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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are returning, as promised, and with us is dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh brigade and a major of the national guard of ukraine. we will talk about the bakhmut direction. glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro. glory to heroes. sir dmytro, today we are actually asking our guests about the situation. chasiv yar, surroundings, information about that. that
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the occupiers are actually appearing in the suburbs, how does it look in your eyes, in the eyes of your fellow citizens? well, in fact, the situation in the bakhmut direction, directly in the chasivyar direction, is very complicated, the enemy uses various tactics, the enemy has one big advantage, in terms of his conduct of hostilities, they do not focus on one thing. if, for example, they do not succeed in frontal attacks, they use, for example, flanking maneuvers, then main strike again head on, meaning they never stand still, they also very often combine their attacks with artillery, fpv drones, drone drops, and aviation, aviation is currently very... so to speak,
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a difficult element, because the enemy has a very significant advantage in aviation, and their planes fly to such a relatively already dangerous depth, which allows them to destroy our positions with their fabs, cabs, more precisely, and this is actually very big problem, because from the artillery. from fpv drones, if we had already learned to fight with them, to hide there, they don’t have such a high penetrating ability, but fabs and cabs, unfortunately, they have a very, very high penetrating ability, in fact, it is not possible to hide from them dugouts, not in the basement of the house, well , in fact, it's unrealistic, that's why it's a problem for us. and it is the dominance of the enemy in
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the air, at the moment it is a very big problem, and with the infantry, in principle, our infantry, our defense forces are doing great, the guys there are just titans, directly here are the guys from our rubizh brigade, they are constantly on the lookout 24x7, they neutralize all the enemy's attempts to capture. our positions, a very big role in this, they are helped directly by our operators, fpv drones, mavic-type quadcopters, which work at 200% out of 100, because they perform both the function of destroying infantry and enemy equipment, and the function of reconnaissance, which significantly improves our ability to detect the enemy, both in... and at night.
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mr. dmytro, please allow me to ask, many analysts from the western media have written that the russians will use the window of opportunity, because we are currently expecting an aid package from the united states, and actually announced a major russian offensive in the spring-summer of this year. according to your feelings, this great offensive of the russians has already begun? well, let's see what a big offensive is, so what? not yet used during hostilities. we have already seen a column of 36 tanks. this is a small offensive, this is the largest simultaneous use of technology, in fact, in recent times. look at avdiivka. how much effort was put into to take avdiivka, to break through our defenses in that direction. the same kupyansk, as long as they fought for kupyansk. but
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again, i repeat, the defense forces, all this is nullified by their attempts, and that is why i personally think that as such a big offensive. well, it 's already started, it's already going, it's been going for a long time, and so yes, they have air superiority, yes, they use it, quite skillfully and quite defiantly, so really aviation assistance is what we need now necessary, but people should not hope that this is all, it will be a win, no. victory will come only when all people become one and start helping the army, men stop their attempts to escape abroad, and start doing something to defend our country, and in addition to all of your listed, it would probably
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seem a little air defense systems and aviation, and those16 in the air and in your shade and on neighboring, of course, systems. po - this is exactly what helps us to fight against their aviation, this is what covers our critical infrastructure facilities. here is an elementary you for example, this is the city of kharkiv, which the russians are currently there, according to some sources, they want to make, so to speak, as their most legitimate president has already stated, they want to make a sanitary zone there as soon as possible, as he said, and therefore now they have concentrated a large number of air, artillery, and missile strikes on the city of kharkiv, therefore air defense forces, air defense equipment and aviation are what we really need and what we
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are really waiting for. mr. dmitry, i would also like you to comment, perhaps also based on personal feelings, previously the head of the armed forces syrian gave an interview, and actually in it he said that at the moment, at the time when he gave this interview, and the proportion disproportion in terms of shells is one to six, the enemy has six times more of them than we have . can we now talk about the fact that, after all, it is possible to reduce this difference in our favor? yes, look, in fact, this disproportion, it is actually from the very beginning of a full-scale invasion of the enemy, is always bulaga. in artillery, and for a while, until fpv drones were not used as massively as they are now, we really suffered from it. fpv drones are actually playing a big role at the moment.
