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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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occupiers, all military and civilians, all who could live, but do not live because invaders came to our land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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my greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting an information day together with you, in this broadcast we are talking about the following: giving crimea to russia and... i wrote about trump's peace plan, saying that ukraine should be pushed to surrender its own territories, and i quote: people in some parts of ukraine agreed to be part of russia. is it really so, thinks the candidate for the presidency of the usa, what can this approach indicate? those who committed it and those who gave criminal orders will be on trial. so. ombudsman dmytro lubinets reacted to information about the execution of ukrainian prisoners of war. is there already a reaction from won and the red cross, where did he go?
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ukraine is debating the banning of monuments related to mikhail bulgakov. he was an imperialist and a ukrainophobe, so they say at the institute of national memory in kyiv museum bulgakov does not agree. whether bulgakov is a symbol of russian imperial policy or not. important news, statements, exclusive comments, all this is in our morning broadcast, join on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. on youtube on the radio liberty channel and on the air of the espressoo tv channel. as a result of a night attack by russian forces with drones in zhytomyr oblast, a hit to an infrastructure object was recorded, there is a direct threat of air pollution, so local people are advised to stay indoors with closed windows. in particular, they write about it on facebook page of the zvyahil city council. according to the decision of the commission on man-made environmental safety and emergency situations, schoolchildren will study remotely. it is not specified exactly what kind of objects from nafataka. also according to the defense forces of pivnia during the night attack of the shaheds.
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a logistics and transport facility and gas station in odesa region were damaged. in total, ukrainian air defense forces shot down 17 out of 24 attack drones at night, the general staff reports. russian troops shelled times in donetsk region. one person died, another was injured. the prosecutor's office of the donetsk region told about this. russian forces continue to press chasiv fyar, trying to break through the defenses, but the city remains under the control of ukrainian weapons. forces, this is stated in the telegram of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. the head of the main intelligence department kyrylo budanov also said in an interview with the german broadcaster ard that the russian troops are trying to seize time to advance further in donetsk region. we expect russia's offensive actions to intensify in late spring and early summer, especially on donbass they will advance a little closer to the temporal chasm. they will move in the direction of the city of pokrovsk, in the strategic direction of pokrovsk. but according to the estimates of the american
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institute for the study of war, russian troops advanced from 3.5 to 15 km to the east of the city. analysts of the defense express project say that if the forces of the russian federation are able to capture chasiv fyar, then they will advance in the direction of kostyantynivka, sloviansk, kramatorsk and drushkivka. oleg kalashnikov, an officer of the press service of the 26th artillery division, joins our broadcast brigade named after general khoruzhny roman deshkevich. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning, tell us what the situation is like near the temporary ravine, there was information that on april 4-5 russian infantry tried to enter the outskirts of the temporary ravine, but could not gain a foothold there, what can you tell us as of now? indeed , our battles continue, and i would like to say that they are simply non-stop, starting when the bakhmut assault by russian troops began, then by the warners. today
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, the russian troops are pretty much out of here organized a significant group of their own, which operates in different directions, the main directions of their assault actions are... these are bohdanivka, ivanivske, kleschiivka, andriivka, but not only these settlements, they are trying in general along the entire stretch of our front, looking for slack and constant assault operations continue. the use of high-explosive aerial bombs adds its own here, and we have seen a significant increase in their use this year, especially in the last two months, and of course it works. permanent artillery, it should also be added that if earlier we observed more of their assault group, these are purely infantry, today they already use such an armored component, that is , directly tanks, armored fighting vehicles, we can say that they are trying
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to fully storm our positions in the composition mechanized units. you stated in the telethon, it seems earlier, that the russian aviation is in the course of another attack attempt. attacked the city of chasiv in donetsk region on its own infantry, this is such a tactic or a case, and in general, if we talk about similar cases, this has also happened, did you observe it in this direction, well, in our direction , it was precisely for aviation to strike such a blow at its own infantry, i had to see it for the first time, it was on the video that i personally did not observe such a thing, but i watched the video, there really is such a thing, however before that, we constantly...we could observe even earlier that they use such threatening units, it was the same with the wagnerites, so we continue to observe this in the personnel russian army, when they specially place such nkvidian units in order for their
