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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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news of economic and political importance, stay on the espresso channel. i thank serhiy zgorets, i thank his guest, these were the military results of the day, and the second hour of great etero is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information is waiting for you yuliy fizer svit about ukraine. also, today we invited a guest of the people's deputy of ukraine, we will discuss current topics, well, of course, the law should be considered this week. about mobilization, the russian orthodox church, telegram channels, and much more. well, now about the most important ones news, i will tell you in detail. unfortunately, two people were injured as a result of shelling in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region, a 21-year-old girl and a 49-year-old man were hospitalized. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. the occupiers hit the city with artillery, as a result of the attack , a two-story residential building was destroyed, private homes, farm buildings and infrastructure were damaged.
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we can see that the enemy continues to destroy the energy infrastructure as well as the destroyed gas pipelines and power lines. a truck with a trailer detonated on an enemy mine, the incident took place in a field near the village of ivanivka in the kharkiv region. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. as a result of the explosion, the equipment was damaged, fortunately the driver was not injured. it did not sink, but was disabled in the kaliningrad region of russia. the russian missile ship sierpokhav burned out, the ship suffered significant damage, the fire completely destroyed the means of communication and automation, so it will take a long time to restore combat capability. the successful special operation was conducted by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, he noted that syrpokhav small missile ship of the buyan-m project. it is capable of carrying a variety of weapons, including caliber-class cruise missiles or onyx sea-based supersonic anti-ship missiles. and the supreme
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commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi held the position of the supreme commander -in-chief at a meeting with the military command, they discussed the protection of kharkiv from russian strikes, i would say from constant russian strikes, as well as the restoration of electricity supply in the city, as well as the possibility of strengthening air defense in the region. in addition, the head of state listened to a report from chief commissar oleksandr syrsky on the situation on the combat fronts, where the issue of effective logistics remains important. the law enforcement committee recommended that the parliament adopt a law on the mobilization of convicts, but not everyone can be sent to the front. exceptions are those convicted of crimes against national security. murderers, rapists, pedophiles and participants in road accidents with fatal consequences. i would like to remind you that the draft law should be considered in the verkhovna rada to the council of ukraine already this week with documents, with additions, but ready for... consideration in
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the session hall. an ex-regional spied for russia on the border of sumy region. he received information according to which the occupiers were planning a strike with guided aerial bombs to destroy the defense line in the region. an enemy agent was detained when he tried to photograph military objects, the security service of ukraine reported. during the detention , a mobile phone was seized from the man, from which he wanted to send the aggressor dana. the suspect was born in russia, has been living in in ukraine, he was recruited remotely... after the de-occupation of the region, now the collaborator is under arrest and faces life imprisonment. they tried to connect the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to rosatom, the sbu detained the design engineers in kharkiv. we are talking about six former officials of various institutes of ukraine. on the order of the occupiers, they developed a document, well, technical documentation for the modernization of russian nuclear plants, and also contributed. joining the zaporizhzhia
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nuclear power plant to the enemy's energy system. for cooperation with the occupiers, the defendants received reward in cryptocurrency. all collaborators were informed about the suspicion. according to the investigation, the main figure in the proceedings is the head of the project organization in kharkiv, who established contact with the rashists through his relative. the man from kharkiv involved five more local scientists in the field of atomic energy in criminal activities. during searches of the suspect. documents, computers and mobile phones, which they used to cooperate with the enemy, were seized. a rocket with an inscription for children was fired at the children by the occupiers. today in ukraine they honor memory of the victims of the russian attack, the terrorist attack on the kramatorsk railway station. on april 8, 2022 , 61 people, including seven children, died there as a result of shelling. let's remember that terrible day.