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directly, our lions from the rubizh brigade, literally yesterday, repelled the enemy attack, set fire to one unit of equipment in the form of an enemy bmp thanks to fpv. what... day in and day out they 're destroying dugouts, also enemy heavy weapons that are on the front lines with fpv drones as well as drop copters and so yes, indeed the use of drones is actually leveling our chances now and partially, how to say correctly, leads to... our aunt conducting hostilities taking into account the fact that we do not have a sufficient number of shells, although the shells of artillery systems up to 155, of course, this is the eighth argument, because the distance
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of their work is often greater than the fpv drone can fly, so they are also very... are needed, mr. dmytro, we understand that the locals, those who remain both in the time gap and in nearby settlements, there are those who stubbornly sit, wait and do not move anywhere, as much as the civilians are preventing you from doing your own thing now work, i'm talking about such even banal situations, when you need to take a certain position, a position in a certain building, so as to both repel attacks and somehow attack yourself, here are people who... on the one hand, may not want to have military personnel nearby, because it is always a threat that can arrive faster than in other houses, and on the other hand, well, unfortunately, no one canceled the zhduns either. yes, i literally read one of the interviews today, one of the commanders of the third assault brigade, who
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directly told about this, that a big problem is the presence of the civilian population in the area of ​​hostilities. yes, indeed, and... in our cases, it impairs our capabilities, makes it difficult for us to destroy the enemy, because they are civilians. it is always a risk, why do we fight, so that our civilians live peacefully and do not know what war is, and because they do not want to be evicted, do not want to leave there due to objective and subjective reasons, someone is just, as you say, greedy, yes, there are those too, greedy people are a big problem, because in to the vast majority, they have the opportunity... to give information about the location of the troops of the defense forces, which is very harmful for
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us, because the enemy has more accurate coordinates, and of course the civilian population, who simply has nowhere to go, but in the same time does not want to leave, well, i would urge them to reconsider their opinion and leave the settlements where hostilities are currently taking place. because you are making the tactical situation worse for our troops instead of fighting, our military is thinking about how to protect your life and it makes their life really difficult, so yes, it is a problem, a lot of people are holding on to their houses, but they are not giving the military the opportunity to shelter there. near their houses, although it may be tactically advantageous there, well, of course,
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they especially do not play a role there in terms of the fact that they are protesting something there or something else, several shells literally landed there next to their houses, immediately opens his eyes to everything, but it is not through the fact that our troops are stationed there is due to the fact that russia, it is fighting on the principle of scorched earth. because it is easier to fight in the scorched earth, there no one prevents you, you can do whatever you want, maneuver with any means of transport and forces. thank you, mr. dmytro, for your service and for finding the opportunity to join our broadcast. dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the robizh brigade, a major of the national guard of ukraine from the bahamud direction was in touch with us, but we remind you our viewers, and those who watch us on youtube, and those who watch us on tv, right now we are ... doing everything to help our military, and the espresso channel does not stop in its volunteer work, and actually you had also the opportunity
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to hear a military person saying that this projectile projectile hunger that our defense forces are currently experiencing somehow manages to cover fpv drones because fpv drones have the ability to inflict damage as well as destroy enemy manpower, yes and armored vehicles, so please be active and join if you have the opportunity. financially, please do it for everyone to the best of your ability, we understand that for someone it is 2 uah, for someone 5, for someone 10, for someone it is 500 uah, for someone 500 uah, that is, we understand that we all have there are various possibilities, but it is important not to be indifferent, and i ask you, if you can join, please do not be lazy to do it qr codes of your own cards, as well as bank card numbers that are tied to this collection, you now you see on your screens, so please join in order to... to raise 2 million hryvnias to purchase half of the drones for the 93rd brigade and the 72nd brigade, which are waiting for these
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drones. we have information from the sbi that in the blood of a suspect in the murder of a teenager in kyiv, near the funicular, a little alcohol was found in his blood, 1.2 ppm. we will talk about this in more detail in a few minutes, after a short pause, wait. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then unbox strong saw tv, just for you, with it you you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, just call now and order, free delivery is possible, specify: consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, all this will be done in one movement,