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the military personnel who go on the assault did not retreat, and today they are more afraid of their own than to die at the hands of our defenders. that is, this is their constant practice, however, as far as i know, it was the application of the aviation component in their own way, it was somewhere in the kherson direction, this was the situation, but it is impossible to say that it is here on a regular basis, most likely it was precisely this time, on this day, that russian pilots struck such a blow, that the offensive of russian troops was expected at the end of spring or at the beginning of summer, at the same time strategically on... the direction for russian forces is pokrovsk, it is not excluded that the advance will also take place in the donetsk region, kyrylo budanov said. in your direction, is the preparation of russian forces for such a scenario noticeable? if we analyze here, we can see that they have such a scenario
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all the time, as far as we can see, even if there was activation last year, this year in other areas, bakhmut still remains a priority for them. even if you analyze the number of them troops that constantly arrive here, if we also analyze the composition of their units, that is, we can observe a fairly significant number of their elite units, it is our direction for them that remains very necessary, very emphasized, nevertheless it must be admitted that they cannot achieve their primary such goals, how to fully enter the administrative borders of donetsk-luhansk region. regions, and they constantly try to do it, just today, most likely, the emphasis will be on the front line in general. mr. oleg, can you? say, what about supplies for the armed forces of ukraine, what is the greatest
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need, for example, what is the situation of the ukrainian military today? er, as even the president pointed out, on the fourth, yes, on the fourth . addressing him, he said that we have a shortage of shots, indeed, we have a shortage of just ordinary shots for our artillery, this is a very high-priority need today, that is, we constantly need it, and not only for artillery, in general, shots are we have such an expendable reserve, a resource that is constantly in need, of course, he also needs and... and weapons, since weapons, after all, they fail, depreciate, go for repairs, that is, all military-such technical components, they are constantly needed at the front, whatever they are . i thank you for taking the time to join our broadcast,
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oleg kalashnikov, press service officer of the 26th artillery brigade named after general khuruzhny roman dashkevich, was a guest of svoboda ranok. be sure to subscribe to our channel and write. in the comment under this video, what do you agree with from what you heard, with why not, and what news do you consider important this morning, but the ukrainian news agency declares that ukraine is not involved in any armed provocations. at the occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plants, the representative of the main intelligence department, andriy yusov, in a comment to ukrainian pravda, responded to the statement of the mgt that a drone was detonated on the territory of the armed forces. russian strikes, in particular simulated attacks on the territory of the ukrainian nuclear power plant, the placement of troops and weapons there, the mining of facilities with nuclear power plants have long been a known and permanent criminal practice of the occupiers. about the fact that a drone explosion was recorded on the territory of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was reported in... the service of the mgt, referring to the representatives of the armed forces, the head of the mgt, raphael grossi , writes that there were at least three direct
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hits to the main reactor protection structures of the armed forces of the mgt, let me remind you, this is an international organization, which is designed to monitor the safe use of atomic energy. ros-atom was accused of shelling the ukrainian military, in the message of the russian company, which now de facto manages the occupied station, it was stated that three injured employees of the station, and they say radiation... the background has not changed. russian troops occupied the city of nergodar and the zaporizhzhya as at the beginning of march 2022. hundreds of ukrainian nuclear workers remained working at the station. according to the director of the energy atom, as of last year, it is more than 800 people. ukraine has accused the russian occupiers of kidnapping and torturing station personnel, and continues to call on the russian side to withdraw from the nuclear facility and take away its weapons. and republican presidential candidate , former us leader donald
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trump, privately stated that he could end the war in ukraine by pressuring kyiv to give up certain territories. this was reported by the washington post, citing people who allegedly discussed this issue directly with trump and his advisers. trump's proposal, according to these sources, is to push ukraine to hand over crimea and the border region of donbas to russia. as the interlocutor of the publication noted, in trump's opinion, both russia and ukraine want to save face, it was a quote, and they say that people in some parts of ukraine would agree to be part of russia. some supporters of trump tried to convince him to abandon this plan, because the recognition of russian control over parts of ukraine would expand the grip of putin's dictatorship, the article says. i will add that trump's campaign headquarters, as the publication notes, will answer the washington post's questions directly. allegedly declined, and staff spokeswoman carolay leavitt said any
