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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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this year we will remember the liberated territories of the same poland, western ukraine, there is a lot to say here, thank you very much, thank you very much, i always worry about the japanese, and japan also has claims, i just sometimes look around russia, i think, who does not have claims, because if we just cover all the neighbors, then we will find a lot, and russia will have to apologize and return it, i think, sooner or later, thank you very much. oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, was in touch with us, now we go to turkey, to our neighbor, we have bad neighbors, average and good, turkey some think that it is not a very good neighbor, i think that it is a good neighbor, and we are from russia, now to turkey, russia is definitely the worst neighbor , evgenia haber, senior analyst - i'm not used to it,
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you see how old i am already, but i really like to talk about turkey, because i love this country very much, and now my first question, defeat, well, how, well, somehow i see that the international press writes about the defeat of erdogan's party. simple, and some write that it is not this is such a terrible defeat, others write, well , just a defeat, this is the end of erdogan’s ideas, this, it is as if turkish society has already eaten, eaten erdogan’s ideas, and even now there is no return to them, is it so temporary, i also ask , because there is his relative barikhtar, who supplies excellent props... for killing
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russians and war, can this barikhtar take over the leadership and renew these ideas, am i saying something wrong, i ask you as a specialist? good afternoon, mr. mykola, i hope i heard your question correctly, because i can't hear the studio very well, what about the idea of ​​the party of justice and development, i think it is still alive, it is definitely late to put the godparents, the party, and i will explain why, the fact is that the municipal elections in turkey, they always take place in a slightly different scenario and according to a different scheme than national elections. when a voter votes in a presidential election or in a parliamentary election, as it happened, for example, last year in the 23rd, there are many factors that influence his choice, it is stability, it is, for example, foreign policy, it is... security policy , these are voices
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those voters outside of turkey usually vote for erdoğan's party and will continue to vote for it, and in this sense, although the current government is losing votes, it has basically been winning for more than 20 years. when we talk about municipal elections, what comes to the fore are specific candidates in specific precincts, these are... economic issues, and in this case the economic situation that exists in turkey, it is far from the best, only officially over 70 % of inflation, and unofficially more than 100%, the devaluation of the lira, the increase of the food basket, unrealized projects with the improvement of cities, the ineffective response of municipalities to the earthquake in turkey, in principle, the desire for some kind of change, all this is indicated, and therefore it is much easier to vote against
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their conditional candidate from the party of the government in some province than to vote against erdogan both as a figure and as a representative of a certain ideology on the scale of the country. so what we're seeing is a negative trend for power, but there are still four years to go in '28, and i think that if there is, for example, a new candidate from the justice and development party, sivchuk beraktar or someone else, but ... who will be able to reflect all the hopes of the turkish voter, who is nationalist, but at the same time younger and more progressive , then i wouldn't give a damn about the ideas of the party of justice and development and the political future on a national scale. yes, this is exactly barikhtar, the one i was talking about, and mrs. yevgenia said, that is, i am clarifying now, if conditionally imagine simultaneous. presidential and
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local elections, then we can easily imagine that the president became... the same one who is now, mr. mykola, i apologize, i do not hear you, i only hear the voices of your broadcast studio, i hear you can't hear at all please make an effort to hear us because it's wrong they are trying to reconnect although it's not easy now i hope what they will do it who's to blame me or us or , now i hear you... i can hear you, but you see, it's the headphones that tell me. so, ms. evgenia, that is, now i don't see you, well, what's the matter. can you hear us yes, i can hear you now, yes. it's great. that is, to imagine, you can easily
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imagine a picture according to which, if the presidential and municipal elections take place simultaneously, well, local ones. erdoğan is winning, and the result of the local elections will be like today, i.e. a defeat in all regions, or almost in all, against the defeat of erdogan and his supporters? it is theoretically possible, i would not say that there is a defeat for erdogan in most regions, because the opposition won 35 of the 81st province, this is a high indicator, it an important indicator also because these provinces... these are not only the traditional winning provinces for the opposition, they are also central anatolia, so they add to the new non- traditional geography for the opposition, this is important, but it is still 35 out of 81, what
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a certain voter can vote for erdoğan in national elections and for the opposition in local elections, this is true, this is what turkish opinion polls say, and... this means that different priorities, and this means that again, different factors affect the choice on a large scale countries. i don't think we can talk about a significant strengthening of power now, yes, that is, obviously, the trend is negative in any case, and there is a loss of popularity, because there is a desire for change, there is a desire, after all , for professional and professional representatives of the government both on the ground and in... to the central government, not only on the principle of loyalty to the authorities, but also on the principle of specific professional achievements, this is all there, but still there is a sufficiently large chance that the party in power, winning at the national level, will lose votes in the municipal
