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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EEST

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there are people beyond it, but you spoke really correctly about the fact that those people who feel themselves in the context of their certain identity, after reading this work, they will not associate themselves with it, but there are people, unfortunately, in our , even in ukraine, which still associate themselves to a certain extent, it happened, again, for certain reasons, that they associate themselves with something russian. well, because ukraine is a country of identity conflict, it is also a fact that we have this identity conflict in ukraine, it is still so, it is no longer as pronounced as we saw it 10 years ago, even 5 years ago, even 3 years ago, but it is still there, and here it is really a task for us as a society and the state, including the task to show ukraine . show, show
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the citizens of ukraine that we should, relatively speaking, return to our own. thank you. andriy smolii. thanks to vitaly portnikov. the saturday deck is over and we wish you all the best, my friends. turn on and turn on. dictation with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut.
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we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00.
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two years have passed, the spresso tv channel has still not been returned to t2, during this time neither... these officials have not taken responsibility for the disconnection. the espresso team has repeatedly appealed to the president, the cabinet, the national security and defense council, the national council for television and radio broadcasting. however, clear we did not receive an answer as to who and why limited the broadcasting of the channel. this is pure censorship, it is a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because today it is actually on the t-2 network, on a button that is 10 years old. the express tv channel was broadcast,
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today the rada tv channels are broadcast, the rada tv channel is a state channel, it is a participant in the single news marathon, and instead of espresso, people who still use and watch auto-2 tv can watch the single news marathon again , which airs today, if i'm not mistaken , on eight or nine tv channels, yes, that is they do not have access to information, to alternative information, to various mass media, to such an independent tv channel as espresso. the state intelligence service explained that the reason for turning off espress, the fifth and direct from digital broadcasting, was the alleged implementation of the decision of... march 2022 of the council of national security and defense on the unified information policy, this body and others denied their intervention in turning off tv channels . this document also does not govern our disconnection because it does not say so not a single word about the need
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to disconnect someone, to switch, there is no word espresso, there is no name of other tv channels that were disconnected together with us, so this is pure manipulation, and still no explanations. we still don't have the reasons why this happened, why this illegal action took place two years ago. a petition to resume broadcasting of the channels was registered in april 2022. in a few months, she gathered the necessary number of votes, but the appeal remained unheard. will the tv channels return? in ether, the government did not respond. a year ago, the international human rights organization reporters without borders called on the ukrainian authorities to resolve the situation as soon as possible and return the tv channel. the opportunity to work fully, because the restriction of broadcasting of tv channels does not speed up our accession to the eu. in march 2023 , the us state department assessed the ukrainian press as partially free. the report discussed, in particular, the situation with the espresso, direct and fifth channels. we do not
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fulfill any requirements and conditions of the european union in order to get us there in the end... how we work, or try to work according to those rules and laws, canons, skills that are acceptable and logical in the free world, and when we do not work according to them, this, of course, distances us from the free world. the return of tv channels to the t2 digital airwaves now depends on the ukrainian authorities. according to the director of espresso, because of such illegal actions, our state has been moving in the opposite direction from democracy and freedom of speech for two years. we are doing our best to bring our victory closer and believe that we will definitely win. but if the authorities do not admit their mistake and
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return us to the digital air, there is a great risk that in the future we may turn into russia, because the attack on freedom of speech in russia began precisely with restrictions. or liquidation of the media. due to disconnection from t-2, our channel lost about 40% of the audience. however, espresso continues to be broadcast on the internet, in cable networks, on two satellites in ukraine and abroad. we are actively developing on youtube and social networks. this audience already exceeds the number we lost then, but still us we continue to call on the authorities of all the officials who are responsible for this. return us to the digital network, because not all ukrainians today have the opportunity to watch us thanks to cable networks, satellite and the internet, they are still waiting for us on the t2 network, so it is important to return the espresso tv channel to t2 with the simple goal that a is
