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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna works in the studio. belt minus one more military facility in russia, in the city of azov , rostov region, a pipeline that pumped oil products to tankers of the azov sea port was blown up, it was used by the military of the aggressor countries, the main intelligence agency reported , adding that work there has stopped for an indefinite period. six people died.
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injured as a result of the russians' night attack on kharkiv, the youngest victim is 23 years old, the boy has an explosive injury and shrapnel wounds. the occupiers attacked with s-300 rockets a sleeping area in the oleksiivka housing estate. the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov, said. in the city , at least nine high-rise buildings, three dormitories, a number of administrative buildings, a gas station, kramnytsia and a service station were damaged. at the same time, in... chivska hromada, the occupiers hit a shop with a rocket, cars also caught fire there. during the day , the enemy attacked kharkiv and the region with kababs. at night, the russians hit slavyansk twice with rockets in donetsk region. this was announced by the mayor of the city, vadym lyakh. russian shells hit the territory of the local resort, partially destroyed the hospital building. fortunately, there were no casualties. in the meantime
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, water supply has been reduced in four cities of donetsk region, as the head of the region, vadym filashkin, said. we are talking about slovyansk, kramatorsk, druzhkivka and kostiantynivka, as the official explained, the repairmen began to repair the main water supply, start the system and fill the pipe with water, they plan to do so immediately after the work is finished. since the beginning of spring, the main line that supplies water to four cities has already been repaired for the third time and 300,000 consumers in kharkiv and the region remain without electricity due to damage from enemy shelling. hourly blackout schedules continue to operate in the region, the ministry of energy reported. today, during the air alarm , the equipment of one of the high-voltage substations in the kyiv region, as well as the overhead line, were turned off for a short time. at the same time, the ministry noted that there is currently a deficit. there is no power system, it
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works in a balanced way. the armed forces of ukraine have tactical success on kupyansk and limansk directions this was announced by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. at the same time, according to him, the situation is tense in other parts of the front, heavy fighting is going on, the enemy is trying to reach the border of the donetsk region, using air superiority, missiles and... artillery ammunition, in some directions the invaders are carrying out assaults in waves, especially difficult the situation around the temporary spring, tick, water and may day. holovkom emphasized that the ravine remains under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, the enemy's attempts to break through to the city were unsuccessful. in lviv , a suspect in the killer of a 51-year-old woman, a deceased immigrant, was detained. from mykolaiv
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rented an apartment in lviv, the detained 29-year-old kyyanin, as the law enforcement officers established , during the conflict, he hit his victim on the head, and then suffocated him with a pillow and ran away. he faces up to 15 years in prison for what he committed. three russians died in orsk, orenburg region, due to a dam breach, local media reported. meanwhile, the water level in the city and... nearby areas areas is constantly rising, in some places it reaches 4 m. water began to flow in the evening, the dam could not withstand the spring irrigation and was damaged in two places. the rescuers evacuated almost a thousand people, they report to the russian ministry of emergency situations. about 4,000 houses are already under water. electricity was turned off in flooded areas. from the village of ridkodub of the lyman community. law enforcement officers from
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the white angel group evacuated the family, which was left without a home. these are three people, a 60-year-old and a 97-year-old man, as well as a 70-year-old woman. the occupiers hit. to their house at four o'clock in the morning, the roof there was completely demolished and all the spikes were blown away. the residents, who were miraculously targeted, called the police for help, and within a few hours, the white angels took them to a safe place. law enforcement officers also delivered bread for the residents of torsky near the front. almost 800 destroyed invaders per day - the general staff reported. active information about enemy losses. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russian army has already lost more than 446 thousand of its terrorists in ukraine. also, 24 enemy forces were eliminated yesterday tanks, 38 armored fighting vehicles and more than
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40 artillery systems. it was also possible to destroy two anti-aircraft systems of the occupiers, three rocket salvo systems, one missile and 48 drones. nowhere else... 70 units of special equipment will go, the data, the general staff notes, are indicative. espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work for our victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum, and in addition to vitamin packages, others are appearing in parcels to the front we need goodies for our defenders, such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry cloves and borsch. lard, canned meat, in short , everything that will feed our people at zero. we constantly have a lot of requests, which means that there is a need for our help on the front, so join us and support our soldiers with your donation. you can now see all the details on the screens. it was first heard that lviv doctors
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operated on two children with profound hearing loss. patients underwent cochlear implantation after recovery. the children were set up medical devices. our journalists will tell how the little one feels and reacts to sounds. crying and interested. this is how three-year-old diana reacts to the first sounds in her life. due to premature birth, the child lost his hearing. a month ago, the young patient was operated on and a cochlear implant was installed. i am very happy, and somehow i want to cry. and it's scary, because this is such an important step in her life, everything is healing well for her, the scar has already become even a little white, so everything is fine, after the ear heals, the implant is adjusted and to three-year-old matviyk, the boy was born with a congenital hearing impairment, due to which he
