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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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council of the zsu. let's stick together. greetings to everyone from espresso. i am anna javamelnik and i bring the news to your attention. another successful detonation: the main intelligence agency of ukraine reported on the special operation. on the territory of russia. on the night of april 6 , a pipeline was blown up in the rostov region, through which the occupiers pumped oil products to tankers in the port territory of the azov sea port. now the work has been stopped indefinitely. the intelligence officers emphasize that the object was used by the russians for military purposes. in the afternoon, the enemy launched reconnaissance drones to odesa, the force informed. defense of the south
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over the black sea, soldiers of the anti- aircraft missile brigade destroyed two russian orland-10 reconnaissance drones. the russians hit kharkiv with s-300 missiles, hitting the sleeping area of ​​the oleksiivka housing estate. in the city, at least nine high-rise buildings, three dormitories, a number of administrative buildings, gas station, kramnytsia and service station were damaged. more than 3,600 windows were broken in the houses. there was also a small break in the water main - informed the mayor ihor terikhov, utility workers are cleaning the area and together with rescuers close the windows. we have restored both the electricity supply and the water supply to these residential buildings, which is why , unfortunately, we have such cases today, six dead and 11 people are in the hospital. severity, average
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severity. two people were killed by the russians during shelling of a snake in the kherson region, yesterday the enemy attacked the settlement with guided aerial bombs, a church and a private house were damaged. starosta stela informed the law enforcement officers that the man and woman are not communicating. while searching for their bodies was discovered under rubble, the regional police said. also at night, the russians shelled kherson from the temporarily occupied left bank. a renovated educational institution in the dnipro district of the city. in total , eight people were wounded, 10 settlements were shelled, 23 objects were damaged, including private houses and high-rise buildings, administrative buildings, pharmacies and agricultural machinery. it is possible and necessary to take revenge on the russians with the help of donations. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work to win. already the second
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for a year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum, and in the parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins, there are other goodies that our defenders need: dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry soups and borschts, lard and canned meat, everything that will fuel our zero we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear viewers, join us and support our soldiers with a donation, sorry for all the details. on the screen: you trade with russia, sponsor the war, action with started in warsaw with this slogan. the participants demand a full embargo of the european union on all russian products. maria chernyakhivska, who is currently in the middle of the city of warsaw, will tell you more. maria, my congratulations and tell me if many people have gathered and if everything is calm. greetings anna, yes, there are many people and
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everything is calm, the action that is currently taking place in the center of warsaw is an artistic performance and is aimed at drawing the attention of society and european politicians to the problem of double standards. activists today an international fair of genocide was held here, that's what they called it, and there are such symbolic ones on the counters. goods that are the consequences of the european union's trade with russia, namely dill, human bones, captives, and in general there are goods that actually appear on the shelves of the european union. all this action is taking place today due to the fact that last year russia sold goods worth more than 50 billion euros on the territory of the european union, as well as european goods... it is also known on the territory of russia
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that the poles, who today ukrainians living in poland walk through the center of the capital. i believe that this is an important action that demonstrates that russians are terrorists and you cannot buy anything russian and show the whole world that russian goods are the goods of terrorists. pages, ask friends and acquaintances to sign it, it is very, very important, today when some, when they block the border with ukraine, when ukrainian grain is spilled on the ground, when it is trampled, in addition to this important action, there will be another one in warsaw today, connected with ukrainian prisoners of war, we are talking about her
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and we will tell you in the next issues. thank you for your work, thank you for the details, see you later maria chernyakhivska, espresso correspondent from poland about the promotion. in warsaw regarding the embargo on all products from the russian federation. slovaks elect a president. in the second round , pro-western opposition candidate ivan korchok and peter pellegrini from the ruling nationalist left coalition are competing. it is his victory that can help pro-russian prime minister robert fitz to consolidate power in one hand. in case of election of korchak, who is the favorite among the bookmakers in slovakia may be a leader capable of challenging fico's decision. that in the country, presidents have limited powers, but they can veto laws or challenge them in the constitutional court. the four russians who died were not in the war with ukraine, but from the breach of the dam in the city of orsk, local media write.