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democracy, b is freedom of speech, c is european values, the most important thing is that people have the right to have access to information, diverse, not always convenient for someone, for a particular policy, i am not saying for authorities maybe for some certain people, but this is the information that is just journalism, and we give what is reality, we prepare people for certain things that are inevitable, we talk about what is happening and what can be , we asked ukrainians what they think about the disconnection of espresso and their attitude to the single marathon, the popularity is falling, and this says it all, it is necessary that everything should be, a person should have a choice, he should choose. i have a negative attitude, this is an alternative, different channels, different views, that's why i don't see any problems not to show them on t2, especially since i know the countryside, especially the area, there were a lot of users, they watched expresso, i don't
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like it, but why? well, because there are channels that cover news from all sides, including, despite the disconnection from the digital network, the spresso tv channel continues. spell in informational speech. the espresso team informs viewers about all important events, and war correspondents risk their lives to document russia's crimes. and we are still waiting. when the channel with a ukrainian perspective return to digital return espresso to digital. the repeated offensive of russia is a rumor of a threat or a real threat of appropriation of the lands of the ministry of defense, who is involved in the machinations and when the kerch bridge will fall. good evening, anna eva melnyk and the espresso team are here to summarize the past week. kyiv, kharkiv, sumy, zaporizhzhia, odesa, end of may, beginning of june, august. since
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the beginning of the year, ukrainian, western and russian media have been spreading either forecasts or rumors about the new so-called big offensive of the russian federation. how real is the threat, further in the detailed review. volodymyr zelenskyy announced new powerful attacks by the enemy, perhaps not the first. back in february, at a press conference , the commander-in-chief stated that on the border of spring and summer, the russian... army may go on the offensive, later, at the end of march , the president confirmed this information in an interview with the american cbs tv channel. russia will prepare counter-offensive actions, and it may be the end of may, it may be the month of june, and we need help now, now in order to to train the appropriate brigades that will have to fight for our land, especially at the moment of counteroffensive actions that russia wants to start. in addition to volodymyr zelenskyi , the head of his office,
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andriy yermak, and the commander of the ground forces , lieutenant general oleksandr pavlyuk, spoke publicly about the russian offensive. the topic began to be actively discussed in the western and russian press. the economist journalist assumed that in the summer, after the spring mud, muscovites will launch a large-scale attack. the publication called on ukraine to hurry up with the introduction of fortifications and mobilization, otherwise the front can be. broken through politico describes a similar scenario, but in even darker colors. citing high-ranking ukrainian officers who served under general valery zaluzhny before his resignation, it predicts an offensive in august, if not earlier, and also considers the destruction of the front line a very likely scenario. the so-called russian liberal press also added fuel to the fire, the meduza online publication stated with reference to its sources in the kremlin. about putin's intention to leave for the second time to kyiv, and his plan is at least to capture kharkiv. against the backdrop of increased shelling
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of the city, rumors about an attack on kharkiv began to spread among ordinary ukrainians. mayor ihor terekhov called this information hostile to mipso. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrsky, under whose command almost the entire kharkiv region was liberated in the fall of 2022, also had to reassure the citizens. in fact, for two years of full-scale war. this was the only time when the front, then russian, really collapsed. we already have combat experience in kharkiv oblast, we managed to miscalculate the enemy and liberate a significant part of kharkiv oblast. it was then that the large-scale collapse of the russian front took place. if the russians go there again, kharkiv will be a fatal city for them. oleksandr syrskyi, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. which gives reason to talk about the preparation of a new one by the russians. coming in the summer first of all, intelligence information about the new wave of mobilization of the vrf. as
