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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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khrystyna parobiy, because she already has a selection of the latest information. christina, congratulations, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you for the work of our air defense, as well as the situation in the regions, we will tell you in the next issue, don't miss it. espresso news. khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. the russians killed one person in donetsk region and wounded another. the enemy fired at the city of yar times. a 51-year-old local resident died. the spokeswoman of the regional prosecutor's office, anastasia medvedeva, said. also , russian terrorists attacked the village of elizavetivka, pokrovsky district. injured 63-year-old man. he is in the hospital. a one-year-old
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man was injured as a result of enemy shelling of a duck farm in the kherson region, he received shrapnel wounds. in the evening, the russians dropped explosives from a drone on the village, the regional military administration reported. one person was injured in sumy oblast. the russians attacked myrivsk community with mortars and artillery. 29 explosions were heard there, the regional military administration reported. during the day, the enemy shelled the border 40 times. sumshchyny covered more than 10 communities with fire, struck with artillery, aviation, drones, tanks and grenade launchers. the russians launched 24 shahedis and an kh-59 missile over ukraine this night, the air force said. our defenders of the sky shot down a rocket over the dnipropetrovsk region and 17 more drones. in
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odesa, mykolaiv, kirovohrad, khmelnytskyi and zhytomyr regions, launched targets from the occupied part of zaporizhia region and crimea, as well as skursk and yeisk in the russian federation. a logistics and transport enterprise was damaged due to a nighttime attack by drones in odesa, the wreckage of the drone was also crippled gas station, - said the head of the region oleg kiper. and in mykolaiv oblast, the wreckage of a downed shahed. power lines, without electricity, 14 settlements and one partially, noted in the regional military administration, repair work is ongoing, there are no victims. at night, the russians shelled the nikopol district of the dnipropetrovsk region with drones, explosions rang out in the district center and the marganets community. a utility company, a private house and a car were damaged. there were no casualties, said the head of the region, serhii lesak. in magota
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announced a drone attack on the dome reactor of the occupied zaporozhye nuclear power plant. on april 7 , at least three hits were recorded in the reactor housing, rafael grossi, former director general of the international atomic energy agency, wrote on social media. according to him, this was confirmed by the observers of the magat. reuters reported that... atom accused ukraine of attacks on the station. they said that three of their workers were wounded, and one more was injured. instead, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine denied any involvement of the armed forces in the shelling of the station. magat reported that the level of radiation at the nuclear power plant was normal, and the reactor shell did not show any serious damage. air defense to protect kharkiv asks from... ukraine from western
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partners. russian terrorists shell the city every day. the situation is very difficult - said the president of ukraine in an evening video message. he called on the world to hear the pain of ukrainian cities that are subjected to rocket and bomb attacks every day. there are ppu systems in the world that can help. all that is needed is the political will for these systems to be transferred to ukraine. i thank those. countries that already helped and to be active in the performance of this task is the personal responsibility of our diplomats who work in areas and countries where the necessary systems are in place. now the patriots have a place precisely in ukraine, so that later they do not have to be used at least on the entire eastern flank of nato. lithuania offers.