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the water level in the city and nearby areas is constantly rising, sometimes reaching 4 m. water began to flow in the evening, the dam could not withstand the spring. afterburning and collapsed in two places. rescuers evacuated almost a thousand persons, report to the russian ministry of emergency situations. about 2,500 houses and even more homesteads are under water. electricity was turned off in flooded areas. summonses via sms, this is how they will be served in belarus, the self-proclaimed president of the country oleksandr lukashenko signed the corresponding decree, which was published in the national newspaper. portals of legal information of belarus. during the period of mobilization, such notification will be an analogue of ordinary summonses, in peacetime it will complement the ordinary document. at the request of the military commander, communication operators must provide within a week numbers of potential mobilized. also
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, military commissars can restrict the departure of citizens who violate accounting obligations. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, as there are live ether broadcasts, all releases, news, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. share them, comment and be there. at this moment, the news editor told about the most important thing. we work, we monitor what is happening in ukraine and the world. in in the next issue at 3 p.m. we will talk about the most relevant events, then meet my colleague andriy seichuk on espresso.
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ah... good afternoon everyone, i hope i'm already on the air, it's just that my air plasma doesn't work here yet, but i think you can see me, because i hope so, my name is andriy saichuk, you're watching the espresso tv channel, namely the telethon, which lasts 774 days, think about it, not so little, and these are all days, er, days of heroic defense and war of ukraine for its independence, and in this war ukraine continues, ukraine inflicts huge losses on our enemy. which a long time ago already broke the teeth of at least two mobilizations, but is preparing for the third one, that is, the russians are not giving up, the russians hope that they will be able to seize ukrainian territories, whether they will really succeed, on the one hand, this is , of course, a question of our entire country, of helping our
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country , but also our question with you, you know, in the previous hour we had anatoliy hrabchynskyi, one of the people who is not just there, you know, an expert who says, let's have more drones and so on. and there is the people who use those drones are people who join us at the front, and there are people who assemble and develop those drones, and anatoliy hrabchynskyi is one of them, because he is the deputy general director of the company that produces them. and in particular, all such cool things that fly far into russian territory, and mr. anatoliy said a good thing about the fact that three fpivishka drones, three fpvvishka drones, if we are lucky, if they are in skillful hands, the schedule was good, that’s minus one russian tank, modern with everything there filling, with chinese, as we already know, anti-drone defense systems, everything is fine, three ordinary fives and we can burn them, and actually now we can get involved in... this, because we are gathering together with a public organization in partnership baza uarotiv, we are collecting fpv drones for the 93rd
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khodnoyariv brigade, the cold ravine is a legendary brigade, the 72nd brigade is no less legendary, black zaporozhets, in a word, this is our own production, so there are no aliexpress, that's all, that's all super drones, modern, with modern such lotions , which allow you to bypass the chinese reps, which... it looks like they started supplying the russians to protect them from ukrainian drones, but as we have seen, in recent days there are a lot of videos that show that those reps are russian, which they are now installing on the towers, on the tank towers there and so on, don’t work, they don’t catch fpivishkas, and fivishkas catch muscovy very well, so we want to collect, let me remind you, 2 million hryvnias, er, listen, there was recently such a thing in lviv, where they collected ... businessmen and all kinds of famous people for a charity party, so that they dropped on fivi drones, they even
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collected, so you understand, 100 or something thousand, 150 were invited people, i don't know who was there, to be honest, i wasn't there, but well - each of them gave 600 hryvnias on average , i just don't know, i have only one explanation, that in principle, charity parties work well somewhere in the west, when there are people... in principle, they are not very involved and let's gather there once a year for the poor children of somalia. in our company, in principle, all people are active all the time, they will donate these donations in one way or another. i think that our viewers will appreciate it all time. we do it, we do it live, both the presenter and the participants, in short, we collect money for it, close it, send it and understand that we do it all for a reason. we already have a guest with us, this is ivan varchenko, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on national security issues. mr. ivan, we welcome you. good afternoon, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, sorry for the long introduction, but we must always pay
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attention to our meetings and correct, good work, so i listened to your new step completely calmly and with joy, let's talk let's talk about today actually, and we ukrainian drones just attacked the russians very strongly yesterday, we are now calculating what... what we actually managed to achieve, but in principle, what can we say, if our drones can now fly 1000 km to of all russian strategic airfields, as well as to reach, for example, the murmansk region, as far as i understand, where there are a lot of russian military bases, how does this change the war in general, the ukrainians already have the opportunity effectively and with sufficient power. to work with the dynamics of the development of this power at a distance of 100 km, i am talking about the dynamics