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president volodymyr zelenskyy stated, 300,000 additional military personnel are being trained there for june 1st. not yet the total mobilization that some predicted immediately after putin's so-called election, but a very significant number, especially considering that the war has now entered the positional stage, and even a small advance is primarily due to the efforts of the infantry. the attack by large columns of armored vehicles does not ... give the expected result. this was once again confirmed by the battle that took place on march 30. to the west, he took action near the village of tonka. the russians launched about 50 units of armored vehicles into the attack. ukrainian paratroopers from the 25th brigade managed to destroy 12 from 36 tanks and eight from 12 infantry fighting vehicles. as the experience of war shows, advancing by infantry is difficult, slow and very expensive. of course, russia does not spare human resources, but the attack on kharkiv, sumy, and kyiv. and the weather. need a huge number of trained soldiers, and will 300 thousand be enough for this? according to
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military observers, a more realistic scenario is an attempt by the russian army already this summer to realize the goal officially announced by putin, to reach the administrative borders of donetsk and luhansk regions. if this is the case, the army of the aggressor country can intensify efforts to the most promising directions for her, first of all, it is the bakhmut direction, namely chasiv yar, where it is already very hot and a shade to the west of the captured avdiyivka. currently, there are also ongoing assaults towards the new line of defense of the armed forces. if the invaders' efforts are successful, kostyantynivka and druzhkivka will be under threat in the future. slavic-kramatorsk agglomeration. in the northern part of the front, this is the kupyan-limansk direction. the task of the russians is to knock out the armed forces of ukraine beyond the oskil river in order to further increase the pressure on donbas. this is now a priority for the russian command. yes, in particular, military journalist yuriy botusov believes. no prerequisites are visible for the russians to prepare a major offensive in the sumy, kharkiv, and
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chernihiv regions from the north. from its state border. v... will continue, but will increase the pace of advancement in donbas, donbas will remain the main battlefield, the main both donbas and kharkiv region, and the main direction of concentration of the enemy's efforts. to deter the enemy's offensive, ukraine needs weapons, many weapons, including additional ones air defense systems, hundreds of thousands of shells and drones. it is possible that this is why the sources of western publications among ukrainian military personnel repeatedly remind... of the aggressive plans of the erf and, perhaps, somewhat thicken the colors. western countries really stepped up their efforts. in particular, after the meeting of the nato council of ukraine, the secretary general of the alliance, jens stoltenberg, said that the allies promised to check the stocks in order to find additional air defense systems for ukraine. allies understand urgency, especially when it comes down to it
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on air defense, so they will analyze their stockpile to see if there are ways to provide. more defense systems, including patriot, and to make sure the ukrainians have enough missiles and parts for the systems they already have. the czech republic proved that there are weapons in the west and in the world in general. prague found more than a million munitions in the warehouses of unnamed countries, but still has not been able to accumulate enough money to pay for them, although two dozen countries have already joined its initiative, but perhaps the main challenge of the coming weeks - this is the approval of the much-suffering american aid package to ukraine in the amount of more than 60 billion dollars. there were hopes that the bill could be put to a vote by the house of representatives as early as next week. now bloomberg writes that the most likely vote will take place at the end of april. however, president joseph biden introduced the document to congress that year in october. it remains to be hoped that the package
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will be approved after all, and that it is not too late. but one way or another, this delay will have to be paid for in blood. ukrainian soldiers who despite the lack of shells and anti-aircraft systems and the enemy's superiority in manpower, they hold the front and prepare for new attacks, in whatever directions and however powerful they may be. russia is constantly replenishing its stockpile of missiles. according to the assessment of the main directorate of intelligence of ukraine, the enemy still has about 950 long-range high-precision missiles. according to gur representative vadym skibitskyi, the kremlin seeks to produce. about 40 ha-101 in april this year. also, the aggressor country accumulates a stock of calibers and has at its disposal at least 260 units, although they are almost not used by potinists from the fall of 2023, but the aggressor country plans to produce another 30 calibers already in april. at the same time, skibitsky added that the russians
