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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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what does this mean and will the law enforcement officers of the sbu come to you, i don’t know who, and will those books, my dear heart, master margarita, that are on your shelves, and i confess honestly, on my shelves , too, be taken away from you we will decide today what will happen to us next, well, to begin with, i will also tell you about such a rather loud news that cannot be ignored in our cultural space, because yevhen... chuk, whom we know in many guises, and in particular , as the voice of the maidan, an actor, as a former two-time minister of culture, the chairman of the shevchenko prize, now he became the head of the franko theater, and many people seriously listened to this matter, and all because he replaced mykhailo zahorevich there, who... the theater for a very long time and
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especially during the last few years was extremely successful from my point of view, because mykhailo zahorevich and the theater in particular, if we remember all those queues for the konotop witch, all these tickets that cannot be bought at their performance, all this hype, simply incredible reviews, and all this is definitely a merit, in particular, of mr. zakharevich, and why him.. . was replaced by yevhen nyschuk, we like it was not explained for sure, and also yevhen nyschuk has not yet presented any of his programs, visions, he promised that he would do it, his figure is treated quite differently, if we talk about my observations of people who are in one way or another tangential to the theatrical circles, some people love and respect him, consider him patriotic, consider him a decent person and believe that he is guided by...
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always with the best intentions, but others say that he is not considered, for example, an effective manager, because all- still a good manager should manage an institution, and not a good person first of all, and she actually has such certain cautions, because there are rumors that yevhen neschuk can also become not only the general director, artistic director, but also take the position of chief director, now at this position. dmytro bogomazov, it is not clear whether all this will come true or not, but at the same time, yevhen neschuk already said on the air to his colleagues from the kyiv channel that he is planning certain such first reforms, and among them, most likely, tickets to theater, we will be able to buy an app, let's see how it will all work, i'll just say that there is a big ... problem now with
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buying tickets, in particular for this play and for many other popular plays, the french theater, in particular the kaidash family there, well, i have not been to the witch of konotop until now, because it is simply impossible, there are speculators who literally buy up all the tickets in half an hour, then hand them over to a third party, very recently the theater made such an experiment, where they started selling tickets for one of the performances simply , well, in analog. method from the cash register, that is, you had to come to the cash desk in the morning to stand in line, people started to gather from eight o'clock, from nine o'clock, and it is clear that not everyone managed to buy, that is, this problem needs to be solved somehow, well, they will try another action, well, we will collapse another action with you, it's not the first time we've done this, so what, while we're waiting, what will evgeny nyschuk announce, what will be his first steps, huh? well, let's talk about
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bolgakov. let me remind you once again that the institute of national remembrance recognized him as a russian imperialist and a ukrainophobe. well, the argumentation is familiar to us, his work is often cited, which is called "i am white". and he is not, well, no, unfriendly to the ukrainian nation, let's put it this way, well, the days of the turbines, of course, are also remembered by the white guard, all of them probably remember this one the most. quote, and in particular the film, where he is outraged, how did the ukrainians switch to the ukrainian language, how is it that we don’t have normal words, how will the cat be, how will the whale be, well, you know the whole story, but i will say that the epic with bulgakov did not last once, firstly, in 2021 there was already, i dare to say that srach, because in the network began to spread... the idea that bulgakov and
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boris okunin were banned at that time, that the books were banned, you see, they keep saying this, they banned everything. then it turned out that there is no ban. it was simply about restricting the import from russia of the works of akunin and bulgakov, and even then not all of them, but only some editions with prefaces that touched on people who went to the occupied crimea, that is, it was all connected only with some editions, and then on bolhakov's defense and were outraged by bolhakov's ban, for example, natasha vlashchenko, tv presenter and blogger, andriy portnov, buzhanskyi. for example, this is the public, well, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, there were rumors again that bolgakov would be banned, that the people who work in the bolgakov museum, which is located on