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april 8, 2022. the russians hit it with a point u guided missile equipped with a cluster warhead. that day, thousands of ukrainians were waiting for evacuation trains. for them, volunteers organized a special tent where they could rest, because at that time kramatorsk was the biggest hub for emigration of people from donetsk and luhansk regions. when we came to... the tent, it was completely cut up from the debris, when we started to cut it up, and to get what was left there, it was very difficult for us,
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because we did not know what to collect, on unfortunately, there were hands, feet, everything mixed up, both adults and children, anton arrived... when called one of the first, the rescuers immediately began to provide aid to numerous wounded, and then took away the bodies of the dead. unfortunately, there was such a situation, a girl ran up to me and asked for help, she got lost my relatives, i took her in my arms and started looking for her family, and i managed to do it, and i found her mother, she... was confused, she did not understand what she should do, what she should do, where she should go, i i advised her to immediately go to the nearest shelter and wait there for a while, because we were very afraid that there would be another shelling.
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russia did not admit its involvement in the crime and claimed that its troops apparently no longer use the point u missile system. investigation. the international human rights organization human rights watch proved contrary. experts found evidence that at the time of the attack, the occupiers had the tochka complex on the territories under their control at the time. the representatives of the organization talked with local residents, who told about the use of the missile complex by the occupiers. around the time of the shelling of the station. in addition, according to the security service of ukraine , several... such complexes are located in the temporarily occupied territories of donbas and have been in use for eight years. we did find accurate evidence that russian troops had anti-missile missiles of the tochka complex in the area around the village of kunye, near izyum. and the station was in the direct zone
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of damage of the missile complex. therefore, this appears to be a possible launch site, but further investigation is needed to definitively determine if this is where the launch took place. human rights watch has fully inspected the railway. station and did not find any signs that the ukrainian military was stationed there. this means that russia deliberately carried out a terrorist attack on civilians. unfortunately , yes, they hit where there were civilians, and this brought us a lot of benefits grief and riha, a lot of people died, unfortunately, both adults and children, and those who, even a boy who was eight years old, had his head torn off. a few hours before the attack , railway workers took
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three trains with approximately 4,000 evacuees from the station to kramatorsk. as a result of the impact, they were cut off along the overpass near the barvinkove station. after the attack, the kramatorsk station was temporarily shut down due to heavy damage, work was resumed only six months later. tetyana golunova, espresso tv channel. i hope that there will be a punishment for performers, and for customers. do you remember that there was an evacuation from kramatorsk, people came out to leave, but unfortunately so many people died, which once again proves, first of all for our western partners, that russia must be... defeated, at least to make her, to prevent her further aggression, at least. well, of course, mobilization plays an important role here, and people, and the economy, and we will now talk specifically about people. from the political arena to the defense of heaven, the mayor of bila tserkva , hennadiy dykiy, announced that he had joined the ranks
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ukrainian army. but where he serves and in which brigade is currently unknown, why the mayor of white church decided to go to defend the state after more than two years of full-scale war. and what are the probable reasons for such a decision in our plot. the mayor of bila tserkva is going to serve in the armed forces. it was with such headlines that the media space, both regionally and regionally, exploded. and at the national level, many white church residents were also stunned by such unexpected news, because previously gennady dykiy had not spoken a single word about his intentions. in his address, he emphasized that has the rank of air defense officer and cannot stand aside in defense of the motherland. the infrastructure is prepared for any possible enemy attacks. the team is working in the city. coordinated as a single organism. it is difficult to understand what
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really motivated gennadiy anatoliyovych to change a comfortable office in the city council into a military unit, and to wear a uniform instead of a suit, and it is certainly not clear-cut, because the higher anti-corruption court is continuing to consider his case regarding the frauds with the purchase of the unfinished pods on teatralna street 5 more than uah 24 million now it's about abuse. official position reaches the finish line and soon themis could make a decision. according to lawyer maksym zapaskin, the defense side at the next meeting can file a motion to stop the criminal proceedings, thereby delaying the terms of bringing him to justice, so the case will not be considered. the terms of criminal prosecution in connection with the statute of limitations determined by article 49 of the criminal code of ukraine and accordingly for crimes, a ten-year term is provided, that is, if
