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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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territory of belarus in order to respond in the event of a threat. in addition, this direction continues to be strengthened with engineering fortifications along the border line and fortifications in the border areas. the situation does not change along the border with belarus. on the other hand, we do not see that russia has any forces to pose a threat at the moment, he emphasized. in march , there were also claims that russia had moved tactical nuclear weapons to belarus closer to nato territory. russian president vladimir putin threatens a wider military confrontation with alliance through the support of ukraine. in a comment to the belarusian opposition publication pozirk , belarusian oppositionist valery sahashchyk said that the authorities of the russian federation and belarus are preparing to use nuclear weapons and blitzkrieg on vilnius. he claims that belarusian generals and their colleagues from moscow draw arrows on maps in the direction of vilnius and suggests that the use of nuclear weapons and the attack on lithuania are planned by moscow and minsk because of the failure in the war with ukraine. according to him , putin and lukashenko hope that the civilized world will be shocked by this escalation of aggression and will stop. "as
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a military specialist, having communicated with colleagues in all western countries, i am 100% sure. russia is facing a major military disaster. i am sure that the russian and belarusian generals feel this well," says sahashchyk. in february 2022 , the dictatorial regime in minsk provided its territory for an invasion against ukraine. this situation does not have many chances to repeat itself in 2000. in 2024, however, dictator lukashenko emphasizes that war this time is quite possible, and its goals can be not only ukraine, but also nato countries, lithuania and poland. how real are the threats of a new invasion from the territory of belarus into ukraine. we will talk about this later. at present , the belarusian dictatorship. tura refrains from
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direct acts of aggression or providing its territory for the russians to attack ukraine, as was the case in the winter and spring of 2022. it is obvious that oleksandr lukashenko's potato walking learned a bitter lesson for himself then. however, this does not exclude the possibility of a repeated russian offensive from the territory of belarus. although one must give due warning, which he obviously received the belarusian ... dictator from ukraine turned out to be quite serious for him, because the last shelling from the territory of belarus and ukrainian territories was recorded as early as the fall of 2022. since then, there has been silence on the border of ukraine and belarus, although this silence may seem deceptive. there is currently no answer as to whether the military units of the republic of belarus will be used. however, as we can see, and... and our allies are already preparing. against
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the background of fears about a possible re-offensive of the russians, our awareness is increasing partners of the need to increase military and not only military aid to ukraine. more details about how the west is preparing for a possible attack by russia in our story. against the backdrop of forecasts of a new large-scale russian offensive already this summer in... ukraine and partner countries are doing everything possible to resist the invaders. thus, at the beginning of april , french president emmanuel macron and us secretary of state anthony blinken met in paris and declared a joint position on further support for ukraine. about this reported in the official message of the us state department. secretary of state blinken and president macron confirmed their strong support for ukraine's struggle for freedom against russian aggression. they also agreed on the importance of preventing the escalation of the conflict in gaza, excluding the possibility of an escalation in lebanon.
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challenges from the people's republic of china were discussed and efforts to strengthen global food security were discussed, the statement said. earlier, macron also suggested sending troops to ukraine in the coming year. french newspaper lamont 14 march 2024 reported that on the night of february 21, during a feast in a narrow circle , macron announced his readiness to send troops to odessa. the situation in ukraine , occupied by russian troops, has been deteriorating for two years now. the war is dragging on, in any case next year i will have to send some guys to odessa, - the interlocutor of the newspaper quoted macron as saying. the french president also said that a ground operation with the participation of western troops in ukraine may be necessary at some point, he said this in an interview with the french newspaper the french president did not abandon his position, but emphasized that the western allies would not take the initiative. maybe at some point, i don't want it, i won't take the initiative, we'll have to do surgery. on the ground, whatever they
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are, to counter the russian forces, france's strength is that we can do it, macron said. if ukraine falls, nato will go to war with russia, according to the pentagon, its head. emphasized that kyiv desperately needs additional funding, if not allow a situation in the world where one country can redraw the borders of its neighbors and illegitimately seize their sovereign territories, reports european pravda. we know if putin succeeds, he won't stop, he'll continue to act more aggressively in the region, and other leaders around the world, other autocrats, will be looking at it, and they'll be encouraged by the fact that it happened, and we couldn't to support a democratic state, - said austin. later , he noted that if ukraine loses this war, they may be at risk first of all baltic countries. if you are a baltic country, are you extremely worried about whether you will be next? they know putin, they know what he is capable of. and frankly speaking, if ukraine falls, i really believe that nato will fight with russia, - said the official. ukraine this