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disassemble their closed thermal power plants into spare parts for the ukrainian energy system. tes elements can be used as a replacement for destroyed equipment - minister of energy herman said. technical assistance to ukraine currently provides many countries, but the best protection is reliable air defense systems, - noted glushchenko. let me remind you, as the dtek company stated, russian attacks have already destroyed 80% of their generating capacity. the law and justice party wins local elections in poland according to exit polls. she won almost 30.4% of the vote. second place with 32% went to prime minister donald tusk. civic platform. and closes the three. political alliance is the third way. according to the results of exit polls, he has 135% of the vote. the turnout at the elections was
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51.5%. official voting results will be known no earlier than april 10. and the second round of elections will be held in poland. april 21. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 76 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest is in the bakhmut direction. there , our military repelled 31 enemy attacks. also , the russians, with the support of aviation , tried 22 times to break through the defenses in the novopavlovsk direction. but the ukrainian military continues to restrain the enemy. in the areas of krasnohorivka settlements, pobeda and novomykhaivka. on the left bank of the dnieper, the enemy tried eight times to storm the defenders' positions. our aircraft struck the command post of five anti-aircraft missile complexes of the communication tower and
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13 enemy concentration areas. the missile forces hit the anti-aircraft missile complex, the drone control center, the artillery system, and three districts. concentration of occupiers. the second anniversary of the liberation of sumy region. the russians wanted to quickly occupy the regional center and move on to kyiv. how sumy region held its defense at the beginning of the great invasion. further. heavy columns of russian vehicles crossed the border and entered sumy oblast around 5 am on february 24, 2022 . the russians shelled the border settlements with hailstones, and then moved with tanks and armored vehicles along the entire length of the border, which separates the sumy region of ukraine from russia. sumyshchyna has 564 kilometers of border with the aggressor country, and this imposes such
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a military imprint, because the border is actually conditional, it is the same border that is on the line of contact today. they were the first to resist the enemy. local residents and teroborona, molotov cocktails and small arms. the fiercest battles in the region were fought for okhtyrka. due to the strategic location of the city, its capture was very important for the russian command. in the case of occupation , a direct route to poltava, myrhorod, gadyach and further to kyiv, as well as to kharkiv, was opened. lebedin bombed in the first days. the greatest destruction was precisely the aerial bombardment. at the beginning of the war, at the beginning of hostilities. artillery, when there were battles for trostyanets, trostyanets suffered seriously, because there were just artillery duels there, there were artillery battles, and there are many objects in
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the konotop district. for 30 days, the russian occupying forces bombarded residential areas of the region with heavy artillery and dropped bombs on them. there were damages. and hundreds of houses were destroyed, dozens of critical infrastructure objects were destroyed, but sumy region persevered when russian terrorists from jet artillery shelled a kindergarten and other civilian infrastructure, when the occupier collected and took the lives of our people, here the heart of ukraine felt pain, because i. ukrainians for sumy oblast chose protection. on april 7, the vast majority of russian forces left the territory of the sumy region. for some time, small groups of russian servicemen were still in the liberated territories, hiding or trying
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to cross the border on their own. on april 11, units of the fifth border detachment restored control over the previously uncontrolled areas of the state border. of ukraine in the sumy region. russian volunteers have completed the hot phase of raids on the territory of the russian federation, the rdk announced. however, they emphasized that theirs. sabotage and intelligence groups and underground cells remain in the russian border. as you know, in march, the rdk, together with two other units, broke through the border with russia and took control of several settlements in the belgorod and kursk regions. according to the rdk , about half a thousand kremlin fighters were destroyed during the operation. the next edition is at 10 o'clock. read more on our espresso website. tv is also on our social networks, also look for us on youtube, because there is a live broadcast of ether, all
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program releases and special projects that can be seen only with us. subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. and then ether will be continued by my colleagues oksana vosochanska and roman chaika. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. thank you colleagues, someone will say that this is karma, someone will say that this is god's punishment, someone will say that it just has to be, because the points of infamy in russia were working in krasnodar that night, you could warm up there, it was burning, it was burning, what did they they did not take water from orsk, who went under the water to extinguish what was burning red. no one knows, because it's a rasha, well look, there's a story here that water doesn't always
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help, because there in the seaside they now have a fire this night, the supply ship catherine the great, catherine the great is on fire, well, it sounds wonderful, that's how the fire has already been extinguished, i don't know whether that water helped or not, they say that one person died and three are in the hospital, well, let it scale and multiply, we have added to our news, news. we are swamped, and what is being done on the occupied lands, now we will ask the deputy of the mariupol city council, dmytro zabavin is in touch with us, good morning, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes, they say that in mariupol it is just thundering, crawling, something to zaporizhia occupied lands, and something back to russia, they are driving the equipment, this is what we hear from our scouts, can you tell us a little more? look, the russians will continue to use mariupol as a military-logistics hub, and while they
