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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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by inertia he is trying to advance further west, he succeeds much slower than expected, but the pressure is significant, and specifically in the avdiiv direction, the immediate task of his group has been fulfilled, well, i would say that in full. at dawn , we go first by car, then on foot, with ukrainian pilots, we move at a distance of about 10 m from each other, and listen carefully to the sky so that there is no sound of thrones, we are lucky with the weather, in such a fog it is unlikely that anything flies ... along the way we are
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in place, this is the bakhmut direction. we have it here mini-underground hotel complex. ukrainian pilots spend most of the day in a cramped dugout. they fly from here both day and night, but the morning fog stopped the work. in touch. good morning, what's the weather like there? that's right, while the weather doesn't allow flying, here they prepare kamikaze drones, check the settings of the drone, fix the ammunition, here's a seven-inch drone already assembled since the morning for the task, we have a normal charge, a shot from an rpg, an electric detonator and an initiation board that works on impact, such a drone will fly to six kilometers and on... inflicts its damage
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on the enemy, we don’t have any such equipment here, that is, infantry, dugouts, cover, everything related to the infrastructure, so that it is not very convenient for them to be in positions, we use these are the birds, when the fog clears, the military raises the repeaters and mavic is the first to go on reconnaissance. on the pilot's screen is a familiar picture: the front edge of the russian defense, a system of trenches where russian soldiers are hiding, here, well, if foxholes, dugouts from the pit, it turns out like a mink, and there they are the closest positions to us, then the shock bepela, tambi pambas get to work
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. it's okay, it's okay. they also learned to survive a little, they quickly run to open areas, they try not to go out there for a long time somewhere above the trenches, dugouts, and therefore it takes a lot of time to prepare everything there, even if it is prepared, to fly up and hit them, on they can already hear the fly, and that's why, unfortunately, we work, well, simply in positions, in trenches, we are not so impressive.
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life force, how easy it is to dismantle their huts, holes for equipment that was abandoned, that did not arrive. then several more kamikazes hit the fortifications of the russian army, and the mavic repeatedly changes the battery and returns to reconnaissance. this is the round-the-clock work of ukrainian pilots, and russian fpvs also fly here, not to mention artillery. there is no substitute, we have people who have no position. well, there they go for 10 to 15 days in such a day or two, wash, wash and come back. and the crews work, well, you can say around the clock, that is, there is a night drone, there is also a daytime one, well , as soon as dawn begins, the daytime drone rises immediately, then our work is set up in such a way that there is always one bird in the sky watching the front edge, that is, the same approaches, exits , moving as for the infantry, who are in
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the trenches, well, they are much calmer there, they understand that they can get upset when there is shelling, the drone is hanging, watching... and they are calm. the brit has also flown mavic before, but it's been almost three months since he learned to fpv. despite the fact that in this there are many technical nuances involved and not every drone is a destroyed target, he says, they are very effective. well, in general, for example, it is not very difficult to learn to fly, that is, the main desire, the most difficult, which in principle is still there now, is adjustment, restoration. him, the collection of the same initiation boards, that is , understand how each munition works, how to assemble it all correctly, so as not to become a cutlet by itself, you assemble
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everything yourself almost from scratch every day, even if ready-made drones arrive, you need to configure them separately we need video, separate communication, we have three antennas for video. three transmitters for different communication frequencies and it's all constantly changing, raising, lowering the antenna, combining, it's different nuances, checking, testing, that is, well , it's quite difficult, it's already another flank of the bakhmut direction, poseidon of the same class, that a fury or a stork. for reconnaissance in the near rear of the russian army, more manpower, more manpower approaches, equipment not so often, but also appearances, here,
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for example, russian infantrymen on the front line, here the car hides in a shelter. and these are two sau fire on ukrainian positions. yaroslav learned to fly on poseidon for a month and a half. he says that it takes 30-40 minutes to collect the bepela and prepare it for work. the most difficult thing is arching and planting. sometimes it is more difficult to control it, especially when it is windy. well, in principle, he behaves quite well with the light. plus there is an autopilot that... can stabilize itself, it helps a lot, and besides that it fights the reb very well, if it gets jammed, it will just go into autopilot and go home. this is a video from mavik of one of the