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these events took place in 2018, then this term will end in 2028, after 2028 he can, well, when this happened, he can file a motion to close the criminal proceedings in connection with by the end of the terms of criminal liability. he doubts the patriotic calling of the mayor to take up arms and a public activist. viktor levytskyi says that his statement is only a way out of the situation, because he risks receiving the real charge under the article. we investigated this problem and reviewed all court proceedings. well, at the last court hearings, the judicial evidence base was already reviewed, so there was no way out of the situation anymore, when to where to go, and i think that this is... the best option was: mixed patriotism with evasion
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of responsibility. currently, the duties of the mayor will be performed by the secretary of the city council , volodymyr vovkotrup. gennady dykiy will not receive the city budget. according to the legislation of ukraine , during the absence of the mayor, the powers of the mayor are exercised by the secretary of the biloserkiv city council. as of today, the city council, the permanent commissions of the deputy council continue this work without any changes and in the usual mode. the final explanation in this situation will be able to be provided by nabu, to whom our editors have addressed with an official letter, but at the time of publication of the material we have not yet received an answer. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, white church. you see, i said that mobilization is an important point in confronting the enemy. but of course when motivated people go, in one way or another to protect the state and
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bring benefit in the war, but when there is a question, you have to wait for the answers to this question, because, well, avoid some responsibility or close some cases, try to do what you wear the form of the armed forces, it is wrong to do so, in any case, time will tell, and i think our colleagues will monitor this topic until the final, i thank them, by the way , for their work, and now i will add yuri to the conversation fizera, the world about ukraine, yury, good evening. please, you have the word. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us. the world about ukraine column breaks into this information week. and today, in particular, i will talk about the following: from the west, it is not worth playing with the lives of ukrainians, - says the president of finland, alexander stup. the president-elect of slovakia, like his colleague, the prime minister, calls for a peaceful end to the war in ukraine, i.e. at the negotiating table, and russia is under deep water, about this and other things already... in the column world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: ukraine
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must win the war that russia treacherously started against it in february 2022, because if kyiv loses, we all lose. the minister of foreign affairs of great britain and france, david cameron and stephane sejournay, respectively, wrote about this in a joint article for the daily telegram newspaper. by the way, this article is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the adoption of the cooperation agreement between the two countries. so, according to them, western countries should do even more for ukraine, and all in order to defeat russia. they say, because the world is looking at the countries of the west, mr. cameron and sejourne believe, and will form an appropriate opinion if these western countries lose, while the heads of the foreign policy departments of great britain and france also guaranteed a productive nato summit for ukraine, which is planned for the summer in the united states, they did not say what exactly they guarantee. well, here's an interesting
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moment, i was intrigued, but this is such an intriguing week. ahead, and perhaps two intriguing weeks, because tomorrow is april 9, which means that in the house of representatives back to work after the easter break, american lawmakers, and as the speaker of the lower house of the us congress, mike johnson, said a few weeks ago, he was going to eventually put the question of unblocking the aid to ukraine to a vote and was going to put it, maybe even on april 9, then some means mass media, of course american. referring to their sources in white, sorry, in the congress, wrote that most likely this issue will not be put to a vote until mid-april, and maybe there will be a vote in the second half of the month, so we will wait for tomorrow, well, and then we will see how events develop, you can be sure that you
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will be the first to learn about it in the column world about ukraine, in the end on the espresso tv channel, let's go further from the west. it is not worth playing with the lives of ukrainians, instead , more actively help them resist russian aggression. the president of finland alexander stup said this on the air of the american tv channel cnn. according to him , ukraine needs more ammunition and more weapons, and the countries of the west should give them all this as soon as possible - says the finnish leader. at the same time , the finnish president emphasized that the only thing putin understands is power. therefore, this power must be shown to him. and then, let's hear alexander stub in direct speech. i've been a peace broker for many years, and when you broker peace, it all starts with a dialogue, after the dialogue you start setting the parameters. however, in