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of power development, because six months ago we carefully flew into this territory with one or two, maybe three drones, now we see several dozen drones, they exhaust the russian air defense system already present in those parts, which is actively working, they are already annoying the groups that they are trying to gather to destroy ukrainian drones, and they achieve their goal by flying several dozens, we see that this is an increase in ukrainian capabilities both in number and in quality, and in range, that is, we are currently on the rise in all three parameters, i hope that these drones are effective with the ability to counter the rep systems and the air defense systems of russia, every day we have more and more... and we we will have the opportunity to hit all targets that
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are of interest to the ukrainian defense forces, those targets that ensure russian aggression in ukraine, 1200 km to date, we see the directions of work announced by our partners for a promising drones that will be able to fly at a distance of 200 kilometers or more, i.e. up to or up to the level of medium-range missiles, and accordingly, it is already interesting, it is already very interesting, the only thing is that it is not only about the use of ours. territory as a testing ground for good technologies in single copies, i hope it is about serious help from our partners in sufficient numbers to be able to eventually destroy enemy facilities, and not just to demonstrate, to demonstrate the good characteristics of weapons of our these manufacturers, now as of
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today, as of today... we see the destruction of significant forces, because the six aircraft that were destroyed yesterday, at the cost of even a few dozen drones, this is a price hundreds of times lower than the price of these russian planes, we understand that with each lost plane, russia is currently losing two planes - that's about 1% of russia's ability to bombard the ukrainian front line of kaba. these are mainly su-34, su-35 planes, if she loses them, she has no chance of losing them that at such rates as it is losing, put on the wing and, accordingly, launch into ukrainian fields, and it simply does not have the opportunity now to restore them even for a much longer time, because there is a lack of components, so these are significant impressions, this is a significant task
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of damage, and the fact that the radius of this capability of ours is increasing, we now understand that in the near future... it will be difficult for the russians, the occupiers who are working even near the urals, and of course, this significantly increases the price of their aggression, because today the planes already, which used to fly for 100-200 km, that is, they did not need a long time, a lot of time and a lot of fuel in order to fly to ukrainian positions or to a ukrainian peaceful city from where they could bombard, now they are forced to fly 1000 km, and this is understandable , which is much more expensive, in relation to its own skewers, by the way of these planes, is now just now unfolding. the discussion is what i see there on ukrainian social networks, since ukrainian pravda, one of the very famous publications , actually spread the information of the american institute of war studies, in the headline, taking one of the lines of the report that there are no confirmations of damage to russian planes as a result of this nighttime mass attack
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of the ukrainian past on the russian airfield, and there the truth fell out: there are no confirmations at the moment, i understand that everyone is waiting for today's appearance of today's satellites pictures and pictures there of maksar and so on, which will show with great accuracy the results of the damage, but the question is also how we should be with this information, whether we can trust, who can be trusted here, during the war, during the war it is traditionally when there is inconsistency in the pace of information submission. the possibilities of verifying this or that information, including verified verification, yes, that is, which has confirmation from at least several sources, that is, in this case, i think that our ukrainian forces, part of the ukrainian defense forces, which were involved and took on themselves, they said that it was actually their means,
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their efforts were these destroyed planes, they have confirmation, and i think that in one way or another they will... give, what at the moment, the respected institute of the study of war does not have these confirmations, maybe it will receive them a little later, a little later and will say that they exist, here it is said that some part of the information, it may not be immediately, not immediately provided to the public, and we see quite often that confirmations come in... later, perhaps as a result of satellite imagery, perhaps as a result of the source providing information from their other intelligence agencies, for example, or those that provided visual support for these activities, well, i think that there were not, it is unlikely that there were drones that additionally flew and recorded impressions, there
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will most likely be confirmation by other means, one of the advantages of the russians now on... it is difficult for some reason to respond to ukraine on the front, that is natural cabs, using the advantage of front-line aviation now and launching these powerful high-explosive bombs that are actually old, but which have a very high explosive effect, and we are actually, we are actually waiting for the appearance of the f-16 and have high hopes, but today we also have anatolii khrabchinsky aviation expert said about what, in his opinion, the f-16s will be able to literally demolish. to nullify the ability of the russians to drop cabs on the front line, nevertheless, stoltenberg believes that the f-16 will not become a silver bullet in the war for the armed forces. well, what do you think of these statements? well, we