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stronger together. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl zima's big broadcast: 2 hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to be informed economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on... about united by football, stronger together. we are back, with us is tetyana sapyan, spokeswoman of the dbr. mrs. tatyana, we congratulate you. greetings, marta, greetings oksano, greetings to all teles viewers. so let's talk about two. financial affairs , and let's start with the one that happened in recent days, actually on april 7, the day before yesterday at the station of the capital funicular, a conflict arose between a man who works as a driver in the state security department and a teenager, a 16-year-old boy, witnesses say that, they say that this law enforcement officer got out of the car,
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pushed the teenager, he fell, hit the glass and... died, unfortunately, without coming to my senses, now the case is in court, we already have information from you, mrs. tetyana, that alcohol was found in the blood of the suspect, and we ask you for more details, we know that the court hearing is ongoing, yes, but marta, it is worth noting that this is not a direct trial meaning of this word, which is supposed to end with a sentence, at the moment we say that criminal proceedings have been opened based on the fact, her sub... is suspected of murder under article 115 of the criminal code of ukraine, and currently before the judge, a preventive measure is being chosen for him. the prosecution asks the court to take into account all the evidence and facts presented in this case, and to make a decision to keep him in custody without
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bail. the pre-trial investigation will continue, and already then. when all the materials are fully collected, when they will be everyone was interrogated from where, when we receive the results of absolutely all the examinations and all the circumstances will be analyzed, that is when the indictment will already be sent to the court. right now, we are talking about this initial stage, but even at this initial stage, we can clearly see that there are attempts to manipulate information, and there are even attempts to... throw disinformation into society. we understand that we are living in very difficult times, for the third year in a row, we are living with you in conditions of war. and of course there are those who try even harder to throw wood on our fire and thus create psychological pressure that
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life in ukraine is scary, dangerous and the like, and of course that manipulation of the facts themselves, such as the fact that this is not an employee of the military, a driver of the state security department, by the way , i will remove it. but at the time of the investigation from the performance of his duties, for example, information was thrown into the information space that this is an ex-employee of the state bureau of investigation, therefore, with your help and with the help of your broadcast, we publish that this complete misinformation, this is not true, the suspect is currently, i understand that at this very moment there is a court session and he is in the dock. where he is in the courtroom, where he will be chosen as a preventive measure, chosen, that is, the process itself continues, well , of course, i emphasize that
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the state security department and its leadership contribute to the pre-trial investigation as much as possible. ms. tetyana, let me ask you again about what preventive measure is required by the prosecution for this husband, and in fact, whether he admits his guilt. first, the prosecution asks the court to choose a preventive measure in the form of detention without bail, because article 115 of the criminal code of ukraine, which is intentional murder, is very serious, and therefore, accordingly, a person needs to be in custody, so it is better and it will be safer for the investigation itself, for conducting a pre-trial investigation. regarding the second question, whether at present... the suspect cooperates with the investigation, he refers to article 63 of the constitution of ukraine, which says that every ukrainian can refuse
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to testify or testify against himself. so far at this stage, and we understand that a very short period of time has passed, this is exactly how it is happening. we don't know if he will speak now in the courtroom when he is elected. a common event, most likely he has lawyers who will defend him, that is, how he will proceed in the process, what will be his legal language, this is called procedural behavior, we will be able to analyze it with you and draw certain conclusions later, for now he refers to article 63 constitution of ukraine. one more short question is possible, is it known about the motive, because the witnesses talk about what they see. so everyone expresses his own version of what he saw, but do the law enforcement officers now have a certain picture of what his motive was? the motive, the motive will now be
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established directly by the investigation, i want to point out that here is this military serviceman , the driver, and in particular a company of young guys who wanted to go for a walk on the khreschatyk on sunday, april 7, there were eight of them, eight guys together there are companies, i.e. the reason itself and what happened to the person with that lighter, which provoked such a strong conflict, which, unfortunately, ended in the death of a young boy, 16 years old, this will all be clarified, but for now it is known for sure, for now the testimony, by the way, they were these guys, they were, they studied at the same school, that is, they were familiar with each other, and almost all of them have already been interviewed. investigation, they gave evidence, and when the investigation will have a complete picture of what became of this lighter, then then we will be able