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elections, and what the question is, we are everywhere some presidents, prime ministers, kings are ideal, but the year... 2, 10, 20, comes and goes, but there is an element, something, something specific that i don't like, and what i don't like now, well, obviously inflation, i was at the very beginning of this inflation in northern, northern cyprus, and i already felt then that if you have dollars or euros, then you are simply a champion, everything in the price changes, changes, changes, the dollar stands, and yesterday you bought tangerines there for one. well, now actually, if i converted to dollars, it is twice as cheap, very convenient, very nice, but that’s clear, maybe they want to return to the european path, be less fussy in nato relations,
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more eager for europe, this is erdogan, as i understood, said and repeated, well , if you don’t want to, then you don’t have to, no no this is not how we should enter that europe, maybe... they want a more active anti-russian policy, a less active middle eastern policy, because erdogan wants a big turkey, it is obvious to everyone, and his relations with azerbaijan, and with israel and anywhere that , what we like, what we don't like, unfortunately, no matter how much we don't like it wanted a more anti-russian policy, the turkish voter does not aspire, because both the opposition and the government, they do not agree on much, but in... matters of balancing between ukraine and russia, in matters of the need to preserve trade and economic relations with russia, they absolutely agree , this is one of the few issues that gives a full understanding that this is the best option for turkey, because
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turkey has its own national interests that require the continuation of energy, economic, trade relations with russia, that which concerns relations with the european union or with the united states. indeed, the position is more in support of the restoration of these relations, but the authorities now, if you look at the dynamics of relations with the united states, are trying to improve these relations. turkey unblocked sweden's membership in nato. the united states has unblocked the f-16 situation for turkey. now there are contacts at all levels. blinken met with the turkish minister of foreign affairs, there are visits by defense delegations, and erdoğan is expected to visit of the united states in early may, where he will meet with biden. one of the reasons is security cooperation. obviously. russian aggression, and now there are many projects where the united states is trying to develop joint production there, for example,
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155 mm projectiles with turkey and so on, and this is a plus for ukraine, and there is an economic factor, because the european market remains important for turkey, the largest market, and american investments are important, so , besides, i don't think that the foreign policy factor played a role in the local elections some kind of role, i wouldn't exaggerate it, i... think that after all economic issues, exactly what you are talking about, that today you buy mandarins for 5 lira, and tomorrow you buy mandarins for 25 lira conditionally there, these factors, the management crisis, the economic crisis, this is what mostly influenced the decisions of the voters in the local elections, and the last one, you can comment on it briefly, i will say briefly, despite such love for russia, which we all do not like, the turnover of goods, as far as i understand, since the beginning of the year... between turkey and russia it has fallen by 30%, by a third, and i just said this this morning, when
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i was preparing, i listened to some experts, they say that yes, they want with russia, but the american sanctions, the americans do not play with them, and because of these sanctions , the turnover of goods drops very much, this or that truth? yes, it's true, and this is what i always say, that no matter how much they talk about russia being super important to turkey, well, it really is. important, because there are also turkish contracting companies working in russia, this is also trade, but turkey's trade with the european union and with by the united states and russia, turkey still pays attention to its western partners, and anyway, in order to balance this economic situation, cooperation with america is important, so that's where the americans come in. and e-e sanctions are directed against individual turkish companies, turkey
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listens very strongly to this, and in various directions, starting from sea trade and ending, i don’t know, with dual purpose goods that go through turkey, bypassing european sanctions to russia , when there are the right messages, the right signals from washington, turkey is definitely listening to this, well, what can i say, because it is the united states. thanks to evgenia gabber, senior analyst at the center for modern turkish studies. she was in touch with us. now there will be advertising, then we will move not far from turkey. we will move to the state of israel. but first, let's look at the ad. pain can become an obstacle. walk up the stairs, not with my knees. for pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling
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and improves joint mobility with the cream dolgit, you can also walk, dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints. what? bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us. until the end of our dnibra, children born in the era of independence, who are they, there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry, lemberk, mommy, don't cry, book by the writer olena cherninkoi, a mother's book about her son, hero, who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing
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and good health again, you see, i have an israeli flag behind my back, that means we will talk about israel, we will talk about issues. there will be such, at least at the beginning , military-diplomatic questions, and to whom, to vadym polishchuk, a historian-political commentator from israel, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, mr. vadym, so the first question is about israel's attack on the iranian consulate in syria, where two generals and five officers were killed, and now iran says that it wants to take revenge... on israel, and i can't remember, except for the words about revenge, i could never find anything, what's up with iran ever did this as revenge, and tell me, is it you, well, this should be taken seriously regarding this possible revenge, because of the attack on the consulate, good evening, mr.
