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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:29pm EEST

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the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm and the representative of the polish government on the reconstruction of ukraine, as usual we will sum up the results of the information week in our program today we will start what are the risks for democracy in poland and how these elections affect polish-ukrainian relations today. a lot needs to be said to explain what is happening during these elections. of large cities, i.e. mayors
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of the largest cities. in our country, as is known, the mayors of the largest cities are their presidents. in addition, the councils of these are elected cities, as well as councils of communes, poviats and voivodeship semiks, i.e. our local government at the voivodeship level. a significant number of deputies, mayors, burgomasters and meriwacz, in warsaw itself elections are held in districts, because warsaw has a different system, a special one. there are districts in warsaw that in a certain sense are considered as separate cities, and elections are also held here. therefore, a significant number of voters in poland will receive several ballots. they must be well informed to vote. if we talk about whether these elections will affect polish-ukrainian relations. it is difficult to say,
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probably not directly, but of course, elections are also held in the border regions of poland. first of all, i mean subcarpathia and lublin region. and in fact, today many people say that special programs are needed, and such programs will be launched in poland, it is about additional financing of border regions, especially counties that are located directly on the border with ukraine, because due to the war, development in these places actually slowed down. investments became less. people leave, so one of the elements of the elections related to ukraine and polish-ukrainian relations, and more precisely to the war, there is a special program for those regions that were particularly affected during this war. how significant are the challenges for the new polish government and is there a threat to democracy? the situation looks like we are used to consider the parliamentary elections as the main ones, and they are really the most important, they took place recently. but now these regional
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elections are also very important, i think the regional elections are crucial because it depends on them who will govern in each region, as well as who will distribute large european money, because it is already the case in the eu that these european funds are mostly at the level of voivodships, and of course elections in large cities in poland also have great political significance, i i think that in a certain sense it is a servant of the pis, but in times when almost all power in poland belonged to law and justice, the islands of a political alternative or even opposition were often precisely the presidents of large cities, and this is a whole group of prominent politicians who act at the level of local self-government, today they are most often fighting for re-election, for re-election, and this is also being watched, that is, what is happening in wroclaw, warsaw, żerzów, krakow, gdańsk is carefully analyzed and the result will be important. we
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are also watching these elections with great interest, we hope that democracy and responsible politics are the winners. and it would also be good for us to have a big turnout, because we had a historically huge turnout by our polish standards, 75% in the last parliamentary elections. i understand well that in the local elections, things will not be so good, but if someone is interested in politics in poland or polish politics in ukraine, then they should attend these elections. and because a huge meeting of the prime ministers of ukraine and poland , shmegal and tusk, took place in warsaw, which was preceded by hundreds of hours of preparatory meetings. the preparation went on for several years.
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from almost all ministries, all departments, if a minister could not come, he sent a deputy, then from our side there was
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also a vice minister, but that was something special, this happens only between neighbors who are very close and have a lot in common, because today in poland there is practically no question. poland, germany or poland-ukraine, where there is a lot of cooperation, and of course, preparation, it is also worth saying a few words about it. consultations between individual ministries, experts, and officials are always transferred to such meetings, which are several months of joint work. everything ends with a joint communiqué, this statement is not a binding document, but... it shows the points where communication is easy for both parties and where it difficult the statement of tusk and shmyhal confirmed what we saw before, but it was worth discussing in more detail. it was noted that the differences concern primarily the issue of some agricultural products, but
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not all of agriculture. it is necessary to emphasize some transport issues in the context of poland-ukraine relations and the european commission. the communique and the course of the negotiations showed that... that there is a desire to jointly prepare for the eu accession negotiations, because poland is the only country among these larger ones that definitely supports the beginning of changes with ukraine. in my opinion , it is very important, although not much is said about it now, to start negotiations quickly, even during the belgian presidency, then it will be the turn of the hungarian presidency. poland, so if we don't do something now, it will drag on for almost a whole year. will it be possible to start negotiations quickly? hopefully, it seems that the willingness to start negotiations is now there. it is
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not an easy process, but it will not be easy and cannot be easy because it involves a large country. ukraine, moldova again. in the case of moldova, it is also so... complicated, because it concerns the economy, money, possible protests, conflicts, this is what happens during integration, this is what i would like all ukrainians to prepare for, so in most cases these consultations showed that there is common thinking, that there are common projects, whether in the field of tourism or sports, almost every field has something in common to implement. i 'm not talking about the army, and at the same time there are two main topics in which there are problems and they need to be solved, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg said on wednesday in brussels: the allies agreed to create a fund nato for ukraine in the amount of 100 billion dollars for 5 years. what is the position of poland in
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this matter? the position is unequivocally in favor, because this is a spare option, as a result, it will probably become a parallel option. let's remember how it all began. it all started with the fact that the speaker of the us house of representatives johnson blocked the vote and now it is impossible to reach a situation that would make it possible to get this money for the purchase of weapons, after all, and this is obvious, the weapons would be bought, of course, mainly in the usa. but johnson blocks it. everyone used to say will block, block and stop. well, now everyone has figured out that johnson has been blocking it for quite some time. johnson blocked, and it motivates us to try to deal with... on its own, it's not easy, but look, tactically, in the short term, there is an initiative of the czech president, who organized some ammunition and raised money for it. poland eventually contributed, it doubled its financial stake in this ammunition purchase, but strategic
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thinking also played its part, thank god for europe. in this case, the changes took place in nato, but mainly it was the european countries that pressed. the united states takes action and finds its own other way. politiko wrote this week that the russians could break through the front this summer due to the lack of a decision in the us regarding aid to ukraine. at the press conference, president zelenskyi even talks about earlier dates, about may. what is poland doing to prevent the collapse of the ukrainian defense and
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the arrival of the bloody russian army at its gates? well, actually poland is doing everything that is being done, because apparently there isn't one initiatives from these military initiatives that poland would not be active in, that is, there are such separate coalitions for arming ukraine in various directions. poland is very active here. politically, poland is also pressuring germany to provide its da...