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are in the process of building a railway connection there, which i believe will ultimately fail, they are using the highway from rostov oblast to full capacity and through, respectively, novoazovsky district and through mariupol further to berdnya. and other parts of the temporarily occupied territory of the zaporizhzhya region, for example, rozyvka, and one more way is in the direction of ughledar and towards volnovakha, that is, the russians use this network to transfer bc, to transfer personnel, and accordingly they have certain logistics. problems, they are not going anywhere, fortunately, and the fact that we see that,
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accordingly, they cannot use the crimean bridge at full capacity, this is also such a good factor in this process, that is, they have constantly, why do the people of mariupol record the constant movement of equipment, these are also processes of rotation, this and... the processes of the fact that the damaged equipment is taken towards the borders of the terrorist country, because, strictly speaking, they no longer have logistical routes, and why do they constantly these are the moments when they move the equipment, it's because they don't have confidence that this equipment, if it stays there for a week, that it will survive, that is, they... to be, to be in permanent hands. mr. dmitry, we understand that not all the cities
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they destroyed, far from all, were russians they are trying, at least to pretend that they are restoring. mariupol is actually the city that they need to show as very beautiful, as a model of recovery, which seems to have been better in russia, although when comparative photos or videos are shown, they always show how they bombed the city and how it is now and they never show how mariupol was before the full-scale invasion and before the invasion in general, er, but there is one moment, they are rebuilding, rebuilding, and it turns out that... that our partners, the germans, some german companies are helping to restore, as in the city, those ukrainians who still remained in mariupol are reacting to this, and in general, was there any reaction from both the international community and the ukrainian authorities to this, is there anything that can be done about it? we are looking for sources of confirmation regarding the cooperation with such
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large german enterprises as knav, because if the information about their cooperation with the occupiers is really confirmed, it is really a scandal of international importance, and why exactly, because, for example, i will give an example, here you now you are showing footage of the destroyed mariupol, and when the occupiers occupied mariupol, they took away and completely destroyed those... houses that had been hit by russian shells, and they did not even take away, did not exhume the bodies of the people they killed, that is, all of this was taken to the landfill msw, and further, accordingly, imagine, from these concrete structures there, from these high-rise buildings, they made
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concrete crumbs, that is, they recycled it and... accordingly, as i said, they did not even exhume people's bodies, and if , for example, there is cement and other building materials knauf company materials participate in the so -called reconstruction, this is combined with this concrete with killed people, well, i think that the reaction should be accordingly in the international community, because... the people of mariupol have long ceased to be surprised by the cynicism that the occupiers have, and accordingly, if such powerful enterprises also have it, it is very, very unfortunate, but in this case
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the state should already act at the interstate level, because we have already talked about sanctions more than once, but about the arrival of information, says another resident of mariupol, the mayor's adviser, petro andryushenko, here he says that there are mass cases of cholera among children, and that this is being hidden, is there any confirmation of this, actually you have a whole series of problems with infectious diseases in mariupol, and unfortunately, many cases... are not recorded, that is, information is transmitted there only based on symptoms, and the russians themselves do not even record these cases there in order not to, let's say, spoil the good statistics they draw there regarding recovery, regarding how everything is going well in the city, i will give you an example, but here
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they recently provided information that since the beginning of the year imagine. sappers who worked for the state from the terrorist state on the territory of occupied mariupol eliminated 300 explosive objects, that is, these are the statistics that are actually behind it, that is, imagine if in the first quarter of 2024 the occupiers themselves admitted that they eliminated 300 dangerous objects. .. on the territory of the city, how many of them were released by the occupiers in the city of mariupol and how many of them remained unexploded in general and how many cases, for example, the deaths of people, in that including among civilians, from the fact that they came across these explosive objects. regarding the medical situation,
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there are indeed some problems because we fix the queues, before it was... just the pension fund, and now there are very long queues, they used to be, and now it's just people spending four, four in the morning there to get a voucher for an appointment with a doctor, that is, the medical system did not work at all and does not work in the territory of temporarily occupied mariupol, and accordingly everything goes to provide for the occupiers, and the local population already prose. they need to bring all the fighting turkmens there to the city, if they are in the city of holiero, then this will scare them, marauders in... occupied lands, here, at least i say, at least some logic can be traced in them, mr. dmytro, thank you for participating in to our program, the deputy of the mariupol city council, dmytro zabavin, about the situation in mariupol, and