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week carried out a series of highly effective attacks against russian military equipment. as well as refineries. on april 2 , ukrainian drones crossed the territory of the republic of tatarstan. in this way, they covered a distance of more than 1300 km. as the american tv channel cnn reports, the use of ukrainian drones has received a new development breathing, because this time a uav with artificial intelligence and machine vision was used. this allowed to achieve. the effectiveness of hitting russian objects with an accuracy of up to 1 m. however , representatives of the ukrainian special services do not comment on this information, but the ukrainian media, citing their sources , have already reported that the successful operation on april 2 was a joint operation by the main intelligence department
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of the ministry of defense, as well as the service security of ukraine. all this is extremely disturbing to the russians, and ours were forced to react to it in the same way allies us secretary of state anthony blinkin, who visited france this week, met with president emmanuel macron as well as his french counterpart stephane sejournay. the us secretary of state stated that the united states does not officially support or participate in such attacks, however, he did not say that the united states would prohibit ukraine from carrying out such attacks. stephan sejourne, in turn, said that the actions. of ukraine is a legitimate defense. so there are doubts that ukrainian tactics are effective in this regard the exclusion of russian refineries, as well as enterprises of the military-industrial complex, in particular those involved in the gathering of iranian shaheds, will continue. this program
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was prepared and conducted for you by me, taras bryzovets. thank you, glory to ukraine, together to victory. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves the mobility of joints, with dolgit cream, you can even walk, dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. the key to beauty is a healthy liver. karsil gives the liver. forces there is a 10% discount on carsil tablets in psyllium pharmacies memory and savings lacalot fix fixes reliably, my dentist recommended it to me. yes, and reduces gum inflammation. and the price is good, economical. lacalu fix. premium sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. this is what our continent will look like after ukraine joins the european union. this is the only scenario for europe and ukraine. we reached the finals, the hardest part is ahead. not only russia is fighting against us. we have the experience of winning and we will win again. in the super final. otherwise our continent will look like this: 22 years ago, also in the spring, ukraine announced for the first time that it was going to join nato, and this was the beginning of a great kremlin game, an information and intelligence
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special operation, a bet in which the future of ukraine and the entire continent is at stake. the communist system was based not only on nuclear weapons, but, surprisingly, it was mostly based on the state. propaganda it is interesting that more people worked in the state propaganda system of the soviet union than in the military-industrial complex and the soviet army. since 1954. information wars in moscow are entrusted to the first administration kgb foreign intelligence, it was this unit that carried out the so-called active measures, that is , propaganda, destabilization, disinformation, manipulation, any means of influencing public consciousness in order to change it in its favor. i don't know if the fear will eventually go away , it seems that those who harbor criminal intentions will not go away, it is not even bad, but i am sure that the fear will go away for honest people. will pass currently, the fsb continues this work with the help of modern technologies. at the disposal
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of the special services - colossal budgets and powerful information army. the front on which the kremlin conducts its information wars is the whole world. what scared the kremlin the most during the entire stage and period of our independence. it is obvious that we always wanted to get away from moscow. this was embodied in various laws. ukraine directly stated. that i want to be a member of the european union and nato, and as soon as ukraine declared or talked about it, immediately russia included all its mechanisms to prevent this from happening. ensuring your own safety is everyone's prerogative sovereign state. please, we do not object to this. but why is it necessary to push military infrastructure to our borders during expansion? putin perfectly understands that if ukraine does not move towards europe, then the only way for us to survive is to be. in alliance with him, that is, to restore the soviet union. that is why putin carried out his first special operation against ukraine
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immediately after his first election and almost won it. the end of the 90s is a honeymoon period in the relations between ukraine and nato. russia still unable to spoil them, busy with homework, suppresses ickeria, independent media and opposition. she drowned. ukraine and nato are on the way to meeting each other almost immediately after gaining independence. in 1992 , president leonid kravchuk visited the bloc's headquarters in brussels. in 1994 , ukraine was the first among the post-soviet countries to sign the partnership for peace program with the alliance. volodymyr ogryzko. diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine from 2007 to 2009, he was even sometimes offended when we went there to all these so-called summits