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in addition, there is a quick plan to expand these capabilities, because we also want to produce ammunition, more ammunition, so there is a plan to do it quickly. here i would like to mention the open letter of the foreign ministers of poland, germany and france. ministers sikorsky, berbok and sejourne together with... is everything really that bad? however, what he did learn, because i understand very well what is really happening in france. let's say a few words about it. this is of course. also has an internal context, because macron is competing with marine le pen and wants to show and
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emphasize how insincere she is. to what extent its main competitor is pro-russian, this is an internal context. it is in france, it should be said. instead, there are changes, and they are huge. french politicians say directly, we don't want putin here and we know what a threat he is, because the west knows something, which probably it is less noticeable, even in poland, that the collapse of the ukrainian front will affect the... political situation in almost every western country, well, because on the ukrainian side, everyone joined in, said that they would cope with the challenge, and what happens that the west was able to? well, this is the situation and one more thing, we often talk about transport and agrarian issues here and see problems. yes, when it comes to weapons and political issues, and poland is a country where everyone works like bees in a hive to find where possible. maximum support for arming ukraine and for to bring the idea to the event, to infect the
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idea that this is about our security, but really, i would say that nobody sees the potential consequences of putin's offensive as clearly as the french political scene, and that's great in that sense. that everyone has learned a lot, how much time it will take, what will come of it, i can only answer that this issue is active, because if we do not act, then...
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crowns about sending western troops to ukraine are completely incomprehensible. i want to remind you that france has repeatedly taken such a decision, especially when it came to russian imperialism, because in 1920 french soldiers helped in the polish-bolshevik war, so there is nothing new here, it is in the french tradition. plus, i would add to this that the french are, as i said before, feeling a certain political
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fear right now, and it's working well. now let's analyze what macron really wanted to say. why are biden and scholz not ready? why is there still no consensus to send this signal to putin about what the west can do to him . but to be honest, i also think that a lot of other things need to be done first before talking about sending troops, for example, if macron asked me, i would say: you have an idea to send the army, putin heard it, people started thinking about it, this is the beginning of some kind of process, and today this the topic is not relevant, but it would be possible, i would say so to macron, to quickly resolve the issue of russian money for events without much military effort, for this it would be necessary, for example, to help belgium a little, belgium should be strengthened
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so that it can confiscate the money that the russians are keeping in the west either through certain legislative actions or because of... yeah, so that's before we talk about deploying troops. there are things that can be done, there are things that can be implemented, the topic of the issue of sending the macron army could be made into a whole separate program, because it has many positives, but also many ambivalent elements, because many people in the west are afraid of such things, and it is not always works well, indeed there are other steps before this that can be done without these. enormous efforts, for example, i personally believe that today there is no reason to inform the poles in poland that polish troops will be brought in, and i don't think this is a good moment, the polish prime minister does not confirm that we have such plans, and we must also speak clearly about this, because we know what is needed to do until then, today is the moment when ukrainians are defending themselves, the issue is not that there is a lack of thousands of soldiers,
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today the issue is that there is not enough ammunition, ammunition needs to be sent, so we need to act faster here. today, you need to find money for this, this money is russian assets in the west, so with it still needs to be started. while i fully sympathize with the change in understanding and rhetoric in france, i want to say that there are other things that could be done sooner. on april 9, the us congress may vote for aid to ukraine. there is such a chance. but now house speaker johnson is trying to negotiate a repeal of biden's ban on natural gas exports from the united states? exchange for a vote for aid to ukraine, a politician writes about it, that is , johnson simply says, we can consider aid to ukraine, but if mr. president will lift the ban on gas exports. it just shows us that the parties are starting to bargain, when everybody is starting to bargain, we may not like it, but it is a signal that the matter is not deadlocked, even though there is a delay.
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should we wait for changes in april? when there is an element of bargaining in politics, it means there is room for compromise. how i would interpret it, and it's good news, and it's generally good news, because our biggest fear is that speaker johnson won't budge, because johnson still risks going down in history as chamberlain, who let putin into ukraine and ruined everything, i tell everyone this all the time, it is not a matter of moving 100 km to the front there, it will have huge political consequences for everyone who is involved in the event, not only for ukraine, and this is the essence .