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of russian assaults, which are repulsed by the troops of the 22nd brigade of the armed forces of ukraine near klyshchiivka. during such battles, poseidon usually controls the approaches to the leading edge. yaroslav remembers one of the... recent attacks: a team came to take off quickly, because an assault was coming, we raised the board and flew to the reconnaissance zone, and at the moment there was a battle there, they were approaching, that means the equipment, tanks were approaching, our artillery were following it justified, they began to run away, and we noticed that a tank approached our positions from the side of the rear, from vakhmut along the highway, we transmitted the coordinates and our... began to work on this tank with him, well, he turned very quickly and began to run back to bakhmut. the target of the russian army's attacks in this direction is the city of chasiv yar, it is located on a high ground and in case of capture opens the way further to kostiantynivka or kramatorsk-slovyansk. well,
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the situation with the time gap is very difficult, but as far as i understand, as far as i know, it is under control. face it, the russians are no longer coming. they try to cover from the flanks, there is an advance, but the advance is so tactical, and it happens that that today these positions are ours, and tomorrow they will be recaptured, as of now they do not have personnel to form operational reserves, volunteers, their flow is drying up, they are no longer enough to replace... at the front, because there are losses, there are sanitary losses, and combat losses, everything is there, without mobilization, hidden or open, they will not have reserves, the same problem as we have, the problem of personnel, they have it, not in this way degrees, but it exists, and everyone
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expected putin's re-election, and that's why it will happen some decision has been made, that is, after the election , he will be inaugurated, he will change. the leadership will not change, but will formally change the leadership of the government, the leadership of the military, and then, i think, a mechanism will be launched, this. this, this mobilization. the strategic goals of the kremlin at this stage, according to experts, are clear, to completely seize the donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhya and kherson regions, regions that are partially occupied and which, according to the russian constitution, the russian federation considers its own. what could not be done in winter can be tried repeat in the summer, conditionally, if the mobilization of the vrf is launched in the near future, the recruits for the offensive can be ready. by mid- summer. now it is happening, speaking nato terminology, forming an operation.
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the enemy is trying to create prerequisites for mastering the slavyansk-kramator agglomeration. for this, the enemy needs to go to the pokrovsk region in the south and siversk kliman in the north. all the activity that we see in this area today is aimed at that. on the formation of conditions, but mastery of the kramatorsk-slavic language agglomeration will require huge resources from the enemy, first of all human, and secondly, huge material resources, and judging by the fact that the enemy tried to take over avdeivka during the last five months, well, if it is so strictly and purely, then about 2.5, respectively ... the much larger fortified area they are aiming for will tie them up for a very long
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time, we can talk about six months or more. in addition to kramatorsk, the closest targets of the russian federation are in the south of donetsk region, in particular ugledar. they are trying to get into the rear of the ukrainian troops there, while attacking in the kurakhovo region, they also regularly storm near the works of the zaporizhzhia region. now russian. the army is creating a new troop grouping of more than 100,000 soldiers, the command of the armed forces says about it, and they also do not rule out an offensive in the summer. according to mykhailo zhirokhov, it would be interesting for russia to go, for example, to kharkiv or the dnipro, it can take a long time to guess where the main blow will be, but now ukraine should build defensive lines. you can't say that fortification, it won't allow the russians to start an operation, because... we saw from avdiivka how fortifications, any, they
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are destroyed by airstrikes, and if the issue of air defense, f-16, and air superiority is not resolved by the summer, then fortifications, they will not be an important element, they will be an element of defense, but will not be important. the second question, which is now being resolved. this is an increase in mobilization, because these same falsified structures, if no one is going to sit in them, they will be simply, well, simply one of the elements, let’s put it this way, so here the russians will choose the direction, i think, as a matter of fact, already when they have on intelligence data in their hands, when they will be expected to know what kind of defense is against them, then they will calculate, however... that the 24th year will be the year of strategic defense for ukraine, the western media wrote a few
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months ago. in the winter, the armed forces of ukraine withdrew from avdiyivka, but in general the front line has not changed much, despite the lack of ammunition, people, problems with aid from the united states, the ukrainian army continues to hold back russian attacks, although what the situation will be at the end of the year will largely depend on political decisions which will be approved or will not be approved in the near future, these were donbas realities, i am yaroslav krechko, see you soon. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on hbo's new satirical series on soft mode. will she be able to? may i lead to freedom, watch in ukrainian with a megogo subscription. the key to
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beauty is a healthy liver. carsil - gives the liver strength. there are 10% discounts on carsil tablets in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl winter's big broadcast. big ether, my name is vasyl zemai, let's start, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, a lot today we will discuss important topics with you, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war. courses of economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news,
