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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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it's time for a moment of silence as we go, i want to thank you for your comment. serhiy sgurets, director of information and consulting of the defense express company. at this moment, we will remember all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. we will observe a minute of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war that started it. russia.
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greetings to everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting an information day together with you, and on this broadcast we are talking about the following topics: ukraine will lose the war if the us congress will not... approve military aid - zelensky said and noted that then other countries will be attacked, warned that moscow will again threaten with nuclear weapons, is it possible to replace aid from washington with european aid? in the kaliningrad region, in the city of baltiysk, the russian missile ship sirpunov burned out, its communication and automation equipment was completely destroyed, the special operation was reported by gur. all the details are in this broadcast. the state operator tilu can refuse. from the services of one supplier
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to the armed forces due to unsatisfactory performance obligations, as reported in the department. what are the conditions for companies that supply food to the military, what difficulties are there, and is food for the military under threat. important news, exclusive comments, all this is in our morning show, join in, write in the comments where you are, where you are watching us from, what is the situation in your city and be sure to subscribe to the radio liberty channel. russian troops attacked ukraine tonight with 20 missile-type strike drones from cape chaud in the occupied crimea and also from the russian primorsko-akhtarsk. the air force worked in the mykolaiv, odesa, kherson, dnipropetrovsk, vinnytsia, lviv and poltava regions. air defense forces shot down all 20 attack drones. maximum attention to kharkiv, ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky called a special rate dedicated to the situation. in kharkiv and noted that
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the authorities are working with partners to strengthen air defense there. the president also met with government officials to decide how to support kharkiv and the region and its residents now. the maximum attention is now on kharkiv, the energy situation, support of people, businesses in the city, in the region. maximum opposition to the russian plan for kharkiv, we are working with partners to strengthen the pppu. today , the topic of kharkiv and the region was the main topic. defense lines are also being built by the armed forces of ukraine in order to deter a possible future offensive of russian troops on the kharkiv region. the german newspaper bild writes that the first line of such fortifications is 10 km from the border with russia. a journalist from the bild newspaper visited the construction of such fortifications and writes that the work there continues under constant with fire, and the builders, they say, work with shovels without special equipment.
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bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, joins our broadcast. i welcome you, mr. bohdan, to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning. in your opinion, what should be the first steps to strengthen the region, to strengthen kharkiv directly. what should be done and is it being done? well, they are trying to do it, but it is a little late, as always we are in our 23rd, 22nd year, i am already silent. if we are talking about defense structures, then there is almost no money for it stood out, that is, some work was carried out by our kharkiv construction companies, there we have a freight company, ostroy 1, which participates in the restoration of the city or in the construction of fortifications, but they were carried out, as far as i know, not very well, let’s say, not very well seriously, now after what happened near avdiyivka retreats, no
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serious defense structures were pushed in there and they were never built, everyone rushed to develop this money, they are trying to do so, as shown in the plot, where with shovels, where with excavators. already volunteer excavators they are also looking for petro poroshenko's fund and others are bringing it in and transferring it in parts so that it can be built, that is, the process started a little late, but what do we have, what do we have, we will do these fortifications, as for financing, as far as i know, it is now allocated from of the cabinet of ministers, quite serious sums of money go there, so i hope the main directions, this is the main south, oh, sorry. the north of the kharkiv region, this is bogadukhovskyi, kharkiv district, this is vovchansk, other settlements must be protected of course, but the front line is already here nothing to say, they must have a second and third line of defense there, well, the military there are already dealing with this situation, well, this is
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the situation we have, well, all this is happening, it is clear that against the background of the information that putin wants to make kharkiv a gray zone, the media wrote about it, or against the background of these dangers, increased attacks on the city, on the region, people are invited to evacuate, well, no one forbids, if we are talking exclusively about the city of kharkiv, no one forbids leaving, it is the people themselves who make the decision to evacuate, we are in the city now there is no such program, all the ways for this exist, it is a railway connection, it is a road, well, you can leave, you can go to someone's rural area somewhere or go to the west. ukraine, kyiv, well , there are, as they say, no obstacles in this, but as far as people are concerned, well, people are not leaving, en masse, there are, people have families there, after the last shelling, they are all being deported, but let’s say that kharkiv residents are in a panic and leave the city, this is not true, this is not