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zelensky himself signed the amendments to the law, which lower the age of the ukrainian military from 27 to 25 years. a new stage is approaching, russia and ukraine are preparing for another, possibly decisive battle, what can we expect? probably due to the weather there will be a few more weeks of peace, and then the war will continue, this 24th year it will still be a year of war. there will be an effect, in order to preserve what is now, ukraine must mobilize, and president zelenskyi is preparing for this. and it will be very difficult, because ukraine is in a more difficult situation than. she needs to be supplied with ammunition, but even if we do that, it's not a win-win scenario, a win-win scenario requires more,
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aviation, long-range missiles, because the ukrainians must, they must, and i don't have to repeat it here, because everyone knows that, but it sounds in every international conversation, they should be able to strike at strategic points on the russian side. this is not a red line, this is the normal way. if we expect the ukrainians to cope, how should they do it? they should be able to hit, for example, fuel depots or ammunition and weapons production sites. oil plants, that's how it all has to happen, because without it there is no end to this war. what is the good news for us? you know, i believe that the mobilization of the event is such, because i am involved in it, i participate in it many conversations. in fact, sometimes i think about what we would talk about if it were not for this topic, sometimes i wonder what these dozens, hundreds of international conversations were about before, finally this
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real topic, a full-blooded political topic of how to help ukraine survive this year, mobilized the west, whether it was enough, i don't know, and that is why there is such ambivalence in my answer, but i did not see how much i remember myself and my participation in international politics, such mobilization in europe, for example, you are so serious.
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premium sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger. congratulations, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel, together, veraver, we are talking about the currently occupied crimea, we hope not for long, and about the problems of reintegration of the temporarily occupied peninsula, and today i am very happy to introduce you to the person who will pick up the broadcast baton of tyder muzhdabaev, and maybe even from me for the near future, and this is gulsum khalilov, gulsum. greetings to everyone, greetings to the viewers of the crimean tatar tv channel atr, and indeed to the tv channel and viewers of the first one
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, i am very happy to be here today, to be a participant in this project, birabir together, because this is a word for the crimean tatars, for us, it is not just a word, it is action, it the factor of unity and the factor of our preservation, the preservation of crimea. identity of the crimean tatar people, and this indeed, a word which , as i think, has a very powerful meaning and many connotations for crimean tatars and today for ukrainians. well, imagine today, april 6, april 17 , 1937, stalin's repressive regime killed the entire crimean tatar intelligentsia, the entire crimean tatar elite, crimean tatar scientists. then the 1944 deportation, the stalinist regime deported the crimean tatar people to...
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asia and the urals, and for almost 50 years the crimean tatars could not return to their homeland in the crimea, but were able to remain in cities of reference, were able to preserve their language, their traditions, their identity, their political nation, their political people, their culture, their songs, and in the early 90s the crimean tatars began. to return to crimea and did not know where they would live, they just drove, drove home, because they knew that there are crimean tatars on the territory of crimea, there are crimean tatar families who came earlier, and if they do not find a home, they will come just to any crimean tatars, and they will invite them home, and so the crimean tatars just came to
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crimea, because they knew that there... were their own and they knew that they would in any case find a place to stay. this unity helped the crimean tatars to survive. this unity and this cohesion, yes, of the crimean tatars helped us in 2014, during the occupation of the peninsula, there the crimean tatars under the walls, under the building of the verkhovna rada of crimea, rallied with... ukrainians and demonstrated their unity and support for the territorial integrity of ukraine, that's what , which helps us today against the russian repressive machine, against the russian of the totalitarian regime, the fact is that today this unity, this stupidity helps our political prisoners, who no matter what, today in the courts they say that we must unite,
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yes we are here, yes... we are behind the walls of the fsb, yes we in prison, but we are united, we are united with ukraine, we are crimean tatars, today we are defeating the enemy, we are here with mrs. khrystyna, we are winning, we are trying to defeat the enemy on the information front, there on the military front our soldiers, volunteers are defeating the enemy with all our might, and we need to support them, not with words, but... i would said kopiychyna, this is simply the sacred duty of every ukrainian citizen, of any origin, and when we talk about the liberation of the temporarily occupied peninsula, we cannot imagine it without representatives of the crimean tatar people and other ethnic groups, national minorities, indigenous peoples of our countries that join this holy cause, and you join, please, we traditionally collect
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for the needs of the 48th shab'. named after noman chilibikhan. yes, our guys are in need of fpf drones right now, and we are currently fundraising for fpf drones. therefore , you can support the 48th oshb named after noman chilibihan by using this qr code, which you can see on your screens now. we are very grateful to all those who support us and continue to support 48 shb, so now we can demonstrate this unity also with the support of ours. guys, we are already happy to include vladyslav seleznyov, a military expert, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and previously the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, to our conversation. mr. vlad, congratulations, glory to ukraine. salam aleikum, bye, i greet you, dear ladies, actually very happy to join, join.


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