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talked about the fact that the f-16 will significantly change the situation, on the front line with the dominance of russian aviation, many, many months ago, why? because in order for the cape to work, the russian aircraft must come directly to the front line by 40-50 km maximum in good weather the wind the aam-120 missile, which... the f-16 is capable of hitting russian aircraft, in this case i am talking about russian and military aircraft at a distance of 180 km or more, that is, the reconnaissance systems of these f-16s work at a distance of 300 km, because of that it is not difficult was to conclude that the dominance of the russians and their competitive advantage in the sky over the front line, it will be nullified, that the f-16s will have the opportunity to work again in the ukrainian skies, so it is clear that there are threats, there is a russian air defense system, which they usually prepare for
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a year and a half, since the talks about the f-16s that may appear in ukraine began, the russians, of course , will not sit idly by either, and they will also try to somehow reduce this effect, but they will definitely feel good and calm down, the russian aggressors over the front line and scabs... will not be able to, because this will be a significant means that will destroy them not one by one, but by dozens and possibly even hundreds, so this expectation of our ukrainians, who will have the opportunity to become a silver bullet, we understand that it is not a magic pill that will immediately cure all diseases on the front line, but this is exactly what will allow us to take a serious step forward, and of course ... standard, classic air defense systems, which we need more of, including at the expense of this number, we will have the opportunity to bring
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some part of them closer to the front line, which will also prevent the russian planes from working, since they are working now, understanding this window of opportunity, the russians are now frantic and trying to do everything possible to i am sure that this is a window of opportunity. will close in the coming months. after taking avdiivka, the russians will not stop trying to advance further. now, as far as we understand, the situation around the town of chasiv yar is very difficult, at least from what is left of it, it is increasingly being compared with avdiivka itself or bakhmut, but at the same time they say that, unlike those settlements, chasiv has a strategic meaning, this is height, it opens, er, several at once directions in which the russians can develop their offensive, if they manage to take the time, and whether this is how the situation now differs from,
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for example, what was in avdiyka in the temporary yar, what is the situation there now according to your estimates, we were preparing, and i am sure in the fact that they took into account the peculiarities that arose after the russians had the opportunity to enter avdiivka, this means the situation with the defense lines, which were not sufficiently equipped at that time, outside avdiivka, of course, i hope that a significant part of those there were tragic flaws taken into account and now in the time yar is a fortified zone, although we understand that the russians really set themselves the task of taking this heroic... town yes, this heroic town is above kostiantynivka, kostiantynka is a large settlement that is part of a large agglomeration, kostiantynivka
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. from the kharkiv region , this is practically the eastern front. of course, the russians are aware of this, and the point of their attack and desire is on kostyantynivka. chasivyar is an outpost with protection now, and the russians will definitely be in pain and hot there, what can i say, and the fact that they will throw another hundreds of thousands, now death under the chasm of time, is... also a fact, from our side, understanding that the main competitive advantage, or rather, the russians now have several competitive advantages, but the main one is what they are, which
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they can still use in the future. from a more or less long time, it is an advantage in temporary manpower, and we understand that we need those means that allow us to destroy this manpower on ambushes, and not in shooting battles, and those means are shells, shells, a sufficient number of shells that will allow us to effectively conduct defensive battles , which will not allow the russians to realize their numerical advantage, about the f-16 and about the russian cables, we have already talked with you a little above. missile threats here in this case are secondary to the front line. russians with missile, missile attacks they carry out terror against more stylish ukrainian settlements, but of course they do not disdain to work on the front line, but we understand that the most important thing here now is planes and a sufficient number of means capable of destroying and restraining the enemy's manpower, so we hope that all those stories , more precisely all those works on so'. thousands
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of shells that are being held now by our partners, the czech republic, the european union, the discussions that are being held in the united states, maybe they will end on april 9, the vote for aid to ukraine, they will allow us to relatively reliably and confidently survive our defensive battles, including near the temporal ravine, due to the fact that we have enough, there will be enough means to destroy the organ. thanks for the conversation. ivan varchenko was a veteran of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on national security issues. now we will take a short break and come back, we will talk about what is happening in kharkiv, and what to do in the end for kharkiv residents, who faced very serious shelling in recent weeks. attention, move from unpack tv. sofa cape covers with a discount of only
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the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america too they say, let's have better roads , we will have even better roads, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, we can imagine it. all this in the informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10. sunday 18:15 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what kind of news will be analyzed this week's guests of the project and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant in...


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