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andriivskyi uzvoz, were also very indignant, they talked about this topic, very loudly talked and closed it, and now we are opening it again, and we are talking about it... with volodymyr terishchak, deputy head of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. good day. mr. volodymyr, tell me tell us, please, what awaits us, i have several books by bolgakov at home, i confess to you that something will happen to me, that is, someone will come to me, take these books away, they will arrest me, because they are very worried on social networks. well, let's first. i would like to clarify that in accordance with the law on the condemnation and prohibition of propaganda of russian imperial policy and the decolonization of toponymy, er, there was an expert commission that was created in accordance with this law at the ukrainian
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institute of national memory and which includes authoritative researchers, philologists , historians from different scientific institutions from different. regions of ukraine, they adopted, developed and gave their expert opinion that bulgakov is subject to the law, the figure of bulgakov belongs to the symbolism of russian imperial policy, since bolgakov publicly called for ukrainophobia in his works, demonstrated and called for ukrainophobia. and no one can argue with this, because in fact it is and it is subject to the restrictions of the law, thus ukraine, based on this expert opinion, the relevant authorities, which are authorized to make decisions and will
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make decisions regarding the renaming or removal from the public space of those or other dedicated objects bearing the name. at the same time, this does not in any way concern the creative output, which remains and must remain open, accessible so that everyone can read, get to know, understand, analyze the work and character of bolgakov, so there is no need to mix everything into one, because it is frank. manipulation and really trying to defend with invented accusations or to defend the fact that bulgakov, well, to fill him with precisely the ukrainophobic things in his
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work. mr. volodymyr, why do you think this is the third time in the past few years that i have seen something related to bolgakov in the social media. in dreams, a whole wave immediately appears with the idea that bolgakov is being banned, this very word is heard, it is heard, by the way, very often in relation to film criticism, here and there we criticize some film, cinematographers say, why are you banning it, although no one forbids anything, but in the end it is yours point of view, why constantly after such statements about bolgakov, a wave of conversations inevitably begins to unfold. about banning books, why do we have such a tendency? well , it seems to me that there are several points here, because on the one hand i have no doubt that we are dealing with purposeful interventions
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aimed at deepening some kind of confrontation in ukrainian society and outside, on the other side, it is obvious that there are such... defenders of bulgakov who are trying in any way they can to protect him. using the actor, including resorting to manipulations, that is why the issue here is more about the ability of people to think critically, critically analyze information and get acquainted with documents, sources and draw conclusions, and that is why it is very surprising that people who say that they appreciate bolgakov's work. ready to present information in such a manipulative way, what
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do you think, well, we discussed this issue with many people, why bolgakov in particular, so many ukrainians come to his defense, well, let’s take pushkin there, they also defended him, but i it seems that this is not the case, why is this writer so important to many ukrainians that every attack on him is perceived so painfully. well, i can't say, well , we see completely different positions regarding bolhakov, and obviously, an extremely large number of authoritative and respected people openly speak about bolhakov as a representative of the colonialist culture in ukraine, and on the other hand, there are those who defend him. perhaps precisely because he may be close to them, yes, because even in
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the surnames you mentioned, there you can evaluate the activities of those people in different ways, who defend bolgakov, but great respect for ukrainian culture has never been observed from them either, that's why, that's why here the question is more about... everyone, everyone tries to protect what he considers his own, yes or no, that's why here the question, obviously according to bolgakov, in my opinion, is very close to the question of how india remembers kipling, yes, because kipling was born in india, as was bulgakov in ukraine, but again, for india, kiplin remains a vivid expression of '. colonizers, as well as bulgakov for ukrainians, he is an example of just such
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a colonialist culture for which ukrainians remained second-class people. tell me what , from your point of view, should be done now with the bolgakov museum, because it is one of the most popular museums, every time i was there there were an incredible number of people, and i must say that the workers who gave the tour... and every time, i was there several times, maybe again, and every time they talked about this author with admiration, which is observed in many museums, when the employees love their ward very much, and as far as i understand, it is planned for the museum to change its name and for pulgakov to be told objectively there, so that he will definitely remain in this museum, it should not be closed under any circumstances, do you think it is possible for people... who love with all their hearts , respect this writer, somehow stimulate them,