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the cis, and when, well, there all the presidents signed what they were joining, and i sat next to me and said that lin danilovich, here we draw a line, we do not sign, so he said, so what is this, what is it we are not up to this, well, because it does not correspond to common sense and the westward course you have announced, every ukrainian president, regardless of whether he will go... he went to the elections with slogans, then he necessarily returned to europe. kuchma is no exception, what he did was to sign the charter on the ukraine-nato special partnership. it is obvious that this is a move by the russians perceived as a slap in the face of their own greatness and began to act. this is how the cassette scandal began. the center of which is president kuchma, he was suspected of murdering journalist giorhiy gongadze. a few
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years ago , the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico, resigned for the same reason. he was also considered involved in the murder of a journalist. mass meetings were held in slovakia, which were like a real revolution. but there was a significant difference between slovakia and ukraine, because their conflict actually developed between two sides, the president and society. yuri lutsenko, a politician in the early 2000s , co-chairman of the ukraine without kuchma movement, these tapes were thrown away and became the start of mass opposition actions, which reached their peak after the murder of journalist gong. as we all now understand, this was a murder. part of an active operation by the fsb, and this is proven very simply by the fact that
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melnychenko, while being on an international wanted list, lived, or was calculated in britain, one day got on a plane, calmly flew to moscow, unfolded the newspaper as if spies had started, so that they could see the date of his staying on red square, as a result , a week later, a delegation from ukraine came to him to negotiate a change of course and... silence, at that time a sea of ​​people, including me, after reading what was happening in the cabinet. of the ukrainian president sincerely spoke in opposition. they will come to khreshchatyk today. all the people who want, who want to show what we know about the crimes of the regime. we were unwitting participants in a bigger game than we could have imagined. it is still not known for certain whether the fsb was involved in the story of
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the murder of gor and gongadze. they are simple they used the love of power, the cruelty of the then ukrainian government, their cynicism. and the desire to leave corrupt systems, whether they led this situation, followed it, and then used their information machines, it may be the first or the second, but it does not change the essence, well, at that time i was already the ambassador to austria and the osce and there in international organizations in vienna, i perfectly understood where the legs were growing from, and i understood how difficult it was to explain, and it was indeed so to our western partners, that it is actually about... a moscow woman about a moscow provocation, this there was a very clear, well-thought-out russian information work, well, i won't reveal any secret if i say that 80% of those who work in the so-called russian embassies abroad are spies and propagandists.
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obviously, the murder of gongandze became a very important trigger for rejecting, disconnecting, and distancing ukraine from. nato, in 2022 the national security and defense council adopted a special doctrine and worked to maintain this unchanged course towards nato, with the help of well-known at that time ukrainian politicians, grobulin and marchuk. despite the fact that when kuchmo went to prague, he actually found himself humiliated there. russia continued its own special operations. as we will tell now. the key figure in the cassette scandal is state guard officer mykola. he fled to the czech republic in 2000, but in 2002, just before the prague nato summit, he released new tapes. according to the records, leonid kuchma authorized the supply of kolchug radars to saddam hussein's iraqi regime. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine denied this information, but it exploded the scandal, which was called "kolchuzhny".
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leonid kuchma found himself in total international isolation. it was actually a continuation and a very logical and very... from the point of view of moscow , a reasonable continuation of the discrediting of kuchma, why? well, in order to completely take him, so to speak, under informational, political and any other siege, well, and then do not forget tuzla, there was a very, very logical, again, logical step after all this, when, when it would be necessary for kuchma, in fact, to be covered from all sides. gave in leonid kuchma without came to prague in 2002 by invitation. the organizers of the summit were confused. they didn't want to put him between british prime minister tony blair and us president george bush. although according to the protocol, the names of their countries in english begin with the letter y, as well as ukraine. then they decide
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to seat the guests according to the french alphabet. and kuchma found himself at the very end of the table next to the turkish president. and putin's political avatar, medvedchuk, was already sitting behind him. just a few months before the summit, he was appointed head of the presidential administration. the denouement has come. on the eve of the bucharest summit. the bucharest summit of 2008 could become historic for us. but angela merkel and nicolas sarkozy, the then leaders of germany and france, the two largest countries in the european union, did not support ukraine. in fact, the way to the renewal of the conflict in europe has been opened. yushchenko approached merkel, addressed her very delicately, touched her elbow. the inadequate emotional reaction from the always restrained mrs. merkel is still in front of my eyes. don't come near me, i don't have time for you, she hissed. the whole laughed nervously, turned around and ran to the other end of the hall. everyone present became uncomfortable. spanish shame - they say now.