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speculation about trump's plan came from unnamed and uninformed sources. trump has repeatedly commented on the topic of the war in ukraine, so in september of last year, in one of his interviews, the politician said that he would resolve the issue of the war in ukraine within 24 hours if he was re-elected president. instead, he rejected president zelenskyi's invitation to come to ukraine. i will add that the official kyiv is any territory. publicly rejects concessions in exchange for the end of hostilities. denis popovych, a military analyst, joins our broadcast, denis, welcome to to our broadcast, thank you for joining, and immediately the question, what do you think of trump's plan, if it really is, as the washington post writes, we know the statements of the ukrainian authorities that this is not an option for kyiv, well, the question for you is also that , and russia, this is necessary, russia could hypothetically agree to such a reconciliation in quotation marks. well, firstly, where did this information come from, again, a question for colleagues, secondly, well, this is all conspiracy theory, that is, we
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perfectly understand that now trump wants to be elected president, we perfectly understand that the ukrainian case, well, it is on the table, well , in fact, with both candidates for the presidency of the united states, we know that the ukrainian case is a pre-election, let's say, pre-election factor in the united states of america, and therefore, well, here... anything that can be, any promises. we perfectly understand that , well, it is impossible, that is, to stop the war in ukraine, the war between russia and ukraine, well, it is impossible because of simply saying, but give up the territory, and everything will be over. well, first of all, we won't agree to that. second, uh, again after all, answering your question, we perfectly understand that russia has a slightly different plan. they don't just want to leave crimea behind and keep donbas, luhansk, and donetsk behind. now they are insisting, no less, on leaving the so-called land corridor to crimea, now
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they are trying to advance to the administrative borders of the donetsk region, so, well, all these conversations they are going to ignore, as they say, well, in direct speech, we heard that myself putin also mentioned odesa, and kharkiv, that is , we are talking about these cities, by the way, the economist wrote about the fact that russia wants to turn kharkiv into a gray zone, unsuitable for life, as far as you think... this is the probable plan of the russian federation and the main thing is whether russia has such intentions and whether it can, whether it has everything in order to to implement such a plan, or at all even there, except for kharkiv, if we are talking about... the entire border with russia in the north? unfortunately, this plan is quite realistic, because according to certain information , in general, vladimir putin ordered the destruction of all cities, towns, ukrainian cities to which he can reach, and these are the front-line cities, and these are the border cities, and this is kharkiv again, well, just destroy them, tear them off the face
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of the earth in order to create terror there, force the population from there. to run and evacuate from there, and unfortunately he currently has the means by which he could implement this idea, these are primarily corrected aerial bombs, against which , well, we can very conditionally counter them, counter by shooting down planes within our capabilities, but we see that they are, to put it mildly, whining about the bombs. very they bring great grief, and now they are being used precisely in kharkov, precisely in order to obviously fulfill this idea. well, this is again related to the words of the russian helmsman putin about this gray buffer zone, and that is, it is in this context that such statements can be considered. and let's give some precise important news, the head of magate, raphael grossi, reported at least three hits
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on the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. whose drones are these, could they be ukrainian? we heard from gur that... they denied that they were ukrainian drones, but nevertheless, can this be allowed and why do they launch these drones across the country? well, this could be a provocation, we remember that after this story , all russian resources, official and unofficial, immediately shouted that ukraine had released a swarm of drones, and let's do something about it, because ukraine is creating nuclear terror and nuclear blackmail. and, therefore, endangers such a nuclear facility as the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. the root of this problem lies in the russian federation itself. when she gets out of there his troops, will leave the armed forces, then all problems will instantly disappear. but the russians believe that the armed forces are now their objects. now they are clamoring to once again call ukraine
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to nuclear terrorism. therefore, it may well be a provocation. and it may well be a russian story. it was artificially created in order to take down such an industry. kyrylo budanov in an interview with the german ard said that the taurus would definitely make life easier for us, this was the quote, we know that chancellor olaf scholz has a firm position not to give these missiles to kyiv, and the reason is the reluctance to escalate and get involved in a war with russia and the fear that these missiles may hit somewhere in moscow. in your opinion, what could change such an idea or such a position of olaf? and how would taurus make life easier for ukraine, what is budanov talking about? well, this is a missile that has a range of up to 500 km, so it expands, let's say, the address, well, the area, yes, the area of ​​damage and the area of ​​damage, in addition, it is an additional opportunity to attack the so-called crimean bridge, in addition, well in general, when there are more of them