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to analyze specifically with you, but even without that it becomes clear that this is some kind of animosity, and this is the case when the conflict could flare up even on an even ground, we understand, especially as you mentioned, we reported about it earlier , that tests and examinations showed that... the suspect had 1.2 ppm of alcohol in his blood. ms. tetyana, we want to ask you about one more case 5 months ago, exactly 5 months before this tragic incident in kyiv, there was another tragedy: the village of chayky, buchytsky district, kyiv region, one of the guests presented to gennady chastyakov, an assistant. the then head commissar zaluzhnyi gave strong alcohol and grenades as a gift, without warning that they were not masons, that they were real
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grenades, and as a result chastyakov died, his minor son was seriously injured. we know that the story has a continuation, the other day the sbi completed the investigation into this officer of the armed forces, who actually gave this gift, they also changed the suspicion against him. a few words about the details of this case, please. ugh. yes, oksana, i would like to note that this one incident and this tragedy as well. we remember she reasoned, every day we receive reports that someone died in this war, in fact, when we receive information from you about, for example, that ukrainians die, for example, there in car accidents, or die from someone's carelessness, but if these news, of course, they are not very pleasant, and i would like
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to avoid such a thing. especially when it comes to conscripts, i want to note that the sbi has indeed completed the investigation into the death of an assistant from a grenade explosion of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine gennady chastyakov, and the military man is suspected of two articles of the criminal code - misappropriation of ammunition and manslaughter due to negligence. accordingly, the absolutely logical question arises, where did he get the grenades from? he received grenades in one of the military. the suspect, i mean, and undertook to hand them over to the warehouse at the place of service, but instead he kept them in his office. the investigation established that eight real grenades were stored in his office, so for to us it sounds a little motorist, and in november of the 23rd year, six more of these grenades and a bottle of troops became part of a gift for a colleague.
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birthday boy, as he claims. was convinced that the birthday boy was convinced that they were just drinking glasses, which were very similar to real ammunition, and he, of course, safely, next to his children, tried to open one of these so-called glasses, which turned out to be real grenades, and from he died on the spot from the injuries he received, and his minor son received serious physical injuries injuries, in the process of pre-trial ... investigation, the suspected officer claims that he, giving such a dangerous gift, yes, six grenades and deadly grenades and a bottle of whiskey, allegedly warned those present and the birthday boy himself that these were real grenades, ah, and even passing the polygraph, the polygraph also shows that this is true, but neither the people who were present at the presentation
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of this gift, nor, as we understand, the birthday boy himself, somehow this information was not perceived by them, let's say yes, that is, we literally have 30 seconds, we would like you to say the key thing about what the punishment is now for this officer who gave this gift, imprisonment for 15 years, but i note that at this stage the defense side is still getting acquainted with the materials , only after that the indictment will be submitted to the court and there will be preparatory meetings. we thank you. your work and for finding the opportunity to join eteru espresso. tetyana sepian, spokeswoman for the state investigation bureau of the state bureau of investigation, was on our air, talking about a high-profile case regarding murders in the kyiv funicular and the case of the death of a deputy laborer who received dangerous items as a gift. now it's time for news on the espresso tv channel, so we pass the floor to our colleague irina koval, who already with the news editor, managed to prepare relevant and fresh information,
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so iro, from... we congratulate you, we pass the floor to you, and actually, briefly, be please tell me what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, well, the number of victims as a result of the enemy attack on poltava region has increased, i will tell you about it, and also about new ones decisions on energy security. wait for everything in the release. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. the number of injured as a result of the enemy attack on poltava oblast increased to 16, including four children aged 5 to 11. among those hospitalized, one patient is in serious condition, several others are in moderate
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condition. also one. one civilian was killed, informed the eyes.


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