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happening, so someone has left somewhere, as for the settlements that are along the border, these districts, kharkiv's bogalukhovsky district, there from the border, we pass there, passes... even forced resettlement, children were resettled there with their families, because we cannot afford to bear the loss of the civilian population, the shelling is constant, and this and the front line are suffering there, the territorial communities, this is also the north, that is, the process of resettlement is going on, but sometimes, you know, such a reverse reaction, people, after all, we ukrainians love their homes very much, and they left and stayed in kharkiv, and then return there by passing by checkpoints somehow break through back to their settlements, and there are facts that even a father and son died there a week or two ago, although they left, this is near kupansk, they left in kharkov, they were given housing there, the rest of the family stayed there here, and they probably decided to check what
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was happening in their house, to see there, maybe there was something there, they had some goals, but as a result, they died from the shelling of the russians, that's why such situations happen. and what is the situation with the energy industry against the background of increased attacks on the region, to what extent is it complicated? well, energy is not good, let's say this, the first three days after the blackout there was no light at all, there is no electricity at all, now there is a schedule, but it is not followed, the schedule is quite strict, if i am in the center of the city of kharkiv, this is the shevchenkivskyi district, we have now since monday the schedule... 1:00 p.m. to 200 p.m., yesterday the light was turned off at 1 p.m., and it was turned off almost at 11 p.m., that is, you understand, such a long period of power outage is enough, what mr. sinigubav, our chairman, promised military administration, and what to send
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disconnection for the daytime part, that is, it will be divided , at night, because there is less voltage and less needs, and not to turn it off at all, that is, they are trying to stick to the schedule in oblenergo, well, what will be next on the generators, so i have usb, we installed it back in the 22nd year, brought powerful generators to organbuffet, got one, and we connected everything possible to it, there are even passenger elevators, and we work in the building, so we are more or less with light, well, there is unbreakability there with water, with hot, with cold, in other houses. well, of course more a difficult situation, well, let's hold on, but do we have any way out, no, we from kharkiv are not planning to run away, we will rely on our energy workers and our defenders, and kharkiv will continue to be a fortress in the east. bohdan, and finally, how widespread are such moods
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like yours, for example, and how you point out that we will not go anywhere, what people think in general, what moods they are in because of all this, well, there are two such components. .. first, those who express their opinions, well , most of these people returned to kharkiv in on the 23rd there and in the 24th year, and when i ask, well, you'll be there, you'll take people there, well, your family, there's your wife. child, they say, well , you know, bohdan, we've already traveled half of europe, we've already been to western ukraine, that's all for us, we don't want it, we want to be thought, we've seen it all, well, the second component is a little it is morally oppressive, you know, i will leave the topic, literally yesterday evening people were talking and meeting, you know, now there is no such light communication, they gathered in the yard, people are talking about what they know, about what do they see, and such a topic is more hot, but what do we have there? shapito, why do we have, for example, circuses there, they are not going to mobilize,
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they have reservations there, what about the president’s office, there are hundreds of advisers, they have reservations, and why, and why, and why, and i, well, as a deputy is asked a question, i say, well, boys, girls, well, you voted for this government here, what are you asking me, mr. bohdan, that is , when there is no light, it’s like a situation like in the 90s, yes there was a blackout, people go out and talking, and discussing politics, thank you thank you for the information. bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, was a guest of svoboda ranok. and now to the sharp statements, in particular from president zelensky: ukraine will lose the war if the congress of the united states of america does not approve military aid to resist the russian invasion. zelensky said this during a video meeting of the ukrainian fund-raising group united 24, cnn reports. it is important to address congress specifically. if congress does not help ukraine, ukraine will lose the war. if ukraine loses
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this war, other countries will be attacked. this is a fact. according to reuters, british foreign minister david cameron will visit washington this week, where he plans to convince members of congress to finally vote for the allocation of funding for further support to ukraine. and in a joint column for the telegraph, the foreign minister of great britain, together with his french colleague, urged the allies to do. even more to ensure ukraine's victory over russia. if ukraine loses, we we will all lose, the price of failure to support ukraine now will be much greater than the price of fighting back against putin. in addition to the statements about the possible loss of the war, the ukrainian president noted that in the coming weeks , it seems that russia will more and more persistently involve nuclear weapons in the discussion, threaten and rattle them. meanwhile, the ukrainian army should be as technologically advanced as possible, zelenskyi said in his evening address. what is important is the production and supply of drones
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to units of the defense forces and fair and timely logistics. serhiy kuzan, head of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, joins our broadcast. mr. serhiy, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations , katerina, thank you for inviting me. zelensky said that ukraine may lose due to the lack of us aid. to what extent is this statement in my opinion, not that it is plausible, how realistic is it, it is such a threat now, well, looking at what we mean by the word loss or victory, that is, i think that such applications should still be considered in in the context of the actual election debates and the election campaign in general, and the allocation of the possible expected allocation of american aid to us, therefore, of course , the president as... the leader of our diplomacy in general, he says the right things and those