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means of a long arm, then a greater possibility. but we see that even international pressure and internal pressure, it still does not force scholz to change his position on the transfer of these missiles, that is, germany is doing a lot, of course, we can see, she took it upon herself, as the head of the air defense coalition, took it upon herself commitments to find reinforcements for ukraine's air defense system, additional petro batteries, which are necessary to, among other things , secure ukrainian... cities from strikes, airstrikes and improve our resilience regarding the use of kaps by the enemy in our cities, but regarding the tauros, so far we see that scholz does not want to change his position, it is quite possible that it is possible here and not without the united states of america, since we know that in a security situation
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, germany has always turned to the position the united states, and now the united states is on pause, it is possible... then here , in principle, there is a root, let's say, of all this evil. according to the experts of the institute for the study of war, russian troops are accelerating offensive operations on the entire front line in ukraine, and at the same time, yes write experts, mitigate the likely increase in losses in manpower and equipment. we also heard from president zelensky, including from budanov, that russian forces are preparing an offensive at the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and taking into account the current situation. on the front, is this really the case, is russia really preparing, and if it is preparing for a small offensive, then which areas of the front might we be talking about, we see signs of russian offensive actions on... already, that is, the city is under constant, constant pressure, the russians came to the eastern outskirts, and yar times, well, this is such, you know, a
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key point, in the event that russia seizes it, it will be able to further develop the offensive on kostiantynivka, trushkiivka, kramatorsk, slavyansk, that is, in the direction of that agglomeration, which is the last large agglomeration in donetsk region, that is, as part of their plan to seize donsk. which region to the administrative borders of the time yar is a significant point, in addition, krylo budanov called the western direction of idovdiivka bik pokrovsk, again it fits into the plans of the russian federation to seize donetsk region, respectively, these districts, this is donetsk region first of all, they will obviously become the arena of offensive actions of the russian federation in the coming weeks, why do we say a week, because april-may, if there are forecasts, the forecasts are the end of may, the beginning. respectively , the next five to six weeks will be decisive in this regard, we will guess where the russian federation will advance. regarding the land offensive on kharkiv, sumy, kyiv, we
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have not yet seen troops that could carry out such actions, so i think there is no it makes no sense to talk about it. thank you, denis, for joining our broadcast. denis popovych, a military analyst, we discussed the most pressing issues for this morning. as a result of russia's night attack. forces in zhytomyr oblast recorded a hit to an infrastructure facility, the russian public wrote about a hit to an oil facility. the zvyagil community reports that there is a direct threat of air pollution, so locals are advised to stay indoors with closed windows. what is actually happening in the region and how dangerous is the situation, we will find out now, vitaly bunechko, the head of zhytomyr ova, will join our broadcast. mr. vitaly, i congratulate you. thank you for quickly joining our broadcast. tell us about the consequences of this. attacks this night on the zhytomyr region, what can you say? congratulations, it's really around half past three, well today, at 2:35
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an infrastructure object was attacked, i want to note right away that there are no victims, and this is the most important thing, what you said, that with the vyagil city council, local authorities self-government is not recommended today to go outside and a decision was made that... that children are studying remotely today, this is still more of a preventive measure, and it is more of a test of us to see if we can work in conditions of possible escalation, now there is no direct threat, now an operational investigative group is already working to establish and to record the crimes of the russian federation against the peaceful, i want to emphasize, the peaceful infrastructure of our state, we can't... that is, pollution that can carry a great danger there is currently not recorded , that's right, i want to assure you that at the moment it does not
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fix, at the same time the environmental inspection is working in order to establish and in order to reassure our citizens, that is , it takes time to conduct all these studies and have information , tell me about the burning objects, what is happening, how much it is a strong story and... i don't know how much is involved, how serious the story is, is there possible pollution from the same smoke there or could there be something else? i want to say that everything is completely localized, traditionally, our rescuers, unarmed heroes , coped with whatever challenges there were, everything was done as quickly as possible, i want to repeat once again that there is currently no threat to civilian infrastructure, to civilians. can you tell me about the victims, whether there are any as a result of this , there are no victims, i emphasize once again, there are no victims. thank you for quickly joining our broadcast, informing about the situation in zhytomyr oblast, we will follow.