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mykola, well, you guessed correctly, from the end of the iraqi-iranian the war somehow avoids taking part in such activities on its own military, he chose such a strategy to involve these proxies in such a case, of which he has made many throughout the middle east, this is hezbollah, this is hamas, this is also all the so-called, this is also the various shiite militias, of which there are many in iraq and in of syria and that's why for him now, on the one hand, he doesn't want to lose hezbollah early, if he involves it in this revenge, although it is actually fighting with israel now, but in this option, you know, what if you give it the go-ahead for full-scale military operations ,
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then you can even lose hisbola together with controlled lebanon, so if he ... weighs in on his own, then there is a possibility that israel will strike at those sweet objects that israel has been eyeing for a long time, this is iran's nuclear program, this is the shahed factories, yes so-called, and many things that are in principle possible in iran, for israeli military power, for aircraft, for missiles, medium-range, which are in israel, and all this will be... well, it seems to me, instantly attacked, and therefore in iran, you know, here in the near east , in principle, politicians tend to threaten a lot, but ee sometimes act with caution, but after the attack by hamas, about which in principle all the israeli leadership said, there was such a concept that it is not profitable for hamas to attack,
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that it would be better to embezzle the money that was coming to it from all over the world and so on. .. one should not be afraid of such an attack, but the attack took place and in some ways it was so suicidal, and if israel had acted more decisively and if israel had not had this world community hanging on its hands, then hamas would have been finished a long time ago, and left alone, it is still important moment, it is also about that, also about the attack and also about the attack israel, where seven volunteers died, sharply criticizes the event. for an attack on a humanitarian convoy in gaza, are there ways to prevent this friendly fire from taking place at all? during the war of options, when by chance or due to some negligence of an individual soldier , the events that occur,
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it is impossible to avoid these events, well, as i show, practice shows, it is simply impossible, and many of our own soldiers die from friendly fire, and it was like this the story of the death of three hostages who managed to free themselves and tried to leave, in the territory of israel and the israeli soldiers thought that it was a provocation by hamas and killed those hostages, it was such a very unpleasant story, and this case was also not reported somewhere for some reason, that is, the israeli military knew that there would be a convoy, they knew that there would be trucks, but they didn't know that there would be cars, and it was, well, it was decided that it was possible... hamas fighters, who somehow wanted to slip by this convoy, and so they were those cars destroyed, and because of the darkness, they say that they did not
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see the markings of this company, which this humanitarian delivered, well, there is a probability that it is some forces that want israel to stop, because of the israeli military, among which there are many people of leftist views, such progressiveness. the so-called e somehow influenced this, but well, it’s such a very low probability, in my opinion, the government has rather resigned, anti-government protests, the police are pushing water cannons, somehow, well, for me personally, it looks quite exotic, it’s me, god forbid no offense, because i am very afraid when i read such things in ukraine are quite sharp, and when i see that it is mass... mass criticism of the military, mass criticism of the political leadership, i start to get nervous, i don't say that i'm going out with the flag of ukraine and
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i don't shout that there are a bunch of traitors around, but i don't it is unpleasant, in israel during the war we see absolutely serious intentions to overthrow the government, in short to destabilize, what do you say, well, this is a company, it is not today's. day, it has been going on for several years, attempts to overthrow right-wing governments, and when they appear, and this was also during the past presidency of the netanyahu government, there was a powerful company even before that, and after that he does not stop anything, only they have this summons that netanyahu should leave and in general, the right-wing government, they do not want him to be in power, the topic of hostages was simply added, they are there for a certain number. . these families of the unfortunate who are there in a state of stress because of the fate of their relatives, they include them, as if they somehow
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carry the flag in front of them, although, although many of those families are already quite strongly opposed to those demonstrators and demand not to use the name of their relatives for political slogans, but there are very large funds invest in these demonstrations, there are interested political forces, from the left flank. and many of those who are now financing these protests, they are the culprits of this whole situation with the war, because such former prime ministers huth barak olmert, they basically participated in what happened with hamas and with hezbollah, and the withdrawal of troops from south lebanon, which took place, this is their movement on the right, and now they, you know, are coming out and demanding something there and flying. i have a number of questions, and we just talked about turkey on my program, and there we said that there were local elections, and we just discussed with an expert that erdoğan