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talk about him more objectively, or how it should all happen, in fact, the issue with the bolgakov museum, it actually appeared and gave impetus in 2022, ah, and now the museum really is working on changing the concept, which is a big plus, but we can, for example, er... this is also an indicator and an example, so until the 22nd year there was a memorial plaque at the museum on which it was written that bulgakov is a russian famous russian writer, so in the 22nd year it was dismantled, in the 23rd year instead of a memorial plaque appeared, which already states that bolgakov is a kyiv writer, and therefore... that's why we see even in this already some kind of transformation of
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bolgakov's understanding and ideas. it seems to me that the process of rethinking the figure will obviously take place, and it is obvious that the museum is changing concept of the museum, changing approaches will allow everyone to look at this figure more objectively. tell me more about the arch of friendship of peoples, because i already have. i have a feeling that there may be the same uproar as with this motherland, and you propose to demolish this structure in general, as one that cannot... it is possible to rename it so that some concept is preserved, tell me about it and what you expect in general reaction? well, again, uh, the experts who worked, who worked on this issue, came to the conclusion that this monumental object, which includes not only the arch, but also the corresponding
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sculptures, some of which have already been dismantled, and some are hidden, it forms a whole object and it is obvious that it, it was created and existed as a certain whole memorial object, as a propaganda tool, which propagated this imperial narrative about the friendship of peoples, and therefore it is not surprising that in kyiv it is known, this object is also known under such a folk... name as the yoke, and therefore attempts to transform it, they also take on a certain kind of inexplicable form, so earlier on this arch a crack was made, just like the symbolism of the fact that friendship gave a crack, in 2022 the arch was renamed to the arch of the stability of the ukrainian people, and what we
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got here, we got the arch of the stability of the ukrainian people. with a crack, whether it is good, whether it is, whether it is a solution to the problem, whether it is only, whether it does not complicate perception, so it is obvious that by simply renaming the question of the arch, well, or the question of this monument, in which the honor of the so-called reunification, so ukraine and russia, it is not resolved, and therefore it is obvious that what is needed here the question... is that this, this symbol of russian imperial policy is necessary to remove him, her from the public space. what do you think, when this removal can take place and approximately how much it will cost, and where this arch can then be taken to the metalwork to hand over or where? well, we are dealing with the opinion of experts so far, it is obvious that
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it needs to be worked out, as well as working out the issue of the future. of this existence and what will happen in this space, there is obviously a need for joint, joint dialogue between the community and the city government and both the government and the state in order to find the best optimal solution, especially considering that today in the conditions of martial law, it is obvious that there are other priorities for public funds, and please tell me, during your work there or during, for example, a full-scale invasion, let's even take this period, do you think society became more understanding of various renamings, co-communization, these are various transformations, because i remember that at the beginning, well, according to my observations, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, there was
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much more disagree, and now , again, i think society is a little. how do you see it, or, well, maybe you watched social media, in fact, the large-scale invasion greatly accelerated this process of rethinking our past, because in fact it became clear to everyone in ukraine that russia seeks to destroy the ukrainian identity, that what was imposed in ukraine for decades, this... hangs with a propagandistic purpose, with the purpose of promoting russian culture over ukrainian, with the purpose of discrediting ukrainian culture and ukrainian identity, that is why streets and monuments to pushkin and other russian figures,
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often unrelated to these cities, were an almost mandatory element in our cities, and therefore it is not surprising that with the beginning of a large-scale invasion. here are these processes of change and understanding and support of the processes of petitioning with the empire, they have accelerated, they are present in all regions, all, today, in all regions , the process of renaming streets, dismantling monuments is actively taking place, so really, this is a high price for us rethought the past, but... if, if it didn't happen, it sounded terrible, but really, the large-scale invasion also accelerated changes in the public consciousness of ukrainians. mr. volodymyr, i thank you very much for your comments, we had volodymyr telishchak, the deputy head of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance, on the air, we talked in particular about how the institute bans