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vitaly bunechko, head of zhytomyr ova, was there as a guest of svoboda ranok. write in the comments, if you are from zhytomyr oblast, what is your situation as of now, we just heard assurances that there is no such great danger, but the workers need to investigate and... measure and the whole situation in order to make sure that everything good and safe. and then we will talk with dmytro lubinets on our broadcast. commissioner of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on human rights. dmytro lubinets addressed official letters to the un and the international committee of the red cross regarding the video, which probably records another case the sufferings of the execution of ukrainian prisoners of war by the russian army. lubinets says that it is currently unknown when and where the crime was committed. it happened near the village of krynky in the kherson region. in the video, which was released on april 7 by telegram channels, three men in military uniforms, similar to the uniform of the armed forces, are lying on
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the ground. with traces of blood on their faces, they are being shot at, who exactly is not visible in the video. the video itself lasts 14 seconds. the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine also reacted to this video the day before and noted that the law enforcement officers had started a pre-trial investigation. investigation into the violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder. radio liberty's editors are still unable to promptly verify the video and find out more details in wartime conditions. previously , the un human rights monitoring mission. ukraine, in its report published in march, noted that they managed to record the execution of at least 32 ukrainian prisoners of war in three months this winter. we are talking about 12 separate cases of such executions. dmytro lubinets, the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights, has already joined our broadcast. mr. dmitry, congratulations, thank you for joining, and i would like to clarify as of this morning, at this moment, whether it was possible to confirm more information about this case, perhaps it was possible
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to identify it. the names of the military in this video, yes, congratulations ukraine, congratulations studio, no, as of this moment we have no more information, we continue the procedure of finding additional information, from which military unit these guys of ours were, their names, and all the information, yesterday i urgently sent letters to the united nations and also to the international committee of the red cross, so that they... first, they legally recorded the repeated violation of the geneva convention by the russian federation, and also, in my opinion, this is additional evidence of the commission of war crimes by the russian military. second, we demand an urgent reaction, a public reaction, not just condemnation, but we demand that this issue be raised on the platform of the united nations organization, and also that the icrc does its part. for its part, as
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the only organization that verifies compliance with the protection of the rights of prisoners of war by the parties of this international military conflict, it is a direct norm from the geneva convention that they should urgently demonstrate, including their public position, perhaps summon representatives of the russian federation to the headquarters, perhaps send some additional mission to the territory of the russian federation, but nevertheless, here.. .. this is not an isolated case, the ukrainian side, in my opinion, makes all legal points absolutely quickly, but we do not see the situation changing, and in my opinion, first of all, because of such a toothless position of the international organizations, we see that the russian federation does not pay any attention to these cases at all, unfortunately, continues to kill
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our people... you reported that you immediately turned to the un, the international committee of the red cross, is there a reaction from there, or to such shouldn't the ukrainian side expect a prompt reaction? you shouldn't expect such a reaction, an instant one, unfortunately, they don't work the way we do, they probably have a lot of bureaucratic procedures, this is probably the first problem, and the second problem is that they don't know how to react to it , this is my personal one. point of view, i separately want to thank daniela bel, who is the head of the permanent monitoring mission of the un in ukraine, at least with her arrival, with her appointment to this position, well , they began, at least, to talk about it and record it in their official reports, until at that time, before her appointment, this did not even happen, that is, we see some positive moments, but they are not so
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fast. if we would like you to write what i am quoting: the world community must give russia a clear signal that the traces of war crimes cannot be hidden, and what is this signal concludes, and in general, how do you think the world should respond to such cases, because so far it seems that deep concern is all that can be heard? well, in my opinion , a legal signal must be given, that is, the information must be made public... on the information that proceedings have been opened on these cases, perhaps by the international criminal court, perhaps our partners will finally come out, find courage and publicly say that yes, we agree with the ukrainian proposal to create a separate tribunal in order to investigate and condemn the actions of the highest military-political leadership of the russian federation.


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