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presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day to come. also distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! friends, congratulations, today we will dedicate our broadcast to mykhailo bolgakov or mykhailo bolgakov? i think that you can already guess why, and by the way, we
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are going to discuss this writer here not for the first time, during the last years, because at least... there were two grandiose scandals about bulgakov being banned, his books being banned, and people almost writing about the fact that policemen will go to houses and take away bolgakov's books, burn them, and something incredible will happen , and now we see another reason, because the institute of national memory recognized mykhailo bogakov as a russian emperor and... a ukrainophobe, today we will talk, but what does this mean and whether the sbu law enforcement officers will come to you, i don't know yet who, and will you be taken away by those books, sebach's heart, master margarita, which are on your shelves, and i confess honestly, they are also on my shelves, but we will decide today what will happen to us next, well, to begin with, i will also say
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about such a sufficiently loud news that cannot be washed away. in our cultural space, because yevgeny nyschuk, whom we know in many guises, and in particular, as the voice of the maidan, an actor, as a former two-time minister of culture, as the chairman of the shevchenko prize, now he has become the helmsman of the franko theater, and well, many people listened seriously on this matter, and all because he replaced mykhailo zaharevich there, who managed the theater for a very long time and during the last few years, especially, extremely successfully from my point of view, because mykhailo zagarevich and, well, the theater in particular, if we remember all these the lines for the witch of konotop, all those tickets that cannot be bought at their show, all this hype, just incredible
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reviews, and all this is definitely a credit, in particular. and mr. zakharevich, and why he was replaced by yevgeny nyschuk was not explained to us so accurately, yevgeny nyschuk has not yet presented any of his programs, visions, he promised that he would do it, his figure is treated quite differently, if we talk about my observations of people who are in one way or another related to the theater circle, some people they love and respect him, they consider him patriotic, they consider... him a decent person and they believe that he is always guided by the best intentions, but others say that they do not consider him, for example, an effective manager, because after all, managing an institution a good manager should, but not a good person first of all, and actually there are certain cautions, because there are rumors that
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yevhen neschuk can also become not only the general director, artistic director, but also occupy the position. the main director, dmytro bogomazov is currently in this position, it is not clear whether all this will come true or not, but at the same time , yevhen neschuk already said on the air to his colleagues from the kyiv channel that he is planning certain such first reforms, and among them the one that most likely, tickets to the theater, we will be able to buy the action application, and we will see how it all ... will be to act, i'll just say that there is a big problem now with buying tickets, in particular for this performance and for many other popular performances, the franko theater, in particular the kaidash family, there, well, i... haven't been to the econotopian witch until now , because it is simply impossible, there are speculators who literally buy up all the tickets in half an hour, then hand them over to a third party, quite recently the theater made such
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an experiment that they started selling tickets for one of the performances simply, well, in an analog way from the box office, that is, you had to come in the morning , there was a queue at the ticket office, people began to gather for hours from the 8th from de. and it is clear that not everyone managed to buy, that is, this problem needs to be solved somehow, well, they will try another action, well , we will collapse another action with you, it is not the first time we have done this, well, while we wait, what is there evgeny nyschuk will announce what his first steps will be, but let's talk about bolgakov, i will remind you once again that the institute of national remembrance recognized him as a russian emperor and a ukrainian. well, the argumentation is familiar to us, his work called "i am in white" is often quoted, it is quite like that
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no, well, no, unfriendly to the ukrainian nation, let’s put it this way, and the days of the turbines, of course, and the white guard, they remember, all of them probably remember this whole quote the most, and in particular the film, where it is indignant how the ukrainians avoided it in the ukrainian language, how is it... we don't have normal ones, how will the cat be, how will the whale be, well , you know all the business, but i will say that the epic with bulgakov lasted more than once, first of all, already in 2021 was, i dare to say that srach, because the network began to spread the idea that bulgakov and then boris okunin they banned that books were banned, you see, they always say that, they banned everything. then it turned out that there was no ban, it was simply a matter of restricting the import from russia of the works of akunin and bulgakov, and even then not
