who filter and discard all the slag that russia is trying to pour into their, your children's, our children's place. well, the rasha budget today, in different years, this a russian channel, somewhere simonyan managed it, or maybe she still manages it, i don’t know, in different years it reached billions of dollars there,
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that is, this is where these contents are russian, that is, which... undermine faith in democracy, in liberal values , anti-western, who also introduce these conspiracy theories, anti-vaccination politicians, against there, for example, there is biden, macron and so on and so on, they pour simply incredible money there, of course, now that there is a war, sanctions, the russians still have to do a little math money, but it is about the fact that they are very picky, very meticulous and work with children, there is marrek shcherent on... finally, finally we will be able to talk, i really hope, marika, can you hear us, i hear, hooray, yes, it worked, let's talk. about this game, in short , a game for children was released in russia, well, not only for children, a video game for which the government spent almost a billion rubles to finance which is russian, where
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the plot takes place at the beginning of the 17th century, when the poles, with the help of the ukrainians of that time, approached near moscow and wanted to conquer it, in short, the whole game is about how they were then russians are defending moscow, go ahead. are dancing russian folk dances, what do you think, there are a lot of such messages in russia now that are related to poland, and this is not, well , this should somehow be alarming, because when russia starts to mention someone, then it comes there with a war , well, of course there is, why not, we heard that the poles in... 1993 led to the world war, which took over the whole world, then the poles wrote
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the molotov molotov treatise and signed it, then the poles created nazism and so on and so on, here we are heard a lot of such things, of course what russia is doing is alarming, it’s not like you can only smile, but really how to look at it... then russia wants to burden everyone, everyone, ukraine, japan, poland, even kazakhstan, the last , nato will attack and so on , where will it get these resources from, but there are seven times more planes in the states, i am like in the whole of russia, only in the states, and what else is there to talk about, well, you know, this is a game in the end , she shows that they can only monkey, but they are polish, polish from... games such as the witcher or cyberpunk 2077, well, these are global brands, and this is what made the polish
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industry famous, but i want to say something else, mr. marko, we just have two minutes left, i understand that the survey shows that peace can make a comeback in the local elections, what did that mean? maybe, maybe, maybe, because the coalition is popular. the ruling party, i regret to say this, eh, i felt it myself, i won’t even say what industry it is about, but i didn’t notice the managers there, there are such demagoguery, unfortunately, of all the promises, 100 specifics for 100 days, that's what donald tusk said, only seven were made, uh, but this is a very weak indicator, and i think that some politicians of the uh... ruling party did not notice , that after showing the dog, one must be very sensitive to one's constituents, always listen to them, always have time for them,
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meet, even if you, i don't know, disappoint your day's work, well, you must always be close to people, and it seemed to me that when the politicians of the coalition of civic, public platforms won the last parliamentary elections and will form a coalition, they lacked sensitivity, and, as they say, magnificence always steps before ee, well, catastrophe, so is this such a cold shower on the head of ee donald tusk and the ruling team, they will need it. mr. maruk, i think that we will definitely meet again, because today that connection did not allow us to talk in a human way, it's fine, we will still agree on our unspoken topics, thank you for the fact that we were able to. .. says marek cherrant, a polish polytechnic expert and journalist, was in touch with us, they were able to to talk, because something from the inconsistencies in my sleep is leading me, dear friends, 405,310 hryvnias are already in
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our account out of the 2 million necessary 36 and even a little more than thousands, we collected with you this morning, we will return to the air at 14- and we will continue to collect and continue to inform you about important and useful things, stay with espresso, it will be interesting from now on, lesya andriy, lesya, lesya vakulyuk. today we are working in this studio for you, see you, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak tv is just for you, with it you you can cut trees and bushes with ease, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home. garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. free delivery is available. check with
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