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are modernizing onyx anti-ship missiles. the enemy has 440 such units. we predict that the russians will be able to carry out several more massive attacks. then they will be forced to take a break again to accumulate rockets and shaheeds. however, individual local shelling may continue. mobilization in a new way since 25 years, electronic cabinet for conscripts and unlimited fit. on april 2, the president of ukraine signed a series of laws... according to which the possibilities of mobilization in ukraine are expanding, we will see how exactly that will change in the near future. steps to expand mobilization. the bill on military duty and military service was adopted in may 2023. at that time, the parliament, at the request of the government, reduced the conscription age to 25 years. in june, it was signed by
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speaker ruslan stepanchuk. and the document was immediately handed over to the president, but... from that time on for 10 months, the project lay without the signature of volodymyr zelenskyi. the national security and defense council explained that as of the fall , the supreme commander had not taken up the draft law, as it was a sensitive issue. from now on , men over the age of 25 will also be subject to general mobilization in ukraine , not over 27, as was the case before. also , on april 2, zelenskyi signed a large project on the creation of an electronic office of the military. this decision of the president was expected for more than two months, now personal and contact information will be included in the auberig system information of conscripts and reservists. in addition, the amulet will contain data about... the results of a medical examination and about a citizen's participation in combat operations, in fact it simplifies the record keeping of conscripts, which should optimize the mobilization process. it is expected that
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electronic booking will be launched on its base, as well as the issuance of military tickets with information on the status of a citizen, where he is registered and whether he is fit for service. today it is known that the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada has refused mandatory registration electronic office and... sending summons through it, the use of such an office is still only on a voluntary basis, the military itself initiated such a step to digitize the army, because it will allow to act more mobile and more efficiently, both on the battlefield and in the rear. and another of the signed laws provides for the cancellation of the status of those who were considered to be of limited fitness during wartime. now, citizens who had this status, within nine months from the date of entry into force of the new law,... must undergo a repeated medical examination in order to determination of suitability for military service. another important change is that military personnel were allowed to be continuously treated
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abroad for up to 12 months, that is, without the need to undergo a military medical examination every four months. the law also provides for the release of military personnel to care for a sick child under the age of 14 , as well as leave for military personnel in the event of a child's birth. or after an injury. in addition to the signed laws , the president issued several decrees. they relate to the passage clause military service in the armed forces of ukraine. one of the innovations is that during martial law, mobilized ukrainians can be sent abroad for training, training or advanced training. at the same time, this week zelensky noted that there are no plans to mobilize half a million people into the army, as previously stated. how many are planned... this year, the president did not name the exact number. instead, he emphasized that russia is preparing an additional mobilization of 3,000 troops for
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june 1 of this year. legitimate goals, president volodymyr zelenskyi of ukraine commented on the reaction of some partners' dissatisfaction with the strikes of the armed forces on russian refineries. the head of state said that the ukrainians are attacking the oil facilities of the russian federation that supply fuel for the occupying army and feed it. the economy he also reminded that the international community's condemnation of russian attacks on ukrainian civilians did not lead to a decrease in such attacks. and ukraine still lacks protection against muscovites. previously , the us and eu countries criticized the strikes on russian oil facilities. drone strikes at oil refineries in russia have been going on for several months. due to this, the production of gasoline in the country of terrorists decreased by 12%. stopped installations on the np. in ryazan, rostov, samara, and nizhny novgorod regions. oil companies sell off stocks, also this week a ukrainian uav attacked
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an oil refinery in tatarstan, in nizhnyokamsk. the enterprise is one of the five largest refineries of the russian federation. and today, gur officially announced the undermining of the pipeline in the rostov region, which was used for pumping petroleum products the facility was also used for military purposes. do not hesitate and in order to finally understand how to survive in kharkiv, how people can live without light, without water, one must come, see, and then judge something or not, understand that russia does not understand anything except force, and all the condemnations about the illegal occupation of our territories, the attacks on our energy, all these... judgments did not lead to a decrease in the attacks of the russian federation, that is, it says that these people understand only one thing, when they