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almost does not speak, when everything is working, here it flashes, you see green, yes, of course, i see, so the system works well, with the help of a computer. an audiologist transmits sound signals to the child's auditory nerve. the operation was successful, everything is fine, everything has healed well. the male is generally small behind the ear, almost nothing is visible, but he recovered well, without problems, this is a chance for the future of my son to live a full life. cochlear implants are installed in cases where children do not a hearing aid helps. in the children's medicine center of okhmatdyt hospital. five children were operated on, ear implants were donated by an american manufacturer, the price of one such is approximately 25 dollars. this is an internal device, it is there for life, there, the inner ear, it is already the size it should be, therefore, accordingly, it is already there, it
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has been known for many tens of years that nothing in particular grows there anymore, so it does not need to grow, but the outer part will work, the outer part perceives the sounds, transmits through the magnet to the inner part, then through the electrode transmits to... the auditory nerve and then the child hears. after hearing loss, patients adapt to the implant and work with speech therapists to develop speech. preparations have been going on for years, but now we have a team that can do it, we have international support, specialists from belgium, poland, europe who help, we have state support in the form of cochlear implants and the entire hospital system that helps those children to develop after all and hear this year , the lviv children's medicine center. hospital , okhmadit will receive 10 earplugs free of charge implants within the framework of the state funding program, hearing is also restored in hospitals in dnipro, kyiv, vinnytsia and other cities. kateryna oliynyk, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe,
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as there are live broadcasts of atero, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. subscribe, comment! after all, your opinions are important to us. be there every day. to find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our site and our social networks. see you tomorrow. greetings friends, the second part of the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, it is being broadcast today. parliamentary failure. the verkhovna rada is rapidly losing confidence. how to preserve
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the effectiveness of the legislative body without holding elections during wartime. resignation after resignation. the 2019 zelensky sample team leaves power. what rearrangement of influence forces is behind this? ukrainophobe bulgakov. russian writer from it is recognized as a symbol of kyiv. imperial policy, why does not everyone agree with this decision? friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, please take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether you consider mikhail bulgakov a ukrainophobe , yes no if you watch us on tv you can vote on the relevant numbers if you think... no 0800 211 382 all calls to
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these numbers are free please vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of our voting, and we already have my colleague andrii yanitsky on the air, andrii, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, good evening, and oleksiy should still join our air. mustafin, historian, publicist, media manager to discuss with us this evening. well, let's start our conversation with a quick quiz. andriy, do you consider mykhailo bolgakov a ukrainophobe? i can't say yes or no, because the times when bulgakov was writing were still different, and we understand that then there was no independent ukraine in the form in which it is now. and to take today's models and impose them on
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an author who created so long ago seems wrong to me, at the same time i fully understand the position of our institution, in order to lay the foundation for the future, we must nevertheless draw a line under the imperial past and it is correct to interpret writers in that sense. don't ban them there, no, don't ban their publications, like publishing their commentary books, and write the truth about the fact that bulgakov, well, he was rather a russian-cultural, such an imperial writer, was he at the same time a ukrainophobe, it is difficult for me to say, i am not his biographer, in literary matters, very often the heroes do not say exactly... that what the author really feels. thank you, andrei. oleksiy
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mustafin joined our broadcast. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. since we are asking our tv viewers about their attitude towards mikhail bulgakov, more precisely about whether they consider mikhail bulgakov a ukrainophobe, i suggest to answer this question briefly, if possible. well, at least he is not a ukrainophile. that's the least. he belongs to russian culture and identified himself as such, therefore, to some extent, in the context of that culture, he is an interesting person, on the other hand, yes, he is a native of kyiv, he was born in kyiv, spent a lot of time in kyiv, there is kyivanism in his work topic, of course, it is also interesting for any kyivan, but it is clear that he is not a ukrainian writer and therefore... he should be treated exactly like that, why do we we ask, now we will explain to our tv viewers, because both andriy and oleksiy
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understand exactly why we have this question and why you actually asked this question in the survey, the expert commission of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance recognized the establishment of monuments as propaganda of the russian imperial policy in honor of bulgakov and the use of his name in the names of institutions and geographical objects, according to this conclusion. mr. bulgakov was an imperialist in outlook and an ardent ukrainophobe, and at the same time he was the head of this national institution anton drobovich called the conclusion of three experts. emotional, but admitted that they called a spade a spade, according to him, the bulgakov museum in kyiv will continue to exist, but its name will be changed, gentlemen, do you agree with this conclusion of this institute, the ukrainian, ukrainian institute of national memory, and is it necessary to take everything that connects us or