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my opinion, the cold truth in this particular case is that the only one the way to achieve peace is on the field'. and for this victory on the battlefield, we need more weapons and more ammunition. well, let's help as much as we can, yes, the president of argentina, javier millay, answered the question of the presenter during an interview on cnn nspaan. at the same time , the argentine leader also said that he agreed to the request of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, to participate in the latin american forum on hold ukraine. it is not yet known when exactly it will take place. in addition, the president of argentina javier miley said that he plans to come to ukraine. according to him, it will happen in the middle of june. that's when he will first come to italy to take part in the group of seven summit, and from there, or even before that, he will go to ukraine to meet with volodymyr
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zelensky. we will help as much as we can. well, in argentina, there is probably another... samples of soviet weapons that they do not use can be transferred to ukraine, i think there are also non-soviet weapons there, we will not, they can be transferred to ukraine, and i think that javier miley is will do i would like the war in ukraine to end as soon as possible, we will look for opportunities to communicate with russia and ways to restore relations with it, but this will be after the end of the war. the newly elected person said this on the air of slovak television. the country's president, peter pellegrini, while he added that he will make every effort to ensure that slovakia is always on the side of peace, not war. at the same time, he emphasized that slovakia will continue to play a strong role in the eu and nato. it should also be added that peter pellegrini, like the prime minister of the country , robert fico, who represents the smer party, which is also part of the ruling coalition,
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opposes the provision of military aid to ukraine, as well as the sending of slovak troops to us. well, the prime minister of slovakia , robert fico, has already reacted to how peter pilogrini became the president of the country and he said that after this the event will surely put pressure on us and we may even suffer from the fact that the slovak people can suffer from that that he chose such a president. quote: the west can to punish slovakia for the fact that its citizens elected a social democrat president. brother peter pillegrini, who insists on achieving peace in ukraine as soon as possible and opposes sending weapons to ukraine. well, this is what robert fitso said in a video message that he published on his page at. on facebook, you know, there is such an opinion, if people choose a pro-russian government, well, for now, or those who support in one way or another the idea of ​​appeasement by putin, then let them
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somehow be friends with putin, and we will be in the eu and in nato, well, we are against it we speak out, unfortunately, this cannot be done and we respect the slovak people, who have helped us a lot, we remember these pranks by suzanne and so on, but such things sometimes happen, which sometimes you just don't understand, you just don't understand, it's banal , does china really want peace in ukraine? i personally doubt this, given the information that bloomberg published the day before. citing their own sources in american intelligence, the journalists reported that china has increased its support for russia, including including by providing satellite images. in particular, it is also known that the celestial empire provided the terrorist country with satellite images of the military throughout ukraine. well, in addition, from china to russia they also began to transport, to our great regret, optics for... for the military military industry and fuel for rockets, moreover, moscow and beijing strengthened cooperation in the space industry, and at the same time
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, constantly we talk about how representatives of the celestial empire appear at press conferences and emphasize that no, we do not give russia weapons, no, we want faster peace in ukraine, we will do everything for it to come, but as we can see, it is most likely not the case. well, china immediately reacted to the appearance of this information, officially the representative office of the ministry of foreign affairs of the tiananmen maoning during the briefing expressed a categorical protest to the united states of america. according to her, official washington should not interfere with normal interstate relations between beijing and moscow. and then here is this demand, literally as it was voiced by mrs. mao. regarding the formation of attitudes the usa to russian-chinese relations, or to supporting china, it is necessary to emphasize that the relevant country, that is, the united states of america, should not denigrate or attack normal interstate relations between china and