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all of them, but only some editions with prefaces that touched people who went to the occupied crimea, that is, it was all connected only with some publications, and then in defense of bolhakov and outraged by bolhakov's ban, for example, natasha vlashchenko, tv presenter... andriy portnov, buzhanskyi, for example, this one the public, well, and already at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, there were rumors again that bolgakov would be banned, that the people who work at the bolgakov museum, which is located on andriivskyi uzvoz, were also very indignant, they talked about this topic, spoke very slanderously and closed it , and now we will open it again. well, we will talk about it with volodymyr terishchak, deputy head of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance. mr. volodymyr, i
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congratulate you. good day. mr. volodymyr, tell us, please, what awaits us, here i am there are several bolgakov books at home, i confess to you what will happen to me, that is, someone will come to me, take these books away, i will be arrested, because there are worries in social networks. very, well, let's first of all, i would like to clarify that in accordance with the law on condemnation and prohibition of propaganda of russian imperial policy and decolonization of toponymy, there was an expert commission that was created in accordance with this law at the ukrainian institute of national remembrance and which includes authoritative researchers, philologists, historians from... various scientific institutions from different regions of ukraine, they adopted , worked out and gave their expert opinion
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that bulgakov is subject, the figure of bulgakov belongs to the symbolism of russian imperial policy, since bolhak publicly called for ukraine in his works. phobia demonstrated and called for country phobia, and no one can argue with this, because in fact it is and it is subject to the limitations of the law, thus ukraine, on the basis of this expert opinion, the relevant bodies that are authorized to make decisions and will to make decisions about renaming there or removal of certain objects from the public space. dedicated, who bear the name of bolgakov. at the same time, this does not in any way concern the creative output, which
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remains and... remains open, accessible so that anyone who wants to can read, get to know, understand, analyze the work and character of bolgakov, so there is no need to mix everything into one, because this is an outright manipulation and really an attempt to protect or with fabricated accusations. to defend the fact that bulgakov, well, to fill him, exactly ukrainianophobic things in his creativity mr. volodymyr, what do you think, why, well, this is the third time, i have seen for the last few years, when there is something related to bolgakov, and a whole wave immediately appears in social networks with the opinion that bolgakov is being banned, that is exactly the word that is heard , it sounds, by the way.
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very often in relation to film criticism, we criticize some film here and there, cinematographers say, why do you ban it, although no one bans anything, but in the end, from your point of view, why is there always a probolgakova wave after such statements to talk about banning books, why do we have this tendency, well, i think there are a few points here, because uh... on the one hand, i don't doubt that we are dealing with targeted insertions that are aimed at deepening some kind of confrontation in ukrainian society and outside, on the other hand, it is obvious that there are those defenders of bulgakov who are trying in any way, as they see fit, to protect
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er... er, this figure, using including resorting to manipulations, therefore therefore, the question here is more about the ability of people to think critically, critically analyze information and get acquainted with documents, sources and draw conclusions, and that is why it is very strange that people who... say that they appreciate bolgakov's work, are ready to present it in such a manipulative way information what do you think, well, we discussed this question with many people, why exactly bolgakov, so many ukrainians come to his defense, well , let’s take pushkin, they also defended him, but it seems to me that this is not the case, why this writer for for many ukrainians, it is so important that,
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well... the attack on him is perceived so painfully, well, i can't say, well , we see completely different positions regarding bolhakov, and obviously, an extremely large number of authoritative and respected people openly speak about bolhakov as a representative colonialist culture in ukraine. yes, on the other hand, there are those who defend, perhaps precisely because he is close to them, ah, maybe, yes, because even in the surnames you mentioned, there you can evaluate the activities of those people in different ways, who defend bolgakov, but great, great respect for ukrainian culture was never observed from them either, yes, that's why... here
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the question is more up to everyone, everyone tries to protect what he considers his own, whether or not to defend, therefore, here the question is obvious according to bolgakov, which seems to me to be very close to the question of how india remembers kipling, yes, because kipling was born in india, as was bulgakov in ukraine, but again, kipling for... remains a vivid expression of culture colonizers, as well as bulgakov for ukrainians, he is an example of just such a colonialist culture, for which ukrainians remained second-class people, tell me what , from your point of view, should be done now with the bolgakov museum, because it is one of the most popular museums, every time i was there, there there were incredibly many people.


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