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once connected us with... russia, with everything that made us kindred, that made us a community somehow there, and throw it aside and talk about what's next for us we will somehow be without bulgakov, because bulgakov was an emperor. andrei, well, in the part about monuments and names, i fully agree with the conclusions of the institute, because when we talk about... about monuments , we are not talking about the literary work of this writer, we are talking about exactly the imperial symbols, and when we see as the pushkin monuments are being demolished, they are demolishing the putin monument, in fact, or the monuments there to catherine, stalin, i.e. it is a symbol of the empire, primarily not a tribute to
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the work of this poet, and the same is true of bogakovo, the same can be said about others. shih russian cultural imperial writers. i myself was born in sevastopol, lived there for 22 years, and you know, there was not as much bulgakov there as in kyiv, but for example, pushkin, there was also a pushkin gymnasium, and , of course, a pushkin street, and what only pushkin was not there, although pushkin had a very indirect meaning in the history of sevastopol , he may have been there once somewhere, but when these na... names were assigned to schools, streets, squares, it was, of course, not about yevgeny anegin, and and it was about the fact that this is it such a seal, of the russian world, of the empire, and such a copyright, and for the city of sevastopol, although there were many other
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periods in the history of sevastopol, crimean tatar, and ancient, and medieval, and more from... thank you to andriy oleksiy, journalist serhii tykhiy speaks about the fact that bulgakov could be translated into ukrainian and arranged in such a way, why translate, that it was done, i would like to continue andrii's opinion about the fact that in fact the cult of pushkin and the cult of bulgakov are not connected. directly with these characters, or rather with literature written by these people. monuments to pushkin began to be erected en masse all over the russian empire, when pushkin was already in the grave for a long time, there is a certain anniversary there, this is the end of the 19th century, the beginning of the 20th century, and precisely as a marker of russianness, so to speak,
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of russian culture. the same thing, when they say that they are destroying, they are destroying history, when they renamed... bolhakova streets, it should be remembered that bolhakova streets also appeared only in independent ukraine, so in principle, well, i don't remember exactly but at least on such a rise of the soviet union, and the cult of bolgakovo arose quite, quite, quite late, so to speak, therefore, and besides, it must be said that the bolgakovo monument in kyiv appeared earlier than in russia, this reminds me of another character , leo tolstoy, who... they fought a lot about renaming the metro station, but there is no station in any, no place in russia and there was no leo tolstoy metro station, are we really such greater russians than the russians themselves. i believe that again, there is no need to resort to prohibitions, unnecessary ones, that is, it is possible, it is interesting, because
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many may be interested in these literary works, they can be built if there is a... there is a demand for them, but again, it has nothing to do with school, it has nothing to do with toponymy, yes, maybe i would disagree with about plaques, plaques explain or mark places where a person has been, and again, even crime scenes have plaques, that doesn't mean they glorify cats or killers, so eh i think ... the board should remain, perhaps in a different form, but can stay in the house in which bulgakov lived, again, he lives, it is not his own, his own home, but... just a person lived here, why not, that is, this is this this is part of history , as for bolgakov's works, by far the most famous work
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related to ukraine is the white guard, well, like the feet of turbines, it is imbued with the spirit of that russian imperial kyiv, that is, that part of society that was completely... a part of the russian empire, so to speak, and with sympathy for this culture, well, that's how such a culture was, was like that, there were people like that, and from the point of view of explaining their behavior in those conditions, maybe it is really interesting, but again , it should not be given that it is, so to speak , a novel or a play about kyiv, it is about about a certain circle of people, these characters, the same applies. i don't understand why many people admired the master and margarita in the late soviet era, but there are questions about the essence of this novel in general, so to speak,
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what it is about, er, how it characterizes russian culture, because it is definitely russian novel, and i saw a lot there register, which are characteristic of russian literature in general, which, from my point of view, are a reason to talk about why, why... not only this culture did not stop the crimes that are taking place, but actually, well, that is, the result of this culture, the development of this culture is bucha. well, yes, there are a lot of questions, just as there are many questions about the former partner of president zelensky, boris shefir, he gave a long interview to radio station svoboda, he is currently in germany, in germany, he admitted that he wants... without russia and loves its culture, i will quote what, what boris shefir actually said it, not serhii shevir, but boris shevir. i love the russian language,