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bolhakov, it's scary, well, i'll repeat it again, friends, you can treat - different, yes to this writer, but the institute of national remembrance did not ban mikhail bolgakov, it is you definitely need to know, you won't have any problems. books, it's just about renaming streets, for example, and something like that, so if you like the texts of this author, please, as before, you can continue reading him, and well, i think it's democratic enough in our case, well and regarding the bolgakovo museum, i personally would be very interested to go there and see how the concept of this will change. how it will be rebuilt, because there are really very interesting excursions there, if they remain as interesting, but become more objective,
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will tell more unpleasant truth about blogakov, i think that the museum will only win, and i also want to note an important point, it is about such an unbiased position and an unbiased vision, and if we talk about many other museums on... for example , in the tychyna museum in kyiv, it seems to me that there is also a lot of disagreement about such an interesting person with an incredibly bright, ambiguous life and actions, but because they obviously love their author and do not want to show anything bad about him, but this very decreases in times the charisma of these writers, and they become uninteresting, and this... it seems to me that this is absolutely the soviet practice, when we make such heroes out of famous people, idealized, emasculated, as a rule, such heroes do not
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find a response in the hearts of different people, and therefore their they don't like them, they are not interested in them, and that's probably because this is a wrong position in general, as in any positioning of our prominent people, by the way, here... in may , the film house is the word , an endless novel by taras tomenko, will be released in may, and in this tape tells about the respective house a word, about those writers who later we began to call the shot revival, and there, in my opinion, this is an attempt to show the same turbulent, not ideal person with his moments, and in general, that period was, in my opinion, very, very controversial , because these writers... sincerely supported the soviet government, but then what happened happened, well , the very end, about the same bolgakova, i will say the following, because really i am watching
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my feed on social networks right now, especially people active on facebook, somehow instagram, twitter less discusses this decision of the institute of national memory, many people agree with this conclusion, and with this decision, and many people do not, and ba... in many posts, i see again about these bans, people, or representatives of the institute of national memory was not explained well, or people did not finish reading, maybe we are reading from the headlines again, but it still seems to me that this incredible sentiment is specifically for bulgakov, it was precisely developed during the times in the soviet union, when this writer, especially there in the rooster late times, very supportive, very he was cultivated, do you remember that... there are also very popular films based on his works, it is not only a dog's heart, it is also ivan vasyliovych changing his profession, many people do not know this because of
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bolgakov's play, and these films, these books are extremely widely cited, master margarita is widely cited, and this citation, it always adds nationalism and greater influence to works of art, and i am very happy that now there is... ukrainian cinema, which also acquires this citation, is cited there , for example, dovbusha, phrases, or quote a movie antonio lukich, and they quote something else there, they even quote say on the wedding, they quote it, it’s good, and that’s why we have such a picture that we are gradually replacing the russian one with our art, with our mass culture, so it seems to me that the process is going very well and in the right rusli, well, friends, that's when i say goodbye to you, and stay with espresso, and we 'll see you in a week.
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have the experience of winning and we will win again in the super final. otherwise, our continent will look like this. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, we would have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some ... katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is he dreaming of, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso.
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time to learn about the main events for this hour, greetings to all viewers of espresso, yana yavomelnyk. one person died in kharkiv, and one more wounded the russians hit the residential area of ​​the city with mortars. the civil infrastructure was damaged, a car caught fire, said oleg sinygubov, the head of the region. as a result of the nighttime enemy attack , seven people were killed, serhiy bolvinov, the head of the investigative department of the regional police, said. muscovites hit the city twice with s-300 missiles. the second shelling began less than half an hour after the first. terrorists targeted high-rise residential buildings and civilian infrastructure. they hit the sleeping area of ​​the oleksiivka housing estate. in the yard two 5x5 m holes formed between the houses. at least nine high-rise buildings were damaged in the city.


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