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russia, it is they who call normal interstate relations, that is, we gas you , we give you pork, in return we receive from you optics, fuel for rockets, and maybe something else, well, it is not known yet what else, there is nothing to say, and here it is in the background. this information arrived in beijing today, who do you think is our foreign minister of the north-eastern region, unfortunately, while the neighbor sergey lavrov, talking about strengthening cooperation between russia and china, what kind of cooperation, is still about asking for weapons, and china will say: "okay, let's go". today, by the way , chinese language courses have appeared in russia, but there are many directions. today there was information that the first batch of russian pork arrived in china from russia. ugh, why does china need russian pork, well, i don’t know, well, maybe it’s such a barter, i don’t know, maybe you give us weapons, we give you pork, or you are rocket fuel for us, we are pigs for you, by the way , they eat, they eat, but they
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don’t have what we need all the way from russia, well, in a word, it’s interesting, yes, how many billions, 300 million, just like that, where on how many pigs are there in russia, i have a question, well, i don't know, there are many pigs in russia, well, i have weight and weight, so let's go further, a little north of ukraine to another neighbor. the belarusian opposition abroad may be preparing something on the territory of the country, self-proclaimed president oleksandr lukashenko said during a conversation with the newly appointed minister of information of the country. according to lukashenka, the oppositionists run after their foreign curators and collect money to carry out various operations, including informational and psychological operations in mass media. next is a quote from the self-proclaimed. to which the curators tell them: guys, they have already been in the party, we need something hotter, like the moscow city hall move, god forbid, terrorist attacks and most importantly - confrontation in belarus, the goal is to enter belarus at least
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a piece of land, seize it, declare power and call in foreign troops. and then, let's listen to hryhorovych in direct speech. now there is an information war, first of all, an economic war, you can't call it anything else. doing everything to keep the country from the hot phase while we manage to do it, i think we can solve this problem and prevent the collision and confrontation, as it was, and you know very well, on the territory of belarus, you know, he says, that these curators run to their curators in the west asking for money, he has been asking for money from one curator, from putin, for a long time for how many 30 years or how long has he been the president, well, somewhere like that, well, there are pluses and minuses and... stable and stable and creates informational and psychological operations, uh, yes. big water in russia breaks records, the government of the country is a terrorist, instead of allocating
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money to create. or strengthen dams, continues to give this money for missiles and the war in ukraine. in the famous orsk of the orenburg region. another river - yelshanka - has burst its banks, and the water level in the ural river is approaching a critical level. this was announced by the mayor of orsk. by according to his information , at least 600 people have already been evacuated from the city, more than 1,500 houses were under water, at least, and in general more than 10,000 houses in the orenburg region. according to the dehydrometer estimates. under the flood, the peak of the flood will occur on april 10, the water level will normalize no earlier than the 20th. it is worth noting that the urals is the third longest river in europe, so there is a lot of water there, very much. well, in conclusion, in still russian krasnodar, although more precisely, not in krasnodar itself, in one of its suburbs, in the village, which is called industrial,
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became on the night of monday. a fire at a shoe factory, two hangars with materials for the manufacture of shoes were on fire, the fire raged on an area of ​​1,800 km, 67 rescuers and 20 pieces of equipment worked on the spot, and although the local emnsniki reported that the fire had been contained in local pubs, in the morning it was written that in the morning, the factory was still burning, the cause of the fire is currently unknown, there is a fire, there is flooding in smolensk. oblast, the bridge fell just like that , it stood on its own and fell, because it was an old one, well, alone in short, the further, the worse, but the russians don't see this, i'm just here for a second, by the way, yesterday i also listened to such experts who are from russia, but understand the situation there, well, they support ukraine, but globally russians, not them they say that it's just a matter of time, how it will collapse, because every year you have to invest money in a certain infrastructure to keep it functioning, because it is depleted, that's understandable, plus there are these floods, they say, well, that's what which is just
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beginning in russia, well, in the winter it was cold... half the city was cold, there was no light, without water, without heating, this was also due to underfunding, the money just doesn’t go for it, it all goes to the war, russia has some successes in the war, well, in principle , it is obviously advancing, but in the rear it has what it has, i would like this time to play faster for us, well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine section, everything is only for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even under such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminost oro - ejaculation under
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