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that he should say, because of course america remains the number one supplier of arms in the world, and no other country has such a stockpile of weapons, well , actually, such weapons, as it has, as the united states of america has, but the situation on the front, well, it is not, let's say, kind of critical, and we see that on... in this first quarter of this year, when it seemed that we, well, we never had such a crisis in terms of ammunition, and also of various large calibers, after all, thanks to a well-thought-out command, competent logistics and use of resources, we managed to hold and stabilize the front, this is how the russians are really advancing, that is, their attempts to capture certain cities, they have not gone anywhere and will not move, they will continue. you are your technique and life force, but still here to achieve their main goal, that is
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, to break through our front, the russians have not succeeded, they have not succeeded, but there is the opinion of the researcher of the international institute for strategic studies franz stefan gadi, he told cnn that although european countries are trying to replace the aid of the united states, but the support which washington can provide cannot be replaced, but in your opinion, can europe itself still provide to kyiv? what is needed, and what can this irreplaceable be about? like i said there aren't that many guns in the european armies, well, there aren't even any. armies, even among such leaders as france and great britain, that is, their small armies with small weapons, and in general, their small defense-industrial complex, unfortunately, cannot be compared in terms of size even to the russian one, that is, on these scales, therefore, of course, that is precisely such a number and that is, the entire nomenclature
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of weapons, we also remember well the artillery installations, these are the three sevens. from the united states of america, which really likes us very much strengthened in terms of artillery, but if we look objectively at the picture, the main resource that europe has is money, after all, the main resource of ukraine is our well-trained, combat-experienced army, and now we need to combine these two resources, that is, our army must have something to fight, and for this, well, i think that it should not at all. there is a question that somewhere in the world there are ammunition of various calibers, and they have not been purchased, that is, if europe is capable, that is, it is many times richer than the russian federation, it able to accumulate large sums of money, we see such amounts of cash payments that are made within the framework of various programs from only one european union, then
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of course such shells must be purchased and delivered within... within a few weeks at most, but by no means not within the framework of a few months, therefore, of course, in war, timeliness is very important, the pace of provision is important, this keeps the pace of hostilities, and here are the numbers we see, that is, destroyed, for example, 40 artillery installations, stopped the enemy's offensive in one direction or another, but they are all thanks to the timely supply of ammunition, so it is very... important that this is the main resource of the europeans, to accumulate money and send it to the purchase, in fact, to the purchase of all possible free ammunition and all free weapons around the world mr. serhiy, actually hearing the president's statement that ukraine will lose without the help of the united states, all these statements that are heard in the media that russia is planning to create a gray
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zone in zharkov, there are rumors of an attack on kyiv, they spread again. we are actively seeing the number of missile attacks being carried out on the border, well, in general, it is very disturbing , to put it mildly, and considering this whole situation, on the one hand, what you described, but it is so bureaucratic, it sounds long, the money will be allocated , but now, in fact, in the coming weeks, such a difficult phase and difficult tests await ukraine, when russia will try to advance further and further and even possibly capture such large cities as kharkiv, and possibly kyiv, as far as it is... probably in the coming weeks, it's incredible, that is, the russian, let's say, winter mainly, it took place in the winter, the offensive campaign, it has already expired, and the russians need additional resources, and they will need time to renew precisely the large-scale offensive actions, that is, it is not about the fact that the russians
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will stop and stop firing at the front, of course they will, they are now, on the contrary , much more active. use their heavy equipment, heavy armored vehicles, tanks, bmps and the like, in particular the direction and times and the lyman direction, there are other directions, but still before such massive offensives, as it was at the beginning of the year, when the russians advanced along the entire front line, in fact from kupyansk and all the way to ughledar, but for this , after all, we exhausted that is, we have exhausted their offensive potential, and now... the russians really need a break of several weeks to several months in order to replenish their losses, their reserves, but even for, well, this is actually so that they can maintain the offensive one the pace on the front, according to the existing one, but for kharkiv they currently do not have the resources, and in order to really threaten the city
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of a million people, kharkiv has more than a million people, somewhere around 300 million, that is, there are different estimates, the russians need a large y. .. a group of 2,000, preferably 300,000, and if, relatively speaking, there was such a free group, then they demobilized these people, they need to be trained, they need to be created into combat units, and not just armed, they need to be staffed, that is, appropriate equipment, relevant headquarters, support, for this the russians need time to collect this equipment, and it needs to be staffed, of course, including officers. with only a few dozen generals, but the russians do not have all this at the moment, so the russians cannot threaten such a large-scale offensive on kharkiv in the near future, but of course... they wanted to, and for that, of course, they need time, time for that , in order to demobilize and bring the equipment in order, and also to get those leaders, those