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russian culture, i cannot watch the destruction of pushkin monuments in ukraine. for me, this is stupidity, if i were close to zelensky, i mean, i would say, let's close this matter and let's be friends, but there are completely different attitudes. here we see, gentlemen, how last week serhii sheyfir left... advisers and assistants to president zelensky, his own brother boris sheyfir never hid the fact that he wants to be friends with russia, in the 19th year he gave interview and also said that let's come to an agreement with russia, there is no need to fight, and serhiy shevir and boris shevir are not only business partners of zelensky, they are people who were actually near the origins of the appearance of the stars of kvn. volodymyr zelenskyi, then they were near the star studio kvartal 95, well, they were near, who, who, it is better to know, if not you, as a biographer,
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well, i’m just retelling, yes, and actually boris shevir and serhiy shevir, they together with zelensky, they even rented an apartment in moscow when they lived in the mytishchi district, and now these two people who contributed to the creation of an already political star as well. zelenskyi, because their influence was big enough, serhii shefir was part of, let’s say, the team responsible for the finances of the zelenskyi family, as far as i understand, and now they have left zelenskyi’s entourage, they have finally left zelenskyi’s entourage, boris is so sure, because he says , that zelensky is not picking up the phone from me, can we assume that... now zelensky is simply updating his team, because for the extension of the presidential term, he no longer needs those who knew him in a completely different way,
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or who led him to power, well, in fact , in my opinion, all presidents went through this stage, including president kuchma, those people who led him in 1994 before the elections in 1999 were no longer involved in this, why? in your opinion, such an upgrade of this team is connected, and of course the position of shefir, does it mean that what shefir thinks, serhiy shevir also thinks, well, boris shefir, and what boris and serhiy shefir, and maybe zelenskyi shared such opinions, what do you think, andriy, then zelenskyy definitely shared such opinions before, but he has undergone a great evolution, and we can even see photos of the president. what he was in the 19th, what he is today in the 24th year, this is already a different person. regarding the renewal of the team, it is not the first time that the team has been renewed, we remember
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such a period... the first momentism was when andrii bohdan was the head of the presidential office, and when there were those turbar reforms, he was still a romantic, he was still a romantic, so i am in in such an ironic sense, of course, there was an attempt, but now we will carry out such turbo-reforms and show the whole world how to live, but we are all libertarians here, and gradually, gradually it became politics. which more conservative, after the full-scale invasion, challenges, well, different ones arose, not political rivalry with other politicians, but threats to the existence of the country, and i think all this time the big challenge for volodymyr zelenskyi is to get a controlled state machine, he did not get it in the form in which we know from the constitution and that here are
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the ministers. the parliament is effective, and the leadership of the country, in my opinion, takes place in an informal way, through a system of advisers, friends, observers, that is , of course, there is a formal vertical, but a formal the vertical does not work, but the informal vertical works, and in this informal vertical there are several influence groups, several interest groups, and these interest groups fight with each other, who... we already see that kyril tymoshenko is not around, he is there in the position of adviser to the minister of defense, but he does not play a big role, we can already see that mr. serhiy shefir is not there, and who is stepping up, well, of course, yermak, the head of the president's office, is quite a powerful figure, and he, well, in my opinion, takes over all the levers of influence on ukrainian
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politics. oleksiy, what do you think, to zelensky he simply does not need old friends who will applaud him, well, look, to me, to me, it seems to me that there are two or two questions here, about old friends and about the change of people in the team, so to speak, we see that this is generally a style zelenskyi's works, he is changed from time to time, he changes people, and i would not link here and there with statements. boris shafir, because in a similar way he replaced the commander-in-chief, zaluzhnyi, that is, because in this play, in this scenario, there should be one hero, and that is the hero volodymyr volodymyr zelenskyi. that is, it is such and such a way, a way of leadership, a way of conducting political affairs. the people who come, whom he takes into
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his team, they have. perform some tasks, some succeed, some fail, but from time to time he changes them precisely because he has a hero, there should be only one hero, of course, it is possible to connect, so to speak, the dismissal of serhii shafir with the statements of his brother, although, so to speak, these are not his first statements, it is not the first time that serhiy has retaliated against them, but we can see in principle that there was an attempt from the beginning. on him, to things, we still do not know how the investigation of this attempt is going, he actually did not play a big role in the entourage, in the entourage of zelenskyi, so i think that this is rather a statement, a statement of fact, although, again, it fits perfectly into the logic of actions zelenskyi, regarding the views, so to speak, of boris shafir, well , you know, he is now, as you mentioned, he is now in germany, i do not think that during, for example,
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the second world war... the war, there are many people who, for example, were jews, were ready to cooperate with germany or speak, well, we let's make up anyway, because we used to live very well in the weimar republic, so it seems to me that there is a certain, certain element of cunning here, but again, he is a private person, these are his personal views, and personal tastes, so to speak. because after all , to a certain extent, it concerns the sphere of the cultural sphere, so to speak, let’s call it that, and there taste plays its role, that is, for some it is called, as they say, disgusting, and for others it is normal and nothing, maybe zelensky would also have such views, but you know, he is in that position when completely different things he is determined by his actions and his, and him again.


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