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putin screwed up, yushchenko said then. putin was not just screwing things up. putin already hinted at that time that if ukraine were to join nato, he would annex crimea and eastern ukraine. western leaders were frightened, and instead of a completely specific roadmap for nato membership, we were offered a reform plan that had to be renewed every year. this fear of the west inspired putin to go to war. a war broke out in georgia, which the west also mocked. actually silently, no matter how you act during the first marriage. the result should be the same, you know? you feel betrayed and humiliated, i hear everyone and i am ready
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to help everyone. viktor yanukovych, after winning the elections, surprisingly continued the path to membership in the european union. i remember how much his envoys in brussels did for ukraine to be accepted into the eu, even though freedom of speech was restricted in ukraine, the leader of the opposition was in prison. yanukovych still thought that all this is not an obstacle for us to become members of the european union, and the russian special operation continued with a new wave. in 2012, 68% of ukrainians oppose nato, and this is the highest figure in 20 years of sociological polls, now only 4% are against it. november 2013, vilnius. the tension reaches its peak. european leaders are persuading yanukovych not to yield to putin and... to sign the association. the morning of a historic day. only moldova and georgia signed the association agreement. oleg manchera. in 2013, eurasia journalist
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media expectations from the signing of the association in vilnius were so high that a lot of ukrainians came. there were a lot of journalists, there were a lot of experts. and this morning we were all waiting for the final decision. and here we see a furious, terribly furious merkel flying in, well, the last one. hope is dashed, it is clear that nothing has succeeded, and now yanukovych is literally sitting in front of me, he is sitting in the last row, on some kind of chair, sergisyan, the president of armenia, is sitting in his pain, i am looking at all this, and this is how i feel so humiliated, it's not, it's not yanukovych, it's ukraine that sat next to this absolute satellite of moscow, because we were thrown back to russia, actually for the second time. why did yanukovych retreat then? apparently he was afraid of the kremlin, because he said. that the kremlin or putin were not scary for him with his post-colonial thinking would be false, but not only because of this, for yanukovych the choice between the european union and the so -called customs or secret union, as it
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was called then, between brussels, europe and moscow was trade in the one who is more and will offer him better. yanukovych had the idea that russia would swallow our entry into the european union, if he could make money from it, he and the business surrounding him, but joining nato would never swallow. and that is why he started fighting nato much earlier in 2010, rather not even fighting nato, but removing all references to nato from important ukrainian documents, from all government documents, from the law on the basis of domestic policy, there is no mention of nato anywhere , yanukovych withdrew. but not yanukovych, no, the russians really could not then understand what the ukrainians really want and what the ukrainian people want, it seemed to them that everything was measured in money, and even more so, all the sociological polls of that time showed that the ukrainians... were not ready to go out to protest, but they did go out , because they wanted to europe not only in order to live better and earn more, they wanted to europe because they wanted to live in a free world,
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they went to the maidan, the maidan that started our way to europe, which will end linguistic success. i didn't know the news, i didn't knew what happened in kyiv. i didn't watch the news, i just went down to hand over the key at the reception and leave for the airport, and here the lithuanian receptionist looks up at me, says: well, you already know that a war has started in kyiv, and turns his gaze to the tv screen, big plasma, i look at what is happening, and some such thought asked me, my god, how right he is, this is a war, this is the beginning of a war, i will sign the association agreement with the pen on which it is written. association agreement between ukraine and the eu, vilnius,
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november 29. then there was no signing. but the handle preserved it is a symbol of the fact that historical events cannot be avoided. here, the presidents of ukraine and slovakia symbolically open visa-free at the common border. regime, a dream that seemed impossible, accession to nato and the eu are written into the constitution. we are going our own way, and this way is the way to ukraine's membership in the european union and nato. 334 for, adopted amendments to the constitution. it seemed that all the gates were wide open, but the eye of sauron was already burning in the north.
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it seems that biden is weak, the americans have withdrawn their troops from afghanistan, europe is divided, putin, through his agents and through his finances, supports ultra-right and ultra-left pro-russian forces in europe, no one will be able to protect ukraine, it seemed to him that this is the best time to start this war, but it is difficult to start it yourself, and we remember that before the start of a full-scale invasion, putin flies to china to sizhipin and negotiates the start of a war that, from his point of view, was supposed to be instantaneous. putin should have been greeted here with flowers, as well as his troops, vodka, yes, this is a small wall, but we are in to russia, xi jinping agreed, north korea and iran agreed, thus the latest news of evil was formed. it's all in
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the woods, in the woods, well done, apu, well done. putin failed to carry out a blitzkrieg, and the ukrainians rejected him from kyiv, kharkiv, chernihiv, sumy, and many other ukrainian cities. but this did not stop him, and he is again active on the international front, trying to destructively destroy our support from the european union and other nato countries. by the united states. america, for example, and maybe here lies the secret of why putin, demanding our de-nazification and disarmament, nevertheless agreed to our membership in the european union. ukraine is a big country, and when we become members of the european union, we will have a lot of strong influence in the governing bodies of the european union. imagine that ukraine is pro-russian. this means that putin's influence on the european union will increase many times. but we thwarted putin's plan as well. oh, there are no potatoes,
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channel. congratulations, friends, politclub is on the air espresso tv channels. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday


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