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officers who will be able to manage these large military units, mr. sergey, but to sum up, you say there are no forces there for occupation, but in order to make the gray zone, life unbearable, for example, in kharkiv, there is a resource for this, unfortunately, the russians also have. .. they are also building up their guided aerial bombs, and also the missile strikes will not stop in the near future, the russians are still preparing a few more, there will be a few such attacks, but we see that they are hitting exactly the civilian infrastructure, that is, they are really theirs the goal, as with any terrorist, when he detonates a bomb in a crowd, or sprays gas or arranges a shooting, that is, the goal is to sow panic and destabilize society. situation in a specific city, but in our case it is in kharkiv and the kharkiv region, only unlike ordinary, so to speak, small terrorist groups, the russian
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terrorist group has both bombs and missiles at its disposal. thank you, mr. serhiy, for participating, i will immediately announce to our viewers that we will continue to talk on the air with the representative of gur about nuclear threats, in particular, and about many other topics that were collected, and serhiy kuzan, head of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation, was a guest. our broadcast, thank you for participating. the city of krasnohorivka, near occupied donetsk, is under fire 24 hours a day from russian artillery and aircraft. however , more than a thousand civilians still remain in the city. these people are helped to survive by the white angels police crews. they bring humanitarian aid, treat injuries and evacuate people as needed. the radio liberty film crew spent the day along with the white angels. how people survive on the front line in the story further. we are going to the city of krasnohorivka, where active hostilities are taking place , we are going to bring humanitarian aid,
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there are many animals left, we are also bringing food for animals, in general the situation there is difficult now, as the shelling has become very frequent, how many people are left, there is a lot in krasnohorivka, well more thousands as a home. crashed, then they already leave, and as long as the house is intact, they do not leave, the city of krasnohorivka, how is it getting louder now, not louder, the front is closer to the city, right strongly, sometimes very strongly, sometimes the calm is far, far away like this, and sometimes the earth trembles altogether, the earth trembles.
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i live here all the time, i will not go anywhere, where, it is everywhere, kryvyi rih, dnipropetrovsk, everywhere, why should i rush?
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you are going, yes, i am going, i will see you, i am not going, as long as you have what kind of place, quiet, quiet, quiet.
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search on the youtube page of radio freedom
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ukraine, our journalists are working for you'. and at the front in the front-line territories , including so that you and i understand what is happening in different parts of ukraine. further, i will remind you that we will talk on the air with the representative of gur, including about the decommissioning of the russian ship serpov. well, now let's talk about purchasing food, food for the armed forces. the first deliveries of food to the armed forces of ukraine, by suppliers contracted by the state operator tilu, have begun. this was reported by the agency. on their facebook page, and three suppliers have delivered 90% of the products according to the contracts for the coming weeks, another supplier has delivered 50% of what the application provided for so far, a quarter of the deliveries have been made one supplier. the agency emphasized that areas with low order fulfillment are distributed among other suppliers to ensure the continuity of food supply for the military, and the same suppliers who delay and do not fulfill their
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obligations under the contract on time will be forced to pay a penalty. yakym kovalenko, director of supply management of the state operator tylu, joins our broadcast. i welcome you to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning, tell me about such a topic, you know, from supply of food for the armed forces of ukraine, it is somewhat complicated, because now there is a change with these supplies to dot as a new agency, and at the same time some scandalous comments, so to speak, people may be worried. questions, now the dot has started procurement of food for the armed forces of ukraine, how is it happening under the new scheme, what percentage of companies there have been renewed for these food supplies for the armed forces of ukraine. ugh. thank you for your question. in mid- march, the tylu state operator contracted five new companies, which must provide the armed forces of ukraine with food from april 1. actually
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eats. in fact, the supply has already started, to these five companies, all these five companies are ukrainian businesses that have their own production in ukraine, these five suppliers were contracted through two rounds of collecting commercial proposals on the principle of the lowest price, which you say the lowest price, but is it a quality product? i came across comments, including on the dota's facebook page, that the price was somehow too low, what would be the quality of the products, how much is 115 hryvnias 50 kopecks, this is a set for a day for a military man, do i understand correctly? yes, absolutely true, let's then tell you about how the quality of products is controlled, well, on the one hand, we understand that there were eggs for 17
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hryvnias, and this is also an overkill. to put it mildly, but on the other hand, people are interested in whether the quality of the products is provided, i.e. this is the market price, the price, does it really allow you to somehow maintain this quality? look, immediately after the new suppliers were contracted, we and the team of the state operator tilu, these are directly elegists and quality control visited all sites in order to make sure that those companies... that are there, they really work, they are alive, they have all the necessary capacities, and they directly checked what kind of food products are in the warehouses of these suppliers , separately for the first deliveries and , in principle, for any deliveries in military units, incoming quality control of products is carried out, and if such products...


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