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the children of mariupol as well, well, not only those who were born to collaborators and live as quilters, but simply the children will be taken en masse to russia, they will do such a terrible thing there coincidence forum to reflash ukrainian children from... this is exactly the method they use, and it is important that those children, we understand that even if they do go, it is not known whether they will be able to return home later, that is, this is also a very important point, because this is also a russian method, to take ukrainians away from ukraine, so that they have neither their environment, nor relatives, nor acquaintances nearby and, accordingly, are forced to simply assimilate, well, nothing has changed in the last, probably several hundred years, because they use these methods not only in this century, and in the previous ones, well, in principle, about children, then you see, what is the logic, a rocket, well , for children, then the occupiers fired it specifically at children, today in ukraine they commemorate
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the victims of the russian gift at the railway station kramatorsk, that was on april 8, 2022, as a result of shelling , 61 people died there, including seven children. let's remember that day, april 8. these are the first minutes after the enemy attack on the kramatorsk railway station on april 8, 2022, the russians hit it with a guided missile point b equipped with a cluster warhead. that day, thousands of ukrainians were waiting for evacuation trains, which volunteers organized for them. a special tent where you could rest, because at that time kramatorsk was the biggest hub for emigration of people from donetsk and luhansk regions. when we got to
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the tent, it was completely torn apart by debris. when we started to cut it, and to get what was left there, it was very difficult for us. because we didn't know what to collect, unfortunately, there were arms, legs, all mixed up, both adults and children. anton was one of the first to arrive at the call, the rescuers immediately began to provide assistance to numerous wounded, and then took away the bodies of the dead. unfortunately, there was such a situation, a girl ran up to me and asked for help, she asked for her relatives, i took her in my arms and started looking for her family, and i managed to do it,
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and i found her mother, she was confused, she did not understand what she should do, what she should do, where she should go, i advised her to go immediately to the nearest shelter and wait there for a while, because we, we are very they were afraid that there would be... repeated shelling. russia did not admit its involvement in the crime and claimed that its troops apparently no longer use the missile system. u. an investigation by the international human rights organization human rights watch proved the opposite. experts found evidence that at the time of the attack, the occupiers had a point complex on the territories under their control at the time. representatives of the organization talked with local residents. who told about the use of a rocket complex by the occupiers at approximately the time of the shelling of the station. in addition, according to the security service of ukraine
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, several such complexes are located in the temporarily occupied territories of donbas and have been in use for eight years. we did find definite evidence that russian forces had missiles for the tochka missile complex in the area around the village of kunye near izyum. and the station was in the direct zone. damage to the missile complex, so it appears to be a possible launch site, but further investigation is needed to definitively determine if that is where the launch took place. human rights watch has fully reviewed railway station and did not find any signs that the ukrainian military was based there. this means that russia deliberately carried out a terrorist attack on civilians. unfortunately , yes, they hit where there were civilians, and... this brought us a lot of grief and disaster. a lot of people died,
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unfortunately, both adults and children, and those who, even a boy who was eight years old, had his head torn off. a few hours before the attack , railwaymen took three trains with approximately 4,000 evacuees from the station in kramatorsk. as a result of the impact, they were cut off along the path of the wire near the barvinkove station. kramatorsk station was temporarily closed after the attack. bahmud is a place of fear and a place of courage, no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear, bahmud is an opportunity that
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will stay with us until the end, our dnibra, children born in the era of independence, who are they, there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the tradition and martial art of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry, lemberk, mom, don't cry, a book by the writer elena cherninka, a book by a mother, about her a son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. quarter-finals of the champions league only on meigo. real- man city and psg garcelona. these matches will shake the entire football world. tune in on april 9 and 10
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exclusively on mega. there are 15% discounts on kvayt in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. hello, this is svoboda ranok. information project of radio liberty. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. big broadcast by vasyl zima. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of economic news and
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news from... two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, more more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on
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and turn on, dictation with serhii rudenko every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. good morning, thanks for the espresso, thanks for not forgetting to tip. meanwhile, oxandro, i remember that the best documentary short film is the one i watched last week, it when the column climbs, 10 units of equipment and that 's it, bang-bang, they burn one after the other, i think, who is it, yes, achilles. i wanted to talk to them about this, this, this attack and this super battle, and so it happened, because with us is the commander of the achilles attack drone battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kushovoy taman, ivan sirka, yuriy fedorenko, mr. yuriy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, cool video, i say right away.


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