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may just be bored, he may be wonderful, the best, beautiful, but he is to the local population when he is 10 years old, 20 years old, about netanyahu, why likud does not maybe the right-wing forces can't find another leader, okay, we understand that netanyahu is a good leader, he has many merits and so on and so on, but in order to somehow live on, maybe we just need to change the sign and say, ok, let this one go, and this new one will come and lead a more right-wing policy, and so even if everything ends and no, and these anti-government demonstrations stop, everything is not so simple, very here, you know, as soon as some powerful figure appears on the right wing. who, well , such a rank as netanyahu, immediately our political, well, this legal system, which is set up on the left side, it begins
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to open criminal cases against them, they go around, well, as a rule, i am so, you know, sucked from the finger, and people, very many people break down. netanyahu, he is one of those people who was hunted by this legal system, who simply did not break down and did not give up, and four criminal cases were opened against him, and then the court proceedings began, these court proceedings are collapsing, just an appearance, they are on paper, well, such paper tigers, you know, such, well there, well, by ukrainian standards, it's simple.. . it's funny, you know what we are, that he throws some cigarettes, champagne, some stupid woman over there, but all this is mulling over, some witnesses appear, and well, a lot of people, if we remember the history of israel, well, they just couldn't stand such a thing pressure, and therefore people who vote for them what to do, there is a way somehow to minimize leftist influence on the judicial system, this would have been since the fall of last year, i
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listened, heard and talked a lot, and maybe with you and even with your colleagues from israel, and i watched israeli channels, this is znamli, the ninth russian-speaking israeli channel, i also very much often watched this left-wing influence is criticized vigorously enough, but is it possible to get rid of this left-wing influence on the judicial branch of government? well, this is exactly the legal system, she tried to reform the law. to somehow reduce the impact of this legal system on decision-making primarily by the government, but you see what a hysteria took place, simply , well, this system, well, this reform was actually failed due to frantic opposition, because, well, in fact, the law was passed not even on the exception, but somehow on the limitation of the use of the so-called principle of reasonableness, when the judge in
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his decisions is guided not by the law, but by his own... ideas about what is beautiful, you know, and the supreme court itself, against which, regarding the limitation of the powers of this law, he himself overturned it, understands, well, this is, you know, just some kind of impasse, well, how about this it is very difficult to say how to get out of this situation, because in fact now in israel democracy is limited, i.e. the choice of the people, no matter who they vote for, is still the final word legally. system, therefore, is there any opinion, is it possible that this opinion will arise, well, during every revolution in ukraine, the possibility is discussed in the constituent assembly and revision of the constitution, as it were, starting a new country, well, that is, with the same name, we see that in israel also has fundamental problems, such fundamental problems of state formation, well, because it...
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in 1948, there were obviously other ideas then, what do you say, we have one and a half minutes, we have this minute, please, maybe the situation will come before that, but it was created, you remember, by the left socialists, the zionists, and they made it their own, they left this institution, this court of justice, these legal advisors, which remained under the british empire, and that suited them, but... even the demographic situation has changed, now since the 80s, people began to vote not for left-wing parties, but more for right-wing parties, the old system remained, and it resists this, there are a lot of people interested in it, and well , it really cannot last so long, and it will all come to something, because such and such a crisis, it will either destroy the state, or this state will
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somehow have to be reorganized into to adapt to new conditions, thank you very much, thank you very much, vadym polishchuk, historian, political commentator from israel, was in touch with us, thank you for your attention, see you tomorrow, anna yavamelnik with the latest news, will appear before you now. how the heads of the ukrainian concern worked our enemy, the russian federation, and muscovites are relentlessly attacking kharkiv oblast with guided aerial bombs. my greetings, anna yavomelnyk is with you and this is the news, the results of the day. and immediately starts.


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