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understand that there is a powerful answer. when will the kerch bridge fall? the british the guardian published an article in which it is said that the main intelligence agency of ukraine is preparing a third strike on the kerch bridge. gur told the publication that the destruction of the crossing is inevitable. at the same time, the representative of the ukrainian intelligence andriy yusov added that it is unlikely to scare the occupiers with this information , and it is not always advisable to comment on an anonymous publication. he also emphasized that the kerch bridge, like any other illegal object, is a military target and subject to destruction. the general directorate of intelligence provides information only when it is needed. much has been said about this bridge. including official statements from ukrainian representatives of the security and defense sector, including the head of the security service of ukraine. and, unfortunately, we cannot testify
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that our russian adversaries... constantly report to the mountain that all security measures have been taken. derebant land of the ministry of defense, next to the central market in bila tserkva. the circle of persons in this fraud is impressive, as is the fact that how bureaucratic is the system of returning investment-attractive land to state ownership. who is to blame for giving away the land, see our correspondent's investigation. this market belongs to a white man. on khrustalenka street 5a, buyers have been visiting for years, not suspecting that it is illegal, in his city, instead of these rusty and wooden counters, housing for the military should be built, which is urgently needed now. hectare of land belongs to the ministry of defense, and according to the assessment of the state audit service, its value is uah 14,200,000. it turned out that back in 2006, the state...
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enterprise kumip and the monolit but company concluded a contract for the establishment of a land easement for 25 years. the plot began to be densely built up, surrounded by a fence and a stationary security point was installed, that is , it cannot be used by a state-owned enterprise, so the materials were handed over to the security service. a state financial audit of the kyiv state enterprise of the ministry of defense of ukraine was conducted. mechanization and construction management for the period from january 1, 2020 to on june 30, 2023, according to the letter of the darnytsia specialized prosecutor's office in the field of defense of the central region dated february 26, 2024, a copy of the report was attached to the criminal proceedings on the grounds of the crimes provided for in the fourth part of article 1991, which is the appropriation, waste of property or taking possession of it through abuse.
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official position, such actions are punishable by deprivation of liberty for a period of 5 to eight years with a ban on holding certain positions or engaging in certain activities for a period of up to three years, as the ex-director of the kyiv department of mechanization and construction volodymyr babenko, this story has been going on for more than 10 years. here is the plan for the development of the land plot of the former military town. this is exactly this hectare of land, this is exactly this hectare of land, this is here, it is clearly visible how many entrances there are, the whole block is built here in a circle with an inner courtyard, residential buildings, there is an explanation, that is, everything that it should be, itself he appealed to a number of authorities regarding illegal activities and did so even after his dismissal from the state-owned enterprise, viz to the military prosecutor's office of the state employment service...
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kyiv-oblenergo and others, but there they gave only formal resignations. the previous managers of this enterprise at one time somehow forged documents, then entered into a criminal conspiracy with the local authorities at that time, with judicial authorities, with law enforcement officers, and managed to take this hectare of land, as if on a temporary market, on a temporary, these are temporary spordes, the mafias are there, but they have built, including capital buildings, you see, they have stolen, without permits, without access architecture, without anything. the incumbent deputy of the rayarad is sure that the security service will be able to put an end to this land fraud, and will still decide what to do...
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with all this good, a shopping area on a state plot in the middle of the city, we had time to file a lawsuit to cancel this of the contract when i was the director, but my successor, who came, once again solved this issue, that is , no one dealt with this issue for years, that is, the police did not investigate at all, the archbud control crushed illegal construction, er, the same in the architecture department, but the military prosecutor's office of the belotserk garrison did not do, did not do proper supervision. instead, the security service told our tv channel that the materials were sent to the darnytsia specialized prosecutor's office in the field of defense of the central region for use in